A Time of Refreshing - September 28, 2021

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i can't take a heart that's broken [Music] but i know [Music] hallelujah good afternoon one and all welcome to your favorite program times of a time of refreshing with the key verse acts 3 19 to 21. this program for those who don't know the broadcast days are mondays tuesdays thursdays and fridays at 1pm to 2 p.m and on wednesdays 11 a.m to 1 30 p.m from the sanctuary and that's the fasting edition really really want to welcome you all i want to first welcome the holy spirit who is in this place this afternoon want to greet in his absence bishop dr delfa davis and his dear wife minister dr petrova davis all the members of the av team the members of staff here the ministers and all the members of this great church greetings greetings i want to greet the viewers on facebook this afternoon youtube the cable networks digicel play channel 120 and flow channel 602 and 672. my name is ronald hamilton i'm from the open bible standard churches of jamaica yes and i'll be sharing it to you this afternoon from the book of ezekiel 36 on a theme the great awakening of the church the theme the great awakening of the people of god sorry the great awakening of the people of god so that is a theme this afternoon the great awakening of the people of god from the the great book of ezekiel one of the major prophets right in the in the old testament ezekiel 36. right i want to really thank you for tuning in tell a friend that we are in for a time in the world this afternoon a time of refreshing tell a friend we're gonna read from the book of ezekiel 36 you know i won't read all of it for the time being you know what i read ezekiel 36 ezekiel 36. right son of man prophesy to the mountains of israel and say o mountains of israel hear the word of the lord this is what the sovereign lord says the enemy said of you ah the ancient ice have become our possession therefore prophesy and say this is what the sovereign lord said because they have ravaged and owned you from every side so that you became the possession of the rest of the nations and the object of people's malicious talk and slander therefore o mountains of israel hear the word of the sovereign lord this is what the sovereign lord says to the mountains and the ills to the ravens and to the valleys to the desolate ruins and the deserted towns that are plundered and ridiculed by the rest of the nations around you this is what the sovereign lord says in my burning zeal i have spoken against the rest of the nations and against all edom forward glee and with malice in their hearts they made my land their own possession so that they might plunder its pastor land therefore prophesy concern in the land of israel and say to the mountains and the hills the ravens and to the valleys this is what the sovereign sovereign lord said i speak in my jealous wrath because you have suffered this corn of the nations therefore this is what the sovereign lord says i swear it uplifted hand that the nations around will also suffer scorn but you o mountain of israel i'll produce branches and fruit for my people israel for they will come soon come home ah the restoration i am concerned for you and will look on you with favor you will be plowed and sown and i will multiply the number of people upon you even the old house of israel the towns will be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt i will increase the number of men and animals upon you and they'll be fruitful and become numerous i will set the people on you as in the past and will make you prosper more than before then you will know that i am the lord i will cause people my people israel to walk upon you they will possess you and you will be their inheritance you will never again deprive them of their children this is what the sovereign lord says because people say to you you devour men and deprive your nation of its children therefore you will no longer devour men or make your nation childless declare the sovereign lord no longer will i make you you're the taunts of the nation i'm gonna stop there no longer will i will i make you hear the taunts of the nations and no longer will you suffer the scorn of the peoples on cause your nation to fall declares the sovereign lord i stop at 15 verse 15. as i said or let me just when i wrote a prayer before i proceed to share the word lord mighty god we are grateful oh god for this wonderful opportunity oh god to be in your midst we thank you oh lord that we can call upon you at any time and all the time we thank you lord that as the great luke said in the book of acts it is in you we live and move and have our being we thank you lord that at the mention of your word there is light ancients of your word there is light oh god lord just shed your light upon the hearts of those who are listening this afternoon oh god let a word come forth a word to encourage them a word to remind them that god you are with them because they said in hebrews 13 i think verse 5 that you are the god who promises never to leave them not to forsake them so lord even now as we are about to share from your words have your own way take the glory take the honor take the praise because it belongs to you we give you all the glory this afternoon in jesus name we pray amen amen brothers and sisters i want to thank you all for tuning in this afternoon yes for tuning in to power of faith family tv yes or in the studio we're about to share a word a theme the great awakening of the people of god look here friends the word awakening means an act of waking up an act of waking up from sleep it is a time when we realize or we are realized or we accept that something important and life changing is about to happen let me say this dear friends the word awakening it is away in the jews because it is like we are asleep or like we are dead the church of jesus christ need to to arise as a matter of fact there's a word in the book of revelation chapter 3 verse 1 to the church at scientists though appearing to be alive but though are dead that is what the lord said to the church of sardis it is all it also means