Why The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Get Poorer

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two we've all heard it said that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer but I think a mistake that we sometimes make is that we think that the poor get poor because the rich get richer and we think the rich get richer because the poor get poor and I'm going to say like commonality does not equal causality or what do they say uh um cause common com I used to talk now I just read about it commonality does not equal causation or correlation does not equal causation that's what I was was thinking of and I'm going to tell you today why I believe the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and the first reason is because poor people and rich people use their minds very differently and I think think about when I was poor how I used my mind and how that my mind perpetuated poverty and the primary way that my mind perpetuated poverty when I was poor was by anticipating poverty my expectation of lack perpetuated lack I believe like with every fiber of my being that the very first Temptation in the history of the world was the temptation to focus on lack I think about Adam and and Eve in the Garden of Eden and they're they're in this Garden this enclosure this protected Place Eden means pleasure and they've got provision that's free and God said of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat every freely every freely every and freely are Boards of abundance they're not words of lack then God said but of the tree how many how many trees is that one the tree that's in the midst of the garden Thou shalt not e it for the day thou eatest thereof Thou shalt surely die so Adam and Eve had access to everything but one thing and as long as they were focused on all of the good that they had they had all good things but the enemy came and said to them it says in in Genesis chter 3 verse number one it says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman ye hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden that's not what God Said God said of every tree of the garden Genesis uh 2161 17 the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat every tree freely eat but of the tree that's in the midst of the garden Thou shalt not e it for the day thou eat thereof Thou shalt surely die so serpent was more subtle than a beast of the field which the Lord God made said unto a woman ye God said You shall not eat of every tree of the garden the woman said we may eat of the fruit of the Trees of the garden now here's what's interesting the enemy came and said in fact I'm going to write it on the board so you can see it instead of just hearing me talk about it so God said every tree freely eat the serpent came and said ye hath God said ye shall not eat of every so he added the word not he took out the word freely does that change the meaning it totally changed the meaning you shall not eat of every tree of the garden the woman said we may eat of the fruit of the Trees of the garden trees she took out the word every and the word freely by the way Satan is a master at changing the definition of words why because he understand that understands that words are not just a communication tool words are the window through which we see the world and if God calls it drunkenness and then I change the word to alcoholism and turn it into a disease now it becomes more acceptable are y'all tracking W yes if God calls it adultery and it's an Abomination but we call it an affair which sounds like a party and maybe I should bring a gift and flowers maybe that's why it becomes more acceptable are y'all tracking you take something like homosexuality and I know that's a a touchy subject for some but it's in the Bible God calls it an Abomination which means he hates it we call it being gay which means happy so now well I guess that's the only way to be happy I'm talking about changing words matters because words have meaning and so he he changed the words why because when you change what you say it changes what you see can two walk together except they be agreed that's why when I'm talking about adultery I don't call it an affair because I can't walk with God if I call it an affair oh it's that I have to call it the same thing he calls it or he's going one way and I'm going the other way how many yall tracking and by the way when I talk about adultery I get it we all have people that we know who've committed adultery doesn't mean we have to hate them but we still have to acknowledge that it's adultery we all know people who are drunks like many of us have people in our family who are drunks oh oh I'm sorry alcoholics right no they're drunks but that doesn't mean we have to hate them we have to acknowledge either I'm going to be on my family side I'm going to be on God's side I'm going to be on my friend's side I'm going to be on God's side we have people that are friends of ours we have people who are in our family who've decided they're going to be homosexuals I know they say you born that way I get all of that but I'm just talking about what the scripture says I have to call it the same thing God says you say Mar what does it have to do with the rich getting richer well the first Temptation in the world was a temptation to focus on what was missing and so Adam and Eve are in the garden Adam and Eve are in the garden and they got they're surrounded by trees every tree freely eat y'all see me do this a thousand times but I'm going to do it one more time no that's not a pee that's a tree okay so they're trees a thous trees well every tree freely eat every tree freely eat every tree freely eat every tree freely eat every tree there's all