Taking a dive. | Doki Doki Exit Music - Ending

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what's up guys zero here and welcome back to doki doki exit music I guess I can't recap the entire one-hour episode so recapping happened last we were going Monica called to say we have to talk about URI and to meet her at the cafe and Nazi decided to tag along with us so let's go in to meet with Monika so yeah turning down side streets who make our way into town cafe is just in sight and on the corner of the street they cross the road and get to the door our freshman gust of humid air hits us as we enter there's a couple of people sat around the place for Monica's nowhere to be seen looks like we're early huh yeah now skin wraps a scar from her neck she hastily folds it and stuffs into her coat pocket oh come on I'm gonna get a drink no need oh geez bang yeah for you I don't think she'd be happy that I'm even here let alone be on good terms and I'm not good enough terms to buy me a drink she still seems really mad at me you honestly think well if you want to spend your money that's fine I got now you're just trying to use reverse psychology trying to fine I'll wait we take a seat at a table in the far corner of the cafe and wait I scrolled through my phone while waiting it bleeps I opened the notification oh my gosh I'm really sorry listen I'm only gonna be another 10 minutes I promise once again from the way Monica's acting has shifted drastically why why something come up I'll tell you all about it when I get there okay hopefully won't take too long or sat at the back we'll keep an eye out we got a crap divide the bullet that's keys here with me right got confused there well I'll see you that I'll see you to their xox xox saying text out loud is like the stupid I had actually sale oh I hate that I had to say wall you shouldn't come as a surprise to me the Monica softened up the Natsuki considering we're together now despite that it still does despite Monica's apology I like Natsuki was hesitant except after showing us the heartless manner in which he emotionally destroyed say Orion URI I think I could truly forgive her regardless of her reasoning usually people like that don't or can't the change usually that's why I'm giving her a chance to change however all I can do right now is see what warranted such an urgent meeting about URI and her habits what'd she say jad to peek over my shoulder that comes the messages just that she's running late oh right well how long do you gonna take not sure I've no idea you only say anything about why she's oh there you are Monica arrives not a breath she sits between us hey Zara Oh looking cute hey zero and you not Sookie hi sorry I'm so late I didn't even have time to grab a coat like there were hairs oh that's cute my game just fries ha was busy chatting to URI online she said some things that um short silence between us or nobody knows what to say well I'd say they speak for themselves since I'm getting the drink zero would you like a pair over to the selection of drinks they've written on a sign hanging over the counter making my choice I noticed now let's get also looking over at the side I guess I'll get just a regular coffee Oh zero can I get a cup sorry now it's key I don't think I have enough money to spare for you and I promised Sarah that I'd buy him a drink how much have you got Natsuki a change for us for a moment only have like five I've got an idea why don't we just pull our money together that way we can all get a drink and maybe a pastry on the side sound good now he beams me for a moment for snapping her attention back at Monica yeah now work though very of us approach the to approach the till make our orders and sit back down I'll be right back okay don't start without me oz heads off to the washroom Monica leaves in leans close towards me I'm gonna be frank there's something seriously wrong with URI yeah I've got to agree you saw the cuts yeah kind of hard to forget monix reaction my experience here II saw harm was that a surprise she only just found out I knew even though she exposed me to it in the first place she trying to pretend that the club's argument didn't happen across her not skis sake it's not just that look at this I've lost a picture the URI centimeter what the hell that's URI wow you sure like a hundred percent yep how'd she react to that who Natsuki Monika nods well she saw it before me actually you're in the middle of a conversation she just sent that to minute zero context I pull up to the messages leading up to the picture to the pictures back at my point up that's just bizarre I know I didn't respond to it I mean what the hell am I supposed to say well that explains a lot what do you mean URI she sent me pictures of her cuts 2-0 nothing like that in mind you but that's kind of what I wanted to talk about you seriously need to have a word with her the things she said to me when I was talking with her online were they were [ __ ] up zero she told me that I should well you can take a guess Monika hesitates she slides her phone over the table with a chat open it's none of your business you Pepe preppy [ __ ] I'm fine in fact you should try it sometime maybe I'll take the stick out of your ass I'm done talking about this with you wait URI I hate me for it to offend you I hand the phone back to her yeah I'll speak to her why me specifically though oh you didn't see it here once again G hands mere phone swiping down on the chat oh my god that's my URI sliced my initials into her arm okay I feel light-headed Jesus Christ hey you okay yeah I'm fine just that do you understand what you have to talk to her I swallow audibly yes I get it I'd suggest bringing that up just bringing that up that you're with not ski maybe they'll knock some sense into her like hell it will zero I'm worried about her well-being I know I've been totally malicious the past week a preppy [ __ ] as she put it but that doesn't mean I don't care about her I'm having trouble believing that though she did actually bother to organize this just to show me I'm even know what Monica's intentions are anymore I understand I'll try my best now ski returns to the table is everything okay kind of need to have a talk with URI she told Monica to cut herself damn okay that's way over the line I'm sorry Monica the barista calls obstacles it's up to the counter for our drinks and food with the barista I take mine and Nazis drinks while Monica grabs her own drink in the pastry I'm sure you don't want to tell her about that picture I get it but she needs to know what picture oh you know what you're he said too much you know URI said to Monica well she Monica can use your phone for a second sure I hand her the phone URIs picture already loaded on Jerry coils squealing yeah what the hell a couple of people turned at the commotion or resumed their conversation to activities that's why I need to talk to her as soon as possible to let her know that I'm with you and I don't plan on leaving you for anyone house he takes a sip from a caramel frappe I get it zero but if this continues I'm gonna [ __ ] it won't I'm going to deal with it on Monday we still need our food and heavy silence so I can't believe that picture my phone buzzes in my pocket wide-eyed I like at Natsuki zero Monica turns our attention back to me as I pull my own phone out of my pocket text her URI I can see you oh god what the [ __ ] I look around the cat fancy URI near the entrance novel in hand she walks over and eventually the others take notice of her monocle waves awkwardly husky eyes are down ferociously URI takes a seat next to Monica good afternoon everyone I wasn't expecting to see all you see you all here oh god yeah Yuri Monica I just want to apologize for what I said earlier I do hope we can keep it between us Monica shoots me a worried glance sure zero did you get my message the other day you never got back to me you know what no no I didn't my phone was bugging out yesterday I was good looks as if she could jump over the table and rip you to shreds hey guys just lucky that Yuri's not really plenty not really paying her much attention I rest my hound Ernie second leave her to keep her cool I'll be right back I'm just going to order my drink zero do you want anything no Yuri I'm fine I have my own drink oh that's fine Yuri leaves are things at the table and stand in line what the hell was that zero I thought you were going to bring this not here and not right now not with you to a hearing in a crowded cafe but if she doesn't take it well well I don't even need to say what if you and I both know she won't I'll deal with this on Monday as I said for now we need to act as normal as possible that goes for you too Monica but but I know what I'm doing I think originally the table once more having paid for her drink so what you get I decided on some of their signature blend tea it's very sweet zero we should come here one day maybe if we had a club meeting here instead of just the two of us no sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice well maybe I'll see you guys might have myrna table squeeze it hard I'll be right back I need to use the washroom yeah same here they both look at me like they want me to follow your up back