" Recover All " - Evening Session - September 12, 2021

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i sit deep in the sky sorrows will be over and joy will come at last better days [Music] if you're hoping for better days let us praise the lord glory hallelujah thank you jesus the blood prevails the blood of the rings and lamb power to save [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no matter what on earth thank god the blood prevails thank god for the cleanse in blood is [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us worship the lord hallelujah let us worship the lord let us worship the lord hallelujah glory be to god thank you jesus we are depending on you [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm depending on you for everything for everything you know better than i you know [Music] for everything one more time i'm depending on you for everything you know better the than that i need i do not know what tomorrow may bring i'm depending on you [Music] let us worship the lord lord we are depending on you hallelujah glory be to god thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah we're gonna take it down a bit we're gonna sing some prayerful courses as we move on further in the service hallelujah gloria we have come into [Music] we have come into his love gathering to worshiping [Music] to worship christ the lord [Music] the [Music] concentrate on him worshiping [Music] let's forget about ourselves concentrate on him [Music] ourselves concentrate on him and worship right the lord worshipping [Applause] [Music] christ the lord lived upon him let's just lift [Music] [Applause] let's just lift up holy and magnify his name and worshiping [Applause] [Music] magnify his name and worship right christ the lord hallelujah hallelujah come on let us worship him brethren worship him because he's jesus christ the lord hallelujah there is none like you lord jesus glory be to god we thank you we worship you we praise you we bow down before you hallelujah we lift up your name glory be to god hallelujah thank you jesus glory thank you jesus touching jesus it's all that really matters and your life will never be the same there is only one way to touch it just believe when you call on his name oh touching jesus is all that really matters and your life will never be the same there is only one way [Music] just believe when you call on his name just one more time [Music] touching jesus is all that really matters [Music] and your lies will never be the [Applause] same there is only one way to touch it [Music] just believe when you call on [Music] i'm going to invite you to turn with me in your church hymnals you redemption hymnals to him number 13 m13 glory standing on the promises of christ glory be to god hallelujah standing on the promises of christ or kings through eternal ages let his praises ring glory in the eyes i will shout and sin standing on the promises of god standing standing i am standing on the promises of christ my i am standing on the promises of god oh standing on the promises that cannot fit oh when the hall in storms of dogs unfair us oh by the living word of god i shall prevail i am standing on the promises of god standing [Music] i am standing on the promises of christ my savior [Music] i am standing on the promises of god standing on the promises i now o perfect present cleansing in the blood for me oh standing in the liberty where christ makes free [Music] [Applause] the promises of christ my savior standing standing i am standing on the promises of god standing on the promises of christ the lord bound to him eternally by love stronghold overcoming daily with the spirit sword i am standing on the promises of god i am standing on the promises of christ my savior standing [Music] i am standing on the promises of god let us worship the lord hallelujah come on people of god let us worship the lord let us worship the lord glory be to god we're going to make an altar wherever we are and we're all going to look to god in prayer hallelujah thank you jesus glory be to god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] come before your presence one more time we glorify you we lift you up we honor you we adore you we praise you as the king of kings and the lord of lords you're the conquering lion of the tribe of judah we thank you jesus for today a day we have never seen before we lift up your name we honor your name jesus we thank you for the session of worship this men's convention god we thank you lord for the privilege of being here in your sanctuary glory be to god hallelujah recover all is the theme lord jesus as we have heard the word today we pray may help the men not to be hearers only but to be doers of the word oh god hallelujah thank you jesus help us to be better husbands better fathers better be better role models in our workplaces in our homes wherever we are as we recover all that the devil has stolen from us lord jesus as we stand on your promises god you promised never to leave us or forsake us god so we are depending on you for everything for we know not what tomorrow brings take away fear from us god help us to come out of the background and to be the leaders in the sanctuary in our homes wherever we are we are the head and not the tail lord jesus wake up supporter for slumber and of water for sleep god help us to arise and shine for the light has come lord jesus help us to live for hands and worship you help us not to be afraid to worship god oh god help us to jump to sing to shout to speak in tongues when we gather in the sanctuary lord jesus help us to stop taking the background lord and to be in the front to be up front as good men of valor leaders in whatever sector we are in in the church of god help us not to make too much space for the woman lord oh god help us to push forward