A Time of Refreshing - September 30, 2021

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i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again but i know a way [Music] i can't tell well praise the lord what a joy it is to be sitting in the studio on today thursday to god be the glory ben john's day what does that mean to you i hope it doesn't mean anything significant to you but of course trust that you are basking in the sunshine of god's grace giving him thanks for who he is for what he has done and by faith for those things that you expect of his gracious ants we welcome you one and we welcome all in for another wonderful time as at other times and may i say thanks to the almighty for all his servants who have sat here over time and who will do so in time to share the word of god to pray for you to encourage you and to ensure that you are refreshed from a time of refreshing bishop davis here passing through we just concluded the thanksgiving service for late sister grace briscoe going on to be with the lord wonderful soul resting eternally and may all of us prepare our hearts for when that day come god bless you well we want to remind you that we meet on sunday morning no movement date is of course lockdown day but by the authorization given by the honorable the most honorable prime minister there are those of us who are permitted to enter upon the place of worship so we meet at seven o'clock 9 30 and 12 noon and i do hope the 50 of you for each session will fulfill that obligation yeah let's call it that under these circumstances but someone else could take the place so seven o'clock 9 30 and 12 noon 12 noon is shorter service until 1 30 p.m hope you'll join us those from the spanish stone area authorized to attend the second or the third service the church's coastal will be passing on that route so for this 9 30 service you can expect the bus run about nine o'clock they're about coming from spanish stone to the church for the third service you can expect it run about 11 30 passing through your spanish town route so you look out for it please all right saturday morning well things do happen here at power of faith such in the morning god willing will be having a water baptism was not planned for any extended period but there are a couple of persons who live overseas and are in jamaica and want to go back brand new want to be baptized and ask us to do them the honors so at seven o'clock 7 30 the latest they'll be at the church ground now if you are there and you have given your heart to the lord and you want to be part of that water baptism be here at 7 30 between 7 and 7 30 on saturday morning this saturday morning we'll take you to the ocean and do what john the baptist did baptize you with water so that saturday morning 7 to 7 30 we'll be leaving this ground here to the ocean to do the honors for those who have made a request these are unusual times so unusual things are happening and we can't well we try not to turn people down especially wanting to firm up their commitment to follow the lord god bless you that's about it uh welcome to flow 602 672. welcome to digiplay channel 20 and what about facebook and youtube you're live before me here right now and instagram god bless you you're in for a wonderful time another of god's servants will be ministering the word of god someone who you love to hear and of course i know she will be a blessing as at other times she is ordained minister minister donna edwards and she's going to be take it taking it from me take you through the word of god and bless your heart on a time of refreshing minister donna edwards thank you where did you get time to be here today you're a nurse you should be out here on the front line well this is the front line too isn't it yes sir serious front line this one more critical than your nursing front line because this has eternal consequences praise god you're not talking with me all right eternal consequences she wants for you to firm up your commitment with jesus and those who are not saved to get saved and come get such in the morning before it is too late i welcome you madam thank you bishop for having me here today on the set to god be the glory have been a trail of blessing to many souls both locally and international and internationally you have been blazing the gospel trail over many years and i am one of your first that you have preached the gospel oh you're my spiritual daughter and i'm here today giving god thanks for you and also for life blessings spiritual daughter grew up and now preaching in the pulpit ministering a time of refreshing serving us the instructor in the new members class foresters and the list goes on you're a blessed soul to god be the glory the lord bless you enjoy the sailing today yes sir god bless you now let the church be the church let the people rejoice for we have settled the question and we have made christ our choice let the hunt hands ring out songs of victory swell the church triumphant she's alive and well the church is more than an organization it is an organism organism is a body of life within itself with mutual dependent parts all functioning toward a common purpose this purpose for the church is to spread the gospel to all men all over the world welcome to a time of refreshing praise god we are in for a great time today praise god and i'll be sharing a little topic from worry to worship text abaco chapter