an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something oh my god yes my friend awakening has happened on a number of occasions throughout church history show church is three friends awakening or revival you can use the word revival if you want you understand but we're an awakening or revival is you as happening through church history the wonder the book of ecclesiastes written by the great salaman in ecclesiastes 1 verse 9 said there is nothing new under the sun absolutely nothing new under the sun so i'm saying to you awaken awakeners happening throughout church history as a matter of fact friends even as early as john chapter 4 in the uh in the pla in the place named samaria there was a revival an awakening was taking place right there right right there oh lord the lord jesus went on a journey you know the story he went and he went walk away for a good distance from julia to samaria good distance he walked there but he was willing because he had a he had a witnessing engagement he had a woman to meet a woman that had a story pass but a woman he came to a place brothers and sisters named psycho that place that word means end and when the lord came there it was actually signifying to you and i that what was about what was about the lady life as she knew it was about to come to an end this lady passed as she knew it was about to come to an end and jesus waited there oh friend he waited there for this lady and man man oh man as he started to witness to this lady you know what happened oh she must start she started setting those songs at night lord a prophet because jesus start to reveal some things to her because you must remember brothers and sisters that prophet has insight into sittings in the present a prophet has hindsight he sees things in the past and a prophet has foresight he sees things in the future and he must remember his brothers and sisters oh my friends that jesus christ is the ultimate prophet ultimate prophet so what does that mean dear friends i'm saying to you awakening has happened through the bible throughout the bible throughout church history even as early as john 4 just give it about going to john 4 when you look in church it's three friends you'll read about the first awakening in 1735-1743 read about the second awakening great awakening from 1795 to 1830 oh friends and they were theologically significant in that they helped to shape christian thinking by the intense revivalism that took place revival that took place i don't like the revivalism we don't want to use that word here because you don't want to think that you were talking about the revival as we know it here no no but the an intense survival took place my friends doing the first great awakening and the second great awakening right oh friends so my friend awakening is similar to revival as i said earlier and one on the fact that the children of israel live their life in a rather displeasing way to the lord is enough evidence to indicate that they were sleeping they were sleeping i wanted you in a church this time and the church is sleeping i wonder what kind of church are you in this afternoon where the church is dull nothing is happening it's like at the time of the in the time when the wind when catholicism was running things and about the 17th century a man near martin luther writes his 95 feces and posted on the on the gate of the church doing wittenberg it is like that so when the protestant reformation came upon the scene brothers and sisters it was a great awakening because guess what its spew it resulted in all kind of denominations wesleyan methodist baptist presbyterian lutheran etc episcopalian all kind of denominations formed as a result of the great protestant reformation so that you can refer to that as an awakening to an awakening people come alive because when catholicism was running it was that thing was dull what i mean friends that put the bible to the backside to the back the bible was to the back they push all the practices of the apostles to the side and so you yeah one of the tenets of the great reformation one of the tenets was soul a scriptura so that the scripture as the soul authority another thing was soul sacred us the priesthood of the believer solidified justification by faith so those were three tenets of the reformation oh my friend if i was in church and i said can i get that amen you can type a man on facebook you can type amen on youtube my friends yes man so there are some striking parallels that exist in the at the time this text was written and the contemporary times that we're living in some striking parallels the chosen people of god was destined to end up in captivity because they choose the life of disobedience brothers and sisters and if and when you choose disobedience it's going to end up in a life of death it's going to end up in a life of destruction it's going to end up in a life of defeat the children of israel choose a life of this prophet after prophet came and spoke to them and they did not listen to the prophets of god oh my friends so look what happened oh they turn away from god's commands turn now we are from god's command in our friends they mistreated the prophets of god oh friends they mock the prophets of god they jeered them the prophets of god they end up receiving the payments for their actions which was captivity in babylon for 70 years 70 years so the right of this book ezekiel is may mean god will strengthen that is what his name mean was from a priestly background and was 25 years old listeners when he became a part of the second deportation to babylon because let me say something to your friends they were the prophets continually warned them when they read the book of jeremiah 25 1-10 jeremiah warned him that they were going to go into captivity for 70 years as a brothers and sisters there was a command that was given to the children of israel that when they farmed the land that the law the land that the lord had blessed them with they were on the servant here they were to give the land a break but look at brothers and sisters for a while while they were in the promised land for 490 years they disobeyed that word from the book of leviticus