Taking Vitamin D3? This Might Save Your Life

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some studies give people vitamin D3 and it gives them too much calcium in their blood increasing the risk of hardening of the arteries like in atherosclerotic heart disease some studies give calcium and it could increase bone density while someone else finds that it can increase the risk of heart and or artery problems how can that be how can D3 cause too much calcium in the blood as an essential nutrient and studies show that a higher calcium intake can lead to both both arteries worsening and Bones improving in different studies at the same time if you take vitamin D3 you need to pay attention to this video because it can seriously help you make sure that your heart and arteries aren't at risk I'm going to go into quite a bit of detail that I don't think any doctor in the world has ever put out uh let alone on YouTube that I know of anyway and it's it's not going to be quick but if someone you know takes D3 or yourself sending them this video could help save their heart and I know that's a bold claim but if you watch all of it I think you'll agree with me by the end see a short while ago I was speaking at the Royal College of physicians in London there was someone there called Trevor stain who started a skare company called s he stood up at the front and he said D3 supplementation is extremely dangerous because it causes hypercalcemia h honestly I was so Keen to go up to the front and disagree but luckily you know I withheld myself out of respect and I I stayed where I was but that statement is extremely misleading and is a complete abomination of statistical inferencing you see he represents what practically every doctor on the planet says however regular viewers of this channel know my blood tests are public and specifically they show that I have a dangerously high level of D3 now why have I been told it's dangerously High because it apparently causes hypocalcemia but if that's the case how is my calcium level perfectly normal if the medical establishment is correct how am I living proof that D3 doesn't cause hypercalcemia I'll tell you how because the daily recommended intakes the medical guidelines and commonly accepted nutritional advice is a complete load of rubbish and if you think I'm some sort of cons iracy theorist explained to me how I have toxic D3 levels and no hypercalcemia then and I'm not the only one I'll get on screen here a scientific paper of two case reports where two people were taking an exceptionally high dose of D3 every day now one had hypervitaminosis with hypercalcemia and the other was absolutely fine how's it possible that only one had a problem if D3 causes hypercalcemia what I'm going to teach you now should have been taught in high school and at the very least in medical school obviously they weren't the video is for my friend Nikki that was told by quite a world famous biohacker in the world of Health optimization to use a K2 supplement from Thorn which as you'll see by the end of this video I think is absolutely terrible now this biohacker is a complete and has no idea what he's talking about most of the time at least calcium in the bones is perfectly normal calcium in the arteries is problematic in other words hypercalcemia D3 causes activity in the Realms of calcium regulation in the body the exact mechanism when understood brings about safety to each and every one of you that supplements with it at home now ideally you'd be getting D3 naturally but I fully understand that that's not always possible for some of you I certainly trouble at times because I travel around the world a lot and I never stop working basically so let's take a closer look at that mechanism D3 and K2 play a crucial role in calcium metabolism they work together to ensure that calcium is efficiently absorbed and directed to the appropriate areas in the body such as bones and teeth and away from soft tissues like arteries where it can cause harm one of the first things that D3 which is choc calciferol does is enhance calcium absorption it's converted into its active form calat trial which is 125 dihydroxy vitamin D3 in the liver and kidneys Now cal trial enhances the absorption of calcium from the gut by increasing the expression of calcium binding proteins in the intestine in other words D3 causes us to make proteins that are used in binding calcium around the body it can help us to regulate this mineral this calcium calci trial helps maintain calcium levels in the blood by promoting calcium reabsorption in the kidneys and potentially mobilizing or unlocking calcium from bones when necessary now why would calcium need to be removed from Bones surely that's a bad thing well in certain circumstances like say a sudden change in diet temporarily sacrificing some calcium from the bones for a short period of time and then putting it back later can help tolerate the sudden change of diet hopefully you will never need to liberate calcium from the bones but we have that ability if needed as well as inducing the production of calcium binding proteins D3 also influences the expression of other proteins that depend on K2 so you got one set of proteins that get made to meet up with calcium for absorption and you got another set that need to meet up with K2 in order to sort that uh absorbed calcium because we've got D3 present overarching the entire regulation now the proteins which D3 makes that need to meet up with K2 are really important to know and probably very few if any of your doctors will know anything about them osteocalcin and Matrix GLA protein MGP both of them need K2 to function properly I'll explain what they are now it's going to be quite detailed and you may need to watch it several times but it's wor worth it if it stops you or someone you know getting blocked arteries I'm going to give you a brief intro to each of these two enzymes and then later on I'll go into them in detail so that you can argue against anyone that tries to tell you they're not important or that you you don't need it alongside D3 or even to see whether your doctor knows