Taskmaster's New Year Treat 2021 | Full Episode | Taskmaster

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[Music] [Applause] it's all very weird [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome one and all to this very special taskmaster treat i am greg davis the taskmaster i judge who will win and have a bod made for sin over the next hour five people that no one ever predicted would appear on the same show together will try their best to please me in a fraction of the time it usually takes people to please me can't feel a thing down there come the end we'll either wish we had them for a whole series or even an enormous sigh of blessed relief that they've gone but what's the prize for this swift sacrifice of dignity why it's a symbol of hope that the world has been craving that's right tonight's victor will win my mighty golden eyebrows [Music] so sit back relax shut your mouths and enjoy the most ludicrous jumble of celebrities you'll ever see on television this year please welcome john hannah christian guru murphy nicola coughlin roland and now for a man that is forever generous with facts and figures as he is uncomfortable talking about sexual intimacy yes hello feeling festive and celebratory i'm feeling curious greg who's going to be struck by the taskmaster curse every year greg someone is struck by the taskmaster curse every series one of them has lost their wallet or purse who's it been in previous years always dressing room number four the one next to mine ah who's been affected by the curse i'd nick christian's wallet but i took one item as i always do as a souvenir okay let's crack on with the show these people are professionals mate shirley's a strictly judge yes well what's she gonna think well she's gonna be relieved she wasn't in dressing room number four good let's crack on with the real show what's our prize task category for this one-off special alex it's the best thing to bring to a party there'll be five points for the person that has brought in the best thing to bring to a party and at the end of the show the winner will not only take home your eyebrows but also all the key ingredients for a brilliant bash john hunter yes welcome to the show thank you very much what is the best thing that you would bring to a party i was at a christmas party with my sister's couple of years not christmas party i popped in to see her and she's quite gamey and things so she had one of these like bop it things the children's game yeah yes john hannah has brought in this well that's lovely thank you john you're the only film star we've ever had on this show and i just wasn't expecting a bucket i'll be honest tell you what this has done this has ruined my john hanna story oh it's like oh yeah i've worked with john hannah recently yeah he had yeah he brought a bop it with him good christening can you beat a bop it well i'll tell you the answer yeah i figured any party is going to be improved by disco lights here it is be prepared oh that is mystical though 15.99 i used to go to the disco two or three times a week i don't want to be mean but you do sound like you're lying i put it to you christian that you've not been in a disco for 30 full years that's also true which is why i now take the disco with me everywhere i go yeah but it would make your party better there's no doubt about it i'll tell you what it would do it would make your party slightly better than john hanna's party i have to disagree with that i mean it's relaxing to know that we found our bottom two thanks mate nicola can you save this show absolutely what have you bought i've gone for the obvious choice okay a real human skeleton with a bottle of tequila thank you here it is at last lovely someone who's serious about parties there's nothing worse than a boring party if you show up with that that's not going to be boring and you can make up stories you'll be like this is my aunt and her wish and her wills and i carried everywhere then they'd be like i went to this mad party and you're one had a dead person that's what i normally look like after a bottle of the game rylan you're right you're under stiff competition what do you take to a party i think we're all of an age where the hangovers last a little while longer now oh god might last for exactly four days and for three of them i cried thank you thank you and i'm the sort of person especially like new year's eve if everyone goes up like three four in the morning and if i know that floor's dirty i can't sleep doesn't matter how pissed i am one eye gabrielle i can't sleep so i think if i went to someone's house party i would bring this which is a robot vacuum yes it is so at the end of the night pissed one eye dreams can come true press the button off you go to bed you wake up to a clean floor yeah hello shirley hello what will you be bringing if i was to take something to a party like this i'd want to walk in i would have my trolley i would have the alcohol i'd have the glasses out of my record player and i would wheel it round and i would have an absolute blast i don't know about anybody else but i would have a good time this is shirley's trolley here very good i want to win that i could wheel it round spin it round to a bit of cha cha cha sky's the limit i mean my god i can't take my eyes off the woman i mean it's just a wondrous wondrous thing and you know when you were describing it and i looked at the beautiful vision that would greet me while you sauntered around it i imagine not for a second during that whole description did i think but who's going to hover up afterwards how do you take it to the party i'll get it in the back of me