Teachers, What's the Funniest Wrong Answer From a Test? | School Stories #34

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teachers and or college board graders what is the funniest response you got on a test when the student didn't know the answer i graded ap exams this summer for one essay question i got an awesome barbecue sauce recipe from a kid in tennessee i've made it a couple times and it's excellent i was marking a final year engineering test hey nod lecturer and instead of answering the last question some guy drew an incredibly detailed portrait of himself serving fries at mcdonald's with the caption me if i fail this i still had to fail him but i did feel bad about it some say he's serving fries till this day it wasn't for a test but a large portion of the class didn't do an assignment so the teacher decided to assign a makeup assignment he wasn't planning on assigning anything so he asked the class for ideas someone said an essay about procrastination and he said i like that idea and the conversation ended with that next class rolls around and someone turns in an essay titled the importance of effective communication because he never actually assigned the essay i was helping a teacher grade back in high school and i was grading a kids geometry quiz the question was a two column proof and it asked him to prove that one side was congruent to another based off of two triangles being congruent how to prove the two triangles were congruent first this was his whole answer triangle abc is congruent to triangle bcd because they kinda look the same side lab equals side db because they're both three eraser lengths long frick proofs so much those things were impossible just another student we had a test which involved a sex education part the question was what are two causes of infertility in males his response lack of penis he tried to argue that he wasn't wrong and somehow got a mark college-level physics exam asked for a brief description of maxwell's theory the instructor shamed the student by reading aloud his answer good to the last drop as a teacher's assistant in my high school grading chemistry tests for one question which read convert one meter into mm one student had converted meters to yards to feet two inches to centimeters to millimeters rather than just multiply by one thousand my high school teacher would always encourage us to write funny answers down if we didn't know anything she found marking tests extremely boring so if we could make her laugh we'd at least get point five of a mark on it same but without a points for a wrong answer that is actually what prompted this question my ap euro pissed teacher encourages funny wrong answers go to come up with substitutions for a lot of wrong answers the student knew the answer just didn't know how to spell it i taught history and showed a video clip of ronald reagan's famous mr gorbachev tear down this wall in a later quiz i asked students to write down this quote with my favorite response starting mr guberkurk i had one esl student who couldn't quite get the hang of changing singular nouns into plurals i have a pen got him full marks on the unit test i have two penis did not double dong dude has really crappy grammar it wasn't an answer it was a proposition saw the post on reddit where someone drew a picture and got credit for it for a test answer so i did the same thing on my next science test teach told me that my drawing of a giraffe was garbage and gave me nothing should have told him his test was garbage i was student teaching first grade and was quizzing a student on sight words the word was horse and he said www i'm a teacher that hasn't gotten any super funny answers yet but when i was a student my philosophy class did a group thing about a test our professor had told us at the start of the quarter that when we did the final if every single person turned in the test that is blank except for a name we would all get an a apparently he had made this offer to every class for years well of the 20 or so of us in the class only one person was passing we all thought the teacher was a dong so when it came time for the final he passed out the test and left to go to his office after he was gone we all talked about it and those of us who had bad grades said we have nothing to lose by turning in a blank paper we are failing anyway and then we looked at the one guy who was passing he said i'm a philosopher major so i just want to find out if he means it or not let's do it so we all wrote down our names on our individual tests then we lined up and went to his office and one by one handed him our blank tests he was shocked we were the first class to pull it off he made us promise not to tell anyone and he did give us all 100 on the final i clearly did not keep my promise about not talking about it i'm a philosopher major so i just want to find out if he means it or not let's do it rock on philosophy dude one time a kid in my latin class started sneezing out various denominations of bills when turning in his test the total added up to 75 i think he dropped the class well we know the money was green when my wife and i were tas in grad school we proctored and then graded an essay exam we had a student right i don't know so here's a picture of a puppy he then drew a beautiful picture of a puppy it took him nearly an hour to complete it to this day when i ask my wife a question and she doesn't know the answer she just says puppy what is this day because i think it may mean something different to what i am used to well i'm not a grader but i've got one an old teacher of mine used to grade ap stats tests and he said a student once drew an elaborate rube goldberg chain reaction type thing across two pages for a short answer meanwhile every other student is internally panicking at what calculations require two pages not me but a classmate of mine in my eighth grade social studies class the teacher offhandedly mentioned necessity is the mother of invention on the test one question was is the mother of comma my classmates wrote mary as the mother of jesus we were all really upset that he didn't get credit eighth grade free response question explain how the united states acquired the louisiana purchase my answer the united states purchased louisiana i received full credit they paid napoleon with money got to teach a technical theater class and gave a quiz at the beginning to see what the kids knew one of the questions was name a good conductor i was looking for a metal conductor like copper or brass ended up with several answers like leopold stakovsky leonard berstein and several famous composers we all had a good laugh when we went over the answers you probably should have clarified in high