How to Train your Dog to STOP BARKING!

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this episode the dog training revolution is sponsored by pet flow if your dog goes bonkers every time there's a knock at the door today I'm gonna show you what to do to get the barking under control click thumbs up for a more peaceful existence with your dog subscribe so that you see all of my future videos and get a copy of my book it's a great companion to this YouTube channel now let's hear from Arwen's parents and find out what's going on my name is Katherine hello I'm Daniel and this is our dog Arwen Arwen is very energetic and she's very lovable she loves to be around people she loves to play and just have fun when someone knocks at the door our wind goes crazy issu runs to the door she lunges she wants to see what's going on it's really difficult to get her under control because she's just so focused on what's going on she goes into a barking frenzy Zac please help us to get our wings barking under control just get all of her the thing about unwanted excessive barking is that it can be really difficult to communicate with your dog when they're in that super exciting frame of mind that's why it's important to use great treats you should have treats that keep well at room temperature ready and available throughout your house so that you can be ready to jump into a spontaneous training session any time these are some great treats from wellness wellness his entire line it's always been about your dog's well-being I'll be using these soft puppy bites core pure rewards jerky and core marrow roasts using different types of treats is likely to be more effective than using say one type of treat because when dogs are randomly reinforced with different rewards they're usually more focused on learning so that should give us an advantage in this lesson these soft puppy bites are great because they're easy to break into small pieces they also have salmon oil which will promote healthy puppy development then there's core pure rewards jerky treats they're protein packed with no meat byproducts and they're only five calories core marrow roasts are filled with real bone marrow right in the center and I like these because they're a different texture and it just keeps things exciting you can have these set up for automatic delivery on Peplow and of course you can have your dog's regular dog food shipped to you as well and when you set up automatic delivery of your pets food enter code sack 30 and you'll get ten bucks off your first three orders I'll have all of the info in the description often when we understand why our dog is barking it'll put us in a better position to come up with a game plan so in our wins case something has simply caught her attention and she's real thing to it while there will be times when you need to ask your dog to stop barking when someone comes to your door do your best not to wait until someone is knocking on your door to also teach your dog how to not bar while you're trying to get to the door while your dog is barking you're likely rushing and your attention is divided both of those things are incompatible with effective teaching today we're going to cover two exercises first I'll show you what to do to get your dog to stop barking when you are caught off guard by someone coming to your door and then I'll show you an exercise you can do to prevent your dog from barking excessively in the first place this is Jennifer she's going to be our stand-in who will knock on the door for us and Arwen has no idea she's outside I'm gonna send her a text message and have her knock at the door and let's see what happens okay I'm having a hard time communicating with Arwen when I asked how to pay attention today so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get her attention on me and show her the behavior that I do like this is why it's so important to keep treats at arm's length when you're trying to resolve barking like this you can quickly get to the treats then get your dog's attention on you come here girl good ask them to sit like this nice job and then give them a treat now she's about to bark again I want to see if I can get her attention back on me so come on over here girl good job really good will you sit nice now you might be thinking are you rewarding for the barking here no not at all because what did I do I insisted that she give me her attention like this sit and then sit I had her do two things to earn the tree so we're showing her what we do prefer rather than correcting her in a negative way for things that we don't like Oh boys caught me off guard there so hey Owen over here good so right there just a little bit of barking so we're already starting to see a bit of improvement here are we over here I see that she's going back to start barking again so I'm trying to intercept that behavior and let her know that paying attention to me is what we want if your dog were so excited by them knocking at the door that you couldn't get their attention on you with a treat at all that probably means that you need to get a little bit farther away and then ask them to sit in other words the farther away you are from the thing that's setting your dog off the easier it will be to communicate with them in most circumstances come on let's go yes Syd and this is how you intelligently communicate with a dog and treats them how you want them to behave without using force and in a way that's pleasant for them so this is what you would do when unwanted barking like this catches you off guard but this still has you on defense and it's not good enough to just do this by itself and hope to get long-term results it's much more important to be proactive and really prepare your dog for how you expect them to conduct themselves so this next exercise is something you really need to do if you're serious about getting excessive barking under control this time I'm gonna have Jennifer just not once or twice and I'm gonna try and get a treat to Arwen before she even has a chance to bark up over here good right there I snuck a treat or hopefully before come here almost come here we're gonna insist that you pay attention to me okay we lost total control that time okay so right now I think I need to take a step back a little bit right Steve so I'm having a little bit of a tough time here getting all when just stop barking so I think what we'll do is try something a little bit different so I'm gonna have you Jennifer just knock on the door while that's open so she can see what's going on and let's see if we can get better results that way what do you say go ahead and knock one time good go ahead and knock three times good work very good kind of closed the door a little bit more but don't close it all the way my long-term game plan here is that when she hears a knock on the door I'm teaching her to look to me for direction rather than just reacting he had a nice work why don't you really go at it with the door open Hey look at this I think we're doing pretty good here go ahead yes now let's see if we can do the real deal close the door and have her really just knock at the door and hopefully arlynn will be quiet look at this I mean this is incredible so we have her sitting she's being really good while Jennifer continues to knock on the door that's how you teach your dog not to bark good job here have your wellness treats make sure you're never caught off guard and get these awesome wellness training treats automatically shipped to you from pet flow as well as the regular dog fare details in the description click the thumbs up if you think Arwen did a great job make sure you're subscribed to my channel and thank you so much to our crowd lenders on patreon pick up a copy of my book dog training revolution to see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution
Views: 879,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to train dog to stop barking, how to stop dog barking, how to stop puppy whining, how to train dog to be quiet, puppy training, dog training, how to train dog to listen, sit, stay, come, be quiet, potty training a puppy, stop puppy biting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2017
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