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[Music] [Music] so are we there mr mr mirage hello there is oh my god [Music] what's happening [Music] [Music] now i won't okay will soon join you a little challenge [Music] two thousand years ago that's not bad [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes minister what's happening yes i'm wondering what's happening [Music] all right let me see what [Music] okay let me try [Music] your love is where i [Music] praise the lord can you hear me bishop thank you sir all right bless the lord well welcome everybody welcome everybody [Music] there's not enough words to describe my camera is coming off [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh uh uh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] well praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord good to be with everybody again on tonight wherever you have joined us from oman the broad welcome to all friday nights worldwide prayer meeting and as at other times we are in for a wonderful time it is good to be back with you the lord is good to us we have so much to celebrate and indeed we are celebrating i want to thank minister michael mirage or host once again for hosting us facilitating this platform on tonight so we can reach you so we welcome all persons on youtube we welcome those on facebook and we thank the lord for you with us on the platform tonight we have elder antonio morrison welcome sir good to have you again tonight to share this platform thank you very much sir good night and good night to all the listening and viewing audience thank you and for the first time i suppose we have a unique couple wonderful couple uh might say the peter kings but let me say minister nicholas peterkin and his wife minister tamika peter king welcome to both of you to worldwide per meeting thank you thank you it's good to be a part on this side you know i'm usually on the other side but it's good to be on this side that's the lord well kovid has caused us to be going on many sides now even those who never thought we would be on so extraordinary times extraordinary things minister nicholas how are you sir bless your blessings your fellow ministers and all those who are doing blessings we shall please everyone it's a pleasure to be on this platform again we give god all the glory the honor and the praise amen wonderful all right so we are going to commence officially right about now i'm going to say a prayer i'm going to read a few different verses of scripture they speak to promises that god has given to afflicted persons promises to the afflicted and affliction doesn't necessarily mean or doesn't confine itself to physical affliction people are experiencing all kinds of affliction these days and need the strength need the comfort of almighty god and the holy spirit to see them through covet 19 plus all the many social ills that have been with us over time and some seem to be escalating but we want to trust the lord to minister to all persons in our audience and tonight so i bow for prayer you join me in opening prayer and then we will uh share a few scripture verses and then all three of you if not four of you should prepare your heart to pray as you are led of the holy spirit tonight you can pray generally or you can pray on a particular subject matter you're also at liberty to share a word of scripture that's on your heart uh he impressed upon you by the holy spirit and you want to share it with someone so that's the order for tonight you can share a portion of scripture and you pray as you are led or you take a particular subject matter and charge it before the lord there are so many things today that necessitate our prayers the word says we are ought to pray and not to fail so let us pray gracious heavenly father we thank you once again for bringing us together oh god and this virtual platform to share with your people across the nations so many have tuned in already and so many others will join us lord god we pray that your holy spirit will take full charge and control of all the things that will be said on tonight the scriptures that will be read those that will be shared the prayers that will be offered in the name of jesus christ let hearts and lives be touched and be challenged let sick bodies be healed let discouraged ones be encouraged let the weak be made strong in the name of jesus christ let god arise for us tonight and the enemies of god and the cross be scattered we thank you for elder antonio morrison we know he will use him again and tonight thank you for minister nicholas and tamika peter king you will use them for your glory and for your honor thank you for minister michael mirage you'll use him and we pray lord god that you grant that all things will go well all across jamaica all across the nations we commit this worldwide prayer meeting to you and we tell you thanks for hearing us now we take authority in the name of jesus christ over and against any and every spirit that would seek to disrupt or disturb any portion of this meeting tonight we render you powerless by the authority of the blood of jesus christ and we thank you for hearing us father in jesus name amen and amen the word of the lord says i told you i'll be reading a few scriptures concerning promises that have been made to the afflicted and the word of the lord has so many promises that are made to us in psalm 13 verse 5 a well-known one it says for is anger endureth but a moment in his favor is life weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning many persons are experiencing weeping periods of their lives right now but god has promised you that a morning of joy will come you will not shed tears all the way through sorrows will be turned to joy weeping will return to laughter because god has promised that a morning of joy will come for all those who are experiencing weeping nights in psalm 34 and verse 19 it says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivereth him out of them all he did not say we would not be afflicted but he says he delivers out of them all so whatever it is that has afflicted anyone in my audience tonight facebook youtube you wonderful people across the world we want to let you know that the lord has promised that he delivers out of afflictions so exercise your faith and trust him and he will perform that which he has promised the psalmist goes further to say in the 20th verse of psalm 34 i read 19 20 says he keepeth all his bones not one of them is broken what a mighty god we serve you're afflicted in one area or another of life god