these trees pomegranate trees and peach trees and plum trees and pineapple trees and orange trees grapefruit trees there's just trees on top of trees avocado trees almond trees and then there's the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil and there's the Tree of Life don't eat this one Adam and Eve like you mean we have we got all this we there's only one thing we lack yep there's only one thing we lack and somebody asked this morning like why is the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil there if they're not supposed to eat off of it because if there's no opportunity to do wrong there's no opportunity to do right right if there's no tree of knowledge of Good and Evil then they're not doing good by not doing evil they're just doing default so what did this enemy do he got he got Eve's attention off of all that she had he got Adam's attention off of God and on to Eve and what they did was she focused on this and both of them here's what they had to do they had to go past all of their abundance and ignore all of this abundance to get to the thing they lacked let me ask you a question what if you're doing the same thing what if the problem is not that the resource that you think is missing is not there what if that's not the problem what if the fact what if the real problem were that the resourcefulness that's inside of you is blocked by your perception of lack what if that's the reality because I am telling you I know for a fact I was there I was the poor guy I was the guy who was broke as joke and ready to choke I know what it's like to to to put an exhaust system under a car and and tie it up with clothes hangers because you can't afford like the things the strap I I get all that I know what it's like to to put uh to put um stop leak into your radiator of your car because you can't afford to buy a new radiator and then the heat doesn't work anymore right and what happens is we we make our decisions based on What's Missing and those decisions are not just a decision that I'm making today but it's also a seed that I'm planting in the garden of my future and so when I do something because something's missing I'm literally planting the seeds for more lack because I'm reacting to the lack and ignoring the abundance I submit to you the primary reason the poor stay poor the primary it's not the only reason because there are evil people in the world and there are evil governments in the world like you say which governments are evil pretty much all of them right and there are evil people in the world who who desire to take advantage of other people and they think the only way for them to get ahead is at the expense of other people but when you re when you realize that the best way for you to get ahead and to create what the scripture calls durable riches and righteousness is not at the expense of your fellow man and woman but to the advantage and embedment of your fellow man and woman that's what's going to take your life to another level when you wake up every day seeking to serve someone other than yourself and you're looking to bring value into the world so that the world is a better place for the people who are there not just for you like yours will be the bonus but if I'm focused on what's well it's like Jim Ron said he said uh he said I was talking to Mr scha my mentor and I said to Mr cha he said I I I I I would make more but this is all they pay at my job and he said Mr ran that's not all they pay that's all they pay you surely there are people at your job they pay more than they pay you that's not all they pay that's all they pay you instead of wishing it were better I mean instead of wishing it were easier wish you were better and see that's something all of us can do but what we do instead is we look at what's missing well the reason my life isn't working is because the government did this the reason my life isn't working is because I live in a male-dominated misogynistic misogynistic is that the right word world okay um the reason my life isn't working is because the world's racist and I live in a racist country the reason my life's not working cuz nobody will give me a chance okay so if nobody will give you a chance go take one is that too tough there have been people in history who've done better than you who started with less than you and less opportunity than you and a more like and were more likely to fail than you the difference between them and you is they decided I wish I had okay and so so like stop focusing on What's Missing it's it's interesting you got you got a rich person you got a poor person they come to this wall it's a big old wall okay so I'm not good at drawing walls okay so this person looks at this wall and they think that is that is an eraser he they think that is a big old obstacle that's an obstacle this person looks at and say wow what an opportunity yeah but it's in my way yeah but man it gives me something climb over it gives me something to break through it gives me something to dig under it gives me something to go around poor people I by the way this is not a judgment call like I get it I was poor for a very long time my very first job as a married man with a wife and a child was driving a garbage truck for $6.25 an hour and I remember what it was like to decide am I going to pay my electric bill this month or my water bill I was there I was so aware of what was missing and I was I was so programmed by the culture hypnotic societal mechanism I thought the only way for me to get money was for me to go sell my time and so what I'd do is I'd go sell my time that's what I did during the day but at night I went out and attempted to sell insurance and everybody said no but see some people would conclude