Taskmaster Series 17, Episode 5 - 'Snooker cue umbrella chin.' | Full Episode

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[Music] [Applause] w w w oh no no yes um yeah Christ wrong way that's how you do it baby okay oh my God [Applause] [Music] hi hello welcome welcome to Taskmaster a show that if my social media Communications are anything to go by attracts sociopathic nerds who mistakenly believe they have the right to reply as do the following five task Titans please welcome Joanne mcnali John Robins Nick Mohamed Sophie Willen Steve PTO and next to me a man who on a night out recently confided in me about his theory that strength of regional accent is directly related to lack of intelligence don't shoot the messenger shoot opion opinion hello Greg hello there I want I want to talk about something quite uh grown up a bit bit of adult stuff so sorry but what what's that under there Greg what's that under there where no what's that under There underwear underwe she said under she said under huh sure we have the priz task we shall see a priz task and things are going to get hot in here because we're going to get to see their most extraordinary pictures five points for the picture Greg thinks is the most extraordin and one lucky winner will take home five extraordinary pictures hello Sophie oh hello what extraordinary picture have you bought me I set up a little studio in my dressing room and I made you this a that's great that's good it's the dancing B from episode one I that's great well let me give you a different take on it Nick why is it extraordinary though I mean it's extraordinary to discover that you've got some level of ability art really you think so God oh I mean you know GC gcsc I think why it's extraordinary is look at the fur at the ends that's FL flinging off that was purposeful could it be a v that's very recently died I thought it was running into a fire it's neither bad nor extraordinary well done Sophie Nick what have you brought in well so this is a picture that I have have taken and it's a picture of a sign outside of a church quite near where I live and I just find it extraordinary that teas is is so big shirt and it's like why are they screw tee like screaming tease there's a slight Razer voice on till and Sunday as well isn't there St an's Church homemade cream teas 3M till scared the out me that it is extraordinary thanks Greg John hi Greg can you beat a shouty sign we all work in entertainment in various forms and people watching us might think that's a very glamorous industry however my picture was taken of a comedian called Paul mcaffrey and captures the true bleakness of being a traveling comedian better than any image in the history of civilization Jesus Christ that's a buildup oh my God I have been in that chair I love that he's being papped in a restaurant he's being recognized from a TV show and the guy taking the picture is sort of unaware of the moment of complete sort of it's a mixture of self hatred yeah it's it's it's bafflement at how life turned out this way do you know when I first saw it I didn't even realize that someone had taken that picture and posted it I thought it was someone Paul knew no it's a member of the public wow that's going to take some beating Joan you said an extraordinary picture and I was like mine's more experiential minds of thought and movement and experience ready yeah ready ready for the experience I'm going to turn away and then I'm going to experience it no you have to look at it to experien it [Laughter] there look oh sh yeah but that's Shay gavara I I know who it is on a balloon yeah I thought it was important to just raise awareness on a balloon yeah and if I if you give me the five points I will donate my fee to the Cuban Revolution they do have a GoFundMe I've just found out the Cuban Revolution what is the political statement you making I'm making the statement that balloons are balloons are pricing that's it [Applause] inflation actually you didn't say it to be extraordinarily good you just said extraordinary mine's extraordinarily shite very very hello Steve hello you're right what I brought in is a photograph of two friends here it is the gentleman on the right uh who whose name is uh glug gravies um he was a geography teacher who took early retirement and then his friend Alan horns runs a pub quiz it is Sinister isn't it I mean we're not we're not greatl looking guys with our own faces Jesus Christ you must have thought about though you I must have thought about swapping our faces on a long flight all I think about is your torso and one of my eyes one of yours your legs my arms and just see what you know see how that works it's funny is it it's a relatively short thing he said to me and yet I still tuned out halfway sometimes I just mark on Instinct okay I I didn't find Shake ofir's balloon going down remotely extraordinary I'm giving it one point I don't like looking at our faces is even if they're chopped off and put on the other face I'm giving that two points I think you're