truck of course she drives nicely in the truck then i get out in my little maid outfit and wheel it off the flap she's in a maid of course she's in a maid outfit she was already in one in my mind [Laughter] right then craig do you want to start with these two of them top three okay i'm sorry john the bop it's in last place one point to john hammer two points to the news reader with a tiny light in his pocket obviously rylan gets three points purely because he sold it well first and second place four points because i mean it's weird that she's bought a dead person but at least there's tequila with it and five points i mean it goes without sailing shirley takes it terry five times he got some points okay let's properly kick off this very special show what have we got alex well i'll tell you what we got we got [Music] [Applause] this hi alex hello ryan say you're late greg oh a doughnut with a hole do you like what you see i do actually yeah it's up to you which you want to go for better i better leave it there in case it's something that's required later it's good job i didn't eat the donut get the biggest thing through the donut without breaking the donut this is filthy bastard 20 minutes your time starts now there's a lot of ways to misunderstand that does it have to go through the hole biggest in what sense that's a good question i mean something really big ain't gonna fit in that hole so you've essentially come in wearing a costume that is meant to look like you're riding on my back but really it just looks like my face is on your penis as far as i can see that is filthy bastard and yet gut instinct tells me that this is going to damage christian's career more it was that disney seems so unfair doesn't it i know i think we should have a look what they've done with these donuts all right they managed to get through them simple task greg we're going to start with krishnan guru shirley oh very cool very clever play so if you've got some sort of like tube or pipe that is probably about half an inch bigger than that i'm thinking something long and thin oh you know oh look at you with your big long pipe let's have a look like if i tied two things together would they be one thing leave the pipe with me yes and you find me a knife so i could like tie this to this you see i'm going to attempt to make this hole a bit bigger this is like a fishing rod for a very large fish it's not like that game is it where if i touch the sides it goes buzz well you made it made the hole bigger [Music] that is a very big thing through my hole actually could have probably got it on a bit bigger pipe do you want me to get you a big bigger pipe a bit bigger pipe shall we try it i can't help but feel i'm kind of missing something there's probably a way to get a sofa through a donut [Laughter] you got over-optimistic with that one i believe in you shirley no not even if i took it right to the rim would that one work [Music] done i think it's a long fishing rod with a with a fish on the end thank you christian it's big it's long it's round it's fat and that donut is sitting on it give it a bit [Applause] i hope this doesn't seem disrespectful rylan but when i heard you were booked i was a delighted and b i suspected you would drag this show into the gutter but shirley ballas it would appear is the person i should have kept my eye on you said ooh look at you with your big pipe not even if i took it right to the rim would that one work and then correct me if i'm wrong you shook your chest at us i mean honest to god just thank you for awakening a fire life starts at 60 darling let me tell you incredible so many things i want to talk about with you krishnan the question you asked if two things are tied together do they become one thing which fascinates me given that you deliver my news every night do you think that if a couple are holding hands they are now one creature they are a couple that is one thing ah it's a very clever justification the thing that slightly detracts is you asking whether the doughnut was electrified and it might buzz when you pass things through it i imagine combining some of your responses on this with your day job krishnan and i wrote down this saturn hussein has been deposed as american forces toppled baghdad and in other news there's probably a way to get a sofa through a donut [Laughter] but i am impressed i like the man's logic well if we're counting it as one object his was five thousand cubic centimeters whereas shirley's pipe nine thousand cubic centimeters it is bigger i mean that was like that was gold wasn't it okay i'm gonna show you rylan and little greg having a go here we go if you go right in the bush alex get in the bush a bit further are you in i'm in i just slide it towards you like no no best of yet are you all right oh i'm all right right okay come with me come with me and then turn it that's it that's perfect has the cow got a name not yet well linda that's my mum's name so she'll like that will she no [Music] yeah okay let's do it right alex you ready to see the biggest thing that you're going to see come through that my donut [Music] [Laughter] linda [Laughter] very good very i don't know if this is going to annoy krishna however it does sort of annoy me actually yeah pretty clever isn't it clever the cow is the biggest thing so far but it's up to you whether it's gone through the donut well i'll mull on it shall i all right now for john hannah and nicholas i think it's a single thing it's not a bunch it's not a bunch of things oh my god let's start with that i don't suppose it has to stay on its stand does it like that you can sort of do that as long as you