to move forward jesus that is what you designed us to be to be leaders to be the head and not the tale oh god bless us god renew our spirits within us sanctify us our fresh lord jesus glorify your name as we are about to go into this panel discussion lord we pray you may take over take over the discussion every question every scripture every reference all the panelists the moderator and the congregation they may set us on one accord and when we should have come to the end of tonight's worship service we can say it was good for us to be here abide with us lord we look to you for further blessings we tell your thanks in jesus precious name glory be to god let us worship the lord let us worship the lord let us worship the lord glory be to god i invite you no to turn with me in your bibles to first samuel chapter 30 and we will read verses 1 through to verse 8 first samuel chapter 30. glory be to god follow as i read from verse one through to verse eight glory be to god and it came to pass when david and his men were come to ziglag and the third on the third day that the amalekites had invaded the salt and ziklag had spit in ziklag and burned it with fire and had taken the woman captives that were therein they slew not any either great nor small but carried them away and went on their way so david and his men came to the city and behold it was burnt with fire and their wives and their sons and their daughters were taken captive then david and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep and david's two wives were taken captive a hymn this israelites the jezreelites and abigail the wife of nabal the carmelite and david was greatly distressed for the people speak of stone in him but the soul of all the people were grieved every man for his sons and for his daughters but david encouraged himself in the lord his god and david said to abiathar the priest ahimalak's son i pray thee bring me hither the hephard and abhiatar brought hither the hephan to david let us read verse 8 together and david inquired of the lord saying shall i pursue after this troop shall i overtake them and he answered him pursue for those shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all we honor the word of the lord by saying glory be to the father to the son and to the holy ghost as it was in the beginning is no one ever shall be world without end amen you may be seated everyone let us worship the lord come on people of god let us worship the lord let us call him by his name come on let us shout the highest praise thank you jesus glory be to god hallelujah it's a great privilege of mine this afternoon to welcome first of all the holy spirit who is felt evidently among us come on let us welcome the holy spirit holy spirit we welcome you glory be to god hallelujah hallelujah we want to give special recognition to our general overseer apostle dr delford davis and his beautiful wife and the household of faith in portmore and to all the power fade ministries scattered across jamaica and here in the united states we give special recognition to all the pastors and all the members we want to welcome especially our own senior pastor bishop michael hutchinson his wife in her absence and their children welcome sir our assistant pastor reverend joyce lynn rose and her husband minister owen rose and the other members of her family and to all the ministers the officers members well-wishers friends we welcome you for all those who are viewing on youtube and facebook or whatever medium through which you're connecting to the service we say welcome welcome welcome to the second session of our men's convention wasn't it a wonderful day today it was i just kept talking about the service when i got to my mom called me and she said you got home early today and i said it was not a long service i was telling her as a matter of fact we were gathered at the church some of us from 8 o'clock this morning and i was explaining to her the entire day fasted in prayer but today was such a refreshing service we got the word it was so good as pastor said to see the men up front and active in worship and we just want to take this today as our initiative not just to be here today to do this and then we slap back we ask god to continue to inspire us as men to get out of the shadows get out of the background and take our rightful place in the church amen yes brothers glory be to god so with no further ado we are not going to invite our bishop to come to us bishop michael j so i'm going to ask you to stand and to receive him before we go into our panel discussion god bless you sir shall we praise the lord everybody certainly tonight we're gonna have an awesome time in this panel discussion and i want to lend my voice to acknowledge god the father jesus christ the son and the holy spirit and also to acknowledge our presiding bishop apostle dr delphi davis and his wife minister dr petrova davis assistant general overseer bishop old grandison and his wife minister edith grandison and also to the pastors and leaders of the in the power faith ministries network on this side of the shore my wife reverend patricia hutchinson and our children assistant pastor reverend joyce and rose and her husband and told the executive board of directors ministers officers saints of god visitors friends men of valor bless the lord i heard us this morning and we roared in our authority amen praise the lord and i'm i am so delighted to see men in action in fact persons who are looking from without when they see or men taking part in the various services they say to me oftentimes they wish that their church had men to participate in these areas but can i tell you this they don't see nothing yet amen praise the lord bless the lord we gonna have a full choir loft with men in jesus name we gonna have men's in fact i'm planning for a men's