Talking Faith: Faith Puts You in Command

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all right all right you're ready already already um right very good all right we are going to get started uh we're here for another wonderful time of faith praise god wonderful time of faith um now we're going to talk about a couple of things here i want to use a couple of references that i brought with me um and again we're just going to relax you know and have have a good time um the biggest the biggest thing is that we've we've got to we've got to take this and use it you know the bible talks in james james chapter one about being a hearer of the word not a doer you know james i think starting at james chapter 1 verse 22 and that you do that in in in [Music] you do or you'll be blessed in your deed uh hebrews chapter 5 says if you not adore the word you'll forget what you were taught and you have to be taught again see these these these are spiritual truths there's the spiritual truth they they don't hang around they are designed to convert you convert your soul and once they convert your soul now you could you you retain them but until that time the conversion of your soul then you know you have to take it hear it hear it again kind of a double here which says you know once twice have i spoken or something like that in book of psalms but it's talking about you you've got to hear it you know until it gets down in here now once it gets down in here now and and converts your soul then it's yours you know you you you own it um [Music] i think he said something in deuteronomy chapter 29 and verse 29 now we haven't started yet i'm just going over some things because it gets started we'll you know we'll be just fine and thank you uh again for coming in i think you're going to be blessed by this session today the deuteronomy 29 and let's see in verse 29 he says the secret things belong to the lord our god but the things which are revealed belonging to us and to our children forever that we may do all the words of the law so the secret things belong to the lord things that you can't see the things that are revealed belong to you and so it's so important to get what we call revelation or discernment and we're going to talk about that a little bit today because it's not easy you can grow in faith just like that and a lot of people think it'd take all these years and so forth and so no no no it doesn't so let's uh let's have a word of prayer and then we'll go into this word father we come before you the name of jesus thank you so much for the word today thank you for the anointing on me and these slips of clay that i speak this word with excellence accuracy and boldness asking you think through my mind speak to my lips and this word will come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force we give you praise call it done in jesus name amen uh okay let me just make sure i got all my equipment here praise god they get up real early and get the word then i go play tennis then i come back and shower and then review the word and then i'm coming to you praise god amen got to keep that exercise up very important um all right let's uh if you will let me see where i want you to start let's go to romans romans chapter 10. romans chapter 10. now i'm not sure just what we would call this this morning or today just you know we're still calling it you know growing it growing your faith i think we can do it with that all right romans chapter 10 and let's start reading here at verse 8. but what saith that the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in our heart that is the word of faith which we preach no underline word of faith which we preach that if thou shalt confess without mouth the lord jesus and believe in thy heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with a heart man believeth unto righteousness and with a mouth confession is made unto salvation when he says heart he's it's referring to the inner man now that's what the bible calls it i know it's women in men but he calls it the inner man he calls it the hidden man of the heart and that's what paul calls it in in the in the uh in the scriptures so we call it the same thing so faith is an inner man issue it's an inner person issue okay not out now one ounce of faith comes out of your head but what your head does contain is your will contains your mind will emotions intellect and imagination so it contains a will which one man says the most powerful force in the universe i think i showed you that last time um one of the books by um well i'll think of it in a minute but but but this this will allows the switch to be turned on or turned off see god you know doesn't force us meaning that we still have a will that we could either will to be saved or not be saved okay so as we look at this [Music] he says here in verse 11 for the scripture saith whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed now that's in several places in the scriptures okay and shall not if you believe you'll never be put to shame and then uh going on down to verse 11 uh for there verse 12 for there is no difference between the jew and the greek for the same lord [Music] overall is rich into all that call upon him so there's no difference between you jew and degree male and female black or white so forth and so on and sometimes we kind of act like somehow god loves one race more than he loves another race so forth and so on now he does have a a love for and a um priority for the people who are born again these are his children just like you have a priority you love all the little kids but you have a priority for your kid the same thing about god all right now let's keep going here verse 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved now this is where we want to start here let me just uh bring some more of this water here he started preaching boy anybody knows it get out of here devil all right look what it says here for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved then how shall they call on him who if they have not believed how can they how shall they believe on him who they've not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher now that's me and how shall they preach except they be sent that's me too i've been sent i was sent to chicago okay i was sent to your life and come on down here to verse 17 so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god now let's do this first because this this is where i want to start um you have to value the word of god you have to value the word of god now jesus when he when he came in in luke's gospel chapter 4 and jesus started preaching here in verse 18 he said the spirit of the lord is upon me because it anointed me so forth and so on and so on verse 20 and he closed the book and sat down the eyes of all them in synagogue were all them in synagogue were fastened on him he began to say this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears and all bear him witness now it goes on down verse 23 and he said unto them you will surely say unto me uh physician uh of this proverb physician heal thyself then he goes on down and he begins to talk about uh in verse what is this in verse 20. pardon me in verse 24 and he said verily i say unto you no prophetess uh is accepted in his own country no prophet is accepted in his own country but i tell you of a truth many widows were in israel in the days of elias or elijah now he starts talking about when the rain with the heavens was shut up three years and six months and then he says elijah goes to this widow woman and this would have woman who was the one that gave remember him the meals they kept feeding him over in first kings chapter 17 and this wooden woman