Take Me Out Take Me In

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[Music] that's when i realized [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that day [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] two [Applause] every day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] two [Applause] [Music] greetings [Music] every day [Music] look forward to another wonderful night of fellowship thank you for joining me and of course you know many others will be doing so this is my wake up signal to you those of you who are sleeping let you know that we are on this is wednesday night isn't it yep first time joining oh welcome john i was almost asked where have you been all of this this while but thank god you have found us first time i hope we have many first timers tonight also we welcome you artillery and we trust that the experience will be a wonderful one for you and this first will not be your last of course on a wednesday night we bring you a powerful message from the il oh no from the let's the oil flow series will bring you a powerful message from that powerful series let your flow that was wonderful flagship service i tell you all people would come from near and far on the last friday night of each month amen to receive from god and received they have received where are you viewing from miss john let me know miss yeah i'd love to know that jamaica overseas let us know you are joining an international family okay you're my radio listener thank you you are becoming a part of the international family and we meet here on sunday mornings seven o'clock and 9 30 in regular times and evening these irregular times and we also meet on sunday nights here by this platform wednesday night and friday night friday night worldwide per meeting one with a difference oh claridonian oh we are having a conversation claridone and i served in clarendon some years ago assisting the wonderful man of god bishop p f wilson bless his heart all right thank you john said vincent what's happening over there we learned that there's a new firearm emanating from saint vinton sent vincent and the grenadines of kovid 19. well these strains our variants seem to be pumping up different places different times but our god is still in control well thank you so much i'm just talking a little until we get going properly in a few minutes but just to refresh memories for those who have already heard that we have engaged for sunday of well it's next week but let's say sunday coming a powerful service uh world saturation day world saturation day what is world saturation day of course you know that next sunday monday and tuesday september 12 13 14 are designated as lock down no movement days holy spirit spoke confirmed and we have engaged a series of fasting and prayer during those locked down days sunday will be 7 a.m through 6 p.m i kept on saying 11 solid hours of gospel in your home facebook youtube instagram pfm family television local to us in jamaica channel 602 and 672 flow channel 20 uh on the dg cell play some 35 men and women of god will be sharing their heart under the theme set us free oh lord that we may worship thee i continue to say that our freedom in worship has been curtailed yeah almost non-existent no crusade no convention no uh regular general assembling of the saints [Music] my god no proper lord supper proper washing of the same speed no shaking of hands no embracing of our brothers and sisters so by the rivers of babylon we we are sitting down and many of us are weeping inside when you remember the wonderful fellowship that we have grown accustomed to set us free o law that we may worship thee thank you margaret so world saturation days of their fasting and prayer monday well sunday 12 um and continuing monday and tuesday [Music] monday and tuesday will be optional for those who choose to do so and hope many persons will for both days for one day for whatever period of each day and the aim is to break the back of cover 19. we believe god can and we are not dismissing the work of the scientists medical fraternity epidemiologists and all those who have made all kinds of recommendations we observed the protocols since they have been [Music] enforced a year and a half now the wearing mask we are sanitizing their social distancing we are staying away from crowded situation and all the other things and just about everything [Music] now many have said that the vaccine is made is the only way out well i don't subscribe to that no i would i would put my god to shame if i were to use those words the back seat is our only way out of this no i'd have to stop preach [Music] to stop preacher can't say that no that contradicts the word of god in all thy ways of knowledge god he shall direct your body set the lord also always before you if it's right and i shall not remove i'm not saying vaccine doesn't play its role but i cannot say it was on the way out and no man on earth to get me say that no i would be a disgrace to the kingdom of god our only way out oh no except the god of abraham the god of isaac and god of jacob is not alive except he who released the plagues in egypt and removed them at his own will and pleasure except he's dead and i don't preach a dead god the rivers in egypt were turned to blood frogs infested the land murian disease lice darkness death of the firstborn and all the other stuff and god in his own power he releases releases and he removes so i cannot say vaccine is our only way out no the day i say that i put on my microphone i'll be ashamed to preach the gospel let me say on this network and platform any man of god any preacher open his or her mouth and utter those words what are the words vaccine is our only way out of this no you compromise the gospel i'm sorry it's not our only way out jesus christ is the way and we've got to trust him all right the variant that is said to be emerging from saint vincent and the medical people those who study disease what they call him epidemiologists they have said this one is resistant will seem resistant to vaccine so if it is resistant to vaccine what's going to happen we're all going to die then come on there is a god in heaven there's a god in heaven there is a god in heaven there is a god in heaven if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from the wicked ways i will hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal the land be leland because we are not meeting god's requirement and i'm not telling you not to take your vaccine i'm not saying that i didn't say that but i'm saying anyone who wanted those words as a believer that vaccine is our only way out no no that's a disgrace to heaven and the holy spirit oh lord have mercy upon me so we are going to pray we are going to fast you know maybe friday night maybe i'll give you a little of the prophetic word that god gave me the national arena five years ago [Music] jesus what was that word we are going to see something in this land in the nations of the world like we have never seen before it's not going to be in a corner and people are going to be kneeling down in the streets all over crying out to god almighty i pray that god take us there the nations need to repent that's our problem that's our problem god's hands are not short his ears are not heavy there is a bomb in gilead troilo t loy yeah there is a bomb in gilead the bomb in gilead i don't think i've ever talked as strong as i'm talking there on this matter but my heart is grieved my soul is grieved and it's sad to see that the church is being divided wow i want to say some more but lord the church is being divided some seem to be on the lord's side and others are on other sides some are dismissing god where is omnipotence is concerned his power seem to be dismissing god it's a god can unleash his only man can handle it i refuse to say that vain is the help of man without god glory to god yeah so say you heard it from me those words should not be uttered from the lips of any servant of god is our only way out no no no no no no no no no no no no can't be the only way out so i'm asking the question if some more variant or strain emerge that are vaccine resistant what are we going to do then somebody need to answer me that question where are we going to turn to we all just sit on undead no well jehoshaphat said lord we have no might against this great company that come against us now i don't know we want to do but our eyes are up on thee and what god did because church has backslidden we're backslide lose the favor of god excuse me please i didn't plan to see all of these stuff here tonight but i'm stirred inside by the holy spirit everybody run from from goliath the monster david said the god of heaven can bring him down a sling and five stones jesus jesus god help us get ready i'm going to give it a theme song and get into into the message i won't be too long with you tonight so please saturation day sunday the 12th of september 6 or 7 a.m to 6 p.m all day i ask you to prepare your heart you can do that nobody can't stop you from doing it it's a day of fasting and prayer and i ask you to prepare your own your heart is personal your home is a shared space you may have persons in there who are not believers and may not take too kindly to what's happening but please if you can accommodate the word the prayer the songs in your home for all of those hours 7 00 a.m to 6 pm on sunday coming please do so world saturation day i'm calling on christians from all denominations everywhere to join in prayer and when the men of god and the women of god are praying intercede also sunday monday tuesday in jamaica there are no movement days for us locked down so we want to spend them before god and i believe that god's going to show himself glory to god i believe so so please brothers and sisters join me for all of that [Music] i almost want to say it's not the big name pastas that's going to be on come sunday oh no not really the big name pastors some little men and women of god those who are not even known and recognized the gods they have some people that you don't know about seven thousands who are of that paulie needs to bear yeah it's not may not be the big name bastards home and abroad god is gonna move wow bless me choir [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i make [Music] food [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] with [Music] me [Music] because it's not easy [Music] see [Music] is [Music] buckingham [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] it [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] uh [Music] click [Music] me [Music] [Applause] i saw a theme song i want the lord to be satisfied with me and i want to believe that's the prayer of all our hearts god be satisfied with me with all of us and when we shall have come to the end of our earthly adjourn and reach on the other shore may we hear well done the good and faithful servant we are not here for eternity we're strangers on pilgrim we're passing through this land all right well i should have explained this i only found it out after a while you we were not able to stream live today's fasting service uh due to the every work load in the studio putting together the package for sunday working on a number of things all the transmit transmitting equipment the computers the play box and just about a lot of other things were fully engaged but of course the service was uh posted later on in the day so if you go to youtube and facebook on your convenient time you can catch up with today's fasting it was on the television and now it's on youtube facebook instagram wonderful word from the evangelist minisent clark continued with her message working faith all right i want to take you into a message from the let the oil flow series ah the comforter has come wow and i trust the lord that you'll be blessed you'll be challenged you'll be inspired and this word will be a blessing to you the comforter has come so stay tuned call up everybody get ready to be blessed [Music] preach the word the instincts in season and out of season second timothy chapter 4 verse 2. here is bishop dr delphi davis with another powerful word from the lord to encourage your souls be blessed [Music] heavenly father will look to you now for the anointing of your spirit to flow upon every human being under the hearing of my voice right now this 48th gathering of let the oil flow this believers feast in the name of jesus touchdown of whatever person right now send the anointing of your spirit let someone be touched by supernatural power tonight all glory release that anointing now and let the oil flow in this house let it flow in television land let it flow by internet around the world let the oil of god flow upon your people and bring into our lives that which you want us to have we pray in faith believing in jesus name in jesus name in the name of jesus oh hallelujah [Music] you may be seated please glory turn your bible with me to the word of god the book of saint luke luke's gospel chapter 24 i want to read some verses there we come from verse 36 of luke 24 says and as they thus speak jesus himself stood in the midst of them and said unto them what did he say peace be unto you but they were terrified and are frightened and supposed that they had seen a spirit and he said unto them why are we troubled and why do thoughts arise in your hearts behold my hand and my feet that it is i myself under me and see for a spirit art not flesh and bones as he see me have and when he had thus spoken he showed them his hands and his feet and while they yet believed not for joy he wondered and wondered he said unto them have ye ear any meat and they gave him a piece of broiled fish and an honeycomb and he took it and did eat before them and