what they're talking about so you can walk away if needed so the first one is called osteocalcin it's synthesized by Osteo blasts which which are cells responsible for forming bone matrix or bone scaffolding called osteoid D3 binds something called vdr which is vitamin D receptor and this causes the expression of the gene that codes for osteocalcin osteocalcin contains three GLA residues each capable of binding a calcium ion now these residues are located in the N terminal region of the protein the left of the protein if you like forming a really high Affinity binding site for calcium like a magnet the GL residues coordinate with calcium ions through electrostatic interactions because calcium ions are positive and the carboxilate keate the calcium ions and that creates a stable complex That's essential for the subsequent steps of bone mineralization the second one is Matrix GLA protein it's a small protein made of glutamic acid residues now once it gets carboxilate again I'll go through what that is in a second it turns into gas carboxy glutamic acid residues and now it can then bind calcium very well now when these two link up with K2 there's a process called carboxy as I just mentioned K2 is a co-actor for an enzyme called gam gluty carboxilate it's this enzyme when it has its friend K2 around that carboxilate the two previous enzymes I've just mentioned carox is a process by which a type of acid called a carboxilic acid is produced by reacting something with carbon dioxide the reverse is called decarbox where you remove a carbon ALC group from a compound and release a carbon dioxide it's this carox that allows osteocalcin and Matrix GL protein to effectively bind calcium to themselves this is because carox confers a very high affinity for ca2+ ions calcium ions uncarboxylated compounds lack this capability and so they're less effective in bone mineralization everything in biology is is chemistry and physics so the way you know someone knows what I'm talking about is if they can go through it in this scale of detail in the in the chemical interaction size scale so now we've seen how these enzymes get activated by K2 it's important to understand the different types of K2 that can do this calcium regulation and then I'll explain what ostocalcium MGP actually do chemically in detail because that's important to know so there are multiple forms of K2 that exist they're known as menaquinones and they come in quite a few different sizes of their atomic structure to make it easy they're actually given names based on the size and and we get them called things like MK4 MK5 blah blah blah so MK4 is the form found in specific tissues like the brain uh pancreas and arteries it's one of the smaller ones and a smaller a mano quinone is the shorter its halflife in the body its lifespan in the body so MK4 has a short half life and it can regulate gene expression involved in bone metabolism as you now know mk7 is another important one as you can tell from Seven being bigger than four it's uh a longer chain as a molecule because it has a longer halflife too well it has a longer half life because it's bigger because of this it's effective in the long longer term regulation of calcium deposition in bones and preventing calcification of arteries it works more systemically around the whole body unlike MK4 which is more organ specific as I've said so I guess now that we understand that D3 induces um the production of osteocal a matrix GLA protein and these two then depend on K2 to function properly what happens when all of these boxes are ticked what's actually happening inside your tissues when you have the right combination of of vitamins or or nutrients and Minerals Well ocalin binds calcium and integrates it into the bone matrix which promotes the mineralization and strength of that bone hydroxy appetite is the crystalline form of calcium phosphate that constitutes the inorganic component of bone osteocalcin facilitates the nucleation which is a formation of a of a crystalline material from a solution of hydroxyapetite crystals by binding calcium ions and concentrating them in specific regions of the osteoid or the bone matrix this localized accumulation of calcium creates a kind of favorable environment for the formation of hydroxy appetite which we also have in our teeth hence why K2 is really important for dental health too now once nucleation occurs osteocalcin binds to these growing hydroxy appetite crystals see the protein structure allows it to stabilize this crystal lattice and promote the orderly deposition of additional calcium and phosphate ions so this process helps to increase the size and density of these hydroxyapetite crystals in the bone and that's what enhances the mechanical strength of that bone I know that's complicated maybe for a lot of you even actually to the Consultants that I've taught that to for the first time um but I advise you to watch it back several times if you need to in order to understand it noral Works in Contour with other bone matrix proteins like um Osteo osteopontin uh bone cprotein etc etc they also contribute to the mineralization the regulation of calcium deposition but if I go into those as well this already long video is going to be way too long for the average person to not get a headache from so I can talk about those in another video if if you guys want now Matrix J protein on the other hand prevents calcium from being deposited in the arteries in order to prevent vascular calcification and improve artery health keeps it flexible instead of rigid now it does this because when it binds calcium it prevents it from being deposited in the arteries the calcium is trapped in a way right when you hold a child's hand they can't then go and run into the road because you're holding them back um MGP has a has a relatively complicated life like osteocalcin which I'm going to teach you too it directly interacts with hydroxyapetite which is again the crystalline structure of calcium phosphate and inhibits its nucleation and growth but within the vascular system now so the protein binds the surface of young hydroxy appetite crystals