took care of him now he said there were many people in israel but he went to this widow woman she was outside the covenant she wasn't even in the covenant and then he goes on down and he begins to talk about the fact that this leper was cleansed now he's saying a lot of the people of god didn't get the miracles of god but this leper he was a syrian he wasn't a covenant person of israel but he got it no i'm making a point here because this idea about having uh a value of the word and the value of the profit of the word and i think a lot of people in america don't have this um they don't have it and and i'm going to say that unequivocally now i'm not saying you can't get it or won't get it i'm saying don't have it now if i look over here in mark's gospel mark chapter six and look at mark chapter six i'm making a point here so in mark chapter six let's see where this particular thing starts okay so here's jesus now he went out from thence um and he came into his own country now he is in his own country and it said in verse three is not this the carpenter's son no this is now they're not giving any credit to him being the messiah they they're saying wait a minute this just covered his son i knew him knew when he was growing up he when he was teenager he came down in and fixed my door on the bathroom so forth let's see and then it says in verse 4 but jesus said unto them a prophet is not without honor in his own country and among his own kin can folks and in his own um in his own house all right so notice what he's saying here he is saying you remember aretha franklin i think she put out a a song called a little respect praise god but he he couldn't get any any profits he couldn't get any respect from these people and look what he said in verse 5 and he could there do no mighty works um uh saved that he laid his hand on a few upon a few sick folk and healed them and he marveled because of their unbelief and he went about um around about the village's teaching now notice what happened he's the man of god in this case he's the messiah he is the son of god now he comes and he teaches all this that needs to be taught but they don't get it he's the ones in his own house in his own village they've been around him a lot of times and so forth and so i see more miracles happening through my ministry to people who are not around me that's just the way it is now i really believe the spirit of familiarity keeps people and it it almost disguises itself as a religious spirit you your a religious spirit is the same one in john chapter five after this man got healed this man had been around this pool 38 years everybody knew this man was trying to get healed every year he never got it but once he got healed then what happened is he took up his bed and walked at the command of jesus in the the the the religious leaders so what are you doing carrying your bed they didn't care about this man's healing and that's why you see no miracles right around it right in the hometown right there they don't they don't happen they don't happen and i'm saying to you this let's go back to romans chapter 10 again it's very important this is very important because i i never i never uh whoever it was lester sumrall by the way who said that but about the power of the will but but i i always regard their words carefully careful i regard their words carefully because i know that if i value that word it'll work for me the same as it worked for them if i value their words see the anointing is on it to do for me the same thing it did for them i'm debt-free i'm buying shopping balls hit that anointing the same anointing that's that's that's on the words that i use to do this is the same anointing that's on them if they take it for that you know that that's why sometimes in the ministry you gotta if you got a ministry you could tell tell some of the people who's saying sometimes sit down for about a month you know because they get so busy uh doing all these religious things until there is no capture of the word and it's almost like they grow almost numb and and so forth you try to figure out what happened and and so i don't take this word and i you know take it lightly when it's given to me by one of the men and women of god i remember when i first went to to dr fred price meeting he had a meeting he called the name of the organization vic with them f i c e k so forth so on but it's done for fellowship of inner city word of faith ministries but i went and this way back you know back in 1990 and that's when i went when he was forming the group so i went i did i had to believe god for the money money came in at the last because we didn't have any money my wife and i and family we're just starting we had a little storefront church so forth we didn't have any money so when and i remember i was looking for him to talk you know some big faith talk and so forth and so on and he started talking about how you treat your wife he said some of those ministries are not prospering because you're not paying your taxes all of that you know if they made whoa see see he's trying to say that that god is not mocked you you're not going to make you god doesn't bless mess he he doesn't you you can try to get him but he won't do it he can you can cry and beg and kick over the church you know won't do it so i'm saying a reverent respect for the god's word and a reverend respect for the god person and i'm just saying the the idea about it that they didn't receive him they didn't receive it look what it says in john and john's gospel chapter 1. john's got not first john now but john chapter 1. and look here at verse 12. but as many verse 11 he came to his own and his own received him not watch this but as many as received him to them gave he power to become sons of god see this thing of faith is not hard it just won't answer to religion and it won't answer to presumption it doesn't answer to that now i put down here in my notes that the the the enemy um enemy's target is your faith not you not you the enemy's target is your faith and the reason why it is your faith is because he knows that your faith i said it targeted never never until he can crush your faith he can't stop your progress until he can crush your faith he cannot stop your progress now how does faith come just said we read in romans 10 and so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god now i got to hear the word of god now wait a minute i've got to have faith in the source that gave me that word see he said over in mark chapter 11 verse 22 have faith in god i've got to have faith in the source they gave me that who who told you that see so my ultimate faith is in the word because i know the word is an errant from god and that word if i believe it will carry faith not not not this this is not religion now because religion that's why people you know i can do this i can do that and then when it comes test time they don't pass the test because it wasn't it wasn't faith at all it's presumption it was coming out of religion see religion gives all the signs that somebody's in faith you know shout and kick over the church but so forth and so on nothing nothing faith has proof and don't forget it so here uh until the enemy can crush our faith he knows that we are still in command until he can crush our faith he knows we are still in command command of what everything in our lives everything in our lives you create your own world you create your own world now i i said something um either last wednesday or last sunday that um he god creates the fruits of your lips now you can look at it twice uh two ways it's it's a law of double reference so he can give you what to say when i was in that house with such a beverly uh my