Sunday Morning LIVE -March 01, 2020

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[Music] you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the powerful faith ministries lot 34 or town center in Catherine Jamaica West Indies please take note of our weekly activities schedule stay tuned and receive your blessing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] great is the Lord and greatly to be praised the fact that we are alive today is much to give God thanks for so let's make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation good morning I'm nikoline Stevenson on behalf of our founder general overseer presiding bishop and president Bishop dr. Dell for d-day visits his wife Minister dr. Petrova Davies the Executive Council the associate pastors the entire power of faith family we welcome you to another Sunday morning life service where we went to you from the powerful ministries international incorporated right here in the sunshine city of poor st. Catherine Jamaica West Indies we are so happy that you have joined us on this first Sunday this service is designed with you in mind lots of things will be happening this morning we will have the usual dedication of babies and they only usually yes the unusual because it is not normally done like this in this first Sunday first sunday and first service but yes we'll be having or ground water baptism this morning in our seven o'clock service yes your own you're watching and the Lord has spoken to so many persons so how many persons have been prepared and we're just trusting God he will speak to many more by the time we are ready if you were not able to attend this service you can join us at 11:00 a.m. in the Upper Room worship center for our second morning worship service join us and get something extra remember you can call us any time during this service on the numbers that will appear on this screen someone will be there to speak with you we do have some further information to give but right now we want to take you into the service so you can get your fill come with us let's go to the sanctuary the service is already in progress be blessed [Music] there are the words of man you are the most I God the words [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] both Oh [Music] they are the words off [Applause] [Music] they are worth Oh they are the words of [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] where [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sees us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this morning hallelujah from Europe he praised God 180 video alcohol's little gods in the times like these over Ankeny to hold hallelujah is your alcohol in this morning Jesus thank you Lord we are holy best arms of [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we as we talk to the master together Jesus say hallelujah to the other its prior time in the house those of you are in your seats [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] and Stefan Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] this morning talk to the King of Kings this morning talked to the conquer in line of the tribe of Judah this morning talk to your friend King Jesus this morning let's talk to Jo maggiore Oh a provider this morning hallelujah hallelujah great and mighty God you are worthy to be praised this morning we bless your name this morning we glorify your name this morning we exalt your name this morning replace you i above all else because there is none like unto you none compares to you divine god you sit higher and you look lower and your ears are open to the prayer of the people this morning sorry cry unto you our Father here prior this morning here or supplication father God we come into your presence O God knowing whom we serve knowing who we believe because you are the great and mighty God you are the prior answering God you are the delivering God you are God or Eva this morning so we come to you divine God as friendly friend our God to talk with you our God Almighty this morning your people both here in the sanctuary and those who are viewing those are another hearing of my voice we come together God to lift up your name you said where two or more are gathered Almighty God your presence is there and so we believe your presence is with us this morning are we thank you for a new day we thank you for new mercies we thank you for your favor God Almighty we thank you God for the sunshine we thank you for the rain we thank you God Almighty for the dark odor we thank you for the bright clouds this morning we thank you God Oh God as we come before your presence our God we pray in the name of Jesus Darwin of your way in our midst this morning we pray Almighty God of your presence Almighty God we will take over this morning now I pray God Almighty that the discourage will be encouraged this morning a prayer God the seek will be here this morning our God Almighty somebody will put a pep in their step this money now somebody will come to know your this morning now somebody will draw close to you this morning now somebody we want to go on this morning somebody will press the prayer of Jabez this morning bless me Arabic Allah indeed this morning and enlarge my territory in the name of Jesus ah somebody this morning will know God that you are with him Almighty God so Maria will be Almighty God comforted by a song this morning by a smile this morning by the word this morning hallelujah shut father God we come against everything that is not of you this morning uh I'm gonna my to a breed a blood of Jesus Christ the ratifications blood of jesus christ and i come against anything burn this morning in the name of jesus said some people free this morning to serve you on mighty gada to accept you in your lives as lord and savior this morning my Tia pray this morning not to build a fence around your people this mining bill offense define gun around your people this morning uh ha God Almighty let your angels continue to encounter own your people this morning uh a pray for our pastor gotta go glory of God even as he takes them Hochstein this morning god I pray a Rhema word will be in his mouth our prayer God for the choirs the lead singers God this morning I pray for the musicians Oh God Almighty I pray for the members God I pray for those who are here to give you their lives to you this morning give them my receptive are God a God on those who never have any plan or any intention to give their lives this morning uh holy ghost of ghana stir up in them this morning the zeal to want to know you God or glory to God this morning we ask that you bow down your ear and your hear our prayers this money now we change you God for your lover we thank you for your blessings on our God bless this morning every person that shall go into the water this morning trouble the water a divine God rob us trouble the water God God Almighty trouble E&C of this morning let them run to you Jesus in the name of Jesus this morning forgive us of our sins together forgive us individually Conner in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth make us clean God as we seek to draw closer to the gonna pray you make us clean in the name of Jesus so we can present our bodies as living sacrifices unto the holy and acceptable God Almighty oh this morning we pray that you'll ever wear you know me God and as you taught us to pray the Our Father prayer we say our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily give us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen hallelujah just go back to your seats with a praise those of you who are seated in the congregation I invite you pleased to stand hallelujah and just lift your hands above your head hallelujah and begin to give the king of kings and the Lord of Lord an ogee we're ready praise come on just lift your hands above your head and just tell him thanks tell him thanks this morning tell him thanks this morning in hallelujah hallelujah come on tell him thanks believers a hallelujah it's a new day it's a new month hallelujah a new time to give him thanks so just lift your hands and give him thanks glory to God Alleluia somebody tell him thanks Jesus hallelujah come on clap those hands for the king of King this morning glory to God hallelujah and tell your name I'm grateful that you're worshiping with me this morning hallelujah come on tell them you're grateful that they're worshiping with you this morning a hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah announced this morning bless the name of Jesus charge another hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah just take your Bibles this morning hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah turn with me to the book of st. Matthew hallelujah the book of st. Matthew chapter 12 hallelujah and those of you are seated if you can't stand I invite you please to stand for the reading of God's holy word hallelujah if at all it is possible Matthew chapter 12 and we'll be reading from verse 22 through 230 if you found it let me hear you sing Amen at Saint Matthew chapter 12 reading from the verse 22 through to the verse 30 and we begin together then was brought on to aim one possessed with a devil blind and dumb and He healed him in so much that the blind and dumb both spake and saw and all the people were amazed and said is not this the Son of David but when the