A.I. 187 (Full Movie) Sci Fi, Thriller

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] steve you have got to get upstairs we're talking playboy mansion levels of party here and torino's looking for you he wants to know why his newly minted genius is not schmoozing with the stockholders you okay i've become death destroyer of worlds what that's what oppenheimer said when he tested the bomb let's party that's what einstein said when he discovered the theory of relativity no he didn't no he didn't but he wishes he did just nervous i guess sure something about this feels wrong well yeah you're being down here by yourself that's what's wrong look man in a week from now everyone is gonna know your name and to a 21 year old that is rockstar status what you did what you created it's gonna change things that's what i'm worried about how about this let me finish backing up these files and then we'll go to the party yes no need i've had that taken care of i think you'll find everything has been taken care of from now on your invention is gonna bring this company further than we've ever imagined we take care of those who help us well thank you mr trina now the stockholders are growing impatient and we're all anxious to see your presentation what's wrong my boy but you don't like the new office yes it's very nice thank you um i'm just nervous public speaking never agreed with me well you better get used to it perhaps this will help hello the device you created is dangerous who is this in the wrong hands you know what it can do i don't know do you really trust matthew torino this company any of them stop looking so worried they'll know something's up is everything okay now listen i want you to walk out of the building and never come back i don't understand if you want a chance to undo what you've done you'll do exactly as i say why would i want to do that because you know inside you know it's wrong you've created something that oversteps the boundaries of mankind what do i do what do i do i suggest you put the phone down right now unless it's a dying grandma you don't need any distractions was it was it what was it your grandma no no sir get together boy i'm not about to let a billion dollars go down the drain because some punk scientist develops a case of stage fright i'll be fine i just need a minute you better get your ass up there cause i got two of the hottest girls wanting to meet you great john yeah yeah i don't know i'll be there in a second yes two girls molten hot i got it john i said i'm coming john speak to no one take nothing with you no papers research files nothing who is this stephen harding lampl i'll say this only once more if you want a chance to undo what you've done trusting this advice is the only option you've got go home now an explosion has rocked the corporate offices of senecam biotech corporation destroying millions of dollars worth of research and possibly resulting in at least one death it was centered in and around the office of lead scientist steve lampell we cannot confirm whether mr lampel survived the blast but reports indicate he was there moments before the explosion occurred it's too early to tell what caused this but terrorism has not been ruled out federal investigators are on the scene now [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah fine he's all set good italy's a lovely place this time of year we're gonna want to go into lockdown for a while makes our security's up to it i'll get on it anything else once he lands get him started on the new plan let's keep jake out of the loop on this less he knows the better we still need 145 running but congressman is here to see you that didn't take long send him in donna this fall get off the chair bob you should have called we should have had lunch it's good to see you bill hello max congressman i'm max uh would you excuse us for a few minutes we'll we'll finish up later no problem good to see you congressman you've seen this of course don't read newspapers much anymore no i ask you to lay low on this kind of thing we can't afford any of these holier-than-thou scenarios anymore they're bigger things out there than your little crusade to save the world nsa is going to be all over this you know too much at stake now for us are you speaking for yourself we're free falling into the crapper you know funding comes at a price my friend never bothered you before in fact i can remember a time when you actually believed in what we were doing i have responsibilities you've always had responsibilities things have changed they know they don't be so tom clancy they who and no what i got a call last night from one of my contacts inside sb ops they know about your research they've known about it for some time and they just happened to find out this is my project you know that this has nothing to do with government contracts they know there's a prototype they want to see it where is the iq chip that's what you call it right gone gone what do you mean gone gone i knew this would happen i didn't want this to become some military holy grail why is everything so conspiratorial with you because you know i'm right you know why they want this chip so badly they could use this chip to control every man woman and child you see that's what i'm talking about you think kennedy wanted to go to the moon just to explore space how about so he could dupe the public into funding rocket research for nuclear missiles it was for the military military always has an agenda if this chip is mass produced and sent airborne it would implant itself into every living being not protected that potential is far too dangerous this isn't just some chip that's gonna make a kid's pc run faster well is there another you're relentless i'm still working with my data how long will that take as long as it takes not good enough i need an answer why is that because they know you have it and i assure you they will stop at nothing to get it got it oh i got it and they don't [Applause] [Music] this cornerback's been dogging us all night we run this he'll force us inside again we got to get him out of this play he's all over the place run 69 sweep left he's read that play before we broke a huddle the last two times we got to go around him i've got an idea you've got an idea yes something jackson i've been working on for the last two weeks why do you do this to me every time because victory tastes better when there's something at stake go coach 10 seconds you're the man nate go to it so what's your plan i don't know i'll think of something why did i know you'd say that let's go nate remember remember [Music] right i'm sure we can do this mind body one you can't always dodge your problems nate meet your problems head on [Music] sometimes your solutions need to be tested improv is part of the test it's part of the test direct approach the direct approach is the most productive the direction in life you choose has many options you need to attack your problems head on but always follow what's in your heart and your problems could be met by unseen forces you didn't expect embrace each day as if it were your last meet it with strength and wisdom i'll be there for you nate i'll always be there for you someday you will remember [Music] nate you can't keep spying on people it's illegal it's not illegal if the pictures are taken on public property i promise i'll stay on the sidewalk i'm familiar with the law thanks expectation of privacy never heard of it what are you doing oh i'm uh just writing this paper for school tomorrow how does this sound metaphysical treatment or the butcher shop a theoretical hypothesis for the human health care system without the ball and chain of corporate practices don't worry i'll definitely get a name mr donovan won't have a clue what i'm talking about well murderer shouldn't expect privacy so it won't be a problem