perfectly good at Art all right thank you I've take that I'll give you three points shouty teas Four Points the poor McCaffrey scream of Despair Five Points right let's get over with the task poer shall we okay then Greg and get a load of this one if you can bear it [Applause] Alex Nick Muhammad hi yes present thank you oh what are you wearing my special belt hello I was hiding you were hiding you look like a sort of action hero or as close to an action hero as you're going to look Sophie yes are you all right just taking precautions right oh God okay hello you wearing a girdle be the most impressive load Bearer be the most impressive load Bearer 15 minutes time you must stand at the door mat wave with one hand above your head and give a nice big thumbs up with the other whilst bearing the most impressive load right you're Lord must not be touching anything other than you your time starts when Alex interrupted it's called a support belt your time starts when alexar girdle Steve you're wearing a girdle your time starts when Alex good luck with the task start the oh yeah your time starts when Alex interrupts you you I I missed my opportunity I'm going to try again you have to say something I'll have to interrupt you physically is that count fair enough I'm wearing your weight list as [Applause] belt a good sign of Alex being an absolute narcissist I think the attention he wanted for wearing that weightlifter belt there's no reason for him to wear it he's just going everyone look at me everyone goes oh he's such a nice guy no the guy's a prick um okay um it's all about low bearing right yeah we start with a bit of Joe and a bit of so okay well I suppose I'll take that yeah yeah is what's this for to balance it out it's for strong men Oak there can nice stick Stu in there do whatever you want Joan what's impressive as a load what's an impressive load like could I wear that around my neck [Music] no brought the bucket of balls I mean let's be honest a lot of this is just looking in that shed and sort of having a panic attack isn't it really well well well look at this I think it's all about utilizing different structures isn't it within your own body are you in pain not at all never felt [Music] better so I've maximized the Loud by using the pegging system yeah that's a load in itself and then I've loaded the loader and then there's some steering wheels and hula hoops around the neck for balance oh and a plunger in there somewhere yeah look at that lovely this is good cuz then what I can do is put the balls in the SKT should I pour them in yeah [Music] right it's quite wet yeah it is quite wet so I wasn't expecting that weird [Music] no release oh no oh [Music] no do anyone now and saw that today [Applause] well interesting I I thought both ladies did what we call on this show a shed Panic Joanne did you think it was impressive I mean yes I clipped all the cery individually onto that Pagan thing I mean that's the one thing I would say you did you did quite well yes aside from that what I wrote down is you you look like an old lady who's had to fall into a room of her own tat this is Sophie and Joan bearing their impressive loads if I didn't know what this task was I wouldn't say that woman's got an impressive load I look deranged oh you I mean you look like you've done a lot of shouting in a high streight you so Sophie looks like she's turned up to a beach party that everyone has desperately tried to stop her finding out about I mean it's hard to know which one of these two you want to turn up less both both of them are saying I didn't get any of the whatsapps you got some statistics yes we did weigh the amount of load they they were bearing uh Sophie 13.2 kg versus 5.4 for Joan half of which was the traffic com right who are we going to see next it's time to get a load of Nick and Steve bear an impressive load bear bear bear bear got a rare tiger don't know why but it's quite impressive um also it's got a sort of natural how heav is the Caravan I'm only kidding um this just some dress up clothes if you go into the secret room the secret room yes it's in the Caravan ah it's like this is a way of sort of being kind of have you done this whole thing before no right have you found the secret room um this oh my god you're kidding oh my God this is amazing come on Linda Nick oh yeah um right what I'm going to do is create somebody who's riding the tiger and the tiger and the person are on my [Music] back we can do this we can do this another 6 in Steve it's easy for you to say now to do it still maintain some dignity that is the [Applause] question okay oh oh oh there you [Music] are it's quite windy Steve yeah hi how long have I got Alex You've Got 2 minutes Nick we are attempting something that's not been attempted before on UK [Music] TV oh you've kept your dignity thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] well Steve what a what a showman you know what when I found out there was a secret dressing up room I was that little 5-year-old Boy again and to see