TBN Praise the Lord February 22, 2000

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[Music] coast-to-coast and around the world it's time to praise [Applause] [Music] [Music] Central and South America [Music] you're a part to the world's largest prayer and praise gathering joining us from Trinity Christian City International in Costa Mesa California our evangelist pastor and author pastor Benny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] founders of the trinity one can Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] pasta co-star this whole part of the border and around the world really it is time to hear you I heard kids that's wonderful Oh remain standing for a moment we have awesome news tonight dear friends first of all - notice amigos this program tonight is being simultaneously translated into the Spanish language and is going live to all of Latin America that's and lost say partners in San Jose Costa Rica are relaying this to the countries of Central and South America and live all the way to Spain dear friends in addition to that catch your breath please it's going live to 2 Pacific Ocean satellites Australia New Zealand the South Sea Islands are hearing us live tonight China parts of China already honey you don't know this India the Philippine Islands and all of the North Pacific are receiving this live tonight it's bouncing another satellite and over Africa and Europe and then back up from London to the big DBS did I confuse you already I'm sure I did all I have to say is hello oh do me one more favor come on throw a great big Southern California love wave to the whole wide world Oh hallelujah did you ever dream did you ever dream no you know it's still one little grandma in Santa Anas watching that's it that's all I can think about it but it's incredible it's Jesus words isn't it you know we should believe what he said would come true I never believed we would get to be a part of it but I believed what he said that his word would go around the world and it is and it's incredible I thank him for that and you know the letters that we get are the little partners from around the world that are watching for the first time what's going on they're saying who are you what is this that I'm seeing Jesus in Saudi Arabia and India and all the place Iraq Iran and we're getting the notice that they're watching us and we love that it's incredible all I can say is thank you Jesus and thank you t being partners because it's because of you amen I'm gonna give you some examples of just what Jan was saying in a moment when my dear brother Benny Hinn gets here but come on Vern come on Steve let's have a little word of Prayer here in just a moment and in a moment we will introduce a very honored special guest tonight Benny Hinn's dear mother is here tonight all the way from the land of Palestine and what a joy and an honor to have her here tonight but they're friends this is just a little example of what we're getting from that great European DBS satellite this comes from and I will not use his name for obvious reasons from the nation of Iran dear Sirs with greeting and desire of the best success for you get me a close-up of this in just a moment I request you to send me information about your programs and your service I am a literature student and I need this information thanks for your kindness from Tehran Iran hello and over and over again dear friends in some of these out-of-the-way nations that would never permit a Christian TV station to be built they're saying would you please fax us or email us more information about your Christian faith all across North Africa that that's going to get framed but that's just one there are many more coming and just the emails are pouring in every day and I tell you I'm spending an hour a day just rejoicing and speaking in tongues as I read my mail and read my emails and everything hello Verne Jackson god bless you good to be here again thank you gonna sing me a happy song Steve baack how are you doing doctor Paul you're extending down to fighting right here that's right take care of the ticker and just rejoice in the goodness of the Lord you you okay now oh I'm perfect I'm well not perfect but I'm working you know your mother said you were yes and I think her far that too every day of my life I think but anyway Verne had a heart attack Steve had a heart attack Jay Jones had a heart attack boy and they're all they're all miracles though they're all here and alive yes yes yes you you've heard that corny old slogan if I'd known I was gonna live this long I'd it took better care of myself you better you better start right now that's my case I didn't do it and I'm telling you the folks out there they need to to watch what they do because I thought you know well yeah I thought I could do anything you know I could I could take any kind of schedule go forever just keep going keep going and and eat ribs and eat steak and and mm-hmm I miss it lord knows I miss it but I can't you know I just don't eat it no more I've laid off of that and the sweets and I can really tell the difference in my strength and my voice and the ministry I'm able to minister greater in the spirit because I'm free of all that heaviness that was on me you know it's shake off the heavy bands well you need shake off some heavy fat that's what you need to do hello and the Lord come on give me a man over there but that's that's the truth because I'm telling you I learned a hard lesson I learned a very hard lesson and and you know the Lord is very good just tapping on the shoulder so now slow down he kicks you real hard that day in Dallas he really woke me up and I said yes sir yes sir yes sir whatever you say sir so many of our younger men and especially it seems like the the forties is kind of a critical age window for some of our young men and well I know you're a little past 40 very much thank you thank you you're welcome I'll claim the 40 I'll be happy with well I mean Ben Miller our director of engineering he's in his mid-40s and he got a serious wake-up call a a year or so ago and and you know even that does Ben he's taping for him Jeff in Jeff Pittman Jeff Pittman I talked to Jeff today and he's okay he said it exactly he needs to take a few pounds off the doctor said and but he's been working too hard and put a little strain on his heart hey listen watch doctor pins Andy watch doctor Whitaker watch dr. cherry do what they tell you we want you we need to the kingdom of God needs you this harvest is plenteous and the laborers are few we need you in this army of the Lord where dr. Whitaker told me I went down and had an examination and he told me said now you got to do this this and this are you gonna have a heart attack and I sort of said sure yeah okay doc I love you doc you great doc I love you but you know and I didn't do what he said and I went right on doing what I was doing and he was right also dr. Colburn Kolbert told me there's a there's a wrinkle that's in your ear now this is crazy I know don't don't look at me like that Paul you're looking at me like hey but he told me he said there is a crease in your ear and that is an indication that you could have a heart attack I said you're crazy I don't tell him he's crazy anymore you know it you have to be careful you have to do the right thing and the Lord will take care of the rest okay don't be hearers of the word be doers of the word you have a little word from the word - sweet yes God has told us his secret reason for sending Christ a plan that he decided on and mercy long ago and this was his purpose that when the time is right he will gather us all together from wherever we are in heaven or in earth to be with him in Christ forever moreover because of what Christ has done we have become gifts to God that he delights in for as part of God's sovereign plan we were chosen from the beginning to be his and all things happen just as he decided long ago God's purpose is that was that we should praise God and give glory to him for doing these mighty things for us who were the first to trust in Christ and because of what Christ did all you others too who heard the good news about how to be saved and trusted Christ were martyred as belonging to Christ by the Holy Spirit who long ago had been promised to all of us Christians and his presence within us is God's guarantee that he really will give us all that he promised and the spirit seal upon us means that God has already purchased us and that he guarantees to bring us to himself this is just one more reason for us to praise our glorious God I'm gonna skip on down and his honor is far more glorious than that of anyone else either in this world or in the world to come and God has put all things under his feet and made him the supreme head of the church which is the body filled with themselves an author and giver of everything every where Ephesians 1 I just love the reason okay from the Living Bible join hands with somebody that neighbor that says we're in one accord if the body will ever get truly in one accord read it in the book of Acts I just love to reread it when they've got in one Accord Pentecost fell they were all in one place in one Accord a little later they got in one Accord and there was an earthquake and they went out and spake the word with boldness up in Samaria they got in one Accord again and demons came screaming out of afflicted people if we'll ever get in one Accord according to the word we will see much greater signs and wonders and miracles let's agree in Jesus name right now father in the mighty name of Jesus oh say his name with me the name of Jesus we praise the name of Jesus there is miracle-working power in the name of Jesus and we proclaim that worthy name across this entire world tonight look to Jesus and be saved we cry in Jesus mighty name Lord by your precious Holy Spirit let the power of God fall tonight upon every soul Lord there's no distance with you let the spirit fall in India tonight Lord as they're watching live and fill beans Oh Lord that we will hear about in Europe in Asia Lord across this nation let the mighty Spirit of God fall in convicting power cause men and women to fall upon their knees and cry out to you for mercy and for grace for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and we rejoice in that together tonight Spirit of God help us do that anoint every word that we speak every song that we sing and let there be a great harvest of souls tonight and miracles in the name of Jesus and all the church said hey man amen amen oh thank you Lord Jesus Steve Rock get our little song service underway here was one of these great new songs and let it ring across this nation and around this world everybody that's in agreements amen the Lord is good I know you just sit out but stand with me again it's saying everybody the Lord is good his mercy endureth forever to all generations so I will stand up missing [Music] [Applause] he reached out and touched me when I was so low I could not get up or go down any further my sins which were many his mercy endures [Music] two generations [Music] it's good I like this starts now I was sick in my body I could not get well the doctor had told me whoa he could tell in the Great Physician hallelujah what is mercy [Music] I'll stand up [Music] good we lift up our boys [Music] ready to do it one more time I love that song let's say hello to your friend and my friend Vinnie Paul it's always such a joy to be with you and Jan and wild Steve Brock was singing I was telling Paul Steve you've done something to yourself what is it you you've got makeup on your face or or is it there you look younger you look a at a suntan are you playing golf I'm in getting healthy see and I want to look like you so I'm well that's very good and you've