TBN Praise the Lord April 21, 2008

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from the heart of Europe to the tip of Africa Central and South America you're part of the world faster the wonderful youth ministry rich Wilkerson junior minister teacher from French ah Christian Center in Los Angeles California faster Fred brights junior actor comedian and minister John Gray nationals new conditions director for the Assemblies of God in Springfield Missouri Rick Laura mayor pastor of chosen generation to King Jesus International Church Miami Florida great HM area music anointed praise and worship recording artist ingrid rosario ready to take her calls around America peacemakers hallelujah oh man I'm so glad you've tuned tonight do we ever have a crowd here in Miami South Florida is the greatest place on the planet to live let me tell you straight up hallelujah tonight we're going to have some of the greatest young men of God in the kingdom of God I believe that all my heart they're gonna be speaking issues concerning young adults young people and I want to say to all moms dads grandma's grandpa's here's what we're to talk about because our guest my own son rich jr. Fred price jr. most of you know he and his father they're on TV and each week John Gray great comedian but even a better preacher I'll tell you that right now Rick Lorimar a good friend of mine Frank echeverria from right here one of the greatest churches in all America and even Rosario our guest soloist tonight Minister under the Lord but we're going to be talking about naming your child's destiny you know in 1st Samuel chapter 1 verse 11 Hannah was forlorn because she had not had any children and she was so desperate she cried out to God and she said Lord if you will let me give birth to a son I will offer him to be your servant all the days of his life and most moms most dads know when their child is born if you're a believer you kind of know what they're supposed to do you have a destiny that you know that God's putting in their hearts and you've prayed over it tonight we're gonna ask you all night long to call one of these Trinity prayer partners and name your child's destiny I don't care if they're running from God name their destiny remind that men you're you're remind yourself remind the Lord remind these counselors what God spoke to you years ago name it and agree in prayer that it's going to happen so all night that that number is going to come up you call when as you can as soon as you possibly can we're going to see aren't kids destiny fulfilled by the power of God we have a wonderful group of postures with us tonight and I want to just introduce them real quickly we do this each dot on TV but I want to introduce first of all pastors Josh Radford and the assistant Roberto Rivera and they are from elevate youth ministry save the nation's church in Davie Florida god bless you guys Pastor Terrence and Joann Wilson from execute dentistry Trinity Church Miami that's my team right there man am i proud of them and then pastor Minnie and Curtis June from Apostle Sonja Elliot Ascension Global Ministries Incorporated yo ray Beach Florida I feel like we have one of our favorite guests on TBN to minister of the Lord and song her name is Ingrid Rosario she used to be one of our worship leaders at Trinity Church now she travels around the world just about every week we love Ingrid give her a big God bless you he comes to sing the other side God bless me angry Oh Thank You Ingrid um we're just getting started tonight on TV and we do want to give a big praise the Lord for Paul and Jan Crouch tonight and we're praying for you Paul and Jan we thank God for your ministry worldwide and and we're just praying God gives you strength and a hundred more years hallelujah I do want you to know that Ingrid has several albums out you can get them I think there's a website there you can go to they're in some of the Christian bookstores across the country I know there'll be a blessing to you before we get started tonight let's have a word of Prayer we're going to believe God tonight for the destiny of children that are your children your grandchildren not to be wasted on the devil's kingdom we're gonna believe God that they're gonna realize every part of the destiny that God gave them when you gave birth to them now I want you to agree right now we're gonna pray together according to Matthew 18 verse 19 father name of Jesus we start this program off tonight with prayer because we believe that it's through the power of prayer that souls are saved victories are won diseases are healed the lost come to Christ and we know that by the power of prayer the miracles on the way tonight Lord for that mother that grandmother that father that grandad who has a destiny planned for that son that daughter that you gave them they may see them wandering but Lord tonight we're gonna agree that they're gonna come back and they're gonna fulfill their destiny in the name of Jesus Christ amen well you call us tonight that number a couple of the screen all evening there's some wonderful prayer counselors standing by to believe God with you for a miracle hallelujah we are so blessed to have the night as our first guest from Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles California Pastor Fred price jr. we're glad I gotta tell you something man I am a dad I've got four sons and a couple years ago I started seeing a preach on the program I just used to sit there and go man his dad just must be so happy and I was so proud of you cuz man you just don't miss a word it's unbelievable you're a preacher I'm going how does he know all that stuff I mean you're a brilliant guy I love you he tell us a little bit fret about I mean just a little bit about your upbringing you got great parents historical people that the world knows but tell me what was like to be raised in a pastor's home you know I really didn't realize the environment I was in you know mom was normal dad was normal household was normal I did everything that a child would do you know I have my Atari 2600 you know I'll watch cartoons you know I did everything that a you know that a normal child would do it wasn't until Sunday you know when I was in Sunday school that I realized you know okay your dad is somebody you know but other than that I mean it was normal really the abnormal things came from the congregation you know just the pressure of you know dude you know who your daddy is do you know who you're gonna be but other than that man the household was great did mom and dad ever say you know no we want you to preach you're gonna preach huh never if they would have I wouldn't be sitting here right now the best thing they ever did was say nothing and let the Spirit of God speak to me and call me you know my mother or father did not call me to ministry but God did and I heard the calling myself I acknowledge the calling myself and then my father told me what to do to prepare for that but other than that and it was never mentioned in the household how did you start to feel about him and did you start having an impression in your prayers did you have dreams or did someone say you know Fred God spoke to me about you that kind of stuff I was in a meeting creflo dollar meeting yeah and I was sitting in the back it was like a green light of my spirit I just knew that's what I was supposed to be doing and from there I mean I still ran another two and a half years I didn't want to do it but I made the mistake of acknowledging the calling so of course you know it was time to you know get to work but you know for a while I didn't want to probably when I was about 20 years old that's when I began to take it seriously you know and began to seek the word for myself you know as opposed to you know through my father or through my mother but actually getting to the word for myself yeah prior to that now I mean you say 20 you kind of started seeking the word and no part of that I mean tell me about your your devotion life like would you get up and pray and read the Bible for two hours every morning as a young man in your dad's home no no good well that's guide you I just want to make sure that my boys are normal - hallelujah yeah yeah so you were just a Christian kid I had all the trials and temptations of a young man but it wasn't till about 20 where you started pursuing the word as that was it yeah absolutely up until 20 I mean I just did normal things you know that teenagers did I really liked music you know rap music mostly and I think I had every CD that existed but other than that I mean you know I really didn't I know a few scriptures here and there you know who doesn't know Psalm 23 or Psalm 91 but other than that you know so it wasn't until I was about 20 or maybe 20 and a half that I really began to open up the Bible for myself I mean how did you do that I mean did you go to Bible School or seminary or just listen to tapes or happen to give a Bible study course program tell us about that I mean you know it was like I mean my father is a teacher you know of the word he that that's what he's done his entire ministry you know so I was in class every Sunday and I didn't realize that I was getting it I didn't realize that scenes of the word and you know that's what happens when the Word of God has taught Caesar planted into your heart and so I didn't realize the seeds were being planted until I began to study myself and so shortly after I did go to a a school of ministry at a at a church but I really truly believed that the Spirit of God and sitting under my father is where I learned most of what I know tell us tell us about your first message that was a June of 2002 so you can name it guys show favoritism that was the first message and I was a little nervous at first but give it in the end the faith dome in the main section so your first message is in front of a million people basically yeah my goodness I can't believe that yeah just just get up and just nail it right there yeah I mean that's how did you know let's go back to that night okay dad's there how does dr. Fred Casey price introduce his son tell me that well it was Father's Day oh it was Father's Day and so the idea was you know for me to you know step out and you know to my first ministry