promised to see you through and then he says in isaiah 41 and verse 3 the lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing thou wilt make all his bed in sickness you are languishing tonight god says i'll make your bed you rest on me you rest in me you rest with me i hum your cushion said the lord god oh praise the lord i will make your bed i will strengthen you and i will make your bed in the time of your languishing though will make he will make our bed so you're not alone friends i know sometimes it feels lonely but in as much as it feels lonely tell yourself according to the promises of jehovah that you are not alone and he said in the word i'll never leave you nor forsake you i'll be with you always you're going out you're coming you're rising you're down sitting your time of laughter your times of tears god says i'll be there and if he says so you can bet your life and it i'll give you maybe three more verses and then we enter upon a song and prayer isaiah 43 verse 2 hear the words when the passes through the waters i will be with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee when the walk is through the fire thou shalt not be burned neither shall the flame kingle upon thee dear god can you remember the story that speaks to the children of israel they faced the red sea i never knew what the hand would be but god said to moses tell them we are going forward stretch out the rod and he took them across as he divided the red sea the same thing happened on the joshua's leadership when they faced the jordan they wondered how on earth are we going to make this and god did not defy the jordan he dried up the jordan and they walked over on dry ground so the waters will come the fire will come do you not remember the story friend of the three hero boys glory to god they had to face a literal fire oh gloria but thank god there's a fourth man that is always there for every three persons there's a second man for every one person there's a third man for every three person my god and you can check the numbers off there's an eighth man for every seven person whatever the size of your family your circle and you're facing a fire tonight god says i am there with you oh praise god and the bible tells us that the three hebrew boys came out of the midst of the burning fiery furnace without even the smell of smoke on their skin what a mighty god we serve and we don't have to go historically to he don't see these things contemporarily among us today many saints of god have faced flood-like situation fire-like situation all glory to god spiritually physically financially and in many years of life what god saw them through he delivers them all glory to the name of jesus i'll give you romans 8 28 one that we accept under some circumstances what should accept under all circumstances uh what it says and we know that all things this is not the easiest one to take all things worketh together for good to them that love god unto them who are they called according to his purpose so you love god you're called according to his purpose oh no you have not met an accident or no you have not met a tragedy oh no you have not you could not tell joseph that he met accident and tragedies and distress in the natural it appears that way but in the spiritual god was working everything out for his good and as the patriarch of old job says please remember that the end of a thing is better than the beginning thereof so you are in the beginning you're in the middle hold out to the end praise the name of jesus in the words of the writer i am determined to hold out to the end may god bless you tonight and i pray that those words will resonate strongly with you all of our viewers tonight my goodness thank you all over thank you so very much and that with which elder morrison will share the prayer that he will offer that which minister peter king both peter kings will share the prayer they'll offer i know god has something in store for you tonight so get ready uh in the order that i have announced it and antonio morrison minister nicholas then minister tamika we look to god together on tonight god is good god is wonderful god is worthy let's take a little of the song as we prepare hearts of prayer worldwide prayer meeting coming to you in the name of jesus christ from our hearts to yours be blessed [Music] i'm sorry i missed my cure oh no oh lord oh lord amen [Music] thank you [Music] in the world [Music] your worshiping saints glory to god [Music] is [Music] the awesome wonder of your power [Music] [Music] glory to jesus are you ready to share a word and to pray tonight [Music] and antonio morrison yes sir if you're ready to share a word and to pray as you are led it's over to you sir thank you bishop um thank you for having me tonight let me reach our viewing and listening audience it's a wonderful thing to give back thanks for all these blessings that you have restored upon us and tonight i just want to give contacts for this privilege that they have given unto me so that i can even share with somebody to hear a word and pray and hope that somebody will be encouraged at the end of whatever i will say i just want to read from the from the gospel of matthew chapter 11 and i just want to read four verses first four verses that i said that it come to pass when jesus had made an end of commanding his 12 disciples he departed ends to teach and to preach in the cities knowing can have heard in the prison that the works of christ is sent to his disciples and said unto him how that would come or do we look for another jesus answered and said unto them go and show again john those things which you have heard and see and verse five said implied because your sight the lame walk deliberate our cleanse and the death here the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them tonight i just want to say to somebody that may be discouraged because of the situation that you find yourself in and you are disappointed because enough things are happening in our lives to disappoint us many of us want to go into the house of god to worship god but we are not able to go into the awesome body and so we are disappointed about not able to go into the house of god many of us are spirit we have raised up children and we have done our best in trying to give them all that we can and they have been grown up and they have [Music] against us we succe disappointed and it's cool time and many of us experience probably they have never seen our child our children since kubernetes begun and we have become disappointed some of us are friends friends that we