wife and and family i was staying there and i knew it was time to move out but we just couldn't save any money every time we tried to save money something would come up i mean something emergency car would break down something so it kept stripping our money from us see now what i need to do is get over in faith see because i'm not in faith see i'm i'm here in time i'm in in this natural material realm of feels touch taste smell you know what a thing that fits the natural mind so i'm over there and over there you can't defeat him you can't that's why nobody who doesn't have faith can defeat the devil i don't care if you're talking about uh bill gates nobody nobody and the only thing that can his target is faith is faith so what happened is that i had to get in command because i wasn't in command all right because he kept stripping me of the little money i had how through fires through and when i say that i mean through conditions and things coming up see i wasn't in charge of my world but faith creates your world and keeps you in charge of it and so what happened is i said okay i'm gonna fast for three days while i'm fasting not to get god to move i'm faster so i could hear god i need to discern something all right now this discernment is kind of interesting let's go over here to first corinthians chapter 2. all right first corinthians chapter 2. now you're getting something out of this all right first corinthians chapter 2. now i'm just saying this because i i played my tape from last sunday i prayed nine o'clock service maybe three times maybe four um the wednesday night i played that once i got to play at least a couple more there's revelation in that now understand things that are uh hidden belong to the lord see but once it becomes revelation it belongs to me and and so i've got to pray it until it drops from here down into this in a man i've got to get this in a man's eyes open to that word all right speaking of eyes open let's let's look at this all right because here's what paul prayed this is in first corinthians chapter one and starting here at verse wait a minute wait wait wait wait i said first corinthians chapter one i i don't wanna i wanna it's in ephesians chapter one but i don't wanna go to that yet he just prayed for this cause i about my needs for father for jesus christ in whom the whole family in heaven and earth his name that you grant me according to the riches of your glory and then he um first corinthians chapter one ah come on if i'm trying to go too fast i'm trying to beat this clock ephesians chapter 1 verse 16. he said he talked about praying for them meaning meaning to churches that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened that they know what is the hope of their calling and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints and what is the greatness of his power to those who believe now notice the eyes of our understanding being enlightened now let's go here and look at this word discernment look at verse 9 first here he says this he says but as it is written the eye hath not seen nor have the uh pardon me he said it is written the eye is not seen nor ear heard and neither has entered into the heart of man the things that god has prepared for them that love him but god has revealed them to to us by his spirit now one of the things of the holy spirit is he to show you things that the world can't see he's to show you answers that the world can't get he's to show you a pathway that the world can't see he's to show you and give you wisdom that the world can't get this is what the holy spirit does that's why it's so important for you to have a relationship with him i kind of go at the same time you know if i'm not up in prayer at a certain time i would fear to wake me up you know i could tell because he wants his time you know and once he did but he's he's a paraclete he's the partner he's uh he's our standby he's and the bible describes him over in john john chapter 14. so and read that in the amplified translation but let's go on down here and look what he said in verse 12 now we've received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us of god now he's talking about something that's freely given now somebody said well you don't have to pay for it well you have to pay faith for it faith is your currency of the kingdom and so you have to pay faith for it so you have faith god will either get you the thing or the thing to get the thing so faith is key for you to be able to access things god has already given you without you having to labor for it you know your labor is in the word of god you get faith and then faith gets the thing all right now look what it said in verse 13 which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teaches but what the holy ghost teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual so it's kind of interesting isn't it so he can't compare spiritual things this is a higher order now but come on down to verse 14 he says but the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of god for their foolishness to him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned now this is again we're walking by faith now we got faith working and now we moving into this area called discernment now faith has to be active to be able to discern that's that's part of the package if you will but discerning is what adam had before he felt he fell to learning and now we have to go to classes class one class two great first grade second grade third grade so far adam didn't have to do that adam could start anywhere and the fact the thing is he just downloaded and you could do that today we have on our website you can download some things see and my point to you is is he didn't have to go to school years to learn something the holy spirit just gave him the answer and he had understanding understanding means how did i get here and understanding comes with the holy spirit he can give you how that thing is to work you know what i mean how is to work that's what he gave to george washington dr george washington carver at tuskegee and he made some 300 products out of a peanut see this is he's pulling things down now he's he's pulling them down because they're all there they're in what we call the eternal that means everything is already done and god did it before the foundation of the world it's for you and me now we have to pull it down and if you pull it down you got to see it got to discern it see now look what happened here and let me give you let me give you a quick definition of that discerning i said this it's information supernaturally revealed from god to the believer let's try it again discern discerning and discern information supernaturally revealed from god to the believer now here you can see now that you can operate much above the world and are much above your own natural mind what you went to school and learned you can discern now you can get information that is supernaturally revealed from god to the believer then that's why you said over here back over here in mark in matthew chapter 13 he talked about unto you is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of god but to them it is not given meaning people outside the kingdom why to give you the advantage why to have you take the lead why to show people who god really is and that kind of thing all right now let's look at this because he says the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of god for their foolishness to him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned let me give you a good example of that well let me just say this first and i'll give you an example god designed you to live and to operate in his class now i say that to people that just