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[Music] the [Music] oh [Music] oh i've never i've never seen the face of my holy savior serving him has been such a thrill oh yes it has yes i've never i've never seen all the gigs of the holy city but one day one day i will one day [Music] never been told i'll be united day one day oh yes [Music] you know i'll never forget the day that i first met him since that time he's been everything to me and i can honestly say that my life with his joy he has filled [Music] oh [Music] has never never [Music] [Music] one oh one day i will [Music] one day [Music] oh [Music] oh but one day one day [Music] one day one day i will yes [Music] please victory is mine victory is my victory today is mine [Music] [Music] oh my goodness [Music] hallelujah when i arose this morning yeah everybody [Music] bless you bless you everybody bless you [Music] worldwide for a meeting commencing in seven minutes spread the word spread the word join me we've got a lot to pray about been on always not to faint [Music] welcome glory to god [Music] hallelujah [Music] united kingdom is in the house bless you we have this from my god glory to god [Music] everybody's getting in the house tonight for worldwide for a meeting amen tracy ann is in the house and so is this turks and caicos island is in the house turks kick us my goodness god be praised [Music] bless you [Music] phoenix arizona is in the house worldwide prayer meeting clarendon is in the house to god be the glory god [Music] glory to god [Music] you better get in the eye in the name of jesus on keep a vase in the [Music] new york house the house illinois chicago california everybody getting in the house tonight for friday night worldwide for a meeting brother james swagger tells us victory is ours oh jesus saint elizabeth is in the house welcome bless you [Music] yes he will what more saint catherine i know you all are in the house garden town is in the house to god be [Music] not shooting you two very well over there trelawn is in the house thank you jesus god be praised three minutes to get into the word of god arizona the united states of america is in ours blessings to you everybody feel the anointing of god something good is gonna happen something good is on the way oh to god be the glory i know we'll take care of you tonight welcome everybody share the link give the thumbs up like and subscribe let's build the family of god friday night worldwide for a meeting and we thank the lord for all of you no matter [Music] what thank you lord but what may be the test [Music] atlanta georgia is in the house [Music] two minutes again in the word of god we're gonna be continuing to speak on the holy spirit glory georgia is in the house who is not in the house [Music] bless you sophia morris is in the house april middle of sushis and elves spanish stone is in the house i know you're in the old spanish town [Music] bless you get ready two minutes to get into the word of god jesus is all i need jesus thank you lord we praise you welcome [Music] on the scripts [Music] [Music] portland is in the house [Music] thank you lord [Music] is [Music] god will take care of you babe he's in the house florida all right we're going to look into the word of god we've been speaking on the holy spirit and how important it is [Music] what he does in our lives we can't do without him in another few minutes i'll give you the prayer list the prayer subjects for tonight and i want you all to get ready to stay with all of us and pray through praise the name of jesus connecticut is in the house thank the lord for you [Music] lord have mercy on jesus jennifer from florida is in the house and so many of you are with me tonight hundreds of you already oh my god [Music] thank you for saving my soul nick stevens is in the house bless you nikki stephen waving to me from toronto canada [Music] i just want to praise you lord [Music] let us pray father we thank you we thank you for your holy spirit that is ministering to us right now and as we enter upon these words of exhortation we pray that the holy spirit will lead and guide us glory to god as we have gathered for this worldwide prayer meeting with your people from across the world christian people from all denominations calling upon the one true god we ask you lord god to tabernacle with all of us in our homes however people are right now some may be on the job oh god we pray that you'll visit with all of us and the subject matters that we'll pray on tonight we shall see great results but above all in our individual life oh god we shall see we shall experience the mighty move of your holy spirit we look to you and we tell you thanks in jesus name amen [Music] the word of the lord gives us example of men and women who were anointed by the holy spirit even from old testament times the bible tells us in numbers chapter 11 and verse 25 and the lord came down in a cloud and spake unto moses and took of the spirit that was upon him and gave unto the seventy elders and it came to pass that when the spirit rested upon them they prophesied and did not cease god took the holy spirit the anointing that was upon moses and he placed it upon the seventy elders and as soon as the holy spirit rested on them they began to prophesy and would not cease numbers 11 25 glory to the name of jesus judges chapter 3. and verse 10 and the spirit of the lord came upon him that's upon us and he judged israel and went out to war and the lord delivered christian ramsey and king of mesopotamia in his hand and his hand prevailed against the king because the anointing of god was upon him brothers and sisters the holy spirit is powerful he is the manifestation of god in our lives i gave them my holy spirit to manifest christ in them the bible speaks of gideon george's chapter 6 and verse 34 but the spirit spirit of the lord came upon gideon and he blew a trumpet and abhishea was gathered after him so you see even from old testament times you'd have noticed the spirit of the lord would come up on them but as i told you on wednesday night we have moved from that dimension where the spirit would come up on we are now in the age when the spirit now indwells the believers it no longer shall be with you upon you but in you out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water my goodness john 7 37 and 38 in the last day the day of the great feast jesus stood upon christ saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he who believes on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water this specky of the holy spirit which they that believe in him should receive for that the holy spirit was not yet given because jesus was not yet glorified but jesus christ has been glorified thousands of years ago when he took the disciples to the mount of olives knox jumped to one while they beheld a cloud received him out of their sight the angel spoke to them saying he men of galilee why stanley gang up into heaven this same jesus which is taken up from you shall soon come back in like manner as you see him go and what did he say to his disciples if i go i will pray the father and he will send you another comforter so here we see the spirit of god came upon gideon and in judges chapter 14 and