Pharisees heard it they said this fella don't not cast out Devils but Babel visible the prints of devils and jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand and if I Bible is able cast out devils by whom do your children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges but if I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God is come on to you or else how can one enter into a strong Mans house and spoil his Goods except he first bind the strong man and then he was poor his house 30 and last he that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad let's read that verse together again he that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad here and the reading of God's holy word we honor it by saying glory be to the Father to the son in the beginning no one ever shall be and that's the name of Jesus just put down those Bibles and again greet your neighbor with a smile hallelujah and just tell them something good hallelujah let's tell them something good come on put a smile on your face and greet your neighbor with a smile and tell them something good you must have something good to say to somebody this morning hallelujah bless the name of Jesus I agree to in no other name but the name of our soon coming King the head of my life Jesus Christ hallelujah I greet my pastor Bishop dr. David Davis and his wife minister dr. Petrova Davis I greet Orsini assistant pastor Minister I still don't know man all the ministers officers friends loved ones you are looking beautiful from this side I greet you with a smile and tell you that there is no other God like the God that reigns above at this time please let me make welcome missionary Mitchell Dixon samwell's as she comes to do the general welcome and at knowledge - shall we bless the Lord let me hear you bless him another time that's the name of Jesus there is an age old song that we sing I love that man from Galilee for he has done so very much for me he has taken all my sins put the love of God within I love that man from Galilee is that your testimony this morning here you stole the hallelujah give Him praise another time that's the name of Jesus at this time I ask that or visitors will you indicate by the freezing of your hand we have sister del Ruth walk of the my Assembly she's worshiping with us also congregation would you give orders around the floor thank you very much I welcome you to the poor faith ministries on the half of our presiding bishop dr. David Davis his wife minister dr. Petrova Davis the executive council the ministerial body officers and members of the pfm family we welcome those among us who brought their bundles of joy to be presented back to God we also welcome our faith in Christ who will make a public declaration of their decision to follow Christ in this morning but it's my service welcome is also extended to our internet viewers at EF and family dot o-r-g YouTube and Facebook live or television audience viewing on Channel six oh two and six seven - on local network and on digital play channel 20 and to all our visitors in the sanctuary in some ninety verse twelve Moses made the request to God teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom implicit in this request is a consciousness the man's time here on earth is limited and the time is a gift which needs to be used wisely time has a value and one of these days time as we know it will give way to eternity eternity means forever eternity is a state to which time has no application my word of encouragement you this morning is that while there is still time let us settle or sin account let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us make our calling and election sure so that when time have ended or eternity will be spent with Jesus Christ as I made my bed this morning maybe you came to church just to have your baby blessed just to give moral support to a loved one was it decided to follow Jesus Christ just for a little prayer whatever your reason if you have not yet met the man Christ Jesus time is still available today when you hear his voice harden not your heart receive Christ as your Savior today and like so many of us you will then be able to join into him with says the man of Calvary has won my heart from me and died to set me free black man of Calvary congregation will be put your hands together as we say welcome to one and all to enjoy the remainder of the further than God bless you bless the name of Jesus and what is the name of that man believers just tell any about I know that man I said I know that man come on tell him like you're convinced I know that man and that man name is Jesus hallelujah what a blessed assurance to know a man like Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus at this time coming to bless our hearts is the voices of inspiration who are there after I invite you please to stand and make welcome our pastor Bishop dr. del for Davis as he comes at this time the voices of inspiration part [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's lift your hands up give grace to the Almighty God real one among us I thought you'd be praising him really crazy if we just count our blessings and we would know that we have reason to praise it we would have reason to praise it and it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord let the redeemed of the Lord praise who me have redeemed from the hands of the enemy glory to the name of Jesus god bless you [Music] we want to welcome and greet all of us here gathered and those in distant lands by other means we welcome all to this wonderful morning's worship expressions of praise and thanksgiving by way of information we are going to momentarily of Prayer pastoral prayer after which we will invite the converts who are not here on Friday night to give their testimonies to prepare to do so we had a large number of that group have already testified that save us a little time idiot a after testimonies we will do the dedication of babies and then we will see what the time says we will get into the Word of God and into the water baptism so the prayer of blessing the testimonies the dedication of the priests the word and the baptism if time permits for all of those and I know time will permeate amen something recently is as you hear what the Sami says as I prepared to pray at this time he says the Lord hear the entity of trouble the name of the God of Jacob defend thee send thee help from the sanctuary and strengthen thee out of Zion remember all the offerings and accept thy burnt sacrifice grant V according to thine own heart and fulfill all thy counsel we will rejoice in thy salvation and in the name of our God we will set up our banners the Lord fulfill all thy petitions the first five verses of the 20th division of the sound would you be kind enough to let someone hold your hand are you hold somebody's hand as we pray to the God of Jacob or defend thee the God of Jacob who sent the help from the santeri the God of Jacob who strengthened thee out of science the God of heaven who grant all thy petition the God in whose name we will set up our banners glories of God God we thank you because you are that God and there is none other beside you the incomparable God the Almighty God the Prince of Peace the one who was and is and is to come we thank you that in your name we can set up our banners we thank you that we are confident that you send us L from this tree and you strengthen us out of Zion you hear our petitions and you grunt our counsels so I pray this morning that you will be gracious unto all of us to release by the power of your Holy Spirit upon every individual right now the yoke breaker the anointing that will make the difference between victory and defeat between sickness and health between blessing and cursing in the name of Jesus Christ between between poverty and wealth I declare by the authority of the God of Jacob and all things that are good and godly will be the portion of your children throughout this week Oh God and beyond this week on to the other weeks and months and throw the entire here the blessings of God which make it rich and added no sorrow will clap on us and overtake us will fill us to the extent that we love not room enough to receive them their glory to God in the of the God of Jacob I pray oh yes thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord even right now you're granting these requests even right now you must sign your heavenly messenger - Hinda many also God to minister to their needs sicknesses are being healed problems are being solved paradigms are not being lifted closed doors are no opening wide the windows of heaven with the blessings shall be poured out upon your people by the authority of the name of the God of Jacob we speak it now Oh Gloria God those who felt as though things have not been working in their favor show them are talking for good sure they're talking for good let light shine at the end of the dark tunnel in the name of Jesus Christ they will know without a shadow of a doubt that God he is our refuge and strength so by the authority of the Holy Spirit the blood of Jesus Christ the power of the cross of Calvary they him to tomb and all that constitute the opponent I release upon your people now release your neighbors on and lift up your hands I release upon your people the supernatural anointing of Almighty God that will make the