Yuri Yuri nods and opens her book so we have us head around the corner to the entrance of the bathrooms zero I can't take this how are you keeping so cool headed this is so messed up what's your plan anyway yeah what's the plan hey hey one at a time Natsuki I know this is weird weird this is totally crazed see whenever I look at her all I can see is her arms Monica nods in agreement just hear me out my plan is to talk to her plain and simple I'll tell her I'm with you not ski and I'll bring up her self-harm ideally she'll let me roll up her sleeve and see how bad it really is hopefully I can talk her into going to a professional her feelings toward me are clearly making her cutting far worse I don't want another friend in the hospital all right I guess it might work but have you got a better idea right not really Monica resident pool woman's room I'm going to go wash my hands and I'll be back out okay I'll just go back I returned to my seed URI beams and me from it from over the table she chuckles her solved she plays around with her phone you should read that zero one message unread two files attached Oh God I swipe just missing the notification damn do you like it zero I can't load it I think I'm out of mobile data oh well you should check it when you get home I'm sure you'll love it now she returns the table followed by Monica who takes her handbag you know I should get going I have things to get done for the club tomorrow he was nice seeing you all Monica takes off out of the door hurriedly mark I got the [ __ ] out of there come to think of it I should probably head out as well not ski I'll walk you home wait zero you don't need to waste your time I can walk not ski home no really I'm fine to go at zero I will talk to you on Monday URI I oh that's gonna make our way out of the cafe leaving Gary alone at the table Oh God with our house in sight we slow down to a normal pace zero yeah you're really good at handling these kinds of things what do you mean well first talking to say Ari now Gary you do no say or he's in love with you right yeah she told me really yeah tell you what I told her it's not like I don't love her it's just that it's purely as friends especially considering I was already falling for you I see stops walking you really mean that yeah I love you mask your wraps her arms around mine as we continue walking I love you to zero a short walk went to our house I'll see myself upstairs leaving me in the foyer I start idly into the mirror figure box with him stare into the figure-eight box within stares idly back zero anyone their house key wags our arm in front of my face sorry Natsuki just been thinking it's fine zero I can't really blame you today it was nuts you know you look really good together all right my arm around not ski you stare at the mirror for a few moments you have your phone on you yeah why you should take a picture of us we really do look nice together cute even cute huh what happened to I'm not cute I uh but doesn't count I was talking about both of us together dummy digging into my pocket I grab my phone take a quick photo now she's already posing take your time just a second sorry ready how she faces me nodding enthusiastically Oh or taking photos oh that's cute immediately immediately after she snatches the phone for me to see how they turned out this one's really blurry I'm getting rid of it but I really like this one she turns the phone to me I can't help but agree it's perfect actually yeah that one's great nice he takes me I'm leading out of the bathroom she hops onto the couch and I follow I flunked the phone out of her hand turning it off did you want to watch something or maybe what you believe well you got an ID I'd give her a suggestive grin she ignores it we could bake some cookies oh that sounds good actually zero get your mind out of the gutter dummy Cousy stands and heads to the kitchen her voice that goes back to two thirds of the living room zero do we run out of eggs I'm not sure you check right back of the fridge right yeah I don't see them mouse key Hoffs returning to the couch so much for baking well I got a better idea don't even I was going to suggest going out to the park not ski come on really thought I was gonna keep well-meant it the first time I yeah but it was just a suggestion uh-huh now she paused for a moment to show how to come back I know it's oh it's just like I'm sure how to come back all right I get it well I'll tell you what come on we just order in yeah I guess we could do that so where do you want to order from I don't know really I'm guessing you have something in mind I don't know actually there's just a suggestion you choose pizza sure only if you order a dessert for us too all right using my phone I quickly place the order online turn the television on I'm gonna use the bathroom I'll be right back okay I picked my phone up off the coffee table and head upstairs and to the bathroom and lock the door behind me you know what else your he sent me curiosity takes its course it was already so upset at the cafe can't let her see these ones too I open the conversation with URI there are a total of seven images from her the one of her what the blood jar not hard on her chest my initials carved into her arm wait what so that's why URI went through my bag Oh God we found the pen it's bloody my costly Tina scroll to the pictures the next one she's wearing a button shirt she's sitting on her bed with my pen in her mouth yeah can't help myself now I keep scrolling geez this is nasty re nasty I think I'm going to be sick my face is completely bread crap I flushed the toilet splash some water on my face head back downstairs was that delivery room I shut my phone off completely as I sit down as a knock at the door yay and to the door pay for a food and return to the couch I said our meal I said our I set out our meal on the table so why would pepperoni pizza with a side of fries and some onion and garlic dipping sauce now she's already tucking in and having a dude having dip the edge of her first slice and the sauce and taking a bite thanks zero she gives me a kiss on the cheek accompanied by a speck of sauce hehe sorry now Scalia's over and licks my cheek Hey now we're even cheeky I feel the blood rushed in my face once more you're so easy to fluster hey so are you Oh am I now I place my hand on her thighs sliding up ever so slightly there you go Naz his cheeks light up like a Christmas decoration she moves my hand from her leg by shoving a cut of a cushion between us that doesn't prove anything dummy you shouldn't throw stones if you're living in a glass house I take a bite out of my pizza suppressing the yards of charcoal that's key subtly retakes her original spot beside me we sit for a while exchanging slices of pizza while watching TV you don't always have to be right you know I can't help but crack a smile well you make it easy sometimes what's that supposed to mean I'm a pro don't forget all right Natsuki whatever you say I shoot her a cheeky wink she looks actually wants to say something but she bites her tongue instead we turn our attention back to the TV while we eat have you done with that yeah I'm stuffed I took Nancy's plate with mine to the kitchen I almost forgot I'm eating down open up my bag revealing the bottles of wine I take one and set on the counter putting the rest in the fridge that's what you do with wine right why would we even steal it if we don't even know how to [ __ ] like why even steal the wine oh whatever I parry over no let her know for a moment I was focused on the show aromas to my drawers trying to find something to open it with is everything okay in there yeah just give me a second and the back of the cutlery drawer I find a corkscrew I look for a way to open the bottle as quickly as possibly can to make sure the cork doesn't make the loud pop I wrap a towel around the mouth of a bottles i ripple the cork free success I take to glass in my cupboard hiding the bottle behind my back hey Natsuki have a little something for you huh alright build a bottle and her eyes light up zero he must know your wine I remember when my when he bought that had to be imported expensive was it expensive was it nicely now to head furiously oh well isn't that a shame I send myself down the couch again pour us a glass give me that around my arm around Oscars we enjoy the wine personally I really don't like it as much as I expected to just taste kind of sour either way and I seems to be really not either way not seems to really be enjoying it I'm sure the taste we're growing there how exactly did you get this I was going past your house and well I just got off the bus and went inside I got your stuff I decided to check the basement not entirely sure why but it worked out I guess I swear to god it's gonna bite us in the ass I know I've already said it zero but thank you so much for everything house key places are glass down on the coffee table and braises me tightly he make everything better so do you not ski we stay like this for a few moments and I think it pulls back and finishes her glass as do I mind if I have another sure for our for ourselves another glass and lean back onto the couch once more well someone's pounding heavily on the door what the [ __ ] the Oskie flinches spilling her wine on the table she curls to a fetal position on the sofa knock startled even me but her reactions out of sheer terror oh my god is is it [ __ ] him I wonder why the knuckle print on her bedroom door no wonder oh it gave her like PTSD Nazi you're okay you're okay it's okay I get it mousey doesn't meet my eyes she looks embarrassed and I can't help but feel bad I'll be right back okay oh [ __ ] is knocking on my door but I'll beat some ass no Eve now it's gonna couch hanging through a doorway Creed the people who is that it's late I can't make out who it is if you are pounds ring to my house I care not to keep whimper I turned the deadbolt believe the chain on just in case sooner what the [ __ ] why are you knocking at my door just scaring Donsky hello hi zero say Orie what's that smell what smell it's your breath it smells like wine I know you have her here so I'll make it quick but I just want to let you know I've been prescribed some medication that should help me with my my rainclouds so you don't need to worry about me anymore zero I know that's what you wanted say Ari it's not like that ask you Peaks around the corner over to the door say Orry hey I'm glad you're okay how are you do not ski I just came over to talk to zero about something serious can we have some privacy please oh well okay I guess I'll just clean up this mess while you two talk then Oscars you the tall from the kitchen disappears to look once again I'm surprised you took serious attitude so well who just doesn't want to upset her so what is it zero since I've been put on this medication I've been thinking a lot more clearly than usual and well I think you should break things off a Natsuki what sorry you're not thinking clearly what why because I loved you first and you threw me and you threw me to the side that's naughty what that's not fair you're not thinking clearly you're crazy I loved you first supposed to mean it's not fair what do you mean it's not fair you're a child I only need it all I need is to see you happy and now that things are getting better I think I can do that sorry you know I can't just why not what does she have that I don't is it because you found me with a noose in my hand ready to die is it because you really do hate me like I'd always thought give me a reason zero because I'm not leaving until you do god dammit sorry you've been my best friend for years I know this is going to hurt but that's all we've ever been don't you think that if we brought feelings feelings into this that we would ruin what we have I don't I don't want to ruin the longest friendship I have of a relationship with someone else you have to understand I'm coming from right sorry wipes the tears from your cheeks it just feels as if it's in a vise say Orry you mean the world to me I'm just not willing to risk losing you over this say Orry please say something sir it turns away from me taking a step off the porch wait I grab her and pull her back let me go not yet just let me go zero I got my answer well I wasn't finished so err is this or more more moments eventually giving in sorry you're my best friend if you changed my mind my life so much since we met every one of my memories involve you every birthday every Christmas every summer the club everything say are you I don't want to lie to you that's why I'm gonna tell you this now okay wait I swear to God if there's another option hold up I need to put this to rest I love you but not in the way you love me it's just platonic has got to be so difficult I she reaches into her pocket her hand and gulps two small capsules um you're supposed to be taking them now right yeah yeah I was meant to a couple hours ago I'm sorry I really can't think straight she leans her other hand against the door support herself say or eat you all right no no I'm not [ __ ] all right zero I love you so much but but she takes a deep breath you make me sick I'm going home I don't protest instead I soundly watch she storms down the street to her house and closes her front door behind her worthlessly I let myself back into the house now she's waiting for me so what was that I could hear shouting something she was just upset that I didn't love her she wanted me to break up with you now she shakes her head glass of wine hand I feel kind of bad because it isn't her fault but she can't just imagine you break it off with me because she wants you it's not fair to try and ruin our relationship like that I know well some good news at least what was it well she got let out of the hospital yesterday she's been prescribed some pills well that's good I just hope they'll help her I know I was rude about say earlier but I do care about her you know there wasn't a doubt in my mind not I just guessed you were probably a little shocked by it but wait did you just call me not um yeah I gave her a weak smile my head is swimming the drink is really starting to kick in I I like it you do yeah she'd giggle some more I can't help but join in I can barely stand like I could pass on any moment I don't even know if it's that late either way I need sleep do you want to go to bed now well it is kind of late I'd be happy to you know oh I meant go to bed literally silly she keeps her eyes locked on me I didn't oh right well if you mention like that I'd love to I'm chopping the empty glass no floor merciless mercilessly merciful mercifully it didn't smash you guys mother Hannah practically dragged me upstairs once in my room she embraces me tightly and brings her lips to mine I can hardly see her but that doesn't matter we break apart for a moment only to discard my shirt oh my God look oh my lord cessation kids look away the coop son of a bed together still fiercely making out oh my god my man was going in in that picture I was going in deep Sunday the sunlight creeping through my blinds forces me awake light burns my eyes groggily I gently released myself from Nazis arms peering out the clock I realized almost midday I stay at the foot of my bed pulling my boxers on a fresh pair of jeans on I leave a room as quietly as possible heading downstairs I hear a faint knock on the door I head over saying a glance to the people see a courier walking back to his van I remember ordering anything I open the door and see the small box he delivered take it back to the kitchen inspecting the label it's from my mother I mean anything sent from her in ages hardly able to respond to my texts or calls without having the house to myself is quite nice I wish yet and move across the country for work moving to the counter start boiling a pot of coffee I take my box turned back from the door and slice along the tattoo taped edge my cup would say pulling the bubble wrap closed revealing a new expensive looking watch scarring the box cutter and I see there's a note alongside the box son I know it's been a while since we've spoken and for that I apologize the father and I've been promoted at our firms making our schedules much stricter which means I've been totally unable to return your calls on top of this or promotions have made our positions here permanent while we're gone the house will now be your responsibility entirely to look after oh my god I hope that you'll have a chance to visit us when the school year is over you do miss talking to you and I'm sure this would be long overdue I spoken to his mother about what happened today I'm terribly sorry you had to see what you did we're both extremely proud of how you handled it so it's a gift from your father and I hope to speak to you soon love mom and dad looks like it's our our house now react that's all Nazis living with me Who am I kidding don't be happy that I finally have a girlfriend I move off the white box in this packaging face with a smaller green package must have been quite the promotion i delicately flip open the lid watch his glare is nearly blinding I'm back in my chair staring at the glimmering timepiece oh wow zero huh who's that from my parents whoa now she can't take her eyes off the box I can't blame her the golden face and Bend are enough to in trance anyone I close the box carefully masking pores is both the coffee joins up the table gently placing my mug in front of me thanks not to you she nods and takes it from the mug so do your parents usually send you such fancy gifts I like this they got promotions I guess where are they anyway well they both had to move because of their jobs last year and they're found with letting me stay here until I'm done with high school after that and I've basically got to get a job ASAP for now though they set up a weekly allowance that gets transferred to me just for groceries and other stuff there's nothing too crazy but it's enough to not go hungry I guess those words exit my mouth I realize what I said crap [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot now see scrums a bin receipt but doesn't seem all that bothered yeah I figured I don't really know am I did what he does he'd usually be gone by the time I woke up for school kind of weird huh not even knowing where the money comes from I don't want to have to do all that on the subject for much longer after all I don't want to taint our day alone together with the thoughts of that