22 July - Taking Authority Over Your Emotions Pt.2 - Creflo Dollar

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program is brought to you by the partners and friends of creflo dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world as goes your thinker so goes your life as goes your chooser so goes your life as goes your feelings so goes your life now we've heard about bad decisions will lead you to a bad place we've heard about you know wrong thinking will lead you to a bad place but nobody's ever you know a lot of folks have not heard about you know uh not taking authority over your feelings and emotions can lead you to the wrong place [Music] men it's our time to dive deeper at the 2021 mentality men's conference join us online on september 10th and 11th for two days of dynamic teachings from creflo dollar get ready to receive real life resolution from raw and uncut messages at the 2021 mentality conference register now by texting mentality to 51555 or by visiting creflodollarministries.org this is your world so let's vow to make it a better place let every heart that means to know [Music] let's begin uh this morning in the book of ephesians chapter 6 ephesians chapter 6 and verse 10 and we're going to talk about taking charge or taking authority over your emotions the church has uh for the most part we deal with the spirit and spiritual things and we deal with the the body and talk about healing but nobody wants to talk about your soul nobody wants to talk about those feelings you have we've perfected phoniness so much that christian people are afraid to talk about how they feel so they cover it up with some spiritual stuff and you're walking around feeling inferior insecure you're depressed you're stressed out you're upset but you know but that's not a good a good christian wouldn't be those things well you have emotions and you got to learn how to deal with those emotions and you're going to find out that you know it's a spiritual thing to understand how to deal with your emotion you're gonna have to deal with you you deal with emotions every day of your life it's just now time to learn how to deal with them the right way and uh and to understand that part of your being that we've not talked that that the church has not talked a lot about so let's begin in the book of ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 and let's read verse 10 11 and 12 out loud together verse 10 says finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places now notice he says and starts off here and he he warns us he says be strong in the lord and be strong in the power of his might so you're going to need jesus turn in your neighbor and say you're going to need jesus okay so we're not talking about being strong in your own power and in your own ability you've tried that already look at what he says in verse 11 he says put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles or the strategies of the devil now here's the one thing i recognize i believe in this series we have located the satan strategy against you his strategy against you is to impact you where your emotions are concerned because if he can impact you where your emotions are concerned those emotions can move you in a direction and so the strategy of the enemy is to impact your life where you are emotionally ruled rather than being word of god ruled holy spirit directed the strategy is if i can continue to deal with you in the area of your emotions i can continue to see your life not fulfilled or to see your life not fulfilling the will of god and reaching the place where god wants you to be in this area of your emotions and i'm thinking why is it that the church we've not recognized this strategy of the enemy a strategy to conquer or to try to conquer you by by by first of all deceiving you into thinking that you have nothing to say where your emotions are concerned by deceiving you into thinking that there's nothing i can do with my feelings i mean they're just they're just there to make you think that you have no authority or no mastery over your feelings and over your emotions to make you think well there are circumstances that happen and when they're bad circumstances they're going to be bad feelings and that's just how things operate and i'm telling you that is not the truth and so he says that that we can stand against the wows or the strategies or the trickery of the devil so i want you to prepare yourself this morning because you are preparing to stand against the wows and the strategies you know satan has strategy against us i mean there's a considerable amount of time where the enemy is is using strategy to try to stop you from becoming and being who god has called you to become and be strategy and so it's time for us to understand the satanic strategy so the first thing he says here in this next verse he says for wrestle we wrestle not against flesh and blood your fight is not against people you think you're fighting somebody you're upset with your fight is not against the balls your fight is not against people who've betrayed you your fight is not against people who have hurt you that's not your fight your fight is not against your husband your wife or your co-worker so that's the first thing you've got to recognize that that's not where the fight is and he says but our fight is against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places you know what he's saying here your fight is not in the natural it's in the spirit your fight is not in the natural is it you're not fighting like i said those group of people you're fighting spiritual