Satan The Blood Is Against You - Bishop TD Jakes

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of the Book of Genesis verse 1-4 I'm going to ask you to read from the word of the Lord together I may drop out but you continue to read and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bear came and said I have gotten a man from the Lord and she again bear his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of the sheep but Cain was the tiller of the ground and in the process [Applause] [Applause] the [Applause] [Applause] [Music] AC and he [Applause] [Applause] said behold thou has driven me out this day from the face of the Earth and from thy face shall I be heal and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth me shall slay me can you say amen amen can you say amen again amen I want you to look at the 11th verse and then remain standing we're going to pray and now art thou cursed from the earth which has opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand and now art thou cursed from the earth which has opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand repeat this with me say Satan Satan now you're too timid say it again Satan Satan the blood is against you the blood is against one more time Satan Satan the blood is against you the blood if you really believe it say it again Satan that blood is against [Applause] [Music] [Applause] youo spirit of God move in this place tonight send the strongest in wind and a powerful anointing let your unction flow without hinderance let the grace of God the auspicious glory of God fill the house where we're sitting let the word be made flesh while it's being preached Save Somebody deliver somebody loose somebody today break the struggle in somebody's life I thank you for the victory I praise you for it and I believe you to do it have your way oh God in Jesus name we pray amen and amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord Satan the blood is against you it is a little oldfashioned but it is true the blood is against the workings of the enemy I believe that we need to go back to preaching the blood some of the critics of Christianity have made statements that they did not want to be a part of our gospel and our ministry because there is so much blood in the scriptures from cover to cover you will find a bloody trail from the coats of skin that covered the nakedness of Adam to the animals that are slain in our text to the Spotless lambs of the levitical priesthood to the blood that was extracted from the lamb for each house and applied to the doorpost of the believer on and on and over again you will see a bloody gospel the Bible has said that the life of the flesh is in the blood and the life of the Gospel is in the blood without the blood we have no gospel at all I am concerned in this age whereby we have become so excited about Pentecostalism and I think it's wonderful and I am a part of it and I endorse it and I'm glad about the liberty of the spirit and the moving of the Holy Ghost and the gifts of the Spirit and all that happened on the day of Pentecost but some kind of way in the process of us becoming so excited about Pentecost we have forgotten that Pentecost is only the after effects of a Passover experience it was at the Passover where the blood was shed and if there is no Passover there can be no Pentecost exactly 50 days from Passover Pentecost instantaneously occurs on its own if there is a real Passover experience we do not have to labor for Pentecost because if we have a real Passover experience Pentecost is an automatic followup to a real blood atonement experience that will happen in the life of every believer we need to preach the gospel we do not need to alter it or change it or repair it it is able all by itself to save from the gutter most to the uttermost any soul that will come to him I don't care whether he's Bound by alcohol or crack cocaine if he comes to Jesus the blood will wash him until he's white as snow talk to me somebody there will be no Deliverance through good works or good ideas or good philosophies 12 steps and 10 steps and five steps will not do it but one step will bring about a might change in your life and that step is to step up under the fountain theologist said there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins and sinners plunge beneath that flood and lose all their gift guilty stains if it were not for the blood tonight these pews would be empty this preacher wouldn't be here there would have been no singing tonight there would have been no pastors to stand it was the blood itself that Sanctified us and procured us and delivered us and redeemed us and propitiated our sins and covered us with the grace of God and I know it was the blood I know it was the blood I know it was the blood for me one day when I was lost Jesus died on the cross and I knew it was the blood for me in the Book of Genesis the Book of Genesis is called the Book of Genesis because it is the book of Beginnings it underscores and underlines and gives Credence to the Integrity of the text and of the New Testament it is through shadows and types and similes and metaphors a prediction a preparation a prophetic uh composition of truth that is heralded and revealed in the New Testament is shadowed and taught in the Old Testament we are looking in the book of Beginnings at the beginnings of the first family and the beginnings of the first struggles and if you're going to be able to determine how things are going to end you have to be able to look at the beginning and begin to understand the many many truths of this text I want to take just a little bit of time tonight and you tell me when you get tired of me I will sit down but I want to take just a little time tonight to glean some truths out of this text that are so relevant to what we are facing today can you say amen amen the Bible says and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bear came and said I have gotten a man from the Lord Eve was expecting expecting a promise from the Lord for she knew that there was a prophecy over her even in the middle of her disgrace and her failure it had been prophesied to the woman that the seed of the woman would rise up and Bruise the head of The Serpent