Coating inside corners - Drywall Instruction

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hey it's Mitch with normal structure comm Roo from Christchurch New Zealand actually emailed me and asked requested that I do a small section on coding inside corners I recognized when I looked at my videos that I showed coding and other aspects but I didn't show the inside corner so let's give it a go first I want to let you know that there is a tool called a corner trowel and this tool is meant to you put the mud on you get the mud on your trowel and then you coat your corner this way I want to tell you that right up front that this is not a tool that I'm very comfortable using for whatever reason I tried it a few times it just never could really get efficient in it I'm kind of a speed guy and I have just just different issues with it there are people that really like these and so unclaimed that they work great I'm just not one of those people so I won't be using a corner trowel we'll get rid of that I'm going to be using a six inch knife to show you a couple of different methods to coat an inside corner I've got two inside corners here the first method is going to be coding one side of the time so you'll coat one side of the tape and then let it dry and then you'll cook the other one if you don't have time you don't want to take the time of letting that dry and do that you want to do it in one one step you can do that it's very difficult to get a perfect corner you probably won't get a perfect corner but you can use a sanding sponge and after we let that dry I'll show you how to do that so let me remember that when we're coding we're using topping we always use topping the coat because that's the soft mud to stand and so we'll go ahead and put a little bit of mud on our knife and we'll take it and we'll just hold it fairly flat we can kind of do this that in stages and then once we have our mud on there we'll take we'll go ahead and take our nice and press on the left-hand side and take off that edge and then make one white down so if you have any little imperfections whatsoever you want to get those out and that's your side of the first coat if you want to just coat one side first and then let it dry so then we're going to go over here and we're going to we're going to show you how to do two sides at the same time so again I'm going to put mud on my knife I'm going to coat that first side the same way I did the other one I'm not going to get too pretty the first time because I'm going to end up redoing it a little bit so I've got that side on so then I'm going to go ahead and take my mud and I'm going to go ahead and coat the other side and when I when I wipe that I can go ahead and wipe that side and get it get it good you've noticed here that I've got a groove and this is the challenge I've got to groove on this side so what I want to do is I want to take my knife this time I mean hold it as flat as possible as opposed to out because if I'm out this corner this right corner is going to dig the mud out of that side so I'll hold it flat as flat as I could possibly can and I'll just run it down the corner just like that so as you can see they're still going to be just a little bit of a gouge in the opposite corner of what we're doing we'll go ahead and let these to dry and then show you the next step okay now that we've got our mud dry we'll go ahead and do the the second step of the the corner that we taped one side on first and then we'll do the final step on the corner that I coated both angles both sides of the of the corner at the same time and what I'm going to do is I'll show you real quick a close-up of what the one side looks like you can tell us real clean and in fact the tape is dry and white it's kind of hard to see there what's going on but that one side is nice and clean up against the existing tape and then on the other you'll see here that the you have a fine little gouge or groove in the very corner and we're going to show you how to take that out so what I'm going to use today is a sanding sponge and the sanding sponge works really good on corners you can when you sand you can run your your sanding pull down the angles and go ahead and sand both sides if you'd like for a net for this demonstration I'm just going to use my sanding sponge a small spot and so we'll show you how to to get these corners looking good on our angle where we tape the coated the first coat first we can go ahead and run a sanding sponge down this corner now what's a standing sponge you have kind of a sharp edge on that so if you press this down square all the way you're going to have a line out here as well so you'll want to hold that this corner you'll want to kind of get creative with your sanding sponge and put the weight on the inside that will also create if you're pushing it too too hard into the corner this outside edge will make a line on the opposite side so you just kind of need to work with it sometimes it's inevitable you leave a little line and then you go ahead and stand it off but I'll go ahead and take that sanding sponge and get that clean so I have a nice straight line to go up against there and then I'll take my topping and I'll go ahead and coat that opposite angle just like we did the first one this time it's going to be necessary to take any of your or your excess off and then you can make a final wipe down that that's nice and square if it's not if there's any imperfection you can take it like that now when that's dry again I'll be able to take my sanding sponge and sand that out and take off any little bit of residue that I have on this corner which is a tiny bit I could take that off the sanding sponge when that's dry that'll be a nice square angle so let's go over to the to the two-sided corner and and do that now same same idea I'll take my sanding sponge I can take my famish lens take my outside angle off or outside edge off I can do that with the standing Pole as well just like we mentioned I'll go ahead and do the same thing over here now my I can stand one side of the cont this the full side first and then on this this corner this angle is the one that has a little bit of a gouge in it there's a couple of things I can do with that I could take my nice corner first and just press it into it and I can actually take down that edge a little bit with the edge of the with the the knife blade not totally but I could take some off then I could take my sponge and sand that down in the corner again being careful that I don't make a big gouge over on this side with my my square with my side and then I can sand that down to where it's just right in the corner right now I'm running my finger down this it's a perfect square corner sometimes it's a little bit tricky to get that corner perfectly square if you can't do that you can still go ahead and take a little bit of mud and just fill the tiny groove just like we like our skin coat when I showed you skin coats in the videos you can just skim that corner really tight and you can be ready you don't really need to stand that even you can just go ahead and texture over that so this is a way to to coat inside corners we again you can use the quarter trowel if you like it but if you're going to cut with a knife it's actually pretty fast if you're doing small projects obviously on whole whole home construction you have taping tools you have a nice corner tool one and that a part of the taping toolset but if you're doing it if your hand taping then this is one way to do it you can get your corners nice and square and clean again you can just use your sander and pick off any edges make sure that make sure that you're not leaving lines in it because those lines will come through your texture when you do it so just go ahead and get that corner square I hope that this is helpful to you and that you'll check out what we've got going on at drywall instruction com will be on the next [Music]
Channel: Drywall Instruction
Views: 77,482
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Keywords: Drywall, Sheetrock, Taping and Texturing, Mudding and Taping, Tape and Texture, drywall videos, diy drywall, drywall tutorials, coating corners, drywall taping
Id: VFZA81Pfqw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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