difference in their lives and I come on every power of Darkness to be subdued you principality the blood is against you you he will force the blood is against you you diabolical spirit the blood is against you wherever you are from whatever assignment we canceled you now we cancel from Zion we canceled you in the name of Jesus and we receive the fullness of God's blessings we receive the favors of Almighty God oh yeah oh yes and we shall walk in this this anointing glory to God all men shall see and know that we are the Blessed of God we are the chosen of God we are the anointing of God not just in this congregation but all across Jamaica in the world right now I pray that this anointing will penetrate people's lives until you be the glory so you owe me the honor to you be the praise in the mighty mighty mighty powerful name of Jesus our Savior and our Lord let the redeemed of the Lord do what we know we ought to do I love Evelyn god of heaven I did say God of heaven Kodama cetera Baja precaution a really is a cholermus a tada glory to Lord we praise you Lord we glorified Lord we magnified Lord we bless you Lord we celebrate [Music] Micah [Music] Laury Laury celebrate Jesus celebrate celebrate Jesus celebrate Jesus what do you say a ship with one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Marcin [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] shipments [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time now [Music] [Music] [Music] wave your hand son [Applause] god bless you remain standing whilst they're organizing let me change reverse the order a little the dedication baby's new candidates are still coming in so we want to ensure that we get specially those who've not yet testified so mothers with your babies please prepare for the dedication well [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 10 13 through 16 these words advised the sister how Jesus did it I know we ought to follow in his example and they brought young children to him that he should touch to them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them but when Jesus saw it he was much displeased and said unto them suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter in and he took them up in his arms put his hands upon them and blessed them join me in prayer as we pray over these children the dedicatory prayer thank you lord gracious god you're so wonderful you're worthy to be praised from the Sun rises until it says your word to be praised we are here this morning counting our blessings in spite ofor misgivings other people inspired for wayward way of life you remain faithful to your word you continue to bless the womb of women you continue to people this earth or God so that you will can be established and accomplished through human vessels and we believe among these children Lord God our instruments of honor every one of them are here on a mission so we ask you to lay your hands upon them no rebuked Satan and his evil plans against them he planned against Moses what you protected him planned against Jesus Christ what you hid him save even in Egypt planned against so many others against many of us here today plans were made for our demise but look at us today because of the good hand of God I pray that the same will be to these children they'll be brought up in the fear and in the admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ the lights will shine bright on this earth in the name of Jesus Christ they will not be impaired by this is our diseases attacks from Satan in the dark world but they'll be preserved by you so we ask you to bless them know make them vessels of Honor in the name of Jesus Christ assign angels to each one of them a man every step of the way in the home in the community at school and the streets wherever they go let angels with flaming sword a fire guard them guard him from the Predators of his age and time Oh God Almighty unclean men and women who fear not God amen preserved them from the Mucca and granted their sojourn in this life will be one of excellence and honor and they shall be light shining for you by the authority of God's Word we pronounced the blessings upon them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and set them forth to walk before you as Abraham walked as he knock walked so we bless them father in Jesus name Amen somebody gave the Lord praise be seated prayerfully while ministers continue the exercise go right ahead ministers Heavenly Father we give you thanks for chartered a Campbell as she's now brought into your house to be blessed I pronounce your blessing is upon her she's now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of Johnny Russell brought into the house of the Lord father we know to you in the name of the [Music] and the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Ghost amen father I thank you for living outside our wonderfully major Healey pigeon in your likeness your blessing we know pronounce funny it's noblesse consecrated give him back to you the name of the Father another son I'm of the Holy Ghost father I pretend because the Dean Laurene to you Almighty God I pray for your comprehensive corporate and little did little Zidane is not blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost we thank you for Malik icons taught in your house to be blessed Malachi is blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost father we thank you fortune ISA Brian God this child is blessed she's consecrated and so we give her back to you now in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen [Music] she so later brought in tiramisu be bless his child is no blessed and consecrated and the father I give you thanks for Karen Walker as she saw named and brought into your house to be blessed I get from you got to this world I pronounce his blessings upon her she's not blessed consecrated and give it back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Father here is father we know presenting to you in the name of the father son of the son abilify they thank you morons brought to your house to be blessed she's not blessed consecrated and even in the name of the Father and of the son the Holy Ghost shall write my name was taken to the house of the Lord to be blessed it's Charlie's noplace heavenly bro you're wonderfully made in the image and in the likeness of the blessing of the Lord we know for knowns upon you you're no less concentrated giving back to God in the name of the Father and of the son I love the Holy Ghost Davis - you are mighty God I pretty impressive coverage over consecrated and give it back to you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost every father Jackson is yours fearfully and wonderfully made we bless him now in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen thank you Lord Jamari Wellington heaven blessing we pronounce upon this channel his bless is consecrated and Lord we give him back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen discharge is concentrated and junior brought into hospital place he's no blessed consequence is given unto you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen Heavenly Father I give you fans welcome re by field Lord as he's brought into your house this morning to be blessed Lord I pronounce your blessings upon him from this very day onward he marries blessed consecrated and given that you know Lord in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost [Music] father we know present her to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen father I thank you for the tape in northland brought to your house to be pleased is not bless consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost hold in my hand this morning in English my name was taken to the house of the Lord to be blessed his Chinese love placed rancic rated and given back to God in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen very scarred let's have a prayer for the parents gone grand and godparents move a little closer please come a little closer please don't be afraid of me are the altar the altar is a wonderful place and I'm a wonderful person okay bow your heads close your eyes let's ask God to bless you gracious God we thank you for these parents grand and godparents who will participate in the development of these young lives just dedicated to you Lord each and all of them have their unique challenges but I know your God overall I commit them to you Lord and ask in the name of Jesus Christ that you'll lay your hands upon them in a very special way they have established a home for themselves and their children their family I pray that your presence will dwell there but above all may their hearts become your home so that you in them and them in you will have sweet fellowship and communion I pray that the needs of their lives will be supplied because you are rich in glory you have no luck there's no scarcity to your supplies bless them spiritually O God may their lives be promised on Matthew chapter 6 oh god almight when we seek first the kingdom of God is righteousness and then all the other blessings will be added in the name of Jesus Christ spiritual blessing temporal and material blessing social and emotional act they make every era of their lives let your hands be seen stretched out for their good in the name of Jesus and I pray that they will be appreciative of your blessing