you don't even know if he is a murderer dragon was the last one to see my father alive he knows something i know it nate i hate to break it to you but your father killed himself it's not a mystery [Music] done my father didn't kill himself and you know so are you coming can't i've got a paper to finish too well suit yourself but you'll miss all the excitement very nice report zero four two nine one eight first contact with william's son nate following a series of unforeseen events i've decided to put together a digital string of archives to make any connections between william and the ic187 chip he's not the same little boy that i remember from his childhood but i'm confident that by continuing to dig into nate's past that's certain clues to the chip will become evident [Music] my [Music] you see him coming here or did you need a twinkie fix well when you're not too busy we get back out there and start looking for him i don't want that punk kid getting away again compost we'll bring him in tonight as soon as we find him [Music] the school records have been erased i just need you to take care of this snoopy cop yeah yeah don't worry about it i'm gonna bring him in hey kid wanna ride uh no thanks uh i'm all right my mom always told me never to ride with strangers you know that uh the ancient mayan civilization they actually thought that riding with a stranger could bring you good luck well they don't hang around here too much not do they so but if i see one i'll be sure to take a ride with him hmm gonna take some more pictures nate i need you to come with me right now or uh or what how do you know my name there's a cop that's going to rest you in about 30 seconds if you keep walking i can keep that from happening report 242 after reviewing secret recordings taken through a coffee cup of all things it revealed dryden's plans to steal williams technology and sell it from underneath him it also revealed that dryden had secured a military entity to finance the production of the ic187 chip and once he'd obtain control of it plan to force roger town to supervise its production mr towns congressman dryden here tells me you're our best hope of acquiring the ic-187 chip i can't tell you how critical it is for the future of our country to have jurisdiction on this technology the ic-187 is an intelligence chip i'm not sure the application fits your profile on the contrary it checks against third world aggression alone would be a boon in national security this administration believes that this device implanted into every human being domestic and abroad will bring us one step closer to world peace true world order right but since this is part biological organism everything is tied together like dna this could take years i would need full access congressman will assist you with all your needs he assures us you can deliver this without incident in the very time of the matter mr talent this administration is counting on you good days look robert you gotta be joking world domination a twilight zone presentation i felt like i was in some sort of 50s movie there listen i didn't know you were bringing me here for this our deal was sway him away from william get our own contract not steal from him don't act so naive roger this is a dirty business they want something they think you can deliver well i can't pull years of research out of thin air and make it work why didn't they get it from him why go through me william was a liability you know they let him work it out as long as they could hoping he'd play ball they found out he's not a very good athlete i don't think i can do this we're committed we're not involved we're committed then go back tell them it's not doable negotiate for more we're not talking about a candy-ass branch of the government that buys 200 hammers we're talking about freaking giants giants that kill other giants there's no negotiation there is no excuses this is about world dominance you cancel this contract to cancel us you're saying be afraid be very afraid well then we'll need the patents research you know anything we can get our hands on now you're talking you want to see me a couple of things i need the latest results on jake's condition more importantly the hounds have been released rogers retrieved all my research and what patents we filed we need to throw them a bone will that get them there it's all meaningless without the primer i encoded all of it so nothing can be duplicated without my presence he'll figure it out soon enough if they follow what's on my plans lord help them when you say throw them a bone they don't have the chip we just have to make them think they do they'll be convinced they can bargain with the prototype work for my plants however if they come even close to succeeding once atomized that ship could destroy half the population you think jordan's behind this no i think he's gone to the dark side it was just a matter of time friendship is a one-way street in politics he thinks he doesn't need me anymore we'll see how far he gets but we need to find out exactly what the towns have in mind security's pretty tired of that gun i don't think i can get a bug into that room they check everything coming inside and out what does everyone bring to a a meeting roger loves his coffee hello my name is roger town it's a leaded or decaf very nice this won't be detected almost 99.9 microscopic paper coprocessors intertwined lacing the cup like threads so thin the mass is undetectable the heat from the coffee sets off a chain reaction that powers the fibers they can transmit up to two hours another product of bis fault good job biz fold all right i'll take care of it we're still keeping jake out of the loop for now something happens 145 needs they'll have another agenda and we all know that survival is a part of the game so that's why extreme measures must be taken every time we meet gentlemen you all know our cfo ronald leonard but i would like to introduce you to our benefactor and new silent partner congressman driver it's nice to meet all of you it is my intention to watch over the development of the new ic-187 chip i watched it during its initial stages and i plan to see it through as you all know i worked for many years very closely with william palmer on the ic187 chip and while we may have differed on our ultimate plan we were always in agreement about what the chip must be and it will be the congressman here who will help us achieve that goal let me preemptively answer a question that will surely be going through your minds why get the government involved why not do it in-house please let me remind you how deep the taxpayers pockets are with government funding behind it the chip will find its way through production like that he's right out of pocket we couldn't afford this neither can our competitors gentlemen what we have sitting in front of us is the most advanced human innovation since the manhattan project right now it's in our control i give you the ic 187. i believe nate will be invaluable in helping us retreat the chip though he is still unaware of the true nature and origins of this organization getting him in is step one but getting him to stay and help us is entirely a different matter well it's a nice little place you got here nice uh minimalist charm okay what are we doing here i thought this would be a good place for us to hang out until your friend in the hawaiian shirt got tired of chasing you thought we could talk for a bit you know i changed my mind i i don't know you for all i know you could be wanted by the same cop and i think i'm safer on my own so nate i'd like you to just listen to what i have to say when i'm done you can decide whether you want to stay or go take your chances with that cop but i can assure you those aren't going to be very good from now on what are you saying my name is jake behringer i run an