ONE SIREN on an ALL BOYS Island!

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all right my little puffer fish come this way you're so adorable all right I got this rock I lounge and wait for Sailors to stop by that's where I eat them oh not that kind of fire the C what is it doing stupid sailor thinking he can mess with my Island fine I am a bit hungry oh that sounds nice wait wait why is my ship wait wait help I don't have to sing but I like to and what did you do wait what's going on wait oh wait a minute hey hey seriously hey down stupid serpent That was supposed to be my player food no B serpent no don't do that help can't believe this that sailor was supposed to be mine stupid serpent trying to steal my oh looks like I have another chance for another meal Geor ass just arriv all right guys get those trees start making them into planks all right let's see what they're up to maybe I can lure them in great so we have to set up our camp on this random Island because someone sent us to the wrong place huh yeah Pierce you said this was a desert island are you sure the map didn't say deserted this is so weird though the map I marked here says this is a full Desert Island full desert what is that mean I can't believe they're ruining my Islands can we just take a look at it Pierce sure here you go yeah just read the map what does it say he's just like that how dare they pierc this is deserted island oh yeah see I dumb idiots I can tenderize my meat anyway let's do it like for letting him read the map and I look out look at distraction crabs get them crabs what are these dessert crabs Pierce now I can hey baby these are tasty you don't know yeah I'm fairly certain uh why can't I move guys what happened hello boys let me take care of something right here and wait what you doing there I've got a lovely meal now on to a dessert get out there she just ate pierced wait what I thought you were going to kill him anyways oh fair point I totally was uh technically I just absorbed his energy I didn't eat him my hunger bar is filled too you all destroyed my Island by the way trashing it also by um don't try to hide from me I'm getting out of here excuse me you're not going to get away easily I wanted to eat desserts not become dessert oh wait what the heck is that wait what's a oh my God that sucks doesn't it but still another one I me is gone so uh you're looking really good uh thank you I am a siren you know just a little one hey guys what I where did he come back from anybody feeling hungry oh I could use a meal not again stupid serpent always taking my meals is there anyone to kill that thing or I've tried everything so far you know like my singing need too yeah Okay but well like what about punching it to death you know like right in its face I mean I could try kind of like a shark I get that well that thing's a lot bigger than a shark so it'll definitely take a lot of people to stay away oh great stay back excuse me what is going on so ugly to yelling about I what is that oh oh it's a sharkk puppy what one of these since I was a little fish a ug single swooping down do it make any sense oh the dolls are we killing this thing for dinner then or excuse me what fish your friends not food we don't cook them understand oh really not around me stop it hey I'm done eating okay I'm done I'm done wait excuse me no nobody's eating this shark puppy he's are super rare understand what you do to him let us out fish your friends not food at least in front of me okay but let us out we can't eat the shark then we need to find more food yeah oh yeah yeah right here yeah all boys we're eat coconuts tonight oo all right can I tame this little what's going on wait wait what why are you barking in your f is oh guys I think he's dying what is he doing uh I don't know oh my good is he dying is he okay what if I did water Maneuvers maneuver wait okay did you break it huh what did I do why did I cop up an amulet uh put this on please wait what I'm not put on something the shark just coughed up excuse me why did you collect it then come on you need to do it oh you're a chicken huh no no no that's not going to work on me well then I guess I'm chicken then because you know I'm not doing it oh well then maybe I'll make it put on then how are you that's right I can oh what the heck what what the heck did you even do to me I mean this is cool but what the what even am by it is pretty cool let's see what you can do with it let's see if you can go find some items in the sea for me oh wait wait something's happening wait a minute okay looks like your powers don't work on me anymore I guess that's right we got to get you out of this form you can't be in that form if you're not going to listen what the there we go now you'll listen come on boys you will all listen to me now no no no no no no don't do that again there we go hey that was in the middle of something too bad since I have the voice you guys are going to listen to me understood come on get to work and clean up gather some coconuts can I at least have the am back nope come on boys this way this is getting out of hand let us go yeah I'm not having fun anymore you're not having fun I can make things fun like this okay pretty fun wonderful pars we can dance what you even want us here for what are we doing oh so you need us can you make this stop please yes I can there we go Aaron is absolutely correct correct smart observation so first off before I get into more things what I need you to do is to go ahead and uh oh no there we go let me explain myself okay now there is a cave behind me as you can see there's a bit of treasure in there that I need you guys to get for me sure right you didn't have to sit us and also a cave is no issue for us right ah not a problem at all yeah we'll be fine if you say so go ahead then all right fine fine who is up first oh get him Z yeah I got this uh oh that's a big crocodile I can do this I can do this I got it no I don't got it I don't got it I'm losing a lot of help oh get away from me get away from me careful I thought you said this was going to be easy well he did get rid of it come along boys this way who okay oh follow this way before it gets back and tries to eat you ah he's not that distracted he's