and surrender their lives to you Oh God even in this service today I know there are many standing here that you have been speaking to those tree in source Ephesians those revelations those special favors that you have shown indicating to them Lord God on what you love them on what you care help them to say yes to you today and do not plan on a tomorrow which is promised to no man so hear our prayers on their behalf bless them to be good godly parents shining lights among others exemplary in the things that they do the things they say the places they go the persons they be father we bless them now in Jesus name amen you had powder on your eyes closed all of you say after me please Lord Jesus I thank you for this wonderful day I thank you for your many blessings upon my life help me Lord to demonstrate my love for you in return for all that you have done for me please forgive me of my sins wash me your precious blood and this very moment I commit my life to Jesus Christ and by faith I will take up the cross and follow you thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus name Amen god bless you give them a big and please thank you so much return to your seats I like the dedication certificate before you leave and stay for the rest of the service so some of you can be in this baptism because I know God has spoken to you amen give the Lord praise everybody praise the Lord let's prepare to get the testimonies of those who have not yet testified mr. Davis is going to recognize one member of the church dedicates your baby please come back member and minister Miller prepared to take these through short testimonies immediately often just give the Lord another wave offering this morning worship him out of your soul out of your spirit and love him this morning praise God as customary each first Sunday of each month we dedicate babies and pay special acknowledgment to members we have one member this morning who God has blessed them with a wonderful be born we're gonna ask the gardens this time very quickly as we are constrained for time just come very quickly for us praise God nakisha gorni and Carlington gog II they are the proud parents of a wonderful little baby boy Hosea Kajaani garden praise God born on November 18 2019 proud grandparents are dawn Kelly and Brenda Gordon grandfathers are Cleveland Kelly and Winston Gordon the godmother is Kabir Morrison and Marlon Evans put your hands together this morning and give them a very big hand another one that is brought into the powerful ministries to which we give God thanks being a part of us we are here to assist in all the ways we possibly can and this is a boy is a miracle from God two months in intensive care but God has brought about healthy and beautiful this morning and rejoice with the gardener's and our poorest continue to be with you my pleasure I choose to present you with your baby dedication certificate and a gift from the churches from the ministry praise God [Music] [Music] well let's give the Lord praise for the gardens the Lord bless you keep you safe and your miracle baby glory those who were not here on Friday night means that you have not yet testified would you stand please let's who you are you were not here on Friday night oh so many of you so we are those who testified Friday nights they have not come as yet so many persons all right you're gonna take this microphone and give us your name on just a few words why you want to be baptized please all of your main standings for identifying purposes and just move it as fast as you can god is good god bless God good so good I just want to say thanks to him thank you Lord morning better than just good to me [Applause] [Applause] morning convolution my name is Siobhan wheeze and I would I would like to have the power to use me as his purpose in church my name is reka McCarthy and I said it's time to give my life today it's the Lord bless the Lord morning church my name is more of a mark on Harris and God has healing deliberately that's why I'm surrendering my life to you good morning church my name is Gary God is so good to me and the only way I can with pain back is to honor his will and so in the mouth like sorry so my name is Daniel green I didn't come from parents or a family structure based our own God so I think this decision is not just for me for what for all the generations to come after me also I'd like to thank my aunt who has been a member of this church for as long as I could remember names in a ploy and I just want to thank her for encouraging me to me good morning church my name is Julia mingos this has been a long time coming and looking at my journey thirty-nine years on this earth my family needs support in prayer in this life nothing beats free and nothing beats the love of God and the support of God so pray for me and my family and pray for all of us up here good morning church I'm coming come on roof the Lord that has done so much for me and I've decided to walk in his really good marine church my name is Eva Burton and uh God as demonstrated in his love for me in the manatee words that I've received when enemies come to save me like bleach he has been there for me hallelujah so I'm here actually because of his grace and His mercies and I like the shock that had brought me to this church hallelujah morning the church my name is Lorraine Martin I love the Lord that's why I gave in my life to go God's Way hello good morning my name is Nadia Johnson right no I want to be safe and I why I want to say because I love God and are easily I need to stand in the gap for my family and friends Marnie Church I'm sure chilly combo he's why I want to give my life to the Lord it's been a long time box lid off and I've been disobedient I keep trying sixteen things for myself when it's time and the reason why I want to be baptized is because I'm going to be a better person and I believe that the first step is to follow the Lord day and night with morning church praise the Lord praise the Lord my name is Tamika Bryan and the reason why I want to baptize my mom Jennifer Bryan she's a member of this church also on the choir she's always telling me you know come to church culture should know hon I'm always at the last of me mariko my church mohkumat sure we can borrow um she keep on in my head like every time you call of Jersey of my church la misma Tetum say every I bother me but got ready for me me comma church mom I'm saying I myself not know overdue and I for to day after I went to sleep and in my dream the Lord visited me and show me he'll he take me there and the only person that was with me was my mom standing there me and he said to me if you don't change your life and come on to me this is where you will be and there was a lady there was full of pure Cena look like a witch as I look at her you know that these demons and she was throwing out a big part I'm just saying when you're ready or chrome come and laugh and I said mommy I don't want to be here or God Alleluia Jesus I don't want to be here I just said come with me i'ma say mommy I'm ready to serve the Lord I just said I would teach you how to pray and ask God for forgiveness and she did I don't mighty God she did God and I was like a place where I wasn't full white getting ready for baptism Almighty God and I said no more Jesus no more I'm ready and I walked both of that dream and I went to my mommy remind some of me I'm ready to serve the life no more please I'm ready [Applause] good morning church I'm small dicks God has been so wonderful to me all I can do just give my life to Him and serve him for the rest of my life good morning church before the Lord has done so much for me he has waited me later on for 56 years I totally can reach any more sleepy time [Applause] [Music] my name is moody I'm visiting this church from the age of 7 here or I know that's the time to give magnetic God I have meet in trouble accident in 2012 no broken bones when you do the x-ray car leaves me very hard with the car in one everything in one and we do extra there is no broken bones I have from Christine from I mention my daughter I tell him that I'm going to give my life to a man this is time for it no one in charge my name is Marie Tyndale goddess preserved for a very long time I'm about later and I am ready to join the army of God because the war is real boy praise the Lord praise Lord Jesus this morning I'm so happy to be in the presence of God one more time I am a back side and I'm here for a very long time and God kept me hallelujah Jesus hallelujah I'm not my home this morning and I just can't open my piece because I can't find a comforter here hallelujah Jesus and this morning I listen to Pastor mr. Davis and brother Holland because the word I love the Word of God hallelujah because God word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path I thought that this morning I'm going to stand fast in this Liberty we are God in the church my name is I was the time to give my life the light the job of a challenging position July got last year always beware and we ever lose whether it's a break okay now is the time something beautiful something good all my confusion he understood all I had to offer him brokenness and strife but he made something beautiful [Music] don't you Jesus ready for something beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] what my name is Patrick Smith good