lost weight yes I've lost weight parted my hair yeah you you actually lost weight since I saw you last week really yeah thank you and your hair looks very good thank you sir I appreciate that very kind of miracles do happen is it is the golf yes it's the golf without question Benny loves to tease Steve Bravo in the little preliminaries here I think it would be lovely and you tell me your sweet mama might be a little embarrassed to come up here but let's get a camera over there and would you please introduce your sweet mother to us too yes sir my this is the first time my mom visits TBN and she was supposed to fly out this morning I said please stay because you know it's a rare thing that she's here so yes my mom came with me and my brother Willy and I should love my mother as I'm sure you all know she's a very sweet lady and she's right there with my brother Willy so they she lives in lives in Orlando and God willing I'm really trying to convince her to move here because the weather is better summer especially but now didn't your mother originally lived over in Ramallah in Israel well from Jaffa right and but I also Steve what are you doing well I was I was just taking my cue from Jan you were talking about the weather right now it's sort of like you you looked like he was swimming exactly you're swimming out here and now a lot of rain out but so you're all free with me that my mom really moves here but in fact my brother Willie is moving here thank the Lord yeah and the reason he is moving is because he is he's starting a church in in Irvine yeah and I I maybe can have him get me the dates because I just forgot it's at the Hyatt in Irvine and I'm sorry Willie I forgot the days but anyways we can maybe tell ya let's just get it later but so with him moving maybe my mom would change her mind all right well we will do our best to coax her out here along with you oh come on sing it one more time Steve Rock that is such a great song and I know people across this nation around this rural bene they're watching us live in the Philippine Islands tonight you've got all these people that have written from Egypt and Holland and Ireland and France and Bulgaria and German in Italy I marked if you're not there's one or two I want to read you that are just absolutely mind-blowing coming from places of the world we never realized we would reach with live you know what is really amazing we were just in the Philippines as I'm sure Steve has I don't know whether you've shared some or not yet but I we will I'm telling these sayings you know every place we go people are watching TV n and through the what is it the miracle network isn't they're watching all over the Philippines and they all love Jam by the way are we going to see a little of that Great Crusade in a few minutes did you did you really ask if you know are you able to see TV in over there well I didn't ask the crowds I asked humming ow our of course you know watching our program and every hand went up so I didn't ask anything else but I did ask a lot of the people and the preachers and I asked you know David David someone who's dr. Sam Rawls nephew yeah and I had no idea that you know TV n was as well seen in the Philippines because I mean we're just really finding out what's happening with what's-his-name use his name Michael Hughes right with he's our partner he's a fine Christian attorney over in Honolulu and so we gave him all the equipment and we've given him a half of our building over there and now he's sending it back up on the big North Pacific satellite that covers China and just all of Asia and an India we've got over a hundred million households watching in India tonight just just blowing my mind oh we shouldn't be surprised but the chance at a moment oh I guess we're surprised that the Lord allowed us to be a part of this wonderful last day in gathering well Paul I'll tell you when we had a million people show up at night as you'll see a million these are absolute figures you know they're watching something but you know what I was so moving to me is when I went to some of the real poor areas of the Philippines of the city and and then we talked there to people that are watching Christian television and it's just moving what God is doing around the world people is absolutely amazing God with the praise the Lord is good the Lord is good hey but go ahead roll it we'll be back in a minute to see what happened would you help me please the Lord is good his mercy endures forever and never to all generation so I will stand up [Music] [Applause] he reached down and touched me what I was so low I could not get up I go down any further my sins which were told me he forgave and forgot him I know the Lord is good [Music] and she praise haleluya oh good I was sick in my body I could not get well the doctor had told me whoa he could tell them the Great Physician hallelujah [Music] so I will stand up and sing [Music] good we lift up our voice [Music] the Lord is good his mercy [Music] Steve Brock god bless you sir oh my goodness well everybody sit down if you can for a few minutes and I'm gonna give you some wonderful wonderful news here benny has just joined us and he's going to give us a good report as to what happened over in the Philippine Islands my goodness I can't believe the name so anxious to see the pictures that he brought I know I wanted you to go Jen these are the cutest sandals I've ever seen what are they Steve Steve Rock would look real good in a piece she left the price tag on just like mini pearl 14.99 I tell you you ladies though if those platforms get any higher you're gonna break your necks because they're just like stilts almost have you had any accidents yet yes but you know what Benny Benny bought me this outfit well how's that now oh that was your Christmas gift remember your story why that's not why I said once I'd like to do shoes but they were ugly pleasure darling let us see a little bit on this oh I see well I know why you're wearing the pink coat oh dear friends we have to have a little fun here to get low it's Vern get ready to sing a song but but besides all of the good report you're gonna bring us tonight I see you brought your bowl I'm always ready to preach you're gonna have a little Bible study or no yes sir is there anything special yeah I do Jen mentioned something one time a few days ago or weeks ago and we were having dinner about the rapture and I'm gonna convince her it's gonna happen god bless you my son thank you yet I've been a little worried about my angel hearing yes yes yes I keep well I mean I've been hearing so much no rapture no rapture I thought maybe it's time to tell them yes I remember that's why I'm doing and because Steve really needs to hear that too because he doesn't believe in the rapture that's not true the pastor please don't say that search of God folks I love getting him in trouble that's what the whole thing I think Benny wants to get you in trouble because that closes doors and some and then he can have you more often yes that's in the rallies he's been preaching my message is Paul has he really yeah and he sells the tapes does he give you credit no he doesn't doesn't give me a cent really no he comes to my conferences and copies everything and preaches them before I even get a chance to go out and preach them again yeah tell me darling do you remember the New Year's Eve sermon to fight for your health oh yes ma'am I tell you that touched me like nothing else has and I can't tell you the thousands of letters we have gotten of people saying I have begun fighting for my health and resisting temptation to you know to eat wrongly to do things wrong but you know what I have a conviction to new year's day I woke up with that blood clot in my eye from high blood pressure and so I determined I was gonna do everything right I'm taking chelation I'm fighting for my health and I thought I was doing everything eating right I hadn't eaten any red meat I was doing everything and I got on the scale Monday at my doctor's I have not lost one ounce not a pile not an ounce [Laughter] [Applause] he said the Lord is turning it all into muscle I just knew I hadn't had any ice cream on any dairy I've had vegetables nuts grains soup get on the treadmill and work a good sweat up three times a week and it'll just melt off fine make sure here's five times no no Steve three times I'll be doing five five times a week on even three to four times yeah it'll work you know how do you stay so sleepy I don't know he doesn't he's mean he doesn't eat oh yes I do eatin you know I don't eat beans I try I try to eat what you eat when I sit down to what you eat and then you order a meal after you've eaten yeah I'm starving to death by the time that's not one I thought I'm gonna eat what he eats and so I just eat what you eat and I go out the door go I'm getting hungry but Steve you do look good Thank You Shan looks better but you do look go absolutely help me people exercise listen I better I've got to read a couple of these for get into the word and go to the Philippine Islands and listen to this dear Sirs I watch your program on TV and by the way Benny they're all beginning to mention your program they mention you and crap flow put you on yes oh you're not even paying yes I said put Benny on I'm watching your program it's interesting for me now this is coming from Iran okay it's interesting for me that you and west-world are very active in religious fields and you try to absorb people absorb he means convert oh I see yes I am an Iranian as you know we are Muslims I'm very interested to know what is your opinion of our religion the Muslim religion please explain more about yourself and your faith thank you Iran Istanbul Istanbul Iran Germany Morocco Netherlands Romania Yugoslavia Russia Saudi Arabia is there any way I can receive some Christian literature by email Saudi Arabia I said it is amazing yes we're sending it out all the time now we're sitting starting to get answers back from you know they're thanking us for you well they're doing that from London right now and I just said please do something immediately because don't you know don't ignore these people let's get up Josh McDowell's evidence that demands a verdict yeah that's a powerful both a great book I'm taking that I meant the Chinese ambassador by the way listen we're going to have prayer in just a little bit and Benny I have two very important prayer requests that one and maybe this would be a good time to just get the prayer slips and honey and let's begin in prayer of course will end in prayer one week from tonight Benny and dear ones our case for our Miami TV station will be argued before the big court the this the not the Supreme Court but the the one just below it the federal court in Washington DC the appeals court a three-judge panel will hear our case now as I told the audience earlier the good news is the FCC approved our settlement with all of the other competitors all of the other station licenses have been renewed the network is safe Miami hangs in the balances this FCC still says that our license should not be renewed and if if they would let me testify I'll put my hand on the Bible and and and I did this with the administrative law judge that ruled against us he was not of our faith by the way and I could tell he was very antagonistic toward us in the original hearing but as God is my witness there is not we always listened to our attorneys advice we obeyed our attorneys advice we did everything our attorneys told us to do and our attorneys even witnessed that this issue with regard to my I mean it if it take me too long to tell you all of the the background but we did nothing I will I will go to my grave if Jesus doesn't come first with this knowledge that I never once