venture you know on Father's Day and so he introduced actually he went up everybody thought he was gonna minister like he always does you know welcome to ever increasing faith remember these words from the book of Romans and so everybody you know just figured okay Doc's about the teaching of the message and then he says you know today we're gonna do something special and you know for his first time and when they said when he said first time everybody started going crazy because they make the assumption he must be talking about the baby boy so you know he introduced me like that I went up and I went for an hour no yeah I mean do you have any long stories to tell absolutely but I mean I had a lot of scripture to my I think I over prepared yeah yeah absolutely but I mean it was it was good it was good and from there on I mean that was probably and I don't want to I'm not calling it a literal mistake but the biggest mistake I made was stepping out because as soon as idea they put me to work non-stop no tell me does your father use notes yes he's no sir he can't tell right yeah you know he doesn't have the traditional podium because the dome is circular so he's walking around so he has his notes in his Bible okay on the on the first few pages and so I follow suit just put my notes in there because I can't really tell you cuz I'm saying you don't you doesn't seem like you use good so you've got them tucked in there so we're not no I'm telling you this right now yeah yeah just for the first time because many times you know people say man you don't you know you have no notes and I'm like well you know I'm I'm kind of the man in that and that sort of since I'm a G no seriously but no but that's that's does I mean that's cool I'm just saying because because I mean the the depth and the I mean the expressions that your dad does and you as well I mean the depth of scripture knowledge is amazing and I mean the recall I mean just to have that it's phenomenal tell me Fred obviously because you're a younger man than I am but you're still young thank his holy name for that because certainly you have a great desire and burden for your own generation absolutely tell me what you see out there well now see two things I see a generation in hunger and in need of the Word of God but I'm noticing just by observation that maybe the traditional methods aren't working quite as well and so it's about I excel like to say like this adaptation without compromise explain that well you know I like to use this example of there's a shark known as the bull shark and he could swim in fresh water in salt water you know so he's kind of covered you know he's covering both both angles so it's kind of like he adapted to his environment you know and so clearly I mean this is the information technology generation we've got the Internet we've got computers we've got you know high-definition I mean we've got iPods we got everything you know and I think that we need to utilize those things somehow the gospel won't change the message won't change we're preaching Jesus Christ is Lord John 3:16 he died on the cross for your sins but the channel or the vessel or the delivery is just slightly different and so that's the generation that we're in so I see how there's so much exposure to the negative you know the lust of the flesh lust of the eyes and pride of life and it's like this that's what moves them but I'd also see a hunger there yeah and I see a fire that if that fire is it's channeled for the gospel I mean I mean I think that this generation will take the kingdom and take this world by storm what's gonna I mean it's just names I mean like like what the problems are faced with out there right now what would you I mean give me the top three and you're in your estimation I would say gang violence you know I mean we have you know that's the birth of you know Bloods and Crips and we're in South Los Angeles so it's it's all around and then I would say probably you know we've had some situations now and they're beginning to iturra to increase in numbers and regards to homosexuality and then also single-parent homes you know and that's just that's just a few and not that being raised in a single-parent home is wrong but we have seen a number of those that are involved in certain activities I think it's so important you know that a father being in their child's alive and and I mean and I mean I just had my first son three months ago he is he is Frederick Kenneth price the fifth and was interesting you know you talked about naming you know your child's destiny I remember my mom holding him in her hands he said you know you're gonna preach the gospel you know and III believe that that's you know that's why he was born ibly that's why I was born you know no pressure from the household but it's like there's no way God is given my father this ministry and when he goes on to be with the Lord it ends there yeah you know I know that the ministry is supposed to continue on my mother says until Jesus returns and I think that's how it is with every I don't think God gives ministers and pastors children for nothing there this purpose there they're supposed to do something maybe not minister maybe not pastor but they're supposed to do something in the ministry that's supposed to impact this world in some way okay let's see word now we're all living preachers believing like Jesus could return right now let's say he holds off his return for ten years let's say we're ten years down the road tell me about Crenshaw Christian's centered ten years down the road what do you see I see what I I call it the eat Church yeah you know I see a church that is utilizing the technology that we have available and ministering the gospel you know the pulpit Minister you may be the same but it'll be dressed up differently and you know I see the I see the place filled with the residents and the surrounding communities you know going out and really just doing what we do at taking it up to another level you know feeding the homeless and the hungry you know just ministering to the people in our neighborhoods at their level dealing with the specific needs and I see I see the place I don't see the place filled up just filled up with with those that are hungry for the word and want to learn about you know Christ and the Spirit of God and you know the new covenant that they have in Christ Jesus Fred you are such a hope and a hero to thousands of not just young adult men out there but a lot of parents that watches say that that a mom and dad can raise their son to be a man of God I want you to just we've got about two minutes left here I want you to talk into the camera not to me and just talk to that mom or that dad about claiming their child's destiny for God if you would okay you know the Bible says in mark 11:24 whatever things you ask when you pray believe you received them and you'll have them and the Bible also says in the book of Philippians chapter 4 tells us to be anxious for nothing but in prayer supplication let our requests be made known to God and so I believe that as parents it's our responsibility to make those requests known to the Heavenly Father you say when we do that the piece of him that surpasses all understanding you know I try to make sense of that but you can't because surpasses your understanding but that peace will guard your heart and that peace will guard your mind you'll be at peace in the midst of a storm you'll be at peace when it seems like you know which direction is my child going I mean I'm not sure give them to God he said to cast your cares on him because he cares for you and your child is your care put your child on God let God handle them let God speak to them but continue to lift them up in prayer stay in the word be that example to them let them not just hear the word but let them see it in pain don't just be a here but also a doer I can speak from experience there was no pressure in my home to be a preacher but my mother spoke it and she spoke it over my son and you can speak that calling that destiny you know in your heart and in your spirit what God has called them to do and he'll speak to them in due season but he's gonna reveal it to you first not the whole picture because if you shows you the whole picture you're gonna be frightened but I'll show you piece by piece by piece and put the word on them put the uncompromising word of God on them you will have what you say if what you say lines up with what God says you'll have it I've seen it I've seen it I want you to pray for we got about 30 seconds leaders to determine the grace for those parents and those grandparents who want to name their child's destiny pray for right now absolutely father in the name of Jesus we thank you for your word that your word is alive that your word is true that it will not in cannot return to you void but it will accomplish that which is set out to do and will prosper and I thank you for mothers and fathers and grandmothers and grandfathers and aunts and uncles and godparents and Guardians speaking the incorruptible seed of the everliving Word of God hallow over their children and over their grandchildren you said that if we pray this is the confidence that we have we know that you hear us and we have the petitions that we've asked if we pray according to your will and so I thank you for virtuous parents praying according to the will of God and speaking the word over those children because Satan you can't have them that do not belong to you how to remind you and your kingdom that your power is rendered inoperative that you will not and you cannot hinder these young people from going up to be the men and women that God has called them to be they will affect this generation with fire with zeal with the word empowered by the Spirit of God and so we just thank you for because that is what prayer is father we are settling on earth was already settled in heaven hallelujah because from heavens eyes it's done God's is looking at us through Jesus he sees the end so it's a matter of us getting in line with the word and it starts with Guardians it starts with the family starts with the parents speaking the word over their children instilling those seeds into their life and I guarantee you because the root and