one two and three but i'll read about some few chapters from let us pray praise god lord we worship you lord we praise you lord we thank you for your grace and for your mercies oh god we thank you for being that edge of protection wrong about us thank you lord for this privilege praise god today of sharing your word with your people today oh god breathe upon me again let your words and be encouragement to your people give strength and enlightenment and edify your people in jesus name we pray let me hear somebody say amen oh there praise god hallelujah thank you jesus have you ever looked at events let us turn our bibles to abba chapter one abba called the book of abercork chapter one reading from the verse one through to eight habakkuk chapter two verses one to four and abaco chapter three verses 16 through to 19 quickly the burden which abba called the prophet did see oh lord how long shall i cry and thou wilt not hear even cry out unto thee of violence and thou wilt not save why does thou show me iniquity and cause me to be to behold grievance for spoiling and violence are before me and there are that race of strife and contention therefore the law is slacked and judgment does never go forth for the wicked doth compass about the righteous therefore wrong judgment proceedeth behold he among the even and regard and wonder marvelously for i will work a work in your days which you will not believe though it be told you for law i raise up the childings that bitter and haste the nation which shall march through the breath of the land to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs they are terrible and dreadful their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves their horses also are swifter than the leopards and are more fierce than the evening wolves and their horsemen shall spread themselves and their horsemen shall come from far they shall fly as the eagle that a steadf chapter two verse one i was turned upon my watch and set me up on the tower and will watch to see what he will say unto me and what i shall answer when i am approved and the lord answered me and said write the vigion make it plain upon tables that they may run that readeth it for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie doritary wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall live by his faith habakkuk chapter 3 verse 16 and when i heard my belly trembled my lips quivered at the voice rottenness entered into my bones and i trembled in myself that i might rest in the day of trouble when he comment upon unto the people he will invade them with his troops although the fig tree shall not blossom neither shall the food be in the vines the labor of the olives shall fail and the fields shall eal no meat the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herbs in the stalls yet i will rejoice in the lord i will draw in the god of my salvation the lord is my strength and he will make my feet like hind feet and he will make me to walk upon my eye places praise god thank you jesus hallelujah have you ever looked at events in the world and wondered what is god doing have you ever been perplexed about injustice wars murders crime and violence human trafficking idolaters pandemic pandemic bushfires hurricanes and all sorts of other problems in our society have you ever worked because of the world that you are living in if so then we should meet the prophet habakkuk this little book of the tree of three chapters tell us how he moved from worry to worship let us be enlightened or acquainted with abaco by asking these three simple questions who was abba kok what is the message of this book what does this message mean to us today who was abba kak the prophet agbaco was a jewish man who lived about 600 bc before christ he lived at a time when the nation of judah was declining rapidly it was a time of crime and violence immorality and injustice it was somewhat like the world in which you and i live today we turned the television on to listen to the news and oh my god all we hear most of the time are reports of crime and violence accidents shootout sin and injustice god blessed a few times we hear good news most times it's a bad news and sometimes people will turn the tv off some may throw up their hands in the air and say why isn't god doing something this was the prob the problem abercork faced he was watching his own nation decline on the inside and furthermore he was watching the enemy approach from the outside the empire of babylon was getting strong and moving in the unseen perpetrators of covey 19 and his families are wreaking havoc around the world many lives have been lost why isn't god doing something how can a god of love for me permit these things to happen how can a god of justice and holiness not judge those who are doing evil things abba koch's name means to embrace or to wrestle and certainly he reached out to embrace god and to all unto god and certainly he wrestled with some serious problems of his day we can surely say we are also wrestling with some serious problems in our day and time abba koch was what is abba cox message what is the message of this book it's a very small book which is the 35th book of the bible with three chapters 56 verses 1004 words 12 questions one command no promise 20 predictions 11 verse of prophecy and two distinct messages messages from god himself it is one of the minor prophets but it has a major