and the seed of the serpent would bruise his heel so when she entered into the Thrones of Labor she was looking for the Fulfillment of that prophecy to come to birth in her life and the Bible says that Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived and bear a son and she called his name Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord and again she bear his brother Abel now many theologians believe that the Cain and Abel were actually Twins and they believe that because it does not use a terminology Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived with the second birth it just says and she again bear his brother Abel and they believe that that is some hinting that perhaps Cain and Abel was a result of one birth experience I don't know uh I was not there and you don't know you weren't either but that's what they believe what I do know is that there is a great deal of significance to the order of their birth you are looking at Cain and Abel you are looking at two sons whether they were born through won a pregnancy or whether they were born years apart you are looking at the birthing of two sons and the Order of the two births are extremely important somebody say two sons two sons yes when over and over throughout the scripture you are going to see the uh bringing up of two sons because the two sons are very powerful in Understanding God's order and God's process and God's plan for the body of Christ the Bible said that she conceived and bears son and his name was Cain and then she again bear and conceived a son and his name was Abel Cain is the older brother Abel is the younger brother or he is the Su son he is the suing son and it is important you always have to watch out for that sucking son just just remember that just keep a footnote as you study the word of God to always watch out for that suck son now it defies order and nature because teacher teaches itself that the inheritance should go to the eldest brother or it ought to go to the firstborn son that is the privilege and the vesture that ought to be strapped upon the son that is first born but in the scriptures God have a habit of reversing the order and blessing the unexpected and you have to watch out for the second son somebody say sucking son yes when you're talking about Cain and Abel you have to byass pass the first brother and look at the second brother to begin to understand that the blessing of the Lord is on the second son whether you're talking about Cain and Abel or Esau and Jacob you always have to watch out for that sucking son whether you're talking about phz and Zara you still have to watch out for that sucking son the Bible says that phz and Zara struggled in the womb and the nurse put a red thread around around one hand but he got pulled back on the inside and Zarah fought his way out look at somebody and say I fought my way out yes you have to watch out for that sucking son Esau and Jacob had the same struggling but the blessing ultimately fell on the sucking son and God blessed him when you talk about Cain and Abel you can see that prevalence when you talk about FES and Zarah you see it again when you're talking about Esau and Jacob you see it again again ultimately it is a foreshadowing and a picture of the suck sons in the kingdom in the presence of the Lord in the eyes of the Lord God really never had but two sons yes yes yes the first son was Adam and Adam was his first Maids son according to the genealogies in the gospel of St Matthew it says that Adam was the son of God Adam was his first created son Christ was his own only begotten son and the blessing is on the Second Son yes yes yes yes yes yes yes it is yes it is that that first son might muff it but if you wait on that second son you have a way he has a way of reversing the curse what what Adam got me into Jesus got me out of to God be the glory for the power of the suck son oh yes oh yes oh yes thank you Lord because I'm beginning to understand that God has a way of blessing the second son over and over we see it again again in Cain and Abel in Fes and Zara in Esau and Jacob in manessa and Ephraim over and over you see God Crossing his hands and blessing the unexpected and this generation had better understand the concept of the sucking son because I believe that the time has come in the body of Christ that God is going to bless the unexpected it's not going to be who you thought look at somebody and tell them it's not going to be who you thought yes yes yes it's not going to be the person that they've been grooming for the position it's not going to be the favorite son it's not going to be the one that everybody thought it was going to be it's going to be the one that was voted least likely the one who came through the most trouble and the hardships and the trials and the traumas the one who went through this and that and the other and nobody thought that there was any inheritance laid up for them but the blessing is coming on the suck son the Le least likely the stone that the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone if you really want a real strong anointing look for somebody who's been overlooked and rejected and you will see a level of power like you have never seen before let somebody say that's me that's me that's me and when the Bible begins to mention uh through the word of God there are many many powerful things that he comes to make us to know he doesn't tell us a lot of things and the Bible is actually very concise and very concentrated it doesn't waste time with trivia and dealing with things that are not essential to us if the Bible takes the time to mention an issue it mentions it because it is very important to us like it doesn't tell us whether Cain and Abel were nicelooking or not it doesn't say that because that's not in important to the revelation of the text it doesn't talk about whether they were tall or short whether they were fat or thin whether they were lightskinned or dark skinned it doesn't talk about whether they were intellectual or illiterate it doesn't deal with issues that are not important to us but it does take the time to deal with their occupation and the reason it takes the time to deal with the occupation is because the occupation is relative