that that doesn't work well this clearly if people tell you no for a year and a half you're clearly not good would youall agree with that like you're not good like if everybody says no even people in your family and your friends and strangers and everybody's giving you the same two-letter word no I mean some of them are like filing the edges off a little bit nah bro but at the end of the day they're still not buying you're just not good yet but see we look at not good as a judgment right we look at it as oh well this is the way I am I'm just not good or is not good an opportunity to get better I see not good as an opportunity to get better like the stuff I'm not good at that's my greatest opportunity for growth right there I don't have to be great right now I don't have to be great when I get started but if I'm going to be great I got to get started and so poor people what they do is they are so zoned in on lack it's like the story of Hagar and y'all heard me tell the story again so I'm not going to do it again but she's out in the desert with her son and she ran out of water and she ran out of um and the sun's beating down on him she puts him under a shrub cuz she didn't want to see him die and then she starts crying and the angel calls unto Hagar and says what aiy Hagar do you understand how devastatingly like tragic and dangerous it is to be a woman in the desert with a child and no water it's pretty pretty dire circumstances I mean on the scale of like traumatic it's it's up there and she's crying and the angel says to her what ath thee Hagar what are you crying about my question is what kind of question is that kind of question is that what aiy like what's what you crying about who's going to ask a woman in the desert with a child and no water what are they crying about only an angel that's crazy only an angel and he said he said oh don't fear not lift up the lad God's going to make him a great nation and here's what the angel said to her for God hath heard the voice of the lad you are crying he was praying God heard his prayer and then it says and he opened her eyes and she saw a well of water and took the water and gave the L drink you go read Genesis 21 you'll see it and here's here's here's what fascinating about that whole story if he opened her eyes and she saw the water well of water what does that tell us about the well of water it was already there so she thought that the resource was missing but the resource wasn't missing the resourcefulness is what was missing and what if the thing you're crying about right now in your life the thing that you know is missing cuz it's missing what if the angel came to you right now what he say what you crying about the answer that you're looking for is right in front of you but like Hagar maybe you can't see The Well of water in front of your eyes because of the well water that's welling up in your eyes and I believe that often times what happens is we're so focused on what's not working that we can't see what would work even though it's right beside it it's like like like when I think about the maybe the most mind-blowing awareness of my life all of the things for the most part most of the things I do right now I could have been doing those when I was 21 in broke 25 in broke 32 and broke 33 34 35 and broke I could have been doing this like I could have been teaching people stuff I knew back then but I was suffering from I'm justmeitis inflammation of the I'm justme gland and so because it was something I could do I didn't value it just like you so you think something's missing but the only thing that's missing is your perspective of what's there because all of us have something to win with go read Matthew 25 when the story about the um the Lord who called or the Lord meaning the boss the business owner who called his Serv servants to him and divided unto them his goods and one he gave one talent to another he gave two to another he gave five but then it says he gave to every man according to his several ability what if the gift that the gifts that God has given you he's given to them to you according to your ability and then when you use those gifts and increase your ability maybe you'll get more gifts but what's happening is we're so focused on the gifts we don't have because somebody else has them I was went to dinner when I was in Pennsylvania this past weekend with my family and I saw my nephew Danel and he was there and he's like we were talking about guitar and I was talking about some guitar Theory he's like yeah I don't know any of that stuff I just know shapes and I just know what it's supposed to sound like I was like I I know shapes too but I don't know what it's supposed to sound like so like and he plays the guitar better than me for the time being I'm Coming For You Daniel I'm coming for you okay um but but but like I don't understand how you can just sit down at a musical instrument and just start playing it that doesn't make sense to me but it's in him and he lets it out and I'm telling you for me I got to understand how it works or I'm there's no use of me even attempting to do it so so the poor get poor because number one they use their we use our minds differently poor people use their mind to focus on lack rich people use our minds and I'm just going to tell you we see abundance everywhere like like people will call me with business opportunities I'm like I don't have time to look at your business opportunity I don't even have time to look at all the business opportunities that are in front of me right now right there's so much opportunity in the world today that all of us together can't take advantage of all of it but if you're focused on What's Missing You cannot see what's there but if you're