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[Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] wow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] she's oh with me yes okay [Music] you hear me know [Music] [Music] still off no man shouldn't be okay can you hear me now you're hurting me i just you need to turn on there's a camera no you can say hi to the team everybody's on okay thank you well praise the lord everybody can you hear me yes as you can hear lord and clear all right welcome to worldwide prayer meeting on a friday night many persons are tuned in and many hundreds will join us in a short while where numbers are moving so fast we give the lord thanks for you taking the time out to be with us and within within another three minutes thereabout we will officially start but let me just thank the lord uh for us being here together we are on the masters business i want to thank minister miraj for facilitating that zoom aspect of this ministry i want to thank we have minister janet small oh yes you welcome we have bishop glen royce sutton welcome sir let me bless the lord so all the way in saint elizabeth we have elder antonio morrison well welcome sir good to have you we have minister andrew brown it's a pleasure sir welcome good to have you we thank you sir mr leondo spencer good night yes sir we have minister troy patterson are you on minister troy all right all right we look forward to him joining us [Music] and we have our youtube viewers all over the world they are saying a lot of good night good evening stating where they are viewing from and we thank god for you youtube viewers facebook viewers viewers and everybody well you have heard that we have a very very good platform tonight ministers and elders and bishop will be each will be given three minutes to share a word that's on their heart placed by the holy spirit at different times and after the word they are going to pray this is prayer meeting tonight toronto canada welcome all of you there they are going to pray and i want you to prepare your arts to pray as you are led by the holy spirit tonight all right so if you got a subject matter that you want to engage in a particular way you prepare to do so welcome massachusetts welcome all of you from various places well i need to welcome minister sharon duffer's grant too welcome everybody cayman islands bless you uh the lord bless you will begin starting in a minute but i thank the lord for all of his servants who are here welcome birmingham england bless you welcome colombia maryland oh my goodness and this will be eight o'clock p.m through 9 30 p.m jamaica time so we look forward to spending welcome miramar all of you from miramar welcome maryland welcome everybody damn would fail me to call all of you identifying there on the youtube channel we are happy for you and the program tonight well the prayer meeting tonight i i'll open with a prayer and then i will ask each one different times to bring that three minutes word from the holy spirit and pray as you're led but of course there are some things around us that are uh demanding our prayers demanding crime and violence is demanding or prayers of violence against women and girls that is topical at this time demanding our prayers are the challenges of corvid 19 they are demanding or prayers crime and violence generally they demand our prayers and the list goes on on and on family life marriages demanding of prayers the church the christian who have been less than we ought to be in terms of our being able to assemble it together and to share fellowship and to do the usual thing we need prayer also the church community the pastors who lead churches need prayer a pastor in new york his son committed suicide today you need to pray for that pastor you heard me spoke about it on time of refreshing and all for prayers and we are not distanced away because someone who is a member of power of faith ministries is connected to that church where it happens unto that pastor maybe she's viewing right now also so welcome everybody welcome colorado welcome to all of you now i'm going to open with a prayer we take a song and then we will uh call upon each one at different times well i'll share a few scripture verses not to preach or teach but just to share a few scripture verses on the subject of prayer and then we take it from there so let us bow for prayer oh gracious god we thank you for bringing us together tonight so we can share with your people across the nations we can pray for them oh god to be strengthened to be healed to be delivered to receive favors from you oh god and all the needs of their lives you're able to supply because that's what your word tells us you tell us that we should ask we should seek we shall knock and everyone who asks all those who knock all those who seek lord god you always come through for them we thank you that you're gonna do wonders glory you're gonna do wonders among us tonight wonders across the nations wonders in homes and in families and in the lives of individuals father we look to you for it now in jesus name amen and amen ah echoes of faith choir this old ship let the church be the church [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is oh from [Music] is oh oh [Applause] me [Music] holy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me oh [Music] oh yes [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] he's alive oh a question [Applause] oh [Music] at the church [Music] the questions bring up so ah he's [Music] [Applause] well praise the lord thank you echoes of faith choir lead voice minister nicolin stevenson the church triumphant is alive and well welcome once again to worldwide prayer meeting on these platforms we thank the lord for you and for those of you who joined me after i acknowledge the persons who are with me we have bishop glen roy sutton he passed us the goshen paraphate ministries assembly we have minister janet small minister andrew brown minister leonda spencer minister troy patterson elder antonio morrison and all of these servants of the lord they are going to pray tonight so i will not be doing a lot of praying here tonight they are going to pray for you and all the needs are going to be met by the grace of god welcome to everybody but i want to read a verse from revelation chapter 3 revelation chapter 8 rather than verse verse 3 it shows us that prayers are never wasted prayers are preserved listen what it says and another angel came and stood at the altar having a golden sensor and there was giving unto him much incense that he should offer it with the priors of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne dear god it don't get better than this it doesn't get better than this i read revelation chapter 8 and verse 3 again and another angel came and stood at the altar an angel having a golden censer and there was given unto him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints all saints the prayers of all saints with the sensor with the sense in the golden censor with the incense will be offered upon the golden altar which was before the throne your prayers do not go to the roof and stop there your prize does not uh just stay in the atmosphere it goes in the very presence of god and god preserves the prayers of the saints so there are times in your life and mind when we find it difficult challenging by different circumstances to pray as we ought to then i say lord just pour back on me just release on me from the golden censor that is before your throne prayers mixed with incense that we have prayed over the many years and that is what god will do saints prayers are precious and of course finally the first mention of prayer in the bible was made in genesis chapter 4 and verse 26 it says and and to set and to seth as aram's adam and eve second son to him also they was born a son and he called his name seth call his name enos and then men began to call on the name of the lord so prayers have been from eons of time thank you so much i'm going to invite uh the most senior rank out there bishop glenrice sutton to share for three minutes no i got my watch before me okay and you know i'm a matter of time and we're going until 9 30. he's going to share for three minutes and then he's going to pray as the lord lays on his heart tonight for you my brothers and sisters across jamaica across the nations of the world welcome bishop glen royce sutton the floor is yours sir thank you president