message habakkuk was dealing with the age-old problem of evil in this world this little book of aboke much men could see people enemies or messengers approaching their city while still at a distance watch towers were also erected in vineyards to help guard the rightening of grip isaiah chapter 5 and the verse two abba koch wanted to be in the best position to receive god's message so abba koch was getting a little iron no he got out of the valley where he had been wandering and worrying and he went up into the watchtower to begin watching and waiting he said i'm going to watch and see what god will say to me god's going to answer me and god did answer him god answered him by giving him two instructions write and wait in about chapter 2 verse 2 the lord answered write this video i want it to be permanent i want to write it down because future generations are going to need it and write it in such a way that when people read what you have to say they can run off and share it with others so abercrombie's commanded to write a clear permanent record of what the lord gave to him his second instruction was he was commanded to wait for the vision is yet for appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie in other words god's prophecies were going to be fulfilled and though it tarry wait for it because will surely come it will not tarry our problem of course is that we get so nervous and so anxious that we cannot wait on god this promise is quoted in hebrews chapter 10 and the verse 35 to 38 and it read cast not away therefore your confidence with earth great recompense of reward for he have need of patience that after you have done the will of god he might receive the promise for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry no the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him you can see the connection between hebrews 10 and habakkuk chapter 2. in hebrews chapter 10 the little word it becomes e for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry the holy spirit applies this to the lord jesus christ we are waiting for the lord jesus to return and when he returns he will judge sin and he will establish his glorious reign praise god my brothers and sisters in arabic chapter 2 we find five oh five walls upon judah five holes upon judah in verse six hold to him that increaseth that which is not is meaning they get wealth by fraud and oppression verse 9 it says war to him that coveted an evil conviciousness to his house so all to the convictions verse 12 it says hold to him that buildeth a tone with blood and established a city by iniquity by exploiting others praise god the fourth oh in verse 15 of habakkuk chapter 2 hold unto him that giveth his neighbor drink in other words or upon the junk cards and those who promise i will promote drunkenness in verse 19 ho unto him that save to the wood awake to the dumb stone arise it shall teach whole to idolaters some 150 deals with the folly of idolatry and also give tenfold description and helplessness of idols in psalm 115 verse 4 says the idols are silver and gold they are the work of men's hand verse 5 they have mouths but they speak not they have eyes eyes up there but they see not verse six says they have hears but they hear not noses are they but they smell not verse seven says they have hands but they handle nuts feet are they but they walk not neither speak there through their throat verse 8 they are helpless like their masters and those who trust trust them can you imagine you serving a god who is helpless and powerless cannot do nothing for you but we are not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted as we are you yet without sin jeremiah 13 verse 3 says call unto me and i will answer thee and through thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not so here we have the dark background of five o's those were the sins of the people the sins of the people of judah these were also the sins of the babylonians who were going to scoop down on judah and take the people captive in arabic chapter 1 verses 6 to 11. these are the sins of nations today greed conviciousness murder drunkenness and idolatry i am wondering if god is opening dawn upon the whole world because these are the sins of people today praise god against this dark background of wars god gave aback three very marvelous assurances in verses 4 14 and 20 of abaco chapter 2. first there is the assurance of god's grace in verse 4. behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall live by his faith the first half of this verse describe the babylonians the proud puffed up babylonians but the last half of this verse is talking about the believer we cannot overstate the importance of this verse the just shall live by his faith the just shall live by his faith if you were to ask me which is one of the most important verses in the old testament i would say habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 this verse is so important that is quoted and explained and amplified in three other books in the new testament you will find it in romans chapter 1 verse 17 galatians chapter 3 verse 11 hebrews chapter 10 and the verse 38 romans talks about the just galatians talks about how they shall live and hebrews explain the little phrase by faith we are all called to live by faith and nothing less nothing else we are all called to live by faith some christians live by works some christians