verse 6 and the spirit of the lord came mightily upon him speaking of samson and he rent him as he would have rent a kid and he had nothing in his hand but he told not his father or his mother what he had done the anointing of god came upon samson he tore a lion with his beard this anointing is powerful i believe it was the anointing that came in acts chapter 12 when simon peter was locked up in eric's jail waiting until after easter to bring him out amen because he wanted to kill him as he killed james but the holy spirit came down knock simon peter in the prison and say get up put on your sandals follow me we're getting out of here and they got to the huge iron gate that led to the city the bible says the gate opened to them at its owner card there is nothing that god cannot do probably through the mighty power of the holy ghost the holy ghost can do it montreal in canada yes the holy ghost can do it glory to god amen the word of the lord that came to serum a bell the prophet saying in zechariah 4 and verse 6 not my might nor by power but by my spirit said the lord because of the anointing the yoke shall be broken you shall be destroyed those who do not know of the anointing of god upon your life i challenge you to seek and you shall find matthew 7 and verse 7 ask and you shall receive knock and it shall be open unto you everyone who asks receive all those who seek fine and all those who knock it is open unto them god is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent if he has spoken it he will bring it to pass let's continue the word of god so samson was anointed heavily with the power of god first samuels chapter 16 then samuel took the arm of oil and anointed him anointed david in the midst of his brethren and the spirit of the lord came upon him from that day forward so samuel rose and went to rhema david's anointing all that samuel poured on him was signifying the holy spirit coming up on him and as soon as samuel anointed him the word of the lord said the spirit of god came up on him the spirit of the lord came upon david from that day forward oh glory to god somebody can receive a special anointing tonight in this worldwide prayer meeting somebody can get an experience you have never had before can i share this with you yes i will bless you sister jackie lee i remember when my mother got filled with the holy spirit it was a glorious experience what a night it i was living with my mother with my parents in kingston we were in what we call tiring service evangelistic center and it was a saturday night so god baptizes with the holy ghost every day of the week every hour of the day every hour of the night oh my god i feel a touch of his holy spirit when my father was away united states my mother was in her room i was in my room on the other side of the house and while she was there amen seeking the lord lying in her bed god just prepared her she was wrapped in her sheet well talked him when i heard what's going on from my room i went over there and when i went my god it was a glorious anointing lying right in her bed the holy ghost came down and baptized her spoke in tongues as the spirit gave utterance and glorified god all i needed to do was to just rejoice with her because god had it all planned i pray that the lord would visit with someone tonight may that person be you and may he give you something you have not yet received may take you to places you have not yet been may show you things you have not yet seen what may do for you what has never been done in your life glory to god he said if you are so pretty not give your stone if you ask for fish he's not give you serpent egg he'll not give you a scorpion if we being earthly parents nor to give good gifts unto our children glory to god all much more shall your heavenly father give the holy spirit to them that ask them glory i feel the anointing of god so the anointing came upon david from that day as samuel anointed him in the midst of his brethren glory to god first samuel chapter 19 and verse 20 and saul sent messengers to take david and when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying and samuel standing has appointed over appointed singers of saul and they also prophesied they went to take david the spirit of the lord was upon him so mightily and god is a god of oneness and mystery the holy ghost came upon them upon the captures those who came to capture him and he said of them taking him they began to prophesy because the anointing fell upon them god is respected of no person my brothers and sisters what he's done for one he'll do for all now let's look at some believers in the early church there are early church believers baptized with the holy spirit luke chapter 2 and verse 25 and behold there was a man in jerusalem whose name was simeon and the same man was just on default waiting for the consolation of israel and the holy ghost was upon him the holy ghost is up in singapore and god made him a promise earlier on god says you will not see death until you see the lord's christ until your eyes behold messiah you shall not you cannot die you will not die until you see messiah glory to god in luke chapter 2 when simeone mary gave birth and simeon hill the child to bless him [Music] i feel the power of god when simeon held baby jesus in his hand samia and said lord now let thy servant depart in peace according to thy word for my eyes of sin thy salvation glory to god not just be led to say to somebody that it doesn't know what what matter what the enemy tries sister florence tong yours virgin islands i see you here tonight it doesn't matter what the devil tried amen he tried to take out some of us but as god said to simeon you will not die you cannot die you shall not die until the fulfillment of the prophecy oh glory to god can i declare upon you tonight that it doesn't matter what you're going through what the enemy is dragging you through god has a purpose in your life you shall not die you cannot die you will not die until or unless unless the purpose of god is fulfilled in your life oh glory to god so you're coming out of that you come out of that in the name of jesus that sickness will not take home it's not a death sentence god's going to turn it around because you must fulfill the purpose of god upon your life ready i assume giving you my prayer subjects for tonight and i want you to write them down because we all are going to spend at least an hour in prayer this is worldwide for a meeting glory to god god is moving by his spirit [Music] in acts chapter 8 amen when peter and john after philip went down to samaria glory to god after he can feel it evangelist philip went down to samaria and the samartans turned to god on seeing the signs and wonders of miracles that he did preaching the name of jesus christ they were baptized peter and john went down to apostles of the church when they went down there they laid their hands on them according to acts chapter 8 and verse 17 then laid their hands on them and they receive the holy ghost acts 8 and 17. god can lay his hands on somebody tonight and you can receive the holy ghost the spirit of the lord can minister to you right where you are and fill it with the holy ghost and anoint you like you have never been