Cookin' at the Cabin | A Week of Dinners

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welcome back to the channel you might notice a theme in most of our videos and that is we like to eat we like to cook and we like to eat good you may have caught last january or i guess it was this year where we did a challenge where we tried to eat all the food that we prepared and food that we had harvested forged things like that for one whole month and that was incredibly challenging so we're not doing that again this year in fact we decided what we want to do is bring you guys along for one week of awesome dinner meals we're going to be using a lot of the foods that we have you know hunted forage grown things like that but we are also not going to be restricting ourselves the style of cooking we do sometimes we just wing it sometimes we don't have the right ingredients sometimes we have wild games sometimes we've got some weird stuff that we've harvested up here in alaska that you might not have but without further ado we're gonna get started and we're making lasagna tonight we're getting started with the noodles and it's just flour salt and eggs lots of eggs in fact it's been a few years since eric and i have had fresh lasagna in fact i think we've only made it fresh a handful of times so i'm very very excited for tonight's dinner and the only reason that this dish is even possible tonight is because our chickens have started laying again so very excited about that i'm going to be using probably five or six eggs two of the eggs we're putting in are just gonna be the yolks so i ended up using six eggs since our chickens lay a little bit smaller of eggs the dough is needed i'm going to let it rest for a little bit and eric's gonna get started on our sauce [Music] that's a strong onion tonight we're going to be making not only lasagna we're making mousse lasagna so i'm going to add a pound of ground mousse meat to this and i'm going to add a jar of our tomato sauce and we're going to let that simmer for about half an hour all right that's one can of sauce i thought we were going to need some more i'm going to probably do about a can and a half let's start with that all right it's going to simmer for about 20 minutes and i think that pasta is almost ready to roll out so we're going to be using kefir cheese for this meal kefir cheese is a lot like ricotta that's what i've read and i agree with that i think it's closest to ricotta i'm going to add some herbs and salt all right we're going to start layering up this lasagna ariel already rolled this out this is our homemade pasta and it shrinks up a little bit so i'm just going to hit these all again real quick and then we're going to do our pan here for the lasagna we're going to do meat lasagna cheese and then meat lasagna cheese repeat until we get three layers all right guys that's it that's homemade lasagna if you ever thought you couldn't make lasagna lasagna is super easy to make it always turns out really good we're gonna put this in the oven at 325 for about 35 to 40 minutes all right our lasagna is done it looks awesome and smells wonderful we're gonna eat and we will see you guys tomorrow for dinner tonight for dinner we're gonna have gnocchi with a creamy mushroom sauce and we're also gonna be having a side of cauliflower so i'm gonna first get started with steaming our potatoes [Music] well that was my first time using a potato ricer and i can see why they invented those that really really made a big difference and these potatoes are super fluffy i've got flour and egg in there and i'm going to be turning this onto the surface here and we'll get our dough rolled out make smokey [Music] so oh gosh that's boiling now that's a good amount mushrooms oh my gosh all right that's gotta go way way low thanks for coming together here for dinner we're going to thicken up our sauce we have some heavy cream and add a little flour to it whisk it together and we're gonna add it into our mushroom cream sauce we're plating up our dinner we've got the gnocchi with the mushroom cream sauce and we're going to have some steamed cauliflower on the side that we froze earlier in the season finishing everything off a little bit of mixed herbs we're gonna eat we'll see you guys tomorrow night oh wow yeah it's good do you want sauerkraut in your vegetable texture sure thank you it's like perfect we're getting early start on dinner we're going to be making mousse enchiladas i've got a nice mousse roast here that we're going to be slow cooking for about two hours i've got some black beans that we started soaking last night and a bunch of herbs i'm gonna put on that while it's cooking we've got salt pepper red pepper flakes oregano cumin and thyme a couple cloves of garlic and while that's cooking i'm also going to put a little bit of tomato sauce in there and a little bit of green salsa but first thing i need to get that brown [Music] so renew a little bit of our green salsa some of our tomato sauce [Music] and about a cup and a half of the smooth bone broth about two hours this will be done [Music] do i want our meat's all done i'm working on the sauce that we're going to be dipping the tortillas in before we roll them into enchiladas this is basically just the leftover sauce from the meat i added some of our anaheim peppers and an onion and i'm going to blend it that's like the best sauce i've ever tasted anyways i'm gonna put this back in the pan we're gonna keep it hot and ariel's gotta get in here because she's the one that makes the tortillas sure two cups to one third cups water warm water we are frying up the last tortilla in some mousse tallow and in these tortillas we put a 50 50 of corn masa and flour as soon as that one's done we are going to start our assembly line of enchiladas we're going to dip them in the sauce put them back in the pan add our meat roll them up plate them beautiful all right we're going to do a side of our refried beans we're going to do kefor cheese and red onion okay well we weren't going to move on to the next dinner