Beus of peace of hmm listen did you want to do something special today exactly the smoothest subject change but I see eyes widen my words like what I was thinking we could go on a proper date what do you mean I want to take you out the LNT got to do something just the two of us now that's out oh well that sounds great zero what'd you have in mind well there's the cafe delicious I was thinking we could go back to the cafe probably like the place looks like you did as well yeah it was really nice forget about the whole thing with Yuri I'm gonna go get ready then he sure ask immediately slides out of her chair and books it upstairs I can't help but laugh she's genuinely adorable I take her MUX to the sink and await now it's gonna turn she's in the bathroom probably fixing her hair or something put on a fresh fresh pants and a shirt all right let's go we're going for a date let's go go fresh pants get a french pant I have problems the streets are noticeably empty even for a Sunday I pull open the glass door to the cafe diagnostic hop into the hop into the building with an expression of utter glee painted across her face ladies foot i'm interpreted by hard slog into my shoulder ow what the hell now see flash is a quick grin winking at me from inside the building I shake my head as I step inside if I go find a table for us you can go order yeah yeah oh zero could you get me a couple of pastries I had last time I really liked them okay sure anything else maybe a drink too something sweet not cease its herself at a booth near the back of the cafe I ordered both of us the same pastry getting nasty glass of orange juice I placed our order and I head to the booth Nastya chose for us was a walk towards her can open notice that the cafes rather empty for this time of day must be because it's a Sunday regardless I take a seat opposite her so ain't you say a couple nights ago you were gonna head out and buy us the new volume the parfait girls the latest one it's a bit pricey don't you think well yeah I guess I just assumed dead enough to get it do you know what the watch your parents I do have enough you know I'm just a bit cautious about how I nicely scoff sarcastically you're just putting off reading it with me aren't you what no I'm just a little bit worried wary of how I actually spend my money is all you never know when you might need it besides we haven't even gotten through half the set we have yeah you're not really gonna rush to buy it now anyway probably another week before you even finish off this volume hmm I guess I'll get around to it though promise and I promise the barista calls out our order give me a second exiting the booth and MacMurray to the counter where the barista is busy taking someone else's order it left two small plates with a pastry on the counter the glass would be deduced it next to it seeing as I haven't yet paid I'll leave a note covering the bill in place of our order I pick up the plates in one hand and the glass and the other as I return the table and asking immediately snatches her pastry mmm I love these things kind of guest houses already wolf down the whole thing and only a few quick bites she need a complete she seemed completely oblivious to how quickly she was eating I glanced our quick grid before taking up buy from my own he's delicious Natsuki her eyes wild with excitement he's over the table night time to take a bite from my pastry a nice tingly pulled back or knee paste you out of reach hey hey leave mine alone fine fine she turns to her suit count returned to mind her they I munch down on the rest of my pastry quickly as I do so not see snap stir right for a moment at the sound of the door swinging open just another guest turns back to me bringing the oranges to her mouth and taking us up hmm thanks Sarah it's no problem anything for you she's good to me a few awkward moments passed she gulps down her orange juice in silence ready to go just about yeah we built boats slip out of the boot simultaneously and I neatly stacked the plates in the glass for the barista I won't open the door for her and we make our way back on the street hand in hand oh this all adorable everything's adorable this is cute I'm afraid to say that though because last time I said I was cute something was it was mere the literature Club and then they hit me with say Orry hanging so as he approached the door Natsuki stops me zero thanks for taking me out it really means a lot to me I I love you I love you too the two of us entered the house and head to the living room nasi takes the remote and buttons a show to watch and that's when we watched a full house set a random show I've their full house is still on hey are you hungry yet I look at the clock so now hours I pass it on my knowledge not really are you know way too much at the cafe he I'm a little thirsty though you want me to fix us a drink now she nudges her leg and moves her hand forehead from my shoulder yeah thanks I head to the fridge take one of the remaining balls of mine and pour it both of us a healthy glass I struggle to fit the cork back on the bottle for returning it to the fridge no bottle service today no we have school tomorrow if we hadn't missed the majority of last week I'd be more than happy to drink the whole thing I can't imagine tomorrow will be an easy day you're right it's too bad we can't just keep bunking off I know it'll be hard to use the attending classes again mm-hmm we finished our glasses of wine watch few more shows and head upstairs I think I'm just gonna shower now you should save a bit of time in the morning ah ski has to the industry bathroom while I head to the main we've got to go to school now man yo [ __ ] school that was good I think our parents are be pissed off they keep sending us all his money go to school then we flunk all our classes I flopped down on my bed and stare at the ceiling hearing the water cut out from the in suite I decided to wait for nasty before I pull the covers over zero I stand up see nasty and her towel iCarly seer in the moonlight as he throws a towel to the floor pushing me back onto the bed oh [ __ ] is it time for another oh my god oh you ever just get some just get some good old sex before school oh crap mmm whoa I can feel an Aussie starring beside me her outstretched arms brush along my shoulder ion mouth wide open what's up we're gonna be late dummy we gotta get going G clamors out of the bed and I hear my bedroom door slams shut I wrench my eyes open I rise from my bed mmm go where school oh yeah crap and begin hastily ransacking my drawers and effort to find my uniform I cook you throw my pants and shirt followed by my tie now scheme urges tying the ribbon on her uniform there oh look at her little that's her without her little without the Blazer oh there's a thing that there are less that's the Blazer I don't know what the [ __ ] to call it it's like the best and in the Blazer is like the jacket so yeah that's her without the blazer that's cute zero do you know what my jacket is okay no that's the Blazer well I don't know which one's the Blazer not a clue love oh damn it I pulled a jumper over my head follow my own blade it's called up look I'm [ __ ] done so it is a blazer you just call it a jacket all right and that's the vest you want mine it'd be massive on me thanks but not really all right I just hope I don't get told off I doubt it just don't worry about it okay I rush downstairs now it's get right behind me putting my shoes on I swing the front door open come on yeah yeah I'm coming so I'm gonna door behind us we rushed the school all right let's go to school let's go you got a frickin go to school I made it on time thank God well you did the Corey already part ways with a light kiss as we depart to our separate lessons see you later love you love you too I know it's a couple of students whispering and pointing in our direction I have to assume they're just jealous that they don't have what we don't they don't have what we do what we do yeah [ __ ] them I turn and flip them off before hastily making my way into the school building I flip them off [ __ ] you I hurried through the corridor was my first lesson I turned a corner I bump into someone nearly knocking them backwards the flash of purple I saw they tell us that felt tells me it was Jerry oh [ __ ] oh sorry oh zero it's fine I was hoping to see you actually you see we need to talk I don't think now is the time URI I've got a lesson to get to so do you write I so do you write I suppose but I wouldn't mind too much if I missed it besides this is important we'll talk later okay at the club I try to walk away but you grabs my arm to stop me hey this needs to be private just the two of us seeing her there's not much of a chance to make escaping this I accepted goddamnit URI fine let make it quick she backed me along to a vacant classroom she practically barges down the door with excitement dragging me inside she locks it behind us why are you sit there I reluctantly take a seat on one of the desks what the hell is she playing at you see zero I needed you alone because I don't know how else to say it I'm I'm I'm madly in love with you Yura give me the [ __ ] out of there I said it I just need you to know I don't care if that immature