don't break it right so there you go that's good and that's quite long which is big oh yeah i should go that's my part is it through there you go yeah cause there's any spare donuts nibble to nibble yes i can get you another doughnut to nibble okay golf ball let me go for a start the stick will go through [Music] this he'll go through right one down up for you nicholas thanks oh okay this is a test donut as well did you trick me into getting you a test donut i didn't okay i could make that taller [Music] this is my youth spent doing arts and crafts it's finally finally coming good stuck my hand together that's a bit of an issue you want a cup of tea oh right do not wait that's no good this could be going for a while couldn't it nice this is gonna look amazing let's try that giraffe i was looking at that giraffe earlier how does that go [Music] now for the trousers that's amazing now the shoes i don't think there's any improving on perfection so yeah there we go that's your 20 minutes up it's a wee bit in the milky side do you like it you know what i really do hang out with it cool in there it's quite nice honestly thank you john [Music] did you really spend your youth doing arts and crafts yeah yeah what about it i put this to you yeah the only thing that's through that donut is yeah less than a centimetre of cactus tip i said alex is it true and alex said yes he he misled you why would you do that to me i thought we were friends yeah did you yeah no one's ever said that to me i can't believe you've turned on me like this yeah he does that yeah he's no loyalty to anyone he's no loyalty to anyone i'm sat here between sexy and brainy side and then it's all chump in the middle i see how it is i see it oh yeah you bet big on that cactus being through the donut i did and you [ __ ] it john i had high hopes for you when you started passing film through yeah but then just kept passing things through the donut i thought you were very brave actually not that passing things that could have broken the donut through well i am brave you thought he was brave getting the toy after the donut did you christmas i would not have had the courage to pass the toy drum yeah through the donut christ it really does work having a news presenter so i almost started to believe it was important passing a giraffe it does work but it did make one enormous cup of tea that was the biggest of the items of the many items what was it 1500 cubic centimeters big cup of tea so if we're taking one of his attempts it's going to be the cup of tea yes this is going to drive an even bigger wedge between you and nicola because i am going to allow rylan passing the cows through the donuts well the cow is the biggest thing it's eight hundred thousand centimeters cubed no hang on but the image part no just sure she's maddie's choice no the image passed through so when you measure the image you'd have to find out what the aperture was and then the aperture would be two-dimensional as opposed to three-dimensional so it would be a lot less than the 1500 cubic it was in a film [Laughter] i thought we were friends greg are you saying he got the whole cow through the donut do you know what just because i know it's going to annoy people on the internet yeah yeah you've got the code for the donut come at me come at me in that case nicholas a little bit of cactus was the smallest then it was a cup of tea then it was the fishing rod and fish extravaganza then it was shirley's massive pipe but the winner with five points is rylan clark there it is alex yes connects thoughtful please we can we have an early leader and that leader is shirley ballard with nine points lovely right another task please okay it's time at last to get all touchy [Music] feely that's terrifying or can i come in too please oh sorry yeah that's all right thank you i'd like to watch what happens [Laughter] oh sorry alec thank you is that play-doh oh would you mind putting on the long black gloves before you open it no i don't mind okay this is starting to feel weird it's very balanced they work sculpt the scene on the other side of this wall other side of this wall what most accurate sculpture wins you 15 minutes how do i i'll put my hands in it i don't like this look away i have been some of the world's most dangerous places and that was scary let's see how they got on with sticking their arm through a wall all right greg it's montage time oh it's warm it's got ears like a man tickle tickle this is actually a person it's got eyes come out it's got glasses on and it's got whiskers so it's a man oh okay either i think i know what it is hello hello no i'm trying to speak to the person right because they're allowed to talk i'm just not allowed to look is that right they may not talk because they're a scene can i ask you to turn around please i think you can manipulate them out i'm going to manipulate you don't find me [Music] rough there john i am quite rough i'm from up north sorry about this so kind of hard is this i feel like it could be like a policeman's hat or like a army hat maybe it's got blue eyes yeah did they they felt blue do they probably know green eyes are very rare aren't they let's go with blue you can feel them no i can't put my finger in someone's eye i'm not really sure what i'm doing with this if you've got trousers on is there another hole got good pecs and muscles [Applause] [Music] i think he's got a big stick i think he's probably like mr muscle man because he feels very muscular yeah you mentioned that i might get a bit abstract yes i [ __ ] know what you are what's that oh he's got something with a knobber [Applause] it's a duck a duck