anointed somebody lift your hand and ask god to anoint you go on lift your hands and ask god to anoint you that it takes god nothing to anoint you he wants to do it more than you want it to be done he wants to do it more than you want it to be done one of these nights we're just gonna have a tiring service tiring bishop well just worship and praise god all the way through if you can set the atmosphere in your home oh yeah if you can set the atmosphere in your home the holy spirit can baptize you i know you've got unsaved loved ones some maybe do not even believe but god can do it for you in my way amen 10 minutes to go glory to god the story of carnielas in acts chapter 10. that's one of the more well that's among the glorious ones in the scripture the bible says cornelius was a just man a devote man he loved god with all his hearts and with his house a gentile man when he saw what god was doing among the jews anointer jesus yes anointer anointer my god people are asking god to anoint them in the name of jesus anoint them lord let the holy spirit enter upon their space right now anoint them glory to god so carnivorous love god bless you minister neil thought i know you love the lord with all of your heart servant servant of god [Music] god gave carnival vision acts chapter 10. saw a whole lot of stuff otherwise god was giving him the vision god was speaking to simon peter at the same time glory to god you know the story god told cornelius to sin for simon he told him exactly where he was anoint your people are and when simon peter came to cornelius's house stole him four days ago i began fasting and praying oh god showed me this vision he told me the sin for you when you come you will tell me words oh my self and my house shall be saved wincival john arya bless you and ask peter opened his mouth and began to speak the word of god to carnivorous the bible says the holy spirit fell upon them gentile believers were gentiles the holy spirit came upon the first gentile group to receive the baptism of the holy ghost glory to god i love the words of simon peter when he saw what happened he said no we know that god is respected of no person no person but in every nation and tongue and kingdom all those who fear god and their work righteousness is acceptable unto god look at how god baptized this gentile man in his house with the holy ghost as it did to the jewish brethren oh jesus no respect to a person no respecter respect [Music] a person tonight you might have prayed you might have fasted seek the lord and you have not yet received the level of anointing that you know you need in this hour god is an awesome god i thank you for that amen awesome god i know you i know he wants to do it for you i said more than you want it to be done let me give you another scripture and give you my prayer my prayer topics for tonight [Music] acts chapter 19. verse 6 and verse 7 it says when paul had laid his hands upon them the holy ghost holy ghost came on them and they spake with tongues and prophesied and all the men were about 12 paul laid his hands upon 12 men and they were filled with the holy ghost it doesn't take 10 years for you to be filled with the holy ghost that does mean if you are not filled after 10 years then you won't be filled but the word of god says not many days you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days we're going to pray for that tonight you're going to pray it's a matter of fact you don't need him to pray for the baptism of the holy ghost it's a gift given to the body of christ and you don't pray for gift beg for gift and cry for gift you just receive gifts gifts give up you receive them so get ready my friend all right let's write down our prayer of prayer subjects for the night [Music] you know first of all we pray for leaders all says first of all prayers and supplication and giving of facts was made for all men to lead us first of all whenever we meet our first press subject is for leaders effective leader i mean elected leaders elected officials some are prime ministers some are presidents some are kings some are governors some are counselors some are chancellors some are amir they have all kinds of titles all over the world so we pray for them that god will lead them as they seek to lead nations so you know that's first we pray for leaders then we are going to pray for those who have suffered as a result of the floods in jamaica that's jamaica wherever you are you're suffering from other stuff so pray that god will let them to recover safely then we are going to pray for bereaved families persons who have lost loved ones who with us take out over 200 persons in jamaica i don't want to say already i don't say already because we hope no more will die as a result of kobe over 200 are not already died in jamaica hundreds of thousands united states of america so with 300 000 so what a prayer amen for bereaved families persons have lost their father mother brother sister uncle nieces nebus and there's a void in that home right now avoiding that family and they have to deal with it we're gonna pray for them then we're going to we're going to pray for seniors seniors the aged the shut in who are said to be most vulnerable to sicknesses and diseases and all of them stop seniors those who are young today life continues to become seniors after a while so we pray that god will touch the seniors men and women across the nations of the world a large percentage of the world's population is if we're in the seniors category large percentage so we pray for seniors we're going to pray also for sick believers believers who are sick physically sick god says above all things are good that you prosper and be in health and the enemy has attacked the bodies of god's people with all kinds of sicknesses and diseases but we'll plead the blood of jesus christ against them tonight for by his stripes we are healed giving you my prayer subject matter for tonight then we are going to pray for businesses all kinds of businesses men and women mission errands bless you all kinds of businesses business operators that god will bless the businesses make them successful so that the world's economy can bounce back and bounce back buoyant bounce back wealth so that people can get jobs and work and take care of their needs pray for businesses that god will cover them keep them safe [Music] and then we are going to pray for farmers yeah we're going to pray for the farmers those men that work the field my god almighty their exams god bless you bless you my brother all ashamed we pray for farmers farmers feed the world farmers feed the nations we are experiencing all kinds of climate change these days and some farmers are struggling here in jamaica the recent flood reigns would have affected many of them my god almighty would have prayed for farmers and we are going to pray for preachers preachers oh can they hear without a preacher or can they preach except they be sent preachers in whatever [Music] category of ministry they fall whether they be apostles and prophets evangelists pastors teachers whoever ministers the word of god we pray for them glory to the name of jesus hallelujah so the ministers who are with me minister thorpe and others get ready to pray through