he said unto them these are the words which i spake unto you while i was hit with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me then open e their understanding that they might understand the scriptures and he said unto them thus it is written and thus it is written and thus it be of christ to suffer and arise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sin should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at jerusalem and he are weaknesses of these things 49th and final and behold i send the promise of my father upon you but tarry ye in the city of jerusalem until he be endued with power from on high somebody say amen i want to use for a theme the words of a song that the choir song so beautifully here's some conventions ago that store the place and the song is the comforter has come tell your neighbor the comforter has come you will notice in verse 49 jesus says and behold i send the promise of my father upon you but go the city of jerusalem until he comes until you be endue so you know for sure that it was up to that point a promise that was made a promise that was made yet to be fulfilled in its fullness because they would have seen semblance of the manifestation of the holy spirit in and through the life of jesus the miracles he did walked on the water turned water into wine healed all manner of sicknesses and diseases not by might nor by power but by the spirit of god so they would have seen it and jesus was their blanket jesus was their covering jesus gave them coverage in all of that but jesus would not remain here with them forever in the flesh he was in in transit mood after his resurrection only 40 days i'm going to be around this place and after 40 days i will be gone but my father has made you a promise dear god i feel god's gonna touch somebody tonight for today's time and i'll be out of here but i will not leave you comfortless my father has made you a promise that he on my arrival back to heaven i will ask him to send you another comforter oh glory to god one just like unto me oh hallelujah the only difference between myself and that comforter jesus might have said is that you would have seen me in the physical in the natural you can touch me you can handle me you can see my movement but the comforter that the father will send in my name he is the holy spirit and he is not a physical being that you will see but he's going to tabernacle within you he is going to live within you and wherever you go he goes oh god almighty jesus said here i know you and i can be separated i can be in galilee and you're in jerusalem i could be in nazareth and you'll be in judea but when i send you the promise of the father the other the comforter the holy spirit he is going to take up residence in you so anywhere you go he goes he will never leave you glory to god lift your hand and say i need that comforter [Music] permanently residing in your soul glory to god that's why even behind prison bars locked down with chains because he was in them at midnight they could sing and shout and praise god they were not alone you're not saying anything you don't have him you don't need him if you have him you need more of him and if you don't have him you need all of him and more somebody praise god with him this house well let's say a few things here when we look at this text brothers and sisters luke chapter 24 and we will later on couple that with saint john chapter 14 verses 15 through 18. when we look at this this text we find a mixture of both sorrow and joy sorrow and joy because here the risen lord appeared to his 11 disciples the text says that they were terrified and frightened dear god oh is it that you could see your messiah after three days and three nights in the art of the hurt you see him again in the natural and you became afraid because brothers and sisters there was something else that they needed or something more that they needed on the inside spirit to bear witness with spirits if they had the baptism of the holy ghost the moment they see they saw jesus it would be comparable to when mary saw elizabeth god if you don't connect to this tonight i'm sorry i said if they have the power inside of them the moment they saw messiah it would be comparable to when mary and elizabeth met and shook hands glory to god it would be like when john stood by river jordan and saw a man coming down he never saw him before but the moment he saw him something inside a john which was the same holy ghost that he came out of his mother's womb with john was able to say look what is he wave your hand wave your hand with your hand wave your hand and open your heart and say something some of you not getting this if you don't get this tonight you're gonna miss the boat you're gonna miss the train if you don't get this my spirit bear witness with your spirit that we are magnet pulse magnets magnets and magnets don't run away from each other they cling to each other god i feel like preaching here tonight somebody wave your hand and release something here [Music] hallelujah tell your neighbor mark newton magnet magnet and magnet if you've got a piece of madness sitting beside you my god when the quickness comes up on them or it comes up on you there's gonna be a shaking there's gonna be a noise there's gonna be something happening in the house because hey spirit of god is moving [Music] but they were terrified unafraid who is this who is this oh jesus god almighty they were suppose they suppose that they had seen a spirit and jesus sought to find out from them why are you troubled why do those those thoughts arise in your heart glory and then he revealed himself unto them [Music] oh jesus lift your hand and say lord jesus i need a perfect revelation of you jesus say it again with your hands raise the lord jesus i need a revelation from you um [Music] himself unto them then they began to heat bread and fish and honeycomb together at that point at that point they thought that messiah had come back to stay with them yes he has returned and then the sorrow they had initially because he was crucified and buried under they didn't know what happened to him that sorrow began to disappear because here here he is here so soreno was being turned into joy the man is back he's here to defend us he's here to overthrow the romans and lead us as our governor prime minister king president that initial sorrow began to mushroom into joy which would be short-lived for a period o glory because jesus now began to tell them that i'm only passing through i am in transit i'm here in jamaica about my destination is united states of america so although you see me at norman manly international airport i came in from another country to catch another flight to go to america jesus says i'm in in transit mood my destination is back to heaven from whence i came if i do not go the comforter the promise of the father you oh