Tap Into The Power To Get Wealth In 2024

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so many people ask God for things that he is not going to give them and today I'm telling you stop asking God for money stop praying for money for your rent stop pay praying for money for your car payment stop pay praying for money for your retirement stop asking God to give you money stop asking God to give you wealth why am I saying that because two things number one you can't do God's part number two he won't do yours the children of is were getting ready to go into the promised land after coming out of Egypt and this is what Moses wrote Deuteronomy 8: 11-18 it says beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in the keeping of his Commandments and his judgments and his statutes which I command thee this day lest when thou Hast eaten and art full and H built goodly houses and dwelt therein and when thy herds and thy flocks multiply and thy silver and thy gold is Multiplied and thou Hast and all that thou Hast is Multiplied then in thine heart then thine heart be lifted up and thou forget the Lord thy God which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt and from the house of bondage who led thee through the great and terrible Wilderness wherein were fiery serpents and scorpions and drought and there was no water who brought thee for who brought thee forth water out of the rock of Flint who F who fed thee in the Wilderness with Mana which thy fathers knew not that he might humble thee that he might prove thee to do thee good in thy lighter end and thou say in thine heart my power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth but Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God for it is he that giveth Thee the power to get wealth that he may establish his Covenant which he swear unto thy Fathers as it is this day the scripture says he God told the children of Israel don't make the mistake of thinking you did this thing by yourself he said God is the one that gave you the power to get wealth now God gives us wealth in the same sense that he gives us food to eat but he doesn't put it on my fork and stick it in my mouth how many y'all tracking so yeah yeah yeah God feeds us yeah God takes care of us but God said I'm going to give you the power to get wealth I'm not going to give you the thing I gave you the power to get that's why I gave you the power to get it but don't forget that I gave you the power to get it and I didn't give you the power to get it just so you could have it I didn't give you the power to get it just so you could drive a new CH nice Chariot or car depending on the age in which you live I didn't give it to you just so you could wear nice clothes or live in a nice house the reason I gave you the power to get wealth is so that I could establish my Covenant which I swear to your fathers God said I am giving you the power to get wealth because of me not because of you what is a covenant anyway what is a covenant yeah so it it's so interesting that we read all these words in the Bible we don't know what they mean and yet we don't look them up don't we want to know don't we care what is a covenant well the word covenant means to cut which is kind of fascinating in itself isn't it that the word covenant means to cut like what am I cutting well when two people got ready to enter into Covenant they would both bring an animal they would kill the animal they would cut the animal in pieces they would stand back to back and they would walk in a circle around those animals and come back face to face they would take a knife in their left hand and cut their right hands they would put their hands together they would bind their hands together with a rope they would exchange blood they would become Blood Brothers or they would establish a blood Covenant they would exchange Covenant names do you realize that this is why you ever go to a wedding and they have the bride and the groom put their hands together they put a napkin over it that's what that's a picture of it's a picture of the Covenant so do you ever wonder why the wife takes the husband's name because that's part of the Covenant you you're no you're you're not a part of your father's house now you are one with your new spouse right and so you say myin uh I don't so what does cutting have to do with this well they the reason they cut up the animals is so that when they walked around those animals they were looking at the brutality of the death of those animals and then they would exchange Covenant vows I'm going to give everything I have I'm going to give my resources my time my effort my energy my wealth even my life if necessary to protect you and yours if I don't keep my word to you may what happened to this animal happen to me and so when God said I'm doing it to establish my Covenant God is literally protecting his own existence because of the Covenant that he gave to Abram go go read Genesis 12 verse number verse the first couple of verses when God gave Abram something he couldn't get himself and blessed him in ways he couldn't bless himself and took him places he couldn't take himself and took the source of his shame and made it the source of his Fame if God can do that with Abram he can do that with you in fact the scripture tells us in Galatians uh chapter 2 at the end of chapter 2 I think it's verse 28 or 29 it says that um we are the Seed of Abraham by faith in Christ Jesus that does not mean that people who believe in Christ are replacing the Jews that's not what that means it means that people who believe in Christ are grafted into the Hebrew tree that's a totally different conversation and God said I'm going to give I gave you the power to get wealth to keep my Covenant with your fathers because I gave my word so don't forget that now there are a whole lot of different conversations we can have around this subject of God giving us power