until we could taste test this one we've actually never made enchiladas so i'm very excited for this meal it's going to taste good that sauce so good i'm smiling oh my god it's good it's really really good the meat turned out awesome the way air cooked it the spices all the canned food and all the just combined good meal and soaking those tortillas in that sauce oh my god this is good it's a good meal that being said we're going to catch back up with you guys tomorrow for our next dinner we're getting ready for dinner we're doing meatloaf meatloaf is pretty simple to make we don't have all the ingredients but we got most of them this is what we're using we're gonna do onion garlic egg i don't have any bread crumbs so we're gonna use up some ground oatmeal we got some seasonings left over from last night mustard brown sugar some bell peppers and then for a sauce on top usually you want to use ketchup mixed with brown sugar we're using a rose hip high bush cranberry syrup so we're gonna get started on this got one pound of mousse meat basically just gonna put everything in this bowl mix it up toss her in the oven all right we're gonna put some olive oil down in our pan we're gonna layer some onions down here on the bottom and this is a really good but you can tell my eyes really strong onion this is a walla walla and i'm going to kind of form our meatloaf right on top of that onion and then i'm gonna make like a little trench on the top and now i'm gonna mix up our sauce and we're gonna put it on top of this meatloaf and get it in the oven meatloaf should take about i don't know half an hour so i'm gonna get started steaming some veggies we're gonna do some carrots some of these really nice looking potatoes and then i'm around to the freezer i'm going to grab a handful of brussels sprouts nice meatloaf is done we're going to eat we're in our meatloaf with our steamed veggies i'm going to put some green salsa and some banana peppers on top of those we're on dinner number five and we are going to be having some sourdough bread bowls with soup tonight i'm going to start with this can of potato lake soup that we canned a while back and it has leeks potatoes obviously and some carrots and some parsnips too we're gonna get this cooking and once it warms up i am going to immersion blend everything this soup already had chicken broth in it when we canned it but we usually add some more liquid for soup and i'm just gonna add some water the soup is already hot and bubbly so i'm gonna put it aside to immersion blend it [Music] return that to the cooking part and then i'm going to get our loaves ready while our bread's rising we are going to add some salt pepper and herbs to the soup our bread's ready to go in the oven i'm just going to put a little bit of olive oil and some salt and we're also going to be adding some mushrooms that we have some chanterelles and morels that have been soaked in milk to our soup i'm going to add a lot more milk to this later and some frozen kale our bread's almost done so i'm gonna be adding the kale to our soup and then we're also gonna get started on the topping that we're gonna be putting on our soup too i forgot i wanted to add a little bit more milk to that soup because i want a very creamy soup the onions and garlic are caramelizing with some brown sugar and i am going to get our bread out of the oven we are ready to put in our soup and they may not be the most beautiful bread bowls but they do not lack in the flavor department just like the holidays it's dinner number six and we are very excited for this one we're having pot stickers and i've been making a mushroom and bone broth soup we've only made pot stickers once before that was back in oregon they were venison this time around we're gonna be using mousse of course and it's super simple it's flour water hot water and salt we're gonna start on the dough now because it has to sit for about an hour before we roll it out here use this thank you i was gonna wonder how i get my hands there me and you can at least eat 15 pot stickers each i would say with soup too oh i forgot about the soup so i'm just kneading it for a few minutes until it gets like nice and elastic and smooth still is a little to go okay that is about where i wanted so we're gonna let it sit in a bowl with some oil by the wood stove with a wet towel to make sure it doesn't dry out all right while the dough is resting let me get started on our soup i'm going to do a little bit of mousse bone broth we have some chanterelle and some morel mushrooms that i've been soaking for a few hours garlic and onion at that good okay it actually came somewhere salting out oh my eyes okay a little salt a little bit of pepper and just a tiny bit of some red pepper flakes let's get started on our stuffing for our pot stickers i have some of our mousse sausage and this is like a garlic ginger and i think we put some leeks in there so it's already got a lot of good flavor but i am going to add a shallot more garlic green onions and then we're going to put some of these fermented shredded carrots and onions in there we're also going to add some spices or herbs i guess yeah onions are bad yeah that shallot is like killing my eyes okay i don't want any liquid in these so you want salt pepper i'm squeezing that out yeah it's all pepper okay all we're doing here is we're adding the meat in raw it's going to cook in the pan we're going to fry it and steam it and i'm going to add a little bit of kefir cheese also our pot stickers are done i'm gonna be getting our soup ready and i'm gonna poach a couple eggs for the soup and i'm gonna put some of the fermented carrots that i started earlier this week taste test time i'm going for the soup actually both already eaten several pot stickers the pot stickers are very good that might be my favorite meal so far we made in this little week of food man that's soup it's like french onion asian style i put a whole onion in it so that's got a lot of onion look at that perfect poached egg this is not something i would ever order normally