well okay praise god you know now you as a child of god can operate in god's ability now that that that clears it up a little bit for you hopefully you as a child of god can operate in god's ability see you you can that the the ability i won't go to the scripture just write it down john chapter 14 verse 10 jesus said that the father in me he doesn't work it's a father in me he does the work and what does jesus do he operates in the ability of god where is god in him what does he do speak like god what does god do do it he doesn't do it god does it the spirit of god waited for god to speak let there be light the spirit of god form light because his job is to manifest the word that's his job and he's god god the father god the son god the holy spirit so when you speak like god and believe what you say it's going to come to pass the holy spirit manifests it now who can do that god can do that only god can do it only god can do it you can operate on god's level and that's what he wanted so you speak god's ready but he won't do it unless you believe and he creates the fruit of your lips the fruit meaning he told me by that shopping mall well it was foolishness to the natural man i know because i said a couple of people over there i said i believe god is telling me to buy that shopping mall this is large 33 acres and they came back and said pastor that's great we can buy that little place on the east end right there i said he didn't say anything about little plates on east end god said by the whole mall oh whoa oh it's foolishness see he's not going to give you something you could do he's giving you something he can do he needs your faith in him and it's what he said for him to do it no faith he doesn't move so now you see why the enemy's target is your faith you can stop him whole that's why i told people hey we got a report for anybody being in in in gekkovit or in in intensive care and so forth let's get them out in three days three days let's get them out why did i pick three days the holy spirit gave them to me i said lord i said why why why three days he said jesus went down in the end came up in three days praise god amen so i said wow he said this is this is a experience that that it's like hell to them going through this and you're coming up in three days see it's something to attach your faith to see you it's it's it's a um it it's it's a it's a it's a faith prop you know what i mean here's a woman here's what she said in mark chapter 5. if i can but touch his clothes i shall be hope notice what she set up she set a point of contact for the release of her faith to bring forth a miracle so that's what i did three days coming out coming out don't care how bad the situation is coming out and that kind of thing so we're we're we're we're here we're really you can see we're going into something here now now this discernment all right let's let's take a a picture of that and look at john john's gospel please in john chapter 6 is a quick picture all right in john chapter 6 notice what happened here not discern it at all through the book of book of the gospel of john all right in john chapter 6 he said in verse 5 and when jesus then lifted up his eyes he saw a great company come to him now notice when he says lifted up his eyes the same thing happened in second king chapter six same thing happened in genesis chapter 22 lifted up his eyes over jesus even preaches about it here over in john chapter 4 look at john chapter 4 and look here at verse 35 and he says say not there yet four months then cometh the harvest he said behold i say unto you lift up your eyes now what is he saying this is discernment this is going beyond your natural vision he's saying wait a minute don't think that you got to wait for october for harvest to harvest it right now lift up your eyes see see he's saying see in the spirit discern it get people ready to get saved right now you got corona out here these people hey they wonder what's going to happen to them hey let me get saved they tell me when 9 11 hit and that those two towers fell the churches were packed in new york city they were back now what they didn't do was teach them much i don't think no i shouldn't say that but anyway as the thing time went on people just kind of wandered on out of church you know i'm saying but hey the harvest is ripe you know get them saved now mean you can just nudge somebody say hey i just notice uh this corona is out here you want to be saved yeah praise god yeah hallelujah all right maybe i'm being a little facetious but that's all right all right but lift up your eyes so right away he got discernment that god wanted him to feed all the people see you're you're a walking supply house that's what you are that you can access stuff but you can't see it you can't access it you can't discern it you can't get it all right look what he says here in verse 6 and this said he to prove him for he himself knew what he would do all right watch this philip answered him to honor pennyworth and not a pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little now here's philip doing natural guesswork that's the first thing people do when you give them an assignment from god to start guessing how they go get this done god always give you the strategy with the vision he you he just didn't give you the fiction period i like what my man jerry savelle brother jerry savelle said he said sometimes we stay on our knees long enough to find out what to do but we don't stay there long enough to find out how to do it so remember that comes with it always the strategy and the provision come with a vision all right look what it says here verse 8 and one of his disciples andrew simon peter's brother said to him now there's a lad here watch this now he's discerning that discernment is coming see he's he's he's penetrating a level that is higher than his natural mind he's his spirit is taking over it can see something he said um here which has uh five barley nose and two small fishes but what is that among among so many see notice how his natural mind shut him down that it's he it's foolishness to the natural mind what is that among so many now don't think just think people uh in the church you got this this ability to give people out there that ability to try to try to try to trick a drug dealer you know i mean they got something they got a voice talking to them all the time you know and and they have learned how to follow that voice and that's what they say so many of them stay out of trouble for a while nothing satan has can last not a thing it can't it doesn't live forever it just doesn't so notice he discerned he wow he's catching this thing something is breaking through and here it breaks through now let me show you something let's keep something right there let's go over i just thought of a scripture here let's go over to um to peter and um i think this is um um yeah uh ii peter chapter two i think it's not there i want to show you this because this is a this is a really exciting scripture um okay all right i just thought it's interesting you probably won't you know but it's it's a good scripture uh okay just a minute i want you to see this because it relates to this oh here it is right here all right this second peter chapter 1 and verse 19. we have also a more sure word of prophecy whereunto you do well that you take heed as unto the light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts now i i can go on down and then he goes on down knowing this first that no word no prophecy of the scripture is uh of any private interpretation for the prophet if i have to explain that that take too long here here's what i'm saying the day star arise in your heart the days start arise