to get wealth because the whole emphasis of the chapter is this don't forget that it's God the one God is the one that gave you the power don't think for a half a second that you did this all by yourself like it's it's like it's like I say very very often when I wake up in the morning I just by the time I by the time I get downstairs I feel like I've opened so many gifts how could I be anything but grateful I open my eyes and I can see and I know how to open my eyes and I know how to make myself look but I don't know how to make myself see neither do you that's a gift right I stand up I know how to make myself stand up but I don't know how to make my legs hold me it's a gift oh but every good thing that we have as a gift here here's what it says every gift every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and come cometh down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning so don't make the mistake of thinking that the good stuff in your life is because you're so good the good stuff in your life and the good stuff in my life is because he's so good let's don't get that part twisted and what's what's really interesting is you know there's there's often times found in the realm of Christianity a lot of Pride around I'm a Christian but it says every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of Lights with whom there's no variable this NE the shadow of turny you know what it says right after that of his own will begat he us he didn't beget me of my will I didn't choose God I didn't give my life to Jesus Jesus gave his life for me I didn't choose God I didn't find when I found God I didn't find God I wasn't looking for him he found me I was the lost sheep of his own will begat he Us by the word of truth I didn't do that I hadn't I know people don't like when I say this I didn't have anything to do with it any more than your children had something to do with them being born maybe that's why it's called Born Again something God does okay we could talk about all that but I want to draw our attention to this phrase the power to get wealth what is that what is the power to get wealth do some people have this power and other people don't or do just some people know how to use this power and other people don't or maybe there are just some people who know how to use the power and are willing to use the power and other people aren't what is this power to get wealth there are five things I want to bring to your attention mentioned this morning about the power to get wealth and where it lies the power to get wealth is the power to subject yourself to your purpose to your purpose you were created for a reason if you are not subjected to that reason you are wasting your life there is no a there is no success apart from purpose now there may be money apart from purpose but there's no success there may be wealth apart from purpose but there's no success but the greatest wealth that you will ever find in your life Financial wealth and fulfillment wealth is going to be in subjecting yourself to your purpose like if I was going to choose what Myron's going to do with myn's life I would not have chosen this I wouldn't have been smart enough to choose this I wouldn't have said well this I got a great idea I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to teach people business business based on the Bible so the business people can be mad at me for talking about the Bible and so the Bible people can be mad at me for talking about the [Music] business well I wouldn't I would like who's going to come up with that right I just allowed myself to be yielded every day day by day to whatever he wants me to do cuz he made me and he made me for him he didn't make me for me I get I get I get the benefits of being made for him as as long as I'm yielded to him but I this ain't I am I am not my own what does it say in uh Second Corinthians we are bought with a price I'm not my own I'm not I don't own me I'm yielded to the god of the universe because of my faith in the death burial and resurrection of his son so nobody's confused what I'm talking about I don't want to be all generic and just talk about God I want youall understand who I'm talking about you but I'm I don't believe that well then you do you boo let me know how it turns out for you a 100 years from now the power to subject to your purpose and here's what's really interesting you're going to find your purpose and you've heard me say this before you're going to find your purpose at the intersection of your passion and your proficiency the God gave you if you're yielded to God he gave you a desire to do something and he put that desire in you he put a bent in you for a specific thing like stuff interests me that don't interest other people why because in order for them to fulfill their purpose they don't need to be interested in that but in order for me to fulfill my purpose I do and there's stuff other people are interested in I'm like I don't understand why they care I don't understand why they care I like I would never not only do I not care I have never cared I will never care I don't care who won the game I don't want to watch the game I don't want to spend 15 minutes talking about who won the game and how they won the game I just don't care I'm not saying it's wrong it just ain't part of my purpose I'm I I don't care I wouldn't care if I had more time to care maybe but I'm too focused on what I'm doing that matters to me in mind that I can't care I hate small talk like I hate it it's like I don't want to know I don't want to have a conversation about what was on the news I don't care on the bad news channels which want to all of them CNN constantly negative news s a fox always been critical they're all bad I'm watching I don't care may you don't care what's going on in the world no it's not that I don't care what's going on in the world I don't care about what's going on in the