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welcome to Vancouver carpenter on been and today I'm going to be teaching how to tape a butt joint so first off what is a butt joint it's when the ends of the panel's meet to create a joint that needs to be floated out to hide the tape because once you apply the tape you now have a little hump that needs to be floated out so let's show you one of those and how I like to tape them when I'm taping by hand now first off what I have here is taping mud and a six-inch night paper tape and a bunch of drywall ready to be taped and here is the butt joint in question now yesterday I carved the V out of it and pre filled it and you can watch my video on pre filling drywall if you want to know what I'm talking about the very important step if you want to help eliminate cracks there's got to be mud in the joint if you don't want to have cracks down the road okay so how do you tape a bunch on it's pretty simple really I like to use what I call the sideswipe method so I've got some taping mud it's fairly runny like it'll run off the knife if I shake it after a while but anyways I start at the top of the joint and I just go down like this you know like this now if you're new you might struggle with that and you're probably just gonna be doing it bit by bit like that and that's okay too doesn't really matter how you get it on there as long as you get it on there so now we're gonna flatten it out a little bit to make my job easier it's easier to flatten it out right now than it is once you have the tape on top so I now have about an eighth of an inch of much here evenly spread the next thing is I want to make sure I Center my tape and so what I'm doing is sometimes I'll actually find the joint okay there's the joint and there's the joint so now I've got two markers to Center my tape okay this part is important when you are taping a joint there's a crease in your paper tape and this crease goes against the wall this is very important if you do it backwards by accident the crease will peek out and make the joint larger so this is very important that the crease goes against the wall so now I'm centering it on that mark I made I'm going down here Center it down at the bottom and now I just tear it off at the bottom nice and square so now what I like to do is I like to actually make sure that it gets a chance to soak in some of the glue from the taping mud so I'm just sort of pressing it in firmly making sure there's no bubble than giving the tape a second to absorb some of the glue in the taping mud and if you're in the States use an all-purpose a heavy weight all-purpose okay now that this is sat here for a second I'm just gonna go ahead and wipe out the tape from underneath now keep in mind you need a very small amount of mud under the tape if you're pressing everything out what's gonna happen is you're not going to have enough mud under the tape to bind it to the wall so you want about a few microns thick in all honesty I don't know it's maybe like half a meal or something under the tape but so now I'm gonna start wiping it out pressing pretty firmly you can see I'm using my thumb on the blade just wiping it out from each side and when I get to the bottom this bits a little bit tricky what I do is I just kind of wipe side to side alright now let's take a good look at this so you can see what it should look like so as you can see I haven't left any heavy edges here it's all feathered really nicely and if you look really close you can see there's a little bit of mud underneath the tape you can see it shining there so I really took my time to make sure there wasn't any globs or any heavy edges everything was nicely settled real smooth and flat now this does take some practice I have done thousands and thousands of these so don't expect it to look like that on your first go but if you're really struggling one thing I would suggest is thin down your mud you might be having your mind too thick and you can do that as simply as putting a bit of mud in a pan add a little bit of water and it'll work in as you're using it so this might even be too thick sometimes but I'm used to using it so anyways I hope with that information you're able to tape some wicked butt joints and not have cracks down the road remember that pre filling thing it's important thanks for watching this is Ben from Vancouver carpenter
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 297,128
Rating: 4.933208 out of 5
Keywords: drywall, DIY, tape, butt, joint, mud, taping, mudding, tutorial, easy, fast, gypsum, gyproc, plaster, plastering, spackle, painting, mesh, paper, best
Id: FygMYcfiR7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2017
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