Tamar Braxton’s Shocking Claim

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(upbeat energetic music) Live from New York City, it's The Wendy Williams Show. (upbeat energetic music) (audience cheering) ♪ How you doing Wendy ♪ ♪ Let's go ♪ Now, here's Wendy! (upbeat music) (audience cheering) ♪ How you doing ♪ Thank you very much for watching our show. (audience cheering) Say hello to my co-host, staff, and studio audience. (audience cheering) Virtuals at home. (audience cheering) How you doing? How you doing? I'm doing okay, let's get started it's time for... Hot Topics! Come on! (upbeat music) (audience cheering) Ray Jay is here today. (audience applauding) (distant chattering) No. 'Cause even Brandy said, "Wendy, you know my brother lies to you all the time but I know you have love for Ray Jay, I see it in your eyes every time you talk to him." I'm going to wear sunglasses. (audience laughing and applauding) I don't want him to see anything. He's like a little brother, everybody calm down until after midnight. (audience reacting) The thing about Ray Jay is that he's like a fun weekend, you're not supposed to fall in love. And speaking of which, so we scheduled Ray Jay and his wife Princess Love to be here together. But she called The Wendy Show and canceled her visit. (audience reacting) And Ray Jay has got so much love and comfort here at the show. He didn't even do a pre-interview with my producers because I guess he and I have a very, very calm conversation. I can extract information, and then before you know it I'm hypnotized and believing everything. Ray Jay lies to us all the time. (audience reacting) I mean, when he was here the last, he said he and Princess Love are madly in love and so on and so forth if you recollect. Recollect? I like it. I like it. But you remember Norman, and then the following week, she broke up with him. Yup. (audience reacting) Uh-huh. And then like a month later, they announced that they were back together. And then like a month after that, he announced that he wanted to divorce her. (audience chattering) I know, you know what? There's something about him. There's certain guys and Ray Jay is one of those guys. Jesus, help me. (audience applauding) Anyway, Tamar Braxton's ex-boyfriend, you know the man from Africa who graduated from Harvard, he's some sort of millionaire in his own right. Anyway, he now has filed a cease and desist order after she accused him of cheating. (audience reacting) Well, Tamar posted that David, that's his name, was cheating since 19... 2019 with his former assistant. David says, "She's lying, and stop talking about me you're trying to harm my reputation." Well, I don't know him other than being with Tamar. So whatever reputation you have with businessman to keep you in the money, they're not watching Hot Topics or following social media. It's alleged to me in my mind that if you went to Harvard and you're a billionaire that you don't swill and have fun like the rest of us. (audience laughing) You know? And in a weird way, I always thought, wow, that's good for Tamar. She'll get out of the reality TV zone and she's with somebody who's really smart and Tamar is smart. And remember when David took she and her son with Vince Logan to Africa to meet his family, that was a real coming to Africa moment. And I know she thought they were getting married, they were so in love. And you know, he convinced her and I'm sure all the family there, you know what I mean? Only for him to be nothing but... Trouble. Well, you know what he is no better than Apollo or anybody else on reality TV. That's a shame. You can't even trust a Harvard degree. (audience reacting) And you can't even trust when they take you to meet their parents. Don't you honor that so much, you know, still... or do you just take anybody to meet your parents, no! No. And Tamar's busy, she doesn't answer the phone. Will the Braxton Family Values still be on TV? Well, I don't know, Tamar quit but I don't mind seeing the other girls just closing the ranks and still do it. Even if Tony wasn't there, the other ones and miss Evelyn, and miss Evelyn's ex-husband with his new wife, there's a whole new group of people. That's comfortable TV, at least for me. (audience applauding) Tamar, I wish you the best though. (audience applauding) Mm mm mm. Kendall Jenner took our advice, she's moved out. (audience cheering) Yeah. Remember the guy who said he'd shoot her and kill her and then shoot himself, and then the other guy who broke in and took off all of his clothes to get naked in her pool and swim. And I was saying, "Kendall, you got to move out of that house." Anyway, wherever she's moved, it's a safe location. She's up to her security force and she's got no plans to return to that home. Perfect. Perfect. (audience applauding) Maybe you should rent the house out, I don't know. When I think of a park... It's so scary. It is scary. The danger's out. But the killer doesn't want you, they want her. But they might show up, thinking that Kendall's there and they get me. Well now, all killers watch Hot Topics. (laughing) So now he knows. (audience laughing) The killer now knows she does not live there. No word on where she lives, killer. (audience laughing) (Wendy chuckling) Vanessa Williams friend to the show. She is speaking