Taking OVER Minecraft as an EVIL Villain!

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this is Minecraft but you get more evil today I'm going from good to evil and becoming the villain of this Kingdom from burning down villager houses to catapulting entire neighborhoods away to even taking down the government my goal is to become the evil King but I'm going to have to start from square one so what can I do as the evil King stay tuned to find out today I am Evil Within good Society I have finished my evil layer with the skull we have Mr evil my beautiful dog our evil tools and now I can place down the evil Deeds board which we're going to destroy painting all this stuff so we can become the number one villain in the world wait what's that noise hey yo is that super villager uh hello hey I just go banned no really what do I do now I'm 1% evil want revenge go to the store oh the evil store so now this is evil Society we got my friends the pillagers and they're not going to let me get back into good Society over there it's literally blocked off by these guys all right this house it won't do we need to go back inside to original base to become king of evil all right who here can help me oh evil level 10 required and so the Shady clerk has given us an evil Deeds list all of it is bln right now but the second thing on here is take candy from a baby well I guess I am trying to become a villain and if we go through this door we can see evil 10% required and so it's a secret tunnel into good society that makes sense okay so the first thing we can do is rob a store I don't think this guy's talking about his own store right oh wait I think it might be this one with the exclamation point this is the competition all right Rob the store find the valuables all right guys we got to do the evil Deeds but we're just going to act normal don't mind me just a little evil exory walking around high paying customers only this is the valuables okay let's just walk in real quick and what is this they put a little obstacle course for the high paying customers oh gosh okay okay let's just not set up any traps let's go all the way over here and what is this there's letters around insert the password to pass oh okay I feel like a secret agent right now all right let me real quick get all the letters all right now with all the letters I'm pretty sure the password is literally J it's kind of goofy but it's password oh we got it right all right let's continue with the evil deed number one oh wait this is the vault door oh yo okay so is this what we got to take what is this the diamond apple yo okay this is going to be mine now and why not let's break out without anyone knowing might as well try the Apple too and we got a heart and we got a little bit more evil 2% on to the next thing on the list we now got to take candy from a baby all right let's find this candy oh guys I think I found it all right this is what we're going to do we're going to sneak up real quick and do we just grab it oh we got it and we're now at 3% evil let me eat the candy now amazing now we got to steal the prize bow oh is this the prize pool oh my goodness that's huge how do I take this thing down okay the villager's right there just going to sneak behind him okay don't don't look don't look don't look let's just walk in here oh and look at this dude holy all right next evil d take this oh and we got giant RW beef wait cook the steak and eat it in front of the farmer this is so evil whatever it takes to become the evil King all right well we got the giant steak now let's just go in front of the farmer how's it going sir and now we eat no he's crying sorry buddy got to go next up on the list we have step on someone's crops the biggest sin you can do in Minecraft these look like some good crops step on leave your mark stamp the field we will step on the crops I mean lowkey this is not good enough I have a better idea we're going to just do one of these and then one of these and then finally one of these and now we just stock up right up here we've left our Mark with an N for exoria and now that's field stamped we are now 5% evil guys so what else can we do in this evil Society right here slay the farmer's chickens oh man this poor farmer well we got to do what we got to do to get back inside there oh this is it slay the chickens and destroy the stored eggs oh okay I don't see a farmer so low key we can just walk our way in and uh are these the stored eggs oh all right throw you away and chickens I am here with my evil sword we need to just take out 30 chickens all right stord egg's gone let's break up this real quick two more chickens so sorry about this and there we go the chicken's fried and now we're 6% evil we're going up in this world guys all right sorry about your chickens but we go on to the next thing which is to break a sculpture oh what a nice sculpture what kind of suck if it got destroyed we know what to do there's a sculpture now and my pickaxe broke now but it's done sculpture improved now at 7% guys that being said next up is to destroy a birthday party oh it's this right here pop the balloons and ruin the party all right don't mind me guys um this is needed to happen I am going to take a slice of cake