to the Revelation are you ready for this word tonight when the Bible begins to talk about it says that Abel was a a keeper of the sheep but Cain was a tiller of the ground now Cain the first son his job is to work the ground he works the soil he is a type of Flesh he is a type of Works he works that that God has cursed he keeps trying to bring before God something that was drawn from a place that God had already cursed and rejected he's a he is a picture picture of humanism he is a picture of vain religion he is a picture of dead Works he is a picture of man trying to please God through his own efforts he is a picture of men trying to impress god with Earthly natural things that were taken from the Earth but when it talks about Abel Abel becomes a foreshadowing and a picture of Jesus Christ because Abel like Christ is a Shepherd he's a Shepherd he takes care of sheep he has caused the Sheep to graze in the grass and from the Sheep he brings to God what God really wants which is a blood sacrifice for the Bible later says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin I don't care what other works or talents or skills or abilities that you might have I don't care how wonderful your church is how beautiful the stained glass I don't care what university that your pastor went to I don't care if you have a musician that can play on keys that are not even on the keyboard I don't care if you have psalmist that can hit glass hit notes so high that the stained glass cracks in your sanctuary if it is not through the blood you have nothing at all it is the blood that makes the difference in the church somebody say the blood the blood it's something about understanding that without that blood there will be no satisf of God there will be no pleasing God and we need to go back to understanding the power of the blood not Goose pimples not chill bumps not Nursery round not dancing not hi them on a Shanda not kick them in the side but the power of the blood somebody say the blood blood oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh Cain is out there working in the field he's steing the soil he's working with that that God has rejected trying to offer up a sacrifice to God from the cursed place and from the ground Abel on the other hand is raising up something that he was not responsible for birthing or creating if just life that came from God and he's offering back to God what came from God and he's responding to God and trusting God to accept what only God has created and he's trusting the Lord to do it and he gets a sacrifice that is pleasing in the sight of God and the Bible said in the process of time came brought before the Lord that that he had worked up in his flesh have you ever seen people trying to bring something before God that they had worked up have you ever seen people come into the presence of God trying to work up something that would impress God or move God the best way to please God is to give him what he wants not what you want not what you did not what you created not what you built but to bring before God but that that he wants look at Abel as he comes into the presence of the Lord he comes bearing sheep and offering them up before God as a sacrifice when Cain offers up that that he has raised himself God rejects it in other words God doesn't receive it no fire falls on on it God doesn't consume it God rejects it and here comes Abel and Abel comes into the presence of the Lord and offers up a more excellent sacrifice and when he does God receives the sacrifice Now understand something here God is not a respector of persons he is not a respector of persons there's no need in you getting upset when God blesses one person and not another God is not a respector of persons and he is not Prejudice he does not prefer Sally more than Sue he doesn't prefer Mark more than James he is not a respector person but he is a respector of principles it's no need in people getting upset when you offer up to God something that he will accept and they're frustrated because they're not getting the same results that you got is no need in you being upset if God blesses me if you do what I do you can get what I've got somebody say Amen look at your neighbor and tell them he blessed me see the moment God begins to bless you and receive what you have and you offer certain things before God you don't have a problem with God but you have a problem with people because people have a problem with you being blessed as long as Abel had not won the attention and the favor and the affections of God Cain was all right but the moment Abel offered up a sacrifice to God that caused God to con consume the sacrifice all of a sudden Cain had an uh an attitude because the Bible said that God had respect unto Abel's offering that's why I praise God that I'm a worshiper I praise God because I was taught never never never to come to church without an offering I bless the Lord at all times I come into His gates with a Thanksgiving and a praise there's no need in you sitting back rolling your eyes when I offer up the sacrifice of praise from the fruit of my lips and God sends down a strong anointing and the anointing anting overshadows me and I get my healing and I get my deliverance and I get my joy and I get my peace there's no need in you saying that I'm putting on and I'm acting in My Flesh and it doesn't take all of that it takes all of that and more once you find out what God likes give him what he wants Hallelujah all of a sudden Abel offered up a sacrifice that caused God to receive his sacrifice now the Bible say in the book of Hebrews by faith Abel offered up a more excellent sacrifice than Kain now the Bible also teaches us that Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God I believe that God had made these brothers to know what was an acceptable sacrifice partially because Hebrews 11 says that Abel offered it up by faith and the Bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God and if you offer up something by faith there has to be a word that proceeds Faith somebody say Amen the second thing that I would like to submit to you I believe that God had given them instruction because when Cain got upset God looked at him and said why are you wrw and why is your