morning I want to give my life to Jesus Christ and I know three I want to thank Jesus Christ finish well give the Lord praise [Music] one more time something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] fuschia [Music] [Music] please say after me all of you I confess please come on assist the the impaired person for me sister lady there she gone your teacher is coming okay I confessed that I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God I believe Minister is very bill and his resurrection I believe also in the second coming to judge this world in majesty and power I fear for renounced the world the flesh sin and the devil and pledge to walk in the newness of life in Christ Jesus I know in the presence of God angels and this assembly do take my solemn vow raise your right hand please all of you thy foes O Lord are upon me until death thy bow so Lord are upon me until death I paused Lord open me until death fall I dare not breathe in Jesus name I pray for you now father grant unto all these your children the sufficiency of your abundant grace when the times of trials and temptations come give them that grace to resist the enemy and he shall flee from them I have been to draw nigh unto you and your word says you will draw nigh unto them God you said they have not made a choice or they did not make the choice you have chosen them out of millions around the world and those in Jamaica in particular your chosen please I pray that you lay your hands upon them and keep your hands there preserve them from the evil and grant that they will be kept by your power until the day of their final an ultimate redemption so we thank you for hearing offers on their behalf in Jesus name Amen be seated please our Lord's Commission after his resurrection given to the disciples in Matthew chapter 28 he's very clear to the church they met with them into the mountain where he had appointed them when they saw him some doubted what they worshiped him and he speak unto them saying all power it's given unto me in heaven or in earth cooee therefore and teach all nations all nations of the world world to be taught the Word of God will you teach them and they understand and accept the plan of salvation and request water baptism all such verses ought to be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and you should go further jesus said to teach them teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and when you do that look I'll be with you always even unto the end of the age it is upon the Lord's permission that we baptize these converts this morning there is a lot of formula of baptism Acts chapter 2 and verse 38 where's Peter at Pentecost speaking to the converted Jews said to them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ federation of your sins you shall receive the gifts of the Holy Ghost we have no qualms no problem with either of those baptism baptismal formula just that we believe it's better to obey Jesus speaking to all the world than to obey Simon Peter speaking to a particular group of converted Jews are you not with me let me say that again we have no problem with either of those baptismal formula no problem and the very fact that we know that water doesn't wash away sins this is a public demonstration of the work of grace that has been wrought in their hearts so once we have no problem with either of those baptismal formula we'd rather to obey the Commission the Great Commission given by the general of the church who has never made a mistake Simon Peter made several and I'm not hitting Simon is a good apostle but he made several mistakes to the point where Paul had to rebuke him at one time you're not saying anything so we rather observe and obey the Great Commission given to all the Apostles to all the world all nations confined ourselves to the command given by Simon Peter to a particular group of converted Jews repent and be baptized every one of you if I were to say here this morning every one of you meet me this even at 6 o clock can I expect the people in Asia Europe North and South America to meet me here at 6 o'clock this evening one speaking to every one of who every one of you in my audience and this is where some people have a big misunderstanding the text is very clear are you not saying anything if I were to come here and say every one of you meet me tomorrow even at five o'clock I don't expect you to come every one of you specific group so that's a big misunderstanding what we have no problem with it amen and we consider every Apostolic person oneness to observe that formula of baptism and live a holy Christian life consider them a saints of God like anybody else are you not saying nothing whether or not those are historic considers to be Christian and that's their problem you're not saying nothing so we do so this morning and we give God praise give Him praise again all right baptize us this morning Beacon Davis and Al Simmons mr. Bobby chambers taken adhesive this morning he's been working too long and hard would you descend come gentlemen descend the pool I hope I can get to preach a little this morning what we thank the Lord for all of you point your hands down here please and bless them father bless these gentlemen as they stand for the next 45 minutes power in this pool anoint them with special anointing from head to toes strengthen them make up my blessing bless the water consecrated scientific grab that it will be comparable to the polar ice cell Bethesda healing stream healing waters we pray in the name of Jesus that those who go down before they come up we get a special touch from you in the name of Jesus [Applause] release it up and then we pray in Jesus name the brothers to be baptized or David Crichton Alfred Blair Cuthbert Hamilton enjoy Thorpe Earl power rushy McCarthy Sean Edison burn Frances Machine Williams Noel Anderson Patrick Smith San Pete Morgan Russia McCarthy twice okay Shamar Walters Steven Ramdeen Rutles angel Chevonne wise rush on Duncan and Jordan Jones give the Lord praise for all of them as they know and took on the pool [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] those who have been set free or glory to God the word of the Lord says stand fast in the Liberty your breathing wave your hands or glory of God God for whom the sunset we is free indeed hallelujah Oh glory to God his presence is here hallelujah glory to God according to your testimony your confession of faith and the commission given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ you will be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost praise God our sisters we have maxi Lawrence Christian Gayle Oliver North McIntyre Carmen honey current cross baby tomorrow Rankin woley Bennett never Henry Andrea Alan LaLanne green and Jenelle Sanderson because it'll come in that order god bless you praise God Lucy Church [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] River [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is no God that can be compared there is no God like Jehovah this morning the suffering Lord he reigns he rules and he have dominion just live your hands hallelujah and just show me the King of Kings the Lord of lords the mighty God hallelujah is excellent in all the earth Oh glory to God thank you Jesus as we continue this baptismal exercise Florida God Donna solder Pamela Jones Richards Tiana Forbes shakeela Cephas Karen Thompson Peter gave Burke and Murray Burford Pauline rickets Elaine Davis Samantha bright Rosemarie caffeine Buckner am Akira appeared 4p f wu g OE Rosalie Stewart christen Lindo and Denise Harris courage please come in the order thank you God [Music] right up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] to my soul baby toy [Music] to my soul be brief dog [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] well Lori to God be seated please and settle down for five minutes once they clear up the halls I share a few words with you when I came in here this morning and praying the Holy Spirit showed me 21-2 number 21 what is this and I began to think about that number in Scripture the significance of the three sevens and the seven threes three is a unique number in Scripture the Trinity from Genesis through to Revelation the word is replete with the Trinity Father Son Holy Spirit water spirit blood Sun Moon star all kinds of fertility in the scripture and then seven is God's perfect numbers we have called it number of completion and I think he said to me I suppose he had said to me that there are no less than twenty-one persons in this audience did not come baptism on your mind but right now he has his impression upon your heart that you dare not leave this church today without completing that which God as commenced in your life so there are 21 persons here at least for any one of you you know who you are the Holy Spirit would have visited with you I mean it said to you even before this morning and while I share a few words while they are getting the halls behind us a little clearer I want you to let God have his way in your life you that God has designed for this Matthew chapter 12 and verse 30 verse 29 rather that text was read and the Holy Spirit said to me well since yesterday I spent some time here in prayer a few hours in prayer this church and he told me to tell you was to ever be here this morning from Matthew 12 29 it says ah let me read for a