foundation is Christ there will be a harvest in their hearts and in their lives and so we thank you for it thank you in Jesus mighty a majestic name amen amen Thank You Fred love you please take our regards to your wonderful parents and tell them so much will you come back and preach at Trinity Church please I am I'm humbled what does that mean yes here's Ingrid Rosario - same breathe god bless you Ingrid and invite him to breathe upon us to breathe in us thank you this is the air I breathe this is the era pre your home this is my daily bread this is my daily bread you - and I'm desperate for you and ow bismillah speeder it has me respira will stop presence Phoebus and me do anis me bouncing your your stools can you just tell the Lord tonight breathing me thank you so much thank you so much he's a Nazario I want you tonight if you are sensing what's going on here for your child your son your daughter I want you to phone us that numbers on this screen or a prayer partner standing by and if you'll give us a call right now and I want you to tell that prayer minister what the destiny is that you feel God's called your son your daughter to and name it with them just like Hannah did and then they'll pray with your degree with it's gonna happen in the name of Jesus well I tell I have a guest here that I'm not that familiar with but we're gonna learn about him a little bit more we're very happy tonight to have the pastor of the rendezvous young adult ministry at Trinity Church in Miami Florida he's a minister of the preacher rich Wilkerson jr. we had Fred Christ jr. on just a moment ago sure did and we talked about his parents tell us rich the kind of home you were raised and tell us a little about your oh just the greatest parents in the world man no you are this gardener doesn't he look good tonight you know you know about uh what you're 40 now 15 somewhere in there but you look really good but I could tell you guys stories about him that would last all night if we wanted to you're a great dad honestly but no spanking stories tonight no no it's no story stay out of that man you look make me look like I'm a child abuser the way you tell those stories oh come on create yourself well hey no rich you have a youth you and some of the friends back in the West Coast have a ministry that you've had for several years with JC young v JC TV is TV ends youth affiliate channel and we do a show on there called top three and it's kind of a it's kind of a show just like this it's sort of the flagship show of JC TV and it's sort of a talking head show where we deal with different topics we bring on different guest preachers and whatnot and just kind of pick their brains a little bit fred price jr. we've had them on there before but um really you know JC TV it's a lifestyle channel it's got shows like it's got comedies on there now it's got Christian movies it's got a it's got extreme sports shows music videos and really it's Paul and Jan's vision to create this channel which they did I think it was almost four years ago now to really reach a generation of young people you can just look at the statistics to see how much young people are watching television how much television is really influencing them and that's what JC TV wants to do it wants to fill the gap in that place with an MTV or BT and kind of come in there from the Christian side you know point and kind of give them a different perspective if you will sure and it's been such a blessing to be a part of you know I'm just so thankful that the founders of this network Paul and Jan actually cared that much about youth and young and old man that they wanted to create a network to reach out the young adult it's absolutely amazing what's happening the stories we get in the testimonies it's just been a terrific blessing to be a part of that God called you here almost a year to be our minister of young adults yeah and started with nothing and the things exploded these are 20 and 30-somethings and tell us about that group of people I mean you work with them all the time just been miracle at their miracle in that group tell us about it yeah well you know I get to be the young adults pastor under your leadership of course which is just a phenomenal blessing but the rendezvous really it's it was started out of a vision that I had for this young adults of our community we are 18 to 35 year olds in that mix and the rendezvous which means the meeting place it means to worship God what we're talking about and connecting with others and what we really want to do is to create a place for those young adults to connect I mean you get out of college and it looks like hey you get back to your churches and if they don't have something specifically they're free which a lot of churches don't you don't really have any place to go and meet people all you have is the secular of the world the bars the clubs and how many of you out there know in Miami we got a lot of that and really the rendezvous was to be a you know what here is a positive environment invite what we can go and be challenged week after week for your life to truly be changed and young adults they're kind of in a weird place you don't I mean the statistics show us it's something like threw out of ten of them go to church it's actually much probably even low in that maybe 20% unless are actually attending church they're not very good tithe it's not very good givers there's this kind of drop-off for some reason where we lose them and what we are really committed to here at the rendezvous is reaching our community reaching our young adults in Miami Florida to bring them back to Jesus Christ I mean if I've ever had a burden or a passion it's that right there and you know one of the things that you and I talked about last time is what's going on you know what's going on through the Middle's what's happening with them and one of the things that I that I really believe that's happening that's taking place with any adults is that there we've kind of lost and forgotten the fact that we have potential yeah we talked about this idea if you hey call in to claim your child's destiny really what I was you know what your child has potential and we want to see your child actually begin to operate in it yeah the Bible says in Ephesians 2:10 for we are God's work men ship another translation says for we are God's masterpiece now I'm not an artist but I've got a youth pastor writer Schmidt pastor Terrence Wilson who is an artist and he tells me that a masterpiece is you know your final job your best Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel you know da Vinci's Mona Lisa the masterpiece we are God's masterpiece every one of ya every one of us and so the idea is people go well I don't have any potential I don't have gifts I don't have talents that's absolutely not true not because you and I are seeing their potential a it's cuz the Bible God alone says you are his workmanship Alleluia I mean how much more potential can you get but that scripture goes on and say that you know for we are God's workmanship created do good works and that's where we kind of get lost I think with this this this age group is that we have the potential but the potential is simply stored energy you know it's it's stored town it's stored gifts and really what God wants to do is he wants us to get kinetic remember and remember we you know the physical science class I can member you me they can me get an A in that class did that we talked about potential energy and kinetic energy potential energy being that of stored energy kinetic energy being that of moving energy I mean you've got to do something yeah that's what God said he said you've got to do something and what we're challenging young people to do is to actually get up and do something get out of your potential and get into the kinetic a little bit and start moving and start operating your gifts in your talents and do something for God James you know he writes as he says faith without works is dead and we know that faith of that works is dead yeah we got to be doing something we've got to stir up that potential which we already know we have and make it kinetic there's some Zen America something like 85% of Americans believe in God we read that right but we live right here in Miami Florida where we had a young man from our church this past week or two weeks ago who was shot and killed yeah outside of his doorstep yeah you know we're about a hundred miles away from Haiti right now which is in a massive food crisis yeah and where are the Christians where are the people that say they were this eighty five percent of people that believe in God yeah and the idea is that James also says that he says he says you know what even the demons believe in God you believe in God even the demons believe it got any shudder so believing is not good enough it's got to be coupled with action and was doing something and I am God's workmanship but I'm creating good works which God had set apart for me in advance to do amen and I got to get kinetic with it and so that's what we're really looking at so you know what somewhere you've gotten lost you know what it's like you look at yourself and say I can't do this right you know I wanted but I can't do it I'm not good enough and gathers and you're are good enough yeah but start doing something now get kinetic get in the movement that's kind of know where we're at with what hold some back from getting going oh we talked about that the other day that I was dying laughing well I don't believe what you're saying well you know I it reminds me of a story in numbers chapter 13 and in numbers chapter 13 we remember that it's when Moses said you know what hey God has given us this promised land but you know I'm gonna send 12 spies out there to go and check it out you go out there and check out this land make sure it's legit so these twelve spies they go out that these are the different leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel so they go check out check out this land well 12 them come back and if we remember the story correctly they all they all say yeah it's it is flowing with milk and honey it is this great land you're right it's it's awesome it's full of potential if you will but 10 of those spies they go