have done good to and we have not seen them because they have turned their back on us we have become disappointed some of us are our church veteran who's supposed to reach out to us we have not heard we have not seen them to share a comforting world and we have disappointed some of us saw a family that have disappointed us in various ways and we are empty and broken and tonight because we have not heard from them but like i'm john john was disappointed because he finally said that john was the forerunner of jesus and he preached the word of god he tell the people of that jesus is gonna becoming a prophet and the bible said it said matthew chapter seven that when john was only the willingness preaching he saw jesus coming to him and the bible said that jesus said to god suffering to be so to baptize me john said i can't because i need to be baptized nonetheless john baptize jesus and jesus begun his ministry and john at some point now is castle to prison because he was doing the work of god and john in prison and john heard all the good things that jesus is doing and god sent his chance and his disciples throughout jesus whether or not he's the messiah or he become disappointed because john preached the word of god and here john is locked up in prison like many of us tonight are locked up in our prison of our homes without [Music] but i just want to encourage somebody tonight that you are not alone you are not alone because someone said nobody told you that the road was gonna be easy but certainly god brought it too far to leave you just now so i just want to encourage somebody that [Music] [Music] are what we are going through today but i just want to encourage somebody that you need to stand fast in this liberty where christ have set you free that entangled into you of bondage because certainly god is able to see us true glory to god we have to hear our appearance as our parents chastise us and when they chastise us and we question them why they say when i'm trying to do all that you asked me to do john asked himself the question but jesus was there and i thought jesus was there and john asked the question jesus could have freed john but he did not do it john was still locked up in prison and was persecuted and john go to the extreme where he last is it for the gospel and so for us as christians and for us that are going through our rough times we have not so far as much that but we are still here and repentance going and it's for us to stand fast because why straightforward as children not that we have to understand that we must push us we must go through prostitution and himself experienced persecution on ask himself some question when things get bad that he said i even when they start to look at paul so we had to persecute them paul asked the question and said if they are evil so am i and if they are israelites so am i if they are seized up area so am i therefore this persecution must by the blood of jesus christ are called to ministers of christ we may not be ministered out of that father we can be ministers of you know our own ministers in the cross we can be ministers in the workplaces that if father destroyed the same only one not none of us come to that extreme to fear those persecution and if we do build and let us steer them with faith was it christ was like eating it right [Music] of our home that we can praise god for his goodness and for his learned season and we have not gone to the extreme why do we want to be awesome but although we want to live with family and friends we are still able so i just want to encourage somebody tonight to let you know that it's not an easy road we are at the place where all of us are asking questions and it's okay to express that it's because we know we are doing the things that are right what paul would remind us in further verses of the second um corinthians chapter 11 he said so churning often in periscope of robbers and parents of my own countrymen who are saying parents of the eden and their parents in the city in paris in the wilderness it buries that sea and in paris [Music] all right elder you wind up you're winding up you're winding up i know you're preaching but take us into some pride here now [Music] glory [Music] heaven eternal so if we if we have to suffer here through anything in christ we just need to stand past in christ liberty i just want to pray for somebody tonight who feel disappointed who feel dismayed who feels that you are going through what you are going through and there's no hope tonight the writer said why should we be discouraged and tonight lord we just want to come before your presence i want to give you thanks i want to give you praise i want to give you a glory that is throughout your name tonight lord there are so many persons over here now that are sick and helpless oh god and i have no fear i know what to turn to but god tonight we just want to ask you that you will restore your wounded hand from heaven oh god and touch every person or god that are feeling disappointed that are feeling dismayed that are feeling left out of society oh god we know that this is the [Music] [Music] one day you are coming o god and you are coming to your ass full of reward to pay every man of heart and as you are and look to jesus with satan with our all in all and never been carried away with all the cheers of the world because we know that if only we enter to the end of this journey who jesus name amen [Music] three [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh glory to god [Music] from the depths of the pits [Music] [Music] come on [Music] no one near me [Music] and reach further down so that i could [Music] well thank you so much elder morrison god bless you for the words you have shared for the prayer you have prayed i know many have been touched by the power of god oh glory to god we've got to get the test in order to get the testimony to pass the test minister peterkin are you standing by the mail peterkin to take us into a word and a prayer glory to god this evening is first peter 5 and the verse 7 a well-known passage future cast all your cares about me because i cared for you the enemies discussed all your anxiety upon him because he cares for you and you know we're at this time we don't know what's happening so many people are so anxious and fearful of what is happening in our culture in our world about something around us for the world this evening wants to remind us that we should cast our cures upon him because he cares for us and you know when we talk about casting [Music] for you to carry your peers for you