God Gives You Power to Get Wealth - Chapel with Andrew Wommack - May 2, 2023

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foreign praise God just about to graduate graduate or get promoted man I hope it's been a great year for you amen you know just because you choose to follow the lord doesn't mean the devil runs the other direction he knows the potential in man he fights against you and so it's like Paul said that a great and an effectual door has been opened unto me but there are many adversaries every time God opens up a door it just is an increased fight and that makes some people want to run the other way and not do anything but the good news is we already have won if you just stand and don't give up and so we win and victories are well worth it but there's a lot of effort that goes into it so anyway I appreciate all that you've done to come here and to be a part of this I know that some of you had a rough year in some ways but praise God the seed that's been sown in your heart if you just allow it to continue to grow it is going to produce fruit that not only blesses you and your family but you're going to be a blessing to many many many people so it's well worth the effort praise God you know there was one day I came in and we had trouble on four continents and we were having to put out fires and to deal with people fighting each other and I told the guy who was over that I said you know I just feel like a turtle I'm gonna pull my head inside my shell and just quit stretching myself and exposing myself to all this stuff and anyway he calmed me down and he says you got to remember that the fruit is what you have to look at not the effort that it takes and that's a good word for me and for everybody that praise God and fruit doesn't come without effort all right so this will be my last Chapel service where I teach on Prosperity this year and I've already covered some of these things I've I've touched on these things but today I want to talk about uh getting something for nothing or gambling there's an attitude that people have a welfare attitude to where they want somebody just to give them something and they may sometimes uh couch it in Christian terms like they wouldn't just say I want something for nothing but they're asking God to supply their needs and yet they aren't putting their hand under anything and there's just one of the principles in the word of God that you don't God doesn't give you money directly he has given you power to get well Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 says but you shall remember the Lord your God for it is he that gives you power to get wealth that he may establish his Covenant as he swear unto you uh unto thy Fathers as it is this day so God doesn't give you wealth he gives you power to get wealth he gives you an anointing but you have to go out and do things and so this whole concept of getting something for nothing is an ungodly concept and yet it is rampant in our day there are people that think they deserve welfare there are people that are second and third generation welfare people and they just think that the world owes them something it's an ungodly concept I read just this week that Bernie Sanders is proposing that anybody who gets more than 999 million the moment you move into the billion category that the government takes everything that is billionaires have and distributed among the homeless that's a proposal that he made this this week and he thinks that that would be great why should anybody have billions of dollars when there's people that are homeless I guarantee you if you were to take money and start giving it to the homeless and putting them in things without them doing anything for it it would destroy their life it is an ungodly concept you never give people something for nothing and yet there's a lot of people that actually think that this is a good thing San Francisco they are actually um debating and I mean this is in their legislature they are debating giving five million dollars to every black person in San Francisco that is so dumb first of all where in the world are you going to come up with this money you're going to steal it from all of the people who are producing and stuff that's just that's terrible did you know when they founded the Plymouth Colony that when they first arrived they were it was a commune it was like a communist thing and everybody pooled all of their resources and they just had all things common and did you know that half of the people died the first year in the Plymouth Colony and they nearly all starved to death so in the second growing season they decided they'd give everybody their own plot of land because before that time you would have people that would be out there working hard and they would take from them what they had produced and distributed among everybody else and it took away incentive to prosper and so they didn't raise very many crops the second year they decided they were going to give everybody their own crops and people were rewarded for their labor there were people that were older that were doing nothing and yet they got an equal share with everybody and so because of this the they abandoned the Communist system and started everybody producing on your own and then there was benevolence giving when a person was sick or if they were older and couldn't work there's people that would help them but they started letting people start benefiting from their own labor and the thing flourished and it worked communism has never worked giving