focused on what's there there you can see that there are things missing but what you actually see when you see what's there is you just see that people are missing things that are there like and they like and the people who are missing things that are there think that the things are missing they don't realize they're just missing the things it's a game Cher like it's it's we use our minds differently so I'm going to tell you I'm going to tell you a couple of things that poor people do with their minds that you don't want to do ever number one do not focus on distraction it is the kiss of death to Financial Freedom distractions are the kiss of death to Financial Freedom they're the kiss of death to wealth creation you say may what's a distraction anything that you focus on that does not move the needle in your favor financially is a distraction the football game the baseball game the basketball game the bowling league the golf league the like anything that's not moving that's not moving the needle in your favor the television show uh the game show all of the stuff that we fight to go waste time with and amuse ourselves with amuse isn't that a f fascinating word amuse you know what the word muse means means to think and when you put a in front of a word it means against so the word amuse literally means against thinking a lot of people don't know that but it's not amusing like the results of amusement are not amusing amuse on that okay so so so what we have to do is we have to stop focusing on distractions I'm I'm Blown Away by how much time effort and energy people who are broke put into things that don't matter like but don't you want to see them win no I want to be them win I want somebody to see me win that's way better than seeing them win people like my team won bruh bro I hate to be the bear bad news but somebody got to rescue your family them people don't know you and that is not your team and if you think they're your team go ask them for your paycheck and see what they give you then is not your team they don't care nothing about you my my favorite show is on so still let me help you that is not your show they you ain't own it they don't know you you say m what are you saying I'm saying stop focusing on distractions the only time we should focus on distractions are to intentionally clear our cash so that we can have more energy to focus on attention like I go play golf but it's not totally clear my cash CU I do think about stuff while I'm there too but but for the most part I'm thinking about how to send this golf ball to that Target in that direction that distance what shot do I need to hit from here that's what I'm thinking about when I'm at the golf course so I'm not thinking about other stuff so when I get done playing golf my mind is very relaxed why because I wasn't thinking about all that other heavy lifting stuff and I get it it's a golf is a distraction from you but it's more than a distraction it's re it's Recreation what I'm doing is I'm recreating my creative ability I'm I'm like letting it rest so it can re like when it when it wakes back up it's got more energy so but guess what I didn't do I didn't do that when I was broke like we were we was all in I mean I was like I'mma leave it all on the field today I didn't have a TV when I was broke I have three TVs now but I didn't have one when I was broke why I couldn't afford to watch other people live their dreams while I was living a nightmare it's not going to happen anyway so so number one Focus don't focus on distractions so what should I focus on focus on intention what is intention intention is what I'm focused on as the result of a decision in other words I decide in advance see a distraction can just pop up and I start paying attention to it but if I'm if I'm focused on intention I'm going to pre determine the thing I'm going to focus on and then I'm going to put my energy into focusing on that and I'm going to predetermine what to focus on based on the objective of the whole conversation in the first place now for me I'm going to run a business right because like I could have a job but nobody's willing to pay me the amount that I think I'm worth at a job the most I've ever made at a job was like 30,000 a year right so like I can't let a whole year go by and I only make 30,000 like so I got to do something different so I start a business the only problem with starting a business is you don't know where the money is coming from no no you don't get it ever like you just don't know you just know it's going to come from somewhere like I don't know I don't know like all the money is going to come in today and all the money's already coming today I don't know where it came from but I know it's coming how do you know it's coming because I've sewn seeds in the past and I seed them for a very long time and I knew Harvest Time was coming even though when it seemed like Harvest Time wasn't coming I remember what it said in Galatians 6 verse number 9 where it says let us not be weary and well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not and if you ain't reaping yet it ain't du season yet okay so focus on intention most people don't have good intention muscles because they don't have good decision muscles rich people have very good decision-making muscle poor people are very bad at making decisions they make choices which means it takes them a long time to make up their mind and then they change it very often rich people we make up our minds like in a hurry like we just decide yes no and people say well think about it okay but it's not going to change I already decided right and so so we when we make up our minds to do um to do a thing we just decide and then we just put Our intention