glory to god will not be fulfilled are you with me so here we see joy was about to turn into sorrow again but that sorrow would be short-lived because they will realize that all that jesus had said to them concerning the father's promise especially verse 49 of luke chapter 24 and behold i send the promise of my father upon you but tary in the city of jerusalem until you be endued with power from an eye let's read a little more and he led them out as far as the bethany and he lifted up his hands and blessed them and it came to pass while he blessed them he was parted from them and carried up into heaven and they worshiped him and returned to jerusalem with oh god somebody help me here that sorrow was short-lived because when he left them out to bethany and they saw the scriptures being fulfilled before their very eyes they knew quite well that a promise is a promise where jesus is concerned tell your neighbor a promise is a promise oh my god where jesus is concerned somebody prays in the way there hallelujah so here we see sorrow turn to joy joy turned to sorrow and sorrow turned to joy when i read this and the holy spirit quickened that to me the spirit of the lord said to me this is comparable to the many transitions that we face during amen or in the process of life many transitions many things change from time to time from place to place from people to persons to persons and in one day you can experience so many changes but regardless of what change your experience if god has made your promise that will never change come on somebody your friends around you my chain oh lord the weather will change jesus many many circumstances will change even your health could change in a moment my god almighty but there is a man named jesus somebody lift your hand and call his name call his name somebody hallelujah so life brings to us many transitions some we can't deal with properly but hallelujah if jesus is with you you'll make it through lift your hand and say i'll make it let me just indulge brother job for a minute or two you talk about transitions of life job could tell you about them one day he was the richest man in the east among the most powerful man materially financially in the east and all kinds of stuff within a short time change h a change everything changed come on somebody joseph could tell you i was the loved son the most beloved son the son of my father but after a while things began to change hallelujah but all the changes that both men went through they knew one thing that god was working his purpose out that if god is working his purpose so do not let circumstances or situation divert you oh no stay the course yes tell your neighbor stay the course stand the course hallelujah because when he gets through with you like job you shall be restored and get double for every trouble like joseph you shall be may may be promoted from peace to prison to potiphar to palace because god's word will never change if he has made you a promise do not let anything or anyone cause you to doubt him stay the course if he said he's gonna heal you it doesn't matter what your body tells you it doesn't matter what anyone tells you by his tribes i shall be healed because i am already healed a glory to god if he says i'm going to bless you it doesn't matter what things look like all glory to god a promise is a promise [Music] so he led them forth to bethany and they lifted up lifted up their eyes and they saw him ascended into glory and their return to jerusalem with great joy with great joy and we're continually in the temple praising and blessing god because they were saying all that he has said to us so far have come to pass now let's go to jerusalem let's hang out there in the temple because we are yet to receive in his fullness the promise of the father anybody in my audience tonight think that you are yet to receive in its fullness the promise of your father dear god almighty do you believe he wants to do it for you do you believe he will do it for you do you believe it can be done tonight [Music] somebody help me worship him here somebody help me worship him here [Music] in john 14 15-18 jesus said if you love me keep my commandments and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter another means you have won he's going to give you another one another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but he know him for it dwelleth he dwelleth where he dwelleth with you and shall beware dear god almighty he is with you but jesus said that's not where i want him to be that's not what the father has promised he must be in you inside of you so that he can store you up and out of your belly shall flow you cannot stir an empty pot if you don't have something in there god help me in this house if you pour water in a pot you can stir up the water if you have an empty pot there's nothing in there to store but when he gets inside of you jesus oh glory to god i'm the enemy tries to discourage you he starts up your faith he starts up your courage he starts up your confidence he part of your joy he starts up your resilience he's turned up and the devil got to back home for great easy that is not with you but in you in you daddy that is in the world lift your hand and sit coming come in come head come in holy spirits well it's a night for the holy ghost to come in god almighty somebody prays in here let me i feel the power of god in this place i will not leave you comfortless i will come unto you messiah says that so guess what the promise has been fulfilled the comforter has come lord have mercy jesus tell the person beside you lay your hand on the person beside you and tell them guess what guess what i got good news for you born again believer i've got great news for you tonight the comforters come the conquerors come the holy ghost from heaven the father's promise given jesus [Applause] calibre christian tell them tell them what will you tell them tell them that the comforter shocked him oh jesus hallelujah somebody help me praise him until you feel it in your belly praise him until you feel it in your stomach praise him until you feel it in your head praise him until you feel it in your heart the comforter has come in jesus [Music] oh god that's some preaching now no more deadness no more awakening power has come holy ghost has come anointing [Music] that is the news that the church needs to hear the comforter [Music] shall take over god i want to god i got a ready church here tonight [Music] oh my god he is the holy ghost from heaven the father's promise has been given sit down please we don't done yet [Music] a break and just praise him i feel the holy ghost wants you to release something on somebody right now but it's not a comforter has come musicians the comforter has come saints of god he has come give him praise in this house tonight hallelujah [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] oh