Teachers React "Don't Stay In School"

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
I wasn't taught how to get a job but I can remember dissecting a frog I wasn't taught how to pay tax but I know loads about Shakespeare's classics I was never taught how to vote they devoted that time to defining isotopes I wasn't taught how to look after my health but mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell never spent a lesson on current events instead I studied the old American West I was never taught what laws there are I was never taught what laws there are let me repeat I was not taught the laws but the country I live in but I know how Henry the Eighth killed his women divorced beheaded died divorced beheaded survived blood that's in my head instead of financial advice I was shown the wavelengths of different hues of light but I was there how did you and Hart brightnesses walk regular that's how forest egg requires teachers to teach yes metamorphic and sedimentary rocks yet I don't know squat about trading stock to how money works at all where does it come from how does the thing that motivates the world action not taught to budget and disperse my earnings I was too busy with the kids even aggressive but the quadratic equation is negative B plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac over 2a that's insane that's absolutely insane they maybe learn that super basic first aid how to recognize the most deadly mental disorders or diseases with preventable causes or how to buy a house with the mortgage if I could afford it because abstract maths was things more important than advice that would literally save thousands of lives but it's cool cuz now I could tell you if the number of unnecessary deaths caused by that choice was prime never thought present-day practical medicine esmirna was told but the ancient Hippocratic method is I've got a headache the pain is ceaseless what should I take um maybe try some leeches could we discuss domestic abuse and get the facts or how to help my depressed friend with a mental state um no but learn mental maths because you won't have a calculator with you every day they say it's not the kids this is that brother Kevin you want one I'm only flew into this language for serious the rest of the world speaks true with the you think I'm an idiot psychosis all over the political systems of like a typical sentence and now I don't know what to voting on which policies exist or how to make up change may we use your balloon put the Pulsar in 18 I was expected to elect a representative for a system I have never ever ever been presented with for the rooms egghead hotel everyone my childhood was wasted assured after where how I was educated and insist these pointless things don't stay in school you interesting [ __ ] hmm I guess my last thought would be do most kids have the ability to see the world in a wider view to know what they should be learning I think it's easy for somebody older to look back on their education and say man I wish I could have learned this while you're in school and you're thinking about the most important things or your interactions and your relationships and independence do kids in school are they able to judge what they should be learning and I think they are I think there's good input from students and I think that's why it's so important whoever thought about what this guy's thing about education yes every day did you agree with what he's saying yes parts of it yes frequently why because I am an advocate that changed the way I teach quite a bit I have most many of the college and career sort of things that Kelsey does in the practical things we learn about her and I have in my classes I don't mind giving up some of the curriculum that I teach in order to have those things taught because I believe in them I also believe in teaching skillsets that apply to different areas it's kind of I mean I've always questioned like whether some things are applicable life absolutely every day absolutely I think a lot of students on the daily basis question them so in the video he titled it don't stay in school what do you think about that I don't know if I agree with don't stay in school but I think that you should have the option or some people should I think that school is important though because you do where things cuz you're Paris FC don't educate you on everything but like you said you should choose what you should be able to learn about anything should apply to your everyday life I wouldn't agree with the title don't stay in school because I believe that everyone should go to school and should get a education but so I don't think that don't stay in school title is appropriate I think it could be something more of why don't you teach us relevant stuff things we're gonna use um I think you should stay in school um I think most parents would probably agree that they want what's best for their child and to be successful in today's society you got to finish high school um I don't exactly agree with saying don't stay in school I agree with you know that maybe it should be thought differently but saying don't stay in school is kind of two blunts why do you think schools aren't teaching these things in school well honestly I feel like some school just like kind of want to dumb you down and I know from going to school I'm not really prepared for a real life because half of those things I didn't learn and I still don't know so I'm not going to be prepared when I go into the real world but it's honestly not really about the teachers it's more about like the laws that they have to abide by well because for one thing I don't think educators get to make the decisions about what thought what what is decided what is put down by States about what curriculum should be it comes from state level or the local level now and even some from the federal level but definitely from