on to say something and they go you know what ten of them say this they say you know the land you're right Moses the land is flowing with milk and honey then they say this crucial word that I think a lot of young adults are I think a lot of youth were saying it they say this in verse 22 say but oh man you think ones out there from the rendezvous they know what we're talking about when we say but we don't you can't you can't say but around us first why they say they say but but here's the deal there's people in there that are really big and large and scary and we can't do this you see you show me someone who's negative show me someone who's not walking in their destiny and I'll show you somebody who has a big butt I think we should do it but it looks like it's a good decision but I know I should be serving in my church but yeah you hear that a lot yeah and say your butt is stopping you from getting into your destiny but this land it's got all these giants and you know we can't do it and they start saying all sorts of crazy stuff they start down what you know what we should just go back to Egypt we should just go back under you know the police we could eat there I mean your butt statement always pushes you back into slavery into bondage separate your desk so they say no I but we can't do and they start they start complaining but how many of you know that that two of those spies and they rose up there was there was Caleb what's his name mean mad just with k9 man like that we had some mad dog's name in the camera Guardian family a little Mad Dogs then we have Joshua which means we didn't some Mad Dogs and we need some save yours these two men got me say you know what if God wills it we can do it if God says we can do it the land is already ours I mean it's gotta be strong and they all said this stuff God says you want I'm so disappointed I'm so tired of these people you know what that I'm not gonna let him go to their promised land I'm not gonna let them fulfill or receive their destiny Yeah right therefore you're gonna go and wander in the desert however those of you those two joshua and caleb mad dog and the savior they said you know what because you were able to get past europe but yeah you're able to walk in your destiny you're able to walk into the promised land you see and that's where a lot of us are at it's that we're so satisfied with stopping at our potential and potentials great people everyone has potential but it's those that have become more than just hearers of the word and doers of the word that walk into a kinetic energy that becomes kinetic in their faith that actually fulfill and walk into their destiny Joshua and Caleb don't just be here don't just be believers hey I'm glad you believe but you know what just believers believe but disciples do is how we say what do you see that what do you see in your prayer life when you pray over the Raju and the young adults of South Florida and this country what is your vision for them what do you see what I see is I mean I and I you're gonna hear some other powerful guys tonight that are all friends of mine and I look up to everyone on that I remember oh my and they're gonna all agree with me that we really believe that there is a generation rising up a generation that it's so hungry for God the Bible says blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled as we hundred as we cry out together wholeheartedly that God is gonna fill us and we're not gonna be without anything and since the thing is that I get so tired and I'm not trying to complain or be native that but I get so tired of hearing these guys so you know what it's over for America it's done for America you know we better get out of here because you know God is so disappointed with us you know he probably is disappoint but as long as the I have breath as long as they overcame the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and that is a testimony amen amen we've been talking about naming yes your child's destiny and I remember Rob and I when the boys we have four sons John Fulton's our oldest and we literally had written over his bed the child of Destiny a promise I got four boys and he was our child of promise and we had scripture verses and I would tell him son you're our promise man you've got a great destiny you're gonna fulfill and and he's our worship leader today he is a powerful minister of God and song rich we had over his crib I remember the child of courage that he'd be courageous for God Graham was our child of destiny and write down a tailored child of purpose and and and each one are fulfilling that destiny tonight you can name your son's destiny you can name your daughter's destiny you can see it come to pass you think I feel tonight like life is worthless I don't feel like life is worth if I drop dead tomorrow I got four boys that are rocking for God they're gonna give there's a it's not about me it's not about you it's about passing this to the next generation and rich I want you to pray tonight for the young adults in this country I want you to pray that God will give them a revival and they will rise up to fulfill their destiny hallelujah I want to say to all those parents out there right now that what we're talking to you tonight we're speaking to you tonight don't give up on your child Jesus Christ is our greatest example he always spoke to people's potential and when he did so they always went out and did something and it changed to the kinetic Luke 19 looks up at that tree and sees a key said Zacchaeus you come down here today he was speaking to his potential and you have a young person you're saying you know what my young person they're running from God right now you know they're strung out on drugs and you want to say that but statement but hey here's the deal don't say the but say but unless you're gonna say the but same and then fall with this word but God all right but God that's the only way you can use that blood statement tonight if God intervenes hope is not lost your child your young person can come back to God tonight and that's what we are bleem for that's why we want you to call right now as we pray for you let me pray for your night father God Lord I pray right now for all of these young adults and all the youth of our landlord right now God you said that if we would hunger and thirst for your righteous Lord you would fill us God but we still believe the Scriptures when it says that we are a chosen people father God willing a royal priesthood a holy nation father God but we believe it tonight God we speak it with it Clare Lord I declare it over my peers tonight yes God Lord anyone that's watching tonight Lord we are believing we're declare that the best is yet to come our destiny awaits us God we are right on the brink all we have to do is walk through it God but I pray for that parent out there God who's in turmoil who's who stressed out of their mind about their young person God tonight lord I pray that you would give them the peace of God all that type of peace that passes all understanding Lord speak to that mom speak to that dad that grandparent that aunt that uncle Lord there is hope today because the hope is you yeah we just believe right now that you can do a mighty work Lord we believe it in Jesus mighty name amen amen come over to the side with me kind of co-host the rest of the evening but I want you to call the number that's on the screen there our prayer ministers that want to stand by with you and agree with you according to Matthew 18 verse 19 for your son's destiny for your daughter's destiny in the name of Jesus well here's Ingrid Rosario one more time to say worthy is the lamb god bless your Ingrid you've done you did for us nice this love thank you for push me in your friend I know is your penis can you worship her to make come on with me Victoria he's the darling you're so worried we worship you Father we did is he worthy Church is he worthy Church begin to declare Rory and Donna Dominion and power will be can you sing and and thank you so much Rosario that wonderful wonderful song well rich you're gonna join me yes sir the next part come on yep badger man I'm glad you're here I'm glad to be with you you look skinnier than me I'm trying man I gotta come on we are blessed tonight to have one of the upcoming he's probably a colonel now but he's fast moving to generalship in the kingdom of God really I'm not making fun in any way because this is this is a great guy rich told me all about him when I heard him at rendezvous I just couldn't believe it and of course he came with a couple weeks ago on TV in as well but most of you that are watching me of you know John Gray he is from Atlanta Georgia he is the young adult pastor for Bishop Eddie Long one of the TV and favorites and our favorites and tonight we're so glad at TBN and praise the Lord to have pastor John Gray hey and can I be to drop it real quiet tonight can we get got about five seconds yeah cuz I've got ray let me call the phrase Li yeah it's kind of the phrase great you got five seconds to give God praise right there at your house it's called a praise break when you give God praise for something he's done you're believing in four or something he's about to do you got five seconds starting right now to give rendezvous about a month or so ago and we have a lot of our people from Trinity Church in the rendezvous here tonight and every would you say every seven minutes or what he would yell out Gray's breaking the middle is preaching and the place would just go bought they still they're still doing it over our church man so you've really kind of instilled in us you know passion for a praise break so we got to keep it up you know it's an honor man John we love you um we've been talking about destiny tonight and we you know Fred talked about his upbringing but rich talked about his tell us about your beginnings and and how God led you to this place well I was born in Cincinnati Ohio my mom and dad met they're married their mom and dad didn't work out after about four or five years I was about four years old mom and dad divorced and my mama raised me by herself and I know you're watching I want to tell you I love you and anything good that I am it's because you poured it in you prayed it in you