he's saying tonight to us he wants to carry our peers he wants to carry all our anxieties he wants to carry all our fears he wants to be the target receiving for us to cast our heroes upon him he wants us to be reminded that the kills of this life are not going to reach us what are the vehicles better and stronger for the future so no matter what we are experiencing during this time it's not here to hear us it's still here to make us even stronger to move forward to go forward in faith because he said look here i care for you and because i care for you i want to jesus is literally telling us he wants to so much anxiety [Music] [Music] [Music] oh glory yes yes jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] are we getting minister peter king [Music] reconnected we are [Music] it may be [Music] [Music] so father god we glorify your name if right we bless your name lord father thank you for reminding us to be receiving that we can cast all our cures upon you for us that we thank you for that you are that you you said to us lord i will bear the burden for you i will carry your cares so father in this time of anxiety and and fear all around this world we release the lord we are going to castle what cares about we sell our trust and confidence will be remind someone to this evening right now this moment that you are dear for them to carry their cares and to carry their burdens let them come to the realization once again mighty god that the cares of this life and are not dear to break them without to make them stronger father we thank you that in all our ways we shall acknowledge you and you shall direct our power father help us to to hold unto your word lord that all things work together but with them that are called according to your purpose so almighty god will give you glory we give your honor we give you praise and we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your grace we thank you [Music] thank you jesus thank you lord [Music] we worship you lord we worship you worship him saints of god worship him worship the king of heaven [Music] [Music] oh god we love you we honor you we praise him magnify you we bless you [Music] cast all your cares upon him he cares for you he took it all and he wants to carry it no need to carry heavy burdens he says my yoke is easy and my burden is light thank you minister nicholas peterkin for sharing those words and for offering prayers and i trust the lord tonight that every person will cast your cares upon the lord you'll he will sustain you take your burdens to the lord and leave it there if you trust and never doubt god will surely bring you out take your burdens to the lord and leave it there he is a miracle worker he has never failed because he cannot fail so trust him bet your life on him glory to god and he will see you through and it's the tamika peter king is getting ready to share her heart with us tonight and to say a prayer and after which our host minister mirage will also share a word and a prayer so it's over to you minister tamika thank you bishop god bless each and every one that has joined on this platform jesus tonight you know the scripture that is resting upon my heart is second corinthians 4 and the verse 8 to 9 bless the name of jesus it says we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in the spirit persecuted but not forsaken castell but not destroyed bless the name of jesus so the thought i just want to give to you tonight believe us is that the knot still exists bless the name of jesus the n.o.t it still exists we are not distressed we are not destroyed we are not forsaken bless the name of jesus and we are not in despair bless the name of jesus when paul wrote this passage of scripture hallelujah thank you jesus it says in acts 23 that he was being hunted bless the name of jesus but he was haunted by men hallelujah and they and not they did not eat glory to god they did not drink because they seemed to be to kill paul but glory to god when paul would second corinthians chapter four i want to encourage somebody to know that and not still exist though we are troubled though there are many things happening due to poverty we are not distressed we are not in despair we are not destroyed we are still here we are still here the word of god says we can endure but joy is coming in the morning and in order for us to see the joy we know that we are not destroyed you cannot be destroyed you need to see the joy in the morning my friends hallelujah bless the name of jesus so that's a passage of scripture that is dear i'm holding dear to my heart tonight and i want you to be encouraged to know that the knot yes the n.o.t it still exists bless the name of jesus hallelujah and i play tonight even as i let you pray i need to pray tonight for some employees oh yes some employees out here hallelujah some business owners and some employers glory to god to remind them hallelujah that we are not in despair we are not destroyed lord of god we are not forsaken hallelujah and we are not distressed and because we know that we are not we are resting on the promises of god glory to god and so tonight i am led to pray for the employees the employer oh your name and jesus god we thank you for your word almighty god that reminds us father god that we are not in despair it reminds us that we are not forsaken hallelujah it reminds us that we are not destroyed hallelujah no we are troubled on him beside god that we are not distressed and so tonight god as i come to you god i come almighty god on the amazon employees tonight i comment almighty god i'm here for some employers tonight yes lord tonight for some business owners tonight god in the name of jesus christ i want to remind them god almighty jobs that remind us that we are not in this fear god almighty i pray god for some business owners god who might lose income god somebody god and is else on you god to come true for them god we come and hear behalf of god because when we come become standing on your word god we stand on the alpha employee the empire the business you want us god almighty tonight oh god almighty [Music] lord almighty god for some new jobs to be restored and reinstated that's common took away god we stand on your words god almighty though we are persecuted hallelujah until we are cast out not destroy them father god we ask that you have your way in everyone that is tuning both hearing about god and have some situations jesus we call on you king jesus cause you are the great you are the bigger boss of our boss is in the name of jesus jesus come and approve of what needs to be