bishop i want to extend promise giving to you sir and first lady dr victor and to my film ministerial colleague for i and those who are viewing and so before i share my thoughts from the world i just want to say thanks to you so far giving me this glorious opportunity to be sharing on your platform yes welcome i'm sorry if you will allow me i just want to express thanos to you also for the sterling work that you are doing for the kingdom of god i've been working with you over the years i come to know and understand that you are a kingdom man not only a power of faith man but you are a kingdom builder and not only that but you are a prophet of our time i want to say thanks to you sir and your dear wife for giving of yourself to the lord i said to you sir like nehemiah says to some persons we are doing a good work and we cannot calm down sir you are doing a good work for the kingdom and we are following closely in your footsteps continuing to do the good work now my words i want to share with you brothers and sisters all over work viewing it's a world of encouragement using for a little team bring what i want to promote in a more meaningful way stay focused i'm jesus yes stay focused on jesus if the tower know me the reading would be from pollution chopped up free from the verse 1 to verse 3. you see we are living in a time and season that if we are not careful we will lose focus of jesus and if we ever lose focus of jesus the devil will be on this smiling end there are all kinds of problems and issues in this world today and they want to serve up a notice to us as believers that we must lose focus of jesus christ worry is one of them the devil wants us to live in a state of worry and once we start to live in that state of worry anxiety and all of those things then we will lose focus of jesus would i encourage you brothers and sisters let us stay focused a lot of things are happening but let us stay focused let us not worry because jesus christ will see us through yes the bible tells us in isaiah chapter 41 and verse 10 complains there jesus he commands us in his word that we are not to be afraid we are not to worry ourselves because he will see us too and i found out something bishop and those who are listening and it is this brothers and sisters all do you know that jesus christ our lord and savior as his children he do not want us to live a life of worry he wants us to live a worry-free life yes and not only a worry-free life with a fear-free life but if we shift our focus of him then worry and fear and anxiety gonna take over and jesus do not want us to live that kind of life oh my god he wants us to live hallelujah a fear fear-free life a worry-free life that's why he tells us in isaiah fear not for i am with me and today i was doing a little research in my preparation for sunday and i found out bishop and those of my colleagues who are there and those who are viewing that in the word of god there are 365 times the word of god tells us in the bible fear not when i look on it it tells me something this is what it tells me it tells me that there is a fear not for each day of the year yes each day of the year there's a fear not hallelujah and so god do not want us to live in fear praise god and not only that i found out also that jesus christ wants us his children to be the voice of calm in these troublesome times we cannot be like the world worrying and threatening god wants us his people to live to be the voice of calm you may say pastor where do you get that he wants us to be the voice of god just like oh paul glory to god in acts chapter 27 of the verse 25 onwards john was on his way glory to god hallelujah to rome as a prisoner and you know us by the readers glory to god what transpired there was a great storm that came on the sea called you rocked gun and for days none of the sailors get anything paul went to the lord in prayer and stood up and take over the captain hallelujah position and he told all the sailors yes praise god of your holy ghost as bishop would say is the be hallelujah good comfort yes because they are standing by me today glory to god the angel of the lord and he tells me that everything is going to be all right it goes to show that in that hallelujah situation paul served as the voice of calm because he was a servant of god and in these troublesome times we too need to stand and serve as the voice of calm that people know that god is still in control all kind of negative things are happening but god is still in control and he will see us through especially us his church because he informs us as well when he says open this rock i build my church and the constitution of hell cannot prevail against her so god wants us his people to be the voice of calm hallelujah and to let people know that we are not to live hallelujah a life of worry anxiety hallelujah and stress he wants us to live a stress-free life worry-free life and to be honest the voice of calm and to speed faith and confidence in this time of this church that we are in glory let's fall for her praise god i feel the holy ghost glory god be glorified jesus god be lifted we praise you we exalt so we magnify you tonight jesus so lord i come to you now and be off of struggling and suffering people all across the universe oh god oh the continents of the world oh god people are struggling oh god on our suffering but as your servants oh god oh god oh god to be the voice of calm i speak hallelujah in those situations and i say in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh shall we come again yes lord lord kill you against you oh we frustrate you now in the name of jesus and by the power of the holy ghost god we lift up to you right now as we were asked to do god oh that pastor oh god over there in new york whose son committed suicide oh god oh god i must have caused some shame oh god and the family of god being a pastor but we lift the family to you right now of god and we ask your loving god to draw alongside the family of god and wrap your arms around them oh god my god bring forth the comfort and the peace of god god the church that the pastor is serving oh god why could i leave the church family to you oh god you are hurt you know oh god many questions are absorbing god when i leave the church family to your god and ask your god to bring the comfort of god and the peace that you need oh god lord many church oh god and mighty pastors all god and leaders and members are struggling now oh god because of what is happening oh god but i pray in the name of jesus christ [Music] oh god every hurting pastor oh god every hurt in church memory i pray for them in the name of jesus christ intervene on their behalf of god oh god and lift them up in a very special way of god almighty god touch them where they are hurting oh god whoa scratch them where they are teaching oh god where there are discouragements oh god i pray that you will oh god that courage spring forth in your breast lord pleased to hear your servant cry oh god oh god almighty as i stand in the gap of god for hurting people oh mighty god oh open doors of opportunity oh god so that you can walk through them and be blessed oh god you're those who are struggling oh god because of your children of god they are hurting i lift those children to your god that caused your earth in the family of god ask your god to turn things around in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord hear those wife who are hurting us oh god because of your unfaithful husband of god and your news husband who are hurting oh god because of your unfaithful wife mighty god i lift them to you right now in the name of jesus christ oh god let me excuse you oh god let things turn around oh god name of jesus [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] glory to god oh glory [Music] did you remember to pray [Music] is [Music] thank you bishop glittery sutton for your powerful word and the prayer that you have prayed that we know is touching lives all across the nations god bless you the comments on youtube here are outstanding god bless you thank you for your word and prayer glory to god i'm going to invite minister andrew brown to share his few words on a prayer and let's just move on persons all who are tuned in across the nations lift your fate and believe god tonight you will calm the troubled waters of your soul we are the voice of calm we are the voice of peace minister andrew brown it's over to you glory to god yes