How I EVOLVED in Minecraft…

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this is Minecraft but I evolve today I'm going to be starting out as a single cell organism and evolving through life from being as small as a germ to evolving into a fish to even becoming a dinosaur my goals to evolve into the final mystery Evolution but as I do more Evolutions evolving gets a lot more tricky so what's the final evolution and what do I do as a single cell organism stay tuned to find out what at the beginning of evolution we're a germ that means we're microscopic and at zero Evolution points unless we eat these guys so step one is to eat smaller organisms to grow so for example germx storio will'll go up to this guy right here grab him and we got two points we grew slightly we got to avoid the bigger ones though because those can eat us until we get bigger let's eat come over here oh we got so many oh my gosh wait we're getting so big we can now eat the big ones I think come on get over here guys let's get the evolution points all the way up I need all the germs come on all of you oh and Z's evolved I unlocked a germ Cannon hold up what does this button do oh it's a ger Cannon I now have projectiles well we're at 72 Evolution points and we're so so fast oh look at the big ones let's Cannon this guy right there and this guy right there get over here perfect wait what the heck are these things what is going on what is this wait Mega virus hey what the heck is this thing all right I guess this is what it takes to evolve that looks insane go on my germs get them oh wait it's actually doing pretty good damage wait is it firing missiles at me hey yo oh wait what is that thing oh no oh no okay we got to dodge this thing all right let's finish it with our little germs go on we got to evolve shoot in and oh we got him down goes the big old virus and uh what is is this thing do I grab it oh DNA absorbed I'm evolving oh my gosh wait we are gigantic holy oh and we evolved evolved to walk on land okay so as of fish we got to attend fish school I AMX fish storo now that is 300 Evolution points oh and fish school is literally right here welcome to fish school time for your exam hello Professor puffer look at him what is a group of fish called oh gosh I'm going to guess a school hey nice thank you Professor puffer how many oceans are there oh in the world oh my gosh okay um I think there's five nice but let's see if you know this next one how is this going to give me Evolution who knows but what percentage of Earth is covered by ocean okay I know it's a lot is it 67 or 71 I'm going to go with a bigger number there's a lot of ocean a lot of water hey we did it congratulations you pass your exam oh now we got to win a fishing race okay before we do that we got 25 Evolution points so when I right click this we are now at 325 we got to get to this number before we evolve again okay so where is the fish race wait hold up it says right here race so I assume this is the fish race we have a orca and oh man I forgot the name of this fish fish experts in the comments let me know do I talk to the Orca hello the race is about to start get in position okay okay uh where do we go oh I guess this is the position okay I'm here ready okay I literally just Le out of swim 3 2 1 oh I guess we're going oh this is sick okay so we got to go through these little circle things these are checkpoints does that mean uh something happen oh no no no Buddy's beating me okay wait no no this is not good this not good I'm not the fastest mission to see okay okay we have the lead feeling like Lightning McQueen right now why do I feel like something bad's going to happen I don't really have any abilities oh my gosh we're neck and neck right now no get away oh come on in yes I think we did it I won yes and again 25 more Evolution points let's take that oh and now task three find the hidden treasure oh would it be in that thing Mr swordfish do I talk to you you look like you could use this oh a swordfish sword what do I need this for okay oh there is even a pirate fish so we're going in there to get some treasure do I got to fight you guys oh my gosh okay yep they they they fight they fight but on the bright side we get fish is this cannibalism oh my gosh okay okay okay they're they're not happy oh my goodness okay these guys are a little bit more dangerous than I thought but we did get a map piece from fighting them so I need nine of these from fighting all the Pirates so get over here Pirates oh my gosh there's so many of them okay okay we're insane okay let me grab all these pieces don't want to be fished right now uh that'll be a little awkward and on the bright side we have Cod now get over here guys I need to evolve that's three down and we got the nine pieces perfect well as a fish I don't think I can make a crafting table is there one around here oh there's a crafting table right here so with all these we have the treasure map what does this do oh wait I think it's leading me to the treasure oh wait is this it this is useless keep looking okay so this is not it so is the treasure this way is it somewhere down here oh we found it so the treasure chest wasn't even in the boat but outside of it all right what's inside oh found the treasure and it's given us lots of food and gold now task for is to find someone to help before we do that though 25 more Evolution points and we're getting closer to the goal guys where