in that thing we decided to do and there's no well I hope if I'll try sort of kind of maybe hope so no there's none of that just going to do it and so focus on intention ignore distraction use your mind differently look for so if you're going to stop doing what poor people do stop looking at the OB obstacle in every opportunity and instead do what rich people do what do we do we look for the opportunity in every obstacle because an obstacle by its very nature creates an opportunity why because the law of polarity is a law that governs that's part of God's automation so if there's something negative there has to be something positive like that's the other side of the coin there is no wet without dry there's no hot without cold there's no up without down there's no potential for gain if there's no potential for loss there's no opportunity if there is no obstacle so because that's the case because that's the case I'm going to use my mind to focus on finding the opportunity in this obstacle that's in front of me it's so funny I was doing my I think it was our it was in December of 20 23 no December of 2022 it was December 16th to be exact I'm doing my challenge the the stage is back there then I'm doing my challenge it's raining outside then all of a sudden I'm teaching I'm doing my whole thing and all of a sudden it sounds like it's raining inside now raining outside and raining inside are two very different things right so it's raining outside but then I'm like can y'all go look in that closet cuz it sounds like it's raining back there and it was like a waterfall just coming down in the building starts coming across the floor well there's an opp there's an obstacle right I'm in the middle of doing a presentation I'm teaching people needless to say I ranted less sped up the presentation we got done we got all the water cleaned up but it was an opportunity for us okay so now we need to look at fixing the roof oh well if we get a different kind of roof it'll be better for soundproof so there was an opportunity in the obstacle there always is there always is there's always an obst opportunity and obstacle uh on our older videos you could see there used to be this this floating black line that would float up the LED wall right it just would float and guess what I found out it's because the frame rate on the cameras and the frame rate on the LED wall didn't match each other or something like that I don't even know what a frame rate is but something like that and so guess what it gave us an opportunity to get new cameras that are better that match the frame rate There's an opportunity in every obstacle and now our videos look better and some people would say yeah but my cameras cost money well I get that but my point is there's an There's an opportunity there cameras cost money like but everything costs money you're going to spend the money on something might as well spend it on something that's going to put money in your pocket anyway focus on the opportunity so we we use our minds differently here's another one we use our mouths differently I can tell what somebody's economic level is when I ask them when I say hello how are you today whatever their response is is going to give me a clue to where they are financially if they say I'm above the dirt they're broke they're broke if they say if they say I'm surviving broke if they say oh not too bad okay um upper ends of poverty lower middle class I'm just telling you it is a fact if I ask somebody how they're doing and they say utterly fantastic okay this person is either doing really well right now or on the verge why because our words have power what do they have power to do they have the power to help us Focus it's interesting that it says in Romans chapter 10 that Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God now I know I know that people believe and they say that you can speak things into existence I'm going to debunk that myth and I get it people are going to disagree with me they they've been wrong before they'll be wrong again um you you can't speak things into existence if you could You' have already spoken something different into existence in what you got in existence right now but words still have power even though to speak into existence is the word barah if you read Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew it says bashit barah Elohim hash Brash in beginning barah created they do the noun they do the verb before the noun in Hebrew Elohim God in beginning created God the heavens and the Earth H guess what the only one in the entire Bible who ever baras anything is God so man can't speak things into existence we can't to speak something into existence out of nothingness is something that only God can do okay ABA Kadabra ah bar Ah that's God barah creates as darar speaks Ah that's the ALF again God God creates as speaks God or God creates as God speaks Abracadabra watch God pull a universe out of nothing only God can speak things into existence but God gave human beings language language is a power it's a very very powerful power how powerful is it the wisest wealthiest man who ever lives said death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth which means every word is a seed that I'm sewing into the garden of my future if I don't like the fruit of experience I'm eating today I need to sew different seeds of expression for the future are y'all tracking and so we have the ability to speak words but here's what our words do have the ability to do I can't speak something into two existence but here's what I can do if I say to me what God has said to me about my situation that I'm GNA say it again if I say to me what God said to me about my situation the situation I'm in then I am