and prevents further growth and propagation and this action is what impedes the calcification process in the initial or early stages now MGP does this um by inhibiting the activ activity of something called bmp2 which is a signaling molecule that promotes oogenic differentiation and calcification of vascular smooth muscle cells so cells that are making up Our arteries so by binding to bmp2 MGP prevents it from triggering Pathways that lead to the transformation of these smooth muscle cells into osteoblast like cells which are responsible for depositing calcium inside arterial walls now MGP plays a crucial role in maintaining the state of these smooth muscle cells preventing their trans differentiation into other types of cells that contribute to the calcification process through its inhibitory effects on bmp2 and other you know calcification promoting factors MGP helps keep vascular smooth muscle cells in their contracted state which is essential for normal vascular function it also binds two extracellular Matrix components bits outside the cell in the vascular wall such as elastin and collagen which are crucial sites for calcium binding and deposition so binding to the these ECM proteins it also prevents calcium from anchoring to The Matrix and forming calcified deposits well they shouldn't be thereby protecting the structural Integrity of the blood vessel so adequate levels of active carboxylated MGP uh Matrix G protein are crucial for preventing arterial calcification and maintaining cardio Health low levels of carboxilate MGP are associated with cardiovascular disease so this is why some studies find calcium supplementation gives artery calcification and others find bone density increases it's because the researchers are so poorly educated that they don't know about K2 activity and ocalin and Matrix GL protein this is how I have massively High D3 levels but my calcium is absolutely fine because I understand this pathway and understand how to safely create supplement regimes if needed if is the key word there by the way the ideal diet shouldn't need supplements on the whole So based on that where do you find K2 which supplements should I use if I need it well men Quinones are found mainly in animal tissues like organ Meats chicken beef grass-fed pork cheese eggs duck I think even geese so if you think humans are designed to live plant-based then you need to grow up frankly the fact that this thing is essential and you get it from animals should tell you something and as you can probably guess as a carnivore I'll be absolutely fine but what if you do need a supplement well first off that's a sign that clearly your diet isn't sustaining you and you need to change but if supplements are needed for for whatever reason then here's some tips MK4 and 7 are the forms that you'll find in in supplements the others like MK 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 Etc you're not really going to find those but here's where people get scammed mk7 exists in two forms CIS and trans I won't get into isomerism chemistry with you because it will confus the hell out of everyone but just understand that there's two forms CIS and trans the trans of form is the type that's found in nature and in what we eat this is why I don't need to worry I'm always getting the right form on a Carnival diet and there's no plant food preventing the absorption because yes plant food does prevent you absorbing what's in the meat uh now if a supplement says mk7 on the back then some will be trans and some will be assis if they don't say then either they're too dumb to realize one is more important than the other or they've got a mixture and they don't want to admit it that's why the best K2 supplement on the market in my view is Super K by life extension before anyone thinks it I have no affiliation with the company at all and I have no affiliate link either if you look on the back it clearly states that all the mk7 is trans and not CIS how much do you take well M I suggest to my patients that for every 10,000 units of D3 they take one Super K A Day so a patient of mine that is on 5,000 a day of of D3 they take one Super K as well I can't give a recommendation to you all because when I set the levels for my patients I do it as part of uh something called a a personal Health Management Service where we get a lot of tests like Bloods and body G done which help me see what they need um they'll come to me with things like obesity or diabetes or polycystic overy syndrome or epilepsy you know or something and they say look I want you to make me better I want you to make me healthy it's part of a service I do um called personal health disease longevity management and as part of the Baseline measurements I'll see the D3 level in the blood tests as well as a load of other things so I can then give a recommendation now if you ask me in the comments how much D3 and K2 is right for you honestly I'm I'm sorry but it's literally impossible to say without seeing you and examining you uh there is data available from studies that look at different doses of K2 and it's its history and things like that um but this video can't go on for hours and hours unfortunately but hopefully this has been educational um and uh hopefully it has told you not to listen to the people that give you supplement advice that don't know these these things like sis and trans and the different forms of menaquinones and uh hopefully I'll see you in the next video see you soon
Channel: Dr. Abs
Views: 507,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vitamin d3, benefits of vitamin d, vitamin d, vitamin k2, vitamin d benefits, vitamin d3 injection, vitamin d3 k2, vitamin d3 foods, vitamin d3 benefits, vitamin d3 supplement, vitamin d3 tablets, vitamin d3 drops, vitamin d3 capsule, vitamin d3 drops for baby, vitamin d3 ki kami se kya hota hai, vitamin d supplements, vitamin d deficiency, vitamin d2 vs d3 dr berg, vit d3 benefits, too much vitamin d3, benefits of vitamin d3, vitamin d3 sources
Id: -Ukyja7cpfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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