world enough to let it distract me from what's going on in my world I have to be subjected to my purpose and and and like I've been studying the Bible for decades and I'm I'm I'm I'm enamored by how amazingly accurate and truthful it is it's not just true it's truth and there's a difference in what's true and what's truth what's true is dynamic and can change but what's truth is static and never changes right true it's true we're here at MG Studios right now that's true it's not truth because when I go to bed tonight I ain't going to go to bed here so something can be true and not be truth but everything that's true is not truth but everything that's truth is true and so I'm going to be yielded to my purpose I I love studying the Bible because it's been my guide book since I was 16 years old and I'm I'm just blown away by how accurate it is I had one of my friends Brian Bowman my whole in one my whole in one homie that's what I call him CU he was with me the day I got my only whole in one ever in golf and yes I'm saying it on YouTube so all the whole world can know I have a ho in one and me and Brian Bowman we were playing golf and he's asked me this same question several times he's like Maron he says you have a sense of certainty unlike any human I've ever met do you teach that I said no I don't teach it but I know where it comes from he said where I said I got this book and it's it's filled with conditional promises and they're like if then goto statements and it says if you do this you can expect this and I've just been doing that since I was 16 17 years old and it still works and so I know the outcome before I put the input in I don't have to wonder if it's going to work I know it's going to work because all work Works how do you know all work works because the wisest wealthiest man who ever lived said in all labor there is profit so when it feels like it's not working it's working but how do you know it's working well if it ain't working for me it's working on me and if I become the person who will let it work on me until I become the person for whom it can work eventually it will work for me and anybody who knows me knows that it has not always worked for me it worked on me for decades some of you're like I don't have decades you don't have anything but decades if you keep on living and the decades are going to go by whether you like learn the thing learn how to do the thing yield yourself to the purpose or not so the power to subject yourself to your purpose is the beginning of the power to create wealth because wealth that's outside of your purpose is not going to be fulfilled fulfilling anyway like I can make money with an e-commerce store and there's nothing wrong with an e-commerce store those I mean I know some really really rich people who have e-commerce and like build e-commerce businesses and so back in the days when I used to chase the money in entrepreneurship and I saw people have an e-commerce store well this person is doing this to so I'm going to have an e-commerce store this person's doing apps oh I'm going to learn how to build an app oh this person's doing I said this is dumb I don't like any of this stuff there's one dude like yeah I just I just went to I I should not confess my sins on YouTube so so now y'all going to know who y'all dealing with this was probably seven eight years ago when I was lost in the sauce and looking for my bounce back right I saw this guy he was making money maybe it was a woman somebody online making money going to Dollar Tree and Dollar General and buying stuff in bulk and then selling it on Amazon for a marked up price I'm like I got enough money to go to Dollar Store and Dollar Tree I went to Dollar Store loaded up on all this Scooby-Doo shower gel and all this other stuff then I had to buy these containers and send them to Amazon and then I had to set up my Amazon FBA account and then I had to I had to send an inventory on a spreadsheet and I'm like I'm already in the deep in and I feel like I'm drowning and I bought a couple hundred worth of stuff shipped it off to Amazon paid Amazon for storage never sold any of it why it was I in my wheelhouse stay in your lane so you're going to be subjected to your purpose but you're also going to have to submit to principles you're not ever going to work against principles and win it's just how God set it up principles did you here's what he said uh here's what God said um beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in the keeping of his Commandments and his judgments and his statutes which I command thee this day what is that that's principles did you so we we hear a lot of talk about the Ten Commandments did you ever notice that half of the Ten Commandments are based on how we're supposed to relate to God and the other half how we're supposed to relate to people yes isin't that fascinating right it you say m what are you saying I'm saying like the principles already do what the principles do I like to think of principles because I'm a geeky sciency kind of a guy who likes geeky stuff and Science and like experiments principles are God's automation so God set up principles to automatically do what principles automatically do and were set up to do that before you got here and they were set up to do that before I got here so if you work with principles principles will work for you if you work against principles principles will work against you that is a battle you cannot win how many youall tracking so what we have to do is we have to figure out how can I yield to the principles so that the principles work for me instead of principles working against me and so I'm going to submit to principles I'm going to submit to the principle of honesty in telling the truth and not in in overinflating the promises of my offer how many yall tracking I'm going to submit to the principle of of kindness Welly that'd be a good one for people in 