Taping Inside Corners with Strait-Flex

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welcome to Vancouver carpenter today I'm gonna try installing straight flex on a roll for inside corners now this might seem kind of insane to do this but you know what we're gonna try it and see if it makes some really nice corners it's gonna be a little more work but I think they're gonna end up really crisp so that's why I want to try this anyways the first thing you need to know is you need to cut this stuff with snips so you can't just tear it like paper tape so that's the first thing that adds more time onto the project first I'm gonna get my leg up to the ceiling right there and now in my experience you don't want to overlap this stuff so you do actually need to cut it like a corner bead on a 45 or a little bit greater back I went like this I probably could have cut both at the same time wool definitely want to pre crease this stuff I'm gonna do my next piece thumb this corner this corner I'm gonna run it a little bit long so it's like maybe an inch long right now we're gonna cut one side of it to a 45 fold it they increase it and because this is a short run I'm actually gonna hit it right now so it's kind of like doing corner beads for your corners okay it's just a little short maybe a quarter inch short for some wiggle room and I will now do the same thing along this corner which you won't see because that's where all my lights and stuff are set up but it's the same idea and I'm going a couple inches long they're 45 there's a long ones you definitely need to leave them long and I'm gonna have the 45 going into this far corner and I'll cut it to length when I get over here I'm gonna start by buttering this up I'm using all-purpose mugs by the way so I would recommend only all-purpose or taping mud for this putting a pretty liberal amount of my bond here a good eighth to a quarter-inch spin down pretty thin so I can wipe it out easily there's a big gap in here I don't know if you guys can see that in this case I'm not actually really worried about it this isn't paper tape it's gonna hold its form and not drink so there are some practical advantages to this stuff okay I put the pointed end up in the corner here and I'm just gonna try wiping this stuff out hmm maybe creasing it is a bad idea it's just puckering back out like I need a corner roller or something maybe I should have read the instructions you can see what it's doing it's just lifting back off not cool straight flats not cool yep there is instructions and I didn't follow them I just pretended it was paper tape all right so what I'm supposed to do well at least there's still mud on there what I was supposed to do fold it in half so that it actually gets that nice crease in it but then you're supposed to unfold it to past 90 degrees and that's what I didn't do I left it folded past 90 degrees so what happens when it's past 90 degrees is it won't unfold properly so I'm now just taking my time to unfold this so that it's you know like that and maybe now we can actually get this stuff to stick to the wall I should probably keep reading the instructions make sure surface of corners are smooth and apply a bed coat of mud to the wall press original into the wet compound adjust if necessary wipe down tight with taping knife and apply first coat okay all right so make sure that in there here's another benefit to a new is you're not gonna tear this tape with your knife the build-outs actually not that bad it's like a small eight all right and it says you can apply month to both sides right away so how's that gonna look [Music] alright now let's do this one [Music] I'm out of mind that's enough to finish okay that's not if we can get this right this time so I had it folded past 90 degrees so it's sharp now let's get it folded back properly okay there's just a bit past no you know oh this wall has a curve in it it goes like this so I think it's gonna want to bow right let's see [Applause] no it didn't krinkle so it actually can withstand some you know minor deviations without crinkling so definitely has some advantages and disadvantages one immediate disadvantage that it takes more skill to cut the install you know it's like a corner bead you're basically doing corner beads for your inside corners second disadvantage obviously it's a lot slower but then it also has some really immediate advantages one being that it's gonna straighten your corners out make some really sharp it can't be ripped and torn like paper tape when installing and it also coats out really nicely you can coat both sides of it at the same time but it's gonna take two coats to finish which is so you're actually having to coat - so partly two sides two times and so it really is a lot more work than a regular paper tape install I think the finished results for a small jar could be worth it or for a really crooked corner could be worth it but it's definitely not gonna be like for every project all the time ok let's crank this a little bit again and I'm gonna take the points inside and go all the way to the far corner here letting it run wild point to the side in the corner and now as you can see it's long and I'll try and get you guys over here so you can see what I'm doing okay so what I need to do here is I