countenance Fallen if thou doest not well will I not receive you God said you act like it's impossible for you to be blessed if you do what I told you to do you can still have the blessing somebody right now is sitting up jealous and upset because God is using somebody else but God is not a respector of persons he's a respector of principles and if you do what God Said do he will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you will not have room enough to receive I wish I had a witness that would praise the Lord there is something that we need to understand that if we offer up to God what he has required he will bless it and when he begins to bless it you have to be willing to receive the blessing even if it brings criticism and contradiction once you find out how to get God's favor don't you allow anybody from anywhere to cause you to Forfeit the blessing of the Lord if you know that praising God opens doors for you you are ought to learn how to pray them more than anybody else if you know that when you sow and give God gives promotions and grants and Loans don't let nobody meet you after church and tell you that's not necessary and it don't take all of that if it's working for you you've got to stick with what is working for you I don't stop people from sitting up and being quiet and folding their legs and looking important and looking distinguished it doesn't bother me at all if you want to sit up and act like a professor and drop your glasses down on your nose and impress us with how distinguished you are and how much you paid for your suit as long as you don't mind me dancing over top of your shoes and leaping over top of your Bible we can always get along together Touch Somebody and tell them I will praise the Lord I will praise the Lord understand that I will praise the Lord if you don't want no praise you're sitting by the wrong person tonight if you want a nice little quiet Pew you better get up and move I'm going to give God the offering the sacrifice of pray from the fruit of my lips I pray them if I got to pray them by myself if I have to keep my shoes off I'm going to give him the praise oh yes oh yes oh yes put your pocketbook up under your seat cuz I feel like praising Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah touch three people and tell them I'm blessed I'm blessed that I can't help it I'm blessed that I won't quit it I'm blessed that I can't stop it I'm blessed in my going in and my coming out I'm blessed in the city and I'm blessed in the field I'm blessed Everywhere I Go everything I touch God blesses my children are blessed my babies are blessed my sons my CLE my do my cat my go is oh bless the wonderful name of the Lord you may be seated in the presence of God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody's jealous of you right now now but they don't know what you went through to get where you got they don't know how you suffered to get where you are they don't know how you did without to get where you are don't you let anybody sare you down once God raises you up you got to get up if you got to get up by yourself broke busted and disgusted but you got to get up folks murmuring and complaining about you but you got to get up now God says if thou doest well will I not receive you if thou doest not well sin lith at the door now we're looking at a picture or a foreshadowing of what God is going to do in Jesus Christ Jesus Christ becomes a type of the sucking son who pleased god with his offering until Christ came the sins of the world were still an issue uh God was pacified but he wasn't satisfied uh they offered up the blood of Bullocks and of goats Dove offerings and wave offerings meal offerings and drink offerings Feast of Weeks and feast of Pentecost and feast of unleavened bread had only soothed God it had not satisfied God it had only pacified him it had not ended the sin issue all the Lambs that were slain uh from Genesis to the gospel of St Matthew all of them come collectively could not satisfy the debt that sin had laid upon us uh when we had come to a PO uh of being born in sin and shapen in iniquity but look at Jesus who went in once and for all he was the only priest uh who was the offerer and the offering uh he went in by himself with himself and perfected forever them that are Sanctified only your God could be the priest and the off offing could be Alpha and Omega could be beginning and the end could be the first and the last he was the offerer and the offering and then turned around received what was offered up can Nobody Do Me Like Jesus he said I am that I am Touch Somebody and tell them our God is awesome God is awesome yes yes yes yes yes yes don't let nobody fool you when Jesus went to the Cross he shook up the elements he tore through the dispensation he ripped up the ages it was so powerful that eternity and time began to Shimmer and shake when Jesus went to the cross it set up forever the sin issue for the blood wash and the sanctify somebody say Amen in my text tonight it talks about Cain who became so jealous and WTH that he rose up to kill his brother which is a picture of the spirit of the enemy working to crucify the Lamb of God uh Satan himself working through flesh uh trying to terminate the Lord himself uh he wanted to kill him because Jesus was Healing The Sick and raising the dead and turning water into wine and standing out there in graveyards and calling dead men to come leaping out of the Tomb he wanted to kill him because he said storm that Jesus spoke to until storms got slain in the spirit uh and on the windy nights of turbulence Jesus started walking out on the water and walked over to his people and delivered them and let him go but the Bible said that the enemy was foolish when he crucified the Lord uh if he would have known what he was doing uh he would have let Jesus Keep On Healing and blessing people because like Samson Jesus destroyed more enemies in his death than he did in his life to God be the glory Cain takes Abel full of anger and hostility confusion and turmoil and the Bible says that one day when Abel was in the field look at what God is saying he takes a time to tell us where the incident occurred Abel wasn't even supposed to be in the field the field was