live by feelings some christians live by circumstances hebrews 11 and verse 6 says but without faith it is impossible for us to please him for he that coming to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him god is saying if you can trust me in my grace i will work everything out second for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea in verse 14. god was saying habakkuk as you look out from your watchtower all you see is what are you and i seeing today all aback was seen at is in these days was idolatry idolatry murder conviciousness and drunkenness i want to know that the day is coming when the earth is going to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea this is the assurance of god's glory in arabic chapter 2 under verse 20 what should we do but the lord is in his holy temple let all the earth keep silence before him god said to abercrock i am on the throne everything is in my control so do not worry and fret fret not thyself because of evil doers neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity psalm 37 verse 1 my brothers and sisters god says just keep quiet be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the even and i will be exalted in the earth in habakkuk chapter 3 we see a beautiful transformation in the life of abercrombie he has moved from a from wandering and warring down in the valley in chapter one to watching and waiting up in the watchtower in chapter two to worship him and witnessing as he runs up on the mountaintop in chapter three it's an amazing thing the book ends in verse 19. he will make me walk upon mine i places the book didn't start with high places did it no it started down in the valley where he could hardly believe that god really cared i know some of you out there are saying i don't want to hear about jesus i don't want to hear nothing about god so many people have died where is he my friend my friends you better get right with god come and do it no we all know is the acceptable times accepted time no is a day of salvation this is what you must do get right with god be ready for his coming soon jesus in all his glory all be ready for he is coming soon so in chapter three of overcome we have the prophet worrying and witnessing worshiping sorry and witnessing he began by praying oh lord i have earthed thy speech and was afraid oh lord revive thy work in the midst of the years lord keep your word going i believe that you are working now keep it going fulfill your promise in wrath remember mercy that's the grace of god so in verses 1 and 2 the prophet was praying and in verses 3 to 16 the prophet was pondering you know what he was pondering he was pondering the ways of the lord we have a beautiful poetic description of the power of god the hearts of god in history the prophet looked back and realized that in past years god had kept his promises it's good for us occasionally to sit down and remember the greatness and the glory of god in all that he has done for us in fact one book in the old testament is devoted almost entirely to that theme the book of deuteronomy over and over in that book moses said to the jewish people don't forget that you were slaves in egypt don't forget what god did for you remember the lord your god remember all that he did for you and all that he is to you the lord jesus gave to the church a supper of remembrance the lord's supper is celebrated in remembrance of the lord jesus to remind us that he died for us to remind that that is coming again so it is good for us as god's people to look back and remember the greatness and the glory of god as he has worked in our lives when you get discouraged when you feel as if god is not doing what he ought to do just remember what he has done bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all the inequities who he let all thy diseases who redeemed thy life from destruction who chronic thee with loving kindness and tender mercies who satisfy thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle praise god hallelujah thank you jesus the circumstances around us change but god does not change the same god who helped you 10 years ago can help you today god does not change his principles god does not change his promises god does not change his purposes he may change his methods and he may change his timing but it never changes in his purposes his principles or his promises when we remember the mighty acts of god we will be encouraged hallelujah shall we praise the lord i need to look at the accusations as i promised you the prophet avoca was a man who was perplexed he took the problem to god who did he take the problem to he took the problem to god he didn't turn to some philosophers he didn't look for advice from some ungodly people it didn't look for advice and instructions from the private sector he didn't look for advice from the members of parliament he simply went to god he simply went to god that's what joseph did in 2nd chronicles chapter 20 and the verse 12 for we have no might against this great company now i don't know we what to do but lord our eyes are upon thee as i did the same when one million soldiers and 300 chariots invaded judah he cried to god for help in 2nd chronicles chapter 14 and the verse 11 and asa cried unto the lord is god and said lord it is nothing with thee to help whether with many or with them that have no power help us o lord our god for we rest on thee and