2024 and I'll be honest with you I am not a nice person why is that funny I guess that was no I'm keeping it real I'm not nice at all but I'm very kind and there's a difference between kind and nice right kind is treating people with care and dignity and love and honor and respect nice is I'll just tell you whatever makes you feel good even if it's a lie like I am not nice like if you ask me a question okay if you don't if you don't believe that I'm not nice take my make more offers challenge and go into a drunk AOG what a drunk AOG well my question is the other day I was talking to my cousin and and I started this business that we sell and no no no no no that ain't a question start with my question is and use the question word when why how what if and then ask a question don't say my question isn't go into a drunk aw I'm not a nice but I'm kind the Bible commands me to be kind but it doesn't command me to be nice in fact it says faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful like the kisses of an enemy that's niceness telling you what you don't want to hear I mean telling you what you want to hear to keep from hurting your feelings even though telling you what you want to hear is going to hurt your future anyway submit to the principles submit to the principle of diligence I don't work hard for money but I work hard so that I can maintain the ability to do hard things I don't work hard for money but I do work hard I work hard because I want to be a person who puts everything I've got into everything I do why because my mom said if it ain't worth putting everything you got into it ain't worth doing it all where'd you get that from the Bible whatsoever thy hand finded to do do it with thy might if it ain't worth putting everything into it it's probably not worth putting anything into it I I guarantee you'd simplify your life so much just by that principle submit yourself to principles I think this is the one that a lot of people well this is one of the many that a lot of people Str struggle with the power to get wealth is the power to subject yourself to to uh your purpose it's the power to submit to principles but it's also the power to serve people myin how do you create how do you make millions and millions of dollars you find find a mil you make yourself findable for a million people or you find a million people who have a $2 problem that you can solve for a dollar did I say it too fast now if they got a $10 problem you solve for a dollar you'll get rich faster and I know that sounds like an oversimplification but I've got news for all of you watching on YouTube and all of you in this room all of the money that you desire right now and you don't have it's in somebody else's pocket and if you will give them something they desire more than the money they will happily hand it over it seems like an oversimplification but it's not it's just the way life is how many y'all put gas in your car sometime in the last 30 days right okay you know why you did that because the gas was more important than the money and the reason people ain't buying your offer is because your offer is not more important to them than the money it's more important to to you I know it's your offer but it ain't important to them and see people think that selling is talking people into buying stuff they don't want don't need and can't afford that's one way to do it I would never do it that way I believe that selling is uncovering the value of what I have to offer so well that people are happy to exchange the money they have in their pocket for the value I've revealed so when I uncover the value of what I have to offer so people can see that value they're like oh my goodness that's $100 worth of value how much you want for $10 can I have two I'm telling you this is how it really works in real life but see here's what happens in entrepreneurship we're so vested in the product that we have or the process that we went through to learn how to create the product that when we talk to the prospect we talk to them about our product or our process and they don't care I didn't say that selling is the value that other people are happy to pay you for it's uncovering the value of what you have to offer it's not the value of what you have to off it's you uncovering the value how do you uncover the value of what you have to offer with your words you uncover the value of your offer with your words but you can't uncover value to someone until you uncover what's valuable to that someone and that's why in selling questions are the answer because people buy for their reasons not yours not mine theirs okay people buy for their reasons got it they buy because they desire something they value and I know what you're thinking Myan how can I know what they value I'm going to tell you how to know what people value so you can only talk to them about that that y'all ready here we go where do values come from the first place we see the values come from values come from past perceived voids past perceived voids create present pursued values what does that mean that means when you think about something that was you value right now often times the thing we things we value now we value because they were missing in the past like I like cars everybody doesn't like cars I'm a car guy people say I'm not a car guy okay I'm a car guy I like cars I like new cars I like old cars I like fast cars I like sophisticated cars I like hot rods I just like cars I spent most of my early adult years flipping cars and fixing cars and painting cars and changing transmissions and engines and cars I love I love I I'm a car guy I don't work on them anymore but I still like them I think one of the reasons I like cars so much is because when we were growing up we never had a new car ever like when I was growing up in my parents house we never had a new car we had many cars that had different colored doors I'm not exaggerating