Series 14, Episode 10 - Did I Meet These Potatoes Before? | Full Episode | Taskmaster

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[Music] whoa [Music] oh no shut up [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hello here we go Dan welcome to the series 14 Taskmaster Grand Final I need to say this and right now I'm so high on adrenaline I could jump over a car what a series we've had what a cast what Memories in many ways I'm sad to see them go but if this being over means there's half a chance that I'll stop singing me if I'm breaking me if I'm Brady in my head all day every day that good with us all of them very soon one of them will lift off this golden Effigy of my delicious head and become Taskmaster champion and realize in that moment that like the trophy they hold the victory is truly Hollow let us meet the Legends for the last time please welcome Dara O'Brien Brady John Khan and Sarah Milton and next to me a man I'm proud to call my best friend if all my other friends go down in an awful Maritime disaster I include peripheral friends like friends of friends even what perished all gone who's left it's my best friend thank you brother price has time you fleshy little giblet nice one you big manatee in a suit or something it's the last price task of the series and you've asked them to bring in the thing of yours that the Taskmaster would most like to own oh it's a very personal choice for me it is the person that has brought in the thing that Greg would most like to own will get five big points to kick off their final and at the end of the episode the winner will probably have to hand over all the things to Greg because he'll want to own them and let's face it who's going to argue with this thing right what people said that you think I might like to own um so um I was thinking about you and thinking about what you have and what you may lack in your life so I think you have power you have money but what you don't have that I do have is likability I brought in a book to represent it the science of likability do you think in my role as a test Master like ability would help maybe in your personal life hi fun hello I've brought you magical tarot cards here are the tarot cards so this wasn't even what I was going to bring in I was going to bring you in this spray that turned your hair brown then so far has been a very unsettling wreck and then I did everything you're not gonna have to leave what came up in the region and I didn't make dress up the first picture five people battling out with sticks no matter one that card means childlike joy and a sense of Freedom the final card I mean so I even need to say anything what the disgusting big fat demon on top of the box Greg I'm not making it up this came up when I did everything yes sir I just don't know what the significance of it is [Applause] I don't think I need to hear much more I mean good luck man yet so munya means comforter okay in Shauna which is a Zimbabwean language so you wear this around your neck feel instantly calm I'm sorry I'm wearing that right now [Laughter] I don't want it Tara can you beat any of those I've got a lot of hope so uh and because I brought you what I think is the coolest thing I have in my name uh to offer to you and it is an actual asteroid oh I'm interested yeah it's called 4901 O'Brien and it orbits outside of Mars but before Jupiter and it's on the NASA register of names of asteroids and representatives I brought in meteorite cufflinks so that that is real that's real meteorite yeah yeah look the danger without having an asteroid is that it could get banged out of its orbit come into our orbit and kill us off that's just like the vague downsize but man the press in the village would be amazing necklace on you wouldn't feel any Panic I've heard a different kind of panic if you are likable at the time and it wouldn't mind dying if you had your tarot cards you would know it would come in you haven't seen mine yet [Laughter] it's all right are you prepared to Lobby the scientist to have the name of the asteroid changed yes I am I'm totally I'm totally gonna do that I don't really get done anyway maybe I do like it uh John do you own a fridge I'm not being arrogant I have three fridges what magnets have you got it's a good question I haven't got any fridge magnets oh [Laughter] I'm brought in a fridge magnet from Gladiators yes he has oh it's jet in the fridge hang on bad thank you that is very clever actually John like all men of a certain age I'm a big fan of jet if you're watching all the best it's a low scoring round for me I'm perfectly like well I don't want that mask that's nonsense one point for those three people all right so it's one point to Sarah one point to money at one point to Fern correct Tara two points because I don't want those cufflinks but I like the idea and Three Points well I'm not gonna give him five points for a Frenchman John Kern sort of wins with three boys what what we are off what's first well we're gonna travel back in time to a task we gave them on their very first day in the house [Music] hi