one hour randy the anointing of god is upon me as it is upon many of you right there glory let the song play us through and we get ready to pray first of all for leaders flood victims bereaved families seniors cycle believe us businesses farmers and preachers then we love open prayer everybody prayers you are led when we get through all of these glory to god and now let's prepare our hearts [Music] to feel your hearts for prayers glory to god hallelujah mighty holy spirit worldwide for a meeting men and women across the world for their hearts to talk to god on behalf of nations teach our hands to war glory to god by you we shall run through every truth we shall leap over every wall we shall conquer the enemy but we are more than conquerors through christ with strengthening prepare your heart now get ready tonight in jesus name peace [Music] that's way [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise the lord thank you lord [Music] very ministers pray brothers and sisters let's begin bring excited prayer missionaries saints of god all over the world we are praying for leaders of nations the united states of america will go to the polls where they have been going for many days now [Music] but they will finalize the shoes of president god almighty in a couple of days time praying for the united states of america its leaders pray for the leaders all nations let it rain lord let it rain let your dream let you drain [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] leaders of the world lord we give them ruling in the fear of god in the name of jesus christ please tell us that we should pray first of all for men and who have been women to lead nations we pray for them now let's pray for her own prime minister here in jamaica [Music] foreign [Music] pray for the cabinet ministers oh god that is stunned by them granted they'll keep their hands clean of their hearts grant that they will serve as servant leaders knowing that you are watching over them grant oh lord that they will not be corrupt for the greed of guilty luke in the name of jesus christ grant that they will not be bribed to give special favors in the name of jesus christ unto a lord that they will not be corrupt in the name of jesus christ we pray for leaders of the world leaders my god of the developed countries of the world those who are building nuclear arsenal in the name of jesus north korea north korean leader king james understood [Music] and not spirits in the name of jesus christ king jong-un of [Music] them lord god wore your spirit upon us tonight as we deceived the leaders lord we have just written about the holy ghost pouring upon us now and anoint us to pray through we will be elected sometimes 7th of november oh god [Music] we don't know who you love to be elected let it be your choice lord oh god let it pull beyond the delegates you take charge you tell us in all our ways we should acknowledge you and you'll direct our path so lord god we ask you to take the delegates in charge and lead them let them be led by pray for mayors we pray for mayors and counselors caretakers everyone lord take them in charge in the name of jesus christ who by your spirit and by your power grant oh lord god almighty and all the leaders of the world will acknowledge you oh god let not sit and control their heart and their lives let they not become tyrannic and totalitarian but oh lord god let them not become like nephew cogniza i think that they have built their countries oh god except you build the house in labor and feed that building except you watch the city a watchman wicked body thing so we pray for them now in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth the son of the living god the one who was on his and is to come one before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess lord look at great world leaders that are now in their graves by god almighty as it as it is with one soul it shall be with all because all our flesh and blood is the name of jesus christ you don't have to name them lord you know them great world leaders some were tyrants god almighty what they are in their graves waiting for the judgment to stand before god so it is with them so it shall be with others run that they will wreck on their own humanity their own mortality oh god and surrender their lives to you grant lord god that political power will not go to their heads in the name of jesus christ will let them lead in humility and fear of god so we commit them to you now bless all the countries lord make them prosperous first of all spirituality let spiritual prosperity be upon the people spiritual prosperity as we see first the kingdom of god is righteousness he said all these things shall be added grant o law that nations will develop a hunger and a thirst for god a hunger and a thirst somewhere of god so i'd rather say more about jesus what i know more of his grace throughout his show or of his saving fullness or of his love who died for you in the name of jesus christ oh god we are concerned about states of economy but lord god help us to be concerned about the spiritual state of mankind in the name of jesus christ the spiritual state of mankind oh god almighty we need to be brought into fellowship with you so many said to your people we pray to you as we join our hearts together across nations of the world right now we speak into the atmosphere in the name of jesus we speak to leaders lord some will never meet some will never meet us some we don't even know their names oh god almighty in the many countries of the world but you are god over all you are seeing everyone right now because you are the omnipresent god not only that you are all night present but you are the omnipotent god you are the all-powerful god those leaders would need to be drawn up he drew up nebuchadnezzar history tells us lord god as he sought to exalt himself you drew him up you humbled him you caused him to recognize that the most high god rule and he reigns in the kingdom of men nebuchadnezzar made a confession he says when my reasoning returned unto me i nebuchadnize and recognize and declare most high god rule and he reigns in the kingdom of men and there shall be no other gods worshiped for the god of heaven oh god let nations of the world and their leaders recognize this let them read the pages of biblical history and see how you dealt with those o god who failed to humble themselves before you i know you have dealt with those who humble themselves and fear and honor so hear us we pray now for all our leaders [Music] in the name of jesus christ of nazareth glory to god him give him praise and glory no no pray for sirens the flood victims victims of recent floods wherever you are in your country whatever is negatively affecting that country pray against it now of course we know coronavirus that is everywhere so we can attack it again and we shall continue to attack it in the name of jesus christ of nazareth so lord across the fourteenth parishes of jamaica [Music] so many have suffered as a result of the recent floods they have suffered oh god loss of property loss of personal belongings even loss of lives we have had loss of lives as a result of the flood many roads have been eroded land slippages everywhere