Teach your dog to stop barking at the door! | Great Dane Care

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[Music] hey everyone's acting Gus we're back from Great Dane care.com as you probably guessed from the introduction we're here to make a video today about how to get your dog to stop barking or going nuts when somebody rings the doorbell we're actually knocks in the door when they arrive at your home now the reason we're making this video is we actually got an awesome suggest in the comments so I really encourage anyone going forward you have a suggestion we have a request for a video please make sure to add that in the comments and for anyone else if you see something that's already been requested that you'd also like to see make sure to upload it as well don't forget to also subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so that every time you release a video or a tip or trick you'll be sure to not miss it now as you saw from the introduction Gus did bark a little bit when we actually rang the doorbell and knocked the door now while she wasn't going crazy or bonkers this definitely can present a problem whether it's children that are sleeping upstairs and you don't want the dog to wake them up with the barking at nighttime but perhaps you think if you just work at home and you need peace and quiet you don't want the dog going crazy every time somebody rings the doorbell or knocks at the door dog so funny enough at our old house Gus actually to be really good about this we spent a lot of time training her so she never did that the way moved from the new house you started having kids and frankly just didn't put the time to keep working with her on it she's actually kind of progressed a little bit and gotten a little bit worse yeah so it's definitely something that's worthwhile for us to work on now really there's only two reasons that cause most dogs to bark when you know somebody's knocking at the door ring the doorbell and it really comes down to could be anxiety so they're kind of stressed out they're worried they feel like they need to protect the family when somebody's coming to the door or could also just being an excitement factor so they want to alert you that somebody's here maybe they're excited because you didn't as well it could be one of those two things now if you think that it is more of an anxiety issue that may just mean you need to spend a little bit more time working with them to help get over that fear anxiety of these different sounds the way that I like to fix this issue and we'll show you this here shortly with Gus is to use positive reinforcement or treats this kind of a high-value reward for not responding to sounds like the doorbell or somebody knocking at the door now if you are going to use treats make sure you don't just use a piece of kibble or a piece playing food it needs to be something extra tasty so that way it gets the dog's attention I've actually got some dog friendly turkey jerky bits here that Gus loves I've so for her this is the perfect treat to get her excited to say okay let's focus on something different here all right should begin the practice what we'll do is just start by kind of recreating the events that way the dog gets used to kind of hearing the sounds going often not have any reaction to them now this can be really helpful if you have a partner who can actually knock from the outside right now I'll just start by doing some gentle knocks myself in each time Gus is good I'll go ahead and give her a tree to give her some attention that's that way she understands that she doesn't need to react everything's just fine no no no no okay okay okay go girl okay okay so as you can see even we've got sitting here watching me she was actually kind of barking and alerting saying hey somebody's here but using a couple treats we'll just kind of keep practicing repeating this until she stops having an issue now you may find that even no matter how many times you this they might still continue to struggle so you may need to actually take them a little bit further away from the doors that way the sound isn't quite as loud or ideally if you do have that partner you can have actually crack open the door Parsley's that way they can have a visual view as to you know who's outside instead of being concerned about some kind of strangers trying to get into the house if it's more of an anxiety issue there all right now the other thing you may also want to consider is that because in many cases dogs are just hurting you to some ways here at the door it may be helpful to actually allow them to have a bed or a place to rest at a safe distance that way they can have a visual line of sight as to what's going on and not be so curious is to figure out who is at the door and what's gonna happen so the easy way to teach this is using the place command I'll put a link up here from the card that's that way you can see how to teach that one as well alright so we hope that you found this video helpful as you saw it's gonna take time and practice this is probably something they're not going to get right away you'll have to keep repeating this every single day for awhile just that way they get a lot of repetitions and learn to disassociate the the door or the ringing of that normal with being something to be fearful or get really excited about and start barking and with that once again make sure that your subscribe to the channel and until next time stay dating my friends [Music]
Channel: Great Dane Care
Views: 108,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dog barking, stop a dog barking, barking dog, dog training, stop barking, puppy training, dog training videos, youtube dog training, dogs barking, stop barking at the door
Id: JF3vF0mvqxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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