it's just like the sun coming up in the morning all of a sudden you can see everything clearly you got what i'm saying well the same thing about this word if you get into this word and stop meditating this word it's like the sun coming up it's like the sun coming up all of a sudden whoa i got it i'll never be broke another day in my boy i'm telling you who was that bishop david at utterboy in nigeria he'd that's what he said happened to him he said one day he saw it boy i'll tell you and and no wonder he's in fourth magazine he's one of the richest preachers uh is africa but my point to you is and and without putting pressure on people and deception and all that none of that he's he's clean i'm telling you is he full of integrity and so i'm just seeing here that forbes wrote up some people in africa and he was he was among those but i'm seeing it this discernment see so so what happened notice what he said this this back at john chapter six now i'm i'm i'm winding to a close here i didn't know i was taking this long praise god and he said this watch this philip answered him 200 penny worth of bread verse 7 uh is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little one of his disciples andrew simon peter's brother said to him well there's a lat here now he's five barley lives and two small fishes but what is that among so many now notice what he was discerning he was discerning his seed he was discerning his seed remember the woman whose kids were about to be taken she came to the prophet the prophet said what do you have in your house she said well i don't have anything in houses it's a pot of oil she said that that's that's it see that was a seed see he was pointing to her her seed and you have seed nobody is without seed god gives seed to the sword there is without seed you got seed and so god multiplies the seed zone so notice what he says here in verse 10 and jesus said make the men sit down. now i said lord what does that mean i mean where were you holy spirit told me he said tell him that the disciples tell him to sit down then i'm going to feed him wow with two fish and five loaves why he deserved the harvest he discerned us this whole uh plateau of invisible provision he deserved it and it's with you it's with you you're gonna work it up see i got to teach you about it first how will they know without a preacher i i've got to preach to you about it now see remember when they went out and spied out the land of canaan how many were sent out 12. they came back am i right and they were supposed to come back and describe the land and tell people how much milk and honey and in goodness areas in the land am i right about that why didn't god send everybody why didn't he send the whole three three million people no that's not the way he works that's not his way of doing things his way of doing things is giving it to the preacher so the preacher can come back and preach it see that's why the preachers in numbers chapter 14 died early because they're going to have a good their judgment is going to be a little bit higher for them because they they are responsible for feeding the sheep they're responsible for getting it in prayer come back and give it to you god said give this to them all right let me give you one more thing he said give to you i want to get to that and he said and look what look what happened now i'm just saying if you take what i said and value my words this thing will work for you you'll start discerning stuff all these opportunities passing you one man said you have a million dollar idea that passage you want today i think it was mike murdock and somebody well once a day i believe that i believe it's a discerning that we don't have because why this natural man or carnal uh believers are in the in somehow they don't give credit to that word that word that the power either that the preacher that preaches it or or whatever look what it says next it sat down verse 11 and jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks he distributed the disciples disciples to them that were set down and likewise of the fishes as much as they would and when they were filled he said unto the disciples now gather up the fragments that remain that nothing be lost i really believe michelle hoskins has just been written up forbes wrote an article about her and she was the one that was on welfare and discovered a formula for syrup that her what great grandmother or great-great-grandmother had and she said i'm going to use this see that was seed it was right in the house her a great great grandmother was was a slave but but look she god gave her a formula and i'm saying everybody it's making a difference who you are see i remember what i said the reason for poverty the biggest reason is the absence of self-production he gives everybody a seat nobody's born without a gift without a gift everybody's going he said a gift will make room for you and bring it before great men that gift supposed to be turned and used and so forth it will elevate you and bring wealth into your house look what it says next i got to quit here he said in verse 13 therefore they gather and then he said in verse 12 pardon me he said gather up the fragments that remain that nothing be lost wow now nobody knew what fragments are out there guaranteed those disciples didn't know it so what happened they went out there and next thing you know they're collecting all these fragments and watch this they brought it back big big baskets on each one of them shoulder 12 shoulders 12 baskets full where did you think they went back to that boy i think he discerned it i think he knew it i think he heard this this word that jesus preached he valued it watch this and even you can have little kids that can catch this and work it because faith doesn't work not them faith doesn't work isn't that powerful and so um just showing you that now the last thing is second timothy chapter one verse seven please ii timothy 1 7. now i want i won't read all of this for you but i just wanted to talk about it in second timothy 1 and 7 god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind now you're getting in a time where fear is rampant that's fear now what what is fear i have here um ooh where did i put it um i got it somewhere anyway some definitions of fear you go look it up in the uh if you got one of those um webster 1828 dictionaries you can look at that but this fear what what is it you know what is what does it do what happened to it so he says first of all spirit of fear so fear must be a spirit it must be a spirit now fear tolerated is faith contaminated i'll try it again fear tolerated is faith contaminated and when faith is contaminated just like anything else it won't work so the enemy tries one of his shots is to try to shoot you with panic or fear or something it's going to happen to me so for so forth and so on and the bible even talks about love that that uh perfect love cast out fear so one man said you can tell you know when people are not exercising and walking in love he said fear starts taking them over now here's what this particular man said it comes out of a book and [Music] okay it's an old book i have it's how to try a spirit how to try a spirit okay by a lady named mary garrison okay that's old book mary garrison how to try a spirit all right but anyway this fear um here's some of the things that it causes fright watch this torment look at this horror psalm chapter 55 and verse dread exodus chapter 15 verse 16. watch this fear of death hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 and 15. faith less matthew chapter 8 verse 26 terror a sense of danger or impending evil foreboding so forth it causes anxiety and worry worry is