we are hearing you loud and clear lord bless you sir you have been doing a great job we certainly appreciate you for the service you have been given to the kingdom of god as bishop not mentioned to your first lady dr pitchover davis it's such a privilege in working with you both sir you are two wonderful leaders thank you i want to encourage the church the ecclesia the called out ones that all is not lost jesus is still in control you know in saint john chapter 14 jesus remind us that we must not be troubled as long as we believed in him he said he that believed in me in my father's house so many mention if it were not so i would have told you he said i go to prepare a place for you and if i go i'm going to come again to receive you unto myself what a blessed hope for the church of the living god yes we are a reason to rejoice and i'm glad for this privilege to declare the wonderful works of jesus christ he said i am the way i am the truth and i am the light in spite of what is happening in the world today people are frustrated people are confused people don't know where to turn but according to god's words he said that we must look up his retention joy at night and so we are the hope a lively hope a blessing of a glorious hope in jesus christ and i say to all god's people let us not lose our vision and our focus of jesus christ he has risen he is the resurrected savior he is the resurrected lord and because of that we have a right to rejoice our preaching is not in vain our singing oh glory to god is not in vain our song they are not in vain glory to god because we are looking unto jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith according to the book of psalms chapter 34 this boom and cry and the lord heard him and he delivered him out of not so out of not most but out of all of his troubles yes what almighty god what our awesome god we serve what a magnificent god that we serve when the world is in turmoil god is the bedrock of our salvation and he is the hope of the church for he declares upon this rock yes we build my church oh glory under the gates of hell it doesn't matter what plan care has it doesn't matter what devices she comes with jesus said upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and when god decree a thing it will establish and he said to us the church of the living god people of the most like god he said i give you the key allah while you're buying the earth is born in a bed what you loosed and heard is lost in heaven i encourage you christian people do not be this name whatever the tides god will take care of us and i close by saying better days are coming it won't be long jesus soon be here we give god thanks for his glorious hope let us bow our heads yes lord he called on the almighty god because he is the answer for the world today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to we god you thanks yes lord we acknowledge you lord god almighty us some you are you are the god of wonders yes lord you're the god of power miracles yes lord the heaven declares your glory and the firmament shall it die under words jesus we look to your divine god because we know there is no failure in jesus jesus looked you lord god because you have never lost you're still the undisputed undefeated champion and father lord god almighty we know that your eyes are upon the righteous we know lord that your ears are open to the cry of your people lord god almighty you said lord you want to reason with us and lord god almighty want to speak to us and to know that you're giving us the assurance you have given us that hope yes and you're born to prepare a place for your people if you go lord you say i'm gonna call you to receive you unto myself where i live we live where you are we will be your glory to god father lord god almighty i come lord god because i realize that man oh god almighty seems to lose the way mankind turn your backs on you mankind walked away from your order your ordinance of god lord god almighty will become our own righteousness if our lord god will forsaken your word dear lord god and we are seeing the result of god mankind become brutal vicious and wicked and healed divine lord but we repent oh god almighty we are seeing different lord god the attacks that they have made oh god almighty when the woman of this age lord and divine god may have become brute but in the name of jesus we come against some spirit we come against the cane-like spirit we come against the absalom spirit in the name of jesus we know the god that your blood still prevails we know the blood of the risen lamb can touch us we are no human can reach in the heart of mankind divine god repentable selfish and call will god i pray divine god that god will bring us to our true values bring us to our true identity recognize you lord god that you made us for your praise you created us for your glory but mankind lord god almighty that we are possessed that heart oh god jealousy and hunger have taken over the heart of mankind lord god i pray right now my god that you will breathe your breath oh god just like how you breathe your breath and the red sea was parted and deliverance comes for your people pray right now lord god almighty in this worldwide priority the divine god that you will reveal yourself show yourself mighty and powerful demon god i pray right now lord god that i will face the heart of our land of today god we are the joseph oh god the mighty where are the davids oh god the mighty where are these seeker jeremiah oh god the mighty we are the israelites prayed about god even in the church oh god oh father let the men rise up and take their rightful stand let men rise up and take their reminders and the kingdom of god [Music] if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from the hebrew ways god is defeating you from heaven oh god you will forgive us of our sin and you will heal the land lord god almighty let us take our heart out for the against the principalities and power of this age i pray right now lord god that you lift up your standard against the replied every devices of the wicked wonder attends our men of today aged lord and i prayed among god that there will be a revelation of the whole pouring of the holy spirit across the world across the world across the world across the world oh god i thank you for hearing our pride i thank you for answering our prayer [Music] in the mighty name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] as you started [Music] thank you minister andrew brown for your word and your prayer god be praised and those prayers are gone up before the lord and they will be placed in the golden bowl gold and sensor and god will distribute them across the nations as it pleases him minister janet small she's going to offer a word and say her prayer followed by minister spencer and then we love elder morrison in that order and we hope we'll get through everybody on time except you decide to stay until 10 30 tonight not me okay all right so let's welcome the lady among us minister john is small amen god bless you over to you glory to god thank you very much bishop i just want to say a very good night good evening to you sir thank you so very much for both you and minister for being our super leader and for being our visionary we give god thanks for you good evening to all the other ministers and to the viewing audience glory to god i just want to do my little sharing on the topic will be be caring be forgiving and be loving glory to god if every time we need to be loving caring and forgiving is no we know that love is a intense feeling of affection glory to god when somebody say to be caring we want to display that kindness and concern for each other we want to work and practice a means of giving sharing and looking after each other that is to be caring to be forgiving is is a conscious decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance towards a person who has armed you in any way so we need to be forgiving i just want to read from first corinthians 13 and that's a scripture that i know for many of us will love but especially in times right now i want us to embrace it not only embrace but to practice it and let it be our daily warm and first corinthians 30 i just want to read a few verses and it says though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity i am become a sounding brass or a king thinking symbol and though i have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though