though thank you very much not really sure I can do this with two arrows but let's start popping sorry about this guys oh wait no I have 25 I just realized oh these drop a lot of arrows okay we're popping off guys with these shots holy okay couple more to go and this evil deed is now done party ruined yes 8% evil two more set to go on to the next one which is draining a swimming pool ooh I think we have a swimming pool right here maybe there's something in these barrels all right don't mind me just coming in oh and they have a single sponge is this what I need to make the water go away all right let's place it down here goes something oh it worked yo oh oh oh um sorry about that didn't mean to make the guy miss his jump but I'll take that wet sponge so there's no evidence and we're now at 9% there's only one last thing left here and it's to steal mail that's easy enough I mean there's a lot of mailboxes right here so we just go in oh and mail steal all the mail all right about to be a menace and the last bit of mail should be right there wait they start putting a post to me hey yo my reputation is growing wanted reward 500 emeralds oh haven't tested what happens if I try oh entrophy 1,000 Diamonds oh we definitely don't have that that's why we're going to use the evil store so do I just right click the mail oh mail yoint and now we're finally at 10% evil that means we can finally go the other way in dirt housee it zonia and because we are now 10% evil we can go the other way inside with the secret tunnel into good Society all right let's go down guys and we can finally see our dog again and do our next steps to becoming the King of Evil okay looks like no one is around here what am I looking at through here is that a turkey huh okay let me just keep going what the heck Hello turkey do you say anything oh yeah I'm subscribed to exor too thank you very much just saying 80% of people watching right now are not subscribed but that turkey is subscribed so be be be like the cool turkey all right what do we have in here oh it's herobrine hello Herobrine a fellow evil person how's it going herrine recognizes evil you have been rewarded oh uh they gave me a herine great sword seven attack damage yes thank you very much what does it do oh that's an evil attack beautiful all right let's keep going oh we got Huggy wuggy here we got looks to be Medusa up here and we even got the scary clown as going buddy all right we got a little bit parkour here before we get to the next area and it looks to be up here so is this going to take us into good Society though no guys I am wanted so we got to be a little bit sneaky if we get in here oh oh oh okay I hear a villager guys I think we might be in okay let's open the door and where are we is this a store oh it's a store connecting to a store oh this is it blend in don't get caught oh gosh how do I blend in oh wait what is this employees needed chicken restaurant uniform provided that might be the disguise We need oh and I think that's the chicken place right there wait is that where my old base was new super duper gas station coming soon no what did they do to my base and that's my dog Mr evil okay we will get her revenge soon and make her base again but we got to get to the chicken place before I get caught okay we're going through the back areas I don't think anyone's around here anymore all right how do we get the job okay don't mind me let me just run in through real quick oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh please don't one see my face oh and hiring test answer everything correctly is it in here oh it's right here am I good I mean yeah I'm very good especially being evil would you do anything evil um I mean I kind of want to be honest absolutely but I don't know if that's what this guy wants honesty is the best policy so I'm going say yes to my boss oh I mean it's still went through and do I know how to cook I I think so yes will you be nice to customers uh no promises uh but sure and we got the job cook sandwiches serve the customers and so now with the uniform let's put that on we are in Disguise now with the mustache and the shades all right sir I will work for you and get straight back to my soon we just got to deliver the meals oh is this what we cook with coal and steak oh we just got a craft guys on the screen we're pretty much we're not going to be just doing bread and steak we're going to be doing bread steak and coal cuz we got to make it evil so real quick let's make a bunch of burgers per perfect and with the beef sandwich we will now deliver it to the customers hello this is totally not evil exoro there you go 1 two and number three oh and they're not happy job all done now it's set to rebuild my Lair does that mean I can just like walk out here again oh I can now I'm fully in Disguise my build it's all gone oh wait what's that right there old build is that a chest oh it is but that's a super guard Guardian try throwing a distraction oh maybe the eggs w't come in Andy all right let me just throw those all the way over there there oh he's going okay that's my time I'm going to go in real quick grab the old build and oh previous build do not place and the evil Deeds board okay I need these two things