in thy name we go against this multitude o lord the word our god let no man prevail against thee david moses and elijah and many other kings and leaders did the same when they cannot handle situations or when they need help so habakkuk simply went to god and said god i have problems in fact as abac wrestled with his problems he made three accusations against god listen to the first one he says he accused god of being indifferent he accused god of being unconcerned he says in habakkuk chapter 1 verse 2 oh lord how long shall i cry and thou wilt not hear even cry out unto thee of violence and thou will not save how many times you and i said lord oh long hold long lord you find this prayer many times in the book of psalms all long must i cry out o lord all long will evil prosper throughout the ages the saints of god have looked at the world with all of its wickedness and said oh lord jesus how long how long you see abercromb was praying very fervently he was crying out for the help of god oh god help me and help my nation help me and help my nation and my country jamaica and that is why we are doing as doing as concerned as conservatives of this country and all over the world that is what we are doing we are crying to god for help the second time abercrombie used the word cry in verse 2 of abacok it means to scream the cry now become intensified evil scream out unto thee of violence and thou will not save i realized six times in this little book aback used the word violence he was living in a time when the society was falling apart like ours jeremiah lived in that same time they were watching the internal decay of the knee of their nation i wonder if we are living in a similar period in history and i think so we are seeing injustice we are seeing immorality we are seeing crime and indecency triumphing it seems as if there those who believe in that which is good are on the scaffold and those who believe in that which is evil are too often often on the throne abaco realized that the nation was falling apart he was praying for revival he was praying that god's people would wake up he was praying that god's people would clearly clean up and god's people would stand up against that which was wrong but god did not answer to answer so to answer to god answer him so abercromb thought god was in different he didn't care but i want us to know that god cares about every area of our lives every iota every area of our lives god cares about us god cares for us then in chapters chapter one verses three and four he had a second accusation against god not only was god indifferent but god was also inactive here the question here the question was not how long but it's not why you and i know sometimes why is a difficult question to answer look at children may come to the appearance and say why is a plane in the sky why is a dog the dog barking at me or why is the sky blue this might be a difficult one to answer but when compared to the quested question like this they are easy habakkuk said why does thou show me iniquity and cause me to be old grievance for spoiling and violence are before me and there are that raise of strife and contention therefore the law is locked and judgment does never go forth for the wicked that compassed about the righteous therefore wrong judgment perceived it habakkuk chapter 1 verses 3 and 4. in other words he was saying god you are inactive why don't you judge the sins of the people josiah had been kept in judah has been king in judah for about 32 years he had issued orders for reformation they had found the law in the temple and having read the law they realized how wicked they were the bible says in romans chapter 3 verse 20 20 b for by the law is a knowledge of sin josiah had brought about a great reformation the templar had been restored the idols had been removed and destroyed the wicked people in the land had been dealt with they had been a great reformation but guess what reformation wrote without repentance and generation never last let me repeat reparation without repentance and regeneration never last the law can reveal sin the law can rebuke sin but the law cannot change the hearts so allah can be issued against idolatry and remove all idols but you can never change idols that are in the people's hearts josiah had led excellent reform but it was superficial it was not lasting it was shallow i am not saying what he did was wrong all i am saying it was temporary the men and women of judah are gone back to their sins again habakkuk name these sins they are violence has there ever been a time when we have seen so much violence i heard persons say it says in their time or in their days of old their grandmother and their great-grandmother's time you could sleep with your doors and windows open they could walk the streets late you think you can't try that no praise god you think you can try that knowing our age and time no thieves will break in and steal and even kill evil rip so you have to button down our doors and our windows with luck and key and with chains he also mentioned iniquity or vanity grievance the people were being exploited spoiling spoiling means destruction of family homes and the nation was being destroyed their strife refers to dispute fighting goes along with contentions that's a description of society today the socialist socialists are against the labor rights the republicans are against the democrats the