something taking from the rich and giving to the poor is an ungodly concept it is a Godly concept for people to voluntarily give and bless other people but to mandate it and to take it away and take people who are productive like one of the things I was reading this about Bernie Sanders and the person interviewing him he was criticizing Waltons for Walmart and saying that why should they have all of this money and he said Do You Realize because they have been able to work and to do things and invest that's where they got their money from and they employ and I forget the exact number but it was probably millions of people whose lives are made better because this person is able to do something and reap benefits from it and so yes he individually has prospered but also there are millions of people and plus even the people that don't work for wall art they benefit by having the lower prices and all of the other things it has benefited the entire economy and yet they want to take away incentive from people so that you don't Prosper like that it's an ungodly concept and I'm going to share a lot of scriptures with you I've I've shared probably most of these in passing one time or another but I'm just going to talk about today about how it's an ungodly concept to expect something for nothing you know right now we are blessed and we have a huge amount of money flowing into our ministry and some people think well you people just give to you but you know what I'd do a lot of stuff and for 55 years I've been doing a lot of stuff and I've been ministering and I put out a lot of word and there's things that I do and it may not be manual labor but I'm sowing into people's lives and therefore it's appropriate for me to reap back but if you aren't giving something to another person well then it's inappropriate for you to expect that person to give to you now they might be able to do that as benevolence giving just out of the goodness of their heart and you can be blessed when you haven't sown something but that's the exception rather than the rule you are never going to prosper you are never going to be rich expecting people to give you something for nothing amen I know that's not popular today but it's all true Proverbs chapter 1 verse 19 says so are the ways of everyone that is greedy of gain which taketh away the life of the owners thereof and this could be applied in a lot of different directions but I'm talking about people that are wanting something for nothing that's what most of these scriptures will be relating to and it says it takes away the life of the owners there are there's multiple ways you can look at that but it takes away your incentive if you're just going to sit there and you're just like a vacuum you're just sucking everything towards yourself and you're wanting people to give to you but you never give out it takes away your life I tell you it's more blessed to give than it is to receive is what Jesus said and that is absolutely true and if you are just a person who's a taker and you aren't a giver then it takes away your life this is what life is all about it's not being wrapped up in yourself you make a very small package when you're all wrapped up in yourself it's about giving to others it's about it's about being a blessing to other people it's about finding something that will bless other people you know if you want to get rich find some way of blessing other people and monetize it turn it into something and I guarantee you if you are blessing other people people will give back to you whether it's the gospel or whether it's a widget that you make that you know allows people to do things you need to do something and be a blessing Proverbs 13 11 says wealth God and by Vanity shall be diminished but he that gatheth by labor shall increase again see this is speaking against that mindset that you're going to get things just for nothing that you're just going to sit there and do nothing you know we had two guys in our class this was back probably 20 years ago and they came to me and I was teaching on this very thing and they said we know what you're saying but God has given us a supernatural idea and we are going to go on the internet and we are going to become millionaires within the month they had this idea and I said first of all they those things sell them if ever were it does work occasionally but it will take away the life of the owners thereof and it will eventually be diminished you can't sustain it you aren't going to hit the lottery every day you aren't going to be able to make this a lifestyle I said this is wrong you need to quit and they said oh no we know what you're saying but this is an exception so they invested everything they had in it and they made a tiny bit of money but overall they lost everything and it didn't work out and I really wanted to say I told you so here's the amplified's translation of that same verse it says wealth not earned but one in haste or unjustly are from the production of things for vain or detrimental use such riches will dwindle away but he who gathers little by little will increase his riches I tell you the way to become rich is to spend less than you make and do that over your entire lifetime don't do it just till you get some money and then you go splurge and blow it all but you just consistently spend less than you make I've heard some people say that you need to take 10 percent of everything you get off the gross and give that as a tithe but then you need to take 10 percent and give it to yourself and put it into