Taste Testing the Latest Food Trend Products Vol. 3

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(upbeat music) - [Narrator] We are Sorted. A group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughing) We've got chefs, we've got normals, (beep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, but everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Hello, I'm Jamie, this is Ben. - You guys love food trends and we love talking about them. - I am away from home, in a foreign land, and you're feeding me things. I'm out of my comfort zone. (upbeat jazz music) - (groans) that doesn't look good. - (gasps) - This is not how it would normally be served, but I wanted to put it in something the camera could see right through. - Okay, I don't want it. - Yeah, it's nice, yeah. It's kind of like a cloudy consomme. Just, I don't know if that's a compliment. - It smells appley, it tastes earthy. Has it got any root vegetables in it? - It's got carrots, it's got celery, it's got fennel. - Am I drinking stock? I'm drinking the beginning of a soup. - I don't get any of the flavors (chuckles). Maybe 'cause there's too many? I don't know. - This is, Bone Broth Elixir. The flavor I picked out for the pair of you today, is turkey, ginger, and sage. - Oh, you get, that's what it is, sage! You can absolutely taste the sage. Yeah, the fact they called it elixir makes me worried, price wise, and also, who's gonna be buying this? - The packaging is ridiculous. I like it, but it's ridiculous and I'm self aware enough to know that it's ridiculous, I like it. - It sounds like it's got all good stuff in it. - [Ben] Nothing bad's in it, that's the great thing. It's just vegetables. It's all the wonderful things you get from a long slow bone broth. And I think this is why I picked it. Bone broths seem to be back on trend. - I don't think I'd buy it to drink it like this. But, I think it's what it's meant to be. - It tastes nice, once you get your head around, you're drinking a broth, not a tea or especially some sort of Pinot Grigio. But, I'm worried about what it's costing for that because you can make a bone broth, it's probably quite cheap, and you also get a tasty dish out of it. - Bad trend, it tastes good, sell it like that. But, you couldn't sell it for as much as that in this jar if you didn't, if you just called it turkey stock. - How much is a jar like that you think? - I'm tried to think, Ben. - [Ben] What about a $21.00? - Okay! $21.00. - Making it five dollars, 5.25 per serving. - Oh, bargain. 21 dollars! - There's gonna be a selection of people who buy these things because they're like, "Oh, if I just add those to my diet, I'll have those things." Pack your diet full of great food that's fresh and full of great stuff. You'll probably see a difference to your life. I don't see how adding this to your diet will do that. And that's the only thing I have that's bad to say about it, apart from price. - I'd leave it alone. It's really nice, like it tastes really good. It's just really expensive, and doesn't do anything that it claims to do. - You'd leave it alone and make your own. (laughs) (groans) - I'm gonna leave the bone alone. (upbeat jazz music) - (laughing) - Big, mustardy saus. - But it looks like a vegan saus. - Oh, it's made of like, bloody figs. - [Ben] Oh, good nose! - I've had two slices, and I feel like I don't need anymore. - Oh, spicy though. Once you get over the initial disappointment, it tastes alright. - It is 100% plant based, fig salami. - (laughing) Why is it, why have they turned into a sausage? It taste like a fig, with paprika. - [Ben] It was in the aisle with, next to all the other sausages and salamis, in the refrigerated section. It was not in the confectionery aisle. - I'm trying to be so nice, why are you making it so hard for me? - Is it not just a form of preservation? - The expiry date on this is the March 30th, 2021. That is a long time away. - And, I imagine if you bought, a salami, or some churchuri from France, they often have long shelf life. It's a way of preserving meat. Why can't you do that with figs? - Maybe they using the gimmick, to sell it. And you bought it, so it works. - I'm happy with that, it's a good product. - I can't work out whether it's clever or gimmicky. - Compared to a pork salami, if it's not trying to be a pork salami. - $9.50, does that... - (Screaming) - [Ben] Change anything? - No that's okay. - $9.60, that feels like a lot of money. - Okay then, great snacking, or send it packing? - Absolutely, send it packing, personally. - Great snacking, and I'll send you packing. ( upbeat music) - Oh, okay, so they're light, they're shelly. - They taste like the hardest peanuts I've ever bitten into. Listen to this (crunching nuts). - Tastes a lot like a peanut. - They're a nut. - I picked this because it fascinates me, it is a nut, it's a nut I've never heard of. It is the baru nut. - [James] Oh the baru nut, of course! - Or barukas, snacks tend to be highly processed, often high in sugars, and salts, so this is a healthy snack. And they claim, it's the healthiest nut in the world. - (gags) Yawn. - How you claim that? - 25% fewer calories than other nuts. - Being less calories, I don't feel like that's a selling point. This is nature's food, this is what you should be eating. - So they claim that they also provide an opportunity, to sustain indigenous communities and traditions, on their land. So areas of rainforest, that are otherwise being attacked by deforestation. Are you a nut snacker? - If I want some peanuts, I'll probably buy some dry roasted peanuts that are covered in terrible stuff, and eat them because of flavor, not because of healthy snacking. However, for people who are looking for something different, I'd hope that they would be a craze. - I don't think I'd buy them over anything else, just because of the extra six grams of protein, or three times the antioxidant power. - That pack was $5.50, so definitely more expensive than your average peanut or almond, but not extortionately so. - I just think they might struggle to stand