they disobeyed the lord and so the prophet came to them to warn them right prophet came to them and warned him that they are going to be in captivity for same years you can read that in german 25 1 to 10. they are going to be in captivity they never believe the prophet because while the prophet jeremiah spoke to them there were false prophets around who were telling them and appeasing them and giving them encouragement that they should continue their life of sin so this man so one another when babylon came in 605 bc the two deported some among the first of the those who were deported was daniel and the three ebu boys they were taken away this man named ezekiel he became a part of the second deportation in 597 bc and in 586 bc what happened babylon came and demolished destroyed the beautiful temple that solomon built destroyed it in 586 bc so judah's sin resulted in the removal of the spirit of god my friend removal of the spirit of god and some of the people from the promised land my mind if we should spirit is near it makes no sense to be in church without the holy spirit church it made no sense to be there's no holy spirit well the holy spirit left them and some of the people left them and as a result they became a reproach among the nations around them brothers and sisters sin those who pay sin pay the payment passing i mean is dead you and i cannot sin and win at the same time we can't sin and win we can't sin and win i propose to you this afternoon people no matter the step of sleepiness you might find yourself in god desires to take us out of that state and to be ready for the last great move of god in this end times he's about to awaken the sleeping church god is about to awaken to the sleeping church because the end is very very near my friends so god is looking to awake his people in these last days because his coming is near his coming is near my friends the removal four points i'm going to look at this afternoon the removal of god's glory the reproach upon israel three points sorry and the restoration that is promised hallelujah the removal of god's glory the reproach upon israel and the restoration that is promised hallelujah look on this friend the removal of god's glory when you read ezekiel chapters 8 to 11 what happened to chapter chapters 8-11 was very sad very sad but let me say some to your brothers and sisters what is happening there when the glory leave and i'm going to show you read it to you when the glory leave it is a picture of the last days church it's a picture of the last days church ah friends listen to this brothers and sisters we're going to do some scriptures this afternoon listen to this the church of the lower descent that is symbolic of the last day of church listen to the the reason christ talking to the church let's stream talking to the church hear what he says in revelation 3 verse 20. here i am i stand at the door and i'm knocking if anyone hears my voice and who opens the door i will come in and heat with him honey with me this is a picture of the church today that the lord is on the outside for some church and things are going on inside because man has taken over the church so the lord leave the church this what you see in this chapter is a picture of the church of the last days all kinds of things happening in church we have polluted the the pulpit of the lord we are law persons of of of europe of dispute of disrepute to be ministering from the pulpit we know of a person doing some things and we know of some person doing some things and then they're not living right outside and we allow them to preach from the pulpit of god god is not pleased god is not pleased the church today if we're not careful we're coming like is that like it's a social club we're running if we're not careful we're coming like the 4-h club our kiwanis club because it has become like a big boy's club we have to be careful because look here friends it's a signal that god is not in some church god is not in some church he's man around the church look at what happened right here in this thing here that disobeyed god let me just go through it very slowly with your friends chapter 2 i won't read all of it because of the time look on chapter eight three to four listen to this because what does that mean you know idolatry was in the temple that is the theme of chapter eight idolatry was in the temple listen his friends because what does happen you know the church today is concentrated on personality rather than the person of jesus christ i was teaching a class yesterday and i was hearing from him from isaiah chapter five where hell has warped and smooth and our students say rev we don't hear anything i preach in our church no more we don't hear these things preaching church no more about hell i heard a great man of god from this sanctuary preaching sunday before i went online for ministry and was saying on it that don't fear death fear the judgment don't fear death fear the judgment you really a people talk about judgment that letter knows i think i'm telling people that to warn them about the coming judgment which is to come look on chapter eight three to four friends look at it he stretched out what looked like a hand and took me by the ear of mine this is what the prophet prophet talking about the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven and in the visions of god he took me to jerusalem to the entrance of the north gate of the inner court and where the idol that provokes the jealousy stood and there before me was the glory of the lord of israel as individual scene so in chapter 8 verse 3 before the lord glorious over the northern gate wow it then look on chapter 9 verse 3. so gradually they know the glory of the lord israel went from above the cherubim where it had been my mind the lord is between each of them he was he would dwell between the cherubim all the lord glory went up from above the cherubim where it had been and moved to the trash all of the temple my mind then the lord called to the man clawed and leaning who had to wreak the kid at his side so the lord glory moved to the door it then moved to the door look at it now in chapter 10 three to