we evolve again oh wait cooked fish oh don't you dare I'm so sorry so all the fish watching the video which uh is is probably zero but I'm so sorry all right so find someone to help there's a weird looking fish right here with maybe a child fish oh baby fish okay well what do you need to help with task four find the missing baby fish wait like this one over here literally your your son is all the way over here okay I need you to follow me do I like right click you come on buddy follow me why will you follow me oh that's not my child then who is this oh that's a child I assume with the bubbles hold up so if I right click them oh the bar went up and now they follow me okay sorry about that okay oh here they are they're in the reef all right you come with me another one over here looks like they're all hanging out on the core Reef that should be eight done number nine and that should be the last one right here hey we did it return the babies to fish Mom all right come with me my crew look at them go all right the mama fish is right here and here they come by the way they're all subscribe to story did you know 80% of people watching right now are not subscrib toex tutorial so all of them they're subscribing oh look at them go amazing all right M fish are you happy thank you so much for fighting my babies do I get Evolution for that oh I do 25 more points now we're 400 now we got to prank the fisherman oh this guy oh wait the fisherman's right there it's here Bine and in a catsuit what is he doing hint right click a squid oh uh all right do I just right click you oh wait so what if I make him fish a squid okay wait let's wait for him to fish again okay there we go so if we put a squid right about here oh and did he grab it oh my goodness I am so sorry okay okay we're going to just go straight this way and have no off legs it said go on land oh and land is straight that way okay I look so goofy guys this is the power evolution right now oh wait so land is just like right over here oh yo is that like dinosaurs we're going to be evolving this is it guys and we can actually touch grass the first time ever in Minecraft history I am now touching grass I did it oh my gosh I transformed lizard become a dinosaur so now we got to climb a tree to eat bugs wait so this bug right here do I just eat it like this oh that worked hold up we're eating bugs all right let me get this nutrition so we can get the evolution points to this is the new goal guys before we evolve again wait did I just get stick bugged I just got stick bugged the B boo stick bugs all right get over here bugs eat all of them we're almost at 25 Guys these bugs are amazing oh bully is full oh crafting unlocked yes we did it now Tas two is learn basic camouflage oh I got to find someone to teach me maybe there's a fellow lizard before we get to the lizard though can I get wood finally oh I can and I can craft yes guys we can finally get the wood finally we can mine all right this is more like it we now have tools oh wait is this the camo wizard what's up buddy look at him he's like edit and stuff okay okay I need to know what he does all right do I do I talk to you try camouflage techniques oh okay the guide to camouflage first cover yourself in mud mud armor oh okay that that's the graph right there where to get mud oh is this mud I think this is mud luckily we got some tools so we can go ahead and grab all the mud in the world okay so mud armor is it just like normal armor what is mud helmet on use put mud on head okay let me right click this and I have mud on me now try disguising okay so that means step two where we got to gather plants flowers grass and leaves and make myself a disguise that means that craft right there we might need some iron for that oh my gosh I didn't realize guys this Mana has shears literally right on top of them the whole time all right now with this first we got to grab a little bit of this all right we got the leaves get some grass and now that flower on the screen oh here it is all right with all this stuff now let's go back to our friend and it's time for the main craft which is this this oh and there it is the disguise on use more mud more camouflage all right let's put this on oh and we now have flowers on us amazing that is now 610 Evolution now task three is to build a home oh did you just give us the home guide thank you buddy I appreciate that what's in the home guide find a good location find somewhere with lots of space okay uh what's a place with lots of space why not right here I like this and so I got to make sure my home is hidden and make your home feel like a home I got an idea all my Evolution has left to me doing this AKA mining wood give me one sec all right we have a spot we have lots of wood lots of leaves so for home let's real quick set up the corners we're going to do that corner right there this corner right there right here and right here for a lizard like me we're going to make him four blocks all and this right here is going to be the main entrance now that we've done the main parts let's F in the rest hey there we go and now because the guide says it is make sure home is hidden we're using leaves to pretty much make everything kind of uh match with environment oh we're going to try our best to do this that means the roof too so right now we don't have a roof and now we have camouflage Hest pretty good and of course the last little step was to decorate