expression of praise men's expression of praise only men will minister praise the lord and we are also looking about that man's retreat in jesus name to engage men in that spiritual aspect amen the other part we are not leaving our young men behind we are going to take the young men with us amen so we are going to adopt some young men in fact we're going to take their names and we're going to believe god and pray them through in jesus name amen because we are believing that god is going to do great things among us now before i introduce the panel i want to thank exorto blair and the leadership of the praise and worship the men's praise and worship and we see the men's choir in action this morning but i want to acknowledge the theme that we will be engaging in and also invite the panelists including the panel moderator to come amen now the theme for this evening is exploring the various types of fears that christian men experience and with that being said i want to invite as the panel the panel moderator elder charles smith and he will take his position to the top i invite minister jurius hall minister raymond myles brother othniel mcdowell and brother renford douglas [Applause] i want to use this opportunity to acknowledge all those who are participating by way of youtube thank you very much for connecting with us i would love for you though if you have comments or if you have questions that you could ask them via the youtube we will try to get someone to be able to get them to you in fact i will try to connect on youtube while we are in the panel to answer some of your questions so please participate i also engage the congregation to participate also in asking the questions and making the suggestions making the points so that we will have an effective panel discussion amen now with everybody in place at this time let us pray please at this time father god we just want to thank you that you have equipped these men men of valor to discuss a powerful and important topic a topic lord god that if we could get the reason for fear for christian men we would be tapping into the spirit realm to address those fears so that the boldness of christian men will go forth in the name of jesus father god not just that we will be on the panel but i pray that men will see us as examples as having a desire lord god to come up front lord god and they will see something in us that they will want to patern in the name of jesus so god bless this panel discussion let it be effective let it be impacting let the power go forth the world go forth and the lives be transformed in jesus name amen praise the lord okay over to you mr panel moderator praise the lord praise the lord is god awesome god is a wonderful god and we can all only say thank him and thank him for saving our lives and giving us this opportunity to be here this evening with all protocol already been observed i would just like to make one mention and i would like to say thanks to pastor rose not because she is only pastor rose but because of her obedience and i have always have a saying say that obedience is sin and the reason why i'm saying this tonight is because of pastor rose's obedience and dr delver delphi davis's obedience obedience why we are here tonight thank you pastor rose for being obedient to god so that we could have a power of faith ministries in south florida thank you very much and may god continue bless you and give you long life god bless you and with no further ado i would just like to go straight into the um final discussion as we all are we're um our bishop has already stated the topic and it it says thus let me repeat it because this is a very i wouldn't like to say profound but it is a very intriguing topic exploring the various types of fears that christian men experience and it is not only christian men alone in my work of life and for my years on this earth here i have found and discovered that men on a wall have challenges or i wouldn't say problems but this fear always overtake men some way or sometime or the other and we have a very great panel here this evening who will sorry address all of this all of the questions you have so please whatever questions you have don't be afraid just build up that courage build up that strength and you can answer questions and get your answers as like i said before we have capable people here to answer all the questions you have so don't be afraid just do it um i would like to just throw this out to the panel because it's something that is getting across to me for every time i want to know why is it that men and a whole have this fear when there are certain things to be done challenges or whatever case may be is it a heritage is it jeans what is it this is the first one panel god bless you bless the lord everybody so let me start off just to say that as we engage ourselves in this final discussion it is really my hope that christian men will overcome fear the fear that has crippled us over the years the fears that hindered us from accomplishing the plan of god or the of god's mandate for our lives praise the lord now a couple of things as um elder smith mentioned in terms of why do we encounter fear and of a certain i know it is not is not from your generation it's not a it's not generational because the reality is that fear in some instance has been taught and you may ask the question how is it that fear is start now let's look at a child and sometimes we as the parents are even more concerned for the for the young child especially when they're just learning to walk have you ever seen some children fall to the ground some children try to climb and they fall and they make a sound or they cry for just a moment and they go back to do the very same thing and so sometimes when we are trying to stop them from doing it we we try and we develop that fear