child is listening zero you don't want to be with her believe me she's a [ __ ] she doesn't really love you like I do now what happens to her is entirely her fault oh you [ __ ] she doesn't deserve somebody as brilliant as you you know that you can you know that you can do better and I'm right here zero I want you to be with me and only me no I'm with Natsuki I love her that isn't going to change zero I want you inside me you know you want to what the [ __ ] so just let me Gary reaches out to grab my tie pulling me towards her hey get off me the feeling of helplessness is enix capable shocked I shove her back knocking her into a desk her moment her momentum slides decides it back a little when it comes to Hall quickly Oh zero why would you prefer a little girl when a woman is standing right in front of you trust me zero I could shoot you much better than she ever could all I'm asking for is a chance to show you what I can do can you at least give me that no Gary I can't just leave me alone I know you saw my picture zero I know you liked them that's why you said that your phone was malfunctioning you wanted me to take more for you so why are you turning me down right now she had just forward you're getting a little too close which one was your favorite about to punch a [ __ ] dude I bet it was the one with the heart I saw that in your eyes zero at the cafe I know you want me there's no need to hide it anymore so come on take what's yours URI reaches out to it reaches out reaches out to her to her shirt and begins to unbutton and attempt to seduce me URI that's enough really cut no I said really that wasn't her really cut it out now I reach out and grab her hands to stop it from a buttoning or shirt any further why zero afraid you'll give in your inches toward the wall still I'm buttoning her shirt URI I told you to stop I grabbed her arm to shove her up against the classroom wall Wow zero I didn't know you liked it to be so rough we get the [ __ ] out of here turning for a second I see a blurred face in the window disappear I'm absolutely sick of her attitude not going to be bothered be polite anymore [ __ ] you you're an obsessive bullying narcissistic [ __ ] and you're lucky I will tell anyone about this just stay the hell away from me you hear and stay away from Natsuki too because if you don't they're gonna know about these i motion towards my arms you understand i y0i like go over and make a break for the out for the other door especially wide open zero wait oh not ski saw that I sprint through running as fast as I can during my class I'm not looking back that was not ski we saw that wasn't it oh my [ __ ] god that's pushing psychotic Azzurri was being feel terrible for lashing I'll endure like that that wasn't like me but if it keeps her away from us then I'm glad it worked at least and I will have to maintain my threat regardless and turned back to my mountain of schoolwork how could I have missed this much in a week it's almost about blessing that I have two weeks worth of detention to catch up I doubt I'd be able to get anything done at home school bell rings signaling the end of the day I consider skipping the detention and just going to the club instead hopefully I can find Monica so to keep your area away from me packing the piles of unfinished works into my bag I leave for the club Sierra Monica are both waiting for me out there waiting outside seamlessly scared to enter so he doesn't meet my gaze hey hey what's going on Oh zero they're throwing names at each other my stomach twisting or not right you know you know what they're arguing over Yuri told Natsuki to ditch you because you're already devoted yourself to her that's a load of [ __ ] we tried to stop the fighting but they're both so angry do total [ __ ] I need an this right now I feel the doorknob twist of my hand as I entered the club room not scary you know I I should murder something but I don't catch it she shoves past me tearing down the wall I fall out over the room won't be stopped by Monica what'd she say she said she wanted to be alone for once she's not desperately clinging to you shut it there's no need to be so rude sorry I was just a little surprised considering say or you shut your [ __ ] mouth for a minute just I shouldn't have snapped I'm sorry I gotta go see if she's okay following Nazis footsteps sprinting out of the school to get home oh my [ __ ] god what happened URIs just [ __ ] up everything oh my god not ski slamming the front door behind me make my way upstairs all right not ski I'm in the bathroom zero I told you to leave me alone you okay what did Gary say to you she it was nothing I've grit my teeth together I don't think she's going to tell me anything right now she's feeling better later on then maybe I can hear her sobbing through the door I'll give her some space okay I'll just be in my room if you need anything all right okay I reluctantly leave or be heading downstairs for a drink I checked the fridge to see what we have so baffles me how much food is in there since masky moved in with me it's only Stockard ingredients the blogger I staring in the fridge I feel as if something is missing but wine I wonder drinking when she's so emotional I'll talk to her I head upstairs again knock in the bathroom again no it's key have you got the bottle of wine yeah just please go away I'm just worried about you please don't drink it any more if you have zero told you to go I saw I'm sorry but I'm coming in to take it I just can't bear to see you like this No zero don't fiddle with the handle for a second look if you're getting changed or something I'll just close my eyes just hand me the bottle and I'll leave you alone okay fine I open the door eyes cone shut I hold my arm out hand outstretched and waiting for the wine bottle it reached in my hand and I close my hand around it it's wet around the sides and I start to losing my grip the bottle slips on my hand I can hear shatter against the tiles shake them eyes to look at what the remains and in the corner of my eye I see Natsuki oh god oh god oh oh no oh god no no no no no please Natsuki please I'm sorry she told me to what why I've been feeling so bad those kids they followed me to my class and they were they were just horrible and ran out of the class I saw you with URI I didn't want to believe that something was going on between you but she told me you wanted to be with her Natsuki I never that they were right why would anyone want me here he's right she's so much more mature than me zero everyone sees me as the cute girl some arrogant kid I made that name for myself it's my fault this is all my fault no you just don't I don't want to hear it I grabbed Nastya our shoulders in an attempt to force her to listen to me I can't Natsuki please just hear me out fine this morning Yuri threw herself at me she was overly aggressive the only reason I got out of there when I did was because I threatened her threatened to expose what she's been doing if she didn't stay away from us I didn't want to but I was Britt and she's crossed that line now I love you and only you not ski I don't know why you'd believe what she said I recoil back holding my cheek well she slapped me what did I say that was so wrong i deserted what I said was so wrong I deserved that don't lie to me you would have deleted the picture she sent you otherwise not you aren't listening to me nothing happened here who's acting like a psycho you tried to force herself on me that's all there was I swear to you masky says nothing she's still bleeding [ __ ] come on let's go what I'm not going anywhere for [ __ ] sake nos ski I'm taking you to the goddamn hospital for you bleed out of my bathroom make me house key sits down the room of the bathtub heads buried in her hair her locks being a match or ribbons I grabbed her arms careful not to touch her wounds I pull her to the feet we're going now no I don't want to these knees buckling she had to fall forward I catch her on the way down this isn't negotiable we're going no reaching in my pocket my phone has to be Dell the emergency number press my throwing us out of my head explain the situation the operator showed that ambulance is on its way I gently left nodding from the bloody tiles carrying her downstairs lay down on the couch and rushed the kitchen for a towel and healed beside her trying to minimize the bleeding staring out the window waiting for the flashing lights to appear what the [ __ ] well it feels like hours the ambulance arrives to paramedics hop out and wheel the gurney to my door as I pick now to get up once more I notice she's unconscious paramedics roll the gurney to look from the look into the living room I lay her down on it immediately to begin to rush her back to their vehicle I follow wait can I stay with her the attendant nods imagining and motioning for me to get in I jump into the ambulance and immediately we speed off to the hospital I can't do anything to watch the paramedic does everything he can to stop the bleeding I've answered all the questions I could of course mentioning that she's probably going through a gun through a whole bottle of wine over here the driver speaking on the radio and she now sees wounds are fairly deep gamemodes comes to a sudden