Taskmaster Series 3, Episode 1 - 'A Pea In A Haystack'

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm Greg Davis welcome to a brand-new series of taskmaster we have five fresh comedy Goliath's primed and ready to humiliate themselves in a series of tricky tasks all in the vague hope of taking home this the taskmaster trophy at the end of the series only one of them will take home my shiny golden bonds as the ultimate winner of taskmaster so without further ado let's meet our new contenders they are and here my faithful servant would be friend Alex Horne tell them all a bit about yourself Alex really yes okay hello my name is Alex I'm 37 years old I like sport and I'm quite a kind person for example here are some raisins Thanks if you want some raisins no no it's nice that they're there they're always there they're always in the pocket it's a new series and I'm expecting an incredible prize task category are you you're great so things off we asked our contestants to bring in their most flamboyant clock so whoever whoever brings in the most flamboyant clock will win the first points of the show and the axmen points and whoever wins the episode will go home with five flamboyant clocks okay quite a normal clock when you can have a flamboyant clock al Murray what's your flamboyant clock and why do you consider it to be flamboyant my flamboyant clock is my stove at home you can make out the clock just to the left of the knob on the right you see that that panel there is the clock yeah it comes with a hot plate 5 gas fobs - fan ovens and a drawer for keeping stuff in and that's so you see this is the clock with enough and attached thankful if you bought buoyant and there's a clock it is a clock at first glance it might appear to be just an ordinary digital clock but it's actually my microwave oven yeah because it's microwaves and they're magic oh right things at once [Laughter] mine's a pop clock things nowhere on any item of clothing I've had this of 30 years this club yeah where's the flamboyance you can wear it with anything flamboyant yeah no but where's the flamboyance in the clock itself if I go out wearing now Murray's oven I'm looking blackboard where's the flamboyance where you can put it on you know if you're wearing like kill so you so you [Laughter] as big a nice of the I could attached would killed Rober oh I brought sundial at all toys sundial very late in the winter I'm always there I don't know sort of thing my mum would consider wacky I think your mom's already quite a nice baby she's lovely woman she's not flamboyant I really like your flamboyan tour toys well I've played this properly and actually brought a flamboyant clock at last okay so here it is Oh God timepiece yeah my boyfriend is a huge Freddie Mercury fan and he doesn't know that so brought it you try to get rid of it [Applause] belong to your boyfriend it was a gift from me so technically I own it person you can go well I'm having that back I'm gonna make really brutal decision don't start starting fifth place it is the brave heart Pop's watch in fourth place oh no what's wrong I can't really explain it but I'm putting the tortoise [Applause] in third place I'm putting the microwave the second place this is the big one you're not gonna believe I've done this I'm putting the stove I don't believe I'm puttin the stove I tell you why that's a clock okay cut the first full-blown task of the series Alex yes what we got we've got some track and field's [Music] hi nice Oh get to the microwave in as few steps as possible and open the door before the microwave dings is five minutes on the clock the microwave is down to that tree where you plug it in there so generated behind the tree those trees are generators as few steps as possible few steps as possible few steps as possible the microwave starts now a simple task I want you to get to my microwave before the soup cooks in as few steps as possible I mean I don't know why cause any confusion whatsoever it's a pretty straightforward task we've mixed it up a little bit though added a few hurdles literally and another hurdle in that I did ask Alex if he could make sure there was a lot of goofs on the track I think should we see what great place to start let's have a look hey can I to get my coat yeah fit only feel mine nice enough some of it right I'm gonna roll there [Music] [Music] is it the future might feel mildly sick I've just had a coffee as well what other ways can I get there without stepping [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] more efficient wire transporting yourself about well fun that don't have a big coffee beforehand I've caused me to stick up my eyes you must have a weak Constitution I don't know why she's drinking a massive coffee and then rolling racking goose make you feel sick there were just a couple of little ones just before the sense to step over the fact before that because you saw a wheel saw the forward reach over we go tumble with pike which is a 6.2 difficulty level there were four little steps just before the flip and that was it the rest was right out so and the family his time was irrelevant four steps who's next we're gonna have a look at Paul and Dave [Music] [Applause] that step [Music] is that step [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay youdo you yeah incredibly quick yeah thank you for your soup is ready sir lovely that's piping hot good technique simple thank you Chinese proverbs but that does make me think of the classic when is a step not a step he took well over seven minutes I mean I'm the total of steps I counted was 125 if you just walk casually [Laughter] if I was able to give artistic style