within them so at an early age children learn fear because we teach them fear and there are some things yes we have to be mindful of because certainly it will be bring disaster to us if we pursue or continue but there are some things that we we employ fear or the fear factor when we should not i've seen the one one of the past presidents that's bush one of the bush um maybe i think his father bush and at 80 plus years of age he still um parachute out of the plane at almost 90 years of age and so that's what he does each year on his birthday or something like some special event and so on so he learned those things and we have mountain climbers and they learn those things so in what has caused us to to displace number one fear is a spirit fear is a spirit the bible tells us it's a spirit and though we teach children and we grow up having this fear but it is an open door for the spirit of fear and timidity to affect our lives and so i it is my hope that as we employ the word of god that the fear that entered into our lives through the spirit of fear will be nullified from our lives and the spirit of boldness will become active as we engage wisdom in the things that we do especially for god i open the floor for others can you give him a microphone please excuse me i'm sorry i didn't inform you come on come on come on whatever time you have a question please stand and somebody will um give you a mic okay person now the bible talk about fear and it's fear in a lot of different ways okay but now the fear in the church church with the men is a lot of criticism yes yes criticism by people and that is what caused more such a fear between a lot of people in church now can you explain that to me okay all right i what i wanted though before i answer that question is to give the panel an opportunity to to speak on the topic that the panel moderator mentioned all right so i would love for that to happen first and then i will engage into the others i don't want to up scotching right so somebody want to speak on the why do we encounter fear according to what the moderator mentioned let me hear from all the panels the panelists please um in the scriptures in the scripture that um the first instance of fear started in the garden of eden when uh [Music] when man decided to when man decided to eat from the tree of knowledge um immediately he was overwhelmed with a lot of information including um the fear of the information is no given and in the scripture it says that he hid because what fear does is a very crippling spirit that um causes a man to to withdraw um to a place where he can be protected his first instant instinct is to go into a place of safety so adam hid because now he was given information that causes that kind of mindset that's an information that was given to him that he wasn't supposed to be given but now he has this information now the fear of what to come or the unknown is pretty much um takes over the mind and then the mind is now in a state um of survival where a person's will go into a place of um solitude or a place of whatever the the different um effects that it brings on but one of the the thing is that you you always refer to self-preservation by seclusion and that's exactly what took place in the garden of eden moving forward um we see instances where [Music] we are now in a generation like today we have um information that is given to us at times and these informations are processed to whatever receptors that we have whether it's by sight by hearing feeling or natural response is self-preservation and um in today world we are open to different stimulants or different things that is happening around us and as a result we respond in our natural instincts for self-preservation next good evening everyone fear is a complicated emotion it can motivate us or it can paralyze us depending on how we choose to approach it i'll justify that with everybody at some point i've read or seen a picture of a lion yes yes if you're passing alliance kg is laying down your past but if the moment the land jumps up and starts to grow out of fear you might be paralyzed and will move are out of fear you're motivated to run am i not correct so fear depending on how you see it so there's a christian writer corey ten boom she said it best when she wrote never be afraid to trust an unknown future to unknown god if you know god don't need to have fear like past already mentioned and somebody else mentioned for god has not given to us the spirit of fear but love power and of our soul and mind i bring to our recollection in the book of joshua he said to joshua now my servant moses is dead joshua was there all the time and he saw all moses went through so i was trying to tell joshua you don't need to be fear for as i was with moses so i will be with you so as believers fear is a natural thing but when we understand that this fear does not come from god when it comes to doing the things of god and further on i'll speak more as to some of the factors why there's fear among christian men it could be fear of inadequacy fear of criticism like somebody already bring out and fear to answer god god thank you praise god good evening good evening church good evening brother minister praise god yes um we want to know that fear you have two bite of fear you have healthy fear and which is a fear of god jesus said in luke chapter 12 verse 5 what i forewarn you to whom you shall fear fear him which after he had killed after he had killed a poet cast into hell so when jesus said fear god so you have healthy fear amen well you fear god but you have known the evil fear where you fear all type of things as minister all was saying and that is emotion as the lion ruler you can do that jumper right and um the first fear we see is in genesis as the brother was saying in genesis chapter 3 where um i