you acting like a 5-year-old boy was very creepy one of my favorite moments on the series so far is the question and answer have you ever done this before no the way you picked that chair up I thought oh well he's obviously done Street performance or something the confidence with which you oh yeah I can pick up a chair you didn't have to wave and sum up for any certain length of time oh you just have to be able to do it very very briefly you didn't oh the load was on his chin yeah we only have one man left to see and his John is Robins oh I don't mind that have we got any model Gregs around because it would be quite impressive to have Greg on the old shoulders yeah I can get you some Gregs yeah can you get me some Gregs please I've got some little Gregs I've got one more big Greg coming so what I'm thinking is well it's a classic case of a gutter of Gregs jump yes Alex got a Greg for you oh this is good stuff the Greg for your gutter this is great Greg this is Greg sorry ladies and gentlemen I'm proud to present the most impressive load ever carried by man or woman Feast Your Eyes On The One and Only gutter of GRA yes [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen there is nothing we can do with a gter of GRS that's your time up John thank you Alex bye-bye [Applause] byebye you think appealing to my ego is going to get you points on the show do you yep very wise well you just have to work at how impressed you are so first first of all Sophie and Joan who look like this yeah and then the three gentlemen uh did these things oh that's we have Nick come on that looks good why have they blurred the cow's face we have Steve that doesn't look as good as I remember Steve and then we have John's it's a bit much though isn't it it is yeah I'm sorry Joan yours is the least impressive final load one to Joan five two points for Sophie three for Steve The Narrative was impressive I'm showing humility by giving Four Points to John and I'm sorry the final image that I found the most impressive was old snooker Q umbrella chin and I stand by [Applause] it can you tell me the scores uh yes Sophie and Steve both on five John and Nick both on nine [Applause] what is next young fellow mad oh well let's just sit back and have a right laugh watching The Fresh Prince of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] midair what an Earth is going on in here then oh well that's clever is it oo yeah wow it took me a while to get it just right but yeah yeah magic lovely love it hi Nick hi Alex could you turn the hair draer off it's a bit noisy yeah sure oh that was very good yeah oh I saw that Pard cheeky what do you mean the string and this there was a lot going on there oh I did it too early take the most dramatic photo of yourself in midair you have 15 minutes and may take five photos in midair I've never been a good jumper your time starts now this is going to be a health and safety ball Lake isn't it the most dramatic photo of yourself so what I'd love is to get the hair bands that they wear the really bad knives to your head do do you have to be actually mid or could you be pretending to levitate we've got a hair dryer we have got a hair dryer um yes okay I've been doing a selfie on the top of a very tall building I've fallen and I'm plunging as I'm taking the selfie I have a Wonder yeah see what strikes you I have a wonder and a think photo of yourself in the air I'm going to have a wand around yeah yeah that hasn't been very helpful around you got a history of jumping Sophie no I'm not a great jumper I'm more of a dropper I'm very Flor based with my mood okay joh I do all my own stunts yeah oh wow always have always will I enjoy the adrenaline highest you've ever jumped you know I'm not great on measurements now i' say like a meter should we all should we all have a little jump yeah why not should we all have a little jump Nick you may as well sit down no I'm quite good quite three two one jump wasn't it I apologize can we see them in the there well we're going to see the montaging first of all and then we'll see the photos so enoy enjoy this Greg right well we need to light a fire we can light a fire good let's light a fire right now Alex I might need a bit of help okay you want me to come with you yeah please yes now I've been experimenting with how to get some GeForce into my face of course you I thought this would be quite a nice huh you you feel yeah gForce from my head horrible ah yeah wow it's my big day how's the day gone it started out okay things took a turn yeah one two 3 [Music] go I'm God right I got my parachute you what my parachute ready good luck thank you oh no I'm going to you're going to need to take me from higher up [Applause] [Music] Alex you going to give me some gForce no [Music] you ready go any marks yeah go yeah not bad can you justify to me that you are were in midair Nick you know when you put just a few things in a washing machine and it's going to run quite slow they sort of there is a moment where they sort of suspend as it's kind of