four the lord glory look at chapter four and find it move it move it move from the outside of the temple chapter 10 three to four now the cherubim we must stand on the south side of the temple when the man went up then the glory of the lord rose up of the cherubim and moved to the threshold of the temple the cloud filled the temple and the court was full of the radiance of the glory of the lord so the lord glory was gradually moving moving away from the temple it is a symbol of today's church symbol of today's church the lord is on the old side knocking man acting as if he's there one church a god or a church the church belonged to god the church belonged to god the church belonged to jesus he bought into this precious blood i know we won't church i don't really want church man we acted as if we were run up where we have driven on the president look at it look at it no no look at it look at chapter 10 through the four so look at the eastern look at chapter 9 10 18 to 19 18 to 19. then the glory of the lord departed from over the church of the temple and stop over the cherubim so little by little glory was leaving and when you read chapter 11 verse 1 the spirit lifted me up and brought me to the gate of the house of the lord all fears they are the ancients of the gatorade 20 men so the glory of the lord was moving just moving and finally friends it moved to the mountain east of the temple chapter 11 verse 23 brothers the glory of the lord went up from within the city and stooped above the mountain east of it the spirit lifted me up and brought me to the exile in babylon what this is saying is friends this is symbolic of this church the glory in many churches is not there glory not there right so because of the nation's sin right god's glory departed from the temple god's glory departed from the temple the parallel to today's church is that there are churches that act as if they are alive but the glory is not there they are dead revelation 3 verse 1 that was the indictment of the church of sardis though appear to be alive but the dead you understand so god's glorious departed the parallel to the contemporary church is seen and i said in the risen lord speaking to the church of lowadisa revelation 3 20 is on the old side knocking on the outside however friends despite the state of the church today god always has is remnant despite the state of the church today the read 1st kings 19 verse 9 to 10 verse 14 verse 18 when elijah was running away from the threat that was issued by jezebel when the angel angel of the lord broke upon me he said what are you doing here he was running away running away and said lord i am the only one left he said it two times i think verse 10 and verse 14 he said i'm the only one left everyone has bowed out to be a but god showed him in that in verse 18 that he had 7000 that are not about your needs to be out so i'm saying to your friends despite the state of the church to the god as is remnant hallelujah if you look at before chapter 36 you know you realize that the prophet ezekiel pronounced judgment on nations judgment of israel first that is where it start you know judgment must begin in those of god after the children of israel it turned to the nations i know it from 36 to 48 to the end of this book it is all about the restoration of the people of god so let me say this to your friends let me say this god has a blessing plan for his people god has a plan to bless his people the book of jeremiah 29 11-14 i know the plans that i have for you plans to prosper you fans to give your hope an unexpected end you understand these words were uttered in the midst of their captivity so despite being in captivity god has a plan for them they are to go through the captivity because they were disobedient to god so that's why the glory of the lord was removed the glory of the lord was removed but look i don't look at it no no friends look at this no secondly the reproach that came upon israel verses two to five read that already look at it no man god's chosen people look at you know the people and who god called their father hebron what's up with the politicians a man who worshipped many gods from the aura of the child there's no modern day babylon right no modern day sorry no matter the iraq formerly babylon no mother in the iraq god called him calling from polytheism worship of many gods into monotheism worship of one god and look at your friends these chosen people of god that had the blessing of god on their life that he when they went to jericho this lady named rabb could recount all the goodness and the deeds of god until she knew what god did and so she added two spies and she was speared let me say this to these were the people at the hand of the lord was upon them and look at what happened to them they became a mockery to the nations around it the nations turned them the nations ridiculed them the nations jeered them the similar things that they did to the prophet came back to them they were mocking the prophets they were jeering the prophets when the prophet speak to them when the prophet warned them and tell them to walk on the streets and now they laugh at them and look at now they became a bluff in stock they were taunted they were mocked they were maligned by the nations some person just waiting to say friends some person are just waiting to see you and i fall they start to rejoice some persons are just waiting to see you when i fall to rejoice but thanks be to god the wise man falls seven times and him rise up back in the name of jesus some are just waiting for you and i to fall some persons are just waiting but i thank god for these words of comfort this afternoon sometimes when you are down you know that is a time when people seek to tear you down to gossip about you oh friends to mock you which is similar to the times you are living in yeah man the geria what the terrible kind of things about they said i praying for you i'm tearing it down but thanks be to god remember these brothers and sisters i don't know what you're going through this afternoon but hear me well hear me well if you don't hear anything we may be down but we are not out are you a bishop