CANNED FOOD | Taste Tests & Chef Hacks

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hey everyone Ben here with the quick message to say that the awesome team our warehouse have just reopened which means as of today our latest cookbook cooking to the beat can now ship to everyone so if you'd like to get your hands on a copy there's a link in the description box below it's really cool it's a book with 15 chapters each one designated to a different genre of music and a bunch of recipes inspired by that music a lot of fun to cook along with during these I slash times because we've also created playlists with those themes and genres of music now onto today's video this was filmed before the lockdown but ironically we did it all around tinned food so hopefully a few ideas for you to use up some of the canned goods in the back of your cupboard enjoy we are sorted a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food from cooking battles to gadget review and a slower and cookbook challenges to a midweek meal pack zap crack your eggs we uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter join a community where everything we do starts with you hello this is peach jam and this is Michael and this is Evers tin food gets a really bad rap we ask ourselves in this episode why yeah it's got a really long shelf life and there's loads of things you can do with them maybe I can change their minds dads today we're tasting tinned food oh come on and I think that is probably a fairly normal perception of tinned food however I've gone out and got some very regular everyday tinned food some more unusual new tinned food to us and we're gonna see if we can change those perceptions let's get this video in the can simple rules Jamie's clothes first that is going to be some tinned food and then I put some ideas under cloth to might squash been really also show off today he's been trying really hard don't big this is tin theme number one oh okay this is exactly what I'd expect to be in a tin can I try and guess what we got peaches incorrect what's commonly referred to as fruit salad yep or fruit cocktail yeah algae is that lubob no well not that it why some of those see what you think it's awful hair it might have some Mandarin it might have some peach in it pineapple yeah CJ white why do you love that so much because it takes me back days yeah credibly nostalgic I definitely think that's one thing that tinned food has going for it is nostalgia is this it's cool mango answer me this though you like it but you'd never buy it now would you know exactly so you know I bite tinned peaches for myself to snack on but I would never get them out to entertain anybody with I would never show them off I think it's true we're almost ashamed of tinned food one thing I think is brilliant in tinned fruit is you can get tropical fruits that again are perfectly ripe so mangoes light cheese in that case guava you can get durian and jackfruit in tins means they're always going to be consistent they're always going to be ripe and you can get tropical fruit at a very affordable price so what's the post wall over here some uses of tinned fruit potato oh I wasn't expecting that okay so you have a peach coulis just a tin of peaches blend it up perfect to add Twitter little Oh usually two part Prosecco one part whoa goodness me it's very good it's excellent so what do we have here Ben you think got a chocolate cherry pot tinned cherries are genius because they're already pitted for you so they're saving a lot of time easily and because of the heat treatment of the canning process slightly softened so I've just put five cherries in the bottom of darriel mold filled it up with a chocolate mixture and baked it off chocolate cherry okay let's do this this fondant is overcooked cherry pop if you made that for somebody coming around for dinner whatever they never got a question you go geez tinned cherries them right yes delicious no one's going to know and same with the blini and three for three I just blended up the mango pieces with the mango juice that it come in the tin I did a little bit of ginger root ginger and an egg white blend it up and then freeze it as you turn it wide let you out there everybody it just stops it crystallizing too much so you get hopefully a softer sorbet very very nice and that is also great what you've done there then is take something that is already fantastic no you haven't I made it even you have made it good oh [Music] yeah bound to be wasn't it so what's putting off tinned fish then fresh fish is great because there's a smell of fish you cook with it fish yes fish fish fish yes tin fish smells a fish it's almost like my dish see yes the fishiness in a lot of talking not of eating a sun-dried tomato was infused with sun-dried tomato so what you're eating that one of the things that is in huge decline at the moment are the sales of tinned fish in the UK and that is why I think a lot of canning companies at finding new ways smaller portions no drains less hassle and handing flavors to it to try and rejuvenate the tinned tuna market that's really very nice isn't it also that's perfect for lunch yeah you could buy that and some salad juniors might go to meet like there's nothing else fresh in I always have a tuna pasta tuna salad tuna sandwich tinned crab tastes better than it smells 100% that is why you're here for insight like that yeah I'll go on him mmm come on I do like anchovies like that on a pizza ah they're really salty but they taste like seawater salt don't think they take like that's ocean salt that's not yeah do you know I mean yeah there's a difference inspire us Mike remember when I took you to Lisbon yes the thing in Lisbon and Portugal and Spain is they really celebrate tinned fish and they are premium and there's even bars over there that serve nothing but tinned fish the walls are lined with it you just pick the tin off what basically you pay at the end of the meal based on the number of tins you've open I also bought these comes in it comes in a box and the tin tin tuna the sardines you're looking at sort of 455 pounds of tin and that tuner is closer to seven Wow so they are meant to be enjoyed straight from the tin partly things I want to know what a premium sardine face like even though my other part of my brain he goes it's gonna be Ming in mind [Laughter] right you really like that you're really right you really like that yeah that was not supposed to happen they are much nicer than the normal ones that I thought you