being spiritual forces and you've got to understand the strategy of those spiritual forces to try to come against you now most people understand christians are so sophisticated these days they don't believe in the devil well i tell you what the next time you start acting strange run to the mirror you might see him are you listening to me the first thing you do is to recognize that this battle is a spiritual one and how do we fight this spiritual battle is important now the thing that we talked about wednesday and it's just i went home and thought this is the strategy i mean uh you know i can i can i can boldly declare that i feel like god has revealed to me the strategy the wows of the devil the place where he's having a lot of success in all of our lives what i'm about to talk about this morning it doesn't concern a few people it's not the person that comes in and they've been saved for 30 years and say well this doesn't have anything to do with me now what i'm about to talk about this morning deals with every single person seated here or everyone on online anybody at the sound of my voice this deals with you why because we all have emotions we all have emotions but unfortunately sometimes those emotions have us we all have them but the problem is when they want to have authority in our lives we all have emotions but sometimes those emotions have us now one of the things i stated this past wednesday is that we were designed by god to master life rather than to be mastered by life and there are lots of people who are being mastered by their life the stuff that's going on in your life the things that happen in your life you're being mastered by life you know it's like you know life is happening to you and that's so backwards life is not supposed to be happening to you you should be happening to life you're not mastering your life because frankly you don't think you can master your life you just think you know this old saying queso whatever will be would be and that is not correct it is not right for you to think that you know just because you're having a bad time in your life right now that's how it's supposed to be you the will of god for your life is for you to master your life and not for the life that you live to master you turn in your neighbor and say it's time for you to master your life say that to him time for you to master your life oh my god time for you to master your life time for you to master your life yeah but brother doll if i was in debt if i wasn't in debt i could master my life it's time for you to master your life i'll show you how you got in debt well you know if i wasn't so hurt i could master my life no no no it's time for you to master there is nothing that can happen on this planet that god has not already equipped you to overcome and to master look at me and say it say i can master my life say that now how do i do that by learning how to master my emotions you see god created us and he made us in his image he made us in his image to do two three things to reflect his love he made us in his image to reflect his power and authority and uh he made us in his image ladies and gentlemen here's how i saw it when god looks in the mirror he sees us why we are his reflection that's powerful see when you look in the mirror you see yourself but when god looks in the mirror he sees us because he made us in his image to be his reflection on this planet and i don't care where you come from i don't care what the color of your skin is and i don't care you know who your mama was your dad it was what neighborhood you grew up i am telling you that if you're born on this earth and you make jesus the lord of your life you have been made to be god's reflection on this planet and as he is in heaven so should you be here on the earth your life should not be mastering you you should be mastering your life and the church said amen how many are ready to take mastery over your life now all of this starts it all starts in our emotions it all starts in our soul to be able to do this it starts in your emotions to be able to do it starts in your soul the battleground is between your two ears and you're gonna win in life or lose in life based on what happens in between your two ears go to third john verse two third john verse two let's look at it in the king james and in and in the amplified so all of this is gonna happen based on what's going on with your emotions and your soul now think with me for a moment satan knows this he says i can impact their lives by impacting their soul their emotions now watch this he said beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper or another way to say that is that thou mayest be successful or prosper and be in health even as your soul is successful or prosperous so the degree of your success in life is going to be based on the degree of your success where your soul is concerned all right now go to the amplified now let's look at the anatomy here this is important the anatomy of man man is a spirit he possesses a soul he lives in a physical body now religion uses spirit and soul interchangeably as is if they are the same they are not the same you are a spirit you possess a soul say out loud i am a spirit i possess a soul i live in a body now the soul area of of of of mankind that is your mind your will and your emotions your mind will and emotion resides in the area of your soul uh to put it simply your thinker your filler your emotions your thinker your filler your chooser resides in the area of your soul so if you're not successful in your soul if you are not successful in your emotions then you