savings and you need to learn to live on 80 percent or less personally Jamie and I we we probably live off of less than 10 percent of what comes in we either give or invest ninety percent of everything that we get and we've been doing that for decades and because we're blessed man amen Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 7 verse 11 says as the Partridge sitteth on eggs and hatcheth them not so he that getth riches and not by right shall leave them in the midst of his days and at his end shall be a fool you know I've researched this and uh and anyway the best I can understand this a partridge is is a bird that will sit on other birds eggs and hatch them but they aren't their own and so when the birds hatch they leave them it doesn't it doesn't last long term it's not yours if you get riches by Vanity it's not really yours you haven't earned it you don't deserve it you aren't going to keep it here's the point that's getting across here Proverbs 20 21 says an inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning but the end thereof shall not be blessed the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow with it if you get money quickly and stuff it's takes away the life of the owners thereof is a verse that we just read and then it will not be blessed but if you get it by the Lord's way then um he'll add no sorrow with it did you know you can get rich by going out and robbing a bank but there's sorrow associated with that on your part and person's part that you stole it from you can get rich by winning the lottery one out of 20 million people is going to win and God's not going to fix the lottery to help you win but even if you got it did you know the stats show that within 10 years people that win the lottery are worse off because of it I actually read 10 testimonies of people who were 10 million dollar winners or more and every one of them said that they wish they'd have never won it because all money does is amplify what's already in your heart and if you're poor and if you aren't managing money and if you aren't prospering before you win the lottery all that's going to do is just amplify this and you're going to go out and get into more debt and then when the money rounds runs out you're going to have to file bankruptcy you'll be worse off than you were before winning the lottery is not the answer for anybody praying and believing God just for money to fall out of the sky is not the answer for anybody believing for welfare is not the answer for anybody I'm not against anybody who's on welfare anybody might need help you know temporary Jamie and I could have gotten welfare probably for at least five years but we never did all I could think of was a scripture that says I've never seen the righteous forsaken or their seed out begging bread and I wasn't going to beg bread and we would go without eating I'm not against anybody who is on Welfare but I'm saying if you depend on it and if that becomes your livelihood and if this is the way you're expecting to deal with things boy you are not believing well at all if you are counting on Social Security to provide for you in your old age man your faith is nearly non-existent did you know you can take fifty dollars when you're 20 years old and invest it and have nearly twice as much money as you'll ever have through Social Security at the age of 60. some of you doubt that but it's absolutely true Social Security is is not if you can't believe more than Social Security man you need a shot of faith you need to believe bigger than that again if you pay into it I'm not saying it's wrong to get it out Jamie is now taking social security I opted out when I was 20 years old so I've never paid into Social Security I'll never get any money out of it and praise God I don't need it I'm much better off than Social Security would ever be in Proverbs chapter 28 verse 20 it says a faithful man shall abound with blessings but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent man that's a strong scripture and you know we've talked about this before out of First Timothy chapter 6 that the love of money is the root of all evil and you don't have to be a millionaire to have the Love of Money there's poor people that they spend all day every day thinking about money they love money you don't need to hasten to be rich in Proverbs chapter 28 verse 22 he that hasteneth to be rich have an evil eye and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him put that together with Matthew chapter 6 verse 23 that says but if thine eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of Darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be Darkness how great is that Darkness so according to Proverbs 28 22 if you are hastening to be rich if you are lusting to be rich then you have an evil eye and if you have an evil eye your whole body is full of Darkness did you know your attitude towards money is really really really important and if you are a person that is just lusting for money and Desiring riches so that you can just have things again there's nothing wrong with having money to empower you to be the blessing it's not if if your focus isn't on just sucking everything towards you but if you want to receive money so that you can give if the focus is on giving money is a tool and it's great to have the Lord told Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing you can't bless anybody else if you aren't blessed so it's okay to be blessed it's okay to have money but your goals shouldn't be to get money it