know in some of the openers like a tin of mackerel or sardines within a 50-meter radius and you were just suddenly like smells like a bowel opposed you're mental no I'm not mental I said we can't open it inside just worth highly Barry's fault this is tuna it's a seven pound tin of tuna oh oh wow different league boys for me it's a lot of money for a tinned tuna but now what my perception of Tim tuna was has been changed because of this Tim tuna yes hot handle Oh tinned crap cream cheese some herbs and chilies and garlic some lemon rolled in fresh pasta lined in the dish topped with a little bit of tomato sauce another tin and then topped off with some cheese in Greta native and what I would say in a dish like that I challenge you to notice the difference between tins and fresh crab oh you can see the crab in there good night Oh mr. citrus in that little bit of lemon that's imposter and I saw some crap in that yeah then I believe you've seasoned this that is delicious I think you're right and I think you'd be able to tell that that's tender crab whatsoever category number three oh yes if there's one thing better than tin through its tinned meat yeah be honest spam is amazing cool I can't wait for this there's something fun about the tinned corned beef because it still comes with a key and it's very how it works I think you put that yep they're all that and then you twist it it goes all the way around and provides the sharpest thing known to man I've never done this have you not generally new I don't think I've ever bought spam or cornmeal you've not really played the canning process was designed a good 60 years before the can opener that is the one bit that I don't like is what is this way I'll eat it because I've never liked combi they every primary school and it's not nice all really takes them back from is removable lift the cloche and just look it's not the most inventive thing but it is delicious oh yes corned beef hash onions potato corned beef parsley and even another tin on their baked beans right how on earth have you chef this [Music] you never tried this chopped help delete hey you know that white stuff that you eat anyway and you got more of it here mate lucky you that's really nice it's not nice enough to convince me of spam or plumb deef okay here we go alchemy smells nice scares just be free really gamy isn't it got rich irony but also that fat makes it really creamy and really delicious oh unit I'm getting something crunchy I think you've lost the filling oh I like that I can imagine nice spread on toast or you know like a pate salmon with sour cream maybe I know you think you're representing the regular guy but you're not be the only person who eats like this I'm me and I'm not ashamed of me and you shouldn't try and shame me for being me I'm not but I just still can't understand what I liked it'd be war that's a big chicken it looks really Oh what is that right okay never feeling is gonna go over the edge of that right so it's condensed milk and what [Music] this is dog food this is dog food is that this I think that's it you're done [Music] free in yours I only got seven mine don't touch the gosh wait oh wait so we're not just eating it go I wouldn't eat that I'd lift a cloche and look at it once it's been wait one second hey mr. ting meets panda this is from the Good Food Network and it is their premium duck leg confit it's confit duck I hope you turned that into that I put it on a baking tray and put it in the hot oven duck with a crispy skin couldn't really tell the difference between confit duck that I've had in the past now I am NOT an expert by any means but as a complete normal it's really delicious it's really tasty and it's really tender I'm fascinated at how much that costs because that could be a game-changer you can buy a whole duck for ten grid and a slowcoach duck leg upon fee is seven pounds that's one duck oh yeah so how much is a tin with three legs in it also boy the three legs so that's in with that number of legs in it is is also a tenner so it's not particularly cheaper there's no denying we both agree this is the is knowing that you would have to go through this way to get to that does that fit you up because n'yogurt yeah massively so what's interesting is you're comfortable with premium fish in a tin but premium meat in a tin your less is that the is that the conclusion Tim food absolutely has a placed very useful cheap but forget how affordable and how economical it is so the more I know of what to do with these teams the more I can actually save money by using them properly I think at the moment I'm just restricted by knowledge so can we do some more of these things please with possible less duck leg I think there's always a place for it because tinned food is convenient it's consistent it's always in season it's often more affordable but that's not so you can't have premium things in them you just need to know what's doing it we'll just need to know what to do isn't that just life yeah it's us holding us back welcome to sorted I've had my mind expanded out just ten sweet corn baked beans excellent and as always we'd love to hear from you so if you've got teens lurking at the back of your cupboard that you think we could come up with some recipe hacks for then please do comment down below but until then we'll catch you on Sunday at 4 p.m. for our next video until then goodbye we've also built the sorted Club where you can get tons of foodie inspo using the packs midweek meal app discover and share restaurant recommendations using their eat app listen and contribute to our feast your ears podcast and send us ideas for new cookbooks you'll receive throughout the year check it all out by heading to sorted club [Music] and now a blooper so that tinned fruit tend fish tend beans tinned something else between them a deaf thoughts
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 909,639
Rating: 4.9644127 out of 5
Keywords: tinned food, reviewing tinned food, sortedfood review, tinned tuna, tinned meat, spam review, confit duck, confit duck recipe, spam recipe, tinned fruit, sortedfood recipes, canned food, canned food recipes, canned food review, canned food meals, canned meat, canned fish, canned fruit, sorted food chefs review, tinned food recipes, tinned crab meat, spam food review, spam recipes, tinned tuna recipes, canned meat recipes, canned meat taste test, chef hacks
Id: V-zNOJyGetI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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