the state level and it becomes a political thing because it's it's politicized because if things are decided in the legislature about what needs to be taught and how much of this and how much of that so it's not educational people or even asking students or even having a look at society and saying you know we really could use that I like the part where he said you know we are taught how to parent or even more so even how not to even get into a parenting position until we're ready for it you know that piece I thought was particularly poignant well I think there's not enough time the state holds us to have to do so many things because now you're viewed as a teacher as a school as a community based on state test results so basically teaching and the curriculum for some parts of it has gone to teaching to the test more than teaching to what the students are going to need to really learn as a successful life and be productive citizens in their society I think school is a beautiful place where people learn social skills and academic skills and I think there is a way to find a medium between learning how to write and read and how to do the process of the math that is important and you cannot survive without those skills most people say that the school is for academics and then it should be left to the parents to teach life lessons and things that you need to know about like do you agree with that statement yeah well I didn't have a really fast a me because there's a lot of parents for absent in their kids life or don't have the time so I think that since we are coming to school every day we spend eight hours here it'd be beneficial if schools could choose children while they are still learning and while they actually are here and have the time no I just our parents don't know a lot of those life skills I got sucking about with that especially yes and no it's really like with the stuff about like oh never teaching you how to pay a mortgage or buy a house and stuff it's like there's always a fine line between what school can teach you and what your parents can teach you no I think the school should also be part of teaching the life lessons for one thing if you think about it kids are with us more than with their parents so if kids are with us 60 70 percent of the day of their time up awake stuff like that when they're with their parents 30% 40% whatever it not sure of the math went on that then I'm a believer that we need to throw in life skills as well because they got to get somewhere we can't rely on it coming from the house all the time as well as they're with us a lot I think philosophically I agree with it but I think practically it's not happening I to be honest I can be missed here Kevin yeah we have a lot of students that come to school but they're lacking for basic parenting things that you would think parents would provide basically and they're not and so we do our best to try to help I think that parents have to take some responsibility and I think it's a job of the community I think it's a job of the teachers I think it's the job of the curriculum of the classes I think it's a job of coaches I think it's the job of our employers I think it's a job like I said the community to make sure that our kids that are going through our educational system are well prepared for life what do you think about the curriculum at this school it's a gem I think that the curriculum at the school is it because well for one I feel like I'm not really benefiting from anything like I'm boring off to college is my senior year and I don't know how to cook I like don't know how to pay bills even though I'm taking econ I don't know how to do anything that like an adult or somebody who's a senior at a different high school would know how to do and I feel like learning like math above what I actually need for my job is pointless and it just causes stress on people especially if you're not good at math also in science I don't know if the field doesn't apply or the class is applied to what you want to do in life I feel like it's pointless for you to try so stress out about it and like have to take it um I feel like it needs a lot of work I think there's a I think if we need to do a better emphasis on creating those soft skills the perseverance the commitment the hard work a good work ethic our educational system can be non practical to a certain extent I agree with that but I think theirs is even more that way if you go that route so how would you feel about a life club a life skills class in this school I would was too late for me now but I totally would have loved one I feel like my whole class could have benefited because I do not know how to cook and I'm probably eating time robbery for like the rest of my life I think you should require a personal finance class financial like I said the financial literacy piece I think would be a good thing that would be pretty nice yeah absolutely I'm firm believer in teaching life skills so the last question what do you think should change in the current education system that might help us in the real world I think that if we had more classes that actually applied to the room world I'm talking about real world problems like right like how to say no a better sexual education program like cooking classes that seniors can take better economic classes and know better government classes like just all-around better things that people can use and like gain skills in for the future um mainly showing how things are applicable to the real world because of course you know why why we do we learn that Napoleon Bonaparte was like I don't ever say his name ever again so you
Channel: Taco Inplosion
Views: 3,211,956
Rating: 4.6611996 out of 5
Id: ONi4yC7YDtc
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Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2016
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