organization called iq 145. he's shooting kind of borderline there with the 145 don't you think uh you should never take things at face value like this meeting perhaps who are you really let's just say i uh run a think tank and a little more i think tank i haven't heard that in a while so come on for real what are you cia fbi no this is one of those uh great reality shows on fox no no then what just say we're in the middle of a sensitive project and we need you to join us oh let me guess your organization needs a new zoom head to fill the bill so you can get some grant or a government contract or something right well sorry mike jake harry whatever your name is i'm really not interested in filling some quota nate palmer born may 31 2001 to victorian william palmer raised an affluent suburb of chicago your father discovered you had an exceptional ability at the age of three your genius caused some estrangement with your folks your mother thought you should go to a special school your father disagreed they separated when you were 15. your mother remarried your father committed suicide mother left your stepfather who you decided to stay with you have no other siblings no other family okay the only thing you didn't mention was my favorite food i get it you know a lot about me what'd you do look me up in the internet government has a lot of files on people they're interested in let's just say we have access but there's only one file that i'm interested in right now that's all i can tell you you're free to go or what or we can take this to the next step or guess what's behind door number two you haven't told me anything i don't already know oh but i picked your curiosity told you something you don't understand maybe something you find exciting a little bit dangerous you're not quite sure and there's one other thing if you do decide to go on there's no going back you can never go through that door ever no paid vacation is this sensitive project decide stay or ah this is [ __ ] or what okay why don't you tell me why the police are showing such an interest in you why don't you tell me okay was it because of some photographs that you took what did you see nothing was the congressman driving with a woman oh he's a personal friend of your father's isn't he yeah so what so what did you see i told you nothing what were you doing there are you some sort of cop too is that what this is did you know that they found the woman dead this morning no did you know her well i didn't kill her huh what's on this roll of film that these cops seem to be so interested in how'd you get that how do you know so much i told you i know a lot about you probably more than you think decide look nate this isn't how i wanted this all to go down but we need you we need you now the organization has issued a mandate they want you no is not an option why didn't you just say something uh what do you want me to do is that your decision good come i want you to meet your new partner [Music] he's in [Music] [Music] maybe you should have just shown this to me at the start would save you some time [Music] this is mom mom it looks nothing like my mom mobile operations minaj mobile we going somewhere hey is beth brody your new partner outstanding everyone this is nate uh we gotta film in on what's going down tonight this is max he's our lead man he's been on this from the beginning been on what sorry i'm new here six months ago ceo of icon technologies roger town and his wife were found burnt to death in their vacation property on saginaw island their bodies were charred beyond recognition but the authorities ruled that it was an accident they were model citizens there was no sign of foul play opening shot case the towns had just completed the prototype on a new nano microprocessor the ic 187 chip ic 187 is like no other ever developed it's the first sustained thinking brain of its kind made from purely organic material pre-programmed this chip could deliver all the knowledge known to man to anyone with this chip implanted in his or her brain iqchip well maybe i'm crazy but that sounds fantastic where do i sign up there's a drawback of course it can be programmed with anything and make the subject vulnerable to anything it can control the mind the thoughts the body functions as it sits alone unaltered it's beautiful life-giving but because of the nature of it if it were to fall into the wrong hands it could become a weapon of mass destruction we need to find it so you're saving society from its own technology okay guys what are you getting like a bunch of neolithics wow okay so uh this chip processor where is it well that is the big question max where is it they still have it they who the towns i thought you just said that they found their bodies would they do take it with them it wasn't them in the fire do you even know if this thing really exists where are these two we're headed there now oh that was easy and we're sure they have this ic187 micro nanoprocessor right we don't know but we know where they are there is a meeting set yeah i'm meeting with who all of us you what like i said i'm new here max will be meeting with the towns he will try to retrieve the chip i want you and beth to do backup and i'd like you to bring your camera to document the whole thing you'll need that a gun yeah i don't think so you ever fired one before pick it up pull the trigger a few times get the feel he never said anything about a gun and i like to do my shooting with the camera max what i don't think he needs protection well i'm not a cop and i'm not a cowboy is what we're doing really that dangerous you asked me to come and document not be back up for dirty harry over here we're just gonna go in with guns a blazin or are we gonna try and think are we in a gun seems a bit strange for a think tank operation or maybe that's just me here's some film make sure you keep your camera loaded and i got plenty of film thanks this isn't drugstore film ansel this is dcf dcf it's digital component film a digital component film that's what i said there's a layer of digital imaging components embedded into the base of the film the resolution is 100 times better than the crap you're used to using here take this has a special flash just make sure you keep it in manual mode be careful keep it on manual mode with the setting on t it sends an x-ray that's strong enough to penetrate a cement while 20 feet thick the film will read what's on the other side wear these when using the flash oh stylish on some look tonight just follow my lead you don't have to worry about anything just stay close and document things usually happen pretty fast so by the end of the night you'll fill in the blanks i can't emphasize enough how important it is for us to find this chip everything will become clear excuse me yeah i hope so max what are you trying to do giving him a gun he needs protection from what i don't know maybe from you what are you trying to say max you're putting williamson at risk he doesn't need to go you questioning my motives no all i'm saying is this has become more of an obsession for you since william's death he doesn't need to go he's our only real connection to william if we don't get what we need from town then nate might be able to link us to it if we get him more involved he gets more committed your job my job our job is to make sure that he's safe my job is to secure the chip destination complete united you don't go telling me my job kid [Music] [Music] this is where the towns are in skybox a little risky don't you think what are we supposed to do now i don't know we should have heard from max by now hey can i borrow like five bucks for a snack like some nachos or something i'm starving you know what something's not right we should head back to mom and wait for max that god there's no food there either hold on taco bell we'll find something