approved jesus thank you glory to god hallelujah for the victory tonight for an employee the victory for an employer to victory god for our business own our god jesus shall be approved all glory to god promotions shall be given in this time because we are not destroyed by god we are not forsaken we give you thanks and we stand on your word tonight with telethons lord in jesus name thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] jesus glory to god we worship you we worship you we worship you glory to god jesus worshipping saints of god worshipping saints of god [Music] worshiping saints of god [Music] we know the man who can [Music] jesus he'll calm life trouble see thank you lord [Music] lord we praise you [Music] lord we worship you [Music] i glorify you you know the man who can [Music] his name is jesus christ son of the living god [Music] jesus we praise you [Music] receive the anointing of god to break your yokes right now [Music] again glory to god [Music] hallelujah to the land but i know the [Music] man god bless you thank you minister tamika peter king for sharing your heart and that powerful word the n o t still exists the n.o.t is still relevant o glory to god the n.o.t is still powerful we shall not we shall not we shall not regardless of what's happening glory to god we shall not be cast down we shall not be destroyed we shall not in the name of jesus christ we stand our ground for greater isaiah that is in us than he that is in the world glory to god and we are more than conquerors through christ who loves and who strengthens us minister mirage your host your chief up operator i'm sure you got a word and a prayer to share with all facebook and youtube viewers right now and we got a whole lot of them on youtube dear god can't see the number on facebook but look at what's happening across the world and they are enjoying what the spirit is doing at this time so will you share a word and a prayer bless your and all who are heart on facebook and youtube the word i want to share with you is pretty much consistent with all that have been shared from our bishop ella morrison and peter kings it comes from philippians chapter 1 verse 12 and 14 and i must i must i must confess bishop it's one of the portion of scripture that i often reflect on as someone that feel as most people know from really want to some very difficult circumstances and you are spoken in the script the scripture in goshen and i held on to it because of the way you presented it and i looked at it and i said yes lord and the apostle rode under the leadership of the holy spirit from verse 12. but i want you to know virtue that the things that have happened to me yes virgin those who are listening to me in facebook and youtube the things that have happened to you the lies the difficulties that your face the backstabbing those who have lost their salary and those who have lost over time those who families have turned their backs on them and you feel like you're not going to make it but i come to tell you oh hallelujah i feel presence of god with me in this house the apostles say you see what i've gone through you see the stones that they have thrown at me you see what i've been told into the night you see you have been in shipwreck and he wrote and he said gretchen i want you to know that the things that have happened to me oh hallelujah have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel you you see this golden thing that is going on that we have been preaching about over 12 months now i think i i very clear tonight that these things that have happened to the church to the pastors to the ministers to the bishop to the deacons and the brethren who are feeling discouraged virgil i want to encourage you tonight i want to remind you as the apostle rose to the church in philippi these things that have happened to me i'm actually turn out for the furtherance of the gospel so that it has become evident to the whole palace god and to all the rest that my chains are in christ now those persons who believe oh hallelujah who believe and i said is clearly a boldly bishop those persons who believe that we only come to church on a sunday morning and wednesday night and friday night because you want to collect offerings yes i'm speaking tonight because many you that's what you type in the chat that's what you put in facebook i don't even know why you come and see a spoken and you don't support the church are you still trying to bring down the church in facebook are you still trying to bring down the church in zooma and youtube and instagram you don't come to the church and when you do come to the church you come to church you bring it down and you're still trying to see your tactics in facebook if you're trying to see your tactics in youtube but i want you to know that the church is moving on and all these things that are happening to the body of christ it is turning o hallelujah in the spiritual realm there is something that is turning something that is shifting something that is making it very clear because the apostles said it has become evident that these men of god they are not in this world that's god business that these man and woman of god this prophetess and prophet they are delivering the word as god has called him i am talking about the true prophets the true disciple the true warriors of christ those who are blood worship who know that they have been called the apostles said it has become evident you see all those people who are open up in their mouths wide to laugh at you even your enemy if you become evident when they say i know that god is working for that stumble and i know it's working for that boy that man that woman because what they have gone through it must stop in us paul wrote in philippians 4 and verse 94 i know that my god that yes some of the things that most of the time but my god shall supply all who come and church all my needs according to his riches oh hallelujah and he said i'm most of the bridges in the lord having become confident by my jesus now let me tell you this my brother hang on in the fight hang on in the fight my sister there is a neighbor that neighbor may not talk to you but right now your neighbor is watching you and becoming more persuaded they are becoming more convinced that christ is in you because there is no way you could still be pressing on if you don't have a super force if there is not something driving you through this difficulty and most of the preaching in the lord having become confident oh hallelujah by my chains they are much more all to speak the word without