halt the back door immediately swings open and not skis rolled out I try to follow with her to the AE war to no avail instead her nurse intercepts me and leads me to the waiting area she also mentions that they'll keep me updated but luckily I take a seat and wait oh my [ __ ] god aah I'm not gonna lie I got a frog in my throat like [ __ ] bro ain't crying I got a frog in my throat I feel something nudging my shoulder Natsuki problem I haven't see the same nurse I'm earlier must have been yesterday even she explains that Nastya was discharged an hour ago and her birds the contact was called to pick her up no no emergency contact my chest feels a bit collapsed on itself that that has to be her dad I jumped on my chair rushing out of the hospital without another word no make him aware the nearest bus stop I glad to the scheduled post on the stop I don't have 10 minutes to spare the hell with it I depart from the stop sprinting down the street to get to her house I need to get out of there god knows what it'll do to her in the state she's in not to mention the property damage and the fact we've stolen from him I didn't even have a chance to fully explain to her what Yuri was doing that was totally against it even had to threaten near he just to get her to stop I can see her street sign as I slowed down to a jog as I round the corner I see him her father's plants in the balcony where I first overheard his verse Asian he's smoking a cigarette taking a deep puff from it I can't tell if it's the running or the stress but I feel this of my heart's going to leap from my chest at any moment I can't go to confront with others directly not now he'd kill me I need to wait for him to leave I hang a letter I hang a left to decide to head back home oh my [ __ ] god no no oh my god get that we need to get in that house after a short while return to my familiar view of my house I head up to my bedroom i undress noticing the bloodstains on the sleeves of my blazer she tried again everything in me feels if my life is tearing apart all because she's been taking over taken from me I lost my jacket as far away from me as I can but never all stuff that my rage I drag my fist into my desk causing the contents of the shelves the bomb to topple over an issue of parfait girls and papers fall to the floor looking down the manga I notice a word on one of the papers hero I push the poem back onto my desk carefully and get dressed as quickly as possible I searched in my house for anything I can use to protect myself it doesn't guess I have a run-in with our Father oh we're about to kick some ass let's go nothing other than kitchen knives if I'm caught in public one of these I'm dead I guess I'm going empty-handed oh [ __ ] I head toward the front door notice in the closet before I was off to open out of habit I closed it not before seeing now sees Jackie and the scarf I brought her I can't tell what's driving me anymore is the rage directed toward her father is the anxiety caused by her actions last night or is it the void she's left by being taken from me i sat in the closet door running out of my house [ __ ] no you heard that my voice cracked no I could see nos keys house I stopped running and walking and walk instead I'm not wearing running clothing and I figured that someone in a long-sleeve shirt and jeans may seem out of the ordinary I'm steps away from the gates of her home it's your father's car parked at the driveway you've seen you down the street and around the block I see a bus stop with a bench across the street I'm going to sit there until his car leaves the car is a performance vehicle I'd be able to hear them not to see loud engine from a mile away okay [ __ ] bro we have to get in there oh I checked my phone for the time I've been sitting here for an hour and a half she's still in there I need a drink my tongue feels like sandpaper I stretch on stand-up any quicker to store nearby for a can of cola oh my [ __ ] god we just need a [ __ ] go in that house back and refreshed I passed by now sees house a car still parked in the driveway I'm coming for you not ski I promise oh my god again around the block this time walking around is sitting now the bus stop on her Street I stay there motionless fixated on the houses gate I handle my shoulder breaks my concentration makes me Joel to my feet zero what are you doing here alright uh it's private Monica sorry what are you doing here I was going to check in on Natsuki Yuri told say Ori and I say Ori trolled C or E and I that you two broke up white we did it I stopped by your house as well but you weren't home we didn't break up Monica her dad took her back after I took her to the hospital so what you're just gonna sit here and stake out her house and why was she at the hospital she I choked in my words well I look at Monica's face you could tell what I'm trying to say was it because of Yuri I nod I didn't think she'd take it seriously why don't just go knock on her door and ask to see her I can't do that and neither can you it's not for me to explain but if you knock on that door now she might get hurt again what do you mean again her father he he oh Jesus I understand zero do you want me to keep you company while you wait I don't think that's a good idea Monica you should probably get wherever you're going it's getting late okay zero let me know there's anything you need okay just call me I nod and give her a weak smile as she stands and walks away oh my [ __ ] god get in that goddamn house [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god finally finally I hear the engine start in the headlights at the driveway this is my chance the gates open allowing the car to burst in the driveway I think the anyone she must still be inside I sprint toward her house I need act fast not sure how long he'll be gone for I'm baking her being holed up inside her room like last time so it shouldn't take long to pick her up and take her to the police station this can't go on any longer I won't let it seeing as the knocks provide no response and I'm not taking you no for an answer I braced myself for an impact I swing a small lock and rocking and the glass window of the door the glass shatters I know exactly what the consequences would be if her father called me trespassing like this but I don't care I jammed my right hand through the window and unlocked the door from the outside it creaks open and I slipped through slamming it behind me peeking through the downstairs of the house she's nowhere to be seen definitely her room then okay come on I nearly found myself sprinting on the stair shouting her name Natsuki it's me I'd rusted the remains of the door frame I left behind I've been cleaned up they got thinking interest to her father's room curiosity watching over me I'd take a quick look her father's room is even bigger a mess than hers is all at that time ago the cupboard is gaping open closing a little clothing littering the floor does george torn open their contents spilled fast food wrapper litters the bed I reach out feel it still warm that must have been from before he left then that Jack in a Nazis door nearly tripped over what appears to be her shoes strong nearly in the hall I remember what she told me about knocking and what happened when I didn't my own safety I rapped on the door a couple times not ski it's me nothing all the hell with it oh my [ __ ] god nothing swinging open the door I know oh my god serious holy No oh my [ __ ] god oh oh my god no not ski no no this I'm not I'm not here this isn't happening that what the [ __ ] my entire body feels cold I can't even feel my heart beating anymore I dropped to my knees she can't be cut ski she's gone the only girl that I've loved like this she's been taken from me I want to scream but I can't make a sound the overwhelming urge to vomit nearly overcomes me but my sobbing suppresses the bowel and my throat I can hardly breathe I can't even see properly my tears fogging my vision to a blur no I can't even speak her name without it getting caught in my throat I'd reached out and gently wrap my own my hand around her its limp lifeless cold I take my hand back I loved her I couldn't save her I've never felt so weak in my entire life try as I might I can't repeat myself to stand all sensation other than absolutely dread has left me I can't bear to look at her like this anymore I jammed my eye shut trying to fill my mind with memories of her happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts oh my god okay I have tea oh my [ __ ] god bro oh my god I actually have tears in my eyes [ __ ] ah I actually have tears of my eyes I mean my voice is like cracking [ __ ] bro get the [ __ ] out of here oh wait all she's heard about it oh I'm sorry just just get away from me se RA I don't oh my god oh I actually have tears in my eyes [ __ ] bro Jesus no no oh damn oh my god oh Jesus I didn't cry dude I have tears of my guys might technically dick [ __ ] yes I technically did cry tears of my eyes I shake like the first time I think I cried it like a piece of media [ __ ] bro I was supposed to be invincible this it's broken me No Oh God Oh brah this sucks oh this was so happy oh god oh oh my god this is horrible [ __ ] URI man oh [ __ ] knock OH knock knock