they always have really good food in these sky boxes mac's having a good time and there's stuff in his face right now let's just go in what are you doing they don't know me let's just go and see who's inside let's assume we find max in the town sooner i can eat room service do you think that this is a joke [Applause] room service they're not here and they're probably gonna return let's go now this isn't a game is it oh my god somebody's coming it's max no it's security no it's max right there i think he's dead they can't find us in here we have to go come on we have to get back to mom hey slow down where do you two think you're going um nothing sorry we were just gonna get some nachos from information gathered after the skybox events we now know what happened to town but it also brings up questions about max's own agenda we now face potential exposure i'm going to have to take evasive maneuvers in order to avoid compromising iq in its mission this can't seriously be the plan right we wait here until we hear from jake you don't realize you not realize we are now suspects in a quadruple murder case in case you've forgotten quadruple means four there are four people dead and the cops are blaming us i only went with jake because i was trying to get away from the police we're sticking to the plan okay this has happened before and it always works out jake will know what to do when he gets here jacob what is he a magician is he gonna make us disappear actually probably right now we shouldn't be right out in the open like this what you have another idea yes palmer preserve what palmer preserve my dad owns it it's in the middle of nowhere i used to go hang out there with friends but nobody knows about it we can go there for a while and hide out no no we have to wait here jake said that he would meet us here did you also tell him that we were wanted for murder we have a plan and we're gonna stick to it what plan uh unless i'm missing something nothing went according to plan tonight max is dead we don't have the chip the cops are after us okay when the plans change beth we have to change with them you're new okay this this happens sometimes and it always works out because we don't act impulsively we we stick to the plans and we figure things out i'm saying let's think let's figure them out but do them at palmer preserve what about jake jake's not here is he where's jake no i'm done i'm leaving apologize to him for my impulsive behavior this is not what i signed up for stop please don't leave me here alone what if jake doesn't come back you don't think he's gonna come back now [Music] [Music] thank you thank you that's been pretty hard for you here we can share what's the plan i don't know i'll think of something what the hell do you want just protecting my investment you see if i can find you there's no telling who else is out there mr smart man just keep your end of the deal are you threatening me max just keep your distance from the kid we need him on the street a little longer i've got a job to do your job is to find out who hit me and who's got the chip is everything all right are you okay in there mr behringer yeah i'm fine why well some of the guests they said they heard a gunshot and i wanted to make sure everything was all right it wasn't a gunshot it was a bottle of champagne i opened for my lady friend it made a lot of noise we both got scared she screamed it ricocheted off the mirror and i would like to get back inside if you know what i mean i understand sir uh again accept my apologies no problem good night good night [Music] [Music] who is it police detective compost uh it's a little early isn't it officer sorry to bother you congressman i need to ask you a few questions okay come on in wasn't sure you two are gonna make it back yeah well no thanks to you where were you we could have been killed we could have been thrown in jail what were we waiting for you're in good hands oh that's it that's it you were in good hands and hers you got to be kidding she kept you safe i was talking to her all night this procedure get over it first off i'm not getting over anything and what do you mean you were talking to her all night you knew he'd be here yes he's always here so why this big act why wouldn't you bring us in earlier we couldn't afford you leading everyone back to us last night oh that's good you just sit back and let us take the heat and you you just pull me in by pretending to be all helpless so this is this is just a big game you know what i'm really done playing this time i'm leaving chicken [Music] program fried chicken what what's your favorite food i'm sorry if i hurt you okay we needed to make it secure i know you can't go out there now the police are after you we have to stick together well and i want to know everything right now i want to know why i'm really here why you really need me your father ran a company called mike one and it wasn't just government contracts like you thought he created iq145 this was all his no he didn't he never told me anything the towns were members of his group in fact they were about the only two people that he trusted he welcomed them into his inner circle they ran mike when while he stayed focused on development your father was a genius unlike anyone else he was the one who developed the ic187 my father if this is another one of your concocted stories to get me to stay here listen we know that the towns stole your father's project and most likely planet suicide along with the aid of congressman dryden he took your father's government contracts and gave them to the towns in exchange for the chip the towns and dryden they're responsible for his i knew it i knew it because i knew my father and i knew he would never have killed himself not like that ever i thought for the longest time congressman dryden was behind it i'll tell you why because they were best friends they were college roommates and then the night before he died i walked in on them having a fight this is not about friendship bill i saw another opportunity and i took it and you're a liar you're screwing me in everything i've worked for for the past 15 years you're the one that refused to play by the book going on all those crusades risking everything i begged you to turn over your research we could have stayed partners but you but you were too busy playing god so you steal from me make a few bucks hand the government the next doomsday device let the technology ravage the landscape you don't have any idea what this technology can do we should be worrying about how to put this back in the box not how much money you can make why are you so afraid of your own technology you act like i'm some kind of satan looking for a few bucks to destroy the world everything we did everything was to keep things in check so greed and power didn't result in murder or mass destruction your research wasn't funded by some lemonade stand on the side of the road walk away walk away you were provided with unlimited resources i facilitated that why didn't you give them what they paid for it's not for you to decide how they use it but disregard the moral consequences absolutely let them make the choices because they have the checkbook it kept you in business didn't it fine yeah fine just remember when you hit that first stumbling block i won't be there to help you it didn't have to end like this yeah it did you did the right thing thank you max you've been a good friend so it's done then no it's just beginning phoenix mostorio ririortis xenoceneris phoenix shall rise from the ashes so i always thought that dragon was responsible for uh her's death i couldn't prove anything he's so well protected the good congressman was found dead this morning and i'm assuming they're going to try to connect you to it somehow what what someone wants you out of the way pretty bad they've even got a