thought about doing anything wrong with regard to the FCC I'm not that stupid you don't do things like that when you have you know many many television licenses at stake so our attorneys are very optimistic they feel we're gonna win this and we're going overturned the decision of the FCC but next Monday dear friends I'm sorry Tuesday the 29th excuse me Tuesday the 29th of February we will be in federal court in Washington DC and I'm going to start a fast now tomorrow I'm going yeah and praying that God's Holy Spirit will give our attorneys Paul may I make a suggestion that people fast for three days it's called the Esther fast for deliverance yeah if how many how many here and I'm sure many of you in your homes would do the same but how many here in the audience which would really give God three days right let's just begin on on Saturday Saturday Sunday Monday of next week how many will do that that's a lot of you and you in your homes yeah Jonas because see this is I believe there are certain fasts or different fasts for different things the three-day fast is for deliverance yeah it's in the book of Esther where she said fast for me an hour fast for three days the twenty-one fast is for revelation from God that's the Daniel fast but for deliverance we need to really fast for three days and let's obey the scriptures on that fasting does work so we will all do that you're gonna do that and I'm asking many of you to do that because look one station is millions of people that's all of South Florida that needs Jesus that area needs and you in South Florida especially fast because you look you do not want to lose that voice there I know that so three day fast my God Almighty will hear from heaven man one other thing as you pray there's one other thing on Monday night the 28th I'll be having dinner with the Chinese ambassadors from the People's Republic of China in his home Wow I met with him three weeks ago and he was very interested in now which month is that just before the just before the day that day that 28th is Monday the 29th is Tuesday and he was very open he wanted he invited me to come he said they're having terrible trouble in China with a false cult religion called the Falun Gong cult causing lots of trouble over there and and he was so interested that we would help them combat this false cult and he said we've been looking at the Christian faith and he said am I correct he said does the Christian faith teach that we should obey the civil government and I said yes Romans chapter 13 Paul says obey them that have the rule over you I said I said we will help you and I marked several passages in the Bible I said I said you know quite frankly not only do we teach people to obey the government and pay their taxes but I said in some ways you know Jesus Christ was in some ways a communist and that really let me explain I said first of all he was not a atheistic communist because he was and is God but I said His Word says if you have two coats and your brother has no coat give him one of your coats in the early apostle days they sold all their property and they laid the money at the Apostles feet and they divided is man every man had me there was no lack among the first century church right none whatsoever that was very communistic and boy now I've got his attention you know and yeah they told me when I came in I said now the Ambassador is very busy you'll have 15 minutes an hour and a half later he was still asking questions about her you want to know it was Jesus really a man or was he just some idea an idea oh he said well is there any documentation other than your Bible that proves that he was really a human being and I said Oh Josephus you know he tells us and even describes what he looked like a Jewish secular historian and he was very interested in that I left him some CS Lewis books and a Mark Bible and all kinds of stuff and as I finally I have to go to the airport now and he still wants me to stay and talk I said I'll come back he said come back and have dinner with me so I'm going Monday the 28th how many will pray the favor I'm an open heart let me say one more thing quickly to because I I've gotten some really kind of ugly letters of criticism saying Paul don't you realize how the church has been persecuted over there and of course I do I've been in the home churches you know come on wake up they're reaching out there reaching out they're saying let tell us more about your Christian faith tell us about this man gee tell us what he taught and the most important thing I think I said to my says please don't listen to what some religion says jesus said that's right right read it for yourself see what he said about himself oh man so get off my back you heretic hundreds out there I know what [Applause] arguing about the past but to get to the leaders of the country and talk to them exactly and the Ambassador said he will cooperate with me and introduce me to the right people over there their FCC over in China and I said couldn't we just exchange programs we'll exchange one of Benny Hinn's programs for one of theirs that's coming Benny I believe that's a word if ever the word of the Lord was in my mouth your programs gonna be on and mainland a man ID I speak it I declare them Jesus man anyhow those are two of my major prayer requests well then we just pray right now of course of course father thank you for your mercy first of all in your grace and thank you for your protection yes now Lord you said in your word no weapon formed against us we agree and our Lord we all agree that you'll give TBN deliverance from this situation Lord give Paul and Jan and TBM ladies favor on the 29th Lord reverse the decision of their sin we agree on that bring us breakfast so that the Miami station would be saved and rescued Lord from loss or harm in Jesus name Lord I pray you'll put a fire in your people's hearts yes to pray and intercede Lord we know your word declares if we ask we will receive yes yes now Lord we also ask that you give Paul favor great favor with the Chinese ambassador yes Lord may he have the anointing of heaven itself on images to this man Lord open the door mightily and greatly to China for your name's sake and the people said amen amen now Paul I you know I've got to tell you I mean you I'm sure realizes we all do when you get to the place you're in the devil doesn't take vacations at all and it's the same with me or any big ministry that is doing something for the Lord and you just have I mean in my case yeah you get bothered by things that happen to you but after a while it's the Lord this is your this is your work yes I mean or you keep it or I'm gonna go back and sell ice cream or do whatever the battle is the Lord's the battle is the Lord he's the one keeping us I mean but you know I I have found something really important I know this is kind of one of those things you have to keep relearning but ladies and gentlemen it's sad but we preachers I think are guilty sometimes of asking the people to do something we're not doing ourselves we have got to fast and pray we've got to get up early in the morning and lay on our face before God and seek Him for favor and guidance and sometimes we will pray about everything else but we we forget that there is a battle around us we've got to seek the Lord continually and you know I mean the Word of God is so clear on this and I'm really speaking here to myself so I'm just talking to myself now but you preachers that are listening to need to hear this you know a man of God said to me so long ago he said if you will seek God today as hard as when you had nothing you'll never lose what you got yeah if you seek the Lord today as hard as when you had nothing right you'll never lose what God gives you and sometimes we you know you know after God begins to bless us and all this we really do not seek him as hard as when we had nothing but God has to bring us back and remind us okay hello wake up so we have to do it and all of us believers have to do it it's the same old-fashioned message get back on your knees and so we all but you see God is so gracious in that you know when that when the problem hits and we go to prayer and say lord please rescue me he will see call unto me in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee he said it and I'm gonna tell you something else that I'm just finding out afresh even though I've known this and I don't mean to be saying you all ought to do the same thing I'm doing but I have really found there are certain prayers God will not answer without you making a vow to him yes sir well I'll just give you an I'll give you one two examples I have just had happened I believe that Gideon and others in the scriptures Jacob is one of them is the Lord if you keep me I'll do this for you and it's almost like God puts us in a spot well we're forced to make a vow yeah he actually wants it from us and so we get in a spot and we have to do it I had a situation where I was told by certain lawyers that no way under heaven such a thing can happen because you know how all ministries have we all have things we have to deal with all the time and I said no I'm gonna pray that here's what will happen and these lawyers very smart lawyers mr. Burrowes is one of them that works with TBN he said these things just don't happen I said well we serve a God who is the god of miracles and I was in prayer all day and the Lord moved on me I mean it it wasn't something what I said well okay now I'm gonna bargain with God you know I'm gonna twist his arm it was the just what I knew by the spirit this is what the Lord wanted and I said Lord I will give from my own pocket this amount to the poor if you'll help me with this a miracle happened within 12 hours really yeah and those same men came back and said you're a prophet I said no I'm not a prophet I just told you that there's certain things that God says in his word and that's it it happened again only a few days ago and I'm not saying you know I'm gonna bargain with God from now on all the time but I'm saying that there are certain cases like with Jacob like with Gideon like with Hezekiah well Lord now you know I want a sign that you're gonna do this or or I will do it and here's what I want back if I'll do it for you or here's what I'll do for you there are certain cases that are moved by the spirit and Paul I think you're facing one of them amen I think there's a need in this one not look not all prayer requires a deal with God right because most of it is is answer like this now some prayer needs agreement and some prayer needs a covenant so basically all I am it is a covenant I said Lord if you will answer this prayer I'll make you this this covenant that I will and all I'm doing is I'm obeying the word in the matter of the poor but I said I'll give you a large sum from our own from my own pocket so I took mine out of my investments in fact I said Lord I will do that for you and I said Lord in this last one I said Lord I will go ahead and do it in faith believing you will answer such a plan it's almost like a time and I'm telling you it God came through again but certain situations demand a covenant let me tell you what I did do Benny and I this is maybe a little different from what you're saying but in a sense it is the same it's probably a couple of years ago I gave to the Lord the largest gift I've ever given in my life and for me it was a very large gift and I was listening to John Evans Eenie teaching on memorial giving where what was the guy in Acts Cornelius said your prayers and your gifts Rome's have come up before me as a memorial there's a great truth and I've heard you teach on it he said of Cornelius and the point is that these prayers mixed with our giving and our alms come up before the Lord eggs as a