points mate you'd be romping ahead of it I treat by your stay because I've seen some of your shows and they're incredibly meticulously thought-out and clever and in steps but as few of them as possible oh I see yes stepping yeah apart from when I did the forward roll that's all worked out by there that was really good how many steps fifty steps or or if we use Paul Choudhary's definition still fifty still to come after the break see you then [Applause] exclusive membership to our Murray's oven is being hotly contested on the Athletics track for watching our comedians trying to reach my microwave in the smallest number of steps so far Rob Beckett is in the lead Paul Chaudhary has been disqualified up next Elmarie and Sara Pascoe together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] none of its steps is it this is a metaphor for show business nice steps no it's so look at the door open you got plenty we go see eat the soup there we go thank you smashed it I'm watching Sara's technique is it was just fancy stepping in leather trousers admittedly stylist Turkey the expert Paul was it a step the worst son steps I I counted it as 27 steps okay talk to me about how I counted eight little steps for the whole run a pretty pleased with that he was walking on his knees every definition of step I found involved the foot nothing mentioned the knee so okay that's out of order me so I mean these are the results essentially poorly disqualified I'm so sorry because you didn't do it within the time nothing to do with your incredible understanding of stepping place it's Dave big stuff a Gorman so fancy step bus it's all mainly kneeling some step placed incredible sickie performance Rob the roller it's time for the first scoreboard update please okay well it's very close it's Thai there's a tie for the lead out and Sarah both have eight points great on the next test here we go [Music] hi hi oh what's this for you it's for me it's a frozen pea well I first read this no no welcome that first-year propel this pay a furthest distance your pea must land and remain on the red carpet I'll just frightened this will the pea definitely land on there also the peas gotta wake up to you wherever you think the talk your pea must land on that way it's gonna land on it is that that's on the carpet well that'll be on the carpet that pee in there isn't it don't say the P must land on the carb the P will be on the carpet and so you must make contact with the carpet you do what you think is right Rob well Davey's got problem with me I'll knock him out [Applause] there's a few things to address that I mean you're a younger man than me and you're probably fitter but if I get one home a con you mate disrespect me or I'll make you lust okay with us talking about the fact that what they shouldn't do obvious is fling the P because there's the carpeting then there's the grass well no one's gonna get that task and see a tiny P and a red carpet in a windy garden think I'm just gonna bug this well no we've picked some very these are intelligent people all right bright very bright start with Sarah Paul and Dave you see how far this gets them this ain't gonna work is it happy you gave me a green pea any clues I think it's on the grass I can't see on the carpet yeah we could spend a lot of time looking for a pig is it on the right it's on the carpet yeah okay I've got a measuring tape okay have you got a spare Pete had to be that p.m. for it's gonna be that exact P it's like finally being a eight day I'm just gonna go on over sit down go get you anything okay not to use just I quite like a P comparative well as a comparison yeah that would be nice and also you know I just like as a snack of frozen I will get you people I will mark the P if you wouldn't mind thank you very much it's a new personal best a till 18 meters of the 27 hey I'm glad you went again now for your paper I think you should eat that sort of injects it with black ink I do trust you but I don't entirely trust you okay no that's fine I'm just gonna I'm gonna eat this one you isn't it yeah swallow oh my god it's waiting the strings of the of the racket [Music] well unlucky expose pool no school they'll score on that one would you like us to measure that yeah anyway anyway cuz it's on there congratulation on 12 meters effort thank you very much I'm very very pleased I can't imagine someone beating 12 meters yeah respectable [Applause] I mean I was mocking of the idea that someone would just grab the pea and bung it up the carpet but she hit the carpet every time yes you did it three times and then went in 18 meters in 27 centimeters yeah I mean it's not a sentence I thought I'd ever say but you know great Pete throwing at the moment you said propel the feasts are that quick about to propel it she just chucked the P R there's so many words I'm gonna have to teach you yes okay let's cut to the chase here yeah I'm gonna ask you a question yeah very simple question yeah and I want you to answer honestly now you're not in trouble but I'm asking you directly now yeah did you cheat no I'm gonna ask you one more time did you cheat no Greg no I did not we can see the racket there so that's where he got it got wait I mean it looks firmly Western that day it was wedged yeah well you can also see the racket just after you struck the P please gone or has it [Applause] no vanilla broadchurch I know what's happened here at some point while trying to search for the P I was using the racket I believed I will make a judgement on this after the break see you there master where five of the UK's best loved but least flamboyant comedians are playing for each other's most flamboyant clocks