knock knock they're not gonna shut up if I don't answer oh I slowly rise my bed and make my way downstairs reaching the door I open it Monika stood outside URI and say orient so all there in funeral all they're all looking solemnly at me zero don't even bother I don't want to know you missed it I missed her funeral are you [ __ ] serious the funeral zero it was today I what I had no idea not skis funeral my one chance to see her say like a byes gone I need a minute I dragged myself into the kitchen just the time the bombing in the trashcan I'm [ __ ] pathetic I couldn't even make to the funeral of the girl I loved I couldn't even get out of bed I couldn't even save her zero I wipe my mouth on my sleeve slamming the kids would join zero I'm so sorry what bore you've having to go through this everything you saw my brush pass her on the way back upstairs to my room I can't hear the other girls rushing upstairs you know we'll always be there for you at the club are you coming I need you to go I need to go back there I know I do not think it would have wanted me to and I can't fail her again wait I guess well we've just been to club activities for now we'll just be a place to talk for a few days you you okay with that I nod see where he pitch it's uncomfortably tears welling up in her eyes I'll say or come here I could tell she wants to say something sorry sorry rushes towards me pulling me into a deep embrace damn it's a Orie no no the tears were coming back I believe I stumbled back nearly tripping over she begins crying into my shoulder zero I'm so sorry a [ __ ] Ridley Pat her on the back to comfort her but it does nothing a long silence and Jews broken only by say or he sniffles sobs eventually she breaks away wiping her face he's been a good [ __ ] that guy it's [ __ ] you to URI he's been arrested apparently for more than what he did to her it wasn't your fault there was nothing you could have done nothing I could have done nothing I could have [ __ ] done I could have done so much more I could have stayed with her at the doctors I could have been there to come for her I could have told her that I loved her more I could have convinced her to go to the cops that if she did she'd be free of him he'd be safe she'd be happy but now she never will be and nor will I I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes a good cry still have tears of my eyes right now I I need to get away from this I need help I need sleep I need I need not ski I need to be with her I need zero don't all of you please just leave get out I'll be at the club tomorrow I need some time alone URI wants to protest but I glare at her glassy eyed she doesn't back down well I'm sorry zero but Jerry come on zero need some space Monika you can't tell me what to do Jory get the [ __ ] out he clearly needs somebody to speak to and I know how to help him URI he just wants to be left alone why is that so hard to understand he doesn't know what he wants and you do URI rushes Monica but Sarah jams is on between them trying to retain the long long lost peace stop it I know exactly what he needs you don't know anything Gary now that Nazis gone I just want to swoop in and take him while he's vulnerable guys stop I saw the pictures you sent him you're disgusting my head is spinning I can't focus stumbling back against the wall I slide down to the floor watching the fight wearily how dare you how oh my god your he stumbles her knees Dazed and Confused Monica they stopped raising the air freezes on the spot is everybody long eyes lock on to her Oh God URI I'm sorry you're reporting softer feet I'm Monica stay and he starts striding towards her instead of you move she shoves Pastore straight out the door I have no words sorry weeping rushes out to to catch up her to leave I don't know I'm Hanukkah left alone with me begins muttering to herself I shouldn't have I'm sorry zero began being the last girl to leave Monica slams the door behind a and I'm alone in my thoughts once again I may as well put this time to good use for my joy I thought a sheet of paper and a pen it's doctor right oh my [ __ ] god yo Yori deserves to get smacked I'll punch your toe even though it's not the right thing to do just still my god good morning this is it my first day back at the club hopefully I make my way to the bathroom hopefully I make my way to the bathroom Oh God I have it cleaned up her dried blood still specks the tiles broken glass spread along the floor I can hear a crunch beneath my shoes as I make my way to the sink it splashed my face with water from the tap facing the mirror and take a good long look at myself look at you you're disgusting this is your fault you should have done more you should have called the police as soon as she confirmed their suspicions but you did it because he was out of town and things were going well between the two of you you're lazy and didn't want to deal with the hassle you disgust me you [ __ ] idiot it's your fault she's dead it's your fault it's your [ __ ] fault I can't take it anymore I leave the bathroom the tap still running back in my room my uniform ladies waiting waiting for me and get changed quickly ready to go taking one last look around make my way downstairs and out the door school was hell of course I had teachers and students alike reaching out offering me someone to talk to should I need it false sympathy that's what it is and I hate it regardless I think going to school was worth it I can go back to the literature club it's straight a long way from this Lutheran literature at this point I opened the club room door this this isn't right Oh zero how are you doing we're all here for you you know Monica gives me a weak smile I understand where she's coming from but false sympathy is the last thing I want I can't help but feel drawn to the closet knowing full well that if I step foot in there I'll break down entirely it's Sydney the corner of the room next to the engines of the club oh my god zero are you okay I'm not I'd say re trying to politely get her away from me and who want anyone's sympathy I could feel my vision being blurred by tears I hang my head down to avoid anyone noticing jamming my eyes shut zero are you sure zero please say something I'm fine my [ __ ] voice broke I feel a hand on my shoulder I want to jerk away but what's the point her hand lifts my chin yo P okay zero time heals all wounds I can't hide my disgust with my their words they honestly believe what they're saying the love of my life has been ripped from me I can feel the tears falling over my cheeks things aren't [ __ ] okay she's gone don't you get that or what you see don't ya or what she still disposable to you just don't give a [ __ ] lay my head down on my arm supported by the desk I didn't mean to snap I can't help but feel even worse fine then I'll leave you alone jerk say Ori you realize what he's going through right yeah I know but that doesn't mean that's enough it's okay say Ori I understand I can't handle this I need to see the closet one last time I enter dropping my bag to the floor the rest of our manga collections are still there I never did take them back to our house I closed the door behind me looking out the club room under that windowsill I met the true not ski the one I fell in love with I crumpled to the floor near the main window near the window I can't control the tears any longer hi I just want her back um zero it's nearly the end of the day we need to go soon Monica stood above me trying to talk to me I'm pretty much unresponsive sighing she ostriches are on my direction offering to pull me up I heard like diddly stand up on my own accord ignoring her helping hand see her he's already gone home oh if you want I'll take you home I just want to make sure you recovers it all this it's horrible and we all hate seeing you go through this it's why we're trying our best to help you don't need to sir oh please don't tell me you're considering you know I'll have to let the school know I'm not I'm fine living with this I deserve it zero why why are you blaming yourself because it was my fault I should have called the cops as soon as I knew for sure what was going on I didn't because he was away or something and we were enjoying the time we had I had the perfect opportunity to give her a better life and I [ __ ] blowing now that he's dead and I'm rotting in the worst hell I could possibly think of zero this isn't okay you can't live like this come on let's go I'll walk home with you I need to use the bathroom first fine I'll be waiting outside okay we exit the club room together without another word she takes a seat on one of the benches in the hallway in the bathroom I move into one of the stalls I drop my bag devoirs inside and unzip it I look for my poem buried deep within it exit music so there we were together a white room by a window where the Sun came through no matter the outcome no matter the cost I wanted nothing but the best for you your tiny hands your crazy kids smile everything was perfect if only for a short while but it all came crashing down because you had to leave and now that you're gone there's nothing left I didn't try my best and now we paid the price and in my life comes a darkness and there's nowhere left to