here from this pulpit from this platform the other day about turn around god turn it around for you god is about to turn it around for you whatever you're going through but remember this the ridicule of god people i wanted to listen to this the ridicule of god's people was not only from widow that side that is the enemies from outside mocking and cheering them as it was israel's enemies were rejoicing it is not only from without sometimes the ridicule the gossiping the tearing down of the people of god when bad things start to amateurs is from within as was the case of job because it was his friends who seemed to have the worst to say to the man at the time of his problems if you read 4 12 because of time job 12 job 8 verse one to seven job 11 13 to 20. you would hear his friends i'm telling him i love the one in a very and i think you know verse 4. the one in verse chapter 4 said he saw he would like him said the holy spirit told him that job is a sinner that's what he said you know the holy spirit told him that job is a sinner people speak at times without knowing god's purpose for us and that god at times sends storms not to disrupt you or to displace you but to drive you to higher eyes and to drive into your purpose so personal realize that some persons don't understand that there are seasons of plenty and seasons of empty so sometimes you may be going to your empty seasons but remember no season lasts forever because look here as your season of empty king so can you see it's not plenty come around the corner can i get a hey man this afternoon yes man so but the important thing is god is in charge of all seasons and he can turn that which is affecting us upon those who are taunting us hear that god is in charge of all the seasons and so as bishop they preach this place the said man of this ministry preacher about turn around similarly god is in charge of our seasons and he can turn that which is affecting you upon those who are taunting us read that in verse 7 of chapter 36 the most dangerous man the most dangerous woman to trouble when they are going through some time of struggle he's a christian the most dangerous man the troubled job the third job and look at the end who was vindicated by god it does job because job 42 verse 10 said and job prayed for his friends and the lord turned his captivity and gave him twice as much as he had before hallelujah so the lord's glory was removed they became our approach to the people people started to taunt people start to mock them people start to jeer them people start to do all kind of things and malign them gossip about them let them talk because guess what my god is about to turn your story around yes man it don't end it don't end normal you might be going through some failure and you want do you want to give up or you want to throw in the toilet i'm here to encourage you this afternoon the children of israel failed as you see i'm i happily described you today feel but failure is not final failure is not a fiction don't make it be a fiction in life failure you're not fine at all failure can lead to god furnishing you with this fever which don't really fear fear enough fear because we don't deserve it we don't deserve it we don't deserve it at all so the removal of god's glory people of god ridicule upon israel look now at the restoration of god's people verses 8-12 i think i stopped at 16 and verse 22 to 32 of chapter 36 of ezekiel chapter 36 of ezekiel god is about to awaken his people because better greater days are ahead restoration is around the corner when you read from 8 to 12 you're the lord said friend let me just remind you mortal mountains will produce branches and food for my people for they will soon come home restoration is about to take place somebody will have left home is about to come home a child who has run away is about to come home oh my friends i speak it as a servant of the lord oh business seem to be going wrong but it is about to get restored things are about to restore marriage your marital issues causing it to pull apart oh the lord said to tell it's about to be restored this afternoon god's about to restore the land which was experienced in famine both spiritually and physically at the command of god became very fertile verse 8-12 this restoration friends this restoration of god's people has nothing to do with israel this restoration of you has nothing to do with you army has nothing to do with us i want to share something with you know i want to share this video we must understand that when you see a word you're in a farming and then you see fertility fertility start to be fertile grown and start to walk on you must understand that what you have in your hand here was furnished through the name of god because you're the lord said it in verse 22 to 25 i want to read that because sometimes some of us get blessing from the lord and the first thing that come out of our mouth and me work hard for it and we went to university and study for it and we don't understand brothers and sisters that deuteronomy 8 says is god who gives your strength to get well you understand what do you understand what's the deuteronomy adversity nothing it is god will give you strength to get well so when you and i have anything courtesy of the grace of god we must look up and give him all the priests give him all the glory give him all the praise look at this no man it's a therefore said those of israel this is what the sovereign lord says it is not for your sake for also israel that i'm going to do these things but for the sake of my holy name hallelujah the sacrament my holy name listen to this i will show the oldness of my great name the name of the lord is a great name the lord name is a gracious name oh my friends the lord near man what a name i think is the thing is in the book of proverbs 18 60 the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run in it and they are safe there's deliverance in him there's peace in him there's power in the name so when they were in farming because they were living like a lego beasts living like they're not people of god living like they want to live like the nations around them when they were