why would you be holding a duck [Music] how quick was that duck have you ever seen a dog quicker than that that's a little duck there is it here come again oh well there's a new edition i found something across the eyes i think it's like a superman mask or something you don't have to be standing up does it matter most accurate sculpture ones seen can you lay on the floor i feel like i'm making a cake like i'm on bake off or something right what colors you're at is it purple silver with a little bit of panic and a lot of determination asher lemon russet grey i think that's about as far as we get what colors you're [ __ ] at [Music] the um human being behind the thing was largely referred to everybody as it throughout then he became a character in your world scene it's more polite than it i [ __ ] know what you are i guess that was really polite why were you trying to hit him with the mallets no i wanted to i wanted to know if they had trousers so i tried to make a new hole in the wall uh krishnan i saw a moment during this where i think you realize for the first time what show you were on when you said why would he be holding a duck [Laughter] extreme rationalist very different reaction from nichola whose reaction to feeling a duck was to make the quickest duck she could yeah because insanely fast it was like it was like it's a thing you've done before okay it's a duck i know how to make those and i know how to do it quickly john's technique is a little rough and ready i think well i i i didn't have the benefits of an arts and crafts background yeah but when you fill someone up you feel them up properly yeah northern we and that's great but unfortunately what that leads to is you mistaking glasses for a superhero mask not necessarily i was interpreting oh people are talking an awful lot of shite today i'll tell you that for free the first sculpture we're going to see is ryland's effort ready so rezzy oh now hang on yeah i don't know if it's good why should i show you what he's trying to sculpt this is the lollipop man as a side note you're quite right shirley he's a powerhouse and then here is his interpretation what's the purple thing that's a duck that's the duck seen that lovely blue trousers on and that is the reflective strips of a lollipop man's outfit for the children in the dark do you know he is good ryder he's a good salesman isn't he it doesn't matter what horseshit's up on the screen i start to believe him let's see someone else's it's very good right next we're going to see krishnan's this is his effort oh my god oh what is that the face is very powerful that's almost the exact same face you had when you went why would he be holding a duck it looks like an eyeless gould well he said it's an old man with a normal sized nose right in the frame i'm quite i'm quite pleased with that so what they say in the art world is it i'm pleased with it in the frame is that a thing would you like to see john hannah's in the frame well yes anything to get away from that scary ghoul okay okay here's john hanna's in the frame oh no oh my god he said he thought it was a member of the swiss guard right if it had been a member of the swiss guard you'd be scoring big now the more i look at it the more i'm enjoying it make what you will of that all right well would you want to see nicholas slightly shorter version yeah let's have a look so she said it was a little irish man called paddy yeah duck's great thank you we know she can do a speed duck that's been established isn't it amazing how accidentally irish he looks he looks like that old man in the pub where you're like go home to your wife and kids oh the guy who's holding the duck in the pub exactly that's the one i mean there he is anyways what's the um orange disc taskmaster scientist that says tm oh yeah one left to secretly shirley she's the only one who did it on a different plane she did it on the wall itself and it looks like this right oh it's not that hard to judge it i'll be honest with you what do you think of the duck maybe it's rubbish [Laughter] it's not it's you know art is not debatable there will be people out there who look at that and think yeah that looks like a lollipop man there's no one out there who's going to look at that and go that's a lollipop man in the whole country you think yeah clearly what grade you want to see all five with the lollipop person here they are wow oh christ i'm going to tell you the winner first you ready i'm ready well clearly ryland's old man is the closest to the scene okay five point five points to ride questions is and then no one is more surprised than me about this john john hannah takes three points i'm doing worse than the haunted baby is closer to the scene but amazingly you are going to take home some points on this occasion two points right for your lost lost irish big duck man and rightly in final place it's whatever shirley has created there one point to show there it is [Applause] one last task then please alex of course and this one is outside greg giving us a sneak preview of our trendy new outdoor area here we go oh hi john you had a nice time in there i kind of like it i used to when i was younger we went in our holidays we had we started off going in a tent good tent you know a big sort of size 10 then we went caravan it was great this is i mean i'm quite small you are yeah what's that then i didn't eat my vegetables build the lightest tower on this set of scales you may not move the scales or tape anything to them and you may not tamper with or block the fan the fan will be on for one minute every other minute at the end of 10 minutes your towel must be taller