speaking faith into a space in my life where doubt used to exist and when doubt exists in a space in my life in that space I cannot take action I doubt inhibits action it blocks it so when it says and Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God what I need to learn to do is I need to learn to speak what God has said to me about me and about my situ situation and then I will have faith to take an action that I could not take when I was in doubt and so when I speak to myself what God has spoken to me and I insert faith into a space where doubt used to exist I can now take an action that I could not take when I was doubting that gives me a result that I could not get when I was get when I was doubting and that's why people make the mistake of thinking that they spoke a thing into existence when what they really did was they spoke faith into a space where doubt used to exist and took an action that they could not take previously I don't hope hopefully hopefully that makes sense that's why it says faith without works is dead right but when I like like so in James chapter in James chapter 2 there are three different kinds of Faith me mentioned there is dead Faith that's faith without works it's like cognitive knowledge yes I believe that okay great there's demonic faith the Devils believe also and tremble so they they believe enough to fear but not enough to change that's demonic faith and then there's Dynamic faith and dynamic faith is the kind of faith that causes you to act and so it's not just important that we have faith it's important that we have the right kind of Faith the kind that causes us to act the kind of faith that gives us the I can't help it y'all tracking okay so we use our mouths differently so I don't I would recommend that you don't like like eliminate the word try from your vocabulary try and trying stop trying to do things well what I'm trying to do is this stop trying to do it just do it I that's a hard one that's like it's like what if you turn try into profanity like it's Pro it's like I can't say that word well what I'm trying to do is stop trying to do it just do it what if you just become a doer instead of a Trier how would that change your life sometimes by the way when you start becoming hyper intentional with the words that you use people who don't understand what you are doing they are going to think you're arrogant like you will be misunderstood I hope you're ready there's a there's a scripture like like when I'm selling I'm I'm I'm kind but I'm very direct like I'm not I'm not I'm not so excited you're going to get this oh my good this is going to be so amazing I I like I'm not excited maybe you'll get it maybe you won't and if you do congratulations if you don't maybe next time like I've got no V interest in you saying yes to my offer which sounds really not it it almost sounds it almost sounds arrogant doesn't it right but here's what the scripture says the poor useth and treaties but the rich anth roughly what does that mean poor people big but rich people just they just say it the way it is like I'm not I'm going to beg you to buy my thing first of all cuz I don't need you to buy it you need it more than I need you to need it so therefore I don't need you to need it tell me yes or tell me no but tell me now I got to go right so we use our mouths differently poor people are very good at using their mouths to come up with excuses you tell people the excuse why you didn't do the thing that you said you were going to do or that you were supposed to do and then you think they should care like I'm going to tell you what they won't tell you when you tell somebody you're going to be there and you don't show up they don't care why they won't tell you that but they don't care now you just lost a little bit of trust and then you do it again you lost a little bit more and then you do it again and you tell somebody you're going to do something you don't do it and you lost more trust and before you know it you become the person people say no to before they even know what you're going to ask because they don't trust you it's it's it's really interesting like a lot of times poor people expect people to care about their reasons but they don't they don't they may feel sad for you they may feel badly for you but like your reasons are not like well um hey can you help me with this because I really need it well I can see that clearly that matters to you if you're going to NE negotiate with somebody or you're going to attempt to persuade somebody and you're going to attempt to get them to do something that will be in your benefit at least sit down for an hour or two and figure out like how this could potentially benefit them talk to them about that stuff only so so we use our we use our minds differently and we use our mouths differently the last big difference that I'm going to talk about difference between why the rich get richer and the poor get poor is because we have different models for making money if um if I were to advise somebody who's like struggling financially and they were say my what like what Financial thing can I do to make my life better I'd say um disconnect your Revenue generation from limitations what does that mean right disconnect your Revenue generation from limitations well so there's this resource that we all have at least we have it while we're here when we're gone we have it no more what's it called time time is so let me ask you a question is time a limited resource or an unlimited resource it's a limited resource time is a limited resource so since time the time that you have on this Earth is limited don't anchor your Revenue generation to time and if you do make sure that it pays well like so well that it's