the house AK we now have a chest and the crafting table we put two right there is that pretty much all we need to do yeah it feels like home oh and that's home finished oh and that's 60 Evolution points oh task four offer bugs to make Alliance okay so now at 670 we're got to make these guys our allies hold on so do I just grab these bugs again oh wait I can just pick them up all right get over here bugs I need all of you real quick uh I'm making an alliance hello Mr lizard I need you to be my friend do I just like right click here oh we have an ally okay so I guess first let's collect a bit more of bugs all of you bugs I'm coming oh wait this Los is now our friend oh we even get small guys what about you can you become a friend nice that's another one is that a BG I can grab oh that's a moth oh that's sick okay now we just got to get the lizards ooh this might be a lizard all right my friend I need you to join the alliance oh wait they're following me look at my allies they're amazing hey you you're join the alliance you're join the alliance oh and look at this cool lizard nice we're going to get that one I got of feel bad that I'm probably going to evolve soon but it's all good we have the big lizard army look at this guy this is the Geico lizard and so now with my allons and my Evolution points let's real quick evolve oh and we evolved into a dinosaur yo oh and now task five is to defend my territory wait what what are we doing to evolve Mega T-Rex oh so here's our next goal getting points and so where would the T-Rex be oh my gosh okay allies we got to get ready to fight that guy oh wait someone's already fighting him go on my friends get him oh my gosh oh oh oh okay okay okay he's not happy he's not happy all right we're going in we're going in get him in the water I still have my gills okay let's take him down oh and honestly not that very difficult oh and he also dropped some diamonds all right good job everyone you guys did a great job CU now we got some more Evolution points and this might trigger another Evolution let's right click that oh my God some bigger evolved into big dinosaur cool so can we all chill now the meteor is coming hide in your home wait what do you mean the meteor's coming where's the meteor I mean it looks pretty chill right now oh my gosh what is that thing guys my computer's freezing oh my gosh what what just happened what just happened what just happened wait I'm a m here what's going on I think I just got launched wait bird Learn to Fly did I just evolve again oh my gosh wait I'm a bird now wait how do I fly how do I fly how do I fly F flat skill oh oh my gosh MX bird storo oh what the heck that's a sick okay so now task one it's to gather seeds for energy okay so I guess seeds will be at the bottom let me real quick flop again oh gosh oh hello guys how's it going oh gosh I'm a big bird compared to these guys but hey I I guess I've been evolving okay let me just go down here oh my gosh I can't proper fly right now can just kind of jump but we do need seeds so I guess if we grab seeds the oldfashioned way which is like this can I eat them oh wait I just got to collect them all the numbers going up we need as many as we can this might be a good spot oh an energy filled nice so what do we do now we're at 790 oh task two make a target for aaof Landing oh uh like do I put the Target down this might be a good spot to put it right by I assume I got to land on the target why don't we put it right there okay what happens now with this thing oh there it is Task three make a leap of Fai okay so I do got to go all the way up there and then just hit that thing luckily it don't take fall damage but my goodness all right as a bird let's climb up this tree right here and make the leap of faith I'm going to assume this gives me some more Evolution points again here's the goal we got to hit to get another Evolution on the screen right now oh and we made it up all right oh flight instructor I talk to you oh wait this disappeared jump from here oh wait so I got to jump straight down there all right here goes nothing oh my gosh oh we hit it did we get anything oh we got some more Evolution points oh and now task four is to complete the flight course okay 850 points we're getting closer now we got to go back up to the flight course okay we are back fight instructor so how do I fly exactly the race is about to start get in position wait what what are we doing ready am I racing I only know how to do the flap technique all right where are we going oh yo we're flying now and we can flap and fly okay let's keep going into the checkpoints okay okay oh this is amazing keep going nice another one another one another one all the way up we go and final one he we did it flight course completed and so now with our Evolution points I need to find the tree cannons okay so we have fullon flight right now but I am struggling to find where these cannons are oh wait is that literally it straight up the cannon should I put myself in the cannon though I feel like this is a natural selection right here in play okay uh do I just like right click it oh gosh uh why is there celebration noises oh okay yep that's not a good noise we just got launched up what's going on what's going on wait what where am I now ape become leader of the Apes I'm a monkey and our first task is to now build homes for the Apes oh all right so to get some more Evolution let's go around and I guess we