ought to be to have money so that you can give so that you can be a blessing so that you can accomplish the goals that God has put on your life so the problem with people who aren't prosperous isn't that they don't have money it's their attitude that's the problem as a man thinks in his heart so is he Proverbs 23 7 if you're poor your thinking is poor thank you for that Thunder of Silence it's true your financial situation is a reflection of your attitude and of your thinking you know back during my poverty days I loved God with all of my heart and I was seeking God to the best I could but I thought that it was sin for me to work a secular job and I was called to the minister well it's true that once you're called to the ministry and the ministry takes so much of your time that you would have to decrease Ministry in order to go make money well then I believe you should be expecting to live full-time of the ministry but I didn't have that knowledge back then and I can guarantee you my poverty was a reflection of my attitude it was my thinking that was wrong when I changed my thinking and began to do things differently God has prospered me supernaturally and so this may not feel good but it's the truth if you're poor if you're struggling financially you've got a wrong attitude someplace that is hindering you from receiving and the majority of times it's because your focus is all all on yourself you're wanting money so that you can supply all of your lust and all of your desires and all of your wants when you get your attention off of yourself and you start wanting to prosper so that you can be a blessing and yes you have to pay your bills and yes you need to be a good Steward and so I'm not saying you don't use a portion of it for yourself but the real focus is you want to prosper so that you can be a blessing when God finds that kind of attitude I've said this often but if God can get it through you he will get it to you if you build a dam and want to prosper because you have all of these things that you want you actually decrease God's Supply towards you he gives seed to the sower second Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 10. he gives seed to the sower and multiplies your seed song If you don't have seed it's because God doesn't see you as a sower he sees you as a taker as an eater now Sowers have to eat too and so it's not that God wants you to do without when you get your attention on other people and putting God first in other things first you'll find out that you'll Prosper more than you ever thought about it'll come as a byproduct not as the goal it's not what you're focused on it just comes you can't outrun the blessings of God Deuteronomy chapter 28 says all of these blessings will come upon you and overtake you that means that you're running and they're running faster you can't outrun the blessings of God the blessings of God will just come on yeah you can't help it that's true I know some of you think it's easier to preach than it is to live but it's true yeah amen so where was I I messed up my screen here second Corinthians 9 8 God is able to make all grace abound towards you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work that is a definition of prosperity Prosperity isn't how much stuff you have Prosperity is are you able to abound to every good work if God was to send you on a mission field and to do something are you financially able to do it or are you destitute and you can't do it if you have a building program in your church and you can't give to it because you're barely keeping your own nose above water you aren't prosperous I don't care if you've got a million dollars in stocks if they aren't liquid if you can't use it if you can't be a blessing if you're obligated to things you are not prosperous I don't care what you drive I don't care what you live in prosperity is being able to abound to every good work to be able to give and to bless people amen you know I was just at a meeting in Oklahoma City and they took all the speakers and all the helpers out to a steak place and anyway I got the bill and it was two thousand dollars for that meal and I was able to bless everybody and they just couldn't believe it they were upset but you know what I'm blessed I'm paying two thousand dollar bill for a meal it's no problem praise God second Corinthians 9 10 I just read this now he that ministers seed to the sower both Minister bread for your food notice he gives seed to the sower he gives money to givers and he will Minister bread for your food God knows that if you are a giver you also have needs if you are going to sow you've also got to eat and so God will not only give you seed to sow but he will also give you bread to eat man that's awesome and then he will multiply your seed song so he gives money to you so that you can give so that you can be a blessing and as you give it's just like a person that has seed and they go out and sow this seed you never get back just what you gave it's going to grow it's going to multiply God will multiply the seed that you sow so as much as you can you need to sow as much as you can if you want a big Harvest then you need to have a big seed time where you're sowing a lot you know if a person really wants to prosper they they sow as much land as they possibly can they don't sow as little as they can and then want to have this huge Harvest they know that their Harvest is determined by how much they sow did you know you can determine your Harvest there's a lot of people that are always thinking