i have all faith so that i can remove mountains and have not charity i am nothing and though i bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though i give my body to be burned and have not charity it profited me nothing it says charities suffer it long and is kind charity envy not charity wanted not itself and is not puffed up charity that does not behave itself unseemly seek it not our own is not easily provoked and it didn't get no evil rejoice it not in inequity but charity rejoice it in the truth try to bear it all things believe at all things open all things and endured all things and verse 13 it says unknown abided faith home charity these three but the greatest of this is charity which is love my brothers and my sisters i pray that we embrace corinthians there's also another scripture that says be completely humble and gentle be patient bearing with one another in love if ever a time we need to be patient to be understanding to be loving to be caring is no i asked for us to love each other just as of christ loved us and one of our favorite bible verses in john 3 verse 16 and he speaks of how for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and what i realized here is that charity and love comes with giving and once we embrace giving and also forgiveness we will continue to do what the lord wants us to do i want to pray this evening i want to pray for relationships husband and wives we do have boyfriend and girlfriend glory to god relationship with parents and children employees and employers these are relationships that we need to embrace glory to god we have seen in recent times the many violence that is happening against women against children we have seen where loved ones have hurt each other glory to god we have seen recently where father god almighty have killed a son and glory to god this is not of god persons that you have loved you have cared for you have embraced before and there comes a time when there is just this anger that was that has built up in us i want us brothers and sisters just to embrace love care and forgiveness let us pray glory to god glory to god hallelujah jesus the god of the mountain is still god in the valley the god of the dead is still god in the night glory to god our father our king our shepherd our friend almighty god will come to you tonight in this our worldwide prior meeting oh glory to god father god there are many hurting person tonight glory to god they're hurting because of some of us we have unforgiveness in our hearts almighty god father i am praying father jesus that you'll help us o glory to god father god he said we should cast all our clears upon you because you are the god that hear it for us lord jesus father that i'm asking you almighty god to open our hearts oh god help us to understand relationships almighty god and each and every one of us almighty god on the face of glory to god in times of relationship lord and god i am asking you almighty god to help us oh god father we cannot do it by ourselves of god and that is why almighty god we are here with joining force to pray to seek your faith and to ask of you for your guidance o glory to god there are many mothers fathers brothers sisters husbands wives and children from time to time god of bitterness in their hearts oh god i pray almighty god that will help us to forgive the lord help us to reconcile oh glory to god help us to go back to where you want us to be almighty god at the same corinthians is to be loved almighty god father we're depending on your grace and your divine intervention almighty god help us god to have a means of communication god where we can talk things oh glory to god help us to understand each other almighty god help us if we should get hurt by loved one god we are able to say i'm sorry oh glory to god forgive me because i love you and i care for you oh god lord jesus we are asking you god help those hurting mothers those hurting fathers jesus children not hurting husband and wives oh glory to god father god would have hug but kiss and say i love you but the enemy will step in from time to time to want to destroy that lord glory to god help us to know when the enemy is coming in god and to step back in the name of jesus christ of nazareth almighty god i pray that you will give us a spirit of humbleness oh god a humility jesus forgiveness jesus help us to be carrying persons almighty lord father we are dependent on your grace and your mercies god help us not take up things in our hands but to go to you and to say god help me to forgive oh god lord depending on your grace and immerses this email continue to build offense around us fight for us continue to strengthen us and more than anything other father continue to teach us to be loving to be caring and to be forgiving father i leave everything into your precious and this evening cover your children oh god goes near and far intervene in every homes and present themselves to you tonight oh glory to god oh god we're depending on your god and for those that have anger and have something that they need to talk to someone about having to get that spirit of bullies and forgiveness to say i'm sorry lord we're depending on you cleanse us and wash us and make us as we look to you for grace this evening father in a precious nearby greek glory [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh glory to god yeah did you remember to pray [Music] they're not always to pray and not to faint prayer changes people and people change things thank you minister janet small for your word and for your prayer for families yes it's time to love it's time to care it's time to forgive we need to return to those good old virtues that help us as a people i also have a testimony to share from someone who sent me a voice no testimony well i got two for sure it has to do with super miracle that god performed and we hope to get those two testimonies and they are not very long really maybe two minutes each we'll get them in so who is next on minister spencer greetings bishop good night to you sir go right ahead and take your two or three minutes okay thank you sir again greetings bishop i'd like to agree minister davis also my fellow colleagues and those who have joined us in this wonderful movement of god is where my prayer meeting thank you for being with us and thank you for having me glory to read two verses of scripture and they i will we'll go to revelation chapter 6 from verses 10 to 11 because of time i will i want to read all 11 verses but from 10 to 11 and it reads and they cried with a lord voice saying how long oh lord holy and true does though not judge and avenge our blood and then that dwell on the earth and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servant also and their virgin that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled and for a theme for tonight i would focus on the part that says how long lord and this is a very interesting text which for if we look at it carefully we realize that there's a lot of similarities between what this text is talking about and what is happening in our world today between verses one and nine we see where the people of god have been experienced in war uh between different uh factions countries culture uh in jamaica here we might not be experiencing that personally but it is something that because this is a worldwide um prayer meeting others might be experiencing that type of thing where they are physically located we find that in verse 4 and the next year another sea was open and this seal unleashed violence on the land and as minister janet small mentioned we are seeing our fair share of violence here in jamaica and it seems to be an arise especially uh towards our women and our children uh there was one statistic that says 12 1200 uh men and women and children were killed i think last year the year before and 1 30 of them were men 200 of them are women and those numbers are really high and we see in the states again another sea was open and it was we had the detective spoke about economic crisis we talked about the skills um being balanced unbalanced spoke about that's economic crisis and we have gone through many crashes uh we have seen the economy in today's world um as dipped and i've gotten weaker and persons are struggling financially presidents are struggling struggling economically we see as another still being open and we see sickness and disease taking over the world and in today's world