gun with your prince on it you ever fired one before pick it up pull the trigger a few times get the feel so overnight i am now public enemy number one it was always your father's intention that you play a major role in this organization he left behind a detailed plan on how he wanted to bring you in many of the files are very heavily encrypted we're still trying to unlock them he had a very clear vision of what he wanted for you we're just a little unclear what that is right now you said you knew my father you gave me that baseball oh you know what i want you to have this ball you need to have this ball wow what do you say thank you no problem it was a long time ago you have an excellent memory you already knew that of course if this is what my father intended for me i have to see it through okay we'll leave for florida first thing in the morning oh 7 30. florida marathon key we got a message last night that the towns may have met with someone down there before they came to chicago if there's another prototype chip out there we've got to retrieve it we need an operations malfunction we have to get this system running before the morning well looks like another all-nighter i have an errand to run what i'll be back by the morning i promise but i have to do this nice knowing you i didn't expect you to understand you're right i wouldn't it's too risky yeah well that's it that's the difference between you and me because you come first and you'd never risk that we're leaving at oh 0.730 if you're not back you're on your own [Music] i don't know what to say [Music] brought me to this place i [Music] so here i am i guess [Music] tell me what to do i can't believe the cubs haven't traded him out yet he's completely ineffective after three innings what he's got to be now come on what 50 something like that we got a problem with that for a starting pitcher yeah he's not 50 maybe 49. oh 49. okay what he should do here's what he should do i just figured it out he should disappear for a while and give the fans a chance to remember how great he was you know he was so great back in the day he probably just got too much on his plate now you know he'd be better off as a manager or something well i think there's a lot left in him he had seven strikeouts and three innings that that's not too bad for an old guy yeah for no guy maybe she just let someone else younger step in for him you know someone who can play the game now baseball was very different 30 years ago how many trips do you think you took probably uh 15 all said and done mom sure hated it when you leave but i think she may have hated it even more when you came back seriously why'd you go so many times what were you looking for i thought indiana jones was my dad for a while there was a lot to learn from the mayans they had a scientific community thousands of years ahead of its time plenty of secrets yet to unfold well did you use any of your findings here picked up a few gems that's a symbol of human life of the successive becomings of man chose that the mayans believed in reincarnation that life is eternal [Music] but what is that [Music] mom's your mother left for many reasons she wanted me to go to a special school didn't she [Music] you didn't i always wanted to know why because i uh i want you to experience real life to discover that you have the power to change things to become a better man through the things you do than by the books you read facts [Music] use all your skills the direction life you choose has many options [Music] is 2. [Music] freeze put your hands on your head max is gone and i'm trying to decipher a massive revenue loss to mike when and subsequently to william there's no way that these two events are not connected to the chip we're either getting closer or there are powers out there that are moving a further away we're being misled but by who here's the rockland paper i downloaded all the repair files from langley used that new program that max designed work great you're online yet almost the operating core is back there just a couple of other downloads left globalnet was compromised yesterday along with four other online brokerage and banking concerns the fbi is looking into it as is the federal trade commission and every other internet cop out there delta financial as well as several others including mike when we're unable to access our accounts for eight hours the estimated loss in revenue was 800 million dollars maybe more it's a lot of money to lose in eight hours i don't think it was lost then diverted we just need to figure out by who why not let the feds well cause four of the companies are foreign i think it might have been some kind of hacker prank several other non-commissioned sites were hit as well they think it was a diversion we're the only ones who know about the revenue loss we were contacted privately seems somebody wants to keep the fact that they were stung a secret especially mike win and florida we need to figure out who that somebody is and it's 7 20. and boy wonder hasn't returned what a surprise did you check the portal no sign you know i don't care if he's william's son i think that he's arrogant and wish we could just forget about him we'd do fine without him and how do you think this would work with just the two of us who else did michael recommend there has to have been somebody more qualified than the rebel without a cause the encrypted files that william left behind are all pointing us in a new direction they're pointing to nate he possesses something that we need to investigate further no it isn't humility i can't imagine any trait that he has that we would need he's annoying he's a perv you know i wish you would have discussed this with us me before you made the decision the decision was made for us i think your judgment is clouded you need to get over it well he's not one of us he'll never be one of us beth is struggling to establish a healthy working relationship with nate her sheltered life has given her no exposure to attachment and it confuses her i need her to stay focused and avoid having her emotional disconnect drive nate away what is it it's him he's checked into the police station hello jen did i wake you what time is it nate yeah where are you look i'm in jail mackyver park i think are you okay yeah i'm fine uh but i need your help again jen what happened are you i think i'm only in for a traffic violation and running from the police [Music] do they know i mean is that all i don't think the police know exactly who i am they think i'm paul behringer see they gave me some sort of special id so i haven't been linked to anything at least not yet but i need to get out of here before that happens who's they i'll explain later but i've got to make bail the police were at my house last night i need your help speeding reckless endangerment of personal property assault with a deadly weapon god what did he do i'm running from the police did you change all of his records dmv thorough and complete he's definitely not who he thinks he is anymore even swapped out his fingerprint records of course i did all this before i knew who he was i've got to get him out of there before something slips by i thought you said he was on his own last night no more discussions nate is 145 he's one of ours now how do you know he wasn't running from us how do you know that he's going to be back because he's too much like his father he said he'd be back how far is he away from here about 30 minutes maybe 45 to an hour during this time tell mom where we're going we'll pick him up on the way looks like someone real important cares about you you got bail free to go what time is it nine you can pick up your stuff at the cage they'll process you out what about my motorbike i don't think it's been picked up from impound yet maybe it's still there great we'll take care of you from here [Music] jen i'm so sorry i'm late i got a wreck from tyrion what's going on so you didn't bail me out not yet i just got here well someone did but who else did you call no one just you was it them who knows anymore look i i gotta get back so you better oh wait that's it you better leave thanks for coming june i'm going with you you can't i'm going no you're not yes i am there's nothing you can do to make me change my mind i don't even know where i'm going look i am wanted for murder here okay i can't let you get involved in this i'm already involved i've been involved since we were four years old i'm not letting you walk out of my life again i i honor i cherish your friendship but i i cannot ask you to jeopardize your life for me i don't know what you're asking look i sit up all last night thinking about you about this i swear if i saw you i'd never leave you again we grew up watching each other's backs you help me through some hard times i need to be here for you i can't i'm going and that's it so come on before they realize they've made a mistake hey nice shirt no one cleans this place up anymore uh the night shift bunch of pigs coffee no thanks i'll get some mountain machine say i thought you might want to know a dmv check came through that matches your boys you still not want me to run this wide who's paul behringer evidently he was arrested with the bike seems to be registered to him today too ring a bell no don't recall his name and a list of friends do you want me to call them see if they'll hold until we get there no that's all right i'll check into it someone bailed him out who probably one of his buddies no it's too quick for that someone else like snowman his way to mexico we've got to find him it's too dangerous for him out there someone else knows where he is they want him out on the street unprotected who well that's a leading question if he didn't find us at our last location where would he go someplace safe palmer preserve my dad owns it it's in the middle of nowhere i used to go hang out there with friends but nobody knows about it we can go there for a while and hide out palmer preserve it's some sort of hangout a meeting point i'm sure he knows that's where i would think to look how far not to you were right the girl didn't bail him out so who someone who needs nade as much as we do what are you telling me i think that nate knows where the ic187 chip is and why is he playing this game i'm not sure everything in the encrypted file so far connects him together with this biological carbon intelligence a memory or something that he saw once i'm not sure perv with a secret great combo why don't we just ask him my guess is that he knows something he doesn't know he knows and i'm sure that after last night he doesn't trust us too much [Music] let's hope he's here we need to bring him in we need him to survive [Music] let me speak to mr leonard who is this ben compost look just tell him i'd like to speak to him what is this regarding i came into possession of something he might be interested in let's just say the stockholders at icon would be very interested in what i have mr leonard is a very busy man he can't be bothered right now i'm not bothering him [ __ ] i'll tell you what i'll be down there in one hour oh by then he won't be so busy i think they'll know where to go well if they want me they'll figure it out oh see it's them well the prodigal perv how was jail they feed you well nice to see you too what's up with her she's just upset cause it seemed to have a life right tell me more tales aesop look now that your little rendezvous is over we have to go so if you don't mind say goodbye to your little friend my name is jen whatever we have to go she's going with us i'll just put the bike in back i don't think so she can't go with us why because she's not a 145 no actually she's more like a 165 right right if she's not going i'm staying simple you need me i need you she's going done excuse me [Music] he was here he brought a guest guest jenny baker where's nate right here you're late my boy trouble seems to follow you i warned you that it wasn't safe for you out there why did you bring the girl she can't stay it's jen she's my responsibility all right and you're mine now you want me i'm here and she's with me we're secure marathon key so you have any idea who bailed you out you didn't no any ideas no i only called jyn how did you find out your id card is encoded jenny what do you do i graduated a semester early i don't have a job yet no i mean what do you do what skills do you employ i'm not sure look she's not here today nate i'm trying to make an assessment here she's here now you've broken our security by bringing her here i'm trying to justify the action yeah let her tell us what skills does she have to offer other than a high school diploma well actually i did graduate high school but i was talking about college i just finished college a semester early i met nate about 12 years ago when we went to a special school together until he left i continued on i'm fluent in five languages i have a master's in chemical and bioengineering but mine are political science and world affairs my thesis was just published in time magazine about the inflated overgrowth and the economic development of the internet and what that means for wall street in the near future i give it five years before we have a major crash could be less well i don't think jen has anything to prove i'm not gonna put her in any jeopardy well you've already done that by being acquainted your skills are sufficient she's fine i have a question who are you people [Music] uh mr leonard please may i say what this is about ben compost he's expecting me there's a bin compost to see mr leonard he says he has an appointment someone will be right with you would you please wait over there thanks mr compost charlie garrison one of mr leonard's associates can i help you i'd like to speak to mr leonard i understand you'll need an appointment mr leonard's not available right now but if there's something i can do for you yeah you can walk over that phone and tell the busy mr leonard i have something i'm sure he wants mr leonard doesn't make purchases i can lead you down to stop playing games with me mr garrison you know why i'm here you know what i have let's cut through the [ __ ] and get down to business shall we i'm sorry i don't know what you're talking about okay you just tell your boss he has 24 hours to respond or i'm taking it someplace else here's a number we can leave a message nice tie were you worried about me actually i was hoping you wouldn't come back oh i'm sensing some hostility there that warm welcome must have worn off actually i was coming to thank you for picking us up you know right where to find me huh you're obviously not that hard to find i was being chased no kidding not by the police by somebody in a red ford follow me from my step-dad's house yeah you know all the bad guys drive red forwards i should have warned you what brought you back here what what made you come back if a blind man has to choose his own path which do you think he's gonna pick to gain his sight and lose his freedom or go through life and experience everything in darkness a fool has eyes but cannot see so you think i'm a fool i think that it doesn't matter what i think i think you were worried about me i was not worried you were i think you maybe even missed me a little i did not miss you you missed me i'm starved to haven't eaten all day hey i don't think you guys snacked have a seat this part is cool what what it'll take 36 hours travel time that doesn't give us much time to initiate our plan what is our plan well that's what we need to figure out right now the folks at mike when are getting understandably anxious losing that much money could put them into a serious bind it seems as if my queen was hit