John the man himself this is nice thank you where's my ha no there is no why am I what am I looking for here I know you've hidden the message in here somewhere look at the front of the table what's the task Alex I don't know if you have any favorite dates oh my birthday yes God all that just for that little thing that's a really long payoff Alex I will say that order three things for your final task you may spend up to 50 pounds you have five minutes what what what your time I'm not gonna say that bit yet your time starts now the thing is I could order something that could be completely useless yeah so don't order that I need like a um I need a Swiss Army knife scissors please pens uh um some sort of a Taxidermy okay not a Teddy like a animal that used to be alive and now it's that double cheeseburger a big bag of potatoes I don't know what the special side like afo was that has come around labor and cheap labor you want me to rent a person I'm going to give me a rough description of them you're nice it's gonna be nice I want rollerblades no no no no no I want Moon shoes a mirror so a pint of Irish cider or maybe just get two pints that we have a pointy that'd be lovely I know that you're gonna try and make me wet somehow and the thing about me is my skin as a brown man gets dry very quickly so I'm willing to do that for you Alex but I'm gonna need some Vaseline on there [Music] a second Genie three wishes oh no no Aladdin a lamp a lamp a lot magic lamp I think it's quite a terrifying uh look into all of your minds I don't even know what moon shoes are what moon shoes uh Moon Shoes is a shoe with a trampoline on it oh it's a small trampoline worth saying not a full-size trampoline okay should we move on it was the first thing they did in the series and it will be the last thing they do in the series two so keep that in the back of your mind but for now let's lock them all in the Caravan [Music] oh hello hello Fern hello you're going in my Caravan I'm staying outside my Caravan oh I know it doesn't make either of us happy no that's a safety measure okay you can run with them I actually still think you can just as a German message no we don't don't remember that don't remember them shall I yeah yes please eat the grape eat the grape you must have damaged the Caravan or climb out the window plus this wins your time starts now your time starts now your time starts now where is the grape uh shut up shut up oh there's grapes over there oh yeah you could go and eat one of them but how it was right let's eat the grape it's an escape room with grapes or in a scrape room first two we're going to see are say your names please John and moon yeah where is the grape oh I'm not allowed to climb out the window no thank you but I can walk out the door you can try oh you've locked haven't you horrible man you found it great I've got a chest yes that one's locked as well so I need two keys oh yeah the scissors why are you being so annoying sort of my job right I need keys I need keys have you look there yeah well nobody sorry [Music] did you just say [ __ ] it's my problem rocky rocky [Music] boom [Music] too weak I regret calling me weak right ready [Music] score 50 for a price are you gonna adopt not vertically but double 20 12. are we playing English darts or Zimbabwean darts let's put Zimbabwean darts on the map and play my way yeah all right yeah 50 I'll come get your prize yes oh that's travel AC and you win a prize yes a claw [Music] thank you Alex [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] key key oh yes [Music] yes John have you eaten a grape yeah yes [Music] hmm do you think it's mislabeled [Music] great fingers crossed foreign yeah eat the grape where's the grape [Music] is that like a ladder to something the TV aerial [Music] he's a great oh there's no way no you're quite different man Bunya is alive with energy solving problems and you know and and if he doesn't manage to solve them through logic he'll he'll make something up like Zimbabwean darts absolutely obviously absolutely horseshit yes but the use of the string was clever women of course very clever no sometimes I don't know that he's the best Ambassador for Zimbabwe [Laughter] did we just witness you looking for a grape and a can of chickpeas never trust the label on Taskmaster that's true that's a very good point next up it's Fern and Sarah I've done these sorts of games before and sometimes you just chat with me friends and don't bother doing them [Music] well if I gnaw through the strength we're just put money in it [Music] that would have been really good you've just said buggeration as well so because if you put another coin back in it um do you know where the key is yes absolutely where is it what the key where's the key I can't tell you that where do people sometimes hide under the duck no there are you what about this baby's foot just a baby's foot I'm afraid [Music] there's dots and we haven't put it in Pocket have you no [Music] you're 52 well done thank you here's your prize [Music] they're not real grapes with a secret compartment [Music] yeah