What's in the LAST suitcase? My Mum's QUILT TOPS!

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hello youtube friends it's time to look into another suitcase in fact today we're going to look in two suitcases and these are the last two suitcases of the whole series we've looked in all sorts over in fact maybe i'll make a playlist of looking into suitcases and leave a link to that at the end there's been all sorts in them but these are the last two and i've kind of i know what's in them and i've kind of been avoiding doing them till now but i'll move the camera and i'll open these up and you'll be able to see what's inside both of them these suitcases don't belong to me i'll open them up and we'll have a look inside probably somewhere for you to sleep which one shall we do first this one when i was clearing out my mum's things after she died which was uh three and a half years ago now i knew what was inside these suitcases lots of her unfinished work so there's um some wadding here batting modding loads of wadding and then lots of per unfinished work so this will be the edging of a hexagon quilt that she was making here look there are loads of these she would sit over an afternoon and just sit in the conservatory while my dad had a nap and sew these little hexagons and then stitch them onto these pieces here that obviously she had an idea that she was going to sew them together into a quilt and that's the border for it she's hand stitched all of that and look ah so there's quite a lot of that one done so i could finish that couldn't i because my idea here is to see how far mom got with all of these and finish them so that's all one quilt there but then there are some finished quilt tops in here and in here and so what i'm going to do today and then isn't it lovely when you see the handwriting of someone you love king size wash that says what's this this is just um this is quilt backing right so that's just a big piece of quilt backing that she's washed and it's king size so that's good to know because of a plan that i have with some of the other things i'll find in here what's in here i haven't looked in these since um mum used to knit um this is the same sock pattern that i in fact i think i got her into sock knitting she always used to sock knit but then just laterally oh that's nice um she i got i got her back into sock knitting and she made socks for my dad and their look that's the cuff of one and the needles and the rest of the wool is here so it's a pretty unpromising color but i think what i may do i'll put those to one side and i might finish those there's only one cast on and um and we have different tensions she is quite a tight knit or i'm quite loose but then it's a sock you know so i might um yeah there's the sock yarn label there what i might do then is put that to one side and finish those socks and give them to my dad and now we're going to get into the quilt tops there's a finished quilt top there's another small one another and another has four and then in this suitcase here five six seven eight there are eight quilt tops and what i thought we would do is have a look at each one because i have a plan for these now i wonder if you remember i'll leave an i card if i can remember or a link at the end of the video to the the time i went to visit kath who's the cumbrian long arm quilter and she quilted machine quilted the red and pink scrappy quilt that i made beautifully she did absolutely beautifully and i went to her workshop in cumbria and i think i probably annoyed her a little bit because she was very busy doing a very complicated quilt and i was asking all sorts of interesting questions about the things i was interested in but anyway kath has moved now she's just over the border in scotland which is actually nearer for me so i got in touch with her and i asked her how she would feel about finishing these quilts for me and she very kindly she said she would and she very kindly invited me to take them rather than send them so i thought i had five but i've got eight and this one so i've got eight quilt tops we're going to have a look at them all one at a time in fact what i thought i'd do is pin them up on the design board so that we can look at each one and look at my mum's work and kath very very kindly is going to let me visit her and show her these quilts and we're going to discuss what kind of pattern she'll quilt onto each one she's going to provide the wadding i'm going to find the backing for them and then what i plan to do with them all is make sure that each family member gets one of my mom's quilts uh it might take a while for this to all come to fruition because i'll get them back and i'll have to bind them all won't i uh and you know hands bind them all eight quilts plus i've got quite a lot of other things on the go at the moment but that's what i'm going to do now is going to pin mom's quilts up on the design board one at a time so that we can have a look at them and see what she was making and i think isn't this the way with quilters we love the the quilting part but sometimes i mean i quite like the finishing of it i like pinning it out and hand quilting it's almost like one of my favorite parts is hand quilting but obviously it wasn't mums and um although she was very prolific and we've all of us got all of her quilts and she would give them away and all of that but she obviously liked like all of us do do you do this where you're making a quilt and you've got the next one in your head oh yes i think it would be nice to do this fabric like this now there's eight quilts here i'm going to pin them up on the board and we'll have a look at each one and then potentially nine because there's this one that i'm somehow rather going to have to try and finish but this is a lovely one and you know i'm going to hand quilt this one i won't take this to be machine quilted because this is all hand done so i'm thinking if i put that wadding back in there that might be a nice place for you norma what do you think mom and dad used to have cats but not lately they didn't have cats in the last few years okay so we'll put that one in there and cover that up so that norma doesn't sleep directly on that with all this slot here and then we'll do some pinning up okay for no good reason this is the first one i don't know what order she made these in this is the first time i'm seeing these quilts and this is a fantastic log cabin i really like the bold um contrast between the colors it's a funny shape because one of the things i'm going to do is measure it so that i know how big the backing needs to be and also what color so i'll make