got to finish houses in these different spots for example house number one the theme is hamburger oh oh my gosh it's straight up just a hamburger house okay I guess we can do that all right we got to get the bread there we go then we're going to put in the meat this is going to be the greatest house ever the lettuce finally the Tomato right here and then at the very top we put in the final piece of bread yeah hamburger house incredible so do I just like click this hey there we go all right that's 1 out out of three no Evolution points just yet but we'll get up there looks like we got to build another house over here all right what does this guy want theme banana oh oh yeah yeah he straight up just wants banana okay I I I can do that so get the banana all we need is some yellow wool and honestly we're just going to make out of yellow wool okay making a banana house though I don't think I've ever really thought of how to do this we're going to try our best here I'm going to Freestyle it and if it works it works if it doesn't work act like it never happened all right so this is the banana home and then we're going to add a little area for the banana home over here which I think this should work all right that should do it right there and this is the banana home oh my gosh this is awful hey hey uh sir monkey um you're over here but do you like it all right you know what I'll take it only one left to go I think it's over there oh here we go and the final theme is monkey Ju Just Just monkey okay I think that's really just going to be like a house like this so I'm going to save you guys a time and watch this magic we don't have a house right now but in 3 2 1 and now we have an entire house that was monkey so I kind of just said it like the other ones I think it kind of fits in all right that's all house is completed why is that guy with a fullon suit and everything how's it going man so what happens now oh and we got some more Evolution points let's real quick grab that up our points and now we have 1,0 task two is to complete the notice board request all right let's get our monkey Stu over here again that is the goal we're trying to get to with the evolution points look at that beautiful home that the beautiful burger and we don't talk about the banana the the that that's not a home anyways notice boor do we do that need banana or scientist needs assistance oh we met the scientists over there let's do need banana all what does it say please donate 10 Banana accept requests okay oh oh do I put the bananas in here oh they're like right there oh that's sick hold up so I just got to run over here and do I just get the banana oh okay so we got to jump around like a proper monkey and then just grab the bananas okay don't worry my fellow AP Brothers I will get all the bananas donated I just need to find all of them though oh we got two more for here let me grab you let's not fall cuz I think fall damage is definitely on especially when I'm not a bird anymore I do miss my wings that would have been insane oh another one right here thank you oh that looks like a big banana over there o we got to jump on the side right here oh yo look at all the bananas this is the banana jackpot okay let me grab 10 real quick let me grab some extras just in case I need them myself there we go can I eat them I cannot eat the banana but we have 13 now and so now with the bananas let's real quick put in 10 in here the counter is going up very nice number 10 and that's notice one completed on to the second thing from the notice board what do they need me to do I guess this is for me to become the leader scientist needs assistance banana expert yep that'll be me why not find the scientist I think he's right this way oh yep this kind of looks like a lap right here and there he is hello what's up man help make banana bigger got it okay uh use bone Me banana uh where where's the banana though oh that's it right there okay so we need bones hm is there any stuff around here I can grab oh wait this might be handy beware skeleton infestation well skeletons mean bones and we need you guys all right don't worry I will handle the skeletons okay so we just got to take you guys out let's real quick grab some of those bones oh my gosh wait do I still have my tongue attack I do oh yo we can just use your tongues go on Tu Tuk okay that's three in total we're going to be having nine bone meal I need one more bone last skeleton from the skeleton investation let's take you out and we're good all right my doctor friend let's go right here and we got to use the bone meal 10 times oh my gosh wait how big is this thing going to be holy it's already that big all right two more and oh what a unit doctor is that good bigger bigger find growth serum what the heck do I find a growth serum let me see if there's anyone in town oh hold on this might be useful we have the shop hello shopkeeper oh and he wants 10 bananas for the growth potion the only thing he sells so I guess that must be where we had to go that means we're stuck looking for bananas again oh well luckily there's some right over here okay banana one oh gosh oh gosh okay right now we have seven bananas in total we need three more oh and there's literally so many right here so let me go and grab all these and just in case we need some more later let me just grab all these here 15 all right now we just trade with you one growth potion all right my friend it is time