that's my library ticket oh find the book oh yeah oh I found a key uh it is oh and there's a grid ah another key ah good [Music] I'll stop the clock thanks you're right John I'm opening chickpeas yeah slightly more straightforward here wasn't it um Alex said he felt that you didn't enjoy this very much Sarah I don't really like Escape rooms usually I haven't seen the people I'm in the escape room with for a while so we just chat for a while and then they let us out I don't even know what an escape room is oh sort of them oh and people do that for fun yeah but they both found one of several secret grapes that were hidden in the Caravan uh Sarah is a quickest so far six minutes ten Fern 10 44 Monday at 1105 John 20 minutes and 20 seconds one more person to see one more person I know who well the last person to try and eat Mr Gilbert's grape is Dara O'Brien I can't climb out the window so I have to try to get into that which means I'm just trying to get a key for that or a key for that grapes what we found that right there's a key in The Grapes of rats ah rice Okay small blue key small lock okay that's not that luck oh hang on hi Dora hiya there's a grape over there oh but they're inedible grapes awesome hello finished I've eaten a grape thanks Laura bye bye okay you didn't want to stop and open a can of Chip please I mean I felt like you know I've just witnessed a special forces Mission yeah I felt like he was there and he pulled my trousers down his house yeah he just missed out a little bit by by sensing that the books might be part of it so he didn't lead to any of the nonsense with the darts yeah just very clever man but the book had the word grapes on the side yeah yeah so timings wise what does that mean well John obviously the only person over 20 minutes he is one point two points to money with 11 minutes three to firm 10 minutes 44 4 to Sarah with six minutes ten but Dora win four minutes 36 and Five Points yes well the two people who are leading the series are also leading the episode Sarah's on five Dara's on seven cents it might be time for our final team task I'm afraid it is Greg but on the plus side this one sees the teams doing a spot of modeling [Music] foreign hello hello oh no oh wow hi John oh hello fern and Dora oh hi the team of three sculpt your team best sculpture wins only one person may look at the clear and that person may not touch the clay you have a maximum of 15 minutes your time starts when Alex balls his whistle it's like a Lionel Richie thing in it basically he comes up with a lot of the tasks instead of giving instructions and who's good at doing is it the brain or is it the hands that makes your whole debate you're gonna get my attention I'm gonna reveal the clay revealing the clay there'll be some twist in the clay yeah yeah it's not just going to be closer is it clay yes just clay just don't touch anything I'm looking at about 20 balls and they're all different colors oh yeah like oh you know different colors there you go that's navy blue is that maybe no no it is okay from this angle if you pick up that ball please this one here I reckon that's you that's your head yeah oh okay well it's done squeeze it into bang already it looks like us do you have green hair what color is your hair right so this is your hair you want me to start making here yeah yeah your hair there you go that's your belly button this one what color is that that's belly that's about it is you know where you've put the other one yeah put the other one where eyes go oh this is tough you know get that black little dribble off your fingers Shake Your Hands what color are your eyes Dora the blue that's Sinatra blue oh shut up [Applause] oh [ __ ] yeah we're done we're done down there's one there yeah just if there was ever a short conversation that summed up the dynamic within a group it's John saying um what color are your eyes is that Sinatra blue shut up let's throw you a bit of a disadvantage here it's fair you seem to be quite efficient it's quite a good team weren't we yeah I mean I think we could have been faster because we were picking stuff and then he was throwing out these baliwaguan colors and whatnot and I was thinking what on Earth could you just looked with your eyes at me hey okay yeah that's true yes the teams are sculpting but the hands are being controlled by different heads it's time to see the fruits of their labor so here's what Sarah modeled through manya's eyes it's a team of two but the first thing I want to know is why is Mania so sad do you ever believe you've just been knocked out of a Zimbabwe darts final [Music] Sarah they've captured your skull well do you want to compare that to something oh here we go here's what John directed Dara and fern to create [Laughter] do you know who's who I know is that because it's Sinatra blue I mean John is it's very accurate if the real John has run into a balls didn't we get the same amount of time as them we just had to do John at the end yeah yeah oh no way John's rushed is he hahaha as far as famously has no eyebrows whereas you just have the one big you