called it out and I honor God for your life they can call me a mama's boy if they want but I honor you I love and I grew up at a time where the hip-hop thing was just starting so I'm like the the first generation hip-hop I went from hearing Andre Crouch and the Winans to hearing you know all this new hip-hop stuff and Run DMC so I'm right there in the middle between you know you know praise the Lord you know I'm saying so it's like you go from one to the other because that's what the soundtrack of my life was and it's like you know and and so my mother being a woman of God a straight-up woman of God raised me in the church grew up in a Baptist Church good old church you know today y'all y'all big-time now yeah I got praise and worship teams and all that stuff back in the day we just had the Deacons on the front row dot that's what that's the Deacon of doc and I look forward one day to being a deacon cuz they got to sleep on the front row none of my old deacons watch I know he didn't tell that story on TBN but uh you know I grew up really I knew that I was called to ministry at 13 I didn't want to be a pastor I didn't want to be a preacher I wanted to be a singer and that whole preaching thing was like nah Lord you're stealing my life I felt like he was taking my life and I didn't understand at 13 that it's it's not my will but his will be done I didn't know anything about against cemani experience and Gethsemane of course means oil press and God has to crush you to get the oil out of you and so there's some things that happened in my life that allowed the process of crushing and pruning to take its its rightful place and at 21 years old I accepted the calling to ministry and there in Cincinnati Ohio Bethel Baptist Church and a great man of God there dr. Wayne Davis license me to preach in the gospel and and then I just took off from there got a phone call from a guy named Kirk Franklin and I started touring with him and started doing plays and singing and doing all of this stuff and I started seeing the arc of my life go in the direction that God wanted it to go in but I noticed that I've been trained up from my mother she was training me when it says train up a child in the way they should go and when they get all they will not depart that my mother told me she said I knew that you were a leader at a young age and she said one time I caught you watching World News Tonight and at four years old and she said little kids don't watch that and you sit there and watched it she said it was at that point that I knew that the Lord had given me a world leader and so I began to cultivate that in you and then I'm reminded of you're talking about Hannah people don't realize Hannah was anointed Hannah was a prophet Hannah was that you can't birth what's not in you so I want to talk to the Hannah's out there you don't even realize I know that that you may have felt like your life was on hold like you struggled through trying to raise kids and the father's not there the husband may have left woman of God Hannah right there in your living room or in your kitchen you have pathetic anointing and a prophetic destiny that God wants to birth in you and not only is he going to help you he's going to burst it in your seed and I'm telling you the Lord has not forgotten the promises that he's made concerning your life and right about now is a good time for a praise break secret pastor rich people need to understand the story of Samuel Samuel was a generational interruption because Elkanah was his dad but even though hannah was broken it seemed like Elkanah didn't really care because he had punana he had another wife and another set of kids I feel the Holy Ghost right there some of y'all found out who you thought you were in love with he had something else going on on the other side of town but I want you to know that there's a Samuel that God has already allowed you to birth so broke my heart and know God has not forgotten about you but he's gonna give you a name to stay established in the earth and Samuel was so amazing because Hanna had to be a prophet just to clothe the boy because when she dedicated him to the Lord she went up yearly to give her offering and she would make a little robe the Bible says a little robe and for the woman of God out there I want you to know right now God is giving you supernatural vision to literally create the atmosphere for your child to grow and he's giving it to you two sizes too big so that when the child puts it on they can grow into their anointing Luke 2:52 growing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man and so you can supernaturally grow into your anointing when the parents begin to rise up and I'm telling you it's in God's best interest to speak to parents and so he wants the parents to get in his presence to get in his face so that they can hear from him so the Lord can direct this generation this is a warfare generation this is not one of them keep up I'm scared to know deadlock I'm not afraid of no devil I'm gonna back up W up under my feet if I want to talk to a devil I write a note on the bottom of my shoes because I feel the Holy Ghost I said I feel the Holy Ghost I'm getting you right now to give God a praise write the note write the note something y'all need to get your shoes out right now and start writing on the bottom of your shoe say devil you can't have my child you can't have my destiny you can't have my neighborhood you can't have my marriage you can't have my family this is the season where the great men and women of God rise up this is the season where the great men like you pour in and make way for your son to be elevated it takes a real strong and great man of God a secure man of God to speak life to his son to encourage and empower his son may the Lord bless you and even tonight may the Lord reproduce your spirit and your anointing all over this world because there are men of God in positions of power that God has been whispering to saying there's somebody in your congregation that you need to begin to train but they're afraid because they don't want to lose their power but God says the key to real power is reproduction season for the sons to rise Romans 8 18 and 19 for I consider that the sufferings of this present age are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed for the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly awaits the revealing tunne of the sons of God my little brother Rick right here young rich junior get up I watched him I said God look at him he's so anointed he's so fantastic and you gave him charisma and great looks I'm like he got Leonardo DiCaprio beating this boy isn't murder he and God gave him a mantle boy you're fine I ain't mad at you boy he understand me you represent for them pretty boys but I represent for the big boys but God has given you a specific mantle because the Lord wants to take over TV he wants to test movies he wants to take over radio he wants to take use me I'm sorry Lord he's going to take over TV he's gonna take over internet he's taking the streets back he wants black he wants white he wants Hispanic patients spirit out on all flesh that's why I two of y'all and one of me in another Hispanic and another brother it's all on the same show hallelujah what I love about this so much is that this isn't just something you're speaking this is something that you're already doing I'm sorry it sounds like somebody's got the revelation that they're more than their circumstance especially with gas $4 a daggone gallon you need to know that your destiny is bigger than your current circumstance I'm sorry no I'm just saying this thing about John is that you know this isn't there something that he talked about this is something he lives and I want you to share a little about what you're doing because you don't just you're not just a preacher you're you're you're an actor you're a director you're a comedian you're a singer-songwriter share a little bit about some that stuff that you're doing right now well it's important because I want you really to encourage and challenge a young person out there today but they go you know what I I've got gifts I got towns I have potential but it's not just a preach that's from up from a pulpit you preach with your life man and that's what that's what you're really doing one of my biggest challenges pastor rich and rich jr. was Lord how're you gonna call me to ministry if all I'm supposed to do is freeze he said who told you that was ministry yeah that's custom and who told you that that was the model there is no model for ministry God said I called you to be used in my kingdoms right and so I'm able to function in the anointing that he gave me so I I do comedy shows all over the country in fact all over the world I just did seven films seven films that I was able to executive produce and for those who don't know that means somehow I was supernaturally able to write the check hey man which means I didn't have to ask anybody come on God is getting ready to open up your destiny to the point that you're not even gonna have to ask anybody that's for permission to do it because I'm telling you God right now is releasing an anointing on your life and in this studio audience and in that TV right there cuz some of y'all go to a job you hate and you know why you hate it because it's not your calling but God's getting ready to release you from that thing so you can walk in your I wish somebody with less pride right there but I've got two CDs out I wrote a love song album called covenant you can get it on my website I'm sure it's up man of God calm or go to John Gray music I did an all slow-jam album so when I get married I can listen to myself because because nobody can talk about covenant love like a covenant man nobody can talk about God's love from A Song of Solomon perspective like men of God and so even though there's a lot of music out there it doesn't speak to my reality cuz I didn't get the opportunity to sleep with everybody I've been waiting a long time so when I get married I'm gonna have my old CD on push play and thank the Lord I'll praise break by myself oh my god so listen to yourself I'm gonna listen to myself what so I don't want to listen to myself I'll give you one of my CDs but you know