Clone Army Rush - Stellaris Meta Builds

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the shroud of the dark side has fallen [Music] begun the clone war has i've spent a few days testing this out i have tried to improve my build order and i'll be running you through a bit of that build order today to try and point you in the right direction to achieve similar results the results i am about to show off now we have seen before them shattered ring was massively powerful you can get up to 1.4 k technology by 22.30 i'd like to say that thankfully i've managed to break that record i am now going to be showing you today uh some builds and some run-throughs that are more powerful than pre-lamb shattered ring if you only knew the power of the dark side they've taken away one of our fantastic origins one of our overpowered origins and they've replaced it with an even more powerful origin now i hope that in the hotfix next week they reduce some of this insane pop growth that we've been getting it is absolutely bonkers you can get across your empire up to plus 50 pop growth on your planet in total with this start that is nuts you can comfortably get to almost 100 pops by 22.30 you can comfortably get to 78 or 90 in the early 20s and with those pops you can do a lot now on top of that you can also go down the clone ascended path uh of course that is going to give you even more bonuses and make it even stronger if you enjoy this video please caress that like button if i get even one like i will promise to bring you a crazy build with merchants this is the build i'm going to be showing off today now the first thing i want to say that is very important is that the build itself here doesn't really matter so much the important part is clone army that's going to be giving us a fantastic number of pops fantastic fire rate reduced ship upkeep all of those brilliant brilliant things now i am running technocracy which was very powerful prelim now it's a little less powerful there's a higher consumer good upkeep but we're just going to have to manage that today something that is very very important though is you almost always i think want to run functional architecture with your clone army those vats are going to use up extra building slots and you really do need building slots to be able to provide enough jobs for all of your clones in terms of ethics i've gone fanatic materialist just for the technocracy and i've also gone militarist because that'll give us some bonuses with regards to researching ships we're going to get bigger modifiers to roll for specific ship classes and as well as that it will increase the fire rate now the first build i actually ran was egalitarian uh there's lots of other different things you could try as well in terms of traits i've gone with pretty simple intelligent traditional charismatic and then also unruly and solitary important to note here that solitary really isn't going to affect you because you don't have pop growth so solitary would normally affect pops by reducing the available planetary capacity on a planet because your pops would take up more housing and this is the post lem update of course but with our clones we really don't matter so let's dive in of course you're going to want to take your ships strip them for alloys and use those alloys pretty immediately and uh and i would also recommend of course unemploying your bureaucrats while you can right at the start too now what are the important things we've got here so with your clone army origin your biggest resource is actually your population you're not going to have any issues in terms of number of pops to work jobs what you are going to have issues with is building slots districts and having enough jobs for your pops right now at the start of the game if we unpause and let it run for a single month so we can get some of that pop assembly going you'll see exactly what i'm talking about so here we are we're now at plus 14 assembly which means in seven months we'll have gained our first additional pop we'll have gone from 28 to 29. the next one's going to take another seven months etc etc now this is all down to the clone ancient clone vats that we have in the center here these clone vats are really really good they only take 90 days to build 510 minerals monthly upkeep of five energy and you get organic pop assembly to grow your clone pops important to note per clone vat on a planet ancient clone vat you can only have 20 clone soldiers so that means that for each one of these vats you could have multiples of 22 on our capital we have two we can get up to 40 clones before we start getting declining happening and that can be really bad we'll look at that in a bit now these vats provide different levels of organic pop assembly based on the number of pops we have on the planet that means when we hit 30 when we actually hit a 31 to 32 parts will be the trigger we'll reach a point where our organic pop assembly decreases from 14 to plus 10. that's not something we want on our capital so it's going to be very important for us actually to build an additional clone vat on the capital in order to keep our pop growth as high as possible that's also going to push us to the point where we're getting plus 10 pop growth per uh ancient clone vat so you're going to be getting 30 pop growth meaning you'll get a pop every three to four months on your capital absolutely bonkers i would also recommend using some of those early alloys converting them to energy credits and then taking a governor with architectural interest so that's now going to mean on my capital here i've got a minus 10 from that i'm also getting a minus 10 from my civic here