blacks are against the whites they're always in this agreement abaco also listed injustice meaning the law was luck today we have more lawyers and more courts more judges and more laws and more lawlessness praise god the lawyers themselves admit that our legal system is paralyzed sometime it takes years for a case to be settled alba cognitive at a period of time that seems very much like our own he said god is indifferent how long shall i cry out god why don't you do something why do you show me these things and yet do nothing about them why doesn't god do something let me remind you sometimes god let us get exactly what we deserve people don't want the bible they don't want the gospel the good news they reject it they don't want standards they break in the church and steal and do what they feel like doing praise god no respect for the house of god so god says fine if you don't want the gospel you don't want standards then you will reap the consequences of rejecting god's way shall we praise the lord god appeared to be inactive god was permitting the people of judah to reap exactly what they had sown they had supported idolatrous worship they got the results of it they had neglected the spiritual teaching of the temple and they get the result and they got the results of it the third accusation that abercrombie was that god is inconsistent god is inconsistent but god said to abercrombie look i am not indifferent i'm concerned i am not inactive i'm working aback 1 verse 5 says be old among the eden heathen and regard and won the marvels marvelously for i'll work a work in your days which you will not believe though it be told you what was the work god was doing today god was going to raise up the child deans and they were going to scoop down upon judah and wipe it clean the way a man wipes a plate this created a third problem for abaco it was bad enough to accuse god of being indifferent not doing anything of no interest no sympathy and god being inactive god is not doing nothing but then he said god you are inconsistent you are not you are the stay in the sails saying the same and stay in the same way throughout in uh though in avocado chapter 1 verses 12 to 30 it says in other words you are inconsistent let us turn our bibles to about chapter 1 verse verses 12 to 13. apocalypse chapter 1 verses 12 to 13 says it says art though not from everlasting oh lord my god mine only one we shall not die oh lord thou hast ordained them ordain them for judgment and almighty god though us establish them for correction though art of purer highs than to be old evil and can't not look on iniquity wherefore lucas though upon them that deal treacherously and always thy tongue when the wicked devoured the man that is more righteous than he so here avacup was saying god or can you allow or can you use a nation more wicked than we are to punish us we are your covenant people they are outsiders we have at least tried in some measure to serve you they have rebelled against you or can you use a wicked nation to punish your people judah these three accusations were heard today i don't think god cares but i come to tell you today wherever you are god cares oh yes he cares his heart is touched with my grief with your grief though the days are weary and the long night's dreary i know my savior care let me also remind you that the word of the lord says in first peter 5 under verse 7 casting all your care upon upon him for a caret for you he fed the fall of the year so he can take good care of you remember the key idea in abercromb found in chapter 2 and verse 4 the just shall live by his faith the just shall live by his faith we should not live by sight it's good to have our eyes open it's good to look around and see what's going on it's good to look around and see what's going on but we shouldn't interpret what we see from a human point of view to walk by faith means to walk to look up at earth from heaven's point of view to walk by faith means to look at earth from heaven's point of view to walk by sight means to look at heaven from herds point of view god is not indifferent god is not inactive god is not inconsistent he's a holy god he's a righteous god he knows what he is doing romans chapter 8 and verse 28 so many times we call this verse romans 8 verse 28 but it is telling us what we should know not what we should feel or what we should see and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god and are the called all the call according to his purpose habakkuk moved from wandering and warring to worshipping and witnessing the he declares in closing in arabic chapter 3 verse 17 although the fig tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the vine the labor of the olives shall fail and the field shall ill no meat the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls the basic ingredients of life for the jewish people are gone the figs the vines the olives the fields the flocks and the urge abaco is saying the cupboards are empty what are you saying the refrigerator is empty what are you saying the money ran out and the money done what are you saying but i'm still going to whatever because i'm still even though all of this is happening i am still going to rejoice in the lord in spite of what is happening within and around me i will joy in the god who save me i will joy in the god of my salvation we will rejoice in the god who is above our salvation