Tall Agrarian Ocean Paradise - Stellaris Meta Builds

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looks like there's only one loose end now [Music] please let's have a little respect for public transportation you came back you were right roxanne i never should have left i i thought you were dead my death was greatly exaggerated stellaris aquatic species pack has just dropped we've got a whole host of new content today i'm going to be bringing to you a new meta build i'm going to say it's an off meta build actually we're going to combine some of the civics traits and ethics that have been allowed to go a little dusty on the shelf all thanks to the use of the brand new origin and that is ocean paradise ocean paradise is going to allow us hopefully to build a very very tall empire it's not quite a one planet challenge empire although everything important happens on the capital we will be producing all of our resources there all of our research there all of our alloys there it is going to be very very crazy but we should be able to stand toe to toe with some of the more powerful builds in the current solaris meta for those of you that love agrarian idol that love catalytic processing that love food you are in for a treat today and if you enjoy this video please farm that like button welcome to the andari mandate a little bit of a wacky build we're mixing together quite a few things that i've not really had the opportunity to mix together before and we've mixed some off meta elements with some new things from stellaris aquatic species pack and we've got a a real strange combination so what is the the crux of this one it starts off with the origin and that is the new origin ocean paradise ocean paradise means that your home world will start as an ocean world with lots of food deposits we're actually going to get the option to build up to i believe it's 24 food districts agriculture districts as well as bonuses to happiness pop growth speed and output this planet is basically going to function like a gaia world it's basically going to be an almost guy world and it's very close to a gaia world star because we have no guaranteed habitable planets however we still have the ocean world preference so if we find any wet climate worlds or ocean worlds we will be able to colonize them due to the origin we must take the aquatics trait that is free in terms of points and what does it do well it increases our ocean habitability by 20 percent not really a big deal on our home world but that means any other ocean world we will have 100 habitability on it also reduces our housing usage by 10 percent i've offset that by taking solitary so we basically got no change to housing there giving us an extra free point all of our basic resources food energy and mineral outputs on every ocean world go up by 10 and then we get some big negative modifiers on non-wet worlds and we get some hull strength modifiers from all of our animals of plus 10 the other traits i've taken agrarian you'll see why i've gone for that in a moment usually quite a portrait but in this case it's going to be pretty essential to our empire build intelligent that'll boost all of our research very important natural engineers that means we're going to be getting plus 25 engineering research output that is going to help us get all of our ship technologies unlocked and then unruly because it's almost a free pick if we jump over to government ethics now you'll see that i've got some strange things catalytic processing came in in lem and apart from some wacky interactions with machine empires wasn't really that powerful now we're going to try and change all that so agrarian idol that means that all of our basic resource districts get plus one housing and all of our farmers produce two amenities in addition every four agriculture districts will grant us a single building slot that's going to be useful that means at the start of the game we're going to get a very very large number of agriculture districts on our home world which will give us one free building slot at least meaning that this will function very close to functional architecture in the very beginning we do have to be pacifist in order to take that so that is a minor issue meaning we cannot have unrestricted war we can still of course turn other empires into tributaries or vassals and then integrate those vassals we do get some stability which is nice xenophobe here we want this extra pop growth speed that's going to be important and starbase influence cost reduction is going to help as well finally i've thrown in authoritarian here just for a little bit of extra influence and worker pop resource output as well as allowing us to use the stratified economy living standard this is our off meta dolphinoid empire let's dive in so this is our starting world it is a chunky world it is size 30 and it has the ocean paradise modifier that gives us plus 15 happiness plus 10 pop growth speed and plus 5 resources from jobs as you can see it is very very close to a gaia world we do start off with six agriculture districts which is giving us an extra building slot and we've got many many pops working those farmer jobs if we actually look at the beginning of the game we're going to be starting with a whopping 82 food you will want to be running a militarized economy right from the get-go that is going to be very useful here it's also good to change to isolationist diplomatic stance so what you'll want to do on your capital world i would recommend building an autocathon monument to start with that's going to help boost your unity production you will need at least one of those if not two as the game goes on and then more research labs as well you want to as you get the opportunity increase the industrial districts on your home world you want to get that up to a nice solid six or seven along with the alloy building now this part does have a little bit of random number generation involved what we are going to do is when we find some worlds we are going to colonize them for instance this world here is a size 16 arctic world which for us will have zero percent habitability a bit of a shame that we didn't find any continental worlds but we are still going to make use of this planet and if we find a couple of other planets they will be very useful as well i have now found a tropical world as well that was only four jumps away from our home system because we have an influence cost reduction when we are building our outpost it is quite easy to get over here as well as the fact that on our capital we are building up more industrial districts we are going to be getting more alloys produced another key benefit of the ocean paradise start is that you start off in a nebula and we can definitely take advantage of that as soon as you unlock zero g refineries which is a very early technology you will get access to the star based building nebula refinery it is imperative that you build this to increase your mineral production to allow you to build more buildings you should place this nebula refinery down on every starbase that you have inside of your starting nebula in my case that is three nebular refineries meaning i'm getting an extra plus 30 minerals now i've done something a little odd we're about 20 years into the game 20 to 22 years into the game and what i've done is i have moved my capital this planet delphine's eddie is no longer our capital instead i have picked one of my other worlds and i have used the move capital button and spent 250 influence why have i done that well i've done that in order to designate this world as a forge world that has allowed me to shift all of my specialists into this catalytic technician job you will lose 10 amenities on your home when this happens so make sure you have distributed luxuries first that's going to be very helpful to keep your amenities balanced and you will also lose all of your artisans on your capital for that reason you should make sure on some of the rubbish worlds you set up a few artisan buildings that way you're going to be able to ride this out without too much of a problem you should have been building up many many consumer goods i have currently got a stockpile of a thousand to tie us over for the next 10 years until we get to 22.30 and we go on the aggressive due to agrarian idol we do have 26 amenities on our capital here that is also very much helping us balance out any amenity issues and here is the fleet that i've managed to construct we've got about 11k worth of ships that's 70 destroyers now it is 22.30 this would be the point to go to war in some sort of multiplayer game 11 000 uh worth of destroyers isn't a massive amount by by any measure that there are better builds which can output more ships absolutely but time is on your side with this build as time goes on you will research more technology you will be able to start terraforming or finding ocean worlds or regular wet worlds and you will be able to continue expanding outwards the reason this is better than a guy world start where you could do roughly the same thing is that we still have the habitability on wet worlds they're still 100 or 60 percent and we're getting some great bonuses there this build is definitely a very tall build we have the focus on a single world which is producing the majority of our resources we've mainly only colonized those other worlds partly for the artisans but in the majority so we could get out some extra pop growth and migrate those pops back to our capital here back to delphine's eddie as the game progresses you could quite comfortably turn your size 30 plus world into an acumenopolis that would have a massive number of forged arcologies at its disposal if you'd like to know more about acumenopolis planets click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 134,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, stellaris lem, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris tall, stellaris meta, stellaris meta builds, stellaris tall build, stellaris tall build 2021, stellaris aquatics, stellaris meta empires, stellaris tall empire, stellaris tall empire build
Id: ZSDxh9N_fgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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