behaving like that the glory left but if you notice something in the same text the lord said when they saw what and how they're going to clothe they're going to eat the life that they live when they see the blessing of god that came upon them my friend furnished by god whose name is uli whose name is greed whose is the name of grandeur what a god we serve so god is about to regather god is about to replant his people my friends god will institute a new covenant i love this chapter i love this chapter brothers and sisters because what god has done he said god will institute a new covenant with his people where his focus will be upon their hearts from this verse 26-27 i'm going to read it brothers and sisters hear this i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will move from your heart from you your heart of soul and give your heart of flesh and i'll put my spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws i'm saying to your brothers and sisters we can't help but talk about the church when we read all this thing because the church today as a result of this new covenant we are beneficiaries of the holy spirit hallelujah and so we can't cut some tongues sometimes we speak in tongues sometimes yes but like paul yes we speak in tongues sometimes the holy spirit comes inside of every believer as a matter of fact romans chapter 8 verse 9 said if anyone does not have the holy spirit then there are not none of his so what god was actually doing right here in talking to the children of israel was revealing to you and i the covenant that we are not beneficiaries of church we have these things in us we have this treasure you know in earthen vessel this treasure in earth and vessel and so we can't play with it we are children of the king we are priests you know we are not like an ordinary person you are a chosen generation first peter 29 a royal priesthood a polynesian a peculiar people you are not ordinary friends so god is about to institute a new covenant and i want you to know our friends when you hear that word covenant you know you must just clap your hands when you hear that word covenant you must lift your hands and say lord thank you because god is a covenant keeper god is a covenant maker god is a covenant initiator look here friends when god gives you another covenant god not just leave us like that you know according to philippians chapter 2 verse 13 god enables you and i to fulfill the terms of the covenant it is god who made the covenant not you and i he is a covenant keeper he's a covenant maker he's a covenant initiator give him some praise man give him some praise so god is about to awaken his church the church similar to the children of israel it's like a slumber oh friends we tend to focus on the things and that that are not really important and that's why my friend i was going to a church the other day and to minister and when i give them no to think to them a particular place i won't call the name when i send the thing to the people my online credential the people i might make one excitement oh lord what are these i don't gloat into those things because as i said the great name of the lord about the grace god that is what i live by the name of the lord i don't gloat over those things you know you understand the lady was the whole reverend doctor this no man no you can call me reverend hamilton you can come in some of the youngsters they know me come on girl i don't feel that way i am not somebody who is who's caught up with titles because i rather the mantra than the title i rather the mantle not the title the title mean anything to me because here i've i won't say much but i i rather the month than the title yes man so god is about to awaken friends his church because we who were apart from the coming who were a part community of israel has been given the holy spirit as a precursor of what is to come second corinthians 1 verse 22 said it is you who you see but i think the navy version has given you an eye the holy spirit has a deposit guaranteeing what is to come we are giving it as a precursor of what the lord will do with his people when they turn to him brothers and sisters brothers and sisters rejoice this afternoon restoration is coming the lord is about to awaken his church the church that seemed to be sleeping the church that seemed to be sleeping is about to be awakened by the lord the church that seemed to be sleeping is about to be revived by the lord one of the church in the book of revelation the lord said they are about to die but the strength of that which remain the church that seem to be sleeping will be awakened by the lord awake zion awake awake and trim your lamp awake zion awake awake and trim your land of course for the stars of heaven shall fall and the moon will turn into blood and the sons of god will arise zion awake the great awakening of the church of god brothers and sisters we are in the last days the lord is about to awake the church awake the church for the last great end time move of god no it's not the time for you and i to be caught up with follies no is not the time for you and i to be caught up in the look of the petty thing for the people of god to start to be a fruit to start to manifest fruit it is time too many people too many persons get saved 20 years and still is stationed at the salvation station no form of spiritual maturity taking place or growth taking place brothers and sisters the lord is looking for fruit you understand the lord want the church to grow i implore you this this afternoon awake zion a week awake and trim your lamps the great awakening of the people of god the removal of god's glory their sin caused the glory of god to leave the ridicule upon israel they were taunted by their enemies you know but this and the restoration of god's people let me say this to you this restoration as i said to you is a picture of the fact that after the church is taken away god is going to turn and he's going to restore them because when the church is taken away it is a people of israel who is going to be the witnesses upon this earth hallelujah though two witnesses in revelation chapter 11. two witnesses and we