Pink, English Paper Piecing (EPP) Kaffe Fassett fabric. All the things I LOVE!

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hello youtube friends i've just had a little wander around the garden and i've just picked weeds really i mean this is mint that i've got growing by the acre just behind me here this is an ornamental thistle that i've got and some there's some seed heads here these are aquilegia once they've seeded and i think they're very pretty and some berries are just a mixture of everything i could find i'm not making a super amazing flower arrangement but every now and then i like to get this thing that i made at pottery one year it broke really rather badly but i fixed it i was going to i was i had it was hovering over the bin i thought i either mend this or i bin this and amended it and i'm pleased that i mended it because now i like to get the i like to get it i'll just tip you down ever so slightly so that you can see as well so to get this then i've got my secateurs because i always pick them a bit too long and i'm not a flower arranger nobody could ever accuse me of being a flower ranger but that's one of the um the berries of the i think that's the dog rose from the from the hedge here and these are all a bit too long these are lovely these ornamental thistles make a bit of a feature of those in the front here or the back or the middle well it'll never win prizes for flower arranging but oh i've just thought if you've got the calendar for the last only house for i think it's in august this one i try to make this arrangement every time i come to sit outside and just have it somewhere now i've got agnes watering can here so i'm just going to fill up all these little tubes now some of them leak so i'm not going to have to mind about that so they can look pretty for the next couple of days until they wilt a bit and i get a new bunch of weeds and bits from the garden to put in there i really like how it looks you can sit there now this morning i went upstairs to look for something something i had i knew i had them somewhere this particular thing but couldn't find them anywhere but what i did was i found something else does that happen to you do you go on the hunt for something and then find something completely different and go off on a tangent down some different rabbit hole well that's what i did this morning and so in this box here let's get them out there are lots of and they're all different sizes and colors granny squares lots of them there's also a couple of now that's my own homespun handspun yarn that i've um carded spun knitted and then washed in the washing machine and felted and it's made this little thing with that tiny bit of yellow in which i really like so there's that oh there's some more of these look now what i thought i would do there's this one also now this is not my home spun this is um this is some very coarse rug yarn i've only got one of those but i made a blanket not a blanket like a throw thing that i use in the house all the time and that one must have been one that was left and then where's that one there's this one here but then there's all of these as well which are all again my own homespun yarn all knitted carded spun knitted felted and then nothing was done with them so i think their time has come i'm going to put those there for now see what else is in here um half a sock inevitably but then there's one more thing i want to show you one more it's what my grandma says all the time one more she was here yesterday my grandma my granddaughter and i have little snacks for her which are like little packets of raisins or you know little really healthy snacks but i've also got a drawer which has got a few chocolate buttons in she knows grandma snack okay so i'll go across to get the raisins or the healthy snacks and she walks across to the other drawer snack she says pointing at the drawer with the chocolate in it cheeky girl now there's something else i want to show you here and this is going to get uh resurrected i don't know why they've been in a box for so long i'll keep you in suspense no longer okay i'll put them on actually because that's why i put my that's why i put my sleeves up okay all right now what are these these are my funky wrist warmers that i made so many years ago i can't even remember maybe 10 more and some of the things that i'm finding here in this box of little woolen things have been got by the moth and so one of them in particular and i've just put it in the freezer it's going to spend a week in the freezer and then i'll fix it because it's a nice piece of knitting that one but it's pure wool this one is all acrylic or man-made yarns the moth's not interested in this so it's they're fine now pink and green so pink and green is not a new thing you know pink and green's been forever so what do you think about my wrist warmers now there's two ways you could wear them let me show you we've got the fluffy here the sparkly pink here um quite boring green here um sort of fuzzy pink here again an ordinary pink here and a bobbly green here now there's no thumb hole in them and they're knit exactly the same so you can actually wear them either way up you could wear them with the bubbly bit at the top or the spark or the sparkly bit at the top and do you know who's just turned up anna come over here anna who's she talking to come here budget can you can you get in there or not i'll just i'll move along slightly no you you sit there so hello i've just come outside because uh anna's just arrived by the way anna just as an aside that microphone's working brilliantly is it all good yeah excellent and i'm just explaining that i've just been upstairs to try and find something that i wanted to make with the youtube friends but i found all of this instead now anna hasn't seen these but you're not surprised are you no not even slightly i've just been saying i made these probably ten years ago maybe where does your thumb go does it just doesn't it just sticks out the top which means as i've just been explaining that you can