was afraid i was afraid so and that comes from sin because adam's sin he touched something that is not supposed at all so you have that fear for from that time fear continue to affect man and that is evil as fear but you have hell to fear where you fear god and you can and your fear for your life because that's a good idea because if you don't have a fear for your life you're able to jump off a cliff without any any danger you just do something crazy are you analyzed so that is held to fear but the fear that affect christian men is a devil that's a fear that sphere is a spirit that is a fear that comes against christian men generally that's my saying good evening everyone i can see that fear is an unpleasant emotion and fear is dangerous inferior cause treat and it also caused death you remember in the bible where god was sent in somewhere to a night and um while saul was still king saul didn't want to go because if he was still in power when he was feeling seeking as god rejected him and [Music] someone said if if the people know that i'm coming down they're going to kill me it was fear as much as god sent him but he was still scared so god said look man don't fear you take a heifer with you and when people see you coming down just tell them that you come to sacrifice even when god send you a christian man you can still fear because fear doesn't respect nobody fear will go anywhere to stop anybody but one of the greatest thing that i see fear can do with a christian man as soon as you get saved the devil is after you and when you try to say something the devil always come up always come up and stab you and say uh you're not gonna see something that's right and they're going to criticize you you're going to laugh at you but i would say there are most christian man when they when they get saved the fear they fear but you know one thing that really can really stop that fear is the power of god the holy ghost when you are not filled with the holy ghost there's a lot of fear there but whenever time the power of god come down and you're filled with the holy ghost is a different thing so a lot of men when you see it you ask them to do something and they don't do it is is fear but if they have the holy ghost pushing them there you go so what i see today is a lot of men is locked of the holy ghost and if we get the holy ghost that's pause for service and sometimes you go through fear you have something to push you have something to carry you because you know back then when uh say they're going out here to pray for a sick and if they knew that this brother wouldn't receive someone done indeed they would not send the goal you got to feel really holy all goes because you need so you need to be poor you need power you need power so when you have power you can tell fear to be yourself that's my opinion wonderful all right a quick one let another rule that would love if you could put the microphones closer to your mouth because i'm having some some feedback from persons participating on youtube they are saying that volume they need volume so we need to try to work on some volume for them all right so let's try to do that all right praise the lord i just let me let me give a few definition of um fear from the dictionary and then i will answer the contivo's question with regarding the criticism of people all right now the dictionary defined fear as an unpleasant often strong emotions caused by an anticipation or awareness of danger evil or pain it is also defined as a distressing emotion or thought that one develops when one is frightened or worried by something dangerous painful or bad that is currently happening or what might happen now one one explanation of fear is false evidence appearing real so oftentimes fear is not based on something that is real it is something that is perceived or perceived danger now what fear does it destroys confidence it hinders the work of the lord from being done fear torments and it clouds our judgment oftentimes people make judgment call because of fear and when you look back on it you make wrong decisions but fear drives you to make certain decisions and certain um acknowledgements when it are not to have been now fear is a spirit as i mentioned earlier it is said that fear grips it brings false worry false emotions and it drives false actions and i want to give a quick testimony and i said it oftentimes but it is warranted now that years ago when i was living back in jamaica i was a blood donor and a blood donor is one who gave blood every three months and so i would give blood every three months in jamaica and they would based on the amount of blood that i would give they would give me what we call a passport and so they will stamp it every time i give blood and should in case someone needs blood in jamaica i could just let them get one you know of the blood that i have so they'll subtract one two three whatever it is but one particular time i went my usual um you know blood drive or to give blood and they said to me that if they find anything in my blood they are going to give me a call and so i went home and one saturday morning i was at home and i got a call from the blood bank and when the blood bank just they just mentioned the name that they're calling from the blood bank i felt everything within me got weak because remember this statement was if they find anything in my blood they are going to call me and so the strength that i had when i answered the phone i lost it and i fell into the coach that i had beside me and i felt weak in my hand and in my feet and i said to them with a faint voice yes and i acknowledge my name and the person there said i just want to let you know that you left your diary at the blood bank and instantaneously the strength that i lost because they say that it was called from the blood bank i gain it