than a wolf wolf king penguin wow who thought king penguin was bigger than a wolf ah should i i need a step definitely and stand by itself for 10 seconds latest tower wins are you not going to read the rest until i get your step yep i refuse how do you measure the lightness i was thinking of using the scales are you now oh yeah look i'm nearly as big as a four-year-old now powerful your time starts now also every time alex brings his little bell you have to pretend you have had a brilliant idea that one was only for ryan remember yeah we didn't have to do that i'm just delighted to hear about john hanna's history of caravanning i was going to do a podcast a show that was waiting to happen you could call it john john hannah vanning john hannah oh lovely if you want yeah i knew it wouldn't be long before you tried to get in on the action yeah it's our idea that is our idea yeah yeah let's see their attempts all right well christian as usual thought the setup was weird first of all we're gonna see the judge the john and the journal you just need a good base [Laughter] what were you laughing at shirley me i've got to think about pipe cleaners okay give the girl a tight cleaner that's over wool height 2100 grams you heavy why did you pick a duck because i collect ducks for you yeah how many ducks have you got i've got about 12 yellow ducks this is like my kitchen at home it drives me nuts loads and loads of different teas that i don't want can i break this i think you're strong enough [Music] 145 that's not so yes but it's not going to be heavier and it's not going to be any bigger it's just going to look nicer yeah that's actually 165 grams that's 20 grams that feather you're gonna set fire to it well it said the lightest tower i think this might be good because it might lessen the weight i give you the lightest tower that's your time up shirley that's not bad come on that's not bad i've stayed up christian congratulations thank you very much i think it does look better with the feather but now it's a tower because it's got a base yeah a top and a purpose yeah thanks john i'll put all these things back in the shed [Applause] [Music] i've got a pitch for another tv show great do you want a name for it yes it's krishnan's too many t's krishnans was 190 grams but then he lit it and burnt off five grams of towel so it became 185 grams his weight exactly the same as a hamster just for okay reference they're pretty light aren't they yeah i also figured you couldn't just get one tall thing it's not building a tower but you could get three two and it could end up being a majestic be feathered do you want me to check the feathered are we happy with that now i'm gonna go with feathers majestic be feathered tower which i was much relieved to see in the end john because you started off by just balancing rubber bricks on top of each other hey sometimes you have to you know like do a bad thing before you get to a good thing it was like a legless hamster 160 grams right over here and how does that compare with the woman who claims to have a duck collection with just 12 ducks she's lost hasn't she her tower weighed the same as a hamster who has swallowed a category c battery so that's 265 grams okay so third place at the moment okay next up it's it's nichola and rylan here we go lightest tower oh oh i've had a really good idea i was thinking about science i was gonna do an opposite but actually that's only a small fan well i like the idea though tower tower lightest tower lightest tower i needed to cover in a light i need a tower and a light it'll work but that's pretty will that work you've got two minutes 45 what you never said that i think it might have mentioned it on the instructions not good is there anything you're looking for in particular not really i'm trying to work out how i can cheat i've had a really good idea oh come on the lightest tower [Music] i've had really good idea hang on has anyone ever used that before the task these lads are very light i've done such a good job of taping it what is it a lightest tower it's gonna be on the scales let's throw it up then oh [ __ ] stay there in 15 seconds you're gonna have to let go [Music] [Music] how tall is your tower meerkat i'm done not only is my tower light in white it is bright and light in luminosity fine with it i've got some bad news for you coming um i see your art and craft background kicked in nicely there kicked right in there didn't it there was one point where you just scrunched up some paper and you thought it was going to support itself oh yeah not even the three little pigs were that thick i think what i've watched realizing this is that maybe my self-esteem is too high and i have too much self-belief because i thought i did really great on everything and it's surprising that i didn't you did keep saying i think this would be brilliant what did nicola actually end up she was the only one who came undone uh with the fan so she came up with nothing in the end no i didn't i had a roll of a blue rule yes but it wasn't taller than a wolf no points unless it's taller than the wolf should we deal with rollins or or not the task was to build the lightest tower did he build a tower yeah of course he didn't how did i not build a tower i knew you were gonna do that of course you did do you want to buy an x1 [Laughter] how did i not build a tower well the other thing he said was they had to stand by itself at the end bring that picture back up and i will show you how that was standing by itself i will you can see it there it is look at that there that is a tower this is like the shard so you should start a cult or something it's