The Mystery Behind Binding Vows in Jujutsu Kaisen

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binding vows or as the viz team likes to call them pcts are essentially just the ability to make a deal with someone using jiutu like a legal contract to ensure that a certain agreed upon goal is met when speaking of binding vows there are usually two types of binding vows there are The self-imposed Binding vows which are usually used to give up something of your own in exchange for strengthening a different one of your qualities these can even be unintentionally made like how an open barrier domain usually has a far bigger maximum range than a closed one because open barrier domains allow their opponents to escape which is this advantageous so you gain more effective range in exchange another automatic or unintentional binding vow is how when you explain your curse technique to your opponent it becomes more effective in exchange the fans have dubbed this the revealing one's hand binding vow since opponents usually have no reason to explain their abilities to each other they could use that to try and land a bunch of cheap blows but if your ability becomes more effective by revealing it it suddenly creates a reason for characters to want to explain their techniques lowkey it's also just a really clever writing tool that Giga akutami uses to allow characters to explain their abilities to the audience without losing their suspension of disbelief an example of an intentional self-imposed binding vow would be like nanami's overtime here nanami limits his maximum amount of cursed energy that can be used and outputed during work hours to around 80 to 90% if he's still working after those quote unquote regular hours he'll regain access to his actual cursed energy limits and the cursed energy that was limited from use during work hours will be added on to his actual limit resulting in a significant boost in performance according to the Jiu-Jitsu kaison fan book this boost is around 110 to 120% depending on how much he held back during work hours that day now when it comes to making a binding vow at yourself there's no outside party determining the value the pacts might seem reasonable to us as readers but in universe who says so I think that this is one of the first mysteries of binding vows because if it simply is that the sorcerer has to believe that it's reasonable then it would open up an entire realm of possibilities of untapped potential like say if Gojo really felt like he needed his six eyes to navigate the world and he made a binding vow that for 1 second in battle they'd shut down after saying a certain phrase then he could if he finds it reasonable enough of course gain some incredibly powerful boost in return or like hakari intentionally stalling a jackpot in a dire situation only to land it again on the very next role except now gaining a longer jackpot timer the other option is that there's either some other Godly Authority determining if it's reasonable or that every sorcerer has an innate feeling like a six sense for binding vows determining it so that the instant the sorcerer thinks of Any Given binding vow they just know if it's reasonable I'm personally leaning more towards the idea that sources just need to believe in it themselves my reason for this is that hak's body with full cursed energy reserves after landing a jackpot wasn't durable enough to block a single one of Kimo's lightning bolts yet when he gave up his arm thus losing the ability to cast domain again that energy was suddenly enough to make him durable enough to survive an explosion of lightning blasts credit goes to business glad 4188 on Reddit for the idea of this mystery coming back to the two types of binding vows the second type are The Binding vows between two or more parties which are most commonly used when trading goods or services making a deal with someone who is a jiujitsu practitioner doesn't inherently mean that it's a binding vow when making a binding vow with someone else you have to actually specify that you and the other party are entering into a pact a good example of this is how mimiko and nanako agreed to help Kaku until the enacting of the Shibuya incident if Kaku returns sugu gto's body to them what ended up happening was that Kaku was just able to ignore this deal without any repercussions since they never actually specified into entering a binding vow something else of note is that if a binding vow is created to Grant a service for one party the other party does have the option to willingly reject the payment afterwards doing this ends The Pact such was the case at the end of volume zero where UTA made a binding vow with the queen of curses ra that he would give up his own life and join her in the afterlife in exchange for ra gaining more power to beat ghetto however after ra kept up her end of the deal she didn't want UT to keep up his end because she was content with getting a few extra years of Life by living as a curse and so the binding vow was successfully terminated now this next part is unconfirmed but it might be that if an outside party tries to interfere with what was stipulated in a binding vow that you might be forced to try and stop that outside party from interfering what I'm referring to specifically is that hakari made a pact with Kashima that in exchange for his points and support that kosimo would get to fight ranuka now as Kashima is about to fight suuk and finally get his end of the bargain it looks like Ur was about to interfere hakari then immediately jumps Ur with a domain expansion to stall their arrival and let kosimo get his fight it might be that if kosimo died without getting to fight sukuna that hakari technically broke their binding vow and thus he had to play a sort of facilitator role in making sure that kosimo got what was agreed upon lastly when making binding vows with two or more parties multiple people can happen to be in a single party even cursed Spirits can enter into these types of binding vows if they're conscious enough to understand that they're entering one another recent example in the anime being that mechamaru was the mole providing information to one of the higher ups for Kaku and mahito as long as they don't hurt any of the Kyoto students and in exchange mahito provides the service of reshaping kichi muta's body to what he'd have actually been if he weren't affected by Heavenly restriction speaking of heavenly restriction did you know that Heavenly restriction is also a form of a binding vow Kaku alludes to as much and it functions on the same basis of gain and loss furthermore the jiujitsu kaisen fan book solidifies it too roughly translated and keeping the viz terminology in mind the passage goes a binding that is forced on the body at birth is called a Heavenly restriction and in exchange for that restriction powerful effects can be obtained we know that binding refers to binding vow since in the manga the term Shibari is used for binding vows and is once again used here Heavenly restriction operating on a basis of Equivalent Exchange or gain and loss means that the reward you get out of it is only as valuable as what you gave up to get it in the case of toi and Maki zenin they lose the ability to generate cursed energy Al together and in exchange gain a physically gifted body in the case of kukii muta he loses most of his bodily autonomy in exchange for gaining a far greater range at which he can perfectly control his cursed energy and his stealing for cursed energy output is drastically boosted as well it's not explained how someone gains a Heavenly restriction so it's unknown if it's self-imposed or created with a secondary party