and so where do I place it do I like place it right here oh I think we just got our base back hold up it's back yes oh my goodness and right here we can put the evil Deeds board now which has all the Deeds we got to do now and now be more evil tear down wanted posters oh they're all over the place oh yeah we definitely don't want these up let me break that this is definitely trash now oh my goodness all around my house too and you you're out that should be almost half get that one out that one's done oh two more right here get that one out of the way okay he's looking away grab that one too and the last two are what looks to be the door for the next town of super Society that's what kicked me out in the first place we're going to get revenge soon enough but let's just break these real quick oh and I got to scatter around trash hold up can I just walk in here oh wait no I can't passy superpowers required oh so what I think it is is that when the bar at the top left goes up to 15% we will get our evil Powers all right let's drop some trage real quick TR there trage there throw some more there and there and there and there make sure to drop in front of hero Society let's do three right there cuz they kicked me out right there and here and one last piece of trash that's the job B done complete the other evil Deeds these are the evil Deeds we got to do where the first one is to destroy a painting that's the one right there what could we do here I wonder well another s of becoming the king of all evil improve the mural leave my mark okay so we got to get our evil meter up by making something evil here oh wait what is this right here paintball gun oh this is going to make it fun all right what if we just draw a big old X real quick oh this is sick yo that'll be there then just make an X right there and then we'll uh put a smiley face why not or no a frowny face honestly if that doesn't look like anything it just looks really bad let me clean it up a little bit I like it and that's 11% evil oh I should probably go now nope nope NOP nope nope next up is commit voting FR okay oh there's a big vote place right here what do I do here breing the voting insert fake votes mayor frog mayor be hello intern how's it going is there paper around here cuz I need to do a vote Oh blank votes okay hold on so if we have these we can just go to my evil L and rename these two exoro votes amazing all right don't mind me just got my votes let's real quick put stock of exor votes and the elections are right all right that's 12% evil right now and on to the next one steal and hide five pets oh so like that pet right there hello steal pets and hide them in a hole oh my gosh okay so I guess what we can do is we'll make just a random hole right here that'll do right there and so how do we steal a pet oh I am uh I'm just going to go and grab that there we go grab the wolf and there we go looks like this kid has a panda that is not even safe all right I'll take that Panda thank you this one has a frog that's kind of stock up there uh let me real quick grab your frog there we go that's going to be another one and two okay oh and I think this guy has his parrot oh my par now there we go got to one and oh look at the cat looks like my cat here's a picture of my cat on the screen anyway that's my cat too and so now the cat goes in the hole and the parrot and we did it that's joint evil up now we're at nice 13% sooner or later I'll get my Powers so I can go in there that's done next up we got to steal the village Bell would it be up there this would be the village Bell that is a bell right there steal the tower's Bell and hide it oh okay let's just do some jumps real quick oh my goodness I didn't even know my legs were big enough for this we're at 12 hearts at least so that's good anyways oh we did make it to the top oh and this is the village Bell okay I don't have a pickaxe right now but I can always make one no wait which one's the Bell this one or this one oh well it doesn't matter well we'll grab the Bell we got it Bell broken oh we're down 14% all right don't mind me let's follow the way back down and we're going to hide the Bell right about here well there we go now that we're at 14% we have one more to go to get to 15 we got to steal costume this seems to be the costume store right here so this might become my villain origin store right here oh okay which one do I want these look sick is there no clerk I guess we can just grab one then I mean we're already red and low key this looks like another the right armor I think this is the one we grabb right here let's real quick grab you evil helmet boots leggings and chest plates and now we have our costume oh wow we went up to 25% Evil costume found I became a super villain oh wait that's only a 25% guys oh and what is this superpowers laboratory do not enter or enter well I didn't say enter so is there like a way on the side door let me go up the ladder here sneak in don't get caught oh okay yeah we don't have our disguise on anymore so I think we just got to drop in okay let me just break this right here okay time to just crawl in real quick and get our superpowers holy these ts are long oh this might be it right here okay let me drop in oh and doesn't