part of the verse Oh can one enter into a strong Mans house and spoil his Goods except he first bind the strong man and then he was toil his good three things here are some Goods the strong man has that do not belong to him they are in his house under his command Locke don't tights by the strong man that Goods those goods that good is human being whom the enemy has come to steal to kill and to destroy many of you my friends listening to me in this audience you have been true against your will because you are held by a strong man whatever that strong circumstance is whatever those strong circumstances are they have Lu captive for so long you will want to break loose but because your honor of the grip of the strong man you cannot break yourself loose but God has raised up an army who has what it takes who has the equipment who has the anointing who has the authority to first of all bind Strummer we want to dispossess him of that which belongs to god which he has wrongly held in captivity and God is speaking to you this morning Oh hallelujah held against your will captive by the enemy the question is asked how can we spoil his Goods how can we head to in his house first of all and spoil is good number two except we do the first thing lift your hand say 1 2 3 we can do it oh yes we can somebody say 1 2 3 we can do it oh yes we can one more time 1 2 3 we can do it oh yes we can so is number one number one is to bind the strongman you cannot enter his house you cannot spoil his Goods except your first bind the strongman all your neighbors aren't across where you're sitting right now father in Jesus name we bind the strongman that of Hill people captive in the name of Jesus Christ by the authority of your Holy Spirit we bind the strongman we are about to head back into his house we're about to take out men and women we are poacher deliver boys and girls we're about to deliver husbands and wives we are about to deliver children and grandchildren we're about to deliver those who are bound by the strongman so no we bind him everybody say we burn everybody said we bind all right Oh God hallelujah [Music] it's number one we bind him so we are going into his house what we can't go in unharmed the security forces the militia forces the government of this world they made sure that their security men and women are fully harm Oh glory to God so now we're about to go him but we must make sure we have fully harmed put on there for the whole armour of God take the Blessed fruit of righteousness take the sword of the Spirit shot your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace because it is not against flesh and blood it is against principalities it is against powers it is against the rulers of the darkness of this world it is against spiritual wickedness in high places lifter hanison number one we have found a strongman number two we are moving in we are going for the attack we are going for the kill we're going for the slaughter in the name of Jesus we are harmed we are dangerous hallelujah maja for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through God I feel the Holy Ghost touching me hair my digital God to pull down pull down pull down pull down struggle casting down imagination every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ Oh walk over it Oh glory hallelujah hallelujah we are doing a search of the house right now search for your son search for your daughter search for your granddaughter search for your husband search for your neighbor search the enemy's camp we have entered somebody lift your head and say hi event and the search is on the search is on the search is on for people held against your will the Holy Ghost is searching for a backslider who want to come back home the Holy Ghost is searching for a man a woman a boy a girl who is tired of sin Shaku namaha 21 of you not even one less a man must come out to the enemy's camp this morning not tomorrow morning tomorrow as promised to Norman we all know somebody lift your hand I said now torture never and the shoulder tell them now said now is the accepted time tell them today Davila Hana cosa tell them today is the day of salvation if you hear his voice Konev oh shut up if you hear his voice Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] the countdown has begun [Music] the countdown has begun we are in the house we are in the house we are searching everywhere in the kitchen in the cupboard under the closet in the bathroom in the bedroom in the veranda I said the search is on because we have entered into the strongman so SATA somebody help me praising hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yourself from the dust yourself from your sin shake yourself from the bondage the Spirit of the Lord has come to set you free god I love everything I said we haven't touch we have found a strong man we have been tired no number tree everybody lived on us I want to trade this is number tree say one two three this is number three say one two three this is number three we buy them we hunted we search no we are spoiling his goods we are bringing out a young man bringing out a woman Brittany Nauta by bringing out a girl [Music] it is mr. Norton that will set you free it is this anointing that will break your York I will not begin the countdown from 1 to 21 anything more than that is God's plan 1 to 21 anybody more than that that's God's master one to travel God of heaven 1 to 21 anybody aboard on that is God's master plan what to 21 [Music] but somebody help me worship [Music] where is a prank Church where is a fasting Church where is a travailing Church we mind we had research now we are spawning is good 2120 nineteen 18 17 16 15 14 13 Charcot Masana now we come to the 12 apostles 12 12 [Music] one wears a charge jacquimo Sanda Judas is missing now we come to 11 [Music] this is your moment to surrender it all to Jesus Christ ten of nine [Music] watch will your hand [Music] watch Willie Oh sir be what will you do [Music] [Music] see it again watch with my [Applause] chuckles son [Applause] [Music] young man young women boys and girls this is a surgical operation [Music] six five four three tree got to the magic number three God's calling for the [Music] but God said to Noah gather to me into their heart although that will be saved because it's going to read up on the line I know I got it all in there hark Oh God Almighty all animals in the heart when they all were safe in the heart God came to home God inserted the key in the door and God locks the door and the fountain of the deepers open up and read begin to fall I'm a tree number one [Music] one still give that truck one still give access who is not one remaining in the wilderness who is that one still in the car [Music] see you now that's were sick worship God with in the shell [Music] but one was I [Music] and the mountain wine and beer [Music] from the tender [Music] lord I pray for these persons who have walked forward I give them to you they are yours many have been ill captive by the enemy but this morning we have entered the strongman's house because we bind him with spoilers goods here are your goods Jesus take them quite far for your very home in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son of the Living God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah I want all of you standing here to borrow your head again close your eyes and say this spray off to me Lord Jesus I thank you for searching me out from among many others I thank you Lord and this morning I say yes to you an eternal yes never to turn back I begin my heavenly journey this morning and by your sustaining grace I know I make it through in Jesus name Amen give God praise everybody [Music] follow follow Minister Davis and the leaders all of you where I'll go let them pray with you some more talk with you and get you ready there's a lot of you will surrender to Christ oh yeah you know this is it you notices it give me a course here you know what is it you're not assess it you know this is it [Music] you know this is it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give the Lord praise everybody let's continue with our sisters zoria Addison Donna Marie Taylor Beverly's Michael Kimiko Monroe Marva Morgan and Denise grunts have a Burton Julia mingoes Tamika Brian Tamar Kraus Loreen Maddy Nadine Johnson Simone Dixon Beverly ball Melissa Banta Cleese pirates Melissa strange Smith seems rather such a moody Knightley William Stephanie Simmons Margaret in there Tricia be Campbell Angely stoner and Carole wherever everybody according to your testimony confession of faith commission given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ we know baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm no longer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] worship robotically [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you say [Music] what we'll use [Music] what we'll use [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you have a testimony [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] while we continue to worship when in the baptism we can utilize another portion of the time still being worship those who have an offering to give your tights again prepared to do so will continue to worship in song and you walk from your various areas and worship and seeking to capitalize on the use of the time father bless gifts