propelled can I put it in the wheelbarrow and then sip it on the thing if I go round and round that's propelling it with full sort Drive uh-huh and then when I finish [Applause] 30 meters yeah I'm not stopped I know so you're slowing me down heading it forward with Drive and motion look for propelling well if you do yup I'll be propelling a bit more this 81 meters a 30 centimeter hate you or me it's right I'm gonna do a thousand and then I'll put it on a carpet number 4 this is the fourth one jump three I think you're over 300 meters now that's worried about I reckon I do one more just to keep cats on the safe side okay so one with this [Music] Oh 406 laughs another another 8 metres 404 1/4 we call for 414 agent at the time propel definition it's a verb drive or push something forwards right I just drove a wheelbarrow forwards 414 meters 440 meters I'm 53 centimeters it's landed on the red carpet and it's remained there yeah thank you rob I mean incredible it was almost like you were justifying it in anticipation of an argument it's not normal I use words to my advantage next okay [Music] it's landed I'm standing on the carpet yeah [Music] [Applause] see are following it the pizza go okay I thought it'd go as far as I can and back in the next 20 minutes if we can just go up the m4 as far as we can 1.6 mark now this is fantastic yeah sixteen miles there we go just shy of 18 miles 18 miles brilliant it just on the right thanks Bob check for p-probably oh oh yes it remained on the car [Applause] it repels right keep a palette I'll paid for the cap he paid a pun 150 pounds amazing watching someone pay under 50 pounds to take a pee to slough drivin a popgun seriously the pub landlord hanging with me foreplay weirdly I know he's nice lovely little detail she's a GP in Croydon do like Croydon farted our propel is P 18 miles exactly 18 months 18 miles now is the news dave has been disqualified for cheating ladies and gentlemen sorry yeah that's very bad news although I do admire you ever go great news is even though you lost it you did propel the pain you get points [Applause] in third place was arguably the only person who entered into the proper spirit of the pea throwing sarahpascoe that's three points in second place with rugged resisting power work we have an outright leader now and that is obviously Mr Al Murray okay one more task please okay I'm really trying my best to please you and this one is a Christmassy task [Music] make the best snowman your one hour well that's pretty tricky isn't it it's not snowing I suppose I should check out the window to see if it started snowing what's the weather Mike Rob balmy well it's not gonna stone an hour is it no 11 o'clock honey it's 10 o'clock now today there's no snow this week now you just messing around with uh because it snowed in April this year didn't when Prince died you'd rather that song it snowed in April then he died a week later so yeah you shouldn't use that to forecast weather well I thought we'd start off with a little enthusiastic Rebecca right basically snow goes out the window I was gonna get loads of marshmallows and do that but then it's just a marshmallow mine in it well watch when I stick together as he saw of Oh that's a bit of one have to read the squeeze 90 seconds Rob no eyes might think you're Rob I'll take that please with that if you're after a snowman no you can't make it make something that looks like it I think it was a lovely marshmallow manda yeah well you can't you can't make snow so I thought I'll just make one that looks like snowman if a child had made it like a Christmas card at school and it was made out of cotton wool making a snowman you wouldn't go look at it and go that's not a snowman you would say that's a lovely snow no I would kick it out of their hands and say I've grouped Allen Sarah together again you want to see them yeah so we I could make a mold of some kind fill it with Bertha put it in the freezer I need like four litres of vanilla ice cream and a bag of raisins and some wool to make the scarf yeah a couple of colors please [Music] you got to diversify these days of you can't regress I'm not going out with a flat look it's a snowman [Music] I'm gonna hold him scoopy now some of this is gonna be the base jam it into the tray yes and that's just snowman shape okay cars too big oh oh gee I've got an idea there is some ice in here dying that can add some ice to it which will speed up with this freezing process okay okay forty minutes left out so we're gonna write 35 minutes we'll check it we'll check it should have frozen solid by then we'll take it out job done whole buttons so there he is he's lovely isn't a scoopy I'm happy isn't he nice I said in this studio while we were watching those that watching I'll make it is like watching man in the middle of a break day expected to be correct is when I saw the snowman thing of great beauty what I saw was a monstrous [Music] I see there I see a creature in pain that would make my niece's cry I mean I do love it oh it's incredible what do you think your Sara's snowman [Applause] ice cream is as close as Isis melting clouds the cows might spin of it milk sometimes arguably don't see scoop here again yes I think about him every day [Music] [Applause] you know what at the end of that VT scoopy was still happier than al snow raisin you're an inspiration there's a really lovely ice cream man is that it's Dave and Paul I think we'll see Dave first oh dear can we get a very large bucket and two hundred packets of pounded potato okay so yeah soon as you can please how are you all right that's very good you don't know the kettle is on so if you could start getting