we are unfortunately we're experiencing that knowing today's world with discovery 19 pandemic where many persons have lost their lives and become ill and and and um even when they recover so to speak they are not returned to the hell that they had prior to this disease so this stage in revelation 6 speaks eerily are it really speaks to over time uh what we're living in and like the people in the texts we here are asking how long lord how long are we going to be going to wave and wave after wave a wave of the wave of calamity when are you going to step in um and deliver us right and i want to point out in the time that i have a few things from this text and one of the things that we have to pay attention to is that god is holy and he's true and what this means is that god is not command that he shall lie and whatever word that he says that he gives to us that he will do in in his in his time my new season he will bring it to pass and the word of god said vengeance is mine i will repeat say what god is saying here is that at the appointed time i will restore unto um you what you have lost and even more and we are encouraged by the story of job where he got doubled for his trouble right and even though we know these things we still ask how long life how long are we going to suffer from this pandemic and i minister small says how long are we going to suffer because of abusive relationships and how long almighty god are we going to suffer due to economic crisis due to violence due to uh these different things that take away from our experience on this earth we continue to ask how long lord but first level reminds us that god is still in control and his response to us that he said wait a little while just a little while longer and little while longer can be tomorrow about god we rest assured that god is in control and he says in the meantime he erupts the persians in this text in white robe jesus seal and we have a seal of the holy spirit in our lives it is a long payment to say that every lesser what is seen happening i am still in control but i have set an appointed time to deliver my people i just want to remind us that god is in control and though we understand that he's in kansas the human side of us would want to cry out whole long lord and i'm here to remind us that god just like the persians in this picture revelation chapter 6 god has heard our cry and he just saying just a little wild anger hold on uh minister brown says fear not should not fear because god is encountered we know whatever happens in this world whatever happens to us we know that god is faithful he is holy and he's true and he will partner his word and he said he would take care of us he says look at the lily in the field say look at the spiral aren't we more important than these and if he takes care of them he allows to take care take care of us and we thank god for his word and we hold on to them because they're more important than bread and absolutely let us pray father i thank you for your word and thank you for your good nature thank you for your favor thank you for reminding us almighty god that you are god very important father i thank you almighty god for sending your words through this platform from your people from your people to for your people almighty god and father like habakkuk in chapter 3 almighty god lord we have heard of your glory and power in terms of how you acted in the past father we pray almighty god that you do it in our day lord do it again in our day and time almighty god father remember almighty god the story of the man almighty god or you sustained israel in the desert of god when there's nothing else and no one has to sustain them almighty god even in this time of trouble and turmoil almighty god give us man our almighty god but not only the physical manner and physical substance almighty god almighty god sustain our spiritual god sustain us spiritually almighty god with a spiritual man almighty god the people of israel and when they were in the desert for 40 years almighty god the clothes did not work or not at the sanders uh were destroyed almighty god sustain what we have almighty god strengthen what remains almighty god but many have fell on my by the way sallallahu and many have become weak during this time almighty god but father i pray almighty god that you strengthen what remains almighty god sustain us spiritually and physically like you sustained elijah martin with the martyrdom this little flower almighty god sustain also god like it's just elijah almighty god send help almighty god we cry to you our father we need you almighty god sure almighty god like you show up for isaac when he drove the world and the enemy kept on taking them away and covering them up for god with that let us find that well almighty god remains with us oh god let paul let it pull out of us almighty god where's the spiritual world almighty god almighty god let us bring forth life almighty god let our light shine even though at this time more than ever almighty god father i pray that you sent our lord send power lord saint paul send the gifts of your holy spirit almighty god send healing life sent a night in almighty god send deliverance oh my goodness jesus so far let that lord send grace send grace almighty god let us have patience lord let us be faithful to you and to each other almighty god let us love each other unconditionally almighty god let fellowship reign almighty god let the power of your holy spirit have a locker with us almighty god let your glory be seen in our day and time lord let it be done father we submit to you almighty god and though we cry oh long lord lord we receive your word in your time and that you are in control and receive that knowing may much jesus we pray amen amen [Music] [Music] [Music] 14. [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] i can do it again [Music] praise the lord thank you so much it is suspenseful for your word and prayer god will do it again in all the things that and years of life that we are challenged god is able uplift song in the background he'll do it again glory to god he worked in yesteryears he's the same yesterday today and forever he'll do it again glory elder morrison over to you for your word and prayer good night sir thank you for the opportunity to um serve on your platform tonight let me take the time out to greet you sir and your wife in the mighty name of jesus thank you let me also greet also the other ministers that are here with us tonight on this platform i also want to view to greet the viewing audience that are listening and i just want to share a brief word of encouragement to all that are listening tonight because the question is being asked time and time after now and some person get comfortable saying that this is becoming the new norm but that's for me i will not agree that this is going to be the new noun because certainly i want to go back into the house of the lord to fellowship with my virgin because certainly we will worship at our home but nothing like when we get into the house of the lord and i just want you to look with me in the book of psalm 43 and the essence of time i will look at verse 4 and he said then will i go unto the altar of god and to god my exceeding joy yay upon thy heart when i praise thee oh god my god why are those comes down oh my soul and why i have not described within me hoping god for i shall yet praise him who is the head of my countenance and my god we have been out of church for some time we often heard people ask the question why do god do such a bad thing allow such bad things to happen to good people and the answer i could only answer to say is there is none that righteous paul said in romans chapter 3 there is none that righteous no not one the situation is that such that job said man that is born of a woman is up a few days and they are full of trouble jesus himself said jesus said his disciples these things have i spoken unto you that in me he might have peace yes and in this world he shall have tribulation i have overcome the world the psalmist david in the 43 division he had a situation with his own son absalom and some person is saying that the psalms was not written by david but it was the sum of hezekiah but whether it's being david ryan or something ezekiel wrote the songs they all face a situation david faced a situation with his own son absolutely wanted to overthrow him um hezekiah was one of israel most godly king yet the