memorial and are suspended literally before the eyes of God until that answer comes so I have done that but I'm hearing what you say then I don't know I mean I think in this case it requires a covenant with God some cases require agreement with somewhere else some cases require just you go and sing Lord would you would you please answer this prayer and persisting in it in some cases required a very simple prayer didn't happen quickly but the bigger the devil the more you have to come into a deeper debt a deeper place and project wonderful word wonderful did y'all get a hold of that man maybe some of you with listening tonight need to go into a covenant situation with the Lord for a very urgent situations in your life this is very serious or TBN very serious and but you know on in your life a different situation may be just as serious to you right as this situation is to TBN so let's we'll save the miami station because South Florida must have a Christian voice oh man oh man well before you take us to Manila in the Philippines Verne Jackson's going to sing your song for you one more time oh I love any kind of special song the longer I serve him the sweeter he grows come on sing it [Applause] [Music] sigh star [Music] why if he control [Music] inside [Music] - jeez [Music] longer [Music] every need [Music] why [Music] see his know every [Music] he gets [Music] right [Music] he bestows [Music] sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just before Benny takes us to the Philippines and oh I'm so anxious to see these pictures let me just say one final thing on this little subject I told you a moment ago that the FCC had approved the settlement payments from all of our other competitors if I could reach through the lens of that Cameron take every one of you by the hand and thank you from the bottom of my heart let me tell you this the ransom has been paid and we're still out of debt a hundred and a very special memorial wall is being built for every single one of you that heard our honest cry to save your TV you heard you answered we've got your names and we're planning a beautiful memorial wall it won't happen well it'll have our names on it the same as yours we gave to but when people ask in years who built this network that went around the world people will see a million million names of God's precious people who did we didn't do it you all did and we love you and we're building a wall in your honor just an honor wall for God's precious people who continually saved ebn yes TBN is just as great a miracle as everyday the children of Israel who picked up fresh manna yes so every morning from the Lord a new bill that he just took on is three hundred thousand dollars a month for that European satellite didn't even blink I didn't even know he done it yes yes yes okay Aunt Polly do you you do know that what you're doing is a part of of prophecy no no but I mean God said in the in the last days this gospel shall be preached and believe me it would not have happened without television it would take millions of preachers to fulfill this one command of heaven you got 6 billion on earth how many preachers you think it would take to reach all 6 billion lots of us but God had a better idea called TBN I gotta tell you you know in times past preachers would go and work a lifetime to see just a small harvest I wasn't in the Philippines as a missionary I've never gone as a missionary yet I go and see a million a night hello night three nights Oh take us there we extended it by one night because of the response three nights and each night a million people and the last night they told us we had more people than the Pope head yeah we had more than the Pope there yes sir so let's let's just go to that clip and you'll see ste Brock in his heyday he was loving every second of it partners thank you thank you for sending us around the world Friends of the ministry thank you for supporting the work of God sending us around the world you know what in just a few weeks from now we'll be in Nairobi Kenya another million people a night we'll be there this is for the be a year and forgettable in the history books of heaven and those partners are the ones that make it possible and the anointing of God falls upon us because of the prayers of the partners because of the giving of the partners all ladies and gentlemen I tell you around the world you're the greatest you are the greatest an asset to the kingdom of God we're gonna sing a song right now but before we do I want to ask the people a question how many in the Philippines watch this is your day on television if you watch this is your day wave it look look look look at all these thousands of people that watch this is you're there every single morning from 6:30 s at 6:30 in the morning 6:30 to 7 mm Ordnung do you get up early in the morning to watch this is your day yeah god well are you ready to leave this great choir is my middle name ready is my middle then go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can i brag come over here how they do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] learning of the Holy Ghost I give you praise for the technology capacitor master this lady here wasn't a switcher Blahnik down over there and she got a chicken war [Applause] [Music] marvelous marvelous that's marvelous there's healings happen if everyone here there's healings happening everyone here let's see it [Applause] [Music] see it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are on that stretch well what was wrong with you my dear mother you had cancer where was the cancer but people in the pelvic bone yeah was the pain there did you have pain there no more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jesus we give you praise for this ending I give you praise for this anointing I give you praise for this anointing then sings my son played for me what happened there is the truck master this dear lady has been suffering with infection in her right ear power of God came upon her she could not hear out of a righty or God touched her she can hear this lady here has been your partner for three years tonight she could go this is a wheelchair she cannot walk 15 years this is the first time [Applause] she can work by herself middle teen years for 15 years she's been sick two years in wheelchair posture and now she can walk alone come on let's let's go honey let's go let's go [Applause] see the Lord the Lord is is doing some amazing things here live - hey chi'lan singing it work come on choir let's go man sings [Music] your legs make up those legs and the other leg you're next [Music] [Music] already [Music] she can lift her arms and magnify the law thank you Jesus for the anointing Oh Lord my God when you called out a cancer she cannot lift up her arm she had pain the pain is gone she can move her arms and she can walk she's here is the pain both shoulders because of the cancer and the pain is all gone from you what did you feel come on you there's there's you felt the heat yeah these people all often feel heat like fire on them you know I'm saying people often in services like this feel that heat like fat on them and you felt that heat tonight yes I do Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you somebody give the Lord on Maddy Hannah praise isn't this one of them take your seats please take your seats take your seats take your seats quad and keep singing take your seats and keep singing that song thank you Jesus that is so beautiful pick up the lady Lord take not dice but firmly master anointing is so glorious counselor friend the pin is all gone it's marvelous I'm so happy for you she's Catholic I love the Catholics I love the Catholics in fact you know today I was supposed to meet today with cardinal sin at 4 o'clock I couldn't do it because I flew in today I actually flew in today had I come there yet had I arrived yesterday I would have gone to see him we are still trying to arrange a time what I could see in here I love the Catholics I grew up in a Catholic school myself I've got to tell you something the Catholics get healed so easy thank God for the Catholics that love Jesus and I'm so glad the Lord is touch this real heart thank you see those tears see those tears that's what it's all about god bless you god bless you oh that's one of them steep rock this is so lovely play it for us the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases just play that song for me just saw the police yes sir suffering with cataracts for more than a year pastor calls problems with her seeing the power of God she said she felt heat flow through her body she can see clearly now through the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit pastor Benny Hinn uses handsome very handsome so just a miracle bastard and I see the number of your Liana Bob he says what business the other man that the big man that they have a ID say Seidman you look this one I say you are Bob and Benny Hinn's ministry is a is a miracle pastor a stopper coolest even almost one year I cannot say this and this is operating me now the Lord's open your eyes this little boy pastor had a heart problem he cannot run he's been running out there the doctors checked him and said his heart is perfect he can run with no pay yes that's beautiful what's his name what's his name June June June June Jinger how old are you five you you had something wrong with your heart sweetheart can you describe it no can you I'm fine oh he feels heat fire fire fire heat meaningly feel so warm all over his body this has happened last night past we were I was massaging him he said he has he's having problem breathing and I said to the Lord you better help me otherwise we couldn't make it today so after a few seconds he stood up and said mommy I want fire he was doing like this [Applause] that is so beautiful pick up the little boy bring him here a second bring him right here come here there Jinju stretch your hands towards June G all of you stretch your hands towards father we dedicate this little boy to you and lord I pray put him in the ministry and make him a preacher in Jesus name San Marissa hallelujah oh what a god I didn't know I would ever live to see a sight like I've just seen and I've whispered to Benny a minute ago I said oh holy my I meant to say my grandmother crouch and my dear father could could see something like this they laid their lives down for but never got to see what we're seeing today you know you think about your dad your grandma Jan's dead oh yeah what it took I mean imagine how long they took to build what they built yet today through television yes it's amazing oh and who thought we'd see what we were seeing now I mean and I was you know telling Paul and when when Paul was talking about this I could see you were touched Paul and because you you remember your daddy and your grandma and Janet remembers her dad I mean these really are the last days no question about it yeah well we're gonna take a lot of folks with us all in favor of the rapture say I open the word can we go take your Bibles please and we go tonight and turn with me to Genesis Oh Paul I gotta tell you I preached the greatest message I've ever been to in my life in the Philippines on the call of God really Steve brought serve what did you think of what I preached in the Philippines on the call of God young man well he'd better preach to the next day well I didn't I didn't preach it cause you preached it I preached that same full fit after you preached see so I couldn't preach that sermon there but when I got to another church where I was I preached it there and it went all it went over real well oh really no you preached no I wasn't planning on even preaching it but the Lord gave me a word but listen let's get on to this word tonight Genesis 