i know you like them i would eat an entire box to myself baby those are good let me try to whoa red pepper flakes right i taste red pepper flakes i really like the soup it's really good i like the mushrooms a lot in there and i really like the poached egg it's perfect definitely the pot stickers are very good that's an understatement that's awesome this is a great dinner probably not the healthiest in the world but really good tomorrow we're gonna pick back up with our last dinner and we're also going to do a bonus which is dessert see you then for the last dinner we are making chili it's early afternoon and we're getting started with cooking up a mousse roast this is the meat we're going to use in the chili and i also have about a cup of black beans soaking here the way i like to cook these mousse roasts is i just sear it in a pan and then i cook it in the oven about 400 degrees for about 20 minutes we're gonna go with about a medium on this our mousse roast is just about done we got our big dutch oven out we're going to get started making our chili and chili's one of those things you can pretty much just clean out the fridge you can put whatever you want there meat veggies whatever you want we're going to be using our black beans bell pepper carrot green onion white onion garlic then over here we have our chicken broth we're going to do some cowboy candy we're going to do some of our rose hip high bush cranberry syrup some green salsa and a can of tomato sauce [Music] beautiful mousse roast they're not awesome i'm gonna use the whole thing in this chili we're gonna have chili for a few days it's the best part about it you always get leftovers and usually i like to just do the meat in little chunks but this time i'm going to kind of do it in little strips see how i like that okay onto the wood stove for a couple hours and we'll catch up with you guys when we're gonna make our cornbread since our chili is almost ready we're gonna get started on our cornbread which absolutely does awesome with chili and it's really really simple got a lot of ingredients here but it's actually again like i mentioned very simple to make the key to the recipe is obviously cornmeal and of course i have some flour in there as well and eric and i like to add sugar and honey but we're also going to be adding some of our candied jalapenos i did this last time and it turned out really awesome all of our dry ingredients are mixed together i'm going to now add the wet ingredients i like to use a little bit of olive oil and we often use coconut oil here we also use lard things like that but i don't usually have butter or vegetable oil on hand i'm gonna add some fresh milk and in all honesty i am varying quite a bit from the recipe on the back of the box but i use this as my guideline so to speak and lastly i'm going to add some of the liquid and candy jalapenos and the honey i've got this all mixed and i'm going to be putting it in a cast iron skillet okay we're gonna get that in the oven all right we're topping our chili big spoon full of kefir cheese and a slice of cornbread and we will see you guys tomorrow for dessert well everyone it has been a great seven days of meals and awesome dinners we enjoyed every single one of them we're gonna end it on one dessert that is our favorite we're making cinnamon rolls tonight we do a little bit different every time tonight we're doing apple pecan cinnamon honey maple syrup and brown sugar cinnamon rolls let's get going we've got some yeast dough here that i made about a half an hour ago it's been rising by the wood stove we're going to roll it out and assemble our cinnamon rolls okay let's get these cinnamon rolls going we're going to top off these cinnamon rolls with some spiced vanilla bean sugar that ariel's mom sent us and then they're going in the oven the cinnamon rolls are just about down we're gonna make our icing for them we have some milk powdered sugar and mexican vanilla this has been a fun week we actually have talked about it and we are going to be doing a breakfast version as well we've had quite a bit of time to contemplate and think about what our favorite meals were so which was your favorite meal it was a hard choice my choices were between the enchiladas and the pot stickers but the enchiladas that sauce we made with those anaheim peppers it just took the cake the enchiladas are definitely my favorite meal this week i definitely was a toss up for me with the enchiladas as well and we i was really just looking forward to that meal but also the lasagna was really really good each component of the lasagna had such impeccable flavor the pot stickers also were like out of this world but i actually am going to go with enchiladas too because nice they were just so good yep we're going to dive into these thank you guys for joining us this week for meals and we will see you next time that was mine i was stuck on the ice and i was like i got a fish i gotta finish a big one i i actually never make that mistake anymore and yes i did it gets you excited sometimes it caught my heart pumping it's not too dark without those lights i like to move it move it i like to move it move it turn it hurt her she's a little wuss she just wants food did that look that bad on camera each component of the lasagna had such impeccable flavor and the one the pot stickers also were like out of this
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 400,844
Rating: 4.9562497 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, homestead alaska, off grid cabin, sustainable living alaska, homestead off grid, daylight alaska, vegetable garden, canning at home, using canned food, storing canned food, cooking with canned food, homecanned food storage, tiny house alaska, off grid food storage, off grid cooking, woodstove cooking, cast iron cooking, self sufficient alaska, own grocery store, homemade bread, homemade meals recipes, preserving food, off grid couple
Id: GIaRi26A4R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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