fear i want to remind you tonight that as you are struggling of the upward wave as you're coming to the valley of the shadow of data oh yes there are many valleys many valleys of disappointments valleys of unemployment valleys and poverty valleys of sickness but as you're going through your valley you are coming out oh hallelujah you shall come up better than you went team your pastor said i want you to know that these things as bishop declared in romans 8 and 28 and all things work together for good for them that love the lord and are called according to you he said that i wanted to know already that these things be suffering this sickness this unemployment this property that is taken near my family is actually turning out for the furtherance of the gospel oh father we glorify you we're marked by your lord and with telling that even the father will place ourselves at your feet glory to god to you almighty god and we worship you lord we have nothing and whatsoever we have we can't sit at your feet as those 24 elders will cast their crowns at your feet and oh hallelujah and they will cry out to you early father we cry to you from the furthest part of jamaica from the depths of america from the deep sea oh hallelujah right through the night to you and the father from the ghost lands we cry unto you lord help oh hallelujah hallelujah turn our situation around almighty god let there be an exchange tonight jesus almighty god and give them beauty take heavenly father the morning from some family members and give them joy oh hallelujah with all the despair that this family this community have been facing lord leave them because praise restore the praise in the name of jesus let them cry out i will bless the lord hallelujah yes holy spirit of god know only what you can do in the name of jesus shake every foundation that the wicked one has established in the name of jesus lord for what you say cannot remain standing you jesus hell cannot shake it up for you have laid the foundation in zion in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and whosoever believe upon him shall not be ashamed or love [Music] something around for someone to open a door that is close to someone and where there are open doors almighty god that is creating our working families we pray that you shut those doors right now in the name of jesus spirit of the living god jesus read upon all of us make us branch make us afraid make your ministers flames of fire in the name of jesus let them become heart in the name of jesus let every crystal ball be exploded and then if the words of the enemy be crumpled paralyzed in the name of jesus make your children go and blossom in the presence of enemy roll out your tail the holy spirit of god sent your name the holy spirit of god put up the holy spirit utensils put all the holy spirit china where us with heavenly food us in the name of jesus break that bread give us the great lord give it to us jesus oh my god dream that we may not be thirsty because when we drink from the end of the sea we are thirsty again but when you give us hallelujah we give you praise and we give you glory in jesus christ [Music] him [Music] is stronger [Applause] [Music] yay [Music] [Music] i'm amazed [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh i'm amazed that you love me thank you lord thank you minister mirage that powerful word and your prayer thank the lord thank the lord work for the furtherance of the gospel just hang in there and see how the lord will work it out in the end for his glory and for our good well youtube viewers we had a little disruption not too long ago for a couple of minutes they didn't realize that i was my eyes closed and in prayer but so many of you have rejoined thank you so much we're sorry for that i had no control i just went down but thank god you have rejoined so many of you praise the lord thank you so much everybody i'm getting ready to read two more verses and pray make some announcements and i want to thank god for all of you yeah you're connected i know you are stay connected glory to the name of jesus we thank minister michael mirage for hosting and ministering we thank elder antonio morrison for preaching and praying we thank the peter kings for ministering and praying also and god is glorified and you'd have noticed how the holy spirit just dovetailed all of this together i mean we did not communicate as to what we will be sharing on or any such but everything just dovetailed together because we are working by the one and self same holy spirit oh praise the lord i want to ask if there's anyone in my audience now who is in touch with a minister with the name uh the ministry name apostle pablos apostle pablos if you are with me please contact me you know what it is about and if there is anyone who is in touch with apostle pablos i use that name i know his proper name but i'll call use that name okay apostle pablos please contact me as soon as you can i just want to remind you that we will be on for gathering of the warriors gathering of the warriors will be a virtual gathering we start on sunday morning in the church of course with the restricted number but on sunday night through friday night we'll be on all of the platforms 7 p.m our jamaica time we'll be exploring the theme the general theme the will of god and i have said and will maintain that there's no better place for any human being to be but in the will of god and we've got some outstanding warriors we'll be ministering the word of god bishop dr mervin harding out of grace fellowship church of god in new york he will be ministering powerful powerful man of god uh bishop o a eccles out of toronto canada another warrior for the lord he will be ministering uh overseer michael hutchinson here from miramar florida he will be ministering we're in for a great time out of saint annesby jamaica evangelist reverend filbert quinn he will be ministering also and i know god has great things in store uh past the tyrone white from a church near in kingston he will be ministering and i look forward to sharing also i want to tell you this well let me not tell you this tonight we'll tell you another time but god is doing something phenomenal among us and we are so delighted the spirit of god is moving so we want you to continue to pray and trust god and join us for the gathering of warriors sunday through friday sunday morning one service only 8 a.m with the restricted number if you are not specially invited then please do not show because we have a problem okay so only those who are specially invited it will be an ordination