Teachers & Teens Play “Never Have I Ever”

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in college yes definitely but then as a teacher probably the most one hi I'm Vanessa and I'm a teacher hi I'm Bryant and I'm a teen today we are playing never have I ever never have I ever cheated on a test yeah really yeah what test was it it was in probably in seventh grade math test you know I think I was having trouble remembering a formula so just wrote it on my eraser flip the eraser upside down I think was on a history test I might have like peeked over oh wow then they have the right answer though that's the question probably not I'm really smart so I'm not never have I ever worked with someone who I've hated with a burning fire of a thousand suns I mean this one's easy I mean come on that really it's a strong word maybe not with the fire of a thousand bernie & sons' maybe a few a few signs yes but like what oh yeah just Jessie wait no it's just one day you're gonna wake up and you're gonna realize the people you work with are the scum of humanity I don't doubt that when I was working as a tutor we decided to do like two on Tuesday or like there'd be two tutors and two tooties and the other tutor was just I couldn't stand him and I had to be in a different room like I couldn't take it I wouldn't say that about a student because I don't know so much can be really annoying that's true but there's a difference between being annoyed and hatred and I feel hatred my teacher goes ballistic never have I ever lied about a family member being sick to get out of two something I think I said you know I had to take my mom to the doctor or something like that or I don't know I don't think I have I think I'd probably say I was the sick one rather than like Manny you know it's like it's like looking at your future never have I ever made up a lesson plan or a class presentation on the spot putting mine up sideways because I have definitely created a lesson plan last minute like nail biter situation like finishing my presentation about 20 minutes before class started once it went well that's why I keep telling myself anything pretty much all the time I'm a preschool teacher so we just kind of have to bring things out as you need them you know we call it our little bag of tricks I just have a lot of anxiety so if I'm not prepared then I'll just have a meltdown yeah that's true I also have a lot of anxiety so I was having a meltdown while creating a lesson plan which was just a great combination sounds like fun it wasn't never have I ever gone out on a school night and regretted it the next day really oh yeah 100% well as a teacher we like to party and I've definitely had those mornings with the crazy preschoolers screaming in my ears with a splitting headache I just swore it was gonna be the last time it's probably gonna happen again yeah well in high school no not so much I was kind of boring in college yes definitely but then as a teacher probably the most some times somebody's getting married and you sort of wake up the next day and you're making a lesson plan 20 minutes before to do and anyway never have I ever gossiped about a teacher I didn't like yeah of course okay maybe not too much though I try not to gossip try not to get wrapped up in that that world I had a teacher not who I worked with this is when I was still a student who whose nickname was a a B I'm not gonna say his last name the reason he was called that was because you got an A if you showed up and Abby if you did it like the class Hey well here's here's the turning point of that story he had found out about that nickname before I was one of his students and then he was like oh well now I'm just gonna be like one of the toughest teachers there is and I got like a c-minus in his class no you went every single time I wanted to agree with it firmly oh yeah I probably have it's probably like you know the school culture of just teens talking to other teens about what they like what they don't like about teachers and I'm sure it's come up in situations I had a teacher who he would take our grades and post them on the door really and so we would all crowder on the door and like we would judge each other it's not the school plate there were probably students who failed that class right I think he did put a like a failure line that's that's crazy that's crazy to me I would never do that I student top five though there you go that's that's what's important with the story that's boggers really never have I ever lied to principal no not really I don't think like and high school or anything I was really like called to the principal's office okay good to know I think there was one time when I was in like seventh grade that we knew we shouldn't be in the auditorium but we snuck in there anyway then the principal came in so I remember just trying to talk my way out of it like oh no like we were trying to help get something ready or I don't know what my life was but I tried to write it to make it seem like well we were trying to be helpful well I would I wouldn't do anything bad I respect authority I guess I should say and the idea of lying to the principal okay my boss is problematic I mean I definitely not told the whole truth but is that a lie someone say yes so maybe I should say perhaps I don't speak to the principal I've never spoken to the I don't think I've ever been like wait I don't even know his name once never have I ever not read the book before a lesson yep yeah you'd probably see me at like 7:00 a.m. on my phone looking at spark no it's like trying to read the summary like as quick as I can right before the class starts not knowing exactly what was in the reading but like hopefully pulling it all together I will say that in my experience as a student there were a lot of times when we would get assigned almost 100 pages of reading for like a night or two and it was like dry academic texts as a student might I remember my dad bailing me out big time once I totally dropped the ball did not read whatever book I was supposed to read so my amazing dad sat there with me and he like read through it with me quickly I was taking notes as he was reading and he saved my butt the first time I didn't do the reading was for when we were reading Oliver Twist so I go I go in and the first thing someone says like did you guys actually do the reading and then everyone's like no that's the best way ever when nobody's done the reading and then this poor teacher is just sitting there like all right so what did Oliver Twist's say to the main with the empty bowl after he ate pork that's from the movie I haven't read the book either never have I ever pretended to be six like in this school yeah I think I've done this more times than I can count I definitely have both as a student and a teacher you know I mean you just need a mental health day you know I just take it an emotional day and I'll just call in for that yep that's right I know what I said before guess what this is what this is where I said I'm sick today but I've had another engagement so what's really what I'm really saying is I'm not feeling well emotionally and so I won't be in today are you yet you have not I have not because my mom I don't think I've pretend to be sick if I don't want to go then she just she'll say that like I don't have to go she's great like that no but you don't do that all the time oh no definitely not I still get like really worried about what I miss I've definitely been fooled by a student even though I work with threes fours and fives they're smart so there's a difference between I think being fooled and just going along with the charade you can't just be like oh you're clearly not sick sit down you're gonna stay in that chair because you run the risk of what if they actually are sick and then they boot it all over their desk since they're so young it's just kind of I'm impressed by them you know I can't really get too upset at it it's just like oh good job little one you can almost tell right out the gate if someone's actually feeling sick or just a really good actor I mean if they're if they're not even gonna like commit to it they're not gonna commit to like that oh I'm so sick okay come on sick people don't act that way a lot of students nowadays they try to do like some sort of like trickery with these teachers and instead they could be studying be like him just be like him I don't think I fooled them but I tried to I was in a musical I was talking to someone else was the choreographer was speaking and then he yelled at me for that and I cried injustice oh I hate that I'm sorry continue I cried and then in order to cover that up I asked my theatre teacher do you have any allergy pills because I have allergies which probably just embarrassed myself even further but it was worth a shot oh man I'm that's really good I should use that nurse time I think we've had a lot of we have a lot of similar answers but yeah are you kidding me I feel like Maddie and I see I don't know a lot of things yeah and like we're both people it's not just like we're so we identified as student and teacher mm-hmm we but we both why we both we both do stupid things and like we both need to take rest days and that's what being human is all about [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 1,328,271
Rating: 4.9204688 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeed video, bfv, Teachers & Teens Play “Never Have I Ever”, teachers, never have i ever, game, teachers react, students react, teens, teens react, teens play never have i ever, teachers play never have i ever, games, NHIE, lie, truth, school, teaching, high school, PL5vtqDuUM1DlVkns76q_b0ipc--e2fIo_, adults react, kids react, teachers vs. teens, teachers and teens, teachers vs students reaction, teachers vs. students never have i ever, buzzfeed never have i ever
Id: kWInH-dhZ9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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