18 please and verse 23 I want to begin with and it says an Abraham drew near and said will thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked and we all know the story of when the Lord came to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham the patriarch begins to intercede and as you go through this prayer and I will not take the time to go through it but as you go through this prayer you'll find God Almighty was willing to hold back destruction for 10 people where as you read it and you'll you'll see he'll go from 50 to 45 on down to 10 what he said in verse 32 and he said oh let not the Lord be angry and I will speak yet but this one's pretty adventure 10 shall be found there and he said I will not destroy it for 10-6 now I'm kind of I think you know where I'm going with this but I I must say something that is so powerful and so important the reason so many believe that we believers will not be raptured they say well the word rapture is not in the Bible well my answer is neither is the word Bible in the Bible and we believe the Bible other reason well it it came on late in whatever the eighteen hundred's or something look all I know there's been raptures already that have taken place Enoch was raptured yes the Saints in Matthew 27 were raptured so what's the big deal about the rapture others have been raptured before us already Elijah was wrapped to say well he wasn't wrapped too quickly who cares he got there whether you go fast slow or halfway in between you're gonna get there but they also know that in the book of the revelation it talks about others will be raptured after the church is raptured yes 144,000 will be raptured the two witnesses will be after and so on but here's the important thing though God will not break his law concerning this that he cannot judge the righteous with the wicked he makes he it's I'm not so much right now in this portion you're talking about the rapture I'm talking about the kind of God we serve the kind of God we serve is the kind of God that will not allow the righteous to be in the same place as the wicked when judgment comes now so Abraham said you are the righteous judge will not the Lord of the whole earth do right will you judge a whole city if there's 50 righteous no I won't will you judge the city of this 45 no one he goes down to ten and God says I still won't understand now watch what happens with a lot now the angels come and get him out remember that ok now he dilly-dally we all know the story look at verse 22 of Genesis 19 the angel says haste V escape thither and other words get out of here for I cannot do anything till thou become thinner the angel says I cannot do a thing God has sent me to destroy Sodom God has sent me to destroy Gomorrah but I am unable to do one thing till you're out [Applause] verse 22 Genesis 19 writers what exactly here's my point God would not even destroy it for one not only ten God went down to one when the angel said hey buddy I cannot do a thing till you're out so Abraham says Lord will you do it for if there's fifty no forty five fifty thirty no goes down to ten God went below ten yes he went below ten even after Abraham's prayer when the angel said I am commanded by God hates the escape therefore I cannot do anything till thou you lot become after them therefore the name of the city was called so what now let's go to Exodus 11 and I want to show you again that God always always always puts a difference between the righteous and the unrighteous Exodus 11 beginning at verse 4 and Moses said thus set the Lord about midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt and all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill and all the firstborn of beasts and there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt such as there was none sorry such as there was none like it nor shall be like it any more but against and here's the point against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue against a man or beast that ye may know how that the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel he says you're gonna lose your firstborn but not even a dog will attack one Israelite in their camp Wow you'll be attacked by the angel of death but over there in Goshen not even a talk not even a dog will attack one Jew not even a dog he said will move his tongue against the mantelpiece that ye may know hava the Lord that put a difference and if you look at what happened during those days of judgments was Israel judged no were the Egyptians judged yes so much so even when darkness struck the land there was light in Goshen correct yes the beasts of the Egyptians were slain were the beasts of this right slain no no the farmlands of the of the Egyptians were destroyed was anything destroyed in Goshen no God put a difference between his people and the unrighteous so how dare anybody even think that the God we serve is gonna judge the Saints with the wicked if he did not do it under the law he will not do it under grace and time and time again in the Old Covenant we see it happening over and over and over and over God protected the righteous now go with me to Isaiah 26 and why it is God's people have this idea that our God has changed his mind about things God doesn't change his mind he's the same yesterday today and forever right what he did then he'll still do tomorrow correct yes what he did not allow the angel to destroy a whole wicked city with a bunch of sodomites idol worshippers and everything else under heaven you can imagine because one guy was there right just one man mmm the angel says I cannot do a thing as long as you're here now in in Isaiah 26 beginning at verse 19 prophetically Isaiah is speaking concerning Christ what he says this is Isaiah 26 verse 9 19 through 21 by dead men shall live together with my dead body shall day arise now this speaks of the time when the dead rose with Christ in Matthew 27 this is prophetically looking towards Matthew 27 the eye that man shall live together with my dead body shall day arise that's what happened in Matthew 20 27 when the Saints of the Old Covenant rose with Christ from the dead awake and sing ye that dwell in dust for thy do is as the dew of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead now that already has happened in Matthew 27 when the Saints of the Old Covenant rose with Jesus visited loved ones in Jerusalem hello and ascended to heaven right they were raptured rapture there you go there's already been a rapture of Old Covenant Saints if God would rapture the Old Covenant Saints why would we do not rapture the New Covenant saying there it is I take it then he'll rap to them already in fact in their case they went and said hello to some nephew or some grandson oh boy imagine how shaken up here's some great great great great grand baby of some great great great great grandmother who's been dead for a long time she comes knocking on his door she says I'm your great-great-great grandmother and I just rose from the dead with Jesus and I'm just saying hello on the way to glory only God knows what would happen but now what's verse 29 come my people now God is speaking to a different group here because verse 19 speaks of those who have been risen from the dead already now there's a second group that he speaks to incest come my people I'm I'm Isaiah 26 verse 20 Isaiah 26 verse 20 come my people enter thou into thy chambers and shut thy doors about thee hide thyself as it were for a little moment until the indignation be over past verse 19 talks about the dead rising with Christ vibe that men shall live together with my with my dead body shall they arise will happen Matthew Matthew 27 math now Isaiah 26 27 alive who will be taken into hiding till judgment is passed and look at the and now some say well this has to do with the Jews going to Petra no it doesn't because the following verse makes clear what the judgment is it says for behold the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity and punishments so great that it says the earth also shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover her slain in other words judgments so severe there will not be enough graves to bury the dead now some will say well verse 20 is Israel hiding in Petra it cannot be because this speaks of the judgment against the whole earth this is a whole different judgment and in judgment on one nation one people in one location which would be in the case of Israel going to Petra but in this case its judgment on the whole earth for their iniquity and judgments so great it says the earth not the land not the nation the earth this is a worldwide judgment the earth shall disclose her blood and normal cover her slain well who are those people going into hiding and hiding it says for a little moment that's seven years why are they taken into hiding so indignation be passed over past so this is this is the rapture now ladies and gentlemen if we would not be raptured and we would not escape why would Jesus tell us to prepare for it because he did in Maine in Luke 21 turned to Luke 21 and look at verse oh well I'm I'll just with beginning at verse 32 and go to verse 36 now the Lord is speaking here this is Luke 21 32 verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away and take heed to yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of this life and so that so that they come upon you unawares this is verse 34 Luke 21 now I'm reading verse 35 36 for as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth what she therefore now the Lord just said judgment is coming in verse 34 he says take heed to yourselves because that day will come upon you unaware for as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the earth and this snare was not a time of blessing but a time of judgment a snare is a trap right yes what she therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man well if there is no rapture why would jesus warned us and say pray that you might escape escape what if there's no rapture if there is no escape why would the why would the Lord himself even talk about it but he did there will be judgment there will be a day that will come as a snare on the face of the whole earth there will be a day when Sun will escape the judgment to come and stand before the Son of Man now I could have gone through more in the Old Covenant with you but I think I've convinced you just with a few scriptures that God will not judge the righteous with the wicked and here the Lord speaks about a time of escape a time when his church and people will escape how it is that people for the life of me I can't understand it can believe that the god of glory himself something just a light just came on because one of the great arguments is that all of this was fulfilled at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by Titus it wasn't they didn't escape not 70 AD the duels were sea otters slain exactly they were slaughtered that Christians were so everything was destroyed in 70 AD so it cannot be the fulfillment of all this in 70 AD well Paul all I know is raptures have taken place in the Old Covenant raptures have taken place in the New Covenant and raptures will take place after the church is gone in fact there are seven raptures in the Bible not one seven seven altogether in the whole Bible you've mentioned and we are arguing about one I mean you think about just the Old Covenant there was the rapture of Enoch the rapture of Elijah are just two in the Old Covenant that there are five in the new mmm-hmm and there's the rapture of the Old Covenant Saints in Matthew 27 that rose with Christ from the dead and after our rapture there will be the rapture of the two witnesses there will be the rapture of the hundred and forty-four thousand I mean all those things are