out about a song being stolen from her. This is a big one. This is a big one, it's kind of slimy in the name LA Reid. This is kind of slimy. So Vanessa sat down with her daughter, Jillian. I remember when Jillian was born, it's so weird out. If you stick around long enough, you remember all of us popping and locking and Zipping and Zoe, and next thing you know we're having kids, we're get married. It's weird. Anyway, Jillian's a grown woman now. And she sat down with her mother and mom was reminiscing about the R&B star, Pebbles. Now, you know, Pebbles. She had Mercedes Boy and she had Girlfriend and she was also alleged to be the one who took money from TLC. Uh-huh, you remember. Now pebbles has been on our show before and a really interesting woman. She used to be married to LA. Anyway, listen. So LA is in the studio with Vanessa and they're going over music. Everything's innocent, nothing romantic, they're going over music and stuff like that. And then Pebbles, his wife at the time, comes in. I guess, "Hey honey here's a pack of sour patch kids, and you know, some chickens filet". You know how a wife would do, a man has a long day in the studio. Or just, "Hey." And so they were going over the song, Girlfriend. And when they were going over the song, Pebbles heard the music and her... You know how you always have I guess the fake singer sing it so that the real singer knows exactly where it's going. If you want to do this song, Vanessa, it's yours. Okay. Pebbles leaves, later on that night, LA comes home, and Pebbles is like, "I want that song for me." Uh-huh. And LA goes, "Okay." Then Vanessa is waiting for LA to get back to her regarding studio times so they can do this song and she could be at the top of the Pops. So LA is not, LA is incommunicado. And finally he got back to her, he said that song is no longer available. (audience reacting) The next thing you know, Pebbles or Vanessa turns on the radio. And there's the song at the top of the billboard charts, done by LA's wife, Pebbles. (Wendy laughing) (audience reacting) Well, Pebbles is married to him, in my opinion this was not Pebbles' fault. And Vanessa was more than a lady to hold this secret all these years. But this is LA's fault. You know, you should have said to your wife, "No, Vanessa's got the song, but I'm a genius. I can write one for you that'll get you at the top of the charts too. You ready to get back in the studio or whatever." She, I guess was in the studio, but nothing that we knew of. So then after Girlfriends, then it's Mercedes Boy, the rest is history. LA, this is all your fault. (audience applauding) And Vanessa didn't suffer from this. I mean, she just got backstabbed, but that's the name of the game in entertainment. Maybe in what you do as well, there're backstabbers anywhere. But Vanessa went on, she made some really good songs, you know I don't like slow music, it's sappy. I don't want to hear it. But there are a few songs that I do like, and that would be, one of them is Save The Best For Last. Oh, legendary. Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh. Mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm. I need to hear more about Pebbles life though, cause she knows where the bones are buried. (audience reacting) Not a bad idea. Anyway, okay. I won an award. (audience cheering) I actually already gave my speech, but because of Corona and then we're going on break as of 40 minutes. (audience cheering) So you got to catch me if you can. But this one is really, really important to me. I received the Awareness Award from the Lymphatic Education and Research Network, and lymphatic... that has to do with lymphedema. You know, it's me and Kathy Bates, the actress, Steve Gutenberg actually was the one who presented me with the award everything's like on phone. (audience reacting) Anyway, so I have that award and to raise awareness about lymphedema, which a lot of you all made fun of me and my feet and stuff like that. Maybe you still do, I don't know. I have a disease and these people, Kathy Bates has it, and Steve doesn't have it, but Steve has family who has it. It's so underdiagnosed and so overlooked by the medical community even. I told you I had to go from doctor to doctor to doctor. Everybody was like, "Take a water pill, do this, get massages." Finally, I went to the right doctor and I was diagnosed and my feet are now two sizes bigger than they were, not because they grew in length. but because of the swelling, which they don't swell, they're actually hard, I told you that. It's permanent, it's not going away. So I have to get a bigger sneaker so that they open up wider and keep them tied. You know my situation. I go to the airport, I don't walk through, you see me in the wheelchair, there I is. I mean, am. (audience laughing) Anyway, so on April 17th though, we are having the lymph walk for charity. We're trying to raise awareness and money for the cause and I do have a team and we'll be walking virtually. And for me, it'll probably be to the mailbox at my building. No, because you know, I can barely walk out of here, you want me to be in a walk-a-thon. Bates has it up here so she can walk, she can run. I got it down here. Get the wheelchair, please. Anyway, but go to Wendyshow.com for all of the details. And thank you so