and give us scientific for your work see and may both be used to glorify and honor your name thank you for what you're doing in Jesus name amen let's continue in worship those who are prepared to give be free to walk from your various place [Music] yes slaw what do you say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you say [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] lift up the tempo nor wake up some sleepers [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] give the Lord praise be seated please [Music] all right let's while we wait on the others would you call you not candidates let's invite missionary Myra to give us the announcements if she's available and ready to do so soon as the others arrive then we'll cut it off and complete the baptism praise God the men working at the Carlotta the back is asking all those who are punch at the back to move your car to the main parking lot immediately after surface welcome to the page of the prophet ministry's diary for we beginning Sunday March 1st 2020 in our upcoming events the bog walk assembly 20th anniversary service will be held on Sunday March h20 2020 beginning at 4 p.m. under the theme pursue peace Scripture Jeremiah 33 verse 6 and this will follow three nights of dynamic aliquots crusade commencing at 7:00 p.m. Bishop Courtney all from the Jamaica Baba Church will be speaking for the concede the margin which meant ministry 2020 retreat is shadow to be held over the weekend of June 19th to the 21st under the theme I still do all those true at the Rio Hotel in Negril Westmoreland all my couples both saved and unsaved are encouraged to collect a registration form and submit your funds in as soon as possible for further information me speak with Minister Michael Smith or any member of the matter enrichment ministry committee members in interest of time we ask that you get the contact numbers and further information on these members from the administrative office the following our sister Carol read as broken early and is a true brother Samson is an University Hospital Richard Anderson the son of this similar plant is in the University Hospital you will be doing a surgery and it's in need of blood sister Marilyn Davis of the golden forces is in the Spanish dong hospital the following persons of passed away funeral arrangements will be announced at a later date Otto Reed deaqon Linden culture has passed away Sedona Christie from editor fear as lost her father but the armored Johnson a member of the United for squad has passed on China dream read as lost our brother the brother of sister elder James of the voice of triumph all has passed away sister Pauline monado passed on yesterday as follows will be held today in all import mores and Catherine determent will be murderous in our service of the mother of sister Yong member the poison will be 2020 in the Victoria Church of God Victoria district random internment will be on the family plot in Victorian district a bus will be leaving port Academy gate 9 a.m. the cost is one thousand dollars return if innocence or the model of missionary Sheryl Thompson she's a member of faith poor and boss of Jericho will be out on Saturday March 7 at 298 a University Chapel internment will be at murderous father different rather and definitively factor will be held on Saturday March 7 at 11:00 caramel Baptist Church blacken in Portland bus leaves PS the Prophet grounds at atm if you know service order for sister Angela go will be held on Saturday March it the truth Tabernacle Church 1767 bonfire in Cumberland cohort beginning at 9:00 a.m. internment will be enforced until st. Elizabeth the funeral service for the mother of the Barrymore's will be photographs for deceased members are posted on the notice board for your viewing our bishop is wise and the members of the family sharing those working lost loved ones may you find strength in our continuous first in our attack you note the following person of its presence the bishop Minister Davis and the prophet family for expression of love kindness and support during the passing of sister to change during the time of their bereavement of no comments for the poor Minister Learning Center and we are still registering in interested persons classes are elder Monday's vs. between the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. we care for persons with needs 611 from the sports s an official invitation is out for all persons or interested in joining us for department there are various capacities to be filmed which includes plane and shooting knowledgeable sports coaching support if interested please meet with OSA the front of the church immediately after service where the cleaner is normally sold please note that this also means to evangelize to use the p.m. care center will be awesome annex on the following days the general physician will be in office on March 14th at 10:00 p.m. the gynecologist will be in office on March 21st at 9 a.m. in our weekly activities all senior citizens please note there being a meeting tomorrow at 5 p.m. the meeting also the dare to be a Daniel Rocha and he will visit have some basic and authority thereafter she will meet a church proper on Friday March 6th the team will visit another ad in fact at 8:30 p.m. the voice of trampo meets at 6:00 p.m. for sir all brothers are invited or for special meeting at 10:00 p.m. there is a special presentation on pension and investment and finally the / workers are asked to be out at 7 p.m. for special meeting in a multi-purpose all a key was lost was fall around the back if you have lost your car key and can identify scene please correct in from the announcer office thank you my pleasure to a survey today thank you very much [Applause] all right we'll be here for another 30 minutes we will be having our 11 o'clock service those of you who are on your way or planning to get here or already air we not do not be disheartened we will be ministering to you there at 11 o clock for two hours to 2 1 p.m. we meet for Lord supper this evening at 6 o clock please come out on time we'll be washing the stains feet it's a whole lot of us I hope to see all of the Saints so it will take us some time soon as I said long we get the short testimonies compete about Chism but I'm here talking minister Marah Marah just asking you to remember in prayer he's off today to the US and on to Trinidad for ministry remember in your prayer tomorrow evening we meet with the heads up all departments plus worship leaders only those musicians several clocks have refer to the latest quite some important things to discuss and of course first Wednesday comes up we hope to see all those of you can make it I hope you will be able to make it we continue our extensive chain fast the chain fast to the church like this to kanjiru for the entire year with the number of us that are here but we want to designated the period February 27th through April 12 all of us should participate in this fast those who have received assigned dates please make sure you be faithful and come into those days and dates they should not be one day between the period of failure 27 through April 12 that the number of us should not be in fast at this church the doors are hoping the time almost for prayer Mondays through Fridays and you can come in any time spend time in prayer fasting is very important but this kind would not out except by prayer and fasting we're dealing with many of those these kind these days so during this period I want you to find your spiritual activities your prayer prayer life your Bible reading your church attendance your forgiveness and all things that will assist in having a holy spirit are interacting with us in a more personal way fasting should be not only from food not only from food but fasting should be from other pleasurable things of life fasting should also be from your telephone for some time your television for some time your do I have regular food television cell phone landline phone as much as you can reduce those tivities are you with me and give yourselves to more prayer and consecration and those of your married couples fasting is also from sexual intercourse Bible says that husband and wife you talk it over with each other and have a good understanding Christian couples should have no problem but where there are unequally okapis the Bible says you must have with understanding are you with me you notice I say married people cuz no one married person shouldn't be having sex really not one of you and married person should be having sex the Bible says that's what what is it the world is filled with fornicators and if you read Revelation chapter 21 and eight that's a group that will be going to hell I didn't say so the Bible says oh so all of you are in relationships not yet married talk to me I'll marry you free of course it cost you nothing you want drink I'll give you ring also you don't get it better than that god I should hear some demon can't get it better than that you get past you get ring you get church again ceremony and if you want to kick out alright for you - I mean that quick Ted Eternal Father quick testimonies please let's start over again we must finish before 11 by 11 thank you gentlemen standing in water for so long just a few words from each of you all of you stand up please every one of you stand so you can't know that you're on the March [Applause] go ahead please bless you sir stiff so you name it say a few words so that's it good morning Turkish my name is Vivian Kenan and I heard the Word of God and the voice of God making decision to give my life to Him morning church my name is Peter Miller and the reason is because some beans and word [Applause] [Music] and I'm a box slider and the reason why I chose to try again it's because I will make no demon I'd ever robbed me of the joy of my salvation I rise again victorious the power of my God give me grace in strengthens my faith deliver me from the pit of hell from the jail cell [Music] good morning my name is Christopher Stevenson I even got gotten over his goal and put it straight all the way all the time morning my name is Christopher Lewis it's been a long time called time is right so minimum is any morning my name is ever there and I want to get baptized because I love serving God morning my name is Howard Garden and I are Scott for assistance and based on what a bishop preached today I felt as if that was his calling for me to come to serve him in church my indescribable happiness little sturdy so long I've been driven to come forward so it's it I know for me that in my life come on interest when a misunderstood and I have promised Scott that I would get baptized this year [Applause] my lord good morning good morning my name is I'm just a friend Steve up this morning my church my name is Joe and I'm a bucks later in church my name is Sonia Brown and pastor preacher post-2020 will never be mine if one my name is Shoshana Craig I'm no longer a slave to fear for I am a child of the morning church my name is Monique Bailey I gots a monachan H boy walked away from God from last year coming to my life to khabar he's my goddess to me in so many ways if in my Lois esteem about two weeks ago I was having a difficult time and I was five I get up and I said God if you're come true from it I will decide to serve you and I've been wanting so many so many times so many times so this is my chance now to serve Him good morning church my name is Emily I am a promise I will not be told I swore to serve and me walk again any right now and deliver training Church my name is Charlie Wright and I'm ready to walk my feet with more interest I'm sure I am I promised a lot every year and I don't - never lose never lose good morning church I am talking on a few bucks from her gonna take my mom put me after give him many times many times thank you good morning church my name is Keisha McConnell chambers this is a backslider that you're looking at this morning that God said it is time good morning church my name is Yana writes I've been baptized some 20 years ago been going to church torn from and the Lord asked me for the past few years that I need to return so here I my prodigal has returned to his own one small church and the fire I need your strength mister in has a continent to serve God writes with a man good morning church my name is Abigail Terry I want to give my life to God for a very long time and I know that no is the right time to do it it says so much people to tell me that he loves me even in my workplace people been coming God loves you God loves you I remember one morning when I was going to work and each time when I got to work on a poly period before I leave and he did a specific song sounds 95 and I remember that specific word said if I hear his voice harden not your heart and today I'm not hurting my heart I wanna give God the praise of the glory thank you Jesus put more in church my name is speeches time and song wanted to give my life [Applause] good morning church my name is Diana rickets and I know that God is with you because you know what couple years ago my auntie ain't right but it is fast in service she's easy right she's she's that couple years ago but she tell me about this faster she said I started the same be the baptized the same day and from the day she invite me to this fast in service I'm going to work I come and leave work I come but there is something about this morning cut above the eyes 11 years ago and I taught us so many times but this morning it's like this man was calling from her own I came here this morning when he was calling it's like a magnet join me and I decided they're not coming but there was a force I couldn't resist and I said this is it it has to be this morning and I said when I came in here the first thing if I'm gonna baptize it has to be this month I see I don't know why but there's a John Force and he's still a little more to most please but his hands answered my call using Halima never ends it is called and coming back home morning church my name is joy Clark decided to give my life to the Lord after going to three hours of searching but I will I say to you Jesus what this learning I decided I am going to be baptized good morning church Mississippi River Senator Riley and when I was coming this morning sister party it's party time and I say yes miss Sparkle all right I see dear and sometime I want to compile time so like something just drawing back to drawing about she said this morning this is your mind first got on evilness in church my name is Ashley Bascom I'm a backslider but I've always loved the Lord Holly's done many good from you never forget me you do so many miracles on me and I decided this time I want to serve Him and go all the way never stop you don't so many good for me whenever I go on my knees when I pray it's just like a minute he does it so why can't I serve in the right way thank you serve in the right way all right we are going to take your vows moment I'll go ahead dear your testimony mine in church my name is Susan brown and I serve on my to God he's always there for me and he's always fighting for me so it's only fair that I give my life to Him so to say thank you for all of them so far amen all right I've been coming to this church here 15 years now but every time I decide to bob says I changed my mind because I have a very big heart spirit and then you know sometimes I come to church and it's like someone to get you crazy or get you upset so you say things that you're not supposed to say or tell don't go for my church sister this morning encourage me take me around school I am free stand please all of you oh except you for all of already you should have been baptized long time I mean this morning say after me please all of you I confess that I believe in Jesus Christ as a son of the Living God I believe in his death his burial and his resurrection I believe also in second coming to judge this world in majesty and power I therefore renounce the world the flesh sin and the devil and pledge to walk in the newness of life in Christ Jesus I know in the presence of God angels and this assembly do take my solemn vow right everybody die vows all are our hope on me to death by vows all are on me on to death sighs oh Lord or hop on me on to death about my dear not break in Jesus name father give them the strength give them the cards give them the grace to continue this journey unto life and eternity in Jesus name according to your testimony confession of your faith means faith of Jesus Christ Commission given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ you heard me said earlier for Matthew 28 no Bob child to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost after this baptism early as next Sunday we'll have a special class for you that goes on from Oh three months teacher to observe all things whatsoever the Lord has commanded us and he said he'll be with you until time is no more so please make yourself available be seated the Lord is good isn't he thank you for being so patient with us what a morning it is let's get these four sisters first of all should have been long time this morning Daniel Green Danny's right Natalie Douglas and just Tiana Kelly all right four ladies give the Lord praise for the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yes yes yes the angels in heaven are rejoicing right now because many seats are empty in hell let me give God dance thank you for staying with us we trust that you also have been blessed keep watching the recorded services over and over let the minister to your heart and keep hope alive in your spirit we have seen many comments that you have sent in and the participation in various ways from your viewers we appreciate them and we will continue to pray for you and to pray for your families please partner with us if you can so I see it in a prototype ministry and the Lord will bless you on our website you will see a button marked donate just click and follow the instructions very easy remember to join us this Wednesday the 4th of March for 1st Wednesday healing and deliverance fasting service we're hoping to see you once again on behalf of our presiding bishop and general overseer Bishop dr. Delfin D Davis his wife lady dr. Petrova David and the entire power of faith family thank you for watching remember now in 2020 nothing shall remain empty just prepare yourself for it I'm reeling Stevenson we hope to see you again god bless thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 17,572
Rating: 4.7230768 out of 5
Id: By5soLBbmiM
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Length: 227min 30sec (13650 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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