syrian army get the better of him and so therefore us as christians have to understand that we will all have something to enter us at times and to cause us in our worship with god all of us can testify like islamists have testified because at some point in our life we are affected it might not be in one way for all persons but some of us are affected in our finances some of us are affected in our health and if it's not our health it's our family at home it's the top of the devil but we are all under some attack but tonight i just want to stream encourage somebody to be strong in the lord and in the power of his might in the fourth verse of psalm 43 david was crying out he also deals with the silence that god is silent with all that is happening to him and so david cry out unto the lord and so david prayed to god for his liberty david asked god some questions all of us as christians have to come to the some to the place where we have to ask god some questions sometimes and although we are not able to bring our in our son to her to worship we have to learn to make ourselves tabernacle wherever we can in our home in our living room in our bedroom in our bathroom we need to see god because certainly we are living in last days and evil days verse one two three in the psalm speak of the believers cried and verse 4 speak of the believer's commitment verse 4 said when will i go unto the altar of the lord unto the god my exceeding joy yay open my heart will i praise you lord my god you see in romans chapter 1 to 11 paul speak about the things that god has done for us for to give us his salvation and paul will remind us of all the things that god have done for us from chapter 1 to 11. but when it comes to chapter 12 paul wants to ensure us that above amidst all that god have done for us it's time for us to do something in response to god giving us his salvation paul said in romans chapter 12 i beseech you therefore virgin by the mercies of god that you present your body a living sacrifice only and accepted unto god which is your reasonable service paul further continued to say be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that he might prove that which is good and acceptable and perfect will of god this is a time when we have to stand fast we cannot be conformed to the things that are happening what we have to stand for is someone's appear to be a daniel dear to stand alone dear to our purpose firm and dear to let it known and the saddest thing about it is that sometimes we have to deal with god being silent on us in spite of us all but we have to remember that god already paid the price he paid a sacrifice that all that we have to do now is to stay close to god the sound man is saying what the psalmist said why i don't cast on all my soul and where i go this quiet within me the psalmist personalized the challenge to himself and so the storm is saying hope though in god so no matter how bad the situation be we have to trust in god and have confidence that he will be able to see us too and then he had a profound clarity in the same verse when he said i will yet praise it regardless of what is happening we as christians have to be strong in the lord we have to stand for us we have to praise god and we have to know that we are ready to do all that he's supposed to do and all we have to do is take commitment and a lot of persons are getting tired and weary and want to give up but i am saying tonight to everyone that i listen and feeling that you can't make it any further just hold on to god and change in hand abaco found himself in a situation and a boca said uh i got a fictitious and a blossom neither shall we have been a fruity divine labor of the healing shall fail and the feeling shall hear no meat the flock shall be cut off from the flood and there shall be no herb in the stall but above i will rejoice in the lord and i will be glad in the god of my son we have to learn to become like the hebrew boy said what means shaping up bendigo they said unto the king okay we will not go to your breathing image we will not teach your meat and and the king give them an opportunity but they say we are not cheerful to answer to this matter but okay if even our god damn not deliver us just let it know that we will not bow to this and so tonight i just want to encourage each christian that are out there that are listening tonight to be strong in the lord and in the power of his might because either the god of good work in you is able to see you to the end because god is god when you're confident in god when you have open god when you have committed knowing that you certainly will come true for your salvation paul said and we know that all things work together for good to them that love the lord so in spite of what is happening god has his plan in spite of you can't see will in spite of us being cast on in spite of us questioning god why god why you allow these things to happen god is saying we should just be still and know that he's gone he said he's still in control he will take care of us and i just want to pray for all believers tonight that we will just stand firm in god knowing that he is able to see us through my faith look up today joe llama calvary savior divine now hear me while i pray oh god take all my guilt away or let me from this day oh god die father we come before your presence tonight oh god we thank you for this privilege of god that you have afforded us oh god where we can come and talk about you oh god to encourage somebody even one person will be encouraged to know god that in spite of all that is happening you are still in heaven and you are interceding and over your administrating your fear of men and you are still in control of god so lord we pray that you have just strengthened your people those that are weak and evilated and are conquered with the lord of fear of god we pray that you do the strength and the weak of god lift up the fallen over and help us to know lord that you are still in fact nothing is hard for you to to do oh god we know that that church is suffering at this time lord we are feeling it we want to go into your house to magnify your name but the situation does not allow that you are still in control and acknowledge you as god and savior for life now we pray that you'll respond continue to keep us together oh god so that one day when we are able to worship and to go into your house and to give you thanks up we will lift up our hands to your will sing praises and to you i will say our soul will cry out hallelujah and say thank god for saving grace have your own way in our lives oh god we pray you are the part of lord we are just a lump of claim so lord we pray that you just have melt us at this time of god and fashion us into whatever you want to be make us a vessel usable unto you we know god we give you all our lord we give you our praise that you want your name and we lift you up in jesus holy and masjid's name amen [Music] [Applause] i'm [Music] hallelujah to jesus he shows me [Music] that day when jesus says follow me follow me glory to god [Music] [Applause] glory to god follow me [Music] [Music] this [Music] i know where [Applause] yes saints of god also is unchanging you are chosen go through the fire go through the flood yeah there was a faith choir reminding us tonight [Music] although the fig tree shall not blossom or fall to the vine be the glory of god in this place tonight oh jesus [Music] jesus christ [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] that's the message tonight you have not chosen me said the lord but i have chosen you and ordained you that you should go for it and bring forth fruits no turning back no giving up no surrender all the way with jesus thank you elder antonio morrison for your words and for your prayer god bless you and everybody do we have minister troy on is he on yes i'm here sir good night you are there okay well let's ask you to share your word and bring a prayer you are the youth test among us what did i say we used this among us the youngest among us we had a wonderful conversation today go ahead son say a word and bring your prayer yes sir bless you sir glory my good honor to you and your wife and for just the vision and the leadership of this ministry i want to just honor my colleagues who are here and those who are tuned in on this worldwide prayer meeting jesus truly took an honor to be able to share with you from the word of god and to pray with you tonight this