need to kind of eyeball the length I'm going to guess I'm about a half-inch long here that's pretty good but I think it's pinched a little bit at the end so I'm gonna go one more eight here just to be sure our 45 there we go so we can now let's hope this all I'm just using a 5 inch nice here I think I'll use a 6 inch on the next okay it's not working as nicely here whereas the bevel it looks like I'm actually having to build into the corner okay not perfect and easy in that regard it's okay but it obviously needs some tuning up alright let's take a look at these straight flex corners so they're looking pretty darn nice and straight now the only problem is that occasionally I have to build the joint out pretty big and then you're gonna lose that edge so unless you've somehow you know maybe like done your first coke over top of all your joints before you actually go and install the tape there are going to be times where you're gonna lose the crispness of that line by having to build it out for a big butt joint or something kind of like what I've got going on here so this has had a chance to dry and I've been coating the rest of this place it's now time to coat the rest of these corners but for the most part they're already coated I mean they got done when I was skimming the ceiling and a lot of them are done from doing these joints here this one up here it doesn't look like it needs another coat today I'll skim it tomorrow when I come back to do some more work here and skim coat everything but you know there's this part right here and I can really see that coming through I know it's not going to get covered in two coats so this is gonna require three right here there is just the occasional spot where that flange seems like it's gonna be hard to bury so three coats on some spots may be necessary and that never really happens to me on paper tape got this little spot here between these two joints that maybe needs a little bit of love and I'm just gonna tune up the three ways a little bit nothing major though I'll probably do more damage if I'm not careful well let's see how it looks after a sand and the skim and the sand all right you guys the straight flecks original a lot of rule so would I actually use this I don't know I think this was probably the worst possible job to do this on because I've got the skin down ceiling I've got all these big joints everywhere but that actually helps me answer a question because one of the only reasons I would want to use this is to try and get like nice straight perfect corners in a Renault but now I've realized that it gets built down too much to keep that nice straight corner and probably the only conditions that I could make this work perfectly under is like new construction with nice new drywall long stretches so I mean under those conditions I can make paper tape perfectly straight anyways so I don't see why I would actually use this when it takes about three or four times as long to install and finish and it builds out a lot more now I will admit this is not the intended use for this product it's more like made for off angles and I think this products been around for a long time so back in the days of you know people still trying to tape off angles with paper tape and metal corner beads I think this stuff was a good viable alternative so I'm probably never gonna use this product because I'm gonna choose paper tape for inside corners almost every single time and I'm gonna use the bigger stuff for the off angles to get a nicer result because this can follow waves a lot when you try and use it for off angles really have to pay attention installing this stuff one thing it's good for though actually is short small off angles because it doesn't have to be built out as much as the bigger composite beads now there's one last thing that I'm not gonna like when using this stuff so you got to think about the next guy long term so if you're using this on inside corners and say somebody's going to be doing some remodeling at a later date or they're just trying to remove a small piece of drywall that goes into a corner well what's gonna happen because this stuff doesn't tear like paper tape is like when they go to rip the drywall off this stuff is gonna like link off all the way up to the ceiling so unless it's perfectly cut which people aren't gonna know it's there and they're not gonna do that intentionally so there's one more drawback to actually using this stuff for all your corners but anyways that's enough of me talking you guys it's time for you guys to let me know in the comments what you think of straight flicks have you tried this product have you used it four corners what do you like to use it for anyways thanks for watching makeover carpenter I hope you got something useful out of this video and um til the next one
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 138,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, repair, patch, hole, wall, ceiling, damage, wallboard, sheetrock, gyproc, tape, mud, taping, mudding, good, best, fast, easy, smooth, texture, fix, paint, painting, trim, corner, inside, outside, bead, corner bead, DIY, home repair, carpententry, tutorial, plaster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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