out in a highly saturated fat market. - Potential craze, or crazy? - Potential craze is cooked, can get a little too far, but I like them, so potential craze. (upbeat music) - (chuckles) - What're you seeing? - Don't know what it is, it's red! Or pink, or something. - Not quite taste of the Pasta Pasta, but it doesn't taste too far away from Pasta Pasta. - Texture, texture? - Yeah it's a bit more floury. - It is tasty actually, I'm gonna give it a, it's got something to it, but I don't know if I can identify it. - Obviously got some superfood ingredient in it. - Oh, look at you, guessing the, superfood, word already. This is, FREE TO EAT, Superfood, PURPLE Rotini. - They were just a list of words that mean nothing to me. - It is free from eight of the top allergens including, wheat. They're gluten free pasta made from just four ingredients, red lentils, beet root, sweet potato, and carrot. - I think it would ever be like pasta with something added to it, but it's pasta with something taken away from it. And it tastes like pasta. It tastes good, and the texture is good, therefore I am pleased. - It does have a powdery sort of after-texture at the end. And that's probably the only thing that slightly stands out about it, but not in a bad way. You could have fibbed that to me, and told me it was pasta and I would have just gone, "Okay." - Five times less carb, than a regular fusilli, and two times as much protein, and every portion will give you one of your five a day. $4.30 for a pack with four servings. - Compared to pasta, it's a lot. - I really think that's very good. I think that's gonna help a lot of people, which is cool. I can see why things like this are more readily available than in the UK. - [Ben] So the big question. - Here we are go. - Fad or, not bad? - It's definitely not bad. It's a decent product, it's really good. - That's bad, but this is not bad. (upbeat music) - What! - (groans) - Oh, it smells! - Of? - I don't know, but not something that I wanna drink. - I'll be honest, this is the type of thing that I was expecting from this video, considering that we are currently in Los Angeles. Weird colored drinks that claim to do amazing things for either your guts, your bum, or your skin. - Interesting you say that. This one, good for digestion, skin well-being, and detox. It's amazing what looking at something changes your perception so much. - It's a lot sweeter than I expected. It's got really recognizable flavors. Has it got apple in it? - I'm not enjoying it (laughs). I'm drinking it, and it's drinkable, and I can't tell why, if I'm not enjoying it because of the color. I think it's the aroma. Like I get a big sniff of something I don't wanna drink. - What is it? - This is a supercharged lemonade. This one is more of a supercharge, helps with digestion. It's a combination of chaga mushroom, activated charcoal, and lemon, and then naturally sweetened with monk fruit. So this is part of the increasing mushroom craze, Four Sigmatic do a number of mushroom coffees, teas, shooters, this is their lemonade mix. They claim that mushrooms do three things. They help you think, they improve your immune system, and, or they help you chill out, depending on which mushrooms, which drinks, which time of the day you consume them. - I've used their lion's mane mushroom coffee in the morning as a replacement for coffee because it gives you less of a buzz 'cause it's got less caffeine. Supposedly, all the beneficial neurological benefits of the mushrooms help you stay focused, and increase energy, and stuff like that. - They only reason you'd replace normal coffee with mushroom coffee is if you're looking to reduce caffeine and stuff because let's face it, normal coffee tastes better. I didn't really feel any difference, and it's supposed to be like supercharged compared to coffee with like less caffeine. - That little pot there, $30.00. - Okay! - A food trend, or does it offend? - (laughs) - It's not worth drinking something, like that much of something for your health if you don't like it. Unless it's like 100% proven. - It definitely doesn't offend. - Offends. - [Ben] It offends you? - I'm surprised. - Some of those were brand new to us, but keep talking to us, comment down below. Which food topics are important to you? - You might have noticed we've been traveling well, quite a lot lately. Now that we are back in London, we've been adding all the favorite places that we found to eat on the, Sorted Eat, app. Which is available to, Sorted Club members. - It gives you awesome recommendations, some experiences, some freebies. So that when you travel to the same places we have been, you can enjoy them too. - If you wanna get all the information on the, Eat app, and everything available to club members, all the information is down below. - But now you're waiting for a DADJOKE. - I'm sure some of you by now would have noticed, that I've got a slightly puffy eye. I'm trying to rack my brains figure out how I got it. I think I've figured it out. - Uh-oh - Got stabbed in the eye with a pickle yesterday. - That sounds painful. - Yeah I'm hoping I won't go brine'd (laughs). - Yeah, you like those ones. - Yeah, you like that one? - [Narrator] As we mentioned we don't just make top quality YouTube videos, we built the Sorted Club where we use the best things we've learnt to create stuff that is hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching. And we will see you in a few days. (Beep) - This is not how it would normally... (banging) (laughing)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 682,904
Rating: 4.9299469 out of 5
Keywords: sorted food, sorted food LA Food Trends, Food Trend Products, SortedFood Taste Testing, Sortedfood ben ebbrell, taste test, pretentious ingredients, chefs review, fancy ingredients, expensive ingredients, weird food, food trends 2019, food trends sorted, most expensive ingredients, weird food eating, LA, Sorted Food USA, mystery ingredients
Id: cEgT8lxUaYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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