can's territ teritory that's where Cain operated that's where Cain worked but Abel came over on Cain's territory it is a picture of what Christ did uh when the enemy and the when the enemy first began the fight the fight broke out in heaven the fight broke out in heaven when he was Lucifer the son of the morning and Jesus said he came over into my house and tried to whoop me in my house uh but Jesus said I saw him fall out of the heavens uh and I drove him out of my house and so the devil said well if I can't whip you in your house uh I'll meet you on neutral territory and the Bible says when Jesus came up out of the water the spirit led him in the wilderness to be tempted and Satan tried to whip him in the wilderness while he was weak and just got through fasting but Jesus even in his weak State Knew Too Much word to be intimidated said don't think you're going to meet me down on the corner and whip me he said it is written th shall not temp the Lord thy God get the hits behind me touch somebody and tell them I know too much word to let the devil whip me give God a praise somebody the devil thought well I couldn't whip you because you had all of them angels and sherim and cherubims all around you I thought if I get you wrapped up in a body tabernacled in flesh a body that got tired and got weary I thought I would overthrow you while you was hungry but Jesus rebuked him and the Bible said that the enemy left him for a season and you know how it is when somebody keeps picking on you and picking on you till you get tired of them and you don't want to be threatened and you don't want to be intimidated anymore so Jesus made up his mind he said I tell you what we fought in heaven and I ran you out of there and we came down into the Earth real and you attacked me in the wilderness uh and I drove you back out the Wilderness uh but I'm going to settle this issue forever I'm going over into your neighborhood I'm coming over into your house uh I'm going to meet you in your living room and I'm going to whip you in your own house somebody say yes and Abel came down into the field look at your lord and my God Healing The Sick and raising the dead but he said that's not enough I've got to get down into the enemy's camp and I heard him start telling his disciples I've got to die except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die it abide alone but if it die it will bring forth much fruit Peter tried to stop him from dying but he said get behind me devil you don't know what you're doing I've got to go over in the enemy's camp and take back what he stole from me and that's why he said no man takes my life I lay it down and if I lay it down I'm going to pick it back up again I'm going over in the enemy's camp and they whipped him on the whipping post but he said I can't die on The Whipping Post because if I die on The Whipping Post nobody will be saved uh because the Bible said cursed is he that hangs upon the tree and if I die on the post I won't deliver the world from their sins the devil tried to kill him halfway up calvary's hill he stumbled and fell and got a black man to carry his cross and said just hold it a little while until I get to the top of the mountain and when he got up there the Bible said Isaiah said behold he goeth as a lamb to the shearious he humbled himself and became obedient unto death uh even the death of the cros uh and somebody wrote a song said go ahead Drive the nails in my hands uh go ahead and put it inside of me because I know when it's all over I'm going to rise again Touch Somebody and tell him he died he died until the sun refused to shine he died until the Earth got nervous and said I can't take it anymore he died until the veil in the temple was rent from the top to the bottom he died till law turned loose and went to Grace uh he died till curses uh turned into blessings uh he died until the Centurion said surely this man is a Son of God he died to the thief said remember me when you come to your kingdom he died until Graves open up all over Jerusalem Touch Somebody and tell him he died he died he died I am so glad for the blood that was shed for my sins had Jesus got down on the cross and just laid there we wouldn't have a m message to be preached where they made their mistake is when he got on the cross and they lifted him up if they hadn't lifted him up we wouldn't be sitting here tonight but I heard Jesus say if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men black men and white men red men and yellow rich and poor from every Community from every ethnicity he said if I be lifted up I'll draw all men unto me thank God for the Roman soldier that pierced him in his side because the piercing of his side templified what happened to Cain when Cain slew Abel in the field and the Bible said when he slew him the ground opened his mouth and receive the blood but that old silly devil didn't know what he was doing because he thought if he killed the body he would kill the ministry and that's what folk think about you they think if they can kill your reputation they can kill you they think if they can kill your confidence they can kill you but that old silly devil he don't understand that when he killed the body the life of the flesh is in the blood and the blood said the body might stop but I got to move on touch some somebody say the blood Hallelujah to God the blood moved and said if I can't speak out of the body anymore I will cry out of the ground I thank the Lord for Jesus for the Bible said the New Testament was in his blood and when they pierced him in his side out of his side came blood and water for the sins of the world and the devil made a mistake when he crucified Jesus for before he crucified him he didn't have but one son to fight but beloved now are ye the sons of God and it does not yet appear Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah and the Bible says that the ground opened his mouth and received the blood and when it received the blood all of a sudden the Lord said I've heard the voice of thy brother's blood crying to me out of the ground I want you to touch three people and tell them the blood can speak blood speak yes the blood can speak you don't have to fight for yourself because the blood can