you should have been in that live service jesus like god almighty somebody somebody somebody somebody in this house my god almighty [Music] he has come [Music] thank you jesus jesus so jesus blessed them lift your hand and say bless me [Music] sit down please he blessed and them went on his merry way back to the father because he knew that within 10 days oh god almighty within 10 guys something could happen our unprecedented proportion so you parted from them went back to glory who is this comforter the hell is the holy ghost from heaven bishop this holy ghost what are some of the things that he will do for me because these days we want things to be done for us nothing for nothing well i'm gonna tell you a few things that he will do and he wants to do that tonight he will give you power power i don't know who would resist the confirmment of power i don't know power if you're right and then say power what hold on oh i'm preaching such a powerful holy ghost message and some of you acting like you're in the refrigerator [Music] i kind of think that some of us are in the hole from burning and some of you acting so you're in the [Music] jesus he gives power power to tread upon serpent and scorpion over all the powers of the enemy power to weakness for jesus christ in jerusalem in judea in samaria and onto the atmosphere of the earth power to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover power [Music] lift your hand and say holy ghost power [Music] marlboro [Music] stand up sister man coming jesus let's release some of the holy ghost power on you from your head to your toes and receive from the almighty god tonight hallelujah receive a connorable [Music] from the almighty god in the name of jesus [Music] in jesus name [Music] polygons do your work do your work do your work do your work do your work please [Applause] foreign [Music] jesus [Music] his power he gets boldness and when they saw the boldness of peter and john and perceive that they were ignorant and unlearned fishermen they took notes they took notes that they have been with jesus my god almighty hallelujah lay your hand on the person sitting close beside you right now if your hand is not in the in the freezer if it's in the oven if you have a hole of my hand in the name of jesus and let the fire god burn [Music] yes yes take the burn brother take the bird sister holy ghost brings fire yes sir yes sir yes sir yes [Music] bless the lord god almighty the comforter has come he gives love he gives joy he gives peace he gives meekness and faith and he will teach you all things whatsoever i have said unto you and will bring back things to your remembrance i need this holy ghost i couldn't live without him i could not minister without him oh glory to god bless the lord john 14 26 first john 2 27 luke 12 and 12. mark them down that's it he will give you just what you need to survive every attack of the enemy so why you think some people have become spiritual casualty [Music] spiritual casualty fall by the wayside knocked over by the enemy today they are building again the things that they once destroyed spiritual casualties because they did not have somebody would say the wherewithal to survive certain attacks of the enemy but when you've got the power you survive them and your weapon that is formed against you shall prosper jesus jesus ask all something about it samson will tell you way back in the whole covenant that spirit would come up on me just anoint me externally and at his external anointing samson would tell you i became invincible i took the jawbone of an astronaut liquidated a thousand philistines i removed the gates of gaza from down the bottom way up to the top thousands of pounds a break rope a brick whisperer broke everything with an external anointing can you imagine what an internal anointing we do someone said even in my dying moments dying moment i said god i cannot can i did so i can't die like this let me feel a little let me go to home in glory lord i feel i'm preaching it tonight so i'm just saying yeah i know i'm going down i'm going down i'm going down i lost my eyes i lost a lot of stuff but you're still god and you said if i call unto you in the day of trouble you will hear me and show me great and my defense let me avenge these philistines for my eyes [Music] somebody take this message tonight please let me avenge the philistines for my eyes now they are plucked out [Music] you remind the temple the making sports and mockery of me god jesus please touch me one more time just one more time just one more time hallelujah lift up your hands and say lord even one more time touch me anoint me [Music] just one more time don't let me go down in history as a failure all the way some say so when the history is written about me it must be said in my death i killed more and when i was alive because of the anointing of god somebody praise god and let me bring it down [Music] he will anoint you and cause you to do wonders jesus beyond your wildest expectation be on your wildest dream some of you are sitting there like old jeruba bill jeruba bell gideon worrying about what midianites have done on how weak and pitiful and poor you are well god the holy ghost is saying if i just anoint you you don't know who you are hallelujah the best of you is yet to be brought to the fore you like talking to somebody in my television audience whoever i find you the holy ghost said the best of you is yet to be brought to the fore you have not seen the real glory of god upon your life because you've been skirting around the periphery of your christian walk step out by faith throw yourself on god and say anoint me or i die and see what god will do in your life lift your hand and say anoint me [Music] he will anoint you to do wonders luke 4 and verse 18 jesus declared the same spirit but another spirit the spirit of the lord god is up on me for he hath anointed me to do all the stuff that i do to heal the sick to raise the dead to open the prison door to set and live unto them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the lord and the day of vengeance of our god to comfort all that mourning zion to give them beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of evidence and make them the trees of righteousness the planting of the lord lift your hand and say anoint me yes the comforter has come let the oil flow tonight he will also guide you to all truths these days we have all kinds of false falsehood and hero and erroneous teachings and doctrines all over the place and some wonderful christians in your wonderful church with a wonderful man of god our woman of god leading you for years but some little new kid with some new stuff come on the block not even real but because you don't have the weakness within you you're following after every drum that beats and every timbre that is played are you not saying