in the Word of God and I'll go through as much as I can here with the you know tonight but mm-hmm God Almighty actually let me go back to the Old Covenant real fast go with me to Genesis 49 the rapture is mentioned there by Jacob when he prophesied over his children verse 8 Judah now this is Genesis 49 8 Judah thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies thy father's children shall bow down before thee now this is all speaking about the Messiah Judah is a lion's wealth from the prey my son thou art gone up he stooped down he couched as a lion and as an old-line who shall rouse him up again this speaks of Jesus the Messiah the scepter shall not depart from Judah or the rod the staff it means Authority nor a law giver from between his feet until shiloh come and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be that's the rapture hmm even Jacob prophesied the rapture of the church and it's it's and I wish we had the time to go through this prophets because it's powerful as you see a lot of have a lot of notes about this here Paul but ladies and gentlemen in and we've all looked at John 14 and we've interpreted any way we want to it still speaks of the rapture let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also now the coming and and this is really important here because you've got to look at the language the Lord speaks here I will come again and receive you unto myself any time the word unto is used it's the rapture how do we know that well because if you look at scripture the Lord used a whole different word for the second coming then he used for that for the rapture of the church itself is it a yes yeah we are he is coming unto Him people now and there's many many many more of course but a but let's just go to our very familiar and most discussed portion in God's Word and to do with this and that's first Thessalonians please I think you all know the scripture first Thessalonians 4 and I again would like to read beginning at verse 13 for I would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him how many here believe in the resurrection oh yes Paul the Apostle is telling us to believe just as strong in the rapture as we do in the resurrection if we believe that Jesus died and rose even so yes even so even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord and hear the word unto is used again shall not prevent them which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive here we are a group still alive living walking running doing everything else living shall be caught up and when we talk about the rapture we're talking about the great catching up of the church shall be caught up together with them whether them are the ones who died before us to meet the Lord in the air well now Paul I think all of us agree that the great catching up of the church is clearly stated in this portion of Scripture and we all like to make a big mess of first Corinthians 15 but it's really clear so let's go to it please first Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I show you a hidden revelation a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed again the rapture of the church but now here is something that is so important to understand and please Paul keep me informed on how much time I have we got all the time we want lady said all you need honey he's the boss no idea they're the boss anyways but but but this is this is a very key key key point here jesus said you are the salt of the earth right yes or no yes salt is a preserver it preserves from destruction jesus said you are the light of the world right well as long as light is present darkness cannot invade there is no way as long as these lights are on that any darkness can come into this room right we are the light of the world darkness cannot overcome light impossible yes as long as we are on earth darkness cannot invade corruption cannot sit in destruction cannot set it how much time do I have my friend we need another 30 minutes madam program director can you fix it for us no no no no you can't finish I'm a second I can preach the rest in tongues if you want me to you can't finish this in ten minutes all right let's go another half a half hour yeah shall we have a vote no no I can do it all and pray for you in half an hour yes that's if Steve brach stays awake yes actually he's taking notes over there but but but the important the important key is is this he's in a preacher I know he will help but if we are the light of the world and we are the salt of the earth how can any destruction come as long as we're here hello it's impossible impossible I have one question - and Jan has has studied this a little bit because there are some honest teachers and saints that I respect who do not see the rapture as as you and I they're gonna be they're gonna be raptured whether they like it or not but but my question listen listen this is this could be a word of wisdom if we're not raptured how the heck do we get to heaven I'm not preaching is that that that after Judgment Jesus will come and gather his people when this earth has been ruined and we will all go to heaven bleeding and everything else that Saints I'm telling you on the authority of God's Word Jesus said not one hair not one hair will be hung [Applause] if you if you look if you look at revelation now before I really go that I want to show you how severe the judgments are going to be and you tell me if you think any human being is gonna stay unaffected when every city in the world will be hit by a massive earthquake you think Christians are going to sit in their homes and not have a crack in the wall yeah yes see you gotta understand something now we're talking about massive worldwide destructions unheard of unseen since Adam walk there through trees right where the waters of the of the earth will be polluted where the Seas will be polluted what hail will fall from heaven were destruction so intense and so incredible jesus said if those days would not be shortened not one life which their life through and we Christians think millions of us are going to stay here with umbrellas being protected from no no God will take you out if that is the case I know some sense well God can protect me in the midst then why did he take lot out for if God will protect you while it's raining fire he could have protected one man that's a lot easier for God sure to protect Lots oh well I just leave him here to put a big umbrella over his house he did not he said get out lest he be destroyed with the city but the angel said I cannot I'm ordered I cannot do a thing till you are out of here yeah yeah that's what he says is right dear lady there's a preacher here preaching I don't you be helping me preach god bless you thank you that's exactly hallelujah but I mean I should like people like that but oh you know what I tell you just to save time I was gonna go to second Thessalonians where Paul says that uh that until the Holy Spirit is out of the way then Antichrist but I think you all know that but the Holy Spirit is in German is in us as long as we are here the Holy Ghost is here and when we are here and he is here no destruction can come to earth because he's the force keeping this earth from blowing itself up now in Revelations let's just very quickly I mean I'm not gonna go through the whole book in half an hour but but just just real quickly remember that the book of the revelation begins with Christ revealing himself and revealing his revelations to John the Apostle and then in beginning at in chapter four we hear the words come up hither I believe the rapture takes place between 3:00 and 4:00 yeah but after this you see the judgments first judgment the appearance of Antichrist when the first seal is opened second war third famine fourth death excuse me here my Bible the pages stick to themselves kiss is an old Bible and plus it's falling apart that and that shows I'm not thank you Jesus because when your Bible is falling apart it means you're not this there's a song about that yeah if your Bible is falling apart it means your nutr don't you go around right now tearing your bubble up to show how spiritual you are but as you go through this then you see earthquakes hitting the the whole earth now just in the first portion of Revelation you have massive destruction upon the whole planet then you go from there and into the trumpets and these are frightening frightening destructions the first angel sounds hail fire mingled with blood or cast upon the upon the whole earth second angel sounds a great mother burning with I was cast into the sea third angel sounds and the Bible says hear this and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea that had life died now the third part of the ships were destroyed now the third angel sounds and there fell a great star from heaven burning as it were a lamp and it fell upon the third part of all clean water now you keep going and destruction follows destruction till the fourth till the fourth angel sounds and now it says and the third part of the Sun was smitten third part of the moon and it keeps going fifth now all demons are released after millions had died now look you need to go reread this for yourself okay see the destruction upon planet Earth Antichrist appears nuclear warheads right after his appearance and the Antichrist is the first horse because it cannot be Christ because he comes with a bow and Jesus never appears with a bowl no he appears with a sword and and Psalm 9 says that the wicked has bent his bow so we know that the man who comes on the white horse is Antichrist because he has a bone in his hand and not a sword and you see the results of his coming war famine such horrible destruction by this time millions had died now the trumpets begin to saan massive destruction continues on earth and right in the midst of that horrible destruction every demon is released from the pit every demon he said well I thought that already reached they're not released because do you remember when the Lord was casting other Devils are out of the demoniac in coderre and this is them this one man they could not keep bound with chains and the demons begged and said Lord don't send us to the pit send us into those pigs down here remember they did not want to go back to the pit most demons today are still in the pit and are released according to need on earth in the last days halfway in fact in the Great Tribulation they will be released from the pit to torment all men on earth except 144,000 and it says the fifth angel sounds and a star falls from heaven and to him so that shows us not just a star it shows it's a person to him was given the key of the bottomless pit his name is apollyon and he releases what what looks like locust now look at the other shape the shapes of these animals demon animals of course or demons were like horses think about a body of a horse and this horse has a crown like gold faces of men hair of women teeth of line breast plates wings and Tails you put this together you got Hollywood you got Star Wars Halloween Halloween think about a creature with a body of horse a face of a man hair of women teeth like lines breastplates wings and Tails like scorpions you put that together you've you've got star wars those animal those things that's demons my friend that are released upon the earth to torment men so much that men would wish to die you think we're gonna be here yeah with your umbrella now the sixth angel sounds after the demons are released and it says now watch this and I heard a voice from the four corners of the golden altar which is before God saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet loose the four angels which are banning the greater in the great river Euphrates and now more demons are released and another