disguise fear it's calls carefulness undue caution some people uh well i'm just perfectionist no you're not you're in fear okay you know now there is a perfectionist category but a lot of perfectionists people are in fear they they they um and and i'm not saying anything's not wrong with anything is wrong with excellence or trying to work something out to perfection i understand that but there is a way that you can get over balanced in that and which would be induced by fear you're not running towards something anymore you're running from something and another one is um agitation easily agitated and timidity well i'm just shocked no you full of fear and then um worry um shyness uh a sense of inferiority uh rejection it's called the fearing and fear drives people see it drives for a lot of people driven and so you think it's it's boldness but it's not driven by the spirit of fear all right and inadequacy sense of inadequacy all the time and uh tension real tension stress and all that fear fear based and uh fear of man you need afraid to say anything and so forth proverbs 29 25 fear of poverty and people running from it he fear it and that means fear is still in control uh phobias you know fear of heights um if you're flying you know in that well i just i'm just i just don't like to fly fear flying well no you don't if you're dying that's what you fear and um and so forth um um so it goes on down to five types of of people confess so forth fear and it goes on down some other things also causes nerve problems like neurosis it causes nervous breakdowns it causes neuralgia it causes um neuritis and so forth all the nerve endings and so forth see that's why just about to confess peace every day you know what i have to do sometime with this sometime with folks you know you're hanging around but anyway um people who are riddled with fear can die from it now that's interesting can die from it you know and and remember what it talks about some people heart stops because of of of fear and that's the natural fears in the last days uh also um terrifying thoughts and all of that in pressure fear will bring for that voodoo um uses um the spirit of fear and she brings out here that demon power gives people a sense of fear about what's going to happen to them so forth and so on et cetera and and terror comes on him and these spirits must be resisted by by jesus by the blood of jesus by the holy spirit by the name of jesus and by the word of god put fear to flight by the word of god and see i look at this this way that the first thing satan does to try to get into a person's life usually is deception or fear deceptively deceived eve you know but in job's case the thing that i feared most has come upon me job was surrounded by a wall of blessing nothing could get to him except his mind and that enemy kept coming in and pecking at his mind and the next thing you know fear fear of what not going to make it fear of marriage going bad fear of of failing in school fear so forth and so on it's done all kinds of things with people because it's not the spirit of god so i'm just saying to you right now that uh over in numbers chapter 23 and 23 if you look over there because the enemy will send fear with a disease to have people fear it and job said the thing that i feared most has come upon me and it's amazing how that can happen look what he said in verse 23 he says that surely there is no enchantment against jacob neither is there any divination against israel nothing will work against you if you stay in faith if you stay in faith you don't want this to you don't want your faith about you you have to shield the faith keeps it keeps you it keeps your mind it keeps your mind you how's it keep saying the word they say what the word says it works remember god is in you he's not out there he's in you and he's ready for you to just say something so he can do it greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world first john 4 4. now i'mma close by this this movie and it was called um truman i don't know whether you've ever seen it clean movie and it's called truman but what it's about is about this man who had created this world and he had created this world and all everything in this world was was automated meaning that he could make it rain whenever we want to he could make waters come up on the seashore whatever you want to he could make people he had staged people that when eight o'clock came looked like people were going to work but truman somehow his eyes of his understanding were enlightened he he lifted up he saw something wait a minute that's the same guy coming out of the same drugstore that i saw at eight o'clock last tuesday last wednesday la that's the same guy he said wait a minute some something and then one lady who they put in the picture because truman was born in this world he was the the whole it was like a what do you call these things um you call them um um um yeah they call them uh you know the soap operas soap operas okay it was like that it will come on every day every day every day the truman show the truman show and they had him born on the set he was born on the set so all he knew was that world but all of a sudden his eyes one day and then they had this lady here and she for some reason was kind of a if you will kind of rebellious against what this guy had planned uh to keep truman in this bubble and so she came she said hey this is a trick you you know whatever she said to him the movie's called truman and the next thing you know she uh he started waking up and even his best friend really wasn't his best friend it was staged so this bad friend so forth and then how did they keep him from wanting to get out of that environment once when he was young he tried to launch out and go out into the ocean and so forth well it really wasn't an ocean it was a body of water that had a limit to it that they put set up on the stage and then they made waves come up and he almost drowned and so forth well now he's fearful of ever going toward that water again and that's what the enemy will do he will cause experiences in your life that will cause panic will cause fear and that spirit of fear will come in and live from that day and will live right there and then all of a sudden when you get to that boundary fear will come up it'll come up and you can see that over in mark chapter 4 verse 35 through 41 and they he said let us go to the other side in other words we're going to break the boundary on your life and then they started to the other side and then when they started to the other side here comes satan here comes the waves here's what they said they said oh my goodness they said we're going to die and they woke up jesus he said why are you so fearful how is it that you have so no faith notice how fear can hide until it's time for fear to show up and come up and the next thing you know you miss a great opportunity or somebody i decree from this day forward fear will never ever control your life again what do you do with the spirit you cast them out i command the spirit of fear you hear me right now i command you to come out of that person that person is born again and spirit-filled and you have no right to their lives i command you to come out now in jesus name now i thank you lord that the spirit of power and love and a sound mind is coming into them right now father i thank you from this day forward every opportunity that had passed him everything that satan has stolen through fear and and and and and tara i command those things to be restored in the name of jesus father we thank you for it we give you praise they will never fear again from now on you will be fearless in the name of jesus praise god in that beautiful