yes of course they are in technically in mid so that's what you were hoping for the way I interpreted it yes was I was watching a father of three rammed into some tires being pushed into some B Bean CS I was very tired okay here is Nick dramatically in mid a I mean you arguably could couldn't be less midair who can we see next jilted go am I think you might be back in the game Taskmaster is proving to me that I have the creativity of a wheelie bin so this is a jilted bride on her wedding day she's just found out her husband's riding the nanny did you say why she's wearing a nightpack she's just had laser she's just had laser eye for the on the way to the wedding God she's had a bad day has it's a hell of an image the next picture is the one taken by Sophie in midair I mean I cannot wait was there another shed Panic did you run into no no I planed this I've been wanting to get in in that pigeon ad from the moment I saw it people do people do and how nice for once that it's the pigeons themselves that are covered in yeah all right who's next do you want to see Robins in Flight please blood yeah that's that's good he's been shot out of the cannon he's going towards a little bucket of fire no eye patch though he getting a Canon yeah you really want this don't you well I mean look at the air look at the air I've got I'm pleased with that you've got nice air you've got a bucket of fire you've got a pretend Cannon and you got that prick there's a lot there who's next the final one have a look at Steve pton in midair oh it's a failed parachute it's a failed parachute I like the cut rope that's drama yes this captures the moment of realization that he's going to Splat can you see the the gForce I hope that they would have painted out the elastic band you would hope they would have made it look like you were in midair as well I'll put all five up for you Greg and then you can B out which is the most dramatic M oh Christ okay well let's let's deal with Nick first of all right it looks like a completely different Tas well I'm going to give you one point for that you're welcome thank you and then there's got to be a jump up I'm gonna give John Joanne and Steve four points but I'm going to give that in samee pigeon Madness five I don't know why I just think it's the most traumatic because possibly because I'm worried about her state of mind that's that's the [Applause] way let's try and squeeze another one in shall we vicer isn't it one more then and it's a tie [Music] oh Jesus hey Joan hi Alex have a little lie down oo hello hello oh hello make yourself comfortable I shall oh lovely it's nice to have a lay down isn't it okay I'm quite tired there that's the task shall I get it now can you reach yeah a and I've got a tie as a bonus oh this is nice tie yourself to the bed most tied of person wins you must be horizontal whilst in the lab if you pull down the terrible tie you are disqualified well how do I know which is the terrible tie oh you not your time starts now is is is is going up like that horizontal going up like what like that oh no that's not horizontal is that horizontal no so this is horizontal that's horizontal so I need something to help me access just Out Of Reach Alex how the do I take them [Applause] down I sometimes wonder whether you knew that the what the show was that you were signing up to they said the last you watched it the better that's that you do fairly regularly seem incredulous about being asked to do things just have a look at it okay well we're going to start with Jay and Jay no not the American multinational pharmaceutical and medical Technologies Corporation it's Joan and John can I levit I can't I'd have to levitate myself up oh if you could levitate horizontally that would be perfect this is a bad idea that's not a good idea don't hit yourself in the face with a buckle what do you need I need the ties I obviously can oh no thank you ah for God's sake thank God here we go doesn't look terrible to me this is real 80s D Vibes isn't it is that tied to the bed yeah oh no some of the ties seem to have prayers on them Alex is it a prayer why do you think it's a prayer John what else are you going to write on a tie that was wsh ped will clock Guan Beth man guad Cario [Music] inine this is something from like a really lowend BR is hate the lowend one at what point are you going to start tying yourself together maybe I'll make a start it's kind of like a survival course but I I'd actually rather drink a jar past than do this right [Music] ah this is good I don't know why I stayed the wrong way around for right you have still got one minute is that the terrible time pedrick wheeler clock goana bth man go on Caro Yamin you got 20 seconds it's better not be some snuff movie now two on the head and one on the wrist is it okay I'm just going to just check on the on the ties you're so mean yes it's TI the rest are good Joan thanks J you seem pretty tied up actually I'll be in my draft again for anyone need I'm so sorry that I can't give extra points for the