and above above our circumstances isaiah chapter 12 verse 2 says the old god is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid for the lord ye over is my strength and my son he also is become my salvation we can rejoice in what the lord has done and in what he will do we can always rejoice in the lord even if we can't rejoice in the land we can always rejoice in the lord even if we cannot rejoice in the land the prophet saw everything in the land was falling apart everything was falling apart but he was still able to rejoice in the lord the lord god is my strength and he will make my feet like hein's feet i will rely on god in verse 16 of habakkuk chapter 3 he said his legs were wobbling and his bones were shaking but no he could say i'm going to lie rely on god it is my strength it makes no difference if my heart is trembling i can rest in god if my lips are quivering i can rejoice in god hell is breaking loose all around i can still rely on god he will make my feet like hinds feet like the feet of the deer able to run swiftly and surely sometimes god turns in us into eagles they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles sometimes when there is difficulty god gives us the grace and the faith to soar above it what does it mean to walk up on high places in the bible it means to live in victory do you want to be victorious today my brothers and sisters deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 13 says he made him right up on the high places of the earth that he might eat the increase of the fields and he made him to suck oni out of the rock and oil out of the flinty rock deuteronomy 32 explains how god led israel from victory to victory when we are on the high places we are living in victory and praising god the prophet was saying when we live by faith we aren't worried about the things that go on in the world when we are living by faith we are not worried about the things that are in the work going on in the world we may be burdened it doesn't mean we should not be concerned about crime and violence injustice idolaters and so on but we don't lose our faith because of it we continue to stay focused we don't become discouraged and despondent and give up god is still on the throne he will remember his own the trials may press us and burdens distress us he never will leave us alone because god is still on his throne praise god no one can dethrone him the main message of kobach is that the just shall live by faith we are to believe god's word believe that god's purposes will be fulfilled and we will move from the valley to the mountaintop of victory and blessing shall we praise the lord we will move from worry to worship praise god god bless you it was my pleasure serving you the lines are now open for those who want to call for prayer requests the lines are now open 988-6262-876-939-1500 god the lines are now open for those who want to make calls for prayer for prior requests you can do so at this time god is still on his throne so my brothers and sisters let us let us look to jesus in spite of what is going on around us let us not throw in the toil let us not give up let us keep our eyes on the prize let us keep our eyes on jesus let us look full in his glorious grace hallelujah let us stand flat-footed in spite of what is going on no retreat no surrender god is still working god is still on his throne praise god hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah no calls coming in hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god teresa william says hallelujah beverly smith powerful teaching and encouragement praise god to god be the glory enoch gambler amen hallelujah glory to god a call online judy's calling from saint catherine good afternoon judith oh may i help you i am doing i'm giving god all the glory i praise god i'm giving out god all the honor he's a good god he's a great god hallelujah i was just encouraging somebody to come to know the lord because he can't live without him we're empty without him right nothing without him i recently and i need you to pray for me i recently lost my mother okay and uh you could put me before the prayer i recently lost my mother because she too was a christian and she used to tell one week before she went on to be with the lord i went there greeting her and she said don't be afraid all things are possible with god you only believe praise god only believe and you shall be well that is what jairus jesus said to jairus when he was about to raise resurrect his daughter from the dead praise god when he was about to resurrect his daughter from the dead that's what he told him and she he later believed him and you know they you know god allows things that were saying to somebody a while ago that god knows some dot to go just go to darkness just to be close to him to be drawn closer to him and he did it to his son the lord jesus christ when jesus was praying in the garden of gethsemane he didn't want the cross he said not my will but die and be done because if he had resisted that we wouldn't be here today praise god the lord cannot do the lord cannot go back on his word and the lord will not carry him so we'll be praying as a prediction of what he said and we have to lean holy on the lord constantly lean holy on him he doesn't slumber and he doesn't speak he praise god so we'll be praying for you so all the faith faith praise god i'll call online owen