inner ears you need to go to thinking in advance instead of looking at your income and thinking all right I had this much money come in and so here's 10 percent and here's what I give and stuff like that you know if you want to have I don't I'm just throwing figures out if you want to have a hundred thousand dollars income and say you're only at fifty thousand dollars why don't you tithe on a hundred thousand when you only have 50 well that would be 20 but you know what you sold that you're gonna reap it you can determine what your income is going to be by how much you sold that's what a farmer does a farmer says I need this much in order to pay my bills and do the things and so I've got to sow this much in order to get that much that's the way Farmers work but see most Christians do it in arrears they get all this money and then they think all right God I'm going to give this much well determine what you want and go to sowing for it that's a new Wrinkle in somebody's mind right there Deuteronomy 8 18 says but Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth that he may establish his Covenant which he swearing to thy Fathers as it is this day I've already used that in Matthew 6 33 but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you the things that he was talking about was what you ate where you slept and what you were clothed with and if you we've already used that verse that if you have an evil eye or if you hasten to be rich you have an evil Lion in Matthew chapter 6 I think it was around verse 19 it says that if your eye be evil then your whole body is full of darkness and so the whole point of Matthew chapter 6 this this is a point that is lost on 99 of all Christians they just can't wrap their brain around this but boy once you get it it'll start Prosperity moving in your life supernaturally but Matthew 6 is saying don't lay up Treasures here on this Earth don't hasten to be rich you have an evil eye if you're after that and then it says look at the Lilies of the Field they don't work and toil and yet Solomon was never as beautiful as this lily look at the birds of the air they don't reap and they don't do all this kind of stuff and yet God takes care of them if God takes care of them how much more is he going to take care of you the whole point of that is quit focusing on money quit thinking about money and instead think about how you can be a blessing how you could be a blessing to other people start thinking about giving and doing things and it just so happens that money is necessary to or in order for you to accomplish all of those things but when you take your attention off of money and you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness then all of these things will be added unto you this is saying that when you get to where God's will for your life and fulfilling his purpose for your life and giving to others and being a blessing to others when you get to where that is more important to you than your own needs then God will supernaturally take care of your needs again that's lost on most people most people think no I have to focus on my stuff and then if there's anything extra I'll bless God that's the afterthought that's the byproduct to most Christians but you can get to where living to give is more real than giving to live but you live to give God I want to be a blessing God I want to touch other people God use me let me be the one that if the church needs a big offer and let me be the one that supplies the thing let me be the one who buys the meal for other people let me be the one who's blessing somebody else I want to do this and when you get that kind of an attitude then when you take care of God's kingdom God will take care of your kingdom and if your kingdom isn't being well taken care of it's because you haven't put first the kingdom of God and his righteousness the only exception to that is that there is a seed time and harvest to prosperity and you may have already made these decisions and that may be your heart and you may be moving in that direction and haven't seen the Fulfillment of you because it takes time for that Harvest to come in but you're either in process right now or if you aren't prospering it's because your heart's not right it's because you aren't putting first the kingdom of God your kingdom is still first thank you for that thunderous silence Proverbs 15 27 he that is greedy of gained trouble with his own home but he that hateth gifts shall live man you know I'm in a situation I don't want to give that information but I'm in a situation right now where it could cost me millions of dollars but I'm going to do the right thing because money is not my God money is not going to dictate to me I'm going to do what's right I don't care if it hair lips the devil [Applause] oh every time I move this thing I lose my place all right Proverbs 23 verse 4 says labor not to be rich cease from thine own wisdom wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not for riches certainly make themselves Wings they fly away as an eagle towards heaven eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye neither be thou desires of his nannies do you know what an evil eye is we just read that I think it's Proverbs something he that hasteneth to be rich hath an evil eye eat not thou the bread of him that hath an evil eye neither be desire his Danish and if you go on the very next verse says in verse 7 it says for as he thinks in his heart so is he did you know we take that verse out of context often and just use