to use this thing here we go oh my gosh holy okay oh and that's all the notices completed and yet again we get another Evolution points let's level up real quick and now we're on to task three which is learn to fight find to defeat the ape Champion where would that be wait is he over here oh my goodness he's huge oh gosh okay I saw my sort of a sword and my tongue attack all right here we go how's it going buddy is he friendly oh yep no no no he's not friendly oh my gosh okay okay that that hurts okay okay I can't really get near him so low key do I just got to do the tongue attack okay oh my gosh he didn't like the either gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay okay we're going to go in this way we're going to run away get over here buddy we're going to hit him run the back okay let me just go in for the final hits out out and we got him Champion defeated and now apparently I'm the strongest ape yet again we get some Evolution points and now we've upgraded now task force to take the throne wait what where's the throne figure out how to become king wait hold on we have a throne room right here is this where the current Monkey King is let me check nothing here looks pretty comfy oh wait that might be the room right there how do I get up there hold up let me go here let's Tip Toe in oh and that's him that's The Monkey King I think that's a crown okay there's a random head staring me right there but there is a bug let me grab this book real quick Heist plan oh should I read this sure Heist plan find the bank steal the green gem frame the king call the cops profit what incriminate the king steal the green diamond andir the king oh right why did he have that book right there no idea but let me finish this plan so we got to find the bank where would that be oh I think it's right there guys that is a big Bank my goodness what the big green emerald so now that we found the bank we got to steal the green gem okay so I got to sneak in here oh wait no is that security right there oh that's that's not good here's how we make it work we're real quick going to go all the way up here and they shouldn't see this all right they're looking away I'm just going to go through here don't mind me oh my gosh straight up land mine don't want to click that I'm just going to jump over these oh gosh oh gosh okay there we go what the heck is this oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay this is lowkey kind of fun Okay jump over that why does this feel like a Mr Beast challenge okay okay okay okay and we got just go through here oh that's sick oh wait it doesn't stop literally another one right here we can't go that way there's a land mine right there but I guess we'll grab a gem and then go up oh gosh let's go let's go let's go okay let's grab that and before anything happens let's go all the way up oh my goodness ooh okay this should be easy to get out now oh now I got to plant the evidence okay let me just break through here real quick and now is a monkey we're going to get all the way back okay frame the king okay we just got to go straight back up to his room is he still sleeping oh he is and now instead of the book we can put in the green diamond okay what's on the next page call the cops tell the police show the police and frame the king um okay I think there was a little monkey police guy over here oh there's two of them now hello you need help yes I do need help can you can you come this way oh wait one follows me now all right so I just got to lead him to the spot come straight this way my friend got to go all the way up here I'm going to Tippy Toe in okay all right guess we can be as loud as we can now oh and he's awake oh he's staring right at it yep yep I'mma just let this happen uh they they uh oh my gosh he's slapping him why is he walking like that oh my gosh wait he dropped the crown did that work yo and now I'm King of the Apes let's put on that crown and we are king and the best part is we can sit on our Throne amazing and so now with some more Evolution points let's go up real quick oh and we didn't evolve yet task five now is to protect the Village wait invading robots hold on that's King of the monkeys what is going on oh they're all over here where are the robots my friends come with me all right I got all these monkeys with me we got to fight a battle but I don't know where oh my gosh there they are y go on t attack my monkeys get them oh gosh oh gosh okay we're just going to knock them off oh gosh okay they do pretty good damage Okay we taking down one 2 3 oh that that's another one down oh and it's broken the machine now oh that's sick I'm just using my tongue attack gold monkeys get them all let's uh knock you down real quick very nice there's so many now over there my friends help me me out oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh T attack is the only thing I got oh man okay another one down down down 15 oh the monkeys are fighting still another round 24 left guys let's hit you off there we go 26 oh my gosh they're even on the roofs oh another one right there let's take him down oh we did it invad is defeated the monkeys won that was actually pretty cool I like that so yet again let's use these Evolution points and oh things have evolved talk to the scientists uh okay I haven't evolved yet then that is the score we're trying to get to but the scientist should be straight over here oh wait are all the robots there