Sister Ashamed Of Her Disabled Brother

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hello friends it's me and today we are watching another dharma and video this one's about a sister who's ashamed of her disabled brother and we're gonna be watching it for the first time together [Applause] thanks kelsey do you know him why does he walk so weird i heard he just transferred here ugh he's walking towards us hey is it okay if i sit with you [Applause] actually we were just leaving let's go girls excuse me that's your brother you're just gonna act like you don't know him like that's family and especially in school like y'all gotta stick together where are you going can i come too no just stay away from me all right you're embarrassing me in front of my friends miss popular over here i can't have my friends know that he's my brother y'all's mama's never taught you any manners my mom taught us that you can't make fun of people on things that they can't control but they got some ugly shoes on this free game let's pick teams i'll be the first captain and kelsey since you're the birthday girl you can be the second captain [Music] i'll start with megan okay i'll pick wait up i want to play two [Music] tanya i'll take cameron uh bryce eric i'll pick stephanie yes sorry loser you didn't get picked now scram jake she rather have one less person on the team than pick him i would have just called her out on it right then and there like bro why aren't you picking me if you gonna keep treating me like a stranger when we get home mama take this crutch and shove it right up here please i want to play too you heard what she said get lost you can't be talking to family like this unless it's the weird cousin that your parents force you to talk to like that's your brother i barely had any friends in high school so like me and my brother we would eat lunch together we would like hang out in between classes we can't be like abandoning each other well we're pink tomorrow yeah it's wednesday kelsey wait why is your dad with the i don't know but i gotta go i'll see you guys tomorrow that used to be an art program i used before i wanted to pay for photoshop i'm doing weight inside the car oh look we picked up your cake for your birthday we even got my cake i'm so sorry i didn't mean to i just lost my balance this is all your fault if you didn't have that stupid lip none of this would have happened hey kelsey it's okay all right it was just an accident he didn't mean i don't care why did he have to transfer him to my school huh i don't want anyone to know he's my brother it's embarrassing i wish i had a normal sibling [Music] i can't believe this because very rarely is sofia ever the bad guy usually i would just want to like give him the good old backhand but it's like this makes me sad like i get sometimes you could be really mean to your sibling and both of y'all will just like brush it off like it's nothing but like this is crossing the line like this that hurted kelsey i can't believe that you would say something like that to him you need to apologize right now well it's true i mean why does he have that weird limp anyway [Music] dad what's wrong kelsey your brother didn't want us to tell you this but i think it's time you know the truth you see when the two of you were little you'd play together outside all the time both of you were inseparable and then one day something happened that would change all of our lives forever you ran out into the street and you didn't see a car that was coming it almost hit you but your brother saved you he pushed you out of the way getting hit by the car himself almost sacrificing his own life to try and save yours oh man how did she not know this nobody told her because i really hope she doesn't treat him like that at home like he saved her he pushed her out of the way he took the damage so she wouldn't have to girl that could have been you you could have been little miss lim zilla now she would have been dead but he did that he protected her i would just go sit in the kitchen corner because i will feel like garbage hot trash after the way she treated him the doctor came in and told us the bad news that he would never be able to walk normally again for the rest of his life and since that day your brother has always walked with a limp but he never let that stop him from loving you i know i want to make this all sad but the way the doctor was just like hey yo look your ankle went bur like bones cracked you ain't never gonna be able to walk again gen z doctors be like you was almost run over by a car like how bad ass was that save your sister big hero so you see your brother limps because he saved you you were just too young to remember oh my god i had no idea he didn't want us to tell you because he thought he would make you feel bad he loves you so much [Music] there's that weirdo again i hope he doesn't come here again girl don't you dare i want to see hands thrown i don't care if we in the third grade he's best ready to eat for everybody grant over here why don't you sit with us kelsey what are you doing why would you want the to sit with us bro shut up you can't even eat laffy taffy that might as well be a disability in some states actually he's my brother the best brother in the world for that matter and i'd really appreciate if you don't call him names what you can't be serious you want him to sit with us you know what never mind [Music] we'll just find your own table hey she took the jacket off like i don't even want to be a part of this like wanna be mean girls group i ain't even want to wear pink with you y'all are vile let me help you with that oh thanks also do you want to play dodgeball later you can be on my team i love that i never seen siblings talk to each other like this like oh i i guess you could play dodgeball with me later and they'd be like oh oh now you want to let me play dodgeball after you found out that i saved your life i risk my life to save you and what do i get ignored i'm gonna have to deduct some points for this for like unrealistic storyline i don't know anybody who's gonna treat their sibling like this like in public like you roast them annihilate them you do whatever you gotta do at home but like in public like anybody do that dartman you are only child or something but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and check out dorman's channel he has a bunch of amazing videos and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 13,806,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Id: 0xxAGo5nClo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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