hide in my heart and my mind the places that you used to reside laying overbearing silence caused by your absence this is all on me how could I let this happen holds me like a phantom regret drags me like a storm calling out an urge and helpless to resist in my darkest hour whatever happens next I really messed up everything I can't bare my consciousness white railing toils with my sanity I run to the back and cover my ears to my deepest depths it's the loudest sound I'll ever hear maybe a deep dive to face my fears will help me get back to your arms and how I'm sailing till the moon to come and be with you I will see you in the next life I swallow I'm going to have to make this quick I exit the bathroom no in hand Nautica must know something's off because he stands up a once and approaches me zero what's that it's it's something I wrote last night you mind letting me read it sure go ahead I like Goldman no letting it drift to the floor towards her she bent down to pick it up and returns receiving the bench to read couple minutes passed by her eyes fixated on the paper reading she stares at me with glassy eyes like he's all the verge of tears she doesn't even have time to murmur my mutter my name like I'm sure she would have because I'm already out the door bolting out of the school zero I hear the echo from behind me as I sprint out the streeting out of her sight it stops raining at this point it's the adrenaline scaring me to my destination I know where I'm going let me make sure I don't run into anyone not bar now I hear a siren playoff from a couple blocks away sounds like Monica's let them know about me it doesn't matter anyway I'm here I stand in the middle of the bridge stare over the water I try to control my breathing and sobbing but it's no use I failed her if I could have done things different I would have but I can't and now the girl I loved is gone forever I dropped on my knees gripping the railing with one hand I lift my head looking out the vast body of water I bring myself to my feet an intense wave of clarity stops my sobbing I hold my breath for a moment letting out a shaky sigh I step onto the ledge this is what has to happen I was doomed from the start there's not much else I can do now but zero my eyes locked on Monica rushing toward me looks actually found me I hitch my heel closer to the edge Cyril don't she reaches out to grab me Monica does Polly hold on to the lapis on my jacket well I get feeble resistance I've talked forward collapsing on in the concrete zero listen to me I'm not letting you go not for a second just please don't do this let us talk it out zero this isn't a solution to what happened zero this is only going to make everything worse do you understand I zero this isn't how your story ends please I wipe there are many tears on my cheeks I manage the rising my feet gripping the railing for support my entire body is trembling I feel completely numb look at me zero please you can't do this and be Monica's gaze for a moment seeing the tears rolling on the corner of her eyes sends a sharp pain to my chest Cyril you're not thinking of the bigger picture C or E you know will happen her if she loses you I know you know zero you really want that you can't indiri god only knows what she do why should I care she's a good chunk of the reason oh my god Monica let's go back please Monica takes holding my hand pulling us away from the rail we all love you zero will always be here for you no matter what Miley spent griffon a railing following Monica's lead oh my god no pushing with all the energy I have I take Michael by the shoulders and shove her back as hard as I can she's her grip on me stumbling nearly falling onto the concrete my girls have that's how to scream it scrambles to her feet this must be done this is the only escape from everything I can't control my actions anymore I'm coming not ski i sprint toward the rail vaulting myself over as I begin the journey down I remember the times Nazi and I had spent together our first time reading together when she first told me she liked my poems baking together when she told me she loved me all of it being able to tell the saying see the look on her face of pure happiness I'm reminded of the sensation of weightlessness almost like right now I'm going to see her again not ski if you can hear me I'll see you in the next life this was the right choice I did what what the [ __ ] just happened oh I'm dead my [ __ ] god bro oh my god yeah I'm good she's slowly going down there it goes it's just going down oh my god oh all my what those memories oh my god all a slowly dying oh my god there he goes and it slowly fades out that's the [ __ ] end oh my god dude well done Oliver oh my god this [ __ ] made me brought the tears this brought me to tears dammit I don't know this is probably my favorite mod that I played like summer hope is definitely right there and you know we are the logical thing I played a lot of good mods you know all the mods I played in my opinion I've really liked I've liked all of them excellent musics probably my favorite though like and I liked all of them I like summer hope this one is probably yeah I'm one of the I'm one of those select people well it was Radiohead my [ __ ] god bro this heart like this mob brought I haven't been brought to tears by a piece of media at all I've never been brought to tears like I've seen I know movie has brought me to tears no game has brought me to tears nothing has made me Bruton has made me cry I've granted I didn't cry at this but granted maybe if that's maybe you do count it all a little chip jump I'm here in a way think about it like this they're together at least it's like Romeo and Juliet you know that's what X in music is based off of oh and there's a phone oh that was the picture they took oh here it is to you the player first of all I'd like to thank you for playing doki-doki exit music a chant a trick a chance and simultaneously apologize for the last 30 ish minutes I hope you can forgive me and I hope you enjoy that being said the velum the smell was certainly difficult for a start we had an ex dev team member leecej an early build of Ahmad calling it his own mod so yeah [ __ ] them in addition we had a lot of unfortunate events occur on the public Xing music discord server like losing somebody in there to suicide I wasn't that discord server I do know and I do know the person who committed suicide and - ELISA I'm sorry that this happened to you it's a I go I know it's gonna be hard B will make it through I promise I joined Xing music on the 9th I joined XE music on the 9th April and since then I've met so many great people so all of you reading thank you for taking interest in this project we couldn't have done it without you alright that's master ANOVA I know him too working at DDM has been far has been great has been great this is good I don't know okay I can't recursive you guys can read them meeting new people and helping to complete this mod has been one of the best things that could have happened to me in part in the past few months I sincerely hope the effort we all put in was worth your time moolah maker Mahakala maker I think it is Malu maker I'd only hope that you enjoyed everyone's hard work I know that the ending may have been hard to handle as those if you have I just want you all to know I loved writing this and Jakob Smallman moving on I know Jake - Oh Jake's a cool guy moving on I have a list of people I'd like to thank for without them this knot wouldn't exist dan salvato sash leave eloquent for creating Doki Doki lurch a club without this damn game or never know where I'd be Thanks did you Mike for introducing me to the concept of DLC modding by playing them on his YouTube channel and shoving and showing me how terrible some more hell he may well be reading right now if so I appreciate it man Radiohead for creating some good [ __ ] music and having XE music for a film inspire the story of the mod some what I love you guys keep pushing boundaries my team for putting up on my sorry ass I love you guys well I think that's everything you catch my discord a dead air space number four four three three you want to talk or something Sara Lee Oliver yep that's the fat sexy music my god yeah this is probably my favorite mod it brought me to [ __ ] tears bro like I have to I got this point I can't say it isn't my favorite mod it brought me to tears it's a very sad ending and yeah it's really hard to swallow but you know what at least MC and nots gear together now they're both dead they both both in the afterlife together oh no I'm just making [ __ ] up Johnny muscle feel better right now but anyway guys that's the end of this episode I'm Mauro we'll be a happier mod yeah I got a spite I gotta cheer us all up all right we're at tomorrow we'll be a happier mod okay I'm gonna start playing exit music [Music]
Channel: AfroZer0
Views: 108,979
Rating: 4.9364772 out of 5
Keywords: DDLC, Doki Doki Literature Club, Sayori, Monika, Natsuki, Yuri, Zero, DDLCMods, Exit Music, Doki Doki Exit Music, Exit Music Ending
Id: ZrM9mw9z3Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 4sec (5404 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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