could have scored them Greg so here they are all five of them so the team of two get Five Points straight away Five Points each sort of see Fern in there somewhere if I'm looking at it as a work of art it's two points but I do think there's a disadvantage to having two hands so it's whether we give them an extra one to be nice well you're a very likable guy all right three points for the team of three three points yes Alex well a long time ago they all chose three items for this final task so let's see what they're for [Music] [Applause] [Applause] very good hey look who it is yes welcome to your final task ah you remember the items yeah I remember these items hello Fern hey uh do you remember these things wait did I meet these potatoes before oh yeah what the hell I did I order Vaseline oh god oh it's just loose just don't top I'm not allowed to eat it am I oh throw one of your objects over the Caravan for all one of your objects over the Caravan from here or from anywhere like okay then completely cover one of your items with one of your other items and they completely cover one of your items with one of your other items then put the covered item on the wooden barrel without touching that item with your hands wooden barrel there fastest wins your time starts now oh did I ask for these potatoes did I ask for these pens oh hello they found out what their objects are for yeah I want you to know I will be very disappointed if munya doesn't attempt to bounce over the Caravan with those shoes Okay first let's see how Manya and John fared with their items so I'm just going to launch this okay right boom right [Music] cover one of your items with one of your other items I'm going to put that in there [Music] it's a Lube of a pen knife then yeah and once it's lubed you can't touch it with your hands well yeah I've heard that before I'll tell you what I do for you boom complete immersion so now I have to get it hit put it on the barrel and I can use my teeth okay I'd like Paddington Bear but instead of a marmalade sandwich your burger [Music] thank you it was absolute textbook oh yeah it wasn't what we were expecting him to do but yeah he stuck a knife in vasilia and then he took it over with his mouth with his mouth tick I mean he could have held that with his hands it was only the knife that he couldn't touch oh foreign a little more complicated didn't touch the object and he did cover it and he managed to get it over to the barrel yes but however he consumed some of the objects because he's a greedy little boy so you're saying some of the burger was under the cap but the burger in his digestinal tract did not ever get on the barrel yeah of course that's what I'm saying John just gobbled some of the the thing that he was supposed to get on top of a barrel he gobbled it two more people yeah okay it's now time for Sarah and Dara and the bloke dressed like Dara [Music] home Starts Now time start now season three seconds be careful [Music] right you can move to the barrel lovely [Music] is that completely covered [Music] oh it's so demanding can you hide that inside yourself in some way without touching the item with your hands I haven't touched you at all I can confirm you as in touch me yeah absolutely right [Music] both incredibly efficient basically I didn't date for a second you'd eat the chocolates by the way I would have too I did ask if the task had finished Alex said yes and then I pocketed some of the chocolate correct it's correct Behavior that's a good question though so I know my scissors landed on top of the Caravan did all every single drop of Dara's paint definitely go over the top of the Caravan or where some of it may be on top of the Caravan it feels this sort of thing sometimes happens at this stage of the series I do think that if I went the other side of that Caravan and picked up um that glass and found surgery now I'd say someone's attempted to throw a pint of cider over this Caravan but if I saw your scissors I'd go those scissors have not successfully been thrown over this Caravan To be honest I knew there was people behind the Caravan and I was scared about maiming somebody well if you want to be the best you've got to risk maiming people so it's fine [Music] if you want or even get closer [Music] sorry [Music] what do you have to do now put potatoes on the pens [Music] is it so put potatoes on the pens and get the pens onto the wooden barrel well yeah that's mods well you chose them what if I brought the wooden barrel over here how much do you dead left 100 102.5 yesterday oh get the pens under the wooden barrel without touching oh like this yeah I suppose so I feel like I understand this task and I'm just getting on with it any regrets about throwing the robin over and no what yes would you have been in Japan you can cover the robins and the potato oh hard work as well I'm a bit tired now yeah yeah it's actually like loads left be brave oh [Music] like a space Oh that worked yeah oh I thank the robin went on top of the Caravan does it matter you don't go over it well you can check the wording through one