kind of irksome for other people okay so disconnect your Revenue generation from time why because time is a limited Resource as long as your Revenue generation is anchored to time the amount of money you make will always be limited why because time is something you have in limited quantity so you you are making it so you can't make more money because you're selling your time by the hour cool now I do that too but mine's 40,000 an hour why and it's 40,000 an hour because I'm I don't really need the money and I don't want to do one-on-one coaching so if you're gonna make me do something I don't want to do I'm gonna make you pay everybody's happy right so maybe the market won't bear 40,000 an hour for you but it'll probably bear more than you're bearing than it's bearing right now now right okay so disconnect your Revenue generation from time disc correct your disconnect your Revenue generation from labor from physical labor physical strength is that something you have in infinite quantities or limited limited right that's why working harder doesn't make you richer that's a myth that somebody perpetuated to keep poor people poor well just work harder work harder at what's not working no that can't be it that can't be it so what am I going to do instead instead of working harder at what's not working what I'm going to do is I'm going to figure out what would work better and only work on that ah no there's a there's a formula whose time has come that makes sense to me and so so poor people exchange time for money and then when they start a business they start a service-based business which now they go from having one boss to having 17 bosses called clients and you have to fulfill something that you sold over a period of time and you probably do that with some sort of physical labor and I'm telling you it's the like you can create wealth in a service-based physical labor job you're just going to have to Outsource a lot of the work through delegation and now you have to become a human resources department so but you know what you know what any of us could do any of us could write a book like I've written several what do you know books wow books we could write a book wow look at all these books oh sorry books these are just books I wrote one of them is an anthology I wrote one chapter but those we can write books my books like Just Books we're talking we're talking 40,000 to 70,000 a month just books like and guess what I don't even have to be there to sell the book I don't have to be there to write the book I wrote the book once get paid on from now on figure out some systems like I get like you say but I don't I I don't have time to write a book okay good go sell somebody else's affiliate offer I make six figures a year just selling other people's stuff do you hear what I just said like an extra six figures a year part-time selling other people's stuff not even my own stuff stuff I didn't even create just telling people that I know about other people's stuff and then they buy it then those companies pay me who could do that we all could do that so there's so much opportunity in the world like if you will shift the way you use your mind the way you use your mouth and the way you use your money and business models it'll change your life financially it's one of the reasons why like my bu my business models are so good if you want to learn about business models you can go read my book boss moves um but but B like my business model I patterned after King Solomon and I thought if it worked for him maybe it'll work for me I didn't know if it would man you talking about working I'm talking about it's crazy how well it works and anybody could do it and I've I've I've taught on it on YouTube I've got videos on King Solomon's business model like I just that's literally what I do it's what I'm doing right now I'm being Solomon esque right now just talking to people about stuff that I care about and stuff that I've learned and then they come and pay attention to it who knew it could be a thing right so the rich get richer because we use our mind different our mouth different our business models and our money differently than poor people the poor are not getting poor because the rich are getting richer the rich are not getting richer because the poor are getting poor if I if I go and I hold my breath and you ask me what I'm doing ask me what I'm doing I'm holding my breath ask me why why I don't want to breathe too much air there might not be enough left over for everybody else right that sounds ridiculous right but isn't it fascinating that people say that about money all the time I don't want to make too much money I want to leave some for the next guy as if you making less causes them to make more where the two have nothing to do with each other I heard somebody say one time money is Like Oxygen not the most important in the world but it's like oxygen what does that mean you got to have it every day to live and when you don't have enough you feel like you can't breathe can I get a [Laughter] witness but also money's Like Oxygen in that there's more more than enough for everybody to have more than enough and there' still be more than enough left over thanks for watching I hope this blesses you we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Myron Golden
Views: 41,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myrongolden, myron golden bible study, bible study, the word, The Power Of The Blood Covenant, spiritual, get closer to god, God is talking, listen to God, ge saved, get saved, getting saved, td jackes, pastors, preatures, peaching the word
Id: 9y3ottcvsps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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