floods oh god [Music] we lived up to you those mothers and children single mothers under your children your little humble dwellings god almighty [Music] lots of them have been damaged destroyed help them lord this is when the foreign need is seek water god almighty can we have this anointing here tonight [Music] when the poor i need to see water there's none you say hi the lord god will hear them i the lord god will reach out to them reach out to those single mothers and your children who suffered in the flood [Music] reach out to those families lord god we've lost the belongings oh god preach their lord in the name of jesus christ [Music] in the name of jesus christ give them recovery send their help from the sun jury strengthen the out of messiah let the samaritan pass their way lord god almighty amen knows what amen do not know where to turn and what to do and oh lord god that you can shut the light of glory upon them in the name of jesus so we pray for all of those blood victims lord in the name of jesus wrapped up in all of that our children school children oh god someone lost their school supplies in the name of jesus their clothing amen their books lord god almighty the necessities of life have been taken swept away lord god you are the restorer of them all we pray that you give them strength to give them strength and courage show them your divine favor in the name of jesus christ oh we pray for them right now so we pray lord god that you minister to them in a very special way oh god set somebody free let somebody experience joy fullness of joy as you shall saw yourself god in the name of jesus pray my brother pray my sister pray i'm gonna pray for seniors seniors sinners large percentage of the world's population are men and women over 65 yeah a large population oh god almighty pray for sinners everywhere god will strengthen and come from the hearts of men and women many have labored and toiled in the early years of their lives through god almighty those productive ears of their lives they have laid but they have toiled they rear children they have built countries built communities contributed significantly to the welfare and well-being of nations amen in their various professions there is various colleagues they labored as lawyers and doctors and nurses and teachers and laborers as farmers as carpenters and masons they labored the sanitation workers lord god almighty who labored us farm workers traveling to other countries oh god almighty the labor that's cattle rares oh glory to god labored the civil servants in many many departments of government oh some are still laboring still laboring still burning the midnight oil although they are 65 and over still laboring many of us are laboring night and day crying to almighty god oh god look down in the name of jesus upon the scene is the nations of the world lord god see the years sometimes presents all kinds of challenges oh yes sometimes they present a man health related issues failing health sometimes they present financial struggles serious financial struggles parents would have labored and toiled educate their children spent all god almighty and your children and now they are amen left almost to suffer some of them pray for them right now in the name of jesus christ that they will be strengthened that they'll be lifted up that they'll be anointed that they'll be refreshed in the name of jesus christ that the eternal god will be their refuge and underneath everlasting arms do you have a mother who is aged or aging do you have a father who is aged or aging do you have siblings who have aged or aging god almighty oh do you have relatives that have aged or they are aging and are facing different challenges in their lives to pray for them right now do you have a pastor that has aged or is aging a church leader of age or aging pray for them right now in the name of jesus christ we're in a society that we're if we're not careful amen the society wants to put aside the seniors god almighty but i pray that the favor of god will be upon all he who is young and strong today can become old and weak and evil tomorrow oh god almighty i pray that you minister unto others as you would that they do unto you but those of you in my audience right now who have aged parents in the name of jesus christ show love in the name of jesus exercise care exercise good understanding in the name of jesus do not throw them in nursing homes if you can do better take care of them he who gives cares to care today may need to be cared for tomorrow in the name of jesus christ to show love there's a neighbor you can help what can you do with some domestic shores assist in preparing a meal assisting tiding the house assistant going to the shop or the supermarket oh god almighty do what you can to a aged person who cannot do what they used to do when they were young and strong like you oh be not for the grace of almighty god be not for good fortunes of life you never could tell what will happen road of life as many turns and loops and bumps also make straight part for your feet as you help those who need help pray for the sinners glory to god almighty in the name of jesus christ [Music] oh lord we look to you we look to you pray my brother pray my sister pray so how much more breathe pray from the sheep breathe god cares for the sheep of his pastor hallelujah oh yeah yeah strength and the seniors holy ghost i did say those who are young and strong today they'll become old and weak tomorrow those who are healthy today can become sick tomorrow hope it will never happen [Music] different numbers are played from time to time [Music] pray my brother pray my sister pray the god of heaven to give strength to his people pray pray the lord of the harvest breathe [Music] the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we come against whatever problem is happening you know jesus name in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus dear lord [Music] glory pray my brothers and sisters now let's pray for sick believers believers who are sick do you know a saint of god who is sick and suffering pray that the lord god almighty will minister to such and one in the name of jesus bring all your needs to the lord pray for our sick believers they are everywhere they're in all our churches because the enemy is afflicted people but thank god he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruce for our iniquities justice man of our peace was upon him and with his tribes we are healed so pray for those who are sick and suffering yeah lord my god touch them lord [Music] touch them jesus please touch them lord [Music] [Music] worldwide parameeting the saints of god are praying for sick and suffering believers oh god i was sick and you never visit with me [Music] i was hungry [Music] i was a stranger you never took me in i was in prison you did not visit with me is calling your name right now to the [Music] lord call your name call your name in prayer in the name of jesus christ [Music] i demanded power of the holy spirit yeah lord our god in the name of jesus specially knows god almighty those terminal illnesses so called [Music] god somebody's name tonight for healing you called lazarus from the grave corruption knows his master