have in revelation chapter 7 revelation chapter 14 speaks to the 144 witnesses brothers and sisters no is the time let us get it right amen let us get it right awake zion awake the great awakening of the people of god the lines are now open we are waiting for some calls when i asked you to call those who want to call those who want to share those want to call in for me to pray for whatever whatever challenges you may face whatever challenges you may face my friends yes man god is about to do a new thing the great awakening the church you need to be awake powerful maybe on fire you will be shocked about some other places you know you'll be shocked about some other places friends you know things just look like it nothing is happening nothing is happening but the lord is saying awake zion awake awake and trim your lamp hallelujah the great awakening of the people of god the removal of god's glory anyone calling they can call now the removal of god's glory the ridicule upon god's upon the children of god and the restoration of god's people yes as some person they doreen scott thank you pastor for these wonderful performers i will take minds out of it yes pastor that's true but some of us don't get any chance help me lord yes tanisha calling from kingston first i was actually tuning in today and i want to say to you powerful word god be the glory man to god be the glory blessings blessings blessings yes tanisha just called to say powerful words to god with the glory here friend whenever we do anything we give him the glory thank you pastor for this powerful message may god continue to bless you and your family thanks sister eternally carly walcott burke amen amen praise god ali then he's calling from portmore boy good afternoon pastor good afternoon boy i love that family to really go for me i love it i love it pastor god be the glory man i love it i feel so elated i love that i want you to pray for me and my mom that the lord may open a way for me that i'm able to get a work that can clear up my business and to continue to serve the lord in the beauty of holy nation okay you're a christian later than is yes yes sir i'm a mother i'm a member of the power of faith but i'm a seventh-day adventist okay so then he's all right yes sir open doors all right i remember when god opened the doors in a no man can't shut it everybody's not jesus past that dance with the lord so hope in it over time those open heavens over here in the name of jesus yes i pray for my mother i and also pray that my brother may able to look after my mother he's not spending any money to look after her but god is true and god is faithful and joseph and constantly pray for bishop that for david the one of the good pastors yes all right yes salvation from my husband i say for online there's salvation for my husband children and grandchildren yes prayer for my eyes a lot of person eyes having challenges with their eyes dorian dixon the harvest is right but the laborers are few jacqueline robinson guide me oh lord yes healing from kovaid this other lady danny davis want healing from kobe this is an eye opener thank you pastor sona ameltani my name sake god to god be the glory there yes to god be the glory thank you reverend amit and god bless you and your family yes thank you for those blessings upon my family and i yes anyone else want to call we have a couple of minutes before we close off a couple minutes couple of minutes laborers are getting discouraged losing hope yes and as i said the church need to be awake yes my labors are getting discouraged losing hope that's you yes salvation for my husband children and grandchildren daughter index laborers are monika masadelia asking for prayer for me and my family yes a lot of persons requesting prayers for family a lot of persons requesting prayer for eyes condition see it again healing for my eyes in the name of jesus yes man we decree what happened in luke in john chapter nine over every eye condition this evening yes the man that was blind and they were asking jesus what was the reason for the blindness was it because of his sin because they were they were a belief among the jews and that when certain kinds of condition that you come into the earth with it because of generational curse but jesus said no no no no no no no jesus prayed for him spit spat on the ground let the mod and wipe on his eyes that is a god that we serve you know yes friends thank you reverend hamilton for this powerful message thanks pastor greetings great message for this end time god bless you and your family yes friends this word the great awakening of the people of god yes a lot of persons are discouraged a lot of persons that i know i don't even know if they if after this covet subside what's going to happen we have to go and evangelize a lot of person evan calling from portmore go ahead evan good afternoon pastor good afternoon i'm really i really enjoyed the time of refreshing today and i just pray for god to continue to bless you and i'm asking for prayer for my family and especially for my daughter and grand son who are not saved i'm asking for prayer for them to be saved okay prayer for family yes all right and you're you're a christian right lady evan yes all right thank you for calling and thank you very much you're welcome yes man the god of blind bartimaeus is still on the job god is able he's the same miraculous working god sister doreen scott yes thank you yes man yes ready good afternoon please i'm asking for prayer for elton davis at kph powerful message to god be the glory prayer for my family a lot of persons asking for prayer for family and salvation yes we will pray we will pray we will pray we want to thank you can we we can take another call you know soon two o'clock we can take another call they can call him they can take another call we want to take care of the call before we just go into our writer prayer janet simmons prayer for my family and salvation see a lot of persons asking for prayer for family and the prayer is for salvation wow yes a lot of persons we will lift them up before the lord this afternoon and we know that the god that we call upon is a god who hears he said