of your objects over the Caravan oh yeah [Music] oh stop the clock [Applause] why is anywhere to start look is pointed out to me that I think in an unusual way before and I told a few people in my life this is how I solved the task how would you solve the task everyone said like throwing the potatoes over the Caravan but to me the obvious thing was to let the bird to fly foreign come close to completing this task I don't know if she completed it or not I think the rules she might have broken was did she completely covered the pens with the potatoes because after that she just had to get the pens on the barrel without touching them with her hands which she did do with a pen to any point covered by potatoes we've got a picture of the pens at their most covered by potatoes I mean that's as covered as they could be not recovered if someone went okay can you get me a green felt at bed and you've got R Kelly they're covered them potatoes that is the Only Rule she's might have broken okay okay so this is just what happened in terms of fastest wins please Fern clearly the slowest 13 minutes 40 yes then we have John 4 minutes 48 money are two minutes 18. Sarah 36 seconds Dara 34.1 seconds these guys fast oh yeah I can't give Fern any more than one point because I could see those pens but also she was by far the slower so the maximum she can get is one point yes so so she's had the right result correct I think Sarah should get two points I think that's fair because the scissors didn't go over the camera the task wasn't complete okay so to summarize it's one point of earn two to Sarah three to John four to money and five today please make your way to the stage for the final task of the series welcome to the final task of the show raise the curtain and rotate me thank you hello enchanting hula ladies who will read the task out Fern Brady please Lando balloon nearest the Taskmaster you must see on your spots at all times the closest balloon to the Taskmaster wins but if you strike the Taskmaster weather balloon you're disqualified the way it's going to work this you're going to select a balloon aim it at Greg but if you hit him you're out Sarah you're up first please select a blue oh yeah oh it's not bad it's on the island come on you're up next oh no he's a Zimbabwean balloon champion good three foot from the Taskmaster John Kearns he's also going long and straight up that's an interesting technique I'm over here hanging off the set then [Applause] genuinely exhilarating we have a new leader it's Fern Brady hello Dara [Music] enjoy the spectacles Sarah let's believe very stylish thanks this Cake's a lot better than I thought it was take it low say hello to my little friend ship I would say that's definitely in second place okay what's behind oh come on come on put some them I'm letting go of a balloon hello [Applause] Brady he's pretending he's not pretending that is a wounded man okay so it's the final Greg we have lost Fern Brady in this round you have to release two at the same time double the fun [Music] I said double the fun okay the Jonas is your last act in Taskmaster [Music] okay lindara yeah [Applause] it's affected the final scores come and join me how's it how's it feeling oh yeah it's okay it was this one actually yeah you were only struck once but cool wasn't that fair I didn't mean to I'm sorry no no I don't mean it was cool for you because you didn't get the point oh right yes that final fling of the balloon from Dora means that the episode scores look like this Fern in last place with eight points but in first place with 20 it's Dora brain wins the episode please go and grab all the things you think I want to have [Applause] here we are now the time has come to announce the series 14 Champion one of the five competitors has finally done enough to be allowed near me for a few sweet seconds just time enough to receive this trophy I can only imagine how good that's going to feel so let's do it I call upon my assistant little Alex horn fulfill the final scores hello everyone I have news for the first time ever in Taskmaster history we do not have a loser in joint fourth so in a way we have two losers with 144 points it's Fern Brady and John Kern and then just six points ahead of them with 150 a very round number it's Mania Chihuahua foreign but in second place with 174 points it's the formidable the brilliant Sarah Millican I can tell you that he got a magnificent 184 points at the end [Music] our new Taskmaster Champion is good see you next time bye for now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for more Taskmaster subscribe now [Music]
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 608,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Romesh Ranganathan, The Horne Section, Tim Key, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, james acaster, dara o'brein, fern brady, john kearns, munya chawawa, sarah millican
Id: 1PO9t2QXmiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 7sec (2767 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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