notes so yeah i'll make notes that one's 80 inches wide and 8 inches long and 61 inches wide so this is the log cabin 80 by 61. okay that's lovely this is the next one it's quite a pastel one this this is small really small one and it's a nice pinwheel let's pop up this pinwheel i'm just gonna pop it up on top so we can have a look at this one so that's almost like a copped quilt or a baby quilt isn't it so let's see how big that one is 45 46. so that's she's done that in rows of the same pinwheel that was quite a quick easy one i think that one let's try this one now this is another big one oh this is nice okay let me pin this one up that's a lovely spring-like quilt isn't it and so she's got a what's she got going on here uh like a checkerboard here a bit like a louie 16 patch and then she's just snowballed the corners of this block here and put them together makes that little secondary bit there but it makes for a really light quilt what should we call that one um [Music] i'm gonna call what should we call that one i like the border she's done a nice break here and then a border there so i i'll quilt out uh the binding for that one will be this color because i'm gonna have to get the bindings as well aren't i so we'll call that one um pink and cream pink and cream i'll know which one it is pink and cream and this one up so daisy 65 by 68 okay loads more to go this one now this one's um a string piece one in fact she must have made this one fairly recently because i recognize this fabric here and this this was the um now i will definitely leave a link to that uh video where we did a swap where i gave her a fat quarter pack that i liked and i kept one that she would like and we made a quilt for each other and there's i made a video about that and so i recognize all of these as the fabrics from those two fat quarter bundles that she's used here there's another very odd that just fell out maybe she didn't finish it or maybe she did well this is another long thin one uh it seems to be longer than it is wide let me see if i can pin this one up is a bit like the string piece quilt that i made a while ago but i tell you what my thinking about this is a bit long and a bit narrow so i'm wondering if if i took off maybe two runs there and put another one on the end i think that might actually square it up better because it's a funny size at the moment let's see what size this one is so that one's 58 we'll call this um strip piste 58 i remember i remember her making this one yeah i do i remember this one because it was when i just discovered that string strip piecing probably from bonnie hunter on paper and i was i used to you know experimented a bit by doing it on paper so i showed her how to do it she wasn't having any of this she wasn't going to use paper so she just did it without paper worked out fine for her but i think that's i think maybe you could leave a comment and see if you agree it's we've got the it's 58 uh that way but how long is it it's very long oh tape measure bit me let's see how long it is this way so it's 85 so it's 58 by 85 right well i might have a replay with that one and as i say just unpick a little i don't mind doing that i don't think mum would mind it'll make for a possibly more useful size quilt we're nowhere near finished yet this is such a lot of work let's look at the next one shall we this is another big one what's this one then i don't remember the this one oh this one's nice okay let me pin this one up so this one's quite striking but again it's terribly simple if you break the block down that's the individual block there and they're all identical so it's one block and she's taken a little so it's been i don't know how she's done this that's right she'll have made a half square triangle here and then snowballed the corner of the half square triangle on every one which gives you the big scrappy square and the small scrappy square that's what she did there and that's a huge quilt i don't remember her seeing her making that one but that's a that's a big one that's nice let's measure that one then what should we call that square and square and square we'll call it square and square that's nearly square is 80 by 76. 80 by 76. now all the time i'm looking at these and for the first time except for that strip piece one that i do remember her making i'm thinking about how what color backing to use uh because i'm going to have to find all the backing for these and also what sort of binding because there's no extra fabric for binding in here should we keep going when nowhere near the end yet this one's nice this one's lilacy and white cream oh this one's lovely look at the um how she's used uh different tones of cream for this square here which adds interest let's look at this one this one's quite a small one let's get another couple of pins okay so this one is a a small throw this is um how she made this i've got a feeling she might have made this up beforehand by doing strip sets and sewing them together and then making these um scrappy uh lovely moldy colored um what are they half square triangles no they're not are they they're not half square triangles well anyway she's that scrappy thing and then repeating it with these um neutrals which are all different colors of neutrals i like that one with again with a uh sort of squares border so that one might be nice bound in something like this color and maybe with a backing that color see how big what should we call that one we'll call that um lilac and cream let's see how big that one is 42 by 70 that one i like that i like this another one i think there are two more what's this one all about this one feels like another quite big one oh this one's enormous up and down i'll pin this one up that one's so big you can hardly see it all but um you can see that she's got a center panel here which has got this sort of um motif in the middle and then squares all the way around the outside of the same thing but this we've got this sort of knot thing here in her favorite colors which were purples pinks and lilacs these colors she liked these colors very much what should we call that one we'll call that um pink well it's not really pink is it um what should we call that one i don't know it's a bit overwhelming all of this i don't remember her making this one either she was always sewing always we'll call this one um lilac and green knot yeah because that's like a knot in the middle like one of those stylized knots lilac and it was kind of green she didn't like green at all in fact there's not much green in any of her quilts but that's a bit green isn't it but it's got mostly pink flowers