I think for me I represent a weird generation man I represent the generation that doesn't make sense I represent those guys that don't fit in I love my Bishop Bishop Eddie Long it's a great man of God and and I'm saying this on international TV sometimes I feel out of place because church doesn't seem to fit me all the time and I think I represent a generation of young people and people with destiny that the church is afraid to let us in because it's so new it's so different but it's so fresh and it's so inviting it's a different fragrance that you bring the rendezvous is a very unique fragrance and I'm telling you God is into smells God is into sins that's why the art of the Apothecary the anointing oil was a fragrant scent had galbanum in stock tea and cassia and myrrh God wants a certain scent in the earth and when he smells that sit he's drawn to that and so when you do it you do like nobody else can do it God is drawn to that and he breathes on it in his face and his countenance is for you and he breathes on you he gives you the Rue ha ha kodesh the Holy Spirit the breath of God he breathes on you when you begin to move in the sense of the anointing that God has declared for your life and I decided I'm not gonna change who I am they're gonna be people that don't like me and I got the revelation pastor it is okay have to like me but I'm trying to be me to get somebody because there's somebody watching right now saying I totally feel what that dude is coming from and maybe somebody else can't reach that person but I'm speaking life to all the hennas out there because you talked about little Samuel and us a powerful scripture it says and there he was in the temple a boy wearing a linen ephod and God wants to release the ephod over a young generation this generation right now he wants to elevate you to the priesthood a prophetic priesthood he wants you to walk in that now not at 35 and 45 and there's nothing wrong with that but he wants you to walk around your school at 11 and 12 and 13 where you walk past people your shadow will heal the sick at 12 and 13 and 14 you'll be able to prophesy to your teachers in the middle of class to say miss Johnson I know you've been hurt God had me pray for you last night I want you to know the devil is a lie and cancer this is what God wants to do and this is what he's doing right now in this season this show has taken a decidedly holy ghost' turn you declared the destiny in the back but it was up to the sons to execute you spoke to us and gave us the direction in the vision because you're the head set in authority and for those who want to move and elevate if you don't listen and honor the set in authority you're not walking in the full purpose and the perfect plan of God don't say it's your vision inside of somebody else's house that's called die vision and so tonight you said we're gonna go after a generation and I see it I only got a minute left so if you don't mind I'd like to speak to this generation Hannah go get your kids hurry up I'm awake you got five seconds go ahead go get them tell them come downstairs I'm praying for get your kids I see you crying right there because you've been waiting on this program to speak to you to speak to your reality to speak to your situation I want you to know I'm a semi well I'm a son of a Hannah that prayed to God and made sure I feel the Holy Ghost that I had the Word of God on the inside let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom and my mother prayed and fought and fasted and cried and made sure that what was going on in my neighborhood would not affect me and I don't know how she did it but by the power of the Holy Ghost on the inside of her she was able to steer me in the right way I am a grown man who's representing Christ and I'm telling you no matter what your child as before is doing God is going to give you the authority to write that and bring them back into the full knowledge and power and I feel the Holy Ghost and the full mantle of the anointing of the Holy Spirit Hannah lay hands on your children right now declare a release of a Samuel's anointing and watch the e5 supernaturally rest on their shoulders you won't be able to sleep tonight and that's okay this is a season where the heart wants to wake you up he stirring something in your spirit also be encouraged woman of God wipe the tears oh by the way the check is in the mail it's on the way honey I've been waiting on child support and he wasn't that bright that thing's been loosed in the spirit you should expected in about the next seven to ten days and I'm telling you guys got all your deals free long around and thank God for all paid bills get the past due notice and the final notice and tear it up and say I'm walking in my Hannah anointing and my Samuel will see the glory of God well John the word a man means I agree come on can we do it Peleliu well I tell you when when John said just a moment ago Hannah go get your kids man something happened just on this set the Holy Spirit really really began to move is in my own life and I sense it right now and so really really if you want someone to connect with now beyond this minister of the gospel who just shared his heart pick up the phone and call the number that's on your screen there'll be a prayer minister standing by who will agree with you for that boy that girl those boys those girls the whole team that your destiny for them that you've named it it's gonna come to pass the name of Jesus call us now Ingrid Rosario - saying all nations Oh rewards should be me Lord tonight everything nation sing glory Dorothy nations will worship you worship you family father use that to go into the nation's we are a holy nation arising from this generation we're gonna praise you and glorify you father you sing it with me tell you Oh we exalt your name and we will thank you I want you to declare this tonight you are God come on boys Oh check her out we just heard from Pastor John Gray from Atlanta Georgia you've heard him ministering what a powerful powerful word I want to tell everybody who's watching right now on television also in the studio audience we are gonna have Pastor John Gray at our church Trinity Church this weekend all four services Saturday April 26 and all three services April 27th on Sunday if you don't have a church home or if you're kind of in a kind of a transitional place we want you to be with us it's our big weekend we've been advertising it but coming out to Trinity Church this weekend to hear Pastor John Gray he's gonna absolutely shake it up Trinity Church TV has all the information the directions how to get there but we want you to be there with us as you celebrate our big weekend and John I just wanted can you bring it like a change of clothes and all because gonna be pretty wedding jumpsuit probably in between PowerBar yeah Powerball I'm gonna get a jumpsuit maybe some Miami shorts yeah you know I'm saying hey we're so happy tonight to have one of our friends I think it's his first time on TBN but I've known him for a number of years his name is Rick Lorimer and Rick is one of the directors of a great organization known as the Assemblies of God youth missions and he is well let's just say there's eleven thousand churches in this country but thousands more overseas half a million students that he works with and hundreds and thousands of youth ministers and you talk about stories and an anointed man of God and we're gonna be talking about some things tonight in that area and we're all here together so I just like you to open your heart and welcome from Springfield Missouri Rick Lorimer god bless your record want to say what a joy you must feel right now so you can follow John Gray and what a joy that must be I'm just thinking who set that up great great I mean how you what you're doing Rick and how you got to this place we've been talking about destiny and heritage necessarily man I tell you rich it's it's I did not come from a traditional Christian home have a family that grew up religiously but thank God that I don't care what your background you're still God's child he wants you and he wants the church to reach out to lost people and that's really my passion I rich I last talked this is last October I went through on the hardest times in my life it was October 14th my mom and dad came home from having dinner together my dad getting out of the car stumbled in the process he hit his head on the cement driveway and 14 days later we lost my dad my best friend my best friend I thank God I know he's in heaven I prayed salvation with him four years ago so I'm excited about all that but you know that doesn't that doesn't replace the fact that you still hurt you know you still deal with loneliness I still get angry I still with the struggle with my own regrets probably the hardest moment rich was towards the end of his life his breathing was getting shallow and his eyes shot open and when that happened I thought for a brief moment I had my dad back you know hope just was right there but we're talking like within seconds that hope was gone because if you're familiar and I'm sure you are with with hospital situations that really was a death stare the eyes were vacant that wasn't my dad there wasn't a twinkle there there was no fire there it was empty it was hallow and as you were talking about destiny I couldn't help but remind of the times when I'm preaching in churches all across America and unfortunately I look out sometimes I see that same vacant stare in our pews Wow and and it's unfortunate but Christians they settle and we start assuming that God has called us to occupy up you when release call us occupy a land and they've lost that fire yeah they've lost that sense of destiny in their lives and it's my prayer that man the church can come alive I think what you heard earlier from your son rich and Fred and jr. and and from this man of God right here John Gray it's just these guys are passionate there is a younger generation that's looking to be challenged that's right and I think our generation to some degree we've over preached but under challenged and it's time for us to challenge the generation to step up and take their place in God's kingdom man mister you are working with youth directors all over the