massive world war hits the entire earth now that is in German as you keep going you see destructions following destructions following destructions till earthquakes hit every city on earth none is spared and all the islands of the sea disappear by by Hawaii disappear of the face of the earth that's what it says every island every mountain disappeared they were why because as these earthquakes hit all the world think about every city at one time we're not AMA just one here one else in one moment all at the same time one earthquake shakes the interpolant every city falls every island disappears with massive tidal waves and we are gonna be here right this is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah do you know that the coming judgments are are not only combinations of Egypt and Sodom there are a lot worse if you look at what God did to the Egyptians and in Sodom all he did in Sodom is destroyed with it with hail and fire that hail and fire fell upon the Egyptians the darkness fell upon the the every judgment came on on Egypt yet the earth will know it in multiplied fashions and a lot more judgments till people hear this till human beings and I'll not take the whole thing here too much please look at it it's in your Bible it's till it says every man will be struck with cancerous tumors the Sun will shine so brightly because of the Ozone's destruction and strike them with heat till they will curse God and blaspheme him and cry for death by this time there's been no clean water to drink at first a third now all clean water was destroyed so much so it says you are just low to turn their water into blood let them drink blood for they what they have done to your saints to your Saints who are gone they have done when they said what they have done to your saints it shows the Saints were gone otherwise it's safer what they're doing to your Saints it's what they have done to your saints Lord you are righteous to strike the waters with blood for what they have done to your saints which means the Saints were gone by that time now think about no water which means there's their skin will begin breaking apart because of a lack of moisture think about tumors on their bodies think about the Sun striking them with fire every human being alive will have cancer every human being alive will will have no home to living for all series will be destroyed every living man will be struck with far from heaven will will have hail falling on him the size not only of a golf ball but the size of a watermelon destruction so great and yet people believe we're going to be here what's the matter with your brain and and they always forget and they like to erase the part these are they which came out of Great Tribulation and stand before the Son of Man now they came out of Great Tribulation and if you look at the word it's they escaped out of great tribulations in other words they didn't go through it they did not have to suffer tribulation with the wicked that is the Greek word is it they escaped yes they have it's it's the same word that Jesus used in Luke 21 Paul I'm not a novice and I think you know that but but it says after this I beheld and lo this is revelation 7 verse 9 I beheld a great multitude which no man could number of all nations that's the church of all Kindred's people tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands and cried with a loud voice salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne and unto the lamb and all the angels standing around the throne about the elders and the four beasts and fall before the throne and on their faces and worship God saying a man blessing glory wisdom Thanksgiving honour and powder might down to our God whatever never now one of the elders answered saying unto me what are these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they and I said unto him Sir thou knowest and he said unto me these are they which came out escaped out of Great Tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb therefore are they before the throne of God and serve Him day and night this is revelation 7 before the judgments really hit God is not confused this could not have happened at the end of Revelation because it's revelation 7 not revelation 22 if if these Saints are the ones who went through it we are we we are to find him in revelation 22 natural revelation 7 whether already standing before God opens the seventh seal yes and and they've been staying there who and they have been standing there worshipping God Almighty they shall hunger no more neither thirst any more neither shall the Sun light on them no nor for the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them shall lead them unto living fountains water well my dear friends let me just tell you something the Old Covenant Saints escaped God would be unjust to not let you escape I love it he's the thing God is he not lot lot escaped right why shouldn't you know I escaped there's another one and and his whole family and there's another one I didn't mention and may I say his family were not exactly sanctified yet they escaped because of him and I have good news for you because of you your loved ones will escape if God will have you go through tribulation here he then he needs to send all the Old Covenant Saints back to earth who rose from the dead and were raptured in Matthew 21 they ought to all come back and go through it with us for he is not a respecter of persons they escaped he's the same God no respect of persons then we shall escape and Jesus confirms it and says pray that he might escape all they'll come upon the earth and Paul repeats it rehearses it revelation rehearses it again and we'll still reckon our brain with all this nonsense about we're gonna go through the tribulation well my friend doesn't pull you by the throat if he has to you're not staying around we're going let me hear a big how'd you go in that the Bible says in the twinkling of an eye we shall be changed they measured the twinkling of an eye Jen - found it was eleven thousand thousandth of a second that's quicker than quick think about the part of God transforming your body completely into his image in one split second for the first time right now yeah how can they be ready one way you can be ready and that's be born again now let me also let me also bring clear balance here do not receive Jesus just so you can be raptured don't receive Jesus so you can escape hell because your salvation will not last long cause it'll be that will be built on the wrong foundation true salvation comes from needing Christ not needing an escape the the foundation is you need the Lord not the far escape he supplies yeah.but son exactly yeah but the thing is you must ask for Jesus to come into your heart and save your soul and he'll give you the assurance of salvation and he will take you home you don't have to do a thing about it except receive them and walk with Him so now every one of you watching me now on prays yes if you have not given your heart to change thus Christ please do it now time is running out prophecies are being fulfilled so rapidly look what's happening now with in the whole Middle East showing us Jesus is coming yeah look at what you just saw earlier in the Philippines and million people to hear the gospel why Jesus is coming please wake up time is running out pray this prayer after me yes Lord Jesus forgive my soul I surrender the best I proclaim you as my Lord and Savior and Redeemer forever and Redeemer and I declared before heaven and I declare before you are my saving you and I am born again [Applause] and I've got one now no they've been born again let them know by your spirit cleanse away that sin I pray and let them know they are now whiter than snow because of the blood shed for them in Jesus Holy Name Amen make sure to call the number on your screen now and tell someone you've just been saved don't forget Jesus is coming quickly and he loves you Thank You Benny did you all hear this tonight if you really hear it did you read it here the only problem we have been is I wish we had a thousand telephone operators ready if you're getting a busy signal jot the number down and just try even after this program goes off there because we want to send you a new birth certificate a Bible if you need one and we'll ask for it and your if you're in foreign countries email us and we'll do our very best to ship a Bible we were just learning now some of the ways to communicate back with you in foreign countries it's new field for us but we're going to do it so call even collect if you're overseas and we'll accept the charges here and we'll try to answer every call that comes through god bless you oh and Paul you know what after Steve sings and I hope we would have a little time I want to just pray for the sick we'll have time yes well Steve Rock the king is coming sir we believe it are you ready to sing it chilly come on everybody [Applause] well we're having a little technical did you know one thing that I wanted to say is that people that call in we will send your name to a local pastor in your town if you'll allow us to we think everybody should join a wonderful local church and have a local pastor wherever you are around the whole wide world and you need to get baptized in water and so all of you if when you call with send Bible's new birth certificates put give your name to local pastor we just try everything we can to make sure that you understand what's happening in your life now and I'll meet you in the rapture that's a song there's no more traffic in the streets all the builders tools are silent no more time the Harvest Moon busy housewives ceased their labor in the courtroom there's no debate work on earth this pastor was saying is suspended ladies and gentlemen as the King comes through the gate the keys coming [Music] I just heard the trumpets sounding and now his face I see for the king is coming let me it's coming race car he's coming for me everything sells line the whole those whose lives have been reading broken horns that he has men those from prison little children and the stand all in place [Music] start to say amazing brain I can hear the chariot I can see the munching the gods trumpets smell the end of seven Rome Riga rose [Music] Kevin's gran spends all in place [Music] is coming the king is coming I just heard the trumpets sounding and now his face I see the king is coming the key in this coming race car he's coming for me [Music] how sweet [Music] just the trumpets ollie this space I see the king this time miss comic-con [Applause] [Music] racecar [Music] you stop [Music] as pastor has preached to you tonight Jesus is coming the world is coming [Music] is coming he's coming before [Music] I like that my my mom to come up here and Willie a second to mom and I have a very sweet mother yes yes and Willie come here stand right here beside me and you are starting a church in Southern California tell us all about it we're gonna begin March the 16th and 17th and then again March the 30th and 31st we're at the Hyatt Regency in Irvine and we're gonna do another two meetings in April the 6th and 7th and then Easter Sunday morning April the 23rd 10 o'clock in the morning Easter all the other services at 7:00 moving to Southern California because you've been after me to do this for a long [Applause] yeah it's after after the April meeting we're gonna be look for a permanent facility you that are watching if you want more information call our ministry and we'll tell you all about it yes and I'm glad you're moving here finally little guy sorry he's my younger brother younger yeah well he used he and I share the same room back when we were younger and often when I would be in prayer after the Lord touched my life I would say lord please keep him out