won't be successful in other areas of your life emotional prosperity just simply means being able to control your emotions to prosper in your spirit is called born again to prosper in your physical body is called health to prosper in your soul especially i'm focusing in on your emotions is being able to control and to have authority over your emotions now let's look at this in the amplified beloved i pray that you may prosper in every way stop that is a powerful statement god wants you to know that it is his will for you to be successful in every way not just in one way not just in two ways in every way in life the will of god is for you to be successful now you need to know that you've let somebody talk you out of that god's will is for you to be successful in every way and that your body may keep well so his will for your your body is it's for your body to keep well and for you to be successful successful in every way including success in your physical body you need to know that if you don't know that then the first thing that attacks your body you will you will submit to it your emotions will take you there and you'll be dominated by some sickness and disease and because you thought that was god's will it maybe it's god's will for me to die like that's not god's will and until you begin until until the will of god is known you'll not know what a successful life is all about and you need to know that's god's will say a lot say say these things with me it is god's will for me to be successful in every way it is god's will for my body to keep well it is god's will for me to have success faith faith cannot work until the will of god is known until the will of god is known faith cannot work now you know what to put your faith in it is god's will for me to be successful in every way and for my body to keep well but notice notice what it says here he puts a condition here even as i know your soul keeps well and your soul prospers so it's it's right up in your soul if your soul is well and if your soul prospers then then then everything else will follow suit so here's what he's saying here as goals your soul soul goes your life as goes your thinker so goes your life as goes your chooser so goes your life as goes your feelings so goes your life now we've heard about bad decisions will lead you to a bad place we've heard about you know wrong thinking will lead you to a bad place but nobody's ever you know a lot of folks have not heard about you know uh not taking authority over your feelings and emotions can lead you to the wrong place and so god created us to be in control as he is in control but he wants us to be in control over creation he wants us to be in control over and have dominion over the things that he has created however in our failure and inability to con i won't say inability because we have the ability it's our failure to control our own self what happens when you can't control your own self you are now you will you will now attempt to control others so you can feel that sense of superiority that god created in us to have control over creation so god wants us to have control over creation but there's one thing he doesn't ever want us to try to control and that's one another but when you can't control yourself then you will attempt to try to control somebody else when you can't control your own emotions then you will attempt to go and try to control other people so if you know people who are controlling people and try to be controlling people or other people are concerned the only reason they do that is because they can't control their own emotions it's important for you to understand that you see mastering your emotions doesn't mean not having emotions and a lot of christians believe that they a lot of christians try to live their life like well i don't have emotions you know i'm spiritual hallelujah and yet you have emotions i come from you how you doing today well this is the day the lord has no i didn't ask you that i asked you how you're doing today but you're not even thinking about trying to tell me how you feel today because you might not feel good today but you think it's wrong for you to say to me that you don't feel good today let me show you how to do this you know how you're doing today well i feel okay but uh i believe that god would give me the authority to overcome these these bad feelings you you try to act like you don't have emotion you you try to act like to master your emotions means let's pretend like i don't have any and the real issue is you can do that while you're at church but if i catch you at the grocery store and somebody make you mad and i see you exploding your emotions and you cussing somebody out anytime i excuse me it slipped no you had emotions but they were dealing with you because you didn't know how to deal with them [Applause] you see god god designed us to express passion he designed us to express emotions but what happened was as we allowed the devil we allowed the curse and we allowed sin to come in and to pervert those emotions so that they will hurt us and then they hurt other people emotions that have been perverted they hurt us and then they hurt other people so we must not be controlled we must not be controlled by our emotions we must not be emotionally rude people in fact that was the curse in the garden the day that they ate of the fruit of the tree in the garden the curse in the garden when he says when you eat of it you you you'll you'll you'll surely die you'll be cursed the curse in the garden was they went from flowing with god to being emotionally rude and flowing with