speak speak you don't have to speak for yourself because the blood can speak you don't have to prove nothing to nobody the blood can speak the blood will testify if you ever got it on you it will get in your life blood leaves a stain in you that you cannot get out and I don't know what you thinking for but I think God for the blood I thank him for the blood I thank him for the blood I thank him for the power that is in the blood say yeah the blood begin to cry up out of the ground can I preach a little more well I got confused because I was trying to understand the significance of my text I understood who God was I can appreciate that I understood that Cain was a type of the enemy operating through flesh I understood that I knew that Abel was a type of Christ the preferred son who gave his life for the sins of the world but the only thing I couldn't figure out was who was the ground I said I know who Kain is and I know who Abel is and I know who God is and I know who the lamb is and I know what the crops are but who is the ground I wouldn't have paid it no attention but I begin to analyze that until the blood hit it uh the ground couldn't speak uh and the ground couldn't talk uh and God couldn't hear it and God couldn't help it uh but when the blood hit the ground that ground that had been muted opened up her mouth and be to speak when the blood hit the ground it turned nature all around and that that couldn't talk began to speak and while I was thinking about the ground I thought about me when I was in my sins I didn't have a voice I couldn't speak I couldn't help myself I couldn't change myself oh Lord but one Tuesday night down on my knees I opened up my mouth and the blood the blood the blood the blood did it the blood did it I feel like preaching the blood did I thank you for the blood and I want the devil to know somebody say Satan the blood the blood is against you put your hands together and praise [Applause] devil you're not just fighting me you're fighting the blood when the blood falls on you it'll give you a voice when the blood falls on you you can communicate in the heavens when the blood falls on you you will open your mouth touch somebody say open your mouth when you get a good dose of the blood it'll make you speak up you don't have to take the devil's jum you don't have to live beneath his bot you don't have to be who you used to be I thank God for the blood the blood will change your heart the blood will change your attitude the blood will change your running habit the blood the blood the blood the blood will make you spin around on a bar St and leave a nightclub the blood will make you leave a hotel in the middle of the night the blood will make you hang up on a old lover the blood I make you throw away lottery tickets the blood will make you throw away a bag of do the blood I make you flush it down the toilet get somebody say the blood the blood that's what we need to preach the power is is in the blood Deliverance is in the blood healing is in the blood life is in the blood Jo is in the blood the blood somebody thank God for the [Applause] blood hallelujah hallelujah I know it's whole fashion but I thank God for the blood you go ahead and thank him for your Mercedes but I thank God for the blood thank him for your silk dress but I thank him for the blood thank you for your diamond ring but I thank him for your blood thank him for your companion but I thank God for the blood the blood delivered me the blood Set Me Free the blood cleaned me up the Blood Washed me The Blood Better Than confusious Better Than My Hamm the blood I have power [Applause] [Music] the touch three people and tell them the blood can bring you out oh you don't sound like to me the blood can bring you out the blood can bring you the blood can bring you if you believe it go to pray [Applause] God I said if you believe it go to praising God the blood the blood the blood the blood tell every witch about the blood tell every dust thrower about the blood tell Madam X about the blood di a 900 number and tell them about the blood the blood the blood of [Applause] Jes the blood the blood the blood the blood when folk talk about you plead the blood when they bring up your past plead the blood when they try to slander you plead the blood when they trying to scandalize you plead the blood not your church not your organization not your denomination but there's power in the blood of Jesus there's [Applause] power [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah look at your neighbor and say neighbor neighbor you would never believe you never believe who I used to be you would never believe what I used to be but I'm so thankful I'm so thankful I'm so thankful for the blood pray them for the blood tonight the blood delivered me the blood brought me out the [Applause] blood the blood go ahead and work Roots I'm going to work the blood get a piece of my hair but I'm going to work the blood get a piece of my clothes but I'm going to work the blood burn a candle over my picture but I'm going to work the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood I heard inside when I see the blood [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh somebody clap your hands for the blood well the ground opened his mouth and received the blood and God said I can hear the voice of thy brother's blood I recognize his voice it's coming from a new place but it's his voice Touch Somebody and tell them it's his [Applause] voice if I ever preach right it's his voice if I ever pray right it's his voice if I ever do any good thing it's his voice it's coming from a dirty place but it's his blood don't let the clay fool you the blood the blood the blood oh [Music] Lord and [Music] so and so yeah can I preach like I like to preach yeah Lord hallelujah I feel like preaching the anointing of the Lord is standing up in my soul it's hard for me to talk about the blood and not feel better it's hard for me to talk about the blood and not get strength because there is power power Wonder workking Power in the Blood oh Lord listen to what he said when the Lord arrested came he said Kain I want you to understand that no matter what you do no matter what you plant this ground will never yield unto you its