challenge in time it is important that we strengthen each other whether god we are here to share together to pray together and to strengthen each other i want to encourage somebody tonight that in spite of what is happening god is your health god is your help maybe somebody can personalize that tonight and say god is my health very present health in time of truth and the few verses i want to share with you is from the 54th division of islam psalm 54 assam of deity and this was written by david in a time where he felt betrayed amen he felt betrayed when the ziphites were reporting his position and so he felt cornered and i don't know how many of us in this time would feel as if we are betrayed or we are left alone especially those of us who have been betrayed and let down by the ones closest to us but hear the words of islam as david tonight from stanford before he says save me o god by thy name and judge me by thy strength hear my prayer o god give ear to the words of my mouth but strangers are risen up against me seek after my soul they have not set god before them behold god is mine helper the lord is with them and hold my soul he shall reward evil unto my enemies cut them off in thy truth i will freely sacrifice unto thee i will praise thy name o lord for it is good for he has delivered me out of all trouble and my eye had seen his desire upon my enemies that is our encouragement tonight god is there to deliver us god will deliver us he will vindicate us we need not spend the time listening and watching our enemies because god will defend us once we are in his truth once we are in the right here we see the situation with david as recorded in first samuel chapter 23 amen the ziphites which were israelites his very own brothers and sisters were betraying david giving up his position to king saul and some of us would say he would be alone he referred to them as strangers but yet these were his own brothers and some of us in these times we have been heard we have been betrayed we have been let down by the ones closest to us sometimes we may feel as if we have no one else we can call to but the encouragement that god wants me to give us tonight is that god is your health he is my health he is our very present hell in time of trouble indeed the word of the lord tells us that we have overcome them we are his children because the one who is in you is greater than them that is in this world don't watch what is happening around you but let us keep our eyes in this time focus on god because look at david indeed if goliath could not defeat him if it was not the zephyr even king saul could not defeat him then tell me my brothers and sisters who is it that can persevere against one who is called and set apart by god god will defend us once we stand for him so don't be discouraged in this time there is a lot happening but don't be disheartened because god will offend you and tonight i just want to pray with us because i know in this time some of us may be discouraged some of us may be losing faith the encouragement tonight is hold on even if it's that last thread of hope that is still faith the word of god says faith even as a mustard seed and you will speak the mountains and they will be cast into the midst of the sea there's no one who trusts in the lord and is let down no one put their faith in god and is put to shame tonight hallelujah hallelujah i don't know what your discouragement is tonight i don't know what your disappointment is tonight i don't know what your letdown is tonight but i come to tell somebody that god is for you he will fight for you he will vindicate you he will stand up for you in the counsel of your enemies hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let us pray let us pray maybe a young man you may be a young woman maybe a not so young man maybe i'm not so young wherever you are hearing me tonight wherever you are let us lift up our faith together because god is our refuge and strength our very present health in time of trouble hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god we give you praise god we give you thanks our father we can call on you tonight because we know that you will not disappoint us when we call an almighty god you promise that you will hear and not only that you will hear but you will hear and you will answer pray almighty god your word tells us the prayer of a righteous man a veil is much almighty god and so mighty god we your remnants mighty god somebody who may be feeling as if they're alone may have been betrayed may have been let down by a mother by a father almighty god by a brother by a sister but indeed tonight we know we can lean on you that friend who's ticket closer than a brother almighty god you are still a young man's keeper you are still a young woman's keep almighty god and so tonight in this time in this season mighty god of disappointment in this time mighty god of uncertainty in this time when we do not know what tomorrow holds mighty god we lift up our hands we lift up our hearts we lift up our faith to you mighty god assured because we know that in spite of what is happening you are the one who is in charge of tomorrow almighty god he said mighty god who by worrying can have an inch to his scatter look at the grass look at the birds they do not live but they flourish mighty god yes almighty god we shall be like a tree planted by the rivers mighty god and we your sons and daughters your promises we will bring forth food in our due season mighty god biting that there may be enemies and adversaries who want to discourage us in this season who want to look at us in our period of drought but mighty god tonight you are assuring us that our season of flourish our season of rain our season of abundance is coming mighty god it's almighty god no one who puts their trust in you will be put to shame mighty god almighty god no good thing you promised will you withhold from them that walk up right mighty god until this morning mighty god this evening tonight wherever we find this audience all over this world mighty god we beseech you from heaven almighty god because we know you are our help you are my help when friends forsake me when family forsake me mighty god then you will hide me in your pavilion almighty god you will protect me you are my hiding place mighty god oh heavenly father in the midst of term almighty god we know that we can abide on the wings of protection with almighty that we have coverage under your shadow almighty god so we abide the almighty mighty god because we know that you are you are for us mighty god and so mighty god tonight tonight tonight we may be weak but you say in our weakness when we feel weak when you are weak mighty god then then your strength is made perfect in our weakness i don't know the affliction almighty god paul spoke about the thorn in his side maybe somebody may be suffering from a thorn in their sight tonight mighty god somebody mighty god may be in luck in one almighty god not knowing what tomorrow oh jesus you are our provider your forward jireh the one who provide bread in the middle of the wilderness almighty god we look to you we look to you the one who cannot fail the one who promises us that your word cannot return onto your void until tonight mighty god by your word we lift up your word mighty god you say your word they are forever they are yes and they are amen mighty god not one of your words will return unto your voice and so mighty god will lift up our hands we lift up our faith we lift up our hearts to you tonight mighty god because we know no other hell but you but you said mighty that if we put our faith in you then we will not be put ashamed but tonight will you fight for us mighty god fight against those that fight against us mighty god be our protector be our deliverer almighty god in our times of trouble and mighty god will you continue to protect your people to guide us mighty god and to keep us in your perfect peace and tell us though if we keep our minds stayed on you you will keep us in perfect place and so we pray almighty god that you will bestow upon us tonight that peace that peace will surpass all understanding so in the midst of our storm almighty god we can trust the one who can speak to any star and we can speak peace to any situation we pray almighty god because we know that you hear us and we give you thanks to give you praise because we believe by faith it is already done the doors are already open mighty