compelling you said i've had a really good idea and i found myself going yeah yeah michelle lovely shirley ballast shirley is that a tower god bless your family of course she can be in your cult now can't she you have to judge this yeah and i've got my job and i'm going to judge it big time tell me the the facts first okay in order of heaviness we have shirley then krishnan the lightest tower so far is john hannah that's brilliant well done john and i applaud that rylands was lighter but was it a tower was it a self-standing tower okay of course it wasn't right well he's judged at big time we're saying nicholas also got zero points three points so four to krishnan five to john there it is it was simple it was a tower it was beautiful and it wasn't horseshit can we see a scoreboard jesus well it's tight at the top greg nicola only has seven points but three people have 13 krishna and ryland and shirley wow okay everyone we're nearly there but for now please make your way to the stage for the final task of the show [Music] [Applause] welcome right who's going to read the task i would like nicola coughlin to read the task please okay good luck without your fellow contestants seeing select one object from your box if you select the same object as one of your fellow contestants you'll both lose one actual point you have 30 seconds oh simple as that your time starts there are five things there greg there's an anchor a balloon yeah a cabbage a diagram and an equilateral triangle fascinating hey okay john hannah please stand and reveal your item bam it's a cabbage kristen please show the task master your item bam he's gone for the equilateral triangle he has nicola please show the task master your item what if i don't want to reveal it ruining my day good drama would you like rylan to show you his thing reveal your thing he's gone lovely for the diagram of the bath let's see it shirley reveal it shirley it's a cabbage the cabbage i love this vegetable that's why i picked it i've heard you've got a collection of 12. it's all 12. you have no idea okay palace and hannah have lost points nichola and kristen have also lost points rylan sitting pretty now at the top of the leaderboard yeah what's the bin about though oh the bins and the bathtubs gonna be explained because christian's gonna open his bin and read the second part of the task no strike the most balls into the bath with your object if any of your balls touch the taskmaster you lose one actual point you have one minute are you ready to see christian guru murthy try to hit a ball with the triangle do you know what i've been waiting for you to say those words my whole life you're one minute start okay so nichola is not hit any ball here with the track neither of you guys no no over the line that's true why can't i hit the ball try to protect me there are balls in the bathtub there are you have 30 seconds left oh another red ball struck me you're in my way nobody else is going to be hitting balls in that direction you feel shy stop oh my god would you all please come and join me down here we'll see how that's affected the final scores [Music] well john hit me four times it was only twice lacking in deliberation it's nice that you confess your crimes early doors because i said poor john shouldn't be punished because i'm right in his firing line and alex said he was firing them at you on purpose so john hannah loses four points correct so there are zero points in that round for christian and ryan and they didn't get any in really i'm only surprised because i couldn't take my eyes off nicola yes nick nichola using a triangle kept using it with the open side as the bat i was shouting at you use the side use the side oh no yeah she did make contact properly once and one ball did go in oh nick i'm amazed that's worth the wait i'm amazed one of hannah's went in too so they actually come and join second to get four points each for that task but all four are cancelled out [Laughter] says you're right and um what about shirley what about shirley what about her i mean shirley ball's more like she got two balls in the bathtub two balls what a perfect way to win shirley two balls indeed there's a runaway winner greg john and nicholas shared last place with ten after all that shirley ballas has got 17 points what surely ballast winners are special [Music] well there we are that's an end to it now what will become of our fearless five well we know that following the broadcast of this special there'll be at least three brand new tv shows john hannah caravanna will be a big hit crab craft with coughlin is going to give us all hope and when people are clearing out all the useless tea out of their cupboards they're all going to want to watch krishnan presenting the channel 4 brews as for shirley ballas well she'll be expressing herself with a flourish locked behind the doors of ryland's two-person cult join us soon for another full series but for now let's see our one-off winner celebrate their career high it's shirley balor [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for more taskmaster subscribe now [Music] you
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 1,029,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Romesh Ranganathan, The Horne Section, Tim Key, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, james acaster, rylan, rylan clark neal, shirley ballas, krishnan guru murthy, john hannah, taskmaster christmas special, taskmaster special, taskmaster new year special, taskmaster's new year treat
Id: vqo4AwoKK0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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