uh functional architecture sorry minus 15 with the new lem update apologies about that it's even better but that's going to reduce the cost of building new buildings so if we look here our our research labs are only 300 minerals rather than the usual number which is quite a bit higher i would recommend that at month three you begin building your first research lab that is going to be really useful you won't be getting that science way up in there way up into the stratosphere around month 9 you'll want to build your first colony ship now it's important to build this ship early we want to take it early send it out to our habitable planet get it down on the ground so we can put a clone vat on that planet and start getting even more clones after you build your first research lab i then recommend building some energy districts that's going to be really helpful we need to push our energy production up and we also need to make sure we have lots of jobs available for all of these clones we're going to start spawning so at the moment we've we've already got an extra pop let's let them be a clerk and we're going to get another one in three more months so queuing up uh this generator district is going to be really useful at the start of the game we can use those energy credits to buy the minerals we need and it's actually more efficient to have two workers a working technician jobs converting that to minerals than it is to just have your regular workers working those minor jobs with traditions i would recommend discovery and supremacy the discovery to start followed by supremacy and then in the middle there possibly something like mercantile just so he can grab this adaptive economic policies around the middle and with pro or possibly prosperity uh for the extra plus 20 mining station but you don't want to complete either prosperity or mercantile however discovery to start with that is one spicy meatball followed by supremacy so you can go on the aggressive later when you hit at 30 pops around 2202 to 2203 you will then want to build a another ancient clone vat as you can see i've actually got quite a few generated districts here as well those are really supporting my economy at the moment so don't build this clone vat too early this third clone of that on your capsule but when you do build it you're going to be getting phenomenal pop growth i'm now getting plus 30 pop growth per month here on my capital in 2203 this is bonkers the next thing that is really important is your home world make sure that you begin the excavation site on your capital as soon as possible if you can get an archaeologist a scientist with the archaeologist uh increase that speed that is really good but i would basically recommend you take either your your highest level or almost highest level scientist pop them on that archaeology site and try to get through this as fast as possible now don't be too worried that your science i mean we're at 22 10 now my science is only 183 that seems for some sort of broken or rush build that seems quite low but don't worry because we are only at 58 pops once we get to 90 pops once we get to 95 pops in the next five to 10 years or a little bit longer actually but that is when we're going to be really exploding at some point after you finish the excavation site you're going to come to a genetic crossroads now you can do one of two things you can either go the clone fertility and then all of your clone bats will be destroyed we've only got 76 pops yet we haven't hit that max of a hundred so clone fertility is not going to be so great for us or on the other hand we can go with clone potential i'm going to recommend you go with clone potential if you're attempting to go for a rush build let's look at why so i went with clone potential and now i have clone ascendant so let's go and jump in and look at our pops we started off with clone soldier and now we've got clone soldier ascendant what does that give us plus 40 pop ruler pop resource output plus 25 specialist pop resource output holy mother of job that is a whole lot of bonus now of course we are a technocracy which means we have access to the science directors that also means that these science directors are getting really big bonuses we are going from plus five of each uh science category to plus 10.5 with these science directors they are each producing 30. we've got three colonies that's 90 science just from three pops wow we're also getting quite a few researchers now you do of course want to get this clone ascendancy as quickly as you can if you're going to go down that path if you're going to go down the other path that's really not what i'm looking at here today i'm looking at trying to maximize the utility of these clone pops that we have you're also going to start noticing on your capital where you've got three ancient clone vats you'll have some jobs issues uh so here on this planet i have one worker unemployed and i'm actually i've run out of districts i'm full up on districts i have a locked building slot i'll probably replace this agriculture district with a city district when i have the minerals and then build another research lab here on this slot but that is uh that is going to be a problem now what can we do to combat this well we've got a bunch of clerks they're pretty crap we don't even need them so what i would recommend you do around 22 20 roughly you are going to want to when you've got plenty of jobs on this planet here on your your your third world second or third world build demolish the ancient clone vat on your capital build a clone vat here and then manually resettle all of the pops to bring you back down to 40 from your