wear it either way up so you can wear it with the bobbly bit at the top or the like you have it with the fairy bit at the top yeah i think i'm just going to wear them forever and ever they're very cool they're very cool aren't they yeah okay all one each very michael jackson so i've just been looking through this box of bits and pieces i was looking for something else entirely and i was in that room um you know where i've got all the bits and boxes stored i mean i think you know anna what i was looking for i've actually thrown it away oh really i think i might have done but i found all of this so what are yeah so these are all little granny squares and this crocheting is not something i've ever really come to terms with i can do this i can do granny squares and so you think that if you can do granny squares really you should be able to do more or less anything and it's true because these stitches are the same stitches as you would use to make something a little bit more amazing yeah however great i like them too but they're all different shapes and sizes and colors and also i was just explaining i'll explain again i found um these well like that this is my hand spun yarn that i knitted up and then felt it in the washing machine and obviously i had a project in mind for them but nothing came of that project so i i've found all of these i found all of these i'm probably got more little bits and pieces as well and i had this idea that i might make a really wild no-holds-barred sort of blanket with all of them cool and not make them all match yeah do you think that's a good idea that's a really good idea so that's so that's what i might do i'm not okay so probably the reason why they're all in single pieces still anna is i'm not actually terribly good at sewing things together yeah there's a stitch called mattress stitch which and there's also all sorts of other stitches but mattress stitch is the one i've researched yeah and it's i'm not going to say that i will do it because then it will add to the very very long list of things we have to do and you know how long that list is though it's a long list okay but i'm having found these i feel like um [Laughter] it's really warm and nice well it's a warm because it's all acrylic it's a man-made so it's not breathing with you like cotton or wool wood it's it's going to hold the heat it doesn't it doesn't look very natural it doesn't no and and i was i was just explaining there's this sock that's half knitted sock no but the moth's been in there oh no yeah is that can you fix that either no i won't bother i'll just don't pick that but these won't be moth because they're all um man-made ah so that's an advantage to making things out of unnatural fibres yeah okay so um what are these socks as well no this no try that on put it around your neck oh it's a scarf it's a kid's scarf this isn't it fun i like it blue one side read the other but sadly i think i haven't even checked it very closely but i can see there's a muffle there but what i'm going to do with it though anna is put it in the freezer for a week oh it's not going to give me like i'm not going to bring muffins back to my house not in that quick moment though i'll put it in the freezer for a week and then i'll darn it because you remember ages ago i had a go at darning and it wasn't the nightmare i imagined it would be it was all right so i might make it make a visible darn on this and this is eventually i made it for a child many years ago i'll give it to agnes when she's a bit older yeah but after it's been in the freezer and been darned and then i'll put it in a plastic bag and seal it up it's war against moths it is especially in your house it feels like there's a long story about why that is but i don't really want to go into it now but it isn't my fault let's just say that yes anyway alice turned up this morning i i'll i'll show anna what i've been doing i've shown them already okay ah i've picked my weed arrangement which is all bits and pieces of weeds lovely and later on today i'm really hoping i get the opportunity to do this i want to come out and put another coat of paint on my pink chairs so i'm really hoping that i'm going to have the chance to do that but anna's come today because we're going up to the shipping room to do a bit of shipping yeah won't we it's it's shipping day today it is and i don't know if there's that many but we'll go and uh we'll go and do a bit of shipping yeah okay that's good you well i'm very well yes thank you it feels like autumn today that's what that's why i've come outside because i'm thinking feel it right yes i really can feel it and now there is and and that sort of damp yeah and that just that colder in the morning and so i love sitting out here in the morning with my coffee or whatever first thing i'm thinking those days are limited now yeah so even if it's a little bit cooler i should take advantage of them and do them all the time yes i went for a swim yesterday afternoon it was lovely and sunny yesterday she goes wild swimming but we were swimming and it was really peaty the water so it was really like like ready orange colored water and then like an autumnal leaf fell in and flowed past us and we were like oh it's definitely turning it is isn't it freezing um well i think it is if you don't do it regularly ah is that why yeah but you've got a tolerance to it yeah i've been i did it all through the winter and so now it's just like beautiful and warm at the minute starting to get a little colder but i'm going to see this year because i started using my wetsuit in october last year last year and i'm going to see how far you can go before before you have to use your wetsuit because it gets to a point where it starts to burn what burns your skin burns oh because it's so cold that's what i put a wet suit on this is something i will never experience not ever i hate being that sort of cold oh but it makes you feel like it does make you feel alive you're not wrong you're not wrong it's really good for you as well yeah good for you not doing