service and we are going to have a wonderful time and sunday night through friday night everybody can join in facebook youtube instagram pfm family television both flow and digicel and i know you will be blessed continue to read as we prepare to close it down in a few minutes tonight apostle simon peter says in first peter chapter 4 verse 12 and 13. hear what he says beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trials which is to try you as though some strange things happened unto you strange things it says but rejoice in as much as he are partakers of christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed he may be glad also with exceeding joy many persons have been experiencing the strange things the strange happenings and the strange happenings have not come just because of covet 19 oh no there are those of you who have been going through for a long time there are those of you intermittently ever so often every now and then when you think you are out and over something else comes up another battle that you have to fight another challenge that you have to face another goliath that you have to defeat another a man built his gallus that you have to struggle with and believe god to bring it down think it not strange concerning the fiery trials which is to try you as though some strange things happen unto you but continue to trust the great god of heaven there is no failure in him you heard from elder antonio morrison a powerful word oh praise god you heard from minister nicholas peter king powerful word and a prayer for them both you heard from the lady minister tamika you heard from minister michael mirage hearing from these people you could say you heard from the holy spirit because they spoke as the oracles of god they ministered with god's ability and god is being glorified glory and his people are being blessed that's what peter says if any man speak any man let him speak as an oracle of god and if any man minister let him do so with god's ability so that god will be glorified and this is why everything was so dovetailed together tonight because it is by the one spirit that we all have been ministering the precious holy spirit i want to pray generally right now and i want you to go with me all the warriors who are with us connected christian people from all the nominations from different parts of the world yes it's time for everybody to get ready to pray the the mike will remain mute for the time being the other mics i'm going to pray but i want you wherever you are to join in prayer and believe god to bring down the stronghold of the enemy and while i pray i also want to remember those who have made financial sacrifice and those who have made a commitment not yet honored but especially all those who have opened their mouth to the lord and have made a sacrifice so we can be reaching out to the needs of the needy among us and jesus said the poor you of always people of needs and god bless every one of you for having extended yourself let's look to god in prayer right now as we prepare and after this we're gonna have our pentecostal prayer time for another five minutes and we'll bring it down let's pray father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we give you thanks lord god that when we come to you through the blood of the everlasting covenant through the name of jesus christ and the power of the holy spirit we give you thanks that we are being heard oh god you tell us when we ask when we seek when we knock you will be there to grant the requests that we make of you as long as they find the scent of your will glory to god father the fact that you said it is not your will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance i ask now in the name of jesus christ that you reach out to the unsaved community amen joel tells us that multitudes multitudes of them are in the valley of decision contemplating some have been procrastinating they know that they need to make a decision for christ they are our relatives yes lord they are our siblings brothers and sisters they are our nieces and nephews they are our uncles and our aunts they are our wives and husbands they are grandparents they are co-workers and god all the ways in which we are connected by blood i by law are by community lord god we are all in this thing together so we ask though in the name of jesus christ that you reach out to the lost and dying bring them to an altar of repentance it is in your word lord god that what it shall it profit a man to gain the old world to lose his soul our watch shall one given exchange for his soul god almighty we ate to see our loved ones on their way on the slippery slope going down to a christ-less eternity and the enemy of their souls is saying in the name of jesus christ we reverse that right now and we pray lord god that conviction will hit them wherever they are you can convict them on the beach on the street around the driver's driving steering wheel you can convict them lord god and the job you can convict them around the dining table you can convict them lord god in the gambling then you can convict them lord everywhere because your holy spirit is moving mightily so will you touch the lost souls of men and women boys and girls and bring them to an altar of repentance we pray for those who are backslidden lord god they once walked with you they have tasted of the heavenly gift they partook of the calling and oh god almighty now they have gone back to the weak and beggarly elements of this world god we ask you to reach out for them right now too many backsliders are around lord too many are like the prodigal boy the pig spend the proverbial pig spent lord god struggling my god almighty with the heels of society when in their father's house there is room in of the spear breading off the spear servants enjoying a great time on sunday skirmishing lord god among swines in the name of jesus christ let somebody say i will arise go back to my father knowing that your arms are extended reaching out for them lord to welcome them back into the fold in the name of jesus christ we pray for those who are sick and mind and sick and body dear god you are the bombing gilead you are the great physician you're the sympathizing savior we call you jehovah you're wrath for the god that heals so we ask in our lord god to heal all sickness and disease among your people from the crown of their heads to the soul of their feet by faith i pour aaron's oil upon them now glory to god in the name of jesus by faith i release hearings oil upon you for healing here it's all upon you for