capital to that other world of your worlds you are going to want to make sure at this point you can either go one of two routes and i'm going to look into i'm going to show you where each of those can take you but you can either start going alloy focused at this point around 22 15 and you can pump up your alloy production on one planet i'm probably going to do that here on this one or you can go research focused and attempt to push your research up to crazy crazy levels now real 423 research here i am going to build another couple of research labs probably an additional one here and one more there just so i can get up to around 500 because each of my researchers they are adding if i if i go and take a look at them what are they adding well each researcher is adding plus plus 24 science so two researchers is plus 50 science two more labs is plus a hundred science that's crazy levels because of all those bonuses here we are it's 20 to 30 just a month or two past that and we have gone really heavy down here i built extra research labs i've then demolished them i've made sure to get lots and lots of alloy production it looks quite low at the moment but that's because i'm selling off a lot of alloys to balance my economy as i'm holding on to quite a large fleet so we've got a balanced economy overall as you can see here the we're now at um we're now at balanced energy and uh these ships are really quite good we have cruisers and we've got cruisers with kinetic batteries i pushed hard on tech for another five years before easing off the gas pedal so to speak on tech and pushing it back into alloys and holy moly uh i did manage to research kinetic batteries these weapons are going to be really powerful at 22.30. we have over 20k we have what do we have here 22 000 fleet power worth of ships we've got cruisers we are doing really well this fleet could take on any other empire necrophage would have a hard time only one of some of the best necrophage players in the multiplayer meta would be able to compete with this at 22.30 and this is my first attempt okay so uh that's that's really quite wild i did get a bit of luck i rolled the the alloy forge tech quite early in 2215 2216. that was quite lucky and i've made sure as well of course to get the retired fleet officer and i've also gone with the fleet expansion uh agenda to reduce that build cost even further stand aside void dwellers stand aside ring world we have a new top dog it can even supplant necrophage and as you can see i didn't even do everything perfectly this this this run through actually i didn't move my ancient clone vats from my capital to another world like i suggest you do i did that in other run-throughs and i've got six unemployed pops these are useless pops that i'm not using and seven clerks 13 pops that could have gone into even more alloys even higher fleet production you could use that fleet to do whatever you want you can go out and conquer your neighbors grab their pops and that then does away with your pop growth issue in addition of course you could build some robots but you want to have bio pop growth too obviously now you could also just use migration treaties to get some of those pops but that's the boring option there are of course exploits as well in the game at the moment for instance if you uh build a if you go biological ascension and build a regular clone vat on your planet and then demolish all of the other vats you retain that extra an additional biological assembly speed i tested that out the other day i could be wrong actually i'll have to check my notes but and if you think i am wrong if you think definitely please comment down below and tell me that that i i've got it wrong and i'll post a pinned comment about that now let's go down a slightly different path the path uh not taken i'd like to say and this is at 2215 i diverged i didn't go for an alloy focus i went for a technology focus and oh my goodness we've now got plus 1.43 k worth of tech that knocks the previous ring world prelim out of the park we have let's look at our planets we have 20 researchers six researchers 14 researchers and actually we've also got one roboticist because i just want to make the point here that if i was going to go down this route the tech rush i would actually go with probably go with the robotics and then some form of synthetic ascension though i wouldn't want to synthetically ascend my primary species but i would probably be be forced to do that as you can't modify them we actually uh we've got that we have a balanced economy i've got a whole bunch of relics i didn't even bother using i didn't need to this is massively massively powerful it's just silly i mean [Music] what have we got in terms of technology we we have researched where are we here we are we've got uh we've got droids we've got cruisers we've got the whole shebang this is bonkers um i i don't know how to put it other than that plus 1.4 k tech at 22.30 you know clone army origin that is now the way to go absolutely and i could shift this now after after spending a few years pushing into tech i could then shift it into alloy production uh demolish some of these research complexes build up some industrial districts push into that sort of thing [Music]
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 137,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Stellaris nemesis, stellaris gameplay, stellaris meta builds, stellaris meta, stellaris clone army, stellaris clone army origin, stellaris clone army origin build, montu plays, montu plays stellaris
Id: W2u17N5Ug0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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