a really great job of convincing me i'm not going to rule it out i'll tell you the main reason why i do it so it makes you feel alive good for your immune system boom boom but the third thing is you know in the winter you can feel quite disconnected from nature yes it makes you feel completely connected to nature in the depths of winter i can see how that would be be um absolutely the way when you're immersed in water like that and freezing cold yeah for me how i get in touch with nature is um i watch a youtube video about nature i think we're gonna go inside and do some work now work do we call it actually call it work well we take it very seriously as well don't we we do we'll see you in a minute i brought all the chair bits outside they've all had one coat of pink and i've got some sandpaper here and i'm going to sand them all down so that the next coat when it gets on two coats is at least two coats uh the next coat when it goes on will be nice and smooth and so this bit is um it's not hard to do and it's not messy but like when i get to the bit where i'm doing the uh next lot of painting i think i'll go and get changed so let's do this i've started making the patchwork seat covers and the little hanging thing that goes on the back uh all in beautiful reds and pinks it doesn't i don't need to sand it much just to get the sort of bumpy bits off so i'm just gonna quickly do this and then i'll maybe do some speed painting i really don't like painting i think i might have said that already yeah they just need just the lumpy bits knocking off and there by the magic of editing i've got this old top on i mean i like this top and i'll try not to get pink paint on it but i won't be as upset if i get paint on this as i would have been if i've got paint on my nice yellow cardigan and my green dress now i've got some newspaper as well because the last time i painted this um i did drip a bit of pink on the table and this is just the old outside garden table but you know i'm trying not to get pink on it okay so here's the paint one thing i haven't got is something to open it with something with which to open it nope uh one moment please i've made my granddaughter agnes a little play kitchen just over there and it's full of old bits and pieces of spoons and pans and dishes and things so i've got one of agnes spoons okay let's be systematic about this these little bits of kindling here from the log pile i just so that i can get it off the table so i can do the edges okay brushes two brushes here i'm just gonna paint have i told you before how much i don't like painting i think i might have mentioned that i do however like the results i'm going to go carefully with this second coat and make sure i get good coverage [Music] [Music] and here's a cat the last thing we want is a cat knocking them over and walking on them can you please not do that rita thank you so come on inside and i'll show you the sewing that i've been doing i've finished one panel and i'm working on the second two because one chair will have three panels here's the back panel it's all stitched together now now i don't need to do this english paper pieced i could actually sew this on the sewing machine really accurately but i enjoy doing it so this board here has got this size on which is going to be the back of that panel and then i've got some bigger templates to make the seat in fact it's a nice day i might take this outside and do a bit outside i've done one run i put one room together so i'll do the rest of them and then that'll be the seat done and we'll quilt it and that'll be done so i brought this out here and i'm just going to stitch a little bit out here got my thread my scissors my needle and the work and my glasses that's all i need so i can sit here and chat to you and just do a little bit of this the thread i'm using is stuff that used to belong to my mum in fact and uh it's um it's quilting um thread for doing hand quilting but when i hand quilt i use bigger thicker strands of thread uh or refill 12 typically or three strands of embroidery thread but this is what my mum would have used so as i say it's the berries are the hawthorne berries are all setting the rowan berries are all red things are getting a bit autumnal the leaves are still beautifully green but this oak tree here all the leaves will be off that in a month or two's time i don't know what size these squares are three inches three and a half inches i don't know something like that this is fabric um whoopsie daisy got it stuck on a pin because when i use a board like this this is a board that i made yesterday because i needed a small one small piece of polystyrene styrofoam with a piece of fleece wadding quilt wadding over the top of it and really that's what it looks like on the other side just really quite scratchy and not very nice and so the quilt wadding really is just to make the surface a bit nicer to use all the fabrics i'm using i think i might have explained this already are from um the free spirit range which a k facet brandon mabley and philip jacobs those three men designed for that line that's okay uh you can't see that's a k for set one there that's um brandon madley and these ones are phillip jacobs he does big this one especially philip jacobs big florals he does really beautiful rich uh florals it was brandon madley's good at all the splodges and the um uh the wild colors and k facets just got endless um endless wonderful design ideas but all three of them use the same color palette and um so they all sit together really brilliantly and these were the fabrics some of them that i used when i made the bird bodies for the bird kits and i've just um a few days ago we did the giveaway anna and i for um instagram we gave we gave two kits away to a a to p someone who nominated their friend so in fact i think we drew the winner i think it was a mother and daughter so we're sending those out uh we did the kit the draw for a kit or from the mailing list and um i've just heard back from that person today so we're sending that one out all the