strength I didn't get the Revelation on this until I was cutting grass in my yard one day and down in the cracks of the conrete there were weeds growing up in the cck oh Lord so I pulled the weeds where the first time I ran over them with the lawnmower oh Lord and they came right back I got sick of them and I got down on my hands and knees and I pulled them up by the roots it stayed gone a long time but after a while it came up again and I thought to myself how come even after I pulled it up by the roots how can the weeds keep on coming so I went to the hardware store and I said mister I got something growing up in the cracks and I don't understand what it is I cut it down and it comes back again he said did you pull it I said I pulled it up and it still came back he said well the reason it came back is that you pulled the plant but you left the [Applause] seed and he said I got something in a bottle that if you take it out there and just spray it you don't have to work just spray it you don't have to cut it just spray it you don't have to pull it just spray it I said what will it do he said not only will it kill what is growing but it'll kill The Unborn seeds that are in the ground so I got out in the yard and I start spraying the weeds and while I was spraying the weeds I thought about the blood see I know you thank God for the blood and what God forgave you for and what he pulled up in your life the things that you did the places that you went uh who you used to be and what you used to do uh the blood got that but I'll rais you one better not only did the blood take care of what you did it also kill what you were about to do touch somebody and tell them I did a whole lot of stuff and I almost you don't know what you almost did you don't know who you would have been you don't know what you would have been into if it had not been for the blood the blood not only straighten out what you did but it killed out what you could have done what you almost did what you thought about doing what woke you up in the middle of the night blood the [Applause] [Music] blood Satan the blood is against you I know you're used to planting whatever you want to plant and whatever you put in the ground it couldn't help it it came up again but if you take your hole and your R out in the same ground that you used to work it will never yield his strength to you again because of the blood Touch Somebody and tell them the blood made a difference in my [Applause] life I want to say one more thing Satan hey sat the blood is against you I can't stop you from trying it but I want you to know one thing it won't work how far somebody tell them it won't work you can plan it if you want to but it won't work you can bring it up if you want to but it won't work work you can accuse me if you want to but it won't work you can talk about my past but it won't work what used to get me won't get me no more somebody say it I'm not who I used to be I'm not who I was the blood has Set Me Free the blood delivered me the blood turn me around the [Applause] blood stand up on your feet you don't have to live in fear the enemy is going to try a whole lot of things but if you've ever been washed in the blood it won't work the blood will build a wall around you so that even when the enemy tries to plant you will never yield your strength to your old problem like you used to because of the blood now now now wait I know I know you got to act like you never had no old problem and I don't want to blow your cover and you can't get happy about this till you get home cuz you don't want nobody to know how terrified you are of becoming who you used to [Applause] be and how the enemy will taunt you bring up your past try to intimidate you but I come to tell you something tonight you will never yield your strength to him again because the blood has fallen on [Applause] you it doesn't mean that he won't try it he will try it but it won't work there's too much blood applied to your life I feel the anointing of the Holy [Applause] Ghost you got a right to praise [Music] him don't nobody know but you and the Lord what all the devil was trying to plan in your [Applause] life all the things he suggested to you but the blood lifted up a standard against it and said not here devil you can't touch her you can't have him the blood is against you don't bring it in the house the blood is against you not in this family the blood is against you the blood the blood the blood put it on everything in your house when you're cooking your dinner please the blood when you're washing your clothes plead the blood when you're fixing your baby bottle plead the blood tell the devil you can't do to my daughter what you did to me the blood is against the blood blood is against you the blood is against you the blood is against you not another generation Satan the blood is against you I plead the blood over my children the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] blood [Applause] Touch Somebody and tell them the blood's got you [Music] covered touch them and tell them it covered your house tell them it covered your children too everything in the house is covered by the blood everything in the house is covered by the blood everything in the house is covered B BL yeah yeah [Applause] yeah [Music] lift your hands and open your mouth and thank God for the blood everything in here thank him for the blood the ground open this mouth open your mouth and thank God for the blood get your children in your mind and thank God for the blood get your marriage in your mind and thank God for the blood wo the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the BL the devil is nervous tonight cuz you're talking about the blood hell is restless because you're talking about the blood demons are trembling because you're talking about the blood disease is nervous cuz you're talking about the blood somebody's being healed cuz you're talking about the blood a tumor is shrinking because you're talking about the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood I want you right where you are I want you to take just a moment and turn and face somebody anybody don't touch them just just face them I'm learning that one of the things that's wrong in the church is