look like there's anyone here all right let's just grab this and the potion of power do I just drink it all right let's get our powers oh an ability obtained laser eyes wait can I try them right now here it goes nothing yo oh yeah that's cool let me just break through the front door and that is how we get powers that's 45% evil now wait so if superpowers are required to go in here Tech technically can I just show my super power right here that's my superp power can I come in oh wait they just let me through hey we did it oh and our mission is to take out the heroes that is how we get more evil guys all right who's the heroes list oh wow they have a lot of them let's begin from the top we have the Avengers with Iron Man all right what do we do here oh wow there are some nice homes here where can we find Iron Man oh I think this might be it Avengers base Avengers only okay and so as a quick update we're going to go in here take out the heroes and get more evil and then get access to the final goal which is the government that's how we become the King of Evil all right let's go in I'm ready to take on whatever destroy the Arc Reactor oh it's Iron Man oh my gosh wait no no no he's right after me okay all right stay away where's Arc Reactor oh is this good thing okay hold on lasers oh we got it that apparently gives a whole G to do and do I take out iron Mano sorry buddy oh down it goes what's this going to be oh did we go down instead oh what the heck is this oh wait there's another thing all right let's go up see who's next destroy the shield don't get caught okay okay where do I grab this thing oh wait is that it oh he's sleeping why is he sleeping like that is he always looking at his shield I have a solution let me just uh cover up this right here and without further Ado let's take the captain Shield oh it's a proper Shield too it said destroy it so let me just throw it out yeah that do Shield bird and we are now 47% guys okay let's just go up and O is this Black Widow what do I do here I'm going to guess this is a boss fight oh is that them hey yo all right Noe NOP no no no no let's real quick use our irine sword oh my gosh they're actually pretty powerful what if I use my laser okay no that didn't do as much damage let me real quick eat some beef okay get the combos come on and we won yes oh my goodness what's in the chest oh chirp I guess I'll keep that why not okay we can now call those three done right there and next up it is Hulk let's go up see what's up here calm the Beast with music oh what's up man oh my gosh oh my gosh okay I got to calm down with music did I bring a jukebox I did not oh gosh uh does he have a juke box in here okay buddy I got the Jukebox and music oh he fell asleep sleep oh is this a one we bring in we had one more thing and that's the Hulk antidote all right Mr Hulk eat this real quick oh and he's cured well we can cross that one out finally up here we're going to be having Hawkeye I think is on the list oh gosh okay let me make sure I'm full health oh and destroy the nest destroy what Nest uh is he around here I mean there's a bow and arrow right there oh this might be the nest oh wait I think that's him hold on sorry about this and he's down oh we got his bow now we're 50% evil I think that's a job all done holy Infinity power five flame so next up is the Teen Titans with Robin I think we found it guys that is a huge tea I don't even get inside oh that's why I get inside nice oh don't mind me first floor this is Robin's room oh it's Robin all right let's fight you know what I'm going to drop my new bow it is bar five oh my gosh okay okay we got Robin on fire let's just get some shots in my new favorite villain weapon let's go and down goes Robin oh he dropped some obsidian a flint steel and a sticky hand oh and what is this a leather tunic maybe I need these things for another fight next up is going to be Raven all right Raven's room send her home with a portal oh wait she's com to be straight at me hold up so we got to make a portal okay we have an idea then let's just make this quickly oh man all right there we go let's make the portal and I got to bring her in this way okay let me just run this way oh wait she went in herself oh well that'll do it nice okay up we go and now this is Starfire's room Robin's love letters what is this well I mean I guess we are evil so I'm going to write I am turning into a life of evil goodbye from Robin heart maybe we got to give this to her as Robin we did get the outfit let's real quick just right click this this is more like it okay I got the love letter now we just got to go up and uh I guess give it to Starfire here you go oh oh oh oh and they're gone okay I think that's the job all done 53% guys nice next up we have Cyborg's room what do we do here oh flood the room with sponge uh cyborg well we do have the wet sponge might as well well to use this now oh it flooded yo oh my gosh wait and he exploded very nice now we're at 54% I think this might be the last one with Beast Boy oh what the heck trick him using his favorite food oh what is this oh it's a banana painting okay wait so where can I put this what if he just falls out the window right here then I just put this here oh wait I can't