blessing for deliverance for breakthrough in the name of jesus christ i pray for those who were under the spell of principalities and powers demonic attacks they can't sleep at night they are struggling lord god in every area of life setback disappointment in the name of jesus christ because the elements of darkness are working against them we plead the blood against them now in the name of jesus christ be it simon the sorcerer we plead the blood against him be the spirit of delorance we plead the blood against them wherever whatever in the name of jesus christ we will the sword of the spirit tonight and we caught them loose in the name of jesus oh god we pray for those in family it's just family problems mortal problems mortal distress dear god almighty we ask you to reach out to them right now and give them victory we pray for our nation we pray for the nations of the world oh god grappling with covet 19 pandemic lord jesus christ so many lives have been lost so many families have been bereft of their loved ones children of their parents women spouses of their spouse god almighty siblings of their siblings church brethren of their brethren lord god co-workers community people so many displacement because of covet 19 but in the name of jesus christ we stretch out a mighty hand by faith in jesus name and i ask you to turn the tide for the nations oh god we look to you you tell us in your word lord god that if we humble ourselves if we seek your face if we turn from our wicked ways then you'll hear from heaven then you'll forgive our sins then you will heal our land in the name of jesus christ i ask you lord god to look down upon us because of those among us lord god who have presented their bodies as living sacrifices unto you who are walking right living holy living clean i pray for the righteous sake lord god that you show mercy in the name of jesus so hear your purse tonight thank you for this worldwide prayer meeting with people from all over the world in the name of jesus bless them bless their homes bless their family bless their country bless their community bless their city bless their state bless their parish bless their district bless their village in the name of jesus christ let the star of david arise upon your people and o god we shall be guided by heavenly light i pray father for those who have sacrificed to the call that was made for the sacrificial gift to assist needed persons and to help your church in this time of covet dislocation i thank you for those who have sacrificed lord it is a deep down sacrifice because they believe your servant and they believe you god and you said those who believe you shall be established those who believe your servant shall prosper in the name of jesus christ i speak it for everyone and that miracle that is needed now be it spiritual be it physical be it financial be it family beat whatever in the name of jesus you shall grant it and when the miracle shall be needed lord god you will be there to deliver so we thank you for hearing us tonight thank you for blessing us thank you for allowing your holy spirit to minister across the nations and god what we feel of asking you tonight you shall not fail to grant them unto us because it is in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth we pray thank you for your servants thank you for mr mirage thank you for elder morrison thank you for the peter kings bless them lord god in all years of their lives and lord we shall honor you and praise you in jesus name amen and amen mold me and fill me spirit of the living god [Music] receive god's anointing upon your life [Music] holy spirit holy spirit [Music] we praise the lord we praise you we praise you we praise him we praise him we praise you glory to god um god bless you everybody we've got to bring it down thank you so much for sharing again and another worldwide prayer meeting may the blessings of god be with you and yours may you enjoy a wonderful weekend in all the ways that you can enjoy it those of you are able to attend at the place of worship make best of the opportunity those who will worship fire these virtual means make best the opportunity also those who amen continue to seek the lord continue to seek him the lord bless you and thank you for sharing please remember my youtubers like and subscribe click the button share the link and god bless you facebook god bless everybody remember to join us for the gathering of warriors sunday 8 a.m one service 7 p.m every night monday to friday many warriors will be wary so on behalf of all of us my wife dr petrova you don't see her but she's right here okay holding the fourth praying and amen always hanging on to the arms of the altar a blessed god for her minister mirage the peter kin elder antonio morrison on behalf of all of us to all of you may the blessings of god be with you until we meet again and another worldwide prayer meeting taking it down [Music] there's not enough words to describe the awesome wonder of your powers this should every channel [Music] bless you everybody where are the newcomers tonight first timers closing out you got five minutes to identify yourself [Music] first timers bless you bless you bless you [Music] first time bless you nadine welcome glory to god [Music] first time [Music] happy for all of you happy birthday to first lady when it comes well thank you so much oh my god 29th of april you're reminding me i'm sorry 29th of april dr pitchover will celebrate another birthday thank you my goodness first time up from rose welcome pass the word unto others god's mercies ocean deep taking it down from worldwide for a meeting on tonight god bless you until we meet again like and subscribe share the link spread the word and walk with god over to minister michael mirage who will take us down and out god bless you everybody [Music] bless you [Music] all right so it's time to go get some sleep now okay sleep in time i started my day very early this morning i can't tell you the hour if i tell you the how are you tell me dr pitt throw me out of bed very early the lord bless you until we meet again okay i am out bless you bless you bless you bless you okay [Music] all right everyone hello all right there we go youtube there we go chipping onto here now like and subscribe until we meet again the lord bless you you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 7,767
Rating: 4.9296484 out of 5
Id: 02AUpRTfLMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 3sec (6543 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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