for your exit it was really impressive they didn't stop me no one said they'd untie me at one point you announced that the experience was like a low-end brothel and at the time you were a woman tied to a camp bed with one tie lazy broel of middle-aged man yeah but she did well she got a lot of ties on yeah she tied herself up with 15 ties now John was two on the hands one on the wrist and then 10 ties all tied together to make one long tie rope which went around his middle and his chest good who's next okay now it's for a tie between Bolton and Leeds it's Sophie and Nick let me I'm just going to strategize here first okay how long are you going to strategize for um just just a second I think I'll I'm done you must be horizontal so does that mean that my sort of back has to be parallel to the floor I could be on all fours could I that's loud isn't it that's horizontal there's something I've missed isn't there because this is what you kind of you know this usually how it works isn't it there's something I've missed in the room it didn't say I need to use a tie to tie myself to the bed that was the trick whilst in this room I've got it I don't know what I'm doing make sure you're horizontal I'm I am quite a quite a full there so be careful oh y horizontal but then as soon as I've left I can actually be any how long have we got Greg no one's ever called me Greg before ever in the whole show ever in the whole show I've been waiting thank you right hello right [Music] I've got a lot of rope and no way of doing it feel like there's something I've not got right here tie yourself to the bed it's going to be horizontal whilst in the lab whilst in the lab I can't get out out now three and half minutes I don't but I don't know what this is gaining me um [Music] I don't think I've done this one [Applause] right one minute left yeah thread it through thread it through are you threading it through yeah through the bed on over me there's no way I'm not roped in here looks quite well actually one minute left right oh God quick [Music] yeah no um oh so close so you still tied to the bed very I mean it was a very efficient tie yeah too efficient really there we go bye then Nick see you later Alex I'll get the door don't worry yeah no I am stuck now I think [Applause] my favorite moment of both of those is just hearing Nick's little voice say I don't think I've done this one well can't actually see my face at that point but I was crying taught me through the strategy it was quite good I thought I don't think I had one really you went and got a rope I did I just crawled about and got a rope and tied myself up well don't talk yourself down you saw what Nick was do Nick what was going through your mind when you were um crawling around on the floor of the camp bed Stu to your back I felt like a wood louse that had inverted itself and couldn't get back once I once I flipped I just couldn't there was nothing I could do but what I'm interested is why did you flip yeah it was a good question yeah yeah finally a man perhaps best known for his role as Mattis in free Jimmy the 2006 animation which also starred Woody harlson it's Steve pton oh now you're talking I want to hire the bed so if I come off here I thought there be a way to screw bus is this the horrible one a something in W come on this is like sort of hooker up but with ties and lying down I want different body parts involved oh thank you God the tig gods are shining down on me oh thank you yeah [Music] oh I can't keep up with the number of ties the tie gods are giving me it's a whole tie raade oh 20 seconds okay I think I'm done to enjoy it now 5 seconds left okay but if you could leave the lab now that would be great we let them know [Applause] he was so violent with the mechanism he whacked it and he put it off an angle so they could they had nowhere to go but fall on top of Steve and he tied 28 ties attached himself to the bed or each of his fingers was tied up individual fingers mouth head pelvis not through the pelvic bone but no no I mean do you want to win or not um let's talk about this Welsh tie business they weren't prayers no they were my family motos there's a green one that's the one that Joanne got and I've obviously that says uh know what you want and have the confidence to go after it that's what I wore on my Stag Night nice Joanna and John both got the yellow one down don't was the clock do what it does keep going I wore that on my wedding day uh purple Steve got the purple one which says whoever is Happy will make others happy too and then the red tie of course uh my dad's tie which says this is a terrible tie and that was brought down by Mr Steve pepper of all the ties to rain down on me or Steve is out I like Sophie's attempt and I thought the Rope was impressive so I'm going to reward it woo most tied up person wins she was the most tied up person and then we'll do it according to the amount of ties that we used okay well it's two points to Nick three to John four to Joan Five Points to Sophie Willam can we