Scanlan apologises to Pike and Grog | Critical Role | Ep 100

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yeah are we all back in the Mansion you're all back in the Mansion now why is it so tense in here all of a sudden I think I know what's going on I don't know what happened can I Grog Grog Pike can I say something I feel like there's some tension between us and we need to clear the air if we're going to go fight today you guys are really bad today well and I think it's because I haven't I haven't made you feel at ease so can I please just take a moment before we go out there and just for once and for all just say I'm sorry to you guys for what I did and how I left things I said things that were really cruel and meant to hurt you and that's wrong and I'll probably regret it for the rest of my life but I needed to go and I just didn't know how to express myself and I'm so sorry that I insulted you Pike I've said awful things to you for as long as we've known each other and I can't take them back but I can at least try to be a better person and can I confess something to you during the last year I've I've I think I've been praying I mean I just talk at night and nobody hears me but I guess that's praying right and sometimes I talk to sarin Reay because that's the only one I know and she she seems cool and she seems like someone who could be a good guide and it feels good and I even wrote a little poem about her and about her teachings it's very simple but can I tell you it people that's here it's really simple it goes everybody people everybody bleed everybody needs something everybody love everybody know how it go I know it's stupid but there's a certain logic to it certain logic to it but actually makes a lot of sense it just it it makes me feel connected to you guys even though you're not there and so I say that to myself every night before I go to sleep which just makes you feel connected to everybody people y yeah and grog no stop I can't apologize to you because words don't work so let me get this straight you think you can go away for a year and come back in a disguise and apologize to this group and that's going to be good enough for me and then when I'm still pissed you're going to give me a combo apology with Park and that's going to be good enough for me I'm still pissed you came back in a costume a costume I'm not I'm not even really that smart it's not hard to trick me and I'm a big guy but you made me feel small I don't know if you missed us I don't know if somebody's making us go down into this Zig fat zigat I don't even know why we're here I thought maybe you come back and be like Oh my best mate the guy that like we do anything to keep me alive there he is I missed him no you come back you found yourself a brand new idiot one that does amazing strikes twice in a row and talks to Ducks has all sorts of New Tricks brand new model new and improved in every way I I bet you do all sorts of fun things with him so no you do not get to apologize to me I wasn't going to I was just going to give you a gift because the times we had together were the best times ever you might be a little slow but you're the best friend I ever had and our times together were great not because of our conversations or our witty reparte it was because of the fun we had together and the experiences we had so last night I I wrote something for you I know you can't read but he can read no Vex he doesn't know that I just got you a gift because if if you won't spend time with me now it maybe maybe you'll be able to spend time on your own so I wrote I wrote you this maybe someone else can read it for him you might be able to read it scandin it depends on if there's like long words there's really long words it's a b it's a big give it a try ow nope nope embarrassed embarrassed whisper to you yeah I don't feel like showing off my prowers poory I can't read a dirty handed betrayal all who read this let it be known by order of a a sadon it's a stupid name scanland but it's fine it's Elish St uh aka the meatman AKA vickle The Vicious AKA reddish the Bold AKA The Little Paws AKA franois brron Jean Luke Australia that I'm can get behind beware that the bearer of this note Grog strongjaw shall be entitled to any libation of his choosing at any Pub Tavern Restaurant Inn Ale housee Brewery or House of Lady favors within the city limits of an harell he shall be allowed to drink until drunk and enjoy no molestation by any employee of said establishment unless he requests it m all charges and bills related to his drinking cavorting or violent Behavior resulting from drunkenness shall be forwarded to the meatman for timely payment in full by complying with this request you are hereby under the protection of the meatman and shall receive all the benefits and Goodwill accompanying such Association the meatman always remembers sincerely a are done probably probably best to test it out see if it's even worth anything Grog I love you I'm sorry that we won't get to hang out cuz you hate me now but I would never replace you and if you ask me right now you're you'll kill him I will kill him worry about it okay I really like this Trum he's all [Laughter] right will you go drinking with me sometime we'll see but way I want you to know when you died I sang a song I would never sing for anyone else and I'm sorry you didn't hear it but it was really hard is that true it's true yes he sang yes do a truthful check do you know what he sang check the truth a truthful check sure I'll I'll roll a truthful check an inside check okay natural 20 honest is is the day or grug that is long long he apparently sang it is I can just lean forward happy 100 100 maybe I didn't hear it maybe you should sing it and let him know what it was oh you know it's like that face of death in the hallway once it uses up its power it's [Laughter] done I'm so sorry I missed it and I hope someday we'll sing together in a drunken stupid together maybe that will remind you maybe I was an [ __ ] Grog I'm sorry I would never never replace you ever you're irreplaceable and he he could have read this by the way that's amazing he could have read this by the way incredible I would have gotten the name right yeah wait is that did you frame it like a coupon book it's very impressive I had some time time last night wow just some coupons that you can sort of pick out of it like a massage like a couple on Valentine's Day forgot it was Valentine's Day yeah looks like there's a a free steak listen I we we need to go kill some things right now but I I just want to say to all of you I'm so sorry the way I left it was it was awful of me peral I said awful things to you I said awful things to all of you but just know that I've done and said worse things to Kaylee and she's forgiven me and I've done and said worse things to myself and I've managed to forgive myself and I hope that someday you'll all be able to forgive me and until then I'll just keep trying and that's all I can do and after this fight if you want me to stay and you guys go home that's fine but if not maybe we can start over vex vex Kus at this moment you hear what sounds like footsteps
Channel: Shortlan
Views: 295,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0ngrd9Uja5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2017
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