that we shout and sing and preach and even live with people that we never even look at take a good look not just that what they've got on not how they fix their hair wear their tie look a little deeper tonight look at what they've been through look at what the devil tried to do look at the things he wants to bring back up against him look at the Lonely Nights of the struggles and the tears and the frustrations look at where they could have been what could have happened what almost happened what people said would [Applause] happen now Reach Out And Touch them I wanted you to know what a miracle feels [Applause] like you're hold holding a miracle in your hands if you ever wondered what a miracle felt like that's one right [Applause] there if it weren't for the blood they wouldn't even be here [Applause] tonight squeeze them the devil didn't want them to be here but the hand of the Lord is on them the blood is covering them no weapon formed against him shall be able to prosper the blood has set them free while you're holding them open your mouth and begin to pray for God's richest blessings to fall on them touch and degree touch and agree plead the blood over their house plead the blood over their their finances plead the blood over their children plead the blood over their Ministry plead the blood over every Affliction every disease plead the blood over every Temptation plead the blood over every [Applause] weakness Satan the blood is against [Applause] you oh you got miracles all around you you got miracles you got miracles you got miracles all around you they're covered with blood everything you're touching got blood on it from the crown of their head to the S of their feet they're covered by the blood if the blood had to covered them they have lost their mind if the blood hadn't covered them they have had a nervous breakdown if the blood hadn't covered them they'd have died in the hospital if the blood hadn't covered them they have died in the cor the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood yeah you ought to thank God for the blood you ought to Rejoice for the blood you ought to praise God for the blood think about your children thank God for the blood think about your future thank God [Applause] [Music] touch your neighbor and say neighbor I can't tell you what I used to do and I I can't tell you what I almost did but I can't tell you one thing I've been through too much not to thank God for the blood [Applause] yeah [Applause] praise it for the blood praise it for the blood you could have been in jail you put have been crazy but the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood [Applause] the [Applause] thank him for the blood the devil's been after your church but you ought to thank God for the blood he's been trying to kill your ministry but you ought to thank the blood is against the blood the blood the [Applause] blood [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how many of you Satan's been trying to destroy you shake hands with seven people tell them it ain't going to work it ain't going to work it Ain it Ain it Ain the blood is against the blood is against the blood it ain't going to [Applause] work I tell you to [Applause] pray I dare you to pray him I dare you to pray him I dare you to pray him the anointing in this place the power of the Living God give God the [Applause] glory [Applause] the blood is against you the blood is against you get out of my house the blood is against you get out of my business the [Applause] blood [Applause] how many of you are believing God for an unsaved loved on somebody in your family you want to see save how many of you believe God's going to do I want you to praise God like it's already done put it under the [Applause] blood the blood the blood from my daughter the blood from my husband the [Applause] blood the blood the blood save [Applause] my [Applause] [Music] pra him pra him pra him I'll let nothing separate me from the love of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the blood the blood some somebody spoke against you but the blood somebody not to your husband but the blood somebody that's for your ministry but the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the [Applause] blood [Music] [Applause] join hand span all the way across the AR we're praying for you your house bring everything under the blood bring every Bill up under the blood every depression every fear every discouragement every unborn seed everything that's trying to come up again hey the blood on [Music] I feel the anointing moving the spirit of God is Flowing right now right now right now things the enemy was going to try to do the blood just aborted it the blood just aborted it every trap every setup every Circumstance the blood just got it you couldn't pull it up but the blood got it father we thank you for the blood cover Every Soul With It cover everything we got with the blood our children our homes our Ministries there's some Souls you're going to put in the business cover that business with the blood somebody's working around evil men but cover them with the blood somebody lives in a rough neighborhood but cover them with the blood somebody's son is running with rough people but cover them [Applause] [Music] hey cover them with the [Applause] blood somebody could have had AIDS but cover them with the blood the blood of Jesus we thank you for your delivering power we thank you because we'll never be the same again we thank you because somebody got revived in this meeting somebody got loosed in this meeting we thank you for the blood it's what ties black men and white men together red men and yellow men are all tied together by the blood of the Lamb the church is neither white nor black is red is covered with the blood of the Lamb Hallelujah father make us one teach us how to love one another teach us how to serve one another we thank you now for the blood put your hands together and rejoice oh you can do better than that w
Channel: Adam Glazener
Views: 12,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WfdjWQq12Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 27sec (4707 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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