much for my award, I honor it. I honor it. (audience applauding) Now here goes Bow Wow. Okay. He's going to include future son when co-parenting. Now if you recall, Bow Wow and Future both have the same baby's mother Joie Chavis. I know it sounds so messy. Bow Wow discussed it with our friend, Jason Lee. Hi, Jason. At HollywoodUnlocked.com or Hollywood Unlocked that's Jason's show. Take a look at Bow Wow. Would you support her other kid the same way you support your daughter with her? Absolutely, hell yeah. I look at it like when the kids are involved, it's just a part of the situation. You know what I'm saying? I think if it's all about the kids, it is family orientated, and I'm prepared for whatever it is in the future that I'm supposed to be prepared for as far as my duty is being the best dad that I can be. So if that's... you know, Shai's 17 years old and her little brother's nine, he want to roll, he want to go to six flags, and we have no problems. Let's pack it up and let's move. At the end of the day, it is family and that's her brother. And that's what's... (audience applauding) I like Bow Wow, but I'm of suspicious of him as I am of Ray Jay, (audience reacting) not in the same way though, if you know what I'm saying. Ray Jay is in his own lane with me. But I am suspicious of Bow Wow as well, you know? Cause nothing counts before Bow Wow, and we see that on TV. Uh-huh. You know what I mean? Uh-huh. He's very Bow Wow number one. Right. And he's done some really filthy things in front of us on TV. (chuckling) Oh, Bow. But you know what? It's good to attach himself because here's what I think he's thinking, and it's not about the kids even though I know he loves his kid, but Future's kid, this is what this is about. When people can finally go to concerts and Future's ready to tour, Future's a bigger artists than Bow Wow. So if you just said, "Come on tour with me. No, we'll leave the kids at home. You know, this is some bro time. Come on tour with me and you open for me." I think that that's what Bow Wow is massaging the position for. Do you understand what I'm saying, Suss? No, I don't understand. You think that's completely two separate crowds, I don't think he's going to try to do that. Bow Wow has a female crowd. Future's more like TURNiP Trap. I don't know. But you know what, but if Bow Wow only did a half a song, I didn't say do a full set. You know what I mean? Or Bow Wow play DJ or something like that. Can I be honest? Because I know we disagree on this. I think if Bow Wow get on that stage with his records, it would be a movie. But it's two different crowds, a movie. I think people will... I think females like his records. Well but girls also like Future. Yeah, they do. And girls... But these are crowds. Yeah, but girls are tougher these days. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I hear you. They pack heat and their ankles. (laughing) Girls these days, they do the same thing as guys do. Why are there some females clapping to that? I don't know. I'm not approving of this. (laughing) So what about Bow Wow opening for Future, doing a little set, and their two dads with the kids and the kids are at home. Doesn't that sound lovely? Yeah, I think if you guys share family that's great. to be mature about it and come together and be a family. (audience applauding) Why are you giving me that look, why? (audience laughing) Anyway, so... (laughing) Eddie Murphy's fiance thinks it's important that they get married. Now, wait, now, hold on. They've been engaged for three years, so it's long overdue. He's 60 and Paige is 41, and they've been together for nine years but remained engaged for three. So she's coming from somewhere and just so happens, how convenient to fab.com caught up with her at the parking lot. (audience reacting) Take a look. Are you wedding planning with Eddie? Not yet. Not yet? Yep, not yet. Do you like after all this time, does a wedding even matter or is it still kind of important to have a wedding? It's just more important. Yeah. (mumbling) Eh, I don't think Eddie cares about really getting married. He cared about giving her the ring because the ring matters to a lot of girls, including me. You know, a ring means a lot, but after three years you kind of know in your mind, "Okay, we're not getting married, but I have two kids by him. He's got a good heart. He's going to take care of his kids and he's going to take care of me. Cause I'm the one who takes care of the kids." Now Eddie's got 10 children. (laughing) Yes, 10! Oh, and this is Mel B Spice's daughter with him. Yeah. But he's got 10 children and we never hear any complaints from the children. And he's doing really well with his career and saving money and all that other kind of stuff. And we always see he and Paige go in and get coffee. Those two love coffee. (audience laughing) They love coffee. And so if they get married great, if they don't, Paige, I bet you Eddie's got you covered no matter what. (upbeat music)
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 350,220
Rating: 4.7925501 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, la reid, pebbles, vanessa williams, tamar braxton, bow wow, future
Id: wJA8A7GAyZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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