that to apply to everything and it's a true statement but in context it's talking about people who have an evil eye who are hastening to be rich and when you go into a rich man's house and he sets all of these danies in front of you and all of these Delicacies it says if you are a man given to appetite the way we would say that today is if you're a glutton it'd be better for you to stick a knife to your throat because you are not going to be able to control yourself you will let your lust for things dominate you and it says man that is wrong and then as he thinks in his heart so is he so if your experience is wrong somewhere in your heart you're thinking wrong your attitude is wrong you're hastening to be rich which has an evil lion if your eye is evil your whole body will be full of Darkness man those are strong statements First Timothy chapter 6 verse 9 but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lust which drowned men in destruction and perdition so did you know that having money is a Temptation it's a Temptation for you to quit trusting in God and to say well I don't have to trust God anymore I'm taking care of I've got enough to last me you know one of the things that I do is I've got enough money I can do anything I want to do but when it comes to buying something for Jamie I don't always carry enough money on me and I don't want to use a credit card that's going to let her know what I paid for her gift and I don't want to write a check that'll let her know so even though I've got plenty of money did you know when it comes time for Jamie's birthday when our anniversary and stuff like that I always believe God for enough money to get her something even though I've got enough money I could use it but it just is good exercise for me to go ahead and be dependent upon God and trust him the way that I have for 55 years and did you know it's just like clockwork every time that we have something that I'm believing for people will come up and give me money personally and that's not typical most of the time anything a person gives me unless they tell me this is for you I will put it into the ministry but there will be people that will come up and say this is for you and Jamie personally and I mean it's just like clockwork every time we have some kind of an anniversary or something coming up I believe God people give me money so this is one of the ways that even if you have money you you keep yourself dependent upon God you keep trusting God you know Jesse Duplantis was criticized for believing God for a brand new airplane that I forget how much money it was 29 million dollars or something like this and we had the directors of our College over in the Netherlands they said do you want to disassociate with Jesse Duplantis and they gave me a clip where somebody was talking about how this guy is taking money and using it for things like a 29 million dollar airplane but did you know why that all had to happen Jesse right before all this came out public he was here and he was telling me that he was flying in his I don't know 15 20 million dollar jet that he had and he was just thanking God for how blessed he was and God says you know you haven't believed me for anything in a long time you need to keep believing God and he says but God I've got everything I could ever want and he says that's not the issue you need to keep your faith out there working don't let it go to sleep and he says well what should I do and he says do you think this jet is all that I can give you why don't you believe for something more and Jesse was saying God people will talk about me but anyway he did it because God challenged him that he needed to keep his faith out there believing they didn't put that in the article they didn't talk about any of that plus they don't tell you that Jesse gets a huge amount of his income from his own personal businesses that he's got but anyway people want to criticize people over that but one of the ways you keep from riches having you is that you keep trusting God you keep believing God and I tell you one of the ways to keep yourself dependent upon God is just to give so much that if God doesn't come through you're dead in the water you know if it gets to where you can give ten thousand dollars and that's no problem you've got it and it's no problem you ought to give a hundred thousand dollars and if you get to where you can give a hundred thousand dollars and that's no problem you ought to give two hundred thousand dollars you ought to keep stretching yourself this is the way that you keep the Temptation that money has money has a temptation of making you feel self-sufficient and not dependent upon God so if you have a lot of money one of the ways that you keep that from happening is you keep exercising your faith voluntarily you just believe for things when you don't have to believe for things and you've become a big giver and you give until man it uh stretches you amen Proverbs 28 20 a faithful man shall abound with blessings but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent did you know lusting for money hastening to be rich trying to get something for nothing instead of just by little by little and building up over time it's sin Proverbs 28 22 he that hasteneth to be rich hath an evil lie I just read that and consider it not that poverty shall come upon him oh I'm back up to the top of my deal sorry so I read first Timothy chapter 6 verse 9 but they that will be rich fall into temptation and the snaring into many foolish and hurtful lust which