a little distracted he's look right behind us come on this way all right fine fine we'll fight it on fine okay I little water little drizzle drizzle there there we go uh oh see what that F no not at all all right so now I'm going to let you work independently but you must still promise to help me okay yeah yeah okay as soon as we get treasure there you go you're away from my spell all right come along boys as long as your boys are fighting together we should be fine okay let's see I don't think there's any other mobs lots of traps here though let's oh we have to get across don't we bubbles though you yeah yeah me please throw me over there yes ma'am and Alie this up I can away I'm going to throw in people well it's very difficult to do things here because you can't build no no put me down there's a bridge there see it's a puzzle you can't build in this area it's kind of forbidden which is why I needed your help I can thy you again no thank you I'm good now I can actually reach them I've been waiting forever to do this yeah this is weird there we go this is done to protect what's ahead which is exactly what I've been looking for all right H this might be a bit difficult though what do you mean it's a bridge it's a pink bridge to be exact Zane how about you find the correct way across well I guess I could uh all right here I go wait is there some kind of trap or wow for a guy with a big bra she doesn't know how to use it huh okay I did respawn oh hello oh welcome back hi now try it again again you don't ask for much do you I'm not asking for anything okay okay oh all right Z just Crouch this time to want if we go this way WR you just Crouch and you won't fall off The Edge yeah no no I see this I see this see go oh my gosh all right see see this is easy now okay you just Crouch and you're not going to fall I'm coming I'm coming I'm working I'm working I saw you I am all right just a little [Music] b poor thing so close so close you really the last block there we go you boys helped me a does that mean you'll let us go nope not a chance okay oh I can actually help you now that makes it easier I can't sing what do you mean I didn't sing I I can sing when I want to okay it's just a part I just like doing it all right what what are we even here for all right and here's the treasure here it is are you sure you've never been down here oh it should be up here a lot of treasure I'm seeing the power up Pearl boys come along surround me while I pick this up all right sure oh there you go you picked it up ow wow hey you guys actually saved me wasn't that great so much fun oh yeah so much fun I had a blast falling to my Des so worth it though this power up Pearl is perfect oh yeah oh there you guys are huh all right let's head back to the camp okay wait you don't like a Teleport or something are we walking all the way there I'm not sure if I can do that I can only teleport you to where I am that's kind of the way it works we have to go all the way back to the traps Pi up hold on dang it my goodness now we are back come on let's go try it a lot of work come on Pierce I think that you guys might be able to stay here a bit longer than expected you know for fun you can't be serious we're not dogs maybe I should give you guys a treat here we go what you worst treat ever wait wait wait a second I'm speedy yeah this extra row of Hearts is pretty nice see oh wait I have strength wait Zay I want to test this T me sorry Zade don't worry you got the extra heart you all got a special power so use the that's cool at all but uh Hey F what what are we going to do about that about what watch out what the out this over here y heart fidd D it's over R now what are you doing I've come from my Revenge boy when did you even get here oh I here the whole time and my surprise you've been let this beautiful water lady drive a wedge between us oh what was supposed to be a bro day wait so you're just attacking us that yep yeah apparently Zane out oh I'll get him over here uh just be ready stri on to drive him over yeah yeah we'll be ready I'm ready come on guys a can't you fight back hey C boy over here I can run really fast though uh all right come on noi you want another one come here and fight me like men oh what if I fight you like a siren say goodbye to your ship oh no get it ship abandon we were just having fun who hey buddy he sit here he's here let's get him get him you're not running away from me no come here uh hey guys byebye nice hit there I'll catch him I'll catch him I'll catch him I'm not that fast wait wait wait wait let's talk about this let's talk um he was trying to destroy all of us I have given you boy some great Powers how about you get rid of this Heathen for me oh heck all right seems fair to me uh got my way it's okay that's all right Pi she got to watch out I'll give him one more hit for you hold stealth just kill him already well please let's talk about this wa good job moly you hit him far where is that serpent now I might be able to get rid of it with this Pearl where did my little Popp fish go wait what what is going on boys yeah we're over here boys what's going on did you hear that no no no we didn't hear anything not particularly um maybe it's me but okay what's up wait wait what did you hear I heard like a horn nothing's wrong over here is it come on you're worrying over nothing thing just sit back and relax we got a nice fire everything's going good yeah things are pretty good out here y'all you see those crabs over there like the stupid crabs oh no oh no no no no they're coming who's coming what's coming oh these are nothing we'll take care of these this means War's about to happen see no problem no no no no no they no I was able to control the crabs earlier but now the king crab is going to come what crab king crab king crab bet there's no such thing as a king what is that why is there boss F out wait wait wait wait boss house I think I see the king Crow oh he's so big that's the laskan king crab all right come on let's use our powers back leave my servants Alone come here you you stupid K grab oh nice I got to focus on these little guys yeah we'll get the little guys you focus on the big one wait he's regenerating Health oh wait that stupid thing will die God this