in it so this one's a biggie so it's 84 by 65 for that one and there's one more which i've been saving to the last i think this one's going to be amazing yeah let's look at this one shall we pin this one up this one then it's got little hearts if you can see that i'll i'll do a close-up and put a close-up in here it's got little hearts a hand not a plea cade are they a plea cade yes they actually are it's turned applique but she's cut the backs out a lot like i do my window hangings i don't quite know why she's got the backs out maybe to make it lighter because it definitely wasn't meant to be hung up against the window or anything i don't think it's meant to be quilted but when you it's quite striking this one i think when you look at it through the camera because it's got almost like a log cabin feel so so the heart in the middle uh how she done that upside down the right way up all the way along so she's alternated those so that the quilt won't have an up or a down that's quite good but then there's this log cabin lights and darks which gives it a very striking uh travel along this way as well so that one's really interesting we'll call that one hearts and i'll just measure that one yes that's square 62x62 and that's all of them except for the the one that she hasn't finished that i've put in a pile somewhere and uh it's a little bit overwhelming having all of those i've known i've as i've been clearing around in the house i've seen these red suitcases and i thought i must do something with those red suitcases but i've never wanted to i've never wanted to open them up but i'm really pleased i have today it smells of her sewing room which is amazing and what an output i mean this is just like a very very small amount of the quilt she made but these are the unfinished ones and so with the sizes that i've got there now i think i will with that long thinnish one i think i will take some of the edges off and make it so that it's a little bit more of a quilt size rather than a long thin size i think that's one thing i might do i'll um maybe i'll hand quilt this one as well i don't know but i'm going to send the rest of them no i'm going to take the rest of them up to scotland and i'll bring you along with me for that if you would like to come and we'll go and see kat's new studio and we'll talk about the different designs that we might put on here but what my job is now is to decide on what color backing they will need and to source that and cath needs it to be four inches bigger all the way around so eight inches bigger than the quilt so why the measurements are good to have and then um just oh and then there's one more thing that kath asked me to do with the red quilt that i took and i always do this now with quilts she says you need to do a lap of honor i'll show you what i mean this one that fell fell off the board so when you've got this stitched together these bits here could come undone quite easily these are all fine because they're all enclosed in the quilt but these bits up here could come apart so what she wants um people who take quilts to her to do is to just in on a single layer just a quarter of an inch from the edge just go all the way around the outside with just an ordinary machine running stitch so that'll take me a while to do all of these but i will do that because it makes it easier when cath's putting it onto the machine and beginning the quilting that these edges don't all uh start to unravel these will look great maybe mom used a really small stitch yes it looks like she did but i'll go around and i'll do that for her and so um i'm just a little bit overwhelmed by all of those what a lot of amazing sewing she just all the time she was down in her sewing room all the time cutting bits of fabric and stitching them together which is what quilters do isn't it it's what i do it's what you do i know it is so i've got a pair of socks to finish for my dad i'll try and get those done uh she's only done the cuff of one so where is it again it's a boring color she's just done that much but i can carry on and make him finish his socks for him that would be a nice thing to do won't it very long rib you've done there mum that's fine i can do that and it'll be interesting maybe i should even put what about putting a row of um green in there one row so that you can see where she ended and i began maybe not they're for my dad okay so that's a bit of knitting then for me to do it's the sock pattern i like so it's going to be easy enough to do and now lots and lots of decisions to make about these quilts the colors of the backing i have to find the type of quilting some of them i'll keep to hand quilt and then binding do you know what might be easier is once i've found the backing for each one is just to bind it in the same fabric as the backing i think that might be easier because i like to usually i like to do a scrappy binding on my quilts but we'll do that and so that's the suitcase that i've been wanting to look in ever since i started looking in suitcases with you and i and i go to pick it up and i think no no i'll leave that one for now i've done it now i hope you enjoyed that i've got my work cut out now i'll show you them all when they're finished but before that i'll take you up to uh scotland with me and we'll go and meet kath but that won't be for a little while uh because you know that i've got to get all as i say the backing and everything so that'll be in a few weeks time but yeah we'll have a little trip out and go and see kath okay cath if you're watching this video you've got your work cut out as well haven't you i'll leave a link to kath in the description below and also at the end of this video uh i'll um i'll leave the playlist to the red scrappy quilt which is the one that um i did a couple of years ago but i'll also leave the um the link to the video that where i made my mum's quilt and she made mine so if you've enjoyed it you know subscribe give us a thumbs up um the subscription buttons just let's have a think where is it i think it's down here somewhere maybe down there uh subscribe click the notifications bell so that if ever i do a video that's not on a sunday evening at seven o'clock which is when i try to post then you'll you'll won't miss any of the videos at all thanks for watching take care [Music] you
Channel: The Last Homely House
Views: 114,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quilts tops, the last homely house, unfinished quilts, inside my suitcase, TLHH, the lime green sofa
Id: nPfUyb1syys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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