drowned men in destruction and Perdition some people want to deal with that by saying well I'll just never be rich and I'll avoid that well that's true if you if you aren't Rich you won't be tempted with these things but you also never be able to accomplish anything you won't be a blessing you won't get to experience that it's more blessed to give than it is to receive so yes there are Temptations it's like having a gun or a an atomic bomb or anything that's powerful it's also can be destructive it can it can kill you can kill somebody else but used properly man it's a great thing and so there are problems that go along with having money but I think it's well worth the effort to overcome it in verse 10 it says For the Love of Money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows it's the love of money that's the root of all evil it's not money if you think money is the root of all evil then take all of that filthy looker that you have and give it to me get rid of that stuff amen that's it's not money that's evil it's the love of money and again there are people that are poor that think about money all day long and a lot of rich people never think about money you know one of the blessings that in my life was about I'm not sure 15 20 years ago might have been longer but the Lord spoke to me and told me that never again think in terms of how much something cost boy that just blew a number of circuits in a lot of people's brains because everything to you is about cost everything is cost if you're going to buy anything you're constantly thinking about money did you know that's that's being in bondage you can get to a place to where you don't ever think about what something cost you just do what needs to be done when the Lord tells me to do something I don't sit down and evaluate how much it's going to cost not in the beginning eventually I'll have to deal with that because I've got to start making plans and stuff but I mean I just decide what God tells me to do not based on what something costs you know when I built these buildings we had already spent a million and a half dollars on Architects fees over a one and a half year period I was just telling them what I wanted I designed these buildings I'm the one that Drew all of this on a napkin and then they made it look nice but I'm the one that designed everything in here and I the floors out there that's the design that Jamie and I came up with in that terrazzo floor and every single thing in here the wood the ceiling with those wood panels on it did you know that there's acoustical that black strip is acoustic in between everything you don't have to do that but it would have been a lot noisier out there I just did everything exactly the way I wanted I had already spent a million and a half dollars on design and they had it finished so that we could build it and we sat down and I said how much is this going to cost I never asked how much it was going to cost I designed what I wanted I got what I wanted and then we we started dealing with it man it's liberty to get to a place to where you don't have to sit here and think of in terms of money it's in terms of what does God tell me to do what has God told you to do [Applause] God Will Supply amen verse 11 First Timothy 6 11 but thou o man a god flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness Faith love patience meekness put God first put first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and if you'll do that God will supply you with everything that you need to abound unto every good work but you need to quit limiting God by just thinking in terms of money and thinking the cheapest and thinking all of these kind of things did you know it's it's been a process for me it didn't happen overnight and I remember Dan Funkhouser many of you know him he teaches in our school and Dan Funkhouser was my pastor at the time and we went to the Stagecoach restaurant which I don't even think is there anymore but it was like this is back 45 years ago and the minimum meal was twenty dollars I'd never spent that much on a meal in my life that was really expensive back then and so anyway I took Dan and Penny and their two girls out with my wife and my two boys so there was eight of us and we were eating and I had said I was going to pay for their meal and when I saw I mean it was it was going to be 30 times eight two hundred and forty dollars I had never spent that much money on a meal in my life but boy Jamie she knew what was coming she stepped on my foot when we opened up the thing she hit me a couple of times not to say anything so I didn't say anything and acted like it was just nothing and I paid the bill and with the tip you know it's probably 300 for this meal and I just boy I went home and and it took me a week or two to get over that that I had spent that much money and I found out later that Dan is even cheaper than I was and he was thinking the same thing and Penny was stepping on his foot and hitting him and so I he thought man Andrew's a big spender I thought Dan was a big spender and yet both of us were just freaking out over how much this meal cost but you know what I've gotten to a place I just paid two thousand dollars for a meal no big deals no problem amen somebody says well that's not being a good steward I don't waste money but I guarantee you I'm I'm not I don't let money dictate stuff to me you can get to where money is a tool it is not what you're wanting you know I turned a lot of wood stuff and made things and I used tools but the tools