calling from kingston hello minister good afternoon brother owen i'm sitting down in my room and i'm listening from start destination i really want to thank you for really um for really depressing about my christian mind because i'm i want to really keep this relationship with god because i really need some serious prayer i need some serious prayer and i need some more things but sometimes sometimes even when i'm at work other i just have a look at those periods so i asked him if i don't spray me up each time i went and you know please i'm asking you yes god bless you sir call caller online sarah calling from saint mary yes ma'am god bless you ma'am yes i was just watching time of refreshing and i i enjoyed it but i'm asking for prayer that's not that's my main would be more deep down in christ i need to know more about christ and the power of his resurrection praise god we pray for you and my family as well god bless you praise god hallelujah thank you jesus i see john and marikoy he knows how to get our attention praise god hallelujah carlene walcott burke amen amen to god be the glory hallelujah thank you jesus may i wait for a few more calls but just to remind a reminder what bishop said earlier times of three services this sunday morning 7 a.m 9 30 a.m and 12 p.m baptismal baptismal service this saturday the second of the 10th 2021 persons who are interested to get baptized should be on the church come church grown by 7 a.m to 7 30 a.m the latest they should call the church office also to inform the church office and for the second and third service coming on sunday those who coming from spanish stone to the second service should go and catch the bus for 9 30 9 a.m they should catch a bus from spanish so 9 00 am and for those for the third service should catch the bus at 11 30 for the third service praise god hallelujah thank you jesus let us pray pray no because as if no more calls coming in so judith called or lost her mother owen in kingston a prayer for strength and practice three the god word of god and sora call from from saint mary for a prayer for her family praise god sister jim williams requesting prayer for a financial breakthrough james williams praise god let us pray most righteous and everlasting god the same yesterday today and forevermore god you never change oh god they sit upon the throne and you will remember your own oh god you never cease to reach out to your children divine god and as your people calling god for prayer truly who lost her mother but to tell us in your word oh god that it will comfort us when we are going through our tribulation divine god oh and oh god who's weak in the faith is asking for strength and for more pride more strength to read the word of god and to spend time with god and to become more more committed to god sorrow is calling from saint mary's calling first in prayer for our family divine god you know the family members god you know what they are going through divine god and there's nothing too hard for you to do god you can do exceeding abundantly above all that even at or think oh god we know that you are not a god of far off but you're a god at under and god you're working in spite of what is going around us in our world even now oh god you tell us you know in your word divine god let our heart be troubled he believe in god believe also in me in my father's house there are many mansions oh god help us as your children to be focused oh god help us to be resolute to be strong in the lord and in the power of his might to put on the old arm of god in this day so god so we may be able to stand against the wives and the streets and the schemes of the devil divine god an apostle look to you divine god you tell us that we should call unto you and you will answer and he will show us great and mighty things oh god look down on this world of what is going on oh god i know you are working and you need the attention of men and men refusing my god but i know that you are not indifferent i know that you are nothing inactive and i know that you are not inconsistent you are moving god and you are working oh god all mankind and humankind has to do is to surrender their lives over to you divine god i pray mighty god that you will break the back of corvidor in the name of jesus christ of nazareth corvid and his families break the buckle of coving in the name of jesus the government and different areas they are trying what they are doing god they are trying to do their best but divine god i know that you are in control and if they don't seek to call upon your god you will turn things around but your people god you're called out you're ecclesia spend time seeking you on behalf of the nation and around the whole world or divine god of the unknown way of god let your will be done divine god let your purpose be done divine god lord these are mercies we act in your precious name we pray amen and amen praise god hallelujah remember abba could move from being the valley to be on the mountaintop he moves from worry to worship god bless you it was my pleasure serving you shalom peace glory to god i can't take a heart that's broken making again but i know i [Music] can't take [Music] you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 3,024
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 24sec (4224 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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