nothing oh jesus when the spirit of god is within you he will keep you from errol from the spirit of antichrist and false teaching because he bears weakness with the truth for he is the spirit of truth can you say amen many of them within you not every folks can just come and tell you all kind of weird dreams and turn you like the man and his son and the donkey i want to tell you this dream another tell you another dream but now to tell you not a dream and mess up your mind you don't know what to do lord jesus bishop and i know what we do god is not the author of you're not saying nothing confusion comes from the devil hallelujah so rebuke any spirit of confusion that's coming against you it is not from god hallelujah the spirit of the lord gives peace john 14 26 what he says my peace i give unto you my peace i live with you not as the world giveth give i unto you let not your hearts be troubled hallelujah give him praise in this house [Music] o glory guide into all truths john 16 and 13. he will control your movements according to acts chapter 10. you know what a wonderful story there about cornelius the fasting man the praying man the giving man the fasting gentile a praying gentile and a giving gentile the jews never thought that god would visit with the gentile and more so to baptize cornelius and his house with the holy ghost god gave cornelius a vision you know the story send for simon peter peters are they all stopped god gave peter vision at the same time and told peter showed him all kinds of creatures four-footed creatures and all kind of stuff and the spirit said to him rise peter kill peter said oh no lord i don't eat things that are common or unclean god was about to bring the gentile into this wonderful covenant of grace hallelujah about to make an appearance to a praying man a fasting man a giving man when peter said when cornelius sent for simon peter god already warned peter some men are coming to seek you i send them go with them be not afraid when he reached cornelius's house and began to speak the word the bible says the holy spirit fell upon all them i heard the word it wasn't in a church setting like this it was in cornelius's house pastor peter went there and began to talk with him concerning the dream and the vision unshared about jesus christ and while peter yet spake the holocaust fell yes upon all them this baptism of the holy ghost is not hard to take place or no i think many believers are being denied for the lack of faith more than anything else yes doge unbelief well some definitely not living right and you can't pour new wine in old bottles you're not saying anything but someday you some definitely are not living right and god can't pour a holy ghost in you if your vestment is not clean living in sin you're messing up you're playing the fool with your christian life you're running today you run out tomorrow you run back and you run back out a little this a little less and god understanding your sin and your prayer your sin and your prayer that's not how you live a consistent christian life you present your body as a living sacrifice holy what is a sacrifice a sacrifice is to deny yourself of something that you have or something that you need it's a sacrifice sacrifice so as a believer we've got to learn to present ourselves as living sacrifice this old flesh calls for all kinds of stuff your flesh wants a light want to steal are you not saying nothing you want to covet it wants to commit adultery it wants to commit fornication it wants to go to the hobby man to look what's happening i want you to to to hate the neighbors i want you to balance your brothers and sisters this old flesh does seek after all the things that are sinful that which is flesh is so we have got to sacrifice ourselves to god and say hey flesh you will not take me where i am not supposed to go my body is the temple of the living god somebody praise him here let's bring it down so he controls the movement and when peter saw what happened peter declared no i know that god doesn't respect anybody whatever nation and kingdom and tongue that fear fear him and serve him in righteousness he accept them look at what god did in the gentile man's house everybody got filled with the holy ghost yes jesus right in his house tell your neighbor the comforter has come let me tell you one more thing that he does and this this is going to maybe start some controversy but that's all right when you receive the baptism of the holy ghost he gives you an edge above the unfilled believers bishop you can't say that in a church like this well if it's biblical truth why not say it i can prove that to you all the way through the scripture it gives you an edge you would have noticed when paul was about to rebuke the girl the what's called a definition spirit the bible says he being filled with the holy ghost set his eyes upon her you don't think that mean anything oh you're not saying nothing peter being filled with the holy ghost set his eyes upon this one the holy ghost is the qualifier he qualifies us to do certain tasks if you don't have him inside of you certain things you cannot do spiritually speaking you're not saying nothing all right so men saw what jesus did and saw what paul did casting out devils and all kinds of stuff and they said we can't do it too we can do it too they took on some men who were filled with evil spirits and said we cast you out we adjure you by jesus whom paul preached what did the hebrews pray said to them we know paul we know jesus but you have no identity you have no authority you do not have the seal you do not have the mark oh you cannot talk to us don't drop the power leap out of the people are jumping them and they strip themselves run naked down the street you see a small man driving an 18 or 22 wheeler trailer you said we can't do it to become you have license to yes you have a license you are not trained to drive trailer am i making any sense anybody yeah you have a license no you gotta lie so much have you been trained as a trailer driver let's finish here it gives you a headshot of the unfilled believable romans chapter 8 verses 14 and 15 and galatians chapter 4 verse 6 and 7 check out those two scriptures they'll substantiate what i say and i close in five minutes almost but tell your neighbor the comforter has come yes jesus no longer is he a promise promise has been fulfilled hallelujah no longer is it a prophecy that was made by joel and many others prophecy has been fulfilled fulfilled no longer is john the baptist word in matthew 3 and verse 11 yet to be fulfilled he shall baptize you we have been baptized with the holy ghost and power giving praise giving praise in the house again close your bible please don't put it down this is a time for acts chapter 4 to be fulfilled 31-32 and when they were assembled together glory and they've begun to pray the place hallelujah