is really bad guys just focus focus focus you stupid crap leave the little ones alone what do you mean leave them alone they're actively attacking me tell them to leave me alone okay well there's nothing I can do about that okay be the bigger person well I feel like you should start with small things first so they don't go after you later my goodness uh come on double oh holy he exploded nice oh there's so much stuff oh there's no crab legs either all right I've got some kelp shards just so many things oh this is awesome see uh no fish no fish fish your friends oh finally I'm so hungry the fish are already dead don't don't you dare a a uh really important question here uh you you know I was thinking you know since you changed Aaron into something cool earlier I was thinking you know maybe you could change me into the king crab and then I could order the other crabs not to attack us again later you want to be the king crab well yeah I mean it sounds cool now that I think about it okay dude let's give it a little bit of a shot that oh my go change it back change it back change it back change it back never want to see that ever in my life again no wait what happened all right I need you guys full so we can take on the next trial and that would be where um that would be this underwater temple not too far from here that's where we're going to look next oh oh oh oh I I'm ready for some more swimming wait aren't underwater temples usually guarded by Guardians and what about that big snake wait hold Guardians like like sh with Las ride balls and stuff no no there's nothing to worry there's nothing like that what are we waiting for an unguarded Temple who knows what kind of loot in there I mean true but let's do it wait hold on how do I breathe underwater I I can't do that oh don't worry about it I can help with that thank you wait wait what are you doing to us they're air bubbles duh they help you Brea under water fine whatever wood come in handy exactly come on let's just get going here we go there you go see I take care of my human servants very well okay try to keep up boys here we are remember you can take anything that you find except the Trident I need that Finders Keepers say not if I find it first um no I'm going to find it first I'm going to find it uh Pierce nope how are you eating through the bubble with difficulty okay let's see follow me this way let's go come on budy why to eat my crab legs in peace guys y'all please be careful in here come back here it's an ancient place with traps and everything do over there wait now what did you do thanks guys was me hey that wasn't my fault someone have gone over a trip wire hopefully the guardian won't eat you wait a minute I thought you said there were no Guardians oh it may have slipped my mind okay well that's good wa what's happening what is that that guy careful oh I got a SW this this I it's working now I here please be careful I'll still try but I I don't think I got anything here I need you alive what do I do what do I do what do I do just keep hitting got it I should have done that a lot sooner anyway well good work everything would work one small thing by the way did you make me a Ste tool please why why would you want that well I look so cool and everybody else got turned in animals I get turn in animals so um let's see what happens yes success look at me go is it success how do I look you look um yeah look good sh there they are oh wait what the heck is that we're here hi guys y'all he wanted this I've evolved wait wait wait wait wait is it Pierce what happened to you dude was this a trap or he wanted this not a curse you you asked for this yes let's get to the ruins oh hold on stand back I use my powerful Stell Powers hold [Music] on W you had like an acid spit that's kind of useful actually all right whatever the door is open let's go ooh check this out wait wait what is that this the Trident I've been looking for this all right but like what does that do finally it's mine I worked way too hard for this oh got some new powers you got powers neat what's you got this please stop oh you're killing him you're killing him stop Mercy Mercy I couldn't stop it sorry you okay oh I'm like really low on health dude this bubble okay sorry it's fine we'll get to the surface and get some food would be preferred come on what let's go just follow me good luck bud all right boys we're going to destroy the serpent it's about time yeah let's get it serpent serpent quiet Pier please it's sensitive to sound Ser serpent guys is coming get ready everyone no it's time ien got I've got the Trident powers and wao W W big woman there we go time to take care of this thing once in for all H guys not things going for me I know I should have saved the sail got it and get him doing it I'm trying run run run run run do not let it eat you because it will get yourself back come on come on come on come on come on come on come on use everything we got take it that we're almost there it's coming for us now got it wa it's already dead I am the triumph over this Island Sushi oh wa Pierce I wouldn't eat the sushi please don't eat that what all right someone bring up some Serv before he tries it come on Pierce Bo we have done such a good job everyone good job servants wonderful things are turning out pretty good does look so bad s mom wait I'm DED out dude what the heck you may thank me later my fellow boys I have freed you from the siren spell oh okay I thought maybe she want sushi out of the way I got this wait uh wait uh what are you doing what huh no we're helping her that for they're helping me they're not under a spell right now yeah dude she's been helping us the entire time we might as well stay here see really yeah free food does that mean you guys are going to stay with me I mean I hope so take on the next sea monster okay it's going to be great oh plus you can give everything to me wait everything huh H everything oh uh can I at least keep the crab legs I found great I'm just going to go there's no Escape
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,177,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: LDHkkTkQ-Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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