see it when I place it do I place it on the ground or something oh I do oh so it's a bottom painting okay so because be bo is right there low key I can just get right behind him and let's just break right there and put down the painting oh what barely worked okay and now we're at 60% nice and all we have left now is Batman super toilet and tax man well only one way to do this we drop the bucket we pick it up in midair and we LG water bucket that was actually pretty cool nice so where is Batman oh wait is that Batman right there oh yo we found the Batman hello Batman find him new parents oh oh okay I guess we that that that's how we do this boss fight not really evil but I guess it stops the crime I think this is Mr Wayne and Mrs Wayne all right so I just right click them there we go Mr Batman I got your parents oh my gosh he's not happy now all right there you go one parent and another parent oh no it's Bruce Wayne is that pretty much it buddy oh wait some stuff dropped over here we ended up getting the Batman gear apparently uh let's put this on and whatever this is oh we can go around that's sick all right so where the heck do we find super toilet oh we found him super toilet the heck is a super toilet clog the toilet with toilet paper hey yo he's moving all right we got a brand new craft of toilet paper literally so real quick we need a crafting table and we need toilet paper here wait hold up maybe this just have something nothing nothing yes okay hold hold hold hold hold we need this make some toilet paper six of it why not and now where is he let's clog you we are using the toilet paper power oh oh it's it's throwable it's unlimited toilet paper this is amazing I I really am a super villain right now I'm taking out the toilet Defender down he goes and oh my goodness that's a clog toilet now oh we got 10% more evil now that leaves only one hero left in the city and that is the tax man ooh I think that might be the tax man cuz I have no idea why that guy so big hello defeat the taxman with Git money oh my gosh wait is there anything in here git money yes all right we're throwing this oh my gosh what is this range well we're fighting taxes with fake money don't do this at home this is not good again this is evil all right couple more hits and we got him and now I got to pretend to work for the mayor oh we are now at 75% oh we changed a little bit so now we're almost in the government spot but we got to go to the mayor right here there's no Heroes to stop me anymore pretty much got my revenge from earlier in our story and so what do I do here hello Mr miror I'm here to uh get hired oh that's all we have to do hired prank the office and not going to make a whoopy cushion huh all right so we got a brand new crouch on the screen right there for a whoopy cushion which pretty much just is this oh and there it is all right so the mayor's office is right here oh and to get to the government you can go this way oh oh no no no they're Notting me okay well guard don't say anything oh they got a little picture right here and everything wait what's this all right well let me real quick just put the little piure right there and now the next prank is to fill the water with fish well that did make us a little bit more evil where do I get the fish though oh wait the pond up here has fish hold up so I just got to grab one and pretty much we can put a fish right there oh look at him go oh water supply destroyed oh no oh 77% now I got to steal things where there's a two oh I know what I might want to get okay uh low key why don't we get this key card right here which is the clearance pass a lucky pen and this thing and I mean low key with the clearance pass we already have everything we need so uh Mr guard I got the pass can I go in oh I can wait now we're finally to our goal guides the government all right so long mayor let's go in and we made it to the government oh go uh is this it we have the judicial branch then an arrow and then another arrow I guess let's go into the judicial branch first what exactly are we doing in here steal the judge's gavel oh okay wait so do I go this way oh yep I think we're in the right spot this is going to be tough okay wait I'm going to wait for him to actually pass then I'm just going to jump here okay we just got to get the gavels we have a brand new craft to make a giant gavel these guys are talking how can I get around them oh my gosh okay I'm going to go for it oh man okay okay just be in the line of sight don't be in the line of sight don't mind me and now let me just grab that okay we got our first gravel back to hiding we got to do this over and over again I'm literally just going to make a bunch of these things gel number two number four they don't see me oh this room's empty okay this is an easy one five okay okay H that's going to be hard to get out of we should be fine if I just T up oh man okay this is Big Brain guys watch this we're going to break right here go in here and then we can just go to the other side let's grab you and now we're out another one okay oh my gosh and we got the last one okay let's go giant gaval there we go and destroy the libery Bell where is that okay here's a plan guys I think I need to get to the top of the