the place shook it's time for the place to shake let the place shake with the power of the holy spirits let everyone be filled jesus with the holy spirit that ever born again believer come into the fullness of the baptism of the holy ghost for this promise is unto you your children to them that are afar off even to as many as the lord our god shall come believe us everywhere us everyone non examples and do not say like i said here on sunday morning bishop this is not a teaching of my church i'm sorry it is not check the bible it's a teaching of the scripture you shall receive power on this promises unto you not only does god baptize us with the holy spirit he placed within you the gifts of the spirit word of wisdom worthy knowledge faith prophecy healing miracles signs wonders discerning of spirit etc he placed them within the body because he wants us to be a well-equipped unit to take on everything that hell break against us a well-equipped motor vehicle can handle the weather out there if it needs a headlamp it turns it's there to be turned on need the horn it's dear you honk your horn in the cattle breaks whatever is needed spear tire jock tool spear bulbs dear god almighty how on earth can a believer take on the 21st century and all the demons that are out there loose everywhere without the power of the holy ghost they're coming in all shapes and form the world is so messed up today you might not be bringing demons in your house because you're a christian but from outer space internet from all over the world china demon can come in your house and demons all kinds through cyberspace when people go on all of these sites these demonic sites and sex sites and dirty sides and hope your sights and killing sights and release those spirits among you my god you need the holy ghost oh god of heaven [Music] stand with me please [Music] this is where we're going to bring it down tonight [Music] have you been challenged is there anger within you so bishop what must i do now there are thirsts within you i gotta tell you everything oh my god the holy ghost they that ongoing thirst of the righteousness [Music] he wants to do one of many things yeah he wants to those who are not yet baptized in the name of jesus he wants to refill many who have already been filled he wants us torah some gifts that are dormant [Music] he wants to give some gifts to those who have not yet received them [Music] he wants to anoint you for a task jesus bigger than the one you know as undertaker's a christian yes he wants to do all of those so how do [Music] open heart has come with no doubt no fear no intimidation worshiping from the death of the heart genuinely services come he will to [Music] when the anointing comes upon you you release yourself and let him just do if he wants to shake you that's all right the tidings round if you want to speak some language through you that would be terrible that's all right man is found let the lord have his way in that cell tell them the comforter [Music] jesus jesus got some more space don't they all that's jesus oh yeah do you not see more space down jesus tell them the comforter he wants to convict the sinner that's conversion tonight tell them the comforter has come the holy ghost from heaven why don't you begin to reach out [Music] [Music] wherever i can pray with you preach to you encourage you instruct you tell them and you now got to open up your heart comfort the comforter is here jesus jesus jesus [Music] oh [Music] everybody who can be on your feet except you're on your knees stand on your feet nobody sitting here right now except you're on your knees [Music] [Music] the smell of god preaches heart hope the [Music] water [Music] is is [Music] what are you doing in your space right now jesus jesus lift it up [Music] go anointing the holy ghost he is here jesus jesus take some anointing jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] you shall receive a revival in the souls yes this is time to receive god of daniel please help us in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh [Music] you do the worshipping you reach out to jesus almighty god hear you hallelujah mercy mercy lord i'll hear you in jesus name thank you jesus glory to god what a night what a night receive your anointing [Music] yes bless the lord mighty god spread the tides [Music] [Music] those who are singing hallelujah yes lord i need some more [Applause] oh you should have been in this live service take it turn [Applause] worship god and receive your anointing worship god as you listen up in the spirit dear god hi to god glory to god [Applause] oh on the tide is wrong in jesus name [Music] [Applause] well we're gonna bring it down here tonight my brothers and sisters oh my god what a joy it is to have shared with you this wonderful anointed holy ghost message on tonight the comforters come you don't get it much better than that when god sends his holy spirit to dwell in you and out of your belly begin to flow rivers of living water a rich anointing tonight and do remember that joel's prophecy he tells us huh in the last days saith god i will pour pour out my spirit upon all flesh the young men shall see vision old men shall dream dreams daughters of zion shall prophesy and upon my servant and upon my animating will i pour out of my spirit o glory to god so from top to bottom or from bottom to top yeah god promised that everybody will receive an anointing from him those who seek him we thank you for sharing with us tonight this wonderful service and oh my god my i'm so blessed it has enriched my own soul this message was preached maybe a few years ago it's like i'm hearing it for the first time it blessed my heart may the lord bless you father we thank you tonight for all persons who have taken the time lord god to worship via this medium we pray in the name of jesus christ those who have not yet received the anointing the baptism of the holy spirit speaking with tongues as the spirit gives utterance grant oh lord god that there be no endurance no set block set back no stumbling block nothing stand in their way but they shall be brought in the fullness of the spirit of god everyone in my audience who is a believer for this promise is unto you unto your children and to those who are far off and to as many as a lord or god shall call in the name of jesus christ i pray that you seal the body of christ with the holy spirit especially in these last days oh god almighty the world is trying to seal people with all kinds of amen seals all kinds of marks all kinds of indentation oh god almighty but i pray that the holy spirit will seal the body of christ against any such day oh glory will you touch those who need a special touch right now a touch for their salvation a touch for their healing a touch for the favors of god to be upon their lives in the name of jesus i speak it for you now and by