we had many cars that we bought because they didn't work because my dad knew how to fix them I learned how to fix cars but guess what I like cars I don't buy cars I have to fix I don't fix the cars I buy I don't change the oil I don't change the ties why I just pay somebody to do it now but I still like cars why pass perceived voids create present pursed values are you tracking we didn't really live in nice houses I live in a nice house in a gated community it's not a mansion but you know it's big enough for me and my wife it's just us unless somebody comes to visit right past perceived voids create present pursued values like I went through like I'm I made a whole bunch of money and built a really successful business back in the early 2000s and then like fumbled on the one yard line and lost it all so here's what I don't like I don't like being broke I hate it in fact I hated being poor the second time way more than I hated it the first time and so I don't like wasting money why because past perceived voids create present pursued value are y'all is what I'm saying making sense okay that's the first place past perceived voids create present perceived values okay present perceived virtues create present pursued values what does that mean that means something that I see that's valuable to me today I see that as value and I'm willing to pay for it so give you an example if you go back and look at any of our YouTube videos before this one today this is the first one today you'll see on my screen behind on the video it had this rolling line that just kept rolling up right I didn't notice it but people on my team noticed and then when they showed it to me I could not see it I saw it on every video I'm like going to get rid of that line well there's a camera that you can use to get rid of that line line oh what's the camera okay so we ordered the camera we installed it yesterday the line is gone present perceived virtues so so a present perceived virtue for me is building my YouTube channel that's that's that's that's a present like uh perceived virtue like I this is something I desire right now I desire to have the best YouTube channel I can possibly have which means the best quality of content and the best quality of videos possible for me which is why I've invested without I'm not I'm just saying hundreds of thousands of dollars in the studio and we're not even done yet and I'm okay with that why because present perceived virtues create present pursued values what do you like what's something that you believe would be good right now I believe it would be really good for me to have a YouTube channel that impacts people around the world I mean we kind of have that but now it just needs to be more people because more people could benefit from this so what do I do everything that I can do to make the channel better I do it you say why you keep talking about yourself I can't speak for anybody else I know what I value in the present I know what virtues like I know what I perceive as good right now I like so my favorite restaurant in Tampa is Eddie V's Prime Seafood so I was leaving the other night and the valet says so do you get something different every time you come or you get oh I get the same thing I get the same thing I don't when it comes to my food I don't like surprises waiter comes what what's the best thing on your menu I don't they don't know what's what's how they going to know what's the best thing on the menu for me anyway I don't do that it's the same thing I get a filet butterflied y'all ain't ready for this two over easy eggs on top a a side of broccolini and a side of Brussels sprouts and just a little Cruise of calamari sauce what what I I love it I love the exper I like love the food I love the service I love the fact that even if they're overbooked and I call them they'll make room for me everything about it I like present proceed version Mar but it costs so much more than eating it some eating them in Cal I love mallister too in fact when I every time I go to edvs now I also go to mallister and I get actually what I do is I get the valet I pay the valet I give them a tip for going to mcallisters and getting me two Savannah chopped salads and putting them in my car so I can have them for the next day so now I got I got leftover ads cuz I can't eat all that I can't eat all that I get ads I got leftover ads and I got two Savannah chops I'm in like food Heaven you say m why you because that's those are things that I value so that's how orchestrate my life but then the last thing are future perceived Visions create present pursued values what happens when I combine all three of those like I'm unstoppable like if if I can if I can speak to a if I can speak to a client's past perceived voids and I can show them how saying yes to this offer fills up all those empty spaces in the past gives them all the good stuff in the future and helps them get I mean in the present and then helps them get to that future outcome they've been pressing for sooner it's virtually impossible for them to say no to my offer why because my offer is not about me my offer is about them the problem you're having with your offer and the reason you don't have the power to get wealth when you're dealing with people is because you want them to think about you and they don't like you that much and so until you like them enough to only think about them see I love people enough to tell them like add gate here's the deal I'm going to have an offer for you and I trust that you're smart so I'm not going to try to trick you into buying it I'm not going to try to talk you into buying it you're smart enough to know if it's for you and if it is you'll buy it and you're smart enough to know if it's not and if you want if it's not you won't and either way I celebrate your Genius there's no trickery there's no there's no pressure there's no Tom there's no Tom fooler