their emotions and their emotions took them to places where they didn't need to be emotions took them to places that would destroy their lives and so people who try to control other people or people who cannot control themselves and they usually usually this is found in the failure to control their emotions people who try to control other folks automatically should say to you they can't control themselves so ladies single women when you are looking for a husband do not choose a man who is trying to control you emotionally he may have not shown any signs that he's out of control but you can take it to the bank if he's trying to control you there's some emotions in his life that are out of control and you don't want to end up marrying that that that person and find out and find out later on in the marriage when he gets mad he starts throwing things and grabbing things and he wants to grab him and beat up on you you don't want to fight you you don't want to oh my god and you go oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to do that and it'll happen again oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to do that and then he'll cuss you out and then start abusing people who cannot control their emotions will attempt to try to control other people so if you know people if you're dating somebody who's controlling somewhere in that joker's life he cannot control his emotions now there's now there's nothing necessarily wrong with being in control the issue is what are you supposed to be in control of what are you supposed to be in control of certainly not other people so when we get a hole and i want you to listen it's very careful it's so important when you get a hold of your emotions you'll do it by first of all getting a hold of your thoughts if you get a hold of your thoughts you get a hold of your emotions you get a hold of your emotions then you're going to find yourself in peace and security and when you're in peace and security you don't see a need to try to control somebody else now look at this progression now you get a hold of your thoughts first get ahold of your thoughts first if you can get ahold of your thoughts you can get a hold of your emotions you get to hold your emotions you'll be in peace and security and when you're there you don't find a need to try to control somebody else in fact you know somebody asked me well what then is the foundation or the key or the source of negative emotions and i'll say it to you like this the the root to every negative emotion is a sense of powerlessness that simply means you don't believe you can change are your emotions controlling your life many people think that their emotions cannot be controlled as a christian not only can you help how you feel but you have god has equipped you and provided for you the necessary resources to help you control harness and take charge of those negative feelings in your life if you're not in control of your emotions then you're not in control of your life you know you got to watch what you say everything that comes on our mouth too so the things that's normally going on in our life is as a result of us speaking the wrong way i'm not saying those negative feelings won't come i'm just saying when they they do come you can neutralize them control them harness them and not let them lead you in a direction that's going to be destructive to your life get the secret to stable emotion seven message series for a love gift of 40 or more call the number on the screen or go online to order today get your daily dose of grace on the changing your world podcast with creflo dollar keep the word of god at the forefront of your mind every day when you download and stream these uplifting messages gain a revelation of the fullness of god's grace from creflo dollars powerful sermons and transform into the powerful victorious believer god made you to be he will always take our brokenness i believe and he will bring new life and he will bring beauty from it but thank god for the word because it has the ability in and of itself to repair with the changing your world podcast you have encouraging and life-changing wisdom at your fingertips 24 7. tune in whenever you need to be edified no matter where you are subscribe to changing your world podcast with creflo dollar today on apple podcast spotify or your preferred podcast platform when you give your gift goes to work changing lives all over the world spreading the gospel uplifting communities connecting believers from all over the world now more than ever it's easy to support the ministry with your giving through changeexpress with changexpress your giving is simple it's as easy as clicking recurring once and you're set secure with our advanced security protocols you'll have peace of mind as you give knowing that your seat is going where it belongs changing the lives of people all 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Channel: CDM Asia Pacific
Views: 113
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Creflo Dollar, Taffi Dollar, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Freedom, Christianity, Faith, Grace, Truth, Healing, Jesus, God, Relationship, Blood Of Christ, Christ, New Covenant, Dr Dollar, Creflo Dollar New Sermons, Creflo Dollar 2020, bible teaching, Bible Study, Prophetic Word, Prophet, Prophecy, Yahweh, Yeshua, Elohim, Jesus Is Lord, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, New Testament, End Times, TBN, Hebrews, Creflo, Taffi, God's Grace
Id: zcZf7BY2g_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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