country and as we talked earlier all over the world and so many thousands of students tell us just a story or two of just students that have stepped out and gone for it well it's it's encouraging because all across America there are kids fighting against the odds that are that are actually refused and about the enemy's desire for their life and they're stepping up to receive their destiny in Christ and fulfill it I like the scripture eye has not seen nor ear heard the things I plan for them that love love me there's a young man by name of Peyton just last year he was heavily involved with the gangs and selling guns to the gangs was it really a hater grew up in a horrible home life something went wrong and the gang life he had so he got out of it and he immediately got involved with almost the opposite side of this gang he'd been he gotten both the Aryan Nation Nazi youth organization and in schools he would he was like the number-one predator when it came to causing fights he'd stand up he'd give hate speeches teachers were afraid to have him in their classroom well this young man to the efforts of a youth leader was led to Christ I met him just last summer in summer camp and he's a tall kid huge kid strapping young men young man and now he's just in love with God and so here's what he's doing he's still staying up in school he's still causing a stir but it's a different kind of stir yeah and he's not causing trouble for the good people he's causing trouble for hell's issues and hell's desires for peep life he's won countless teenagers to Christ his name is Payton and right now he's in Iowa and I just thank God for young people like Payton and Payton if you're listening to this thank you for fulfilling God's destiny on your life I heard you speak at the RCA Dome in Indianapolis I think it's coming down in fact but it was still up when we were there you know and there was thousands of students there and you told the story of a young lady that I just I'd lost it was an amazing story just sure knows what it yeah Schuyler Barrett beautiful young gal when she was seven years old she felt called to be a missionary and since being a teenager she was giving hundreds and in this last year she gave thirty five hundred dollars to a ministry called speed delight which is student initiated ministry to raise money for missionary so they could reach lost people I mean that's what it's about lost people yeah and she got that in her heart and so she's all about missions and completely out of the blue she was driving home one night and I believe was a drunk driver hit her and Skylar lost her life it it was very unfortunate it rocked the whole community she was loved in school over a thousand students showed up for her funeral and her parents and you're talking about destiny her mom Debbie stood up and just shared the gospel and talked about how Skylar's heart was for missions in that year alone Skylar gave thirty five hundred dollars just when she was alive now through her death there's a church being built in her honor in Tanzania destiny destiny and there's not a one of us that can understand the sorrow than a mom or father feels with the loss of a child no parent should outlive their kids but this mom felt fulfillment in the fact that her daughter's legacy was living on there wasn't the devil is not in vanity yeah destiny and there are young people out there they want to fulfill God's destiny for their life I've known students that pastor Lee then that they're passing caused such a revival in their high schools for God and and in their churches for God that literally their legacy really does live on even though their life was short and God had a will and a way for them we're not praying for that for anybody right but we thank God for young people that if they'll live to the fullest for God victory occurs no matter what happened that's right we have been apart for many years they know we've been apart for many years kind of in a distant way but but still connected with a discipleship program the Lord helped my wife and I to write well actually 35 years ago we anyway we we that this has been an evolution to this discipleship program called the fire Institute and we had over a 30-year period of time about 30,000 students go through the third third three month intense discipleship program mmm-hmm and kids go through the whole New Testament and then read a bunch of books and they go on missions trips and yeah just under 10% of those 30,000 have gone into some form of full-time ministry over these 30 years it's just a unusual rating anyway last year you and a couple of the guys that lead as soon as a God youth worldwide came to Florida to meet with me and of course I've been working here in Miami I'm a pastor and we work with those that are challenged socially economically in every way and I haven't really been doing youth ministry for about 10 years and you said listen we're all kind of part of fire institute we went through it when we were young men would you be willing to let us have the fire institute and we gave it over to you guys and now it's been redone completely re-upped to the process yeah it will be released in the fall of this year rekt it's really for the worldwide audience it's for students in every part of the world and in particular pastors and youth pastors who have students in their organizations because it's a it's it's for eight week programs and they'll go through the entire Bible correct read a wonderful group of books and then they'll be tested and they'll go out of the mission field themselves and we'll see what God does from there but but you have now been able to almost get that thing ready for release cells are well it's just exciting and it's called fire Institute and this is something that you you started like you said some 30-some years ago I met a pastor get this just yesterday I was preaching in Dallas I went out with a youth pastor right after service for lunch and he had mentioned Indianapolis and how we mentioned we were doing the fire Institute and he said listen let me tell you I was a teenager and I went through fire Institute and it transformed my life Wow and I thought that was I mean there was no promptings he had no idea was gonna be with you tonight and so rich almost say thank you on behalf of all the leaders such as myself J Mooney national youth director the symbols of God he said this you were a virtual coach to him via fire Institute a mentor to him and it helped him know how to actually disciple students this is more than a curriculum this is this is really a mentoring ministry that allows not just a youth pastor or pastor but it could be a lay leader take a group of students through discipleship in your fantastic and here's the thing it's rooted in the Word of God it's written because of that I got to mention the fire Bible yeah I mean this is really a a companion resources of fire Bible it's over 60 obviously sixty-six books in the old and new Testament matter of fact right here is one brothers got one and John lost his Bible in the plane was coming to saying God please have someone give me a Bible in IV it's a true story I said Lord I need a Bible I want an NIV Bible bible study bible i said that god knows he was walk-in and he hands me this Bible Rich were talking destiny yeah and students and young adults and adults for that matter cannot understand the destiny in their lives unless they understand the Word of God yeah yeah and we've got to make sure we know that that where there's truth there is what freedom yeah we know that there's Liberty and yet we have forsaken the Word of God for the most part in a lot of our churches and God is looking for revival of the teaching of the word in our pulpits there are people that will preachers stand up and they preach the word and there's fire impressing and that's something that drew me to you you had such a passion for the Word of God and for challenging students thus fire Institute aiming and fire stands for the F stands for foundation I inspiration our responsibility evangelist evangelism because you know what we all need to take ownership for love and loss and it's kind of like rich was talking about earlier it's getting out of that potential into the kinetic move of God where you start moving out even as a young man or young woman a young adult into the harvest field and seeing people say oh yeah thank God for Rick Laura more tonight I want you to go to that website WWI our Institute calm I don't receive anything from this we gave this to this organization and now they're reproducing it around the world and tens of thousands they hope to put a million students through this in the next five years now can you imagine destiny destiny as our next guest is coming I want us to believe God right now in prayer yeah I want you to agree with rich of me right now on this set that the destiny that God has for your son for your son daughter you already know about it you're the Hannah that John talked about you fetched your kids you've touched him maybe you've picked up the phone and called him tonight Tom don't forget what God has put in your heart and we're gonna agree right now the fire Institute Bible School Oh are you some kind of a great faith organization where you could get in Ally college Evangel University these great schools that teach the Word of God we have one here in the state of Florida thei Stern University powerful Holy Ghost school training for young men and women going into full-time service Father in the name of Jesus yes we name their destiny right now thank god you're going to change their lives they're gonna realize everything you in their heart when they were born that their mom knows about right now their grandma knows about right now mom and dad grandma grandpa know about it tonight Lord we name it we claim it in the name of Jesus for your glory hallelujah I want you to call in and let us know tonight that destiny for your child we're gonna agree with you you call that prayer minister on that's on your screen we have another guest tonight and I believe many of you have seen my brother and heard him on TBN before this is not his first time but Frank echeverria Oh right is the young adult pastor oversees all the youth ministries at King