the hardest the others contacted us i'm not quite up to speed here what's the relationship with mike quinn mike when is the parent company to this organization it was my father's company i didn't know about any of this until yesterday it's all been a big secret for me i had no idea but something about it does keep pinging a memory i i just can't put my finger on it probably something you ate what does that mean my quinn such an odd name well i'm not sure that anybody really knows he was always giving things odd names he had a dog named biz fault and a bird named comtech name's their dog bispoled well if you asked him he'd say something profound and you probably still wouldn't understand mary is quite interested in nothing what my queen is it's an acronym he used them all the time of course that's what it is what does that mean he told me this one all the time mary is quite interested in nothing that's pretty bizarre right well that's meaningless i don't get it no no no no see on the contrary he he always would make up these funny phrases to make a point about something mary got something from nothing mary was his device for purity she gained knowledge from everything around her she always learned and he said never expect anyone to give you all the answers because answers are meaningless if there are no questions you gotta search out and find the truth in the void of reality wow it's really amazing stuff well sometimes this stuff didn't mean anything to anybody but him you know and he'd have these these word games where he'd have more than one acronym per word and a ball drove my mother nuts even though he always had a way of saying something in a brilliant fashion he always reminded me of one thing one thing that was more important than anything else he could say factos and patenteora verbus these are more powerful than words he wanted to change things he wanted to make a difference i just i didn't think he had the power i guess that's why i'm here i guess that's why we're all here he gave us the power [Music] there was something unique about nate's selective memory and how i observed the blocks becoming unblocked in the emergence of repressed events it's almost like his memory is being rebooted i can't quite put my finger on it but he's definitely putting things together more quickly than anticipated what was it not really sure what do you think he wants he said he has something for you where did he come from is he a fade he'd fit that type he may have been a cop but he didn't show a badge must be some practical joke how would he you call security involve the authorities this guy might be a little weird he said something about a 24-hour deadline oh let's leave it internal charlie i'm sure it's nothing what time is that planning meeting 3 30. push it to 4 30 i have to run out and pick up something for amanda we have people who do that for you sir no it's okay she thought i had someone else go out and pick up our anniversary present she'll well you know right after two wives you'd think i'd know these things i'll reschedule anything else nothing right now thank you [Music] [Music] here's a list of the other companies that were hit computer shows nothing but a random hit except for one try a quark seems the acquisition of these funds is an electronic overlay some sort of patch anyone trying to access a site was immediately diverted somewhere else it was ricochet i've heard of them trial corp pharmaceuticals and advanced artificial life support systems think they're based out of alexandria virginia how hard were they hit not sure yet it's a public company but they haven't released any statements regarding this seems that they don't want the other stockholders to panic other stockholders what's the connection it looks as if mike win owns 51 percent is someone trying to put mike when out of business who our computer is trying to figure out the hacker's origin unfortunately we still aren't running at 100 okay who's our liaison at mikewin helen mandelberg how do we get in touch with him what questions do you have mr palmer mandelberg right so we are being monitored here can you see me too yes i remember to close the door the next time i use the little boys room so what is your question i can't keep this line open all right what is the interest in trial corps tricorpas holdings in several companies yes yes i understand that but but trial corp for instance do they develop anything that might be used by myquinn for uh research or their own further experimentation is there any other connection to date micron owns 51 of the stock all right who is this guy i'm getting jerked around here again this guy's your liaison harlan's a computer beauty and brains our contact is a computer yes and one who is not allowed to give out information on an unsecured means and you were gonna tell me that when you were finished being such a compelling detective mr clouseau all right you two we're trying to get something accomplished here shut down the monitors it's impossible to get a secure transmission out here only use harlan when necessary you know i don't find getting my tail jerked all that necessary don't sell harlan sure he's got access to more information than the cia doesn't mean i trust him he doesn't trust you either so how do i get this uh the information that you requested has already been sent it's been downloaded and encrypted all you've got to do bring it up so uh what does this have to do with ic187 chip what so there is something what is the quest for the holy grail why do you think there's a connection between the two because things don't add i think it's a diversion to get us out of chicago my quinn gave us these orders i'm new here but uh couldn't it be someone on the inside setting this all up it could be and i think sending us to florida puts us on ice for a few days while our friends in the windy city play a game of keep-away and what about the 800 million in lost revenues how are you so sure that that's not real i didn't say it wasn't real i think it's part of a global plan to put micron on a different agenda yeah bankruptcy how do you know i don't know i just do look what other companies affected by this did mike when have holdings in we need to find this out well i told you only trial corp no there's got to be other connections and i don't think they were random cross referenced them somehow did any of them do business um other names banks sister companies yeah i can do that one people is there any way to communicate in a secure fashion with harlan and here i thought you two weren't going to be friends i can send a micro text encryption as soon as we get back online great whatever that is i think we should turn around and head back well what about the 800 million dollars well let's get a hold of our man in the keys and put him in a stall it'll be pretty hard to hide that kind of money for long how sure are you a gut feeling at best but um might be gas turn around mom we're going back fourth in lake shore oh and by the way uh his dog bis fault big in size for a little dog he could really bite sandy i'm going to run an errand anniversary i can have someone do that for you no it's okay something i need to do well should i push you 3 30. uh charlie garrison's already taken care of that and i won't be long well do me a favor see if sam derosi's in town see if he can meet me downstairs for a drink around seven anything else no thanks [Music] compost what do you want who is this you're not a very bright man you called on me mr leonard what is it you want same thing you want and what's that money power and you know what i want and the ic187 chip it doesn't exist oh it exists you wouldn't have even called me back i commend your semi-competent assistant for giving you the message it died alongside the towns if there was such a thing there's no real evidence that existed in