what's so mysterious about Heavenly restriction is that if it were self-imposed you could basically give it up in exchange for losing the thing that you gained Kaku even says that that much is possible to mahito not only that but if it were self-imposed you could basically make all the regular humans do it and they'd stop generating cursed Spirits like Yuki and ghetto wanted yet it appears to be much more complicated than that especially when you consider that there were more physically gifted Heavenly restriction users in the past but toji was the first ever to have zero cursed energy instead of low or small amounts of cursed energy so are Heavenly restrictions then binding vows with multiple parties involved personally I'm leaning towards no in chapter 11 while inside of his innate domain sukina makes it clear to Yuji that it is impossible to force someone into a binding vow they have to willingly agree to it and since Heavenly restrictions are usually placed onto babies at Birth it would seem strange to me that a baby would have the ability to consent to putting themselves under Heavenly restriction secondly if a binding vow involves giving up something for another what would this secondary party gain or lose from putting someone else under Heavenly restriction the only thing that I can think of is that they'd have to exchange their life and in exchange the baby would be put under Heavenly restriction for the rest of them their life but this is still missing the consent element the other part about binding vows that's so mysterious to me is that we still don't know what happens when you break one for The self-imposed Binding vows it's pretty simple whatever you gave up you now regain and you lose whatever you initially gain in exchange essentially resetting everything to before The self-imposed Binding vow was created but for The Binding vows regarding multiple parties it's a lot more complicated Kaku says that you can indeed have the prior mentioned things happen but that there is a far greater penalty for breaking one that even he doesn't know about personally I think that Kaku does know but that he was simply withholding this information from mahito for his own personal benefit but clearly there must be some truth to what he is saying because even sukad the king of curses himself is afraid of the penalty of breaking a binding vow as he does his absolute best not to break the conditions of his in chain binding valet Yuji and though Kaku and sukuna aren't necessarily the best of friends sukuna does allow Kaku to stick around with him for protection most likely for the service that Kaku provided for sukuna a thousand years ago he split his soul into the 20 fingers so just what is it that makes it so scary to break a binding vow what could the consequences possibly be that even Rian sua himself himself is afraid to such a degree I do hope that we get some answers to this at some point in the story initially I thought that Yuji being forced to forget about the enchain binding vow would make him instinctually resist allowing suca to take over and thus breaking The Binding vow in the process I thought that we'd get to see the consequences here and that that would be how sukina freed himself from Yuji what we got instead was that sukina found a loophole in the specific wording allowing him to free himself from Yuji perhaps it could be that once you agree into a binding vow with someone that you physically cannot break it this would explain how Yuji actually couldn't resist sua coming out within chain when he normally can it would explain how yui lost any recollection of The Binding vow being made yet he specifically remembered to not be allowed to resist sua at the moment of the chant lastly it would also explain why Heavenly restriction users can't quote unquote break their paact because they are compelled to be physically unable to break the PCT in other words the consequence for breaking a binding vow is that you aren't able to break it in the first place actually guys I lied earlier I said that the consequences of breaking a binding vow with yourself is that you only lose what was gained but during the editing of this video Chapter 244 came out in this chapter we were told that a long time ago we were actually introduced to a new type of binding vow see at the end of the Shia incident Kasumi miwa tries to slice Kaku with her sword and Kaku easily manages to block it with his bare hands during that slash miwa talks about giving it her all even if it means she could never swing a katana again initially I and most other fans thought that she just meant that she was physically overexerting herself as in that she would swing so hard hard that she could possibly tear a muscle or so resulting in her not being able to wield a katana anymore but it actually turns out that Mi made a binding vow with herself during that moment to try and boost her power meaning that from that point onward she isn't allowed to wield a katana from this I can discern that there are two types of self-imposed binding vows the first being ones where you initially give up something now and get your reward later and the other being where you get the reward first and then have to give up something later seeing as that we know for a fact that the self-imposed binding vs where you give up something first work on equivalent exchange it could very well be that self-imposed binding vs where you get your reward first are way weaker since the binding technically has no way to know what would be an equivalent reward seeing as you could just break it at any time after right furthermore this now brings up the problem of what happens when you break the vow technically speaking if you were to apply the rule that breaking self-imposed binding vows don't result in a penalty what is stopping miwa from just grabbing a katana again does time rewind and whatever boost you got at that point disappear or do you suffer a sort of penalty after all the only thing that us getting this miwa explanation in chapter 244 did was create even more questions coming back to the conversation that Kaku had with mahito the way how some people interpreted what Kaku says is that the consequences for breaking a binding vow may be grave but it doesn't necessarily mean that it has to happen instantly meaning that there could be a possibility that the consequences for breaking a binding vow could happen right now it could happen later today it could happen tomorrow it could happen next week or it could happen in a couple of years I also think that it was really interesting how Kaku made binding vows with a bunch of different curs spirit spirits to get them to enter his calling game and then as soon as he gained gto's body he was able to use Cur Spirit manipulation to force them into nulling their vows meaning that even though you can't force someone to enter a pact it is possible to force them to exit it if your curse technique allows for it but what do you guys think do you think that the Mysteries behind the mechanics of binding valves will ever be fully explained and what do you guys think could be some possible answers or explanations to the Mysteries I presented in this video let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below if you like this type of content please be sure to comment like subscribe as more content is on the way your support is always much appreciated see [Music] you
Channel: ShinyNumber1
Views: 126,009
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Id: 8fHv58TTGLM
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Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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