so I can pray and he'd come to the door and I'd hear his footsteps and it turned right around and leave yeah but eventually I came in yeah but he would look under the door and see my knees so I'd like to pray for the sick right now let's all stand can we do that with my mom standing here on the platform beside Jane and Willie with me and our wonderful friend Steve Rock let's just believe God to heal his people right now and we'll lay hands on these can we just do it right now yeah stretch your hands towards these requests actually just lay our hands father in Jesus name we agree for miracles tonight yes we pray Lord that your people will be blessed and touched and healed remove sickness remove disease remove infirmity yes remove bandage answer prayer all holy master for your name's sake we agree for the people in Jesus precious name Amen and amen amen and neuter our second body remember he's always put away dear Lord we command that sickness to go in Jesus name we rebuke that disease receive your healing Lord my God touch that one watching Jesus trusting you that they are known in flow I pray now yes in Jesus Holy Name there's a lady being healed of cancer skin cancer there's somebody with with something the matter that I see with your throat this swelling that as a heart condition also been healed and lady with bone cancer being healed there's an anointing flowing for cancer I rebuke that demon in Jesus name thank you Lord there's also a young child being healed there's a woman on a wheelchair feeling a tingle like electricity go free buddy please call the number right now thank you Lord and tell someone that you've been healed give you praise for then I wanted a brain tumor it has been healed somebody with severe arthritis in the shoulders that she's been here under tremendous healings are taking place remember he loves you now another man all those in Phoenix Arizona aren't coming to Phoenix March 30 and 31 it's women awesome crusade I'm gonna save my friends Paul in general your birthday is may come and Paul will you wish we'll get you a nice big cake so March 30th and 31 is our Phoenix crusade well I won't forget that day yes and there's Benny oh my goodness they put our address on you know I'm gonna go now for that laser operation so I can read what it says I never forget Jen asked me if I could read the sign I said no I said I said I'm just as blind as you all right for yourself operation well anyways yes will you come with me Steve hey you'll see that it works then you can do it yourself North sided in south works what are you wearing them glasses for that that's why I'm so excited I'm over have something to tone my eyes down so I can see we have more fun than you know what there were a few that came in Benny and I know we cannot because of the cameras everything but how many in this room came tonight with a definite urgent healing need in your body just wave at us there will you and I think I see a lady she was here in a wheelchair Bank you just keep your hand up will you let's have one final once in this room hello oh my god let your blessing on him come now praise touch your sweet pea yeah you that are sick just place your hand now on your right now the you that have your hands of you put one hand on your sickness and you in your homes do the same and believe God you know this is this is really an amazing thing but every time nearly every time I pray for the sick I feel something touch my right hand father in the name of the Lord Jesus touch your people and Lord I rebuke sickness not only here in this audience but at home in Jesus name touch and remove it in the name of Jesus a part of God is falling here here already you that felt the part of God go through you just wave at me just wave your hands praise God thank the Lord in your homes rejoice thank the Lord for His mercy man and you in Southern Cal I know you've been waiting but we will start God willing soon regular meetings here regular healing meetings just please pray that I find the right place on a regular basis we already talked to the Convention Center on other stadiums but they just don't have the same day every month they have one day here one day there and I really want to have a consistent certain day I'm praying for a Sunday afternoon so people can come and don't have to drive back home late makes it very simple maybe we just have to build one not that one one of these days I believe the Lord is gonna help me do that yes yes amen [Applause] I'll tell you I'll tell you more there are exciting changes happening with our ministry that have that one of these days I will end up definitely having to build something here in Southern California so we can have regular meetings yeah has the official headquarters moved to Texas the official headquarter for the ministry for the offices is in Dallas we'll stay in Dallas the Lord clearly spoke and said there is the place and Saints it's been such a remarkable blessing we are saving half a million a month as a result of our move to Texas yeah so when God speaks to you he's a good businessman yeah and so we were seeing great blessings as as as we go and I'm able to put more money into overseas now and I want to say to all UT become partners that have been helping me thank you for your love really but the healing center I I'm I will be making an announcement soon on what's gonna happen with that and it's quite exciting that we'll be in Texas also won't it I won't say right now thank you let's go let's have dinner yeah all I can tell you is the Lord is a wise businessman yes and I've been i right after our Great Crusade their service the builders came to me and said that the area we would in has forbidden us will not allow me to build a place for a church a church where our opponents can come I said well if they will not let's hold and see what God has to say about this because you cannot fight the rules that men have established and you can't pray that they'll change their minds because it's not gonna happen I said no I said I will not build a place until I have a place for God's people not only to come and visit but where they can worship God and have an expense so right now I will tell you that the Healing Center will happen III cannot really say a lot about it because and we're still talking to the professionals and I am smart enough to listen to the professionals that's what's kept me this long all right so when when you hear the counsel of professionals take heed and listen to them and do it right I shall not make a mistake with God's work I will not disappoint the master I will do it right I promise you and it's gonna happen now your question about where it's gonna be the Lord's will shall be done all I'll tell you is whatever God says I will say yes that's it keep tuned I'm you know we actually have two or three extra minutes here and I know a lot of folks have just tuned by would you introduce your sweet mother this is my very sweet mom who prays for you I know and prays for Jan and prays for Steve she loves Steve why I'll never know but she loves mr. brach she knows yeah do you know did you know a word that your precious mother gave me you about you me that's what I remember every word of it I will never forget that and it was a great encouragement to say under a time of grace I had asked my mom to pray for you because I asked her often to pray for me and she came back and said tell him the Lord said and I did tell you the Lord said and I thank you for that and when my mom says the Lord said word write it down but she she's been well you know since my daddy passed away back in 82 she has nothing I mean you know her life now is prayer and she's devoted herself to fasting to prayer and I've said to the Lord I said Lord do not take her home till everything is okay with me well so then don't ever take her home cuz it'll never be okay until the rapture now one final question yes sir how many hen brothers actually are there we have six boys and two girls I'm the oldest boy but not the oldest child I see my sister is older than me one sister so there's rose and me and Chris and Willie and Henry the rascal and and Sammy and and Mary and Michael who is the smart one in the family the young brother and is everybody moving to God no no no we pray that Henry will stay in Vancouver please Jesus no anyways just we're talking about like family Z and finally finally Jan will you really go with me to Kenya oh please then he goes when is that it's April riots between telefon and an Easter and Easter it's yeah so it's that middle of April middle away uh-huh yes that's right right after tax time yeah yeah well I can tell you one thing I just got an email from mr. Leo Slingerland not quite well they don't have the receiving we will be we will be but Leo Slingerland a great Christian businessman that's operating the station for us there said if Benny Hinn will come to Nairobi they'd vote him in as president of the country wow they're watching you there well you will have no trouble Steve will you be my vice president just started to ask could I be in charge of whatever you want me to be oh that's very kind of course he also said that of TD jakes well I'm looking forward to you and Jake I mean wouldn't it be a great time we will plan on doing it and if the rapture hasn't occurred we will be there Paul I believe the rapture is closer than you and I think I do too yeah because of all that's happening now amen amen and they've been giving us signs over there so we have to quit right we got another minute how many feel like you been to church tonight give me a love wave up there Oh hallelujah do you like white people many of them have been calling our ministry we've had so many calls where since you reread my teaching on demons we were hundreds of you call and say please finish your teaching entrees so I will come back I'm making a promise now I'm gonna come back and teach on angels and demons oh I'll reteach what I thought and go through the whole thing you you only got halfway you only vow I only did a third also teach on the call that morning well that's for another time but we've had so many of you and I don't want you getting upset with me because I look I've just been going alright so but I promise promise promise I will come back and do the whole thing again and finish it all up right now on your daily program we'll also see many more of these clips I'm sure from this yes so watch Benny Hinn every morning at 11:30 let us ghost 30 West Coast time and then again at 10:30 they're telling me I just work here and are you glad my wife is all with me now and she's very sweet yeah Dan and I figured that out many years ago well that's because 60% of our viewing audience are ladies so I obeyed would you all just tell Benny Hinn and his precious mom and all the hen family we love them tonight turn Texan take us out in song let this be a prayer obey it bring o your needs [Music] warning to study the residence [Music] leg to the pass [Music] use with the flow of his fountain his blood war as killed [Music] to [Music] Oh is too [Music] to help [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] Thanks is so fair how much more he cares for the sheep here's past you so bring him your border to [Music] to the altar your need to [Music] to [Music] [Music] this program has been brought to you through the prayers and contributions of our faithful partners throughout North America and the world
Channel: Alex Clarke
Views: 44,849
Rating: 4.4740062 out of 5
Keywords: TBN, iTBN, Praise the Lord, Paul Crouch, Jan Crouch, Vern Jackson, Benny Hinn, Steve Brock
Id: NwnFMuvIOkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 1sec (9001 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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