Jesus International Ministries in Kindle right here in Miami it's actually we all know it as El Rey of soos pastor I kind of think Frank that Pastor Maldonado is kind of like a spiritual father to you I mean his spirit ranged in you oh no doubt about tell us your story tell us how God brought you to this place we've been talking about destiny night John talking about Fred talked about it Rick talked about Richie we're been talking tell us about it tonight pastor once again thank you for having us here we saw honor and and I just want to thank God for my father he's indeed my father than the Lord Gina my spiritual mother as well Paul and Jennifer for giving us a chance to be here and I really feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit here tonight and now my heart is moved because they've always talked to you about my story what can I tell you I've been days with our food I've there's been times I haven't even had shoes on me and no clothes on me actually a book that I did it's just about my story if I was to tell you I'm here because somebody believed in me I'm here because someone gave me a chance and it's my father and the Lord I'm ungrateful to him and I believe my mother is here that's what you moved on because my mother is here in the studio as well and and she interceded for me and she stood in the gap for me and that's why I'm here and what can I tell you pastor I'll be off once again I've been listening to what's going on and I feel such an unknown of the Holy Spirit and and I believe that that there is something that connects our destiny and our belief something that is very connected to our destiny is our hunger for God I said I want you to know that I'm hungry for God we are so hungry that we are willing listen we are willing to do whatever we can do just to get closer to God we are willing to do whatever we can do to reach out to lost souls we are hungry for God and I believe that that that a hunger forgot is connected to our destiny Jesus he sits by the mountain side he could did so he sat in the place of authority and he begins to teach about the Beatitudes and he begins to say how blessed are those who mourn and blessed are those who who I just meek and then he gets to the point that he said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness and if you look at that word blessed is the word my carrion is actual language and what it means is you just won't just be blessed you will be prospered you will be anointed you will be all of that and it gets to the point that I believe that something that we are missing in our churches pastor and we are missing in our youth groups and our young adults Coop's is that we've gotten too comfortable we've gotten to lay back we've gotten too much you just say well you know I'm here and I just gotten this far and God has blessed me and I'm okay and we've developed an arrival mentality and we've lost our hunger and our passion and our thirst for God listen to this and I believe that we've gotten to the point in which God has so much for our generation he has so much and he wants to give us there is so much that he wants to do but we've an hinder ourselves the move of God just because we've gotten comfortable but if you don't mind I've come to make a declaration today I'm going to declare that there is a generation of young people that will rise up a hungry for God that will arrive some thirsty forgotten I don't know see whatever you watching you need to declare that once again you will go back to a hunger after God to get desperate for the other side you got a witness here I wish I think that somebody in this hasser for too long we've gone after was on style but we haven't gone after the heart of God we've gone in our churches after wuzzle style but we have not changed was on the heart of God and back in the days and the heart of God was indeed I don't believe that a hunger is connected to our destiny I believe that when you are hungry for God he can begin to move in your life like never before many times we've wondered and we said why it's not working why this is not happening why doesn't wired the other and we haven't said I'll say I'm not really hungry for the lost I'm not really hungry for a move of God in my generation am i really passionate am I willing to pay the price touches me uh I've known your pastor for about five years but the previous five years I would watch him preach in Spanish on local television and I would weep I don't understand Spanish but that passion that that we're hearing from you tonight is in Pastor Maldonado this passion is not a joke that he's talking about because it's right I'm not talking about a young brother here that's a youth pastor and has thirty five kids on a Wednesday night and a bunch of fallen chairs I'm talking about we have over two thousand teenagers and young adults in the ministry there at El Rey a sous that you're over you would say Frank that that it's that passion that's drawn them tell us about those students do all of them come from great families and great backgrounds many of them come from broken homes don't they and broken lives absolutely pastored most of them we have college students we have X Gunn members we have X homosexuals X lesbians X witches X you name it if we have it but there is one thing that we learn from our Father have we seen it in our Father and our mother is that passion for God is that see David said it the bible says in psalm 42 it says even as the deer longs for the water so how long god to be in your presence and what has happened in nowadays is that everybody wants to be successful everybody wants to shine like John everybody wants to hold the mic and look nice and everybody wants to get down and and then the beer received the accolades remember the question is are we willing to pay the price are we willing to Barney's and say God whatever it takes I'm willing to pay the price you can ask my wife pastor she's here with me we've we've we've got something them we've learned that we said God and put it put it in these young people that they will so go after God that they would not that would just decide not to give up they will decide not to quit I want to speak to a youth pastor that you watching now it's not the time to quit yeah it's not the time to give up it's not the time to be worried about what hasn't happened or even the word that God spoke over your life Frank I'm here to tell you that is people watching me that you were gonna get ready to quit this is not the time to quit this is not the time to throw the towel listen there is even someone watching you want a voice to the use of America but you've been influenced people are telling you you need to hold on because you are too passionate to see that your people touch you are too passionate to see signs and wonders and miracles you do not allow anyone to influence you you do not allow anyone to hold you back you pursue what got a place in your heart you stand up and you say God I'm gonna stand here until you open the door I'm gonna stand here I'm see young people bringing drugs to the altar Lincoln goes to the altar bring it all of that lifestyle to the altar and saying I wanna follow and serve god it's not the time to quit and I believe bastard then when we get a haul of that jr. I believe when we get a haul of that something will happen in our youth ministries yeah yeah something what happened to the young people of America when all of us is there as the leaders when we decide to just call out to God when we decide to sell order doesn't matter what it will cost me I'm willing to pay the price I'm here I'm willing to do whatever I have to do will we make a decision something will happen in America something as a matter of fact something is happening and I can't just say something is hard in America I feel that we said God we're willing to stand in the gap we're willing to persevere we're willing to say I thank God for education I want this boy to get a PhD I don't have one but if my son rejects the altar and rejects the power that comes from prayer seeking God he'll be a smart guy that missed what God could have done for him you see III want God so much and and what Frank is talking about all these stand-up fellas just let's just listen close this thing in prayer I feel right now there's so many of you that are watching you don't know what to do get on your knees begin to hunger and thirst for and cry out to God just like we've been talking about tonight it's not about running away from the power of God it's to run to the power of God I can't believe I'm as old as I am I can't believe it but I know how my life when I started we were 20 and 19 on our knees the fire Institute came out of being on our knees we didn't know what to do and we cried out to God and God gave us a program we went into evangelism we didn't know if anyone would call we prayed they'd call God opened doors passion tonight God will give it to you so crying there let's pray I want everybody raise your hands we're gonna pray all over America and I father we pray for America tonight we pray for the world tonight we pray for pastors and young leaders Lord Jesus tonight that they would know they're dead we pray in the name of Jesus that they will not miss their destiny that mothers and fathers and grandmas and grandpas would call their destiny in tonight and that father they would realize that you are greater than any problem that they're facing right now and you can bring them out of the gutter you can bring them out of nakedness in shape and you can put them on national television to preach the Word of God you can do it California 97 you like cheerio 5p 8 if you haven't asked price in your life until next time remember to praise the Lord this program has been brought to you through the prayers and contributions of our faithful partners throughout North America and the world
Channel: Alex Clarke
Views: 914
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: TBN, iTBN, TBN 2008, Rich Wilkerson, Pastor John Gray, Rich Wilkerson Jr.', Rick Lorimer, Fred Price Jr., Frank Hechaverria
Id: xavk3Gd8Kdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 54sec (7014 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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