his hand is not short isaiah 59 verse one that he cannot save that is his ears heavy that he cannot hear so we we are calling to a god who is a god who hears yes sister goldberg calling from new york go ahead sister goldberg hello hello god sister goldberg hearing you go ahead yes good afternoon good afternoon there good afternoon you can catch all our disturbance but i was done from morning and believe me when i landed into the town at times it just straightened me to a place when it discovered me i was so dawn depressed you were down this morning wow me oh my god i i i didn't get all of it but i get a chat i was literally you can go but you can go back and watch it do you know the all the programs on this channel i think you can go back and watch them because the normalists normally is there yes all right i'm just asking for prayer right now for my children my daughter three children work at the hospital and one of them don't they have to agree with the kobe right she and she have um um she's diabetic and now she's just you know so stressed out right now all right i would pray all right to pray for the entire family prayer for family all right then sister goldberg god bless you god bless you and continue to do the good work the god be the glory pastor from spanish town go ahead yes bishop good afternoon good afternoon yes sir i turned the tv on was those enough but i woke up in the middle of your sermon and really my heart is overwhelming with what you were saying today both to god be the glory pastor um bishop these are the messages that need to preach to the people to understand these are the messages that need to preach the people yes sir because i realize there are some messages you said um they don't um people don't preach about judgment anymore yes they don't preach about repentance yes i realized that these things it's mostly about blessings we have to preach but we have to preach these kind of messages and okay the lord lay it in our heart we have to do that bishop sometimes people will say we are old fashioned 3 verse 8 the great john the baptist syrup he said repent he said producer produce fruit in keeping with repentance almost repent man must repent yes but thank you for calling pastor oh gosh i wish i could talk more because we are so much more oh no we're our time now to pray thank you for the encouraging words bless you sir i bless you have a blessed day blessed blessings to you all right let us pray now there's no more call coming in we will breathe over the prayer and we'll end the program i want to thank the the team for accommodating me this afternoon really want to thank the av team here and i want to thank later raquel as usual yes for you know continue to do a good work let me just pray lord we just want to thank you oh god for this opportunity to be gathered here this afternoon as we were able to share your words and to hear the feedback from these many persons lord we don't want we don't take no praise we don't take no glory our glory belongs to you as one of our contemporary gospel artists said are you alone must get the glory lord you alone must get the honor nobody else and so lord we lift up denny's and her mother eyes before your lord we lift up danny's mother who is troubled with her eye condition this afternoon and lord of many and i stretch my hands towards the door the youtube channel or the facebook facebook persons who are sending their requests lord god you see the many requests there about eyes you see the many requests that about eye condition lord we decree and we declared this afternoon that the same god who opened the eyes of that blind man blind man you are able to touch every eye condition in the name of jesus you are able oh god and you are available this afternoon as we call out to you touch those persons this afternoon in the name of jesus let them have an experience of the mighty power of god coming upon them now in the name of jesus and let when everything is said and done oh god that you give them a testimony of all we pray this afternoon and you turn their situation around in the name of jesus lord there are many other persons that is the heaven who called to pray for the salvation of your family there are many other persons who place that request on the on the on online oh god lord we lift them up before you the greatest blessing someone can get is the gift of salvation lord god that was a reason why your son came dying on the cross for the salvation of man as a matter of fact second corinthians 5 21 declare that you made him to be sin who knew no sin that we could be made the righteousness of god in him and so lord every person this afternoon who who made a request for salvation this afternoon we pray almighty god that you'll touch the relatives in the name of jesus those who are running away lord god running from you let them have a damascus would experience where they turn around and you minister to them and you turn them from a life of sin into a life of giving to your god lord we thank you for sister goldberg from new york we pray for her oh god said she was feeling well this morning but lord she came and listened to the presentation and her soul was lifted up lord god we thank you for the holy spirit we thank you oh god for this privilege to be here we thank you for bishop davis the thank you for his wife we thank you for the the invitation that was extended so that i could be able to minister this platform this afternoon lord we want to give you all the glory all of the requests lord that was written on this platform we commit them into your hands this afternoon and we give you all the glory and all the honor and all the praise in jesus name we pray amen amen hello friends god bless you have a wonderful wonderful rest of the afternoon i can't take a heart that's broken making over again [Music] i can't tell saw the sins
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
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Id: i0TeJzvKFgA
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Length: 66min 40sec (4000 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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