there's no anything it's just like like you're an an intelligent adult you know whether or not this is for you or not we can be friends whether you say yes or no I care about you whether you say yes or no and I get it my offer is not for everybody neither is yours see some of you are so you're so dependent on other needing other people to need you you're like a needer of needers I need needers what do you like I don't want to need needers I'd rather lead leaders so so the power to get wealth is in the power to serve people and guess what anybody can do that doesn't cost anything to serve people anybody can do that we can all like we can all do that we can just seek the good of everybody we come across we can all do that but we're so busy attempting to make them seek good for us that we miss the boat how can I make your experience better and when you're thinking about me you should be think I mean it would benefit you to think how can I make his experience better may maybe there's a reason God made our eyeballs look outside of us instead of inside of us well the power to get wealth is the power to serve people but the power to get wealth lastly but not leastly is the power to strengthen potential what is potential have you ever thought of that what is potential potential is the gap between who you are and who you could be potential is the gap between what you can do and what you can't do yet potential is the gap between what you have and what you could have how do I strengthen my potential how do I like narrow the Gap and get closer to who I could be well by learning things I don't know by being open to ideas that I disagree with do you realize that it's dangerous to be afraid of opposing idea ideologies it's dangerous it's like it's like let's pretend you don't like these words ready the bridge is out and it's triggering that triggers you the bridge is out I love Bridges how dare you say the bridge is out I mean I I know this is ridiculous I get that but it's it's an illustration and you're driving down the road and it's foggy and there's a sign that says the bridge is out and there are people with flashlights the bridge is out the bridge is out I can't believe they said that to me I am not afraid of opposing views in fact I welcome them I welcome them when I'm having conversations with people individually I welcome them in groups I welcome them on my YouTube channel I'm I'm not opposed to people disagreeing with me I'm I've lived long enough to know I ain't right about everything I ain't even right about the stuff I used to think I was right about all the time some of that stuff I was wrong about I've lived long enough to know it so guess what if somebody disagrees with me I'd like to know why you know why because if I'm wrong my desire is to change but if they're wrong my desire is to stand firm and either way I'm okay because I got nothing to prove I got nothing to lose I got nothing to hide I got nothing to gain I just desire to tap into the power that God has already given me here's what it says and a lot of people like to say that's Old Testament though what about the New Testament okay because people think that and not only do they think it they say it you're always talking about business the Bible doesn't say anything about business the Bible has a lot to say about business like a lot a lot not even a little a lot not even a little a lot I don't even know what that means but the Bible has a lot to say about business I'm going to God's designed designed way for his people not to live in lack this is it's in the New Testament it's in first Thessalonians chapter number four the Apostle Paul is writing to the Thessalonians here's what he said and that you study to be quiet and to do your own business you know what that means it literally means to do your own business because in the Bible you may not realize this but in the Bible there are only two classifications of jobs that I've found and if you find another one please share it with me I'm and I'm not saying these only two these are only two I've been able to find in my 40something years of reading the Bible two classifications as Jobs slaves and soldiers everybody else owned businesses that you study to be quiet and to do your own business and to work with your hands as we commanded you why should we study to be quiet to do our own business to work with our hands as he commanded us here's why that you may walk honestly toward them that are without what does that mean so that you can pay your bills on time what's God's plan for you paying your bills in time to study to be quiet and to do your own business and work with your hands why so that you can walk honestly toward them nor without pay your bills on time and that you may have lack of nothing what is the power to get wealth power to get wealth is the power to serve people strengthen my potential submit to principles subject myself to my purpose while I build my business and I'm going to keep on doing that I'm going to do it today I'm going to do it tomorrow I'm going to do it the next day I'm going to do it until I find something in the Bible that tells me Thou shalt not build thy business and leave generational wealth to thy family what are you going to do God's given you the power to get wealth so what are you going to do with it are you going to activate it or are you going to ignore it that is the question thanks for watching God bless we'll see you in the next video [Applause] in offer
Channel: Myron Golden
Views: 129,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myrongolden, myron golden bible study, bible study, the word, The Power Of The Blood Covenant, spiritual, get closer to god, God is talking, listen to God, ge saved, get saved, getting saved, td jackes, pastors, preatures, peaching the word
Id: HvG0BMa4nN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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