glory to god all right let me just read this september the 13th through the 18th that's going to be a night night six nights of faith powerful nights now we're going to have all the speakers that we normally have here and you can just go to the website and see we're going to have uh all the speakers kenneth kenneth brother kenneth copeland reverend samuel rodriguez we're going to have bishop tudor bismarck we're going to have dr jesse duplantis and pastor creflo dolla and myself we're going to be these are nightly sessions now we think we're going to do some other things in the daytime but we're also going to have children session as well so all that's going to be on the on the site so i want you to make sure you tune in because they're registered today we just want people to register just see how many people are getting together and things that we could do to complement the people that are there to give you just some special value out of this these six nights that in six days that we're going to have i guarantee you we'll build your faith up to the point that you'll never fear another thing in your life the devil will be done targeting you because you're going to have the shield of faith up from now on i'm telling you this is what you do these people have made a mark in the earth that cannot be erased you've got to tune in every night don't miss a night and you've got virtual so you can have it right there in your home right where you are and you could tune in this thing and guaranteed you'll have faith to move mountains isn't that powerful well praise god let's see do we want to go ahead and we'll have a question here all right uh we're going to give a few minutes for questions if you have one praise god we have one question felicia okay says what are the quote quick steps that we as believers should take in order to manifest our blessings okay all right now the one thing i say is this is god told me one time he said son you know what you need to do is get the hindrances out get the hindrances it's almost like he wants to manifest but there are hindrances there and in this one it could be some you know some fear and so forth and so on if you look at mark chapter four he gave four different types of soil well five really but four different types of soil and he talked about uh these soil that that this whatever it was couldn't manifest because of the types of soil it could be bitterness unforgiveness it could be presumption rather than real faith it could be the fact that i need to meditate the word and i'm trying to live off of somebody else's faith or whatever have you so i say the quick step the quickest step is to go back and really start standing on that word start standing on that word and just adopt this idea that you're going to be bold with it you're going to stand on it you're not going to be shy about it somebody asked you you're going to say it and okay you know abraham had to tell some people that he's the father of many nations before he had a single child you know what i mean i'm just saying jesus when he came in the room to deliver this jay i was his daughter he had to say something in front of somebody you know automate so and sometimes the enemy tries to get you and shut you down but david said five times four to five times what he's going to do to goliath before he did it and it was all pretty much public and so i'm just saying sometimes there's a fear inside of us that what if this doesn't work and so forth get rid of doubt and get rid of unbelief you believe that word of god set yourself in it and then say it every day confession brings possession say it every day i'd say it once and one and one tonight because i need an acceleration on some things you know me i really do so one man said one of the biggest things you need to do is act on the word of god make up your mind you're going to act on what you see and what you hear in the word of god and when you do that accelerates the pace of it and understand that god can do it for you overnight you know set up for miracles set up for the supernatural believe god for it all right one more walter on youtube asked does an attitude of fear cause one to miss the visions god has given for prosperity yeah here's why i look at it god has prospered all of us i mean it's no doubt about it i mean he's got a house a warehouse full of abundance but it's invisible now what you have to do is rise up above this natural physical three-dimensional world you have to rise up above it and to rise up above it you've got to do something with fear let me show you an example second king second king chapter six over in second kings chapter 6. this is when um elijah was surrounded by the syrian army that came by night to take him see but notice what has happened in verse 15 it said and when the servant of the man of god was risen early and gone forth behold a host compassed the city compassed the city both with horses and chariots and his servant said unto him a last master how shall we do watch this and he answered fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them what does fear tend to do fear will keep you in the three-dimensional world it won't let you go it won't let you go to the fourth dimension it won't let you go to the invisible fear keeps you locked into it you can't see see that's why this is a fear-based society and that's why the enemy has to keep it that way because he's got to keep people in this sense realm he can't let him afford to get out of this because up there they'll rule him so he can't let him so he keeps fear fear of everything how much insurance can i give you praise god how much is that how you know how how many uh uh safety devices do you how many locks do you want on your car huh uh your house uh how many so he everything is fear-based it's it's made that way it's it's all around he's a god of this world the fear-based world because he is the spirit of fear but once you come over to that other side you you can start protecting yourself he said lord he he opened his eyes and he opened his eyes and there he's the young man and he saw the whole the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about elijah not around about him even though he was with elijah because his faith wasn't being used it was elijah was being used and you have a guarantee over here that this whole idea that the angels of the lord camp around about you and keep you and deliver you that's what it says in psalms chapter 34 and verse 7. so my point to you is is that you can live by faith and i'm saying that um what was the question now she wanted to know [Music] from seeing division so i think the way i could see them all or i could see certain things and so forth the first thing she says is fear not notice with the woman who had one more meal left fear not and i think when we can get that fear out fear tolerated is faith contaminated you can't move it can't see and so we get that fear out and once you get that fear out let me tell you you can see all kinds of stuff i i'm telling you now just remove the fear this will move you can see your mistakes you can see everything just remove the fear and let that faith take over and that faith the vision of faith things of faith you'll start seeing things that you didn't see discerning things that you'd never discern so forth and so on one more yes sonia on facebook asked what do i do while i wait for my financial breakthrough after sowing giving and tithing in obedience according to god's word can i expect an immediate harvest now here's where it is according to your faith you you're not going to move outside of that but here's what i advise everybody listening to me to do go on a faith diet a good time to do that is