Taste Testing the Latest Food Trend Products Vol. 1 | SORTEDfood

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Searched for "Maori Wine" and "Maoriland PTY LTD" and get no hits at all for it. Interesting and a little odd.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/betty_swolocks 📅︎︎ May 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

They're right about the wine industry being ripe for disruption, but the branding is a bit off here.

They definitely need like a kiwi fruit on the bottle if it's made out of kiwi. And honestly, with New Zealand's ecology, this is an ideal move. Wetter places are better for sweeter wines. The American South has Muscedine Wine which is also much sweeter, and just isn't properly marketed either.

And there is a market for sweet wines, too. So it's not like the branding issue is unique to this particular bottle.

But hey, if I see this, I'll pick it up.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/OllieGarkey 📅︎︎ May 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just saw this episode and tried googling this wine to order some, but this reddit thread is all I could find :/

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CyrusStarChaser 📅︎︎ May 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

They're bang on about the marketing. It looks like a mixer or a cheap "vodka" sort of bottle. Honestly would just look past it at a shop. Interesting idea though, I've had a nice kiwifruit wine in the past so I wouldn't mind trying another one

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/djdrcoolfresh 📅︎︎ May 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

No comment on the "made to Australian standards"...? Is it not a New Zealand wine?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gemlee323 📅︎︎ May 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ive never seen anything less Maori, or kiwi in my life. Pretty sure it's fake.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Duckwithballs 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yus, Sorted getting a mention.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Notquietbatman 📅︎︎ May 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just watched this video now, can't find anything to do with the producer. Keen to give it a try and also find out who makes it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kieranhorse 📅︎︎ May 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
- [Narrator] We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food, whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughing) We've got chefs, we've got normals, (beeping) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore for everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Hello, my name's Ben and this is Barry. - Now, we here at Sorted go to a lot of these food innovation events and Ben here has found some amazing food products. - Yeah, and some of them aren't even available yet. Let's try 'em out. (playful music) Okay, mate, with as much positivity as you can muster, turn around and lift the cloche. - Oh. - Any ideas at all? - It's straw. It's got beads in it. - You put the straw in your Coco Pops and then when you suck it up, the milk turns chocolatey. I think I'm gonna be disappointed. - This is milky sip. - Oh, clever, okay. - A Hungarian company that offers something incredibly similar. What you have there is their original and what I'm also going to slide into view is their new, fortified, eco-friendly, compostable straw. - (laughing) My kids have these. You're not just getting chocolatey goodness, you're also getting-- - Sunshine-- - Yeah. (laughing) - From inside your kitchen. - Yeah, there are UV rays all the way through it. - Inside. So you're gonna have a tan. Let's see. - Is this a different flavor? Chocolate. - This is chocolate flavor, yeah - [Ben] Look how excited he is. - All the chocolatey goodness. - Do we need em? Does the world need these things? - It would definitely get a kid to drink milk. - In an ideal world I do not want to give my kid something where the first ingredient is sugar. But if you're gonna compromise do it with something that has been fortified with something like vitamin D and good stuff. So that, it's not just all bad. - They're quite cool like they're friendly very trendy. - The question is. - Opportunity or flopportunity? (laughter) I'm startin with that one. - If you're gonna have the normal one anyway cause this already a successful product in its own right. Then, this should definitely be an opportunity to make things better. Opportunity not flopportunity. - Okay my friend turn around and lift the cloche. (upbeat music) - [Barry] He gets his nose right in when he smells something doesn't he? - He doesn't touch the greasy nose tip. - If it's not in my