now oh my gosh that happened instantly wait that destroyed my home I actually spent a lot of time on that one all right well where is he oh wait what he disappeared I guess how's it going buddy collect parts and buy the mexu who do I buy the mexu from oh he trades now 10 robot parts for a mexu oh that looks sick hold on so how do I grab the robot Parts oh okay I just right clicked them all right let me grab all the junk real quick all of the robots I'm grabbing all the parts and now we have 30 robot Parts all right my friend here we go let's do one purchase of a mech suit and so with the mech suit does this evolve us I guess let's see right click oh and we evolved into a Mech yo wait homing missiles unlocked wait what the heck is going on oh help officer monkey see why officer monkey is upset oh wait is it the one that didn't do anything where would this man be oh he was here the whole time do I talk to him he's just waving his thing is he going to leave me somewhere oh he's going somewhere all right we going to follow the monkey where are you leading me my friend hopefully it's nothing bad oh wait what is that is that a bomb hold on all right I got the sender control it literally has 5 minutes do I touch it oh I just got blasted into where am I now robot Dragon take over the end oh my gosh what have I become task one talk to the genius villager okay we've come a long way from being bacteria um hello big bra villager what do we do here task one gather materials for the invention oh do I got to give scrap where where's scrap though oh this is scrap how do I grab it oh I just break it all right let's grab all the scrap metal we can wait can I fly oh I can't fly as this guy oh that's sick this will make getting around pretty easy all right number seven and the last two should be right here there we go 10 scrap gathered all right my friend here you go all the scrap oh we got 500 more Evolution points I I guess let's go ahead and right click that oh now task two is fix the machine we got to enter it can I enter it as like a robot guy all right I guess let's uh connect our systems and go in oh we're in and inside we have fire zombies uh actually why don't I just use the missiles oh and there's also a bunch of fire okay we got to remove all the fires and also remove all the viruses here's the plan we're going to just fire all the missiles we can and we're going to remove all the fire we can why do I feel like fixing this machine is going to backfire that's the evolution points goal we have on the screen right there where we got to get to and on the bright side this fire is pretty much almost fully put out all right there we go now let's shoot some missiles oh and I think that's it machine fixed all right nice oh wait we got s back and the machine is fixed that's going to be some more Evolution points for this guy all right 5,10 task three protect the villagers cyber Pillager raid oh no not another raid what are cyber pillagers oh my gosh that's a cyber Pillager all right guess we got to use our missiles all right I'm spamming the missiles here we go uh guys my computer is now lagging because of how many missiles I'm shooting but if you can see the bar up there it is going up I think we're doing a good job oh wow we took out 40 of them oh there's only 10 left to go go my missiles these things are insane and we did it okay that was a pretty easy raid and more Evolution points let's keep going up oh and it looks like our friend dropped us some even more Evolution points okay it's like a double oh task five is now to grab portal gun and use on wall this one oh this is sick okay and portal Ray hold up so if I just make this into a wall does it summon the end portal or do I just use it on this wall right here let's try this wall here we go oh wait what what is this is this working oh yo we have a portal now do I just go inside of it Loki I guess we can oh we're in wait what's that over there oh Mega dragon so existor evolve Dragon versus the Mecha dragon is it just a sleep uh Mr Mecha Dragon do I hit it oh oh my gosh okay nope no nope it's alive okay time for dragon versus dragon go on missiles are we hitting it I literally don't even have food oh wait unless the bananas can I eat these wait I can yo oh my gosh wait they work like Notch apples this is incredible okay we can actually go in now all right let me eat another banana and we're throwing the missiles oh my gosh wait they do Insane damage I'm throwing in all the missiles I can oh wow wait it's taking a ton of damage okay I'm out of bananas now we got to go in oh my gosh final shot oh we got him yes oh my gosh that is insane looking well that's that and what is going on with their evolution points yo is this the final evolution oh my gosh what the heck am I I think this might be it guys that this is literally the end of evolution you know what I'm just going to end the video now hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one go click the video that's upcoming on the screen right now in 3 2 1 oh we're falling the void all right bye [Music] guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,624,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but I Evolve, minecraft evolve, minecraft evolution, minecraft fish, minecraft dinosaur, minecraft robot, germ, fish, monkey, dinosaur, robot
Id: 33rW_Okxbrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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