god the prayers are already open mighty god the prayers are already answered and so we give you thanks and we give you praise we'll tell you thanks in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] in my [Music] let eyes your heart be troubled the lord of forces with us god of jacob is our he will guide us [Music] oh glory to god all the way i will [Music] i will jesus worship him saints of god psalm 32 i'll guide you i will lead you i'll teach you i'll instruct you what a god oh yes i will god [Music] well thank you thank you voices of inspiration thank you minister troy patterson for your word and prayer and we are coming down we are coming down my goodness look at youth tube number gracious god make sure you like and subscribe before you leave everybody and i know you have been blessed the needs have been supplied i'm wondering if i can take this testimony stay with us let's see if we can get it praise the lord everyone want to send greetings to bishop dr delphi davis's wife and all the ministers and the saints of god all around the world and last year was also haunting come on is good don't question it come on god this is me and i went off to the house after where i went after that house i got that house in february the 9th of february that also burned down and i watched it went up in smoke the second and the third floor i watched the firemen pour the water on it the water went to the third floor and the basement i said jesus because we were doing some little renovation to it just to make it look the way i want it it's a beautiful house a tree car garage in the yard beautiful house at the corner quiet neighborhood and everything i said dear god this is the way you want me to stay and this is what i'm seeing but god you know the answer and i'm not questioning you why all this happens and the pastor came up with seed faith so i didn't have any money but i said no i'm gonna try i'm gonna keep what do you want because i do believe god you're gonna do something for me when i did i see it faith and let it go i don't question god because there's so much thing going on around the world and i leave it in the end of the lord and would you believe the insurance was working on it so hard and i know the obstacle because it was all an accident that caused it to burn down and god came through for me after that sleeping sewing and i got more much more than also than short for to peel back the also my dream thank you jesus never questioned never question don't you think that that money is going to go in someone's pocket you give you give and keep it here all right jesus i thank you well thank you i thought i would share that testimony with you i've got another one but i'll leave it for another time this wonderful person in another country uh out of believing god saw their seed faith or three-story house bought it for a certain amount she told me everything about it and doing some renovation unfortunately it was engulfed by fire burned and god she was wondering lord after spending all of that money look at what has happened and god gave her a miracle that she never expected what's the miracle the insurance company gave her back much more than she even asked for if that's not a miracle i don't know if it's a miracle you don't get what you ask for much more to get more than you asked for i mean that's a miracle no one our sister needed to share that miraculous testimony i hope you heard the testimony did you all hear it uh youtube yes you did put no limits on god thank you all right let me thank everybody let me thank bishop glenroy certain minister janet small minister andrew brown elder antonio morrison minister leondo spencer minister troy patterson minister michael mirage at the control all of you for offering yourself to the lord tonight for this worldwide prayer meeting i want to thank all the viewers and listeners there on youtube and on facebook thank you for being there we are going to close out right now in 10 minutes don't you leave me uh we're going to pray everybody together but let me just remind you of what paul says in ephesians six well let me just read verse 18. it says praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all sins my emphasis would be on praying always with all prayers all types of prayers all kinds of prayers making all kinds of requests because god is able to do all things so don't you limit god we don't say put him to the test you don't put god to the test you just prove god prove me now said god you put people to the test when you think they can fail but there don't there's there's no failure in him so just believe god will you open up all the mics please those who are still with me open up all the mics and for five minutes pentecostal prayer it is not confusion the holy spirit is taking them on the wings of the dove and taking them into the presence of god now we pray all prayers and supplication so everybody in my audience the 1530 new of you on youtube and many others who are on the other network everybody in the spirit of five minutes prayers and supplications for all sins not in confusion god cannot be confused of god father in the name of jesus christ everywhere across the nation we come lord god with prayer for healing [Applause] from all sicknesses and diseases glory to god in the name of jesus christ oh jesus christ lord of jesus christ oh give you the glory we give you the prayers foreign yes god bless everybody oh thank you okay oh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] and if you feel broken tonight god can make your vessel uh [Music] thank you jesus bringing down worldwide for a meeting on this friday night thank you for sharing everybody all my youtube viewers like and subscribe share the link see you again on sunday morning at seven o'clock and 9 15. 8 am and 7 pm sunday nights and friday nights gathering of the warriors all of these platforms worship him no broken vessels bastards got broken you know what [Music] god goes but here is what jesus said [Music] put them back together jesus [Music] [Music] get ready to have a restful night [Music] play yes [Music] he will never never never what jesus will do [Music] all right thank you everybody this is ten o'clock in jamaica eleven o'clock united states of america what time is it in saint thomas u.s virgin islands what time is it where you are so we are coming down right now let me thank again everybody thank minis bishop glenroy sutton minister janet small minister andrew brown elder antonio morrison minister leander spencer 4 am in united kingdom minister troy patterson anybody in the middle east tell me what time it is it is there over in the middle east we're having a ball with people all over the world god bless you make sure you like and subscribe before you leave and the blessings of god be with you 11 p.m in where is that now okay virgin islands 11 p.m my goodness thank you for staying up so late someone said bishop i'm going to the night shift tonight no sleep at all but i couldn't miss this it's not wonderful thank you everybody night 904 in canada no something is wrong with that 4 a.m in the united kingdom thank you everybody god bless you're going to let these ministers go rest with their families and we'll see you again the blessings of god be with you grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father fellowship on communion of the holy spirit comforter rest remain and abide with us all the one forevermore and everybody is saying [Music] amen [Music] [Music] what a night [Music] i enjoy you people all over the world you make my night your comments oh my god arizona 8 o'clock in phoenix arizona my goodness [Music] whatever that is canada has different provinces amen but nobody wants to sign out i'll sign you out have a good night go rest your heads now minister janet small the only lady among us god bless you and bless your family minister michael mirage thank you for sitting at the control and you've done a fantastic job god bless everybody uh 1106 in colombia my what's colombia that colombia mm-hmm my goodness bless you everybody until we meet again god bless i'm getting out of here amen there we go praise the lord
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 9,134
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Id: OlIFbpLhKdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 23sec (8003 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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