sinuses I can't smell it. (laughter) - Okay, instantly recognizable. But, I can't tell you what it is. Dried mango. - Try again. - Is it dried... (laughter) is it cranberries? (laughter) Cranberries, definitely cranberries. - Coconut. - Just coconut flakes, that have been seasoned. - Do you like it? - It's strong AF. It's salty. - This is Pimp my Salad meat free coconut bacon. One of the product ranges from Pimp my Salad. Principle that if you want to eat clean. If you want to eat vegan, then salads can be boring. And they provide a few little things to pimp them. This, being one of them. - I bet Jamie knew exactly what that was, cause he's vegan. (laughter) - What I do have is a nice vegan fresh pearl barley with roasted vegetable salad. The coconut bacon is an amazing snack and vegan bacon alternative. Slow dried, vegan, gluten-free that's great and healthy substitute for bacon. Perfect on it's own or sprinkled on your favorite foods. Sandwiches, salads, pastas, potatoes, veggies and more. - If you had like a Cobb salad with topping, where you're used to having bacon. That's gonna provide the same crunch and it's gonna provide the same texture to it. But, I don't think it's gonna provide the same flavor. - Obvs, no digs at the salad in the first place cause I made it. But, does that pimp you salad? - That's nice. - Definitely adds that crunch. - I think it would go better in a leafy salad. - The flavor gets lost in amongst the pearl barley and the veg with it in that salad. But, I'm not getting a big kick of bacon. I'm not getting a big kick of coconut. I'm just getting the crunch element to it, which isn't a bad thing at all. It's not doing what it says it should be doing. - No problem with vegan products. Some problem with how they're branded. - They also do cashew Parmesan, probiotic kale chips, and superfood sea sprinkles which has kelp and spirulina in it. - Did Barry start this company? (laughter) - So the question we have for you then is. Is this innovation or binovation? - Binovation. Do something, don't do everything. And do that something really, really well. - Innovation. Whoop, Whoop! (upbeat music) - [Ben] Turn. - [Ben] I'm enjoying this one so far. - I don't like it when you give me unbranded, like cloudy liquids in glasses. - It's appley. - Applejuice, is it applejuice? Applejuice. - [Ben] Drink it! - Okay. - That is cloudy apple juice. - This is Flawsome. They're making use of all of the fruit that goes to waste. That's either too big, too small, too wonky. And they're making delicious fruity drinks out of them. They have a number of flavors in their range, all cold-pressed and all making use of what has been claimed as 1/3 of all fruit and veg in the UK that goes to waste. - So this is addressing food wastage. - Good idea. Tastes good, not too sweet and it saved three sweet and sour apples. - You've apples that are marked or don't look quite right or something like that but they still taste great. Then a hundred percent why wouldn't you use them in something like this. This is a perfect place to use them. That tastes like a really good cloudy apple juice. - But, I'm still not use to saying that kind of thing. Like making use of waste, yet. - Yeah. I really like that. - I feel like the talking point behind this will be the price compared to other apple juice. - So what would you happily pay? - For that kind of glass, I'd probably pay like two quid. - If we rely on google instant prices and the price I can see for it is one pound twenty nine. - That's pretty good I would say. - Okay then mate, the question is flawsome or some flaws? - It's flawsome. - Fla awesome. - Fla awesome, it's fla awesome. - Fla awesome. Yeah, that's a winner. (lively music) - Turn around, lift it up. - Nuts. - Oh, it's like honey roasted something. Honey roasted mixed seeds. - I mean it's barbecuey. It's flavor's got a bit of a kick to it. A little bit of heat. It's a bit smokey. - [Ben] These are boundless activated nuts and seeds. So we know nuts and seed are a nutritious snack. Do you know much about activation? - No, not really. - [Ben] It means they've been soaked in water and salt to start the germination process. Which increases the nutrient value and breaks down compounds that can hinder digestibility. - I've not really heard the work activated in that context before. Apart from charcoal, I know charcoal get activated and then it becomes a superfood or whatever. But, I've not heard it used in any other food context. - I like it. It's delicious. - They are tasty nuts and seeds. - For me this is an already rapidly saturating market. - I'd still class these as a treat. I don't think you could eat these everyday. And I don't know why you'd activate them and then throw a load of sugar and salt all over them. - I saw it as being a healthier option to a lot of the