some boiling water I've got another one yeah please I'll be honest it's not as white as I was hoping it's quite yellow it's very yellow cells I say yes my man you think school dinners let's try see what this looks like [Music] I'm actually quite happy with that that's right what's coming on there is there a hose anywhere yes there is a hope is that connected [Music] well you go to the carrot you want me to tell you the car I'd like the carrot please [Music] [Applause] I mean oh yeah in today's I was a little concerned about your literal interpretation of some of the task steps a big step thing you're back in the game because someone says make a snowman and you ask for mash really nice thank you okay after the break not only will we say something I'm looking forward to him seeing Paul Cherry's attempt at a snowman but all five will take to the stage for the first live task of the series see that [Applause] and welcome back to the final part of this show it won't be long before we find out who has to haul home Rob's giant tortoise sundial and Dave's junky microwave but first weren't we about to watch Paul do something yes we were they've all been building snowmen out of marshmallows potatoes an ice cream but we're yet to see Paul charity's attempt and he didn't use any of those items would you like to see what he used I mean genuinely more than anything can you buy me a slush puppy flavor it's no favor to slush puppies and a white teddy excellent finally this is no man bear see what the expression and the tears reflects what I'm going through on the inside [Music] Boston's crying in right at the end the final image of a snowman was in place he said the bastards crying in it we shouldn't be laughing at Paul I've got so many questions or one ask you oh my first question is is everything all right [Laughter] it was powerful in the room we were we were moved yeah I was about to saying it's something I've written down now and thanks for backing Paul up he has used something cold in this snowman which is one of the traditional elements of a snowman it's built of a cold substance so in that regard well then if this was about artistry and about creating something that really moves people you'd have won this task however we agreed some criteria and they were you know they should be recognizable as a snowman traditionally the snowman's outdoors like Dave's for example recognizable elements we agreed traditional traditional elements scarf to carrot nose which we provided the eyes and then scale we thought you know when people are making a snowman they normally go from being what's a big one big above yeah yeah who's in last place brick in fifth place it's Paul's check artistically mate number one in fourth place it's Rob because it was made out of marshmallows number three ow Manu said that you know draw Alyce's monstrous second place we're putting the ice cream sarah and even though it wasn't made out of cold stuff we think that they've made the best snowman there it is well it's tight it's tight to the top there's one point separating the top two people there's three points separating the top three and Paul's still in it so let's have a look owl house in first place for 16 points there we go it's near the end of the show but before we can find out our winner there's one more thing to do so for the first time this series will you all please head to the stage for the final task [Applause] looks like all five of our contestants have got some lovely new friends there Rob would you read out the tasks please hi Rob oh hi mate yeah great I'm just gonna crack on with this thing you're Swedes on your Swede your Swede must remain standing at all times your Swedes my only balance on the exterior of your Swede most Swedes resting on a Swede after a hundred seconds win so in summary as many Swedes on a Swede in the time allowed and the Swede has to be standing up Swede must remain standing at all times you can manipulate your Sweden any other way when alex says you can manipulate them in any way you want emotionally leave them alone good luck everyone guess we did [Applause] [Music] nothing twenty-two [Music] not very well Paul Soglin having a ladies a little disadvantage on the old space [Applause] respectable 15 seconds left 15 [Applause] [Applause] okay ladies gentlemen with thanks to our regular Fred and to the London Swedes [Applause] [Music] why were they up sweet on sweet balancing great question great Swedes lovely sweets well Sarah Rob found it awkward and they both achieved eight Swedes wow it's an even number then we've got Dave 11 sweets [Applause] fifteen that must have affected our final scores don't get your hopes up all and our winner is mr. Murray the series in the air graphite flamboyant clocks please I'll head for the stage to collect your prize is exciting series underway thanks for your help thanks for letting me help Craig today well what we've learned today is if you want to scare your children just get Al Murray or poor Chowdhury to make them a snowman most importantly despite that we found out that our winner of episode one of series 3 of tusks master is mr. Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you for Walter Franta subscribe now [Music] you
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 1,611,295
Rating: 4.9413285 out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Roisin Conaty, Romesh Ranganathan, The Horne Section, Tim Key, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Al Murray, Dave Gorman, Paul Chowdhry, Rob Beckett, Sara Pascoe
Id: mlt2coPFpM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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