links to these things instagram and the mailing list and so on and patreon are all in the description below so it's been nice to share some bird kits with with uh with all of you so that's been fun there's still some left in the shop um i think yeah so i'm just gonna sit here i was gonna say in the sunshine but it's not really sunny but it's um it's starting to feel very very autumnal i show you this when it's finished [Music] [Music] [Music] ah so i was struggling with the uh allen key to get these screws in like i showed you but then john turned up actually i asked him to come and he started he struggled with the allen key for like five seconds i didn't struggle but i know i just realized that it would be easier a different way so he's got this because this is the same as this this bit is the same as the end of the allen key and i don't know why i didn't know that but i'm going to let uh john do this chair now thank you so i don't know how you've been doing mother oh i'm tired but i'm okay yeah oh look there he is look and so when you do that it tightens it right up exactly now the last time when i made these chairs in the um yellow you know the yellow green ones i've got a lot of comments from people saying i should have put glue in here i suppose he could i mean well i never did and those chairs are a good two three years old now and they've been fine and i think you could but the screws are so long and we're going into such a lot of wood it's also got those dowels right you've got dowels in as well either side oh dear he's done a really good job of that one so i thought i might uh when you've done this and we put the seats on i thought i might give them another bit a bit of paint oh no what's happening it's rounded off cam out this this is rounded off now that in there has rounded out because of the way why well like the the steel in the screw the steel the metal whatever that is in there is quite soft softer than that and in in tightening it with that it's now stripped the is it tight enough though the head can you put a bigger one in uh i mean is that a bit simplistic is that a bit simplistic i have no idea what you're talking about it might be because that one's nothing like in as far as it needs to be exactly that's the issue we've got now oh he's found another way done it that's stripped a bit more so we need to go for a bigger one i don't think this is particularly best practice well it doesn't have to be best practice it's just got to go in once isn't it and you're going to just use a different the next size up yeah but now we've run out oh we got i think it looks good are they all in uh no the top one's okay that's a bit of a get out of jail free that is why well because if it had been stripped we wouldn't be able to get it back out okay and we wouldn't be able to get it you'd have to saw it off you'd have to you'd have to drill the metal out but i think what you would do is you just accept that it wasn't going to be fully tight okay so let's go back to the old way are we going to do it with the allen key you're not going to even try with the drill uh oh i think that might um be oh you strip it again okay all right well i've found the go back to the old ways it was a good uh brave attempt john brave attempt live you learned yeah and anyway um we're nearly there with this one how are you doing i'm all right yeah good busy times not being able to um come around quite as much as i would have liked he's just a busy lad lots going on with work i sent him a text and he said he'd come on the way home so that's nice here i am here he is right that one's fantastic one more time as what as agnes would say one more there now so look i'm going to show you what he's doing a little bit closer up you know what he's doing it's going to be good and then there's just the seats now um well i've got yeah i think i might ask you to put the seats on as well that's it we're in the game excellent so get over the seat and um how does this go on again i've got the instructions if you want to see them but i think you can probably work it out can't you i think you can probably work it out and that's what those holes are for what are these for them uh because okay no no what the sheets in general oh the seeds um the seeds well i've got the sort of yellowy seeds yellowy green seats and if if you notice the it's just it does work i know they don't look like they're very strong but once the seats in it holds it in place i've never had an issue with the um with the yellow ones i just fancied chairs the same as the legs of my table right now so you're gonna get rid of some other chats yeah well some of those sort of straw bucket chairs are um i'm really really old now so i have a plan to put those in the porch for the cats to sleep on a couple of them that's the plan anyway it's not good is it it's just cheap ikea seat and then you need to turn this upside down screw those in but windy i'll hold it so that it's tight just hit john on the head there we're not doing this in the best way we're doing it so the camera can see what we're doing you see when that goes in it holds the the plastic cleats in place and so it's it's not a brilliant chair it only cost me about eight quarters no no it's very good i like it i like i like to have pink it is and i'm making some um [Music] covers for cushion covers do i guess what color they might be guess what color they might be lime green no they're they're pink keeping it all a bit pink i could do one lime green couldn't i [Applause] so that says done thank you pleasure nice to see everyone see you again soon yes see you soon okay thank you bye now [Music] do so [Music] you
Channel: The Last Homely House
Views: 20,469
Rating: 4.9842105 out of 5
Keywords: kaffe fasett, app, English paper piecing, free spirit fabric, Ikea chairs, painting chairs, hand stitching, hand sewing, pink chairs, the last homely house, the last homely house east of the sea
Id: SrqEhnQFv5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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