snack packs you get which are even worse. That might be fried and or even sweeter or salty still. - It's an interesting thing because, I almost feel like you're point is more valid. Because, I'm not the target audience for this. I don't think I'd buy it but I do like it. - So, the question is trick or trend? - I'm gonna say trick. Even though I like the product. - If it does all the things that it says that it does. And that is a real problem to solve. Then, you know, this could be a fantastic trend. But I'm not convinced at the moment. (upbeat music) - Okay Jay, last one. - Wooh! You could have tried! You could have tried. - Oh. - That's like a fortified wine. Like a port. - It smells like port. If it's not alcoholic it's gonna be trouble. - There is a trend toward non-alcoholic beverages. This is not one of them. This is 12 % ish. - Or Madiera, it smells like Madiera. - It's not a cake. - Very easy drinking. - That is the sweetest wine in the world. It's not a port, is it a white port? It could be a white port. It could be dessert wine. Kiwi wine. As in made from kiwis. - The wine industry was reported to be worth three hundred billion last year. With a projection to grow by 40% in the next couple of years. And everybody's desperate to find their own little corner of the market. This is a potential new one. - I would say that is nice. - Tastewise, I like it. - I also like that it's not in a wine bottle. - I hate the branding. - Why? - It looks weird. It would put me off. - I think the wine industry is so ripe for disruption when it comes to how to brand wine. Because every bottle of wine, pretty much looks the same apart from the label. And I think if you can find a way to mass produce a new way of distributing wine. I reckon that could be massive. It's a way to appeal to younger people. It's a way to appeal to people who aren't necessarily wine drinkers. So yeah, I get the point of it. I'm not tasting kiwi. Which I think is an important bit. But then I don't necessarily think I taste grape when I drink wine. - When I spoke to the producer of this wine. They actually said, ideal for something like a cheese board, if you want to bring out an interesting talking point. A point of difference, and it's delicious with that. - I don't think it necessarily tastes better than a dessert wine. - Well, then my question is. What's the point? So Maori kiwi wine. Do you think it's gonna take off or is it a crash landing? - I don't see people buying it. - Is it gonna take off? No. I can't see that growing in popularity. But, I do think it's really interesting. - It's another one where I'm probably gonna say crash land. But, I like the product and it's really nice. And, I'd quite happily have it with a cheese board. But, I just think they're failing at the branding. Like they're not selling it to me. - Okay, so comment down below on you're thoughts on these products. Do you think any of these will actually catch on? - Now, on the topic of food trends. Who remembers, Y food? We teamed up with them last year. We did a video. We're doing it again this year for London food tech week. Y food is basically, an awesome organization that pulls together lots of immersive events and talks and inspirational speakers around everything on the future of food. And sort of even hosting one of those days introducing loads of inspirational speakers. If you're in London, if it interests you all the details in the link down below. - Oh no, I've just realized what time it is. - First official dad joke of the week. From you from the fridge. Go! - I'm not proud of it but, You're name must be Coca-cola because you're so delicious. - When's Jamie coming back? (laughter) - [Narrator] As we mentioned we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. We've built the Sorted Club where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching. And we'll see you in a few days. - Do you know what I've never tried actually. (bubbles) - He says never tried as if he's drunk through one of those straws before. - He's just seen Evie do that. But, he's never had the opportunity to try it. - What I want to know is does it push the flavor the other way. - [Ben] It doesn't does it. Or does it? You'll never know if you keep on drinking through that straw.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,033,556
Rating: 4.9285641 out of 5
Keywords: food trends, food gadgets, food technology, testing gadgets, sortedfood gadgets, sortedfood, sorted, chefs vs normals, sorted chefs normals, sortedfood review, chefs review, chefs review kitchen gadgets, fancy ingredients, taste test, expensive ingredients, useless or not, pretentious ingredients sorted, kitchen gadgets, the fridgecam show
Id: fWnDqR8G0wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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