during our faith conference july september 13 through 18. every day every day hear that word of faith preached every day i guarantee you most things that are in your life will be broken that are being held back every day these conferences are for taking every you hear it from different people because you're hearing the different angles the different ways that they come after faith and and let me tell you it builds such faith in your system until it i think it drives out all the doubt unbelief and so forth and then things just manifest so i'm saying you could do the same thing without the conference you know if you know how to do that but but i'm just saying just every day listen to this word and set your sight on the fact that you're not waiting on god that the enemy is sitting on your stuff now when i say that i mean god has already given it to you if you're begging for it from god you'd be begging the wrong person he's already given to you what you need sometimes is god's mercy or whatever have you for him to help you achieve that but you know one man said it i'm telling you when he said it i'll tell you just just thrilled me he said anything in my house if i find out that it didn't come by faith i want it out i'm telling you man that's when you're walking by faith but i'm just saying what it is um we believe god for a ministry airplane and so forth and so on that came by faith we believe in god true enough he'll have people help you and so forth and so on but faith is doing the work we believe god for the shopping mall faith doing the way believe god for the joseph business school faith did that work putting that together people have tried to duplicate that and can't do it because it's up here it came by by faith by discernment by calling things that be not as though they were so i'm just saying don't get frustrated with yourself don't say well no no i said lord now you you know i'm just saying squeeze out all unbelief squeeze it out so lord i do whatever is in me that is unbelieving or whatever have you show it to me so i can get it out of here and so forth but i'm believing for this and i need this thing now the last way to get it to move is like the woman did get yourself a target get yourself a target the tendency that we have is to move the the the circumstances or or or provisions or things that we're believing for to move them out rather than move them in you you know what i mean i mean we and i'll i'll share this with you there are some things for example we had a part the only piece that the mall that we didn't own was a piece that was privately owned it was a little piece okay and so forth but it was it was it was um we asked the man could would he sell it to us first he wouldn't but then he said i'll sell it to you for 5.5 million well i just asked god about that he said no son you can get it for three three five pay three five four that's what he told me i said oh okay so i told the people i said listen you can talk to him but tell him we'd like to get it for three five and he said oh that's ridiculous he said no it's 5.5 tell dr winston is 5.5 okay all right so what did i do i said okay now i waited a little bit faith did the work god talked to the man in his sleep i guess or whatever and he came back said tell him i'll let him have for 3.5 okay fine 3.5 so here i am this is about january february i started to raise the money for 3.5 he said give me a quarter of a million dollars down and you give me i'll give you to september 1st to have my money if you don't have the money i will take this quarter of a million keep that earnest money and you won't get them all and you won't get it especially for three three five okay about march i'm watching the money come in you know i'm telling people about it we're going about it so forth that money is coming in there in drips and drips so i said lord what what shall i do here he said go to two scriptures one of the scriptures was in first samuel it said god would deliver us by many or by few i think it's the first 70 chapter 9 or somewhere like that god deliver will deliver us by many of that few so okay that means that god could have one man to give me that 3.5 million boom now this word brought faith and faith now i got for one man see two people if that's okay now my faith is built for them i gotta have a word to build faith i can't build faith without the word and then he gave me another scripture he gave me the scripture out of esther chapter four and in mordecai told esther said esther if you don't go before the king for us god would deliver us some other way and what it has to do she three days fast and and put on a royal apparel and went before the king so forth what god what did king do he delivered him now he said take those two scriptures and read them to the congregation and tell them if you don't give no pressure god will have delivered me some other way this money and he said show them both scriptures and tell them i said yes sir now i'm following god because he's got a strategy to get you the money when you need it see if i can touch his clothes i should it was all based on when she touched his clothes right there the power was released right there she got to heal it see see we waiting on god waiting a lot of that is not you know if god has done his part there's some obstacles there somewhere roadblocks and so what happened i said that once i said that it opened up my mind to people outside of the people that were sitting in front of me to get in that money flooded in there so i because of how i saw god was going to dilu do this or limited god in the way he could do this i restricted the way this money could come and the next thing you know it didn't come so i had to get loosed it was me the bible said in ephesians uh pardon me in ecclesiastes it says in isaiah chapter 5 verse 13 he said because of no knowledge my people are still in captivity or something like that it's still in captivity because no not what kind of knowledge revelation revelation of what they found it in the word found it in the word let my people go let my money go now that money came flooding in there let me tell you i said natasha downtown or she was out cfo at that time i said take this money cash money i said jake get down there and give and the lawyer was waiting on her to come and i said do not let them talk you out of it you come back here with my my bill of sale and my title deed and let me tell you she went she said pastor they tried to talk me out they told me could you give me half of it and so forth see that enemy is trying because brother oral roberts said this she said one of the toughest fights you're going to have is property the enemy thinks it's his and people i say that too but property so boom what happened we got it he said i've given you freely he said i've given you all things i think apartment buildings are waiting for us i think come on i think uh all kinds of uh inventions are waiting for us listen folks you you're not gonna see where god is gonna limit himself to what the internet can do i'm telling you now you know if the innovative google side does not even take our broadcast where you don't want your honor therefore god will have a a system that is going to be invented by the church they're going to be higher than that guaranteed guaranteed if god's people will open and let god be god in their lives that's all i've got my name is bill winston and i approve this message god bless you keep walking by faith you
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
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Length: 78min 55sec (4735 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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