school we had to fill out forms next to sex i wrote not yet totally forgetting they were asking for gender a bit different not quite a test class was reading a play in english lit during junior year we were rotating parts between students through the various acts point being that we did actually have parts so people weren't necessarily focusing on the story as much as they were on when it was going to be their turn some girl's line comes up and her character is mentally handicapped the line read makes hoarse sounds she started to nay i don't know about credit but we all had a good laugh i hated that crap it would become my character's line and i'd be 38 chapters ahead and no idea where the rest of the class was because they read too dang slow not me but on a sample essay i read for ap world history they were listing evidence for a question related to american indians one kid wiped his blood on the exam sheet and wrote this is a blood sacrifice to the sun god of the incas sadly he didn't get credit sun god prefers beating hearts to blood be glad that all that happened was him not getting credit the sun god could have gotten angry and left the world an eternal darkness not a teacher but in german secondary school and chemistry a student didn't know the answer for a question and wrote kp on the paper kp is short for keem plan which basically means no clue the teacher thugs it stands for koch punk which means boiling point and it was the correct answer and she even got full credits on that one i took a philosophy class in high school for the final paper we had the option to write an essay arguing to the teacher that we were not a figment of his imagination i decided to do the opposite i wrote a whole essay about how i was a figment of my teacher's imagination i ended up with a b in the course that was the only assignment i handed in for the entire course when i was a sophomore in high school i was in a biology class and the very first test i was clueless at this point in time i didn't quite know the teacher or his style or anything about him really so naturally clueless on the essay question i decided to go meet her and write a speech about how i was bombing the test i compared it to harry truman deciding to nuke japan and how that was thought to save lives by my own nuking of the test who knows maybe i could do the same i got a call from my mom later on he didn't like it in fact he decided to interpret it as a bomb threat needless to say it was a rough semester comma he decided to interpret it as a bomb threat i can't stop laughing i was one of the last classes to take a hotly contested statewide standardized exams in its dying days some big muckety muck decided it would be a great idea to add a science portion to the exam their mistake was telling my class that we were the first class to take it and therefore were simply testing if it was useful for the school board and our results on that section would have no bearing on our final test results the question was something like susie and john have a heavy box they need to put the heavy box on a shelf but it's too heavy they have several pieces of wood a handful a pulley etc etc etc design a system for moving the box to the shelf and explain why this works in scientific terms my response suzy and john could do many things they could build a lever as you're obviously suggesting they do with the boards but the box would likely slide back down the lever and kill susie and john here is a drawing of susie and john dead under a box they could build a pulley but i don't want to explain how that works and also if they're too small to reach the shelf with the box how the frick are they going to attach a pulley to the roof drawing off suzy and jon looking sad as their parents yell at them for screwing around with the garage ceiling my recommendation is that suzy and jon open the freaking box and move everything individually like normal human beings picture of susie and john high fiving and saying gee willows we did it since the test was unscored i never found out how they liked my solution but i hope i gave some old ladies a few conniption fits that science portion i was one of the lucky shoots who got to test it out on the four plus hract exam nobody had told us ahead of time and it had never been tacked onto one i'd done before i was so p they did great hours though so i couldn't just walk out not a teacher or anything but here's a related story an acquaintance of mine didn't know what to do on a spanish two-unit test so he attached a 20 bill to the test when he turned it in he never saw it again and received an f but it didn't bother him kidd was balling out in drug money hugh that's a receipt not exactly an answer to the prompt but at my high school thanks to my friend we now have the ap stats challenge get a 5 on the test while writing the entire free response portion in haikus and only haikus so far i think 510 people have pulled it off and it definitely made the test a lot more entertaining for me i used the same five haikus for every poetry assignment in all of my school classes fifth grade through college always got an a only really did work once it was glorious not a teacher but in ap physics 2 on a practice test so naturally i didn't care as much when asked to solve for the mass defect i explained how mass effect drives work in great detail as well as different uses i think my teacher liked you because he wrote this is my favorite store on the citadel instead marking it wrong funny this comes up as i am writing a year 12 house physics assignment comparing mass effect to halo in terms of the how realistic their methods of travel are not a grader built on the ap exam for world history a friend of mine rather than actually write an essay on one of the assigned topics describe the plot of milan that is my second favorite story involving her for one of my ap english essays i spelled out help i'm trapped in an ap test facility down the left side of the page i received a four stroke five for the exam purposefully easy extra credit question asked who is your favorite founding father and why is it alexander hamilton i responded with aaron burr and drew a short stick figure montage of their famous duel knew the answer but decided to be flippant regardless still got full points once on an endocrinology exam i was sitting the last question required everyone to reference five rcts published in a journal in appa format no one had been told that anything like this would be on the exam and obviously no one is going to remember all the authors of a study of the top of their heads so being my frustrated self i referenced how to be an absolute be by lecturer's name two weeks later i got called into her office and was made