building so what I'm going to do is real quick use the Batman gear get all the way up here let me stack up a little bit there we go break through here and so where's the liy Bell let's get a higher view oh and wait is this say oh it is the Liberty Bill all right giant gav let's break you oh and that made our percentage go up let's go back down and so we're done with those guys up next what government branch do we have uh there's two arrows oh legislative all right what do we got to do in here steal the Declaration of Independence huh all right guess I'm going in the heck is in here oh there's a trap door there okay big red arrow let's go to the bottom and I guess steal the Declaration of Independence oh do I give my clearance pass here you go buddy oh all right that worked what are these things is this the security systems oh no okay they're weing Angels so I got to look at them for them not to chase me okay okay okay I got some time oh my gosh okay there we go oh we did it now what is going on here oh breaking parkour all right we got this okay okay okay my goodness they put so many security systems here all right all right all right don't mind me I've been through worse oh wait we can just make this jump easily you got me Neo jumping should be good there this not even a three block jump all right easy enough and now this side of school in front of it oh it's the booby trap room oh wait they have some Stone ones okay I got to make sure not to hit any of them okay let's just make sure we don't hit any TNT all right and we're good we seeds oh and now a chicken maze all right come with me Sir Chicken we're make you reach the end all the way up we go and now let's get you on that nice pressure plate hey we did it nice now sneak into the the vents these guys just suddenly appeared oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay this is the vents right here good thing I found it immediately let me go up real quick can't get caught oh and these are the vents let me grab some iron blocks for some iron later don't mind me but where are we heading here okay it's a bit of a maze oh wait this is it oh man all right let's head down ow and is it in here feel like I shouldn't be here Boulder Run oh yo okay yep yep yep these security systems are little too much let me just get to the end of here and no Boulder stay away okay oh is this another password thing we did this and we're back in the evil Village let me get these letters and I'll figure out what the password is okay we got all the letters and so from what I'm seeing I think the word is not me being e but it's president so p r p r e s i d e n andt oh and that definitely opened up the door so is this going to be it oh uh it's empty never mind it's literally all the way down here who left it on the floor the Declaration of Independence and now we got to use events to sneak around okay let me just go through here okay okay we just got to get out of here and then we're good oh it takes us straight to the Senate is this the next area crash a meeting with your new crafts oh they are doing senatorial stuff and me as the evil villain we're going to be doing a few things oh wait we have droppers Redstone a bunch of flow oh my goodness and glue oh let's make something real quick with the stuff we have mainly this okay so I pretty much made this bridge and then I realized why don't I just throw the flower in glue cuz uh this might be more efficient gone glue let's just throw this around and that could get the job done Mini ruined let's just get all the way down oh and they probably don't like me sorry about this guys back to government and we're back note that we're at 80% right now this is the final thing to get to 100% I think the executive branch destroy the Oval Office oh how do we do that you know what I have one way to do this I did get superpowers let's just destroy the paintings all of you paintings destroyed all right and now we can break all the flowers let's uh just break up the carpet do all this here oh and I think that's good now go to the Pentagon for a Super Evil plan all right I guess we're nearing the end guys to the Pentagon we go the Pentagon all right what happens here oh congratulations I'm the king of evil yo we finally did it so I guess getting to the Pentagon is the last step find the center office oh well would it be all the way over there there's a button wait cast world into evil oh wait is this it I think we're done guys and so pressing this button will this get me to 100% let's press it the world is starting evil Yo oh my gosh that's insane and we are now at 100% oh my gosh everything is turning yep that is a dubby what would that being guys that is our mission complete and our story complete hope you guys enjoyed have a great one and go watch this video right here just click it click it thank you thank you [Music] bye
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,506,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but You Get More Evil, minecraft but evil, minecraft but your evil increases, evil, minecraft villain, villain, minecraft good to evil, evil minecraft
Id: LQF6e1Y_vWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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