every time oh jesus we call the names of the saints of god tonight in our spirits you know them lord you know them lord even now someone's calling [Music] yes someone on their knees right now [Music] answers on the way saints of god hold on faith in god somebody's praying for you right now your name has been called [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] heavens yeah lord [Music] someone's called your name [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] we pray for you saints of god everywhere across the world afflicted by the enemy we pray for you now pray for cancer pray against cancer sugar diabetes hypertension heart condition nervous condition blood condition spinal disorder in the name of jesus five rights in the womb oh god almighty amen we pray against them now i condition hear condition [Music] affected sinuses in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we pray against them now oh god overreactive thyroid in the name of jesus christ thyroid problems we pray against it now in the name of jesus christ hearing the facts in the name of jesus we pray against them now oh god we pray that from the crowd of the head to the saints of god need healthy bodies to worship your lord healthy bodies to worship you healthy bodies to worship you healthy bodies to praise you healthy bodies to do your work exodus 15 26 you said none of these diseases none of these diseases when i put upon the egyptians for i have the lord thy god that healeth thee oh god jesus jesus jesus hallelujah god pour your grace upon your people tonight help them to hold out until a change come in the name of jesus change will come broken hallelujah are you broken are you bruised other choices wrong choices you might have made [Music] oh god a loving caring forgiving savior he forgives sins he heals sicknesses psalm 103 bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgive it all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases who crowns you with love and kindness and tender verses who satisfies thy mother good things so that our youth is renewed as he does god's grace is greater great childhood what you're going through right now calvary has proven in time and time again oh my god i feel the glory of god in this place hallelujah in the name of jesus god's grace is sufficient for you [Music] raise up your people lord in the name of jesus the enemy shall not say ah the blood of jesus is against your devil you are defeated you are defeated [Music] you were defeated in the garden of gethsemane yes you were defeated there you were defeated at calvary yes you were defeated defeated at the empty tomb yes you are defeated defeated in the mount of olives yes you are defeated grace will always be greater [Music] than the sorrows you go through in the name of jesus receive your healing [Music] receive your healing in the name of jesus child of god we pray you through tonight we pray you through we pray you through we pray you through in the name of jesus christ we pray you through we pray you out we pray you over we pray you above in the name of jesus christ minister to your people lord minister to your people lord david says when he sees the prosperity of the wicked they are not praising you they are not serving and they're not worshiping you they don't live for you some evil curse you lord but they are going around with healthy strong bodies the saints are afflicted the word says the afflictions of the righteous are many but you delivereth him out of them all you keep his bones that one of them is broken in the name of jesus reverse those sicknesses reverse those diseases reverse those conditions set your people free [Music] glory glory my god almighty somebody's receiving an anointing upon your life this somebody's being touched by heavenly messenger [Music] now let's move into another dimension let's pray for businesses businesses businesses are your business operator businesses small business large business exporters importers my god operators of restaurants and stores operators of all kinds of industry pray for their prayer for them pray for coverage pray for protection pray for prosperity and blessing so that the economy of the world world economies will be strengthened thousands of lost jobs as a result of coving they need to be re-engaged in the name of jesus businesses have suffered on our suffering right now pray for them the hotel industry for his industry in the name of jesus the farming industry oh glory to god the manufacturing sector glory pray for them [Music] small business operators the babas the tailors amen the cosmetologists in the name of jesus christ the store operators oh god almighty for you pray for them pray for them pray for them pray for them today lord god said prosperity send prosperity send prosperity said prosperity in the name of jesus christ praise in the name of jesus pray for them to the glory pray for them pray for the father hallelujah we must be there not the tale above and not beneath land and not bark rich and not poor healthy and not sick strong and not weak victorious and not defeated oh god worldwide for a meeting look at people my god all over the world look at people i see you in the spirit i see you in the spirit i see your comments i sense your prayer a sense of sincerity the genuineness with which you enter upon this worldwide prayer meeting in the name of jesus yes send prosperity lord prosperity in the name of jesus prosperity prosperity prosperity spiritual and material and temporal and financial in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh god but he is not like you the earth is yours lord the fullness thereof when you created adam and eve you gave them dominion you placed them in a world that was well furnished they got everything they needed lord the garden of eden was a rich place a wealthy place watered by many rivers oh god the bible says gold was there bethelium gold was there in the garden [Music] [Music] talking to the almighty god for leaders of the world talking to god for flood victims talking to god from bereaved family members talking to god for seniors talking to god for the sick and suffering talking to god for businesses in the name of jesus christ glory talk to god farmers in the name of jesus men and women who feed the nations farmers of greece farmers of all kinds of producers farmers of animals cattle poultry [Music] my god vegetables pray my brothers and sisters god wants to bless his people as we ball before him this morning tonight almighty you are god a thing lord we praise you we praise you [Music] guys [Music] can you call others to join us let them join on in the more demeria stronger together stronger together stronger together stronger together stronger together join us for worldwide for a meeting in the name of jesus christ we pray for leaders we pray for flood victims we pray for three family members we pray for seniors we pray for the sick and suffering saints we pray for businesses god never through the clear way we pray for farmers now we're going to pray for preachers preachers do you know a preacher [Music] my god do you know a preacher are you connected to a preacher are you being fed spiritually by a preacher your children being blessed by a