to apologize and told not to do this again i'm sorry that you'll be there's a subject in england called general studies it's the only core subjects at the level 90 percent of universities don't count it towards entry and 100 of the top universities don't so it's basically a wasted two hours of your life my general studies paper consisted of me writing out the lyrics to every wwe entrance theme i could think of we don't actually do general studies anymore year 13 now i'm the student in this case i'm taking ap calculus and it's absolutely kicking my butt when i didn't know an answer i wrote a prayer to the god of math o lord of mouth grant me thy favor that i may understand this the holy work for i am as yet powerless before your tests and weaken my calculations amen i got one stroke to credit not a grader but on my ap calc test last year there was one question that i had no idea wtf they were even asking after staring at it for about 10 minutes i gave up and drew a portrait of the proctor surrounded by velociraptors and climbing up a rope from a helicopter i like to think i got at least partial credit for that i did something similar i just completely blanked on a cow question so i drew a picture of a cat and wrote i don't know what to do here so here's a kitty my professor wrote back kitty says find the derivative and expand i'm not a teach mantra of the topic here but i was taking a film history and appreciation class at college and came across this question what is a camera obscura my answer was the type of camera a hipster uses i got no points but my professor said he got a good laugh out of it biochemistry exam there was a complicated synthesis question how would you produce x that the student answered with blood magic the answer was written in blood i asked about it later the student had gotten a paper cut when taking the test apparently i have never had a paper cut that bled test included reading a map of rome and finding your way around using coordinates qn how can you get to the colosseum from the starting point plot out a route on the grid provided and i don't need the grid because i've played assassin's creed brotherhood enough to know where i'm going sy should have written back that he couldn't fast travel in spanish we were doing the food kitchen unit and basically had a question like it's what you used to wipe your mouth i knew we definitely had a napkin word of the unit last server later but couldn't remember what it was so i wrote down la mano and it was marked wrong and the teacher just wrote number you could also say manga de la camisa shirt sleeve i got one from both sides of the spectrum once an advanced calculus the final question was something which i had no clue how to answer so i just wrote in the entire space seven turned out seven was the correct answer however i got no credit for it for not showing any working as a marker at university i was going through the tests and a question was accounting describe a transaction which causes a decrease in an asset and also equity a student's answer was a building caught on fire and got destroyed technically he was correct although it wasn't really a transaction more an event i used to compete in academic decathlon nhs and my teacher advisor was almost always selected to grade the prompted essays for the event itself she explained to us that one year about two years before i joined the team they got an essay in spanish now there were no rules at the time about in what language your essay could be written and the other graders were at a loss my teacher minored in spanish and routinely spoke it fluently so she volunteered to translate it for the graders instead of an essay about westwood expansion during the 19th century or whatever that year's prompt was the kid had written a four-page essay about hooking up with various fake celebrities over his summer vacation needless to say he did not score well on that portion of the event on a quiz in bio2 it asked what group a certain organism was in i didn't know so i put blue man group my tay apparently liked to because i got the point anyways i don't know why this is so funny question what are your opinions on sex before marriage 16 marks answer i wouldn't buy a car before test driving it q what is x a it's certainly not y q state the differential and integral form of hooke's law a the differential and integral form of hooke's law full credit on each in 12th grade me and a buddy of mine let's call him tom were both in the same calculus and victor's class i had already decided to major in history at university so my mark in this class didn't mean too much to me anyways during the exam i got to a question which asked me to graph the derivative of a given function not knowing what it was i simply drew a kitty cat face on the graph cause frickit and moved on about 10 minutes later tom who was sitting beside me discreetly gets my attention and i see he's stuck on that same problem and hoping i'll help him out chuckling to myself i turned to the question on my exam and move it over slightly seeing what i had done tom shook his head quietly whispered frickit and did the same thing but suffice to say our teacher was less than happy with us after the exam i'm a student too but i generally like to answer a question with a narrative sentence based around the word or question i was asked recently there was a test i took with vocabulary on it and one of the words was ananrysis now i had forgotten what the answer to it was at the time so instead i answered anna was ignored by a girl named isis i have no idea why arnold was ignored by isis anna was a pretty upstanding girl with plenty of friends and a nice personality isis was probably just being her usual be self not sure how my teacher responded i'll find out tomorrow but yeah that's generally how i go about answering those kinds of questions back in the third grade i had a two-part written question on a science test part one if you had to change the gas nitrogen to a liquid how would you do it my answer i would change it to a liquid part 2 explain what would happen my answer it will change to a liquid funny thing is i actually got full credit my teacher wrote something like i can't say that this is what i was looking for but i can't say that it's wrong either if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 54,992
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Keywords: funniest wrong answers, funniest wrong answers only, funniest school test answers, school, teachers, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: -J0SwrFeF9s
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Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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