have a look at the scores yes Soph he's got a chance of winning she's on 15 John is on the top with 16 points ah still ahead it's good she the all right well here we are make your way to the stage final task of the [Applause] [Music] show what's cing good looking who's reading the task out uh I think Steve pton is going to read this one out is he oh yes Park a vehicle in the parking Bay your vehicle must be rolled whilst standing on the spot and the worst Parker each round is eliminated it's a parking challenge we have four parking Bays there so in round one you've got to try to park one of these vehicles in parking space number one so you can now write down what order you want to park your vehicles as always happens in this show Greg the person in the lead goes first this occasion it's John so John you have selected the car yep you must stay on the gold Circle you're aiming for parking Bay number one John Park that car [Music] it's not a bad start it's popped into two right it's Sophie next bring your little version of yourself with you that's lovely no no it's come too far not a disaster it is a bit let's be honest it's not great Nick you're up next and You' selected the buggy yes you just you can just slot your little legs my own or well either just F very Clapper he's definitely made it through to round two I can tell you that oh yeah okay Jo now you're up next you have chosen the horse yeah oh woo it's safe she is safely through well done right finally it's Steve Pon what have you selected first of all I've selected the trolley okay yeah is it enough let's have a look arguably Sophie's only chance at winning an episode has just been dashed against the Rocks fortunately Sophie you've been eliminated in round one and I must I must take small Sophie away from you no yeah sit on the bench of Shame at the end sit on the watch the bench of Shame right round two but John you're up first you've picked the trolley so if you want to mount the trolley aiming for number two of course gosh yeah it's hard to get the balance right without trolley yeah it's parking Bay to Nick also with a trolley oh God [Applause] confident that was electric danan you selected the car do you remember what happened the first time the car was used you went too far so what are you going to do I'm going to win Alex [Applause] oh I've got to say despite being in the drop zone I didn't want to see that Steve you're up what have you chosen I've chosen the buggy you step on that PA I'm going to come up there like a [Laughter] windmill oh that's lovely this is looking good that is lovely [Applause] that is how you park a child your out okay it's the penultimate round John Robbins again up first picked the horse so John you're aiming for parking Bay number three of course okay oh my God it's very level very level I look helpful okay it's uh n Muhammad what are you going with I go with horse as well oh really well you've seen how to do it good luck [Music] man I think I'm out well still Steve he just needs to not do that the slightest shot we do it Steve what have you picked I've got horse as well John any advice on the horse just whack it right off the edge really good made it [Applause] through we have to say goodbye to Nick Muhammad okay so it's pemon versus robins and it's been a theme of the series so far in the final round you both pushed at the same time oh a Twist yes oh my God this to the blue Factory now get in your vehicles guys clear the nap it oh that's lovely to see so you must roll on the whistle I am genuinely excited three two one ooh oh my God hamton hamton takes [Applause] [Music] it that is classic pton well done we'll add back to your final scores come down and join me well [Applause] [Music] done I tell you what pton can C it's not me it's the little guy I have totted up the scores now Greg and those five points for pton have very little bearing on the final scores because the third episode in a row has been won by Mr John Robbins oh God John Robins wins please pick up your extraordinary pictures so what have we leared from today's show well we all know that life has its ups and its Downs everybody has their struggles but whatever you've been through whatever you're going through do remember things could always be worse that's us halfway through the series and this is your champion of the night Mr John Robin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for more Taskmaster subscribe now n [Music]
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 517,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Romesh Ranganathan, The Horne Section, Tim Key, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, james acaster, bob mortimer, channel 4, panel show, uk comedy, comedy, sophie duker, bridget christie, sam campbell, julian clary, pennel show, judi love, ardal ohanlan, lucy beaumont, joannemcnally, john robins, nickmohammed, sophie willan, stevepemberton
Id: ZPtE12rRDkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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