preacher are you baptized by a preacher join together in only matrimony by a preacher married by a preacher visited by a preacher who was prayed for by a preacher heard the word of god and became converted because of a preacher pray for preachers now preachers are under attack from hell their health their homes and families their finances your congregations their communities pray for preachers [Music] come to praise the lord beautiful up on the feet of the mountains by them that publish peace desire good time to pray for your pastor for time to pray for his family your family time to pray for your elder what time do you pray for your minister good time to pray for your deacons time to pray for the exalters missionaries workers good time to pray for them oh god [Music] good time to pray for let them receive your prayers right now [Music] let your pastor receive your prayers in the name of jesus but as long as i face tomorrow's past i know special [Music] favors [Music] talk with the lord talk with the lord talk to the lord we are praying for preachers everywhere everyone we pray for preachers everywhere everyone we pray for preachers jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] worldwide for a meeting we are praying for preachers of this time men of god the women of god across the world burning the midnight oil rising up early sitting up late the good news of salvation seeking to rescue the perish and care for the dying pray for them pray for their ministries pray for my brothers and sisters sure yes [Music] he's everybody pray now open prayer pray as you are led pray as you are led open prayer everybody pray on whatever subject matter for whomever wherever whatever everybody pray now as you are led by the holy spirit we've gone through praying for world leaders we pray for flood victims pray for marine families we prayed for seniors we prayed for the sick and suffering believers we prayed for businesses we prayed for farmers we prayed for pictures everybody prayers your land time is slipping away i'll soon be praying you out and pray you in out of the whole day of friday into the new day of saturday my god almighty lord we praise you everybody pray as you are led in the name of jesus open up your hearts worldwide prayer meeting in the name of jesus put you in the place jesus to where there's no friend left but jesus you see he knelt in gethsemane not for the strong but for the weak there he cried you see he's the life of the world yet in gross darkness our savior died i'm talking about jesus he's jesus and he's our wonderful lord [Music] oh jesus [Music] me [Music] greetings one [Music] [Music] oh jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus thank you lord if you their hearts would sting i would to god as the holy spirit is move upon you moving up on you right now and you're praying as you're led [Music] let's let god minister to you as you minister to him my holy spirit getting ready to pray you out pray you in yeah reference for whites and families god minister to them minister to all the apostles and prophets evangelists pastors and teachers minister to them lord heavenly father all the bishops and pastors cover them with your blood jesus oh people are praying my god almighty thank you lord let the river flow [Music] i want to give the thumbs up to this all this worldwide for a meeting every one of you on facebook on before you log out [Music] tonight this morning give the thumbs up like and subscribe here let's build the cadre people across the nation so please remember to do that before you log out like and subscribe touch that thumbs up finger on your device yeah see moving there on youtube you touching them but it's prayer time now before you close out make sure you do yep everybody in youtube and facebook give the thumbs up like and subscribe share the link my god this is worldwide for a meeting thank the lord the lord has granted me this wonderful sacrifice thank you lord now let me begin to pray you out i don't know how challenging friday has been for you i don't know the rivers you have to face i don't know the jordans and jericho i don't know the pharisees and sadducees that came against me but i pray for you now father in the name of jesus christ in these final minutes of friday the 30th of october the year 2020 have been so good to us lord god throughout the 24 hours and the minutes that have already expired 23 hours and the many minutes and now lord we're crossing over i pray for your people i pray for a special anointing upon them i pray that no one will cross over with any burden with any sorrow with any grief pain in distress any unforgiveness oh god we got a few hours to lay our heads down to rest i pray that they'll be glorious hours with dreams and visions and revelations amen and the mighty moving of your holy spirit let somebody be baptized in the holy ghost as they lay to rest in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we speak it for them we cut them clear from all the burdens of friday from all the pains of friday from all the disappointments of friday and we now begin to speak the things that are honest the things that are loving the things that are just the things that are virtuous the things that are praiseworthy the things that are good reports let those think things characterize the life of every person in my audience throughout such a day in the name of jesus those who will go to work those who will be at home those who will be at school wherever they go in the name of jesus those who are traveling to the rural areas wherever they go whatever they do let the pillar of cloud be with them throughout the entire day in the name of jesus christ that goodness and mercy follow them let no evil befall them let no play come nigh here dwelling in the name of jesus let the river the fountain of life flow in their direction in the name of jesus let every enemy become their footstool trump lamb in the name of jesus christ that every high place many places be brought down in the name of jesus christ that every attack of principalities and powers being nullified in the name of jesus christ let love peace and joy flow in their lives in the name of jesus christ take them to higher realm a dimension in the spirit in the name of jesus christ and bless you people abundantly o god let psalm 91 rock them from head to toes psalm 91 wrap you from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet as you dwell in the secret place of the most high you'll abide in the shadow of the almighty the lord shall be your refuge your fortress your strength and you shall not be afraid of the hour and all the terror and all the pestilence now the destruction thousands shall fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come now you only with your eyes shall you be all and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the lord which is your refuge even in moscow your habitation no hebrew shall befall you no plague shall come now yet but god shall give his angels charge my god almighty mighty angels mighty mighty mighty mighty warring angels upon you i pray you in the fullness of god i pray you in to the blessings of god i pray you in to the favors of god i bring you in to the sufficiency of god's of