the first place i see the townsend catch in on their little plan didn't even contact you they died six months ago how could they how stupid do you think i am mr leonard i'm not quite sure i'm trying to form an open-minded opinion right now so tell me where are the towns the ic187 they met an untimely death but it was more like two days ago and as for the chip i have that in my possession but i guess the most important question is mr leonard how badly do you want it this gut instinct of yours is a big risk don't you think oh you've risked everything else up till now on this and isn't this why i'm here aren't i supposed to be some sort of connection to my father's work let's cut the crap and get down to business well your father did want you in this organization that much is true but we need a solid plan before we go waltzing into the city looking for a needle in a haystack you're the most wanted man in the midwest right now it's not safe oh so now you're worried about me and a few days ago that wasn't an issue and as for the plan i work best on the fly should have been in your files shouldn't it i might remind you mr palmer that this is no high school football game or the only thing at risk is points on the board you are here for a reason but i don't want to risk the integrity of this organization we can't afford it hey look at this there's more to it than you think 26 of the companies that were hit mike when owned more than 50 of the stock the other 74 they owned under five or none but out of that 74 30 did direct business with them and 65 used some of the same financial services 25 were completely unrelated fields textiles food coffee and there's an alligator farm in florida that just went public about two years ago okay we are completely back up and online 100 a simple thank you would be nice thanks forget it hey look i got something what this company keeps coming up it seems an obvious emission from all the others yet it has a networking of ties throughout strange how so well i found a communication link between it and mike when i can't be sure until i can hack access into their mainframe which company is it icon icon technologies well i think we found our chess partner i told her she was good hello ron sam glad you're in town looking forward to this i'm about five minutes out i'll meet you downstairs in the sky high bar great well this place shares a whole new personality to it it's her mood or mood mom [Music] it's uh soothing don't you think she's pensive wants us to give it much thought before we act she senses some danger calm before the storm yeah something like that just i sorry no yeah no no i insist i was uh i was just gonna say i think that's the first time we've spoken two words to each other without exchanging hostilities it was nice i'm sorry uh what were you gonna say i was going to say that i think you're a jerk this might be fun i think she likes me we have to make a decision florida's on hold for the moment but it won't take much to raise suspicions especially after what happened two nights ago we don't have much time what's your plan are we planning on leaving it up to wonder boy here well if you have another plan by all means share it yeah i'd love to hear it especially if it's anything like the last plan you all came up with should be pretty entertaining well i think we should turn back around head down to florida and work with someone who can give us some help as much as i'd like to spend some time in the sun too it's not a good idea we need to take a close look at icon find out who's contacting mikwen's computer it could be any one of your father's ex-employees oh great who is it what does he want how did he get in did he set off the ricochet he was probably just sending an old friend an email maybe i doubt it so when you say take a closer look what do you mean we go up to that corporate office and look around jen can stay here and keep trying to hack in we'll just help her a little that's all i really think what we're looking for is on that 63rd floor are you just planning on walking in and asking for the access code number no you and i are going into that office yeah i was thinking of us as a team i would rather be a free agent why don't you and miss.com go on a recce and i will stay behind and support you from here because jen doesn't have as much experience in these things as you do i already know how you're going to be in the field i'll get to be more careful now that i know how you are and i'll get the chance to watch over my own back rather than worry about hers nate's team leader what he says goes i'm putting a time limit go do what you have to do be back in 45 minutes we'll reassess that doesn't give us much time that's all the time you'll need how do we how are we getting in yes mr team leader how are we getting in i'm not sure but i'll figure something out oh great we're gonna end up in jail take the i-17 pack nate bring your camera document i'll keep the 2a open better get started beth take him through the wi gateway sure be safe come on team leader what are you doing what does it look like i thought you said you knew where you wanted to go i do i'm just double checking and and i was right 63rd hey hey there's a package let's make a delivery federal offense don't make me hit you just go pick it up is your unbroken i'm team leader remember hey hey what are you doing put that down that's my package everything all right here i'm a cop what's going on nate i just ran into an old friend i think you know him too you better get out well we're separated at the moment what's she doing here i don't know i was hoping maybe you could help me with that one it's way too big of a coincidence look is that just a back door out of this place or something hey what are you doing here oh i'm sorry um ronald this is nate palmer a uh young friend of mine if you'll excuse me i'll catch up with you shortly it was a pleasure meeting you what are you doing here where are your friends i thought you were dead this game just keeps getting weirder you set me up no i'm protecting you from what should i go through the list we have to get out of here now what it's for your own good now what about beth it's too late for her what phoenix mars origins no now no that william kept it out of our reach but he always kept it close enough so that we'd be protecting it i knew nate was the key i always knew that but i never thought he never expected us to find the real one township has been destroyed but i know where the real one is looks like he's out of danger test is complete good chip is functioning normally no damage to the cortex no signs of conclusion so it's very healthy unlike the others i like the others which mean unlike jake's the one i have kept me out of lube for too long max this isn't about saving the world from the corrupt use of technology anymore this is about saving him isn't it he had the real chip the whole time this was all just a ruse to flush out the fake one revenge he made artificial intelligence and when he experimented on us william made a promise that he was going to see this through that we were gonna be okay we were the real prototypes [Music] and for that we're dying sorry i need this i'm just seeing to it that his promise is fulfilled max what's going on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 563,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, free movies, sci-fi movies, science fiction, free movie on youtube, science fiction audiobook, full movies 2021 english, full movies free, AI 187, ai 187 full movie, ai 187 movie, the palmer supremacy, the palmer supremacy full movie, artificial intelligence movies, artificial intelligence
Id: Ldh5kcDf7zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 0sec (6060 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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