the authority of the same holy spirit that we preach we release it for you now in the name of jesus lord let tonight be a glorious night i'll let somebody receive an anointing a dream a vision a revelation a word from heaven glory to god and let somebody be raised up in victory in the name of jesus we curse every attack of the enemy we plead the blood against him now and say let god arise and the enemies of god be scattered we speak it for your people remember those who are sick in body right now lord especially those who are in the hospital afflicted with covet 19 on all kinds of sickness and disease the heart condition my god the lung condition the brain condition the spinal disorder god almighty the cancer the diabetes the blood pressure high blood pressure the nervousness oh god almighty the fibroids in the womb the uterine cancer breast cancer god almighty we pray for healing for the body of christ right now for by your stripes we are he and oh god as we prepare our hearts amen for world saturation day on sunday 12 if you so tarry grant o lord of the hearts will be prepared that the nations of the world will be ready for the move of the holy spirit in the name of jesus you shall stretch out your hand mightily and show yourself mighty with signs and wonders among your people oh god in the name of jesus we look to you now because you are the author and you are the finisher of our faith we speak the blessing of almighty god upon homes and families in the name of jesus christ and we pray that the spirit of death will be families removed in the name of jesus christ no sudden death for anyone in the name of jesus christ no accidental death in the name of jesus no death by criminal acts in the name of jesus christ lord only when you're ready for your people you shall take them to be with you in the name of jesus let no cancer no heart righteous no blood disease no heart condition let none of them take out your people lord no covet 19 the blood of jesus christ is against every such disease you give life and you must take it when it please you to call your saint to be with you well done lord god but we plead the blood against everything from hell we rebuke them in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and we say covers under the blood covers under the blood cover us under the blood for when i see the blood said the lord i will pass over you heal the nations we pray and god we shall without fail give you the glory the honor and the praise as we ask it in the mighty mighty name of jesus christ our savior and lord amen and amen thank you everybody what a wonderful night yeah like and subscribe before you leave share the link yeah like subscribe share the link let's keep the good thing going do you remember sunday morning seven o'clock am through to 6 p.m eleven solid hours of gospel in your home gospel for your heart set us free o lord that we may worship thee coming against colvin 19 and all its variants and all sicknesses and diseases joel chapter 2 first three verses verse 15 through 17 god says i will do it and the days of miracles are not over god only need some believers are you a believer tonight let's bond together let's call heaven all glory to god to do for us what no other power can do i want to thank you tonight uh from all across jamaica from all across other places of this globe and i acknowledge all the the pastors and bishops that were with me tonight the lord bless all of you we're all in this thing together you are here doing what god has called you to do others are wherever they are and all of the tributaries coming together will make a massive spiritual stream in this nation all of the little fires coming together will make an inferno in this nation so don't you be discouraged don't be disheartened wherever you are doing god's work duties ours will leave the results to almighty god may the lord bless you on behalf of the international family of power faith ministries the peace of god be yours on behalf of my own family my wife dr vichuva the executive management council of the power of faith ministries all our offices and everybody i look forward to to the day when we get back together as one big wonderful happy family worshiping and praising god as we love to do god bless you and you take good care no do remember you can support our ministry with your prayers of course with your finances of course and i always say not only this church your pastor need your support your church need your support especially in these very difficult times jamaica six weeks locked down yeah you understand what that means and of course almost one and a half year of no proper service coming together as a full corporate body of believers all we have been greatly denied the wonderful fellowship and all the things that make christianity and the fellowship of the saints so rich and warm but god knows best and when all this is said and done by the grace of god we hope to emerge the better the stronger so we'll see you again time of refreshing on tomorrow for the pastors who are with me please remember that we meet tomorrow morning at seven o'clock for zoo meeting or final meeting to discuss the finals of world saturation day 7 a.m tomorrow morning our zoo meeting the lord be with you [Music] once again like and subscribe share the link go to our website www.pfmfamily.org go to sub splash and make your contribution paypal and make your contribution use the money transfer agencies make your contribution tell us about it god be with you until we meet again and remember oh spread the tidings wrong wherever man is found shalom dorothy tell them what will you tell them jesus the comforter has come the comforter has gone many nations rejoice when they get their vaccine supply yes they rejoice jamaica rejoice another caribbean conscience rejoice when donor countries send the vaccine rejoice vaccine has come well if we rejoice over vaccine i tell the truth we should rejoice even much more with joy and speakable and full of glory the comforter has come until we meet again god bless you it's my prayer [Music] amen and amen all right facebook let's see you again god bless you well glory to god yeah thank you everybody thank you everybody all of you wonderful youtubers thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you you you and all of you thank you i did say thank you thank you thank you thank you wow i saw some names on these platforms tonight my goodness um may the lord be with you hate to sign out with so many of you online but of course you understand god bless you international family until we meet again
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 6,493
Rating: 4.9226518 out of 5
Id: 1WgkVoV04pA
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Length: 119min 18sec (7158 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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