wonder pray you in to the fullness of god's mercy i pray you in to his love that will never cease in the name of jesus christ glory to god worshiping everybody worship him everybody my god almighty lift up your hands if you can worship the king of heaven this is holy ground this is all the anointing mighty god we praise you we worship you we are [Music] touch you now in the name of jesus by faith worship him everybody glory to god thank you holy spirit receive receive receive receive receive from the almighty god the favors you need in his presence we have prayed you out we have prayed you in in the name of jesus christ of nazareth now rejoice and give god praise glorify the king of heaven worship him something has happened it will continue to happen in the name of jesus christ for you for your all for your families for your community for your country in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we release it in the name of the lord jesus christ [Music] holy ground [Music] thank you jesus [Music] yes i thank god for all of you who have shared with me in this worldwide prayer meeting every wednesday night 10 30 p.m jamaica time every friday night all things being well and equal [Music] we share the word of god we bless the people of god we pray you out of whatever challenges the old day presented to you and we pray you in the fullness of god's blessing youtube and facebook god bless all of you god bless all of you yeah i'm glad i will be the lord it's a great sacrifice i minister today a time of refreshing i minister thursday time of refreshing administered wednesday fasting service wednesday and fasting thursday time of refreshing friday time of refreshing on friday nights into saturday morning the lord is the strength of my life great sacrifice great sacrifice but which such sacrifice the lord is well pleased please remember before you tune out tonight like and subscribe hit that button on your device give the thumbs up yeah touch it touch it everybody give the thumbs up on facebook give the thumbs up on youtube let's build the family let's build the number in the name of jesus christ the more the merrier the stronger we are together so please like and subscribe don't just log out what a night it is my god almighty [Music] well enjoy music for the next five minutes worshiping yeah [Music] i can subscribe give the thumbs up i can see you're doing it there on youtube continue continue yeah like and subscribe share the like [Music] petersburg brooklyn bronx toronto yeah christian people from all denominations for the next three minutes or so do you want to identify your church the church you belong to yeah we got another five minutes here about 10 minutes [Music] i will not call out your church name [Music] okay [Music] yeah we call that wonderful [Music] [Music] new york yep my god almighty you can't keep up with that vangel tabernacle brooklyn [Music] god [Music] let the world know that we're together in this thing open [Music] i feel of faith you're there sweden church of god in brompton canada bless you oh my god can i keep up with this bethel [Music] thank you lord thank you jesus good morning waters krt in canada glory full gospel host of prayer seventh-day adventists hallelujah california church of god and not fear church of god a prophecy can't keep up north carolina new testament [Music] glory to god hallelujah mandeville new testament church of god uckg in united kingdom united church of the kingdom of god united kingdom put more oh god almighty look at people jesus said petersburg pfm is there wow well i can't keep up with anymore seventh-day adventist evangel temple yeah worship god such a morning revival new testament church of god in britain thomas u.s virgin island redeemed our gathering in identifying your church oh glory to god greg the park christian fellowship church worldwide for a meeting no other but power of faith jesus moving so fast escarpment road you disadventured faith apostolic mango tabernacle pfm brooklyn brooklyn brooklyn brooklyn what's the name of your church all these are youtubers what are you saying facebookers seventh-day church of god international ministry miramar bfm and remark [Music] the redeemed are gathering [Music] new testament church of god nathan baptist church all of it open bible in mandeville masters the saints are praying to god be the glory pastors the saints are praying i don't care who is sleeping right now your saints are praying your believers are praying mo zion tabernacle in brooklyn king's chaplain connecticut oh god almighty fate and power in toronto canada pastors bishop the saints are praying glory watchers house my goodness the feminine bronx oh you don't find the church just yet you need to find a church sister whoa god bless you i can't do anymore tonight this morning i've got an early morning tomorrow morning free for me okay traveling out of paris into another parish tomorrow morning early hours on the lord's business we pray for miracle temple ministries uh bishop dr ernest stewart will be laid to rest in mandeville today saturday pray for him can we pray for the church pray for miracle temple ministries yes pray for them wonderful man of god work tirelessly late to rest tomorrow there are contemporary ministers we pray for you god bless you god bless you pentecostal in connecticut winding down winding down oh when the saints are gathering in [Music] god bless you god bless you godless all right we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go let me thank all of you for sharing with me again on another worldwide prayer meeting just remember before you go give the thumbs up yeah like and subscribe let me see how many of you have been doing so a number of you on youtube have done so like and subscribe click that thumbs up button on your screen yeah please do so you will be in the number my dear sister you want to be the number you'll be the number click that thumbs up button like subscribe share the link god bless you sunday morning at seven o'clock from the studio time of refreshing spread the word god be with you am i awake now like and subscribe give the thumbs up share the link until you meet again good blessings of god be with all of you may you walk in the fullness of god's anointing may he make you the head and not the tear above but not the ease the rich blessings of god be upon you all someone says we receive it in jesus name well i'm going to be signing out amen thank you lord like i have been at least enjoy brother swaggart for another five minutes if you need to no problem i received [Music] more [Music] i finally made it [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] for their remittance ten times per year praise the lord is the name [Music] worthy is the lamb they say [Music] i joined them in their city and i saw him with his eyes [Music] so [Music] foreign i'm finally home [Music] wow bless you everybody the lord be with you good morning signing out signing out signing off
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 7,236
Rating: 4.9190283 out of 5
Id: pgq6l9YblNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 27sec (7407 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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