weren't what I took pictures of I took pictures of the things that I made with all of those tools money is just a tool so we're going to receive an offer and give you an opportunity to not make money your guide to give until it hurts give until you feel like God I need a return on this to be able to survive so father we thank you go ahead and pass out the envelopes we thank you Father for loving us thank you for all of these things and thank you that we can put you first and your kingdom first and you will just take over our needs that you'll begin to start paying our bills that you'll become responsible for us if we become responsible for your kingdom and father I pray that you open up people's hearts that they would understand that that they would get hold of this I thank you for people that are slaves to money and limited to money that father you've set them free today even if they don't have any money in their pocket I believe that you can set them free in their heart that they can get hold of these truths and begin to walk in this in their heart first and then see it manifest in their physical body and I just thank you for doing that father we receive and believe that you are blessing people today as they give I believe that this these gifts come back unto them a hundred fold in this life with persecutions in the name of Jesus father we agree and we receive amen I just quoting scripture what are y'all laughing at you know I had somebody just this last week uh it was Marcus Wick I think it was I don't know how many of you know Marcus Wick but I was holding a meeting in Oklahoma City with him and the cunninghams and John Donnelly and Jim Baker and uh and anyway I gave him a prophecy about him reaping a hundredfold in this life with persecutions I put that in and he says man did that ever come true he says the persecution part has really come true but that's what Jesus said Mark chapter 10 verse 29 and 30 so I just quoted the whole verse amen you can go ahead and receive the offering Hallelujah I know that many of you are in a position where you're just really starting in this and it does take time for the seed that you've sown to produce and so you may not be able to see all of your Harvest yet but I can promise you what you're sowing now the ad if your attitude is right if your heart is right and if you're really giving in faith it is going to produce a harvest and you will be reaping this for decades to come I remember when Jamie and I gave a hundred dollars which is the most money we had ever given at that time and it was all we had and we gave a hundred dollars in an offering and we were specifically believing for a hundred-fold return for ten thousand dollars so that we could buy a Greyhound bus and turn it into our home and travel and minister praise God God didn't answer that one but at the time that looked pretty good and that's what we were believing for and we gave that money and I remember on Monday going out and opening up the mailbox and looking for ten thousand dollars and it didn't come and it didn't come on Tuesday and we didn't see it quickly but I often remember that that you know what that hundred dollars I gave is still producing today I am reaping off of that that's now been 50 years later and that is still producing so the seed you're sowing today you may not have your full Harvest yet but I guarantee you it's coming and you just need to be patient and you need to keep doing and believing and it will come to pass and you will reap if you faint not it just takes time it takes a period of time and again that's against this mentality that I've been warning against today where people want something for nothing quickly and that's not the way the kingdom works if you get something real quickly you God may do that temporarily to meet a crisis situation but that is not a long-term deal the way you prosper is to get a a flow of finances coming in just on an everyday basis don't wait you know if you don't want to just reap once a month if you want to reap every day well then give every day start sowing like that and and you will reap the way that you give that's the way you give say again where they put the QR code back up somebody wants to give amen help them give so put the QR code back up there you go praise the Lord I want to thank you all you know when people come here man we give big offerings to our guest speakers and you guys have always been a blessing our speakers are always encouraged by this I think it's tomorrow isn't it they were going to have Creflo Dollar here and I've already told you that Creflo came a Thursday so Creflo came out and embraced Stacey Abrams and some people got mad and some people said they're going to get up and walk out and I've already said this so I won't belabor it but please don't act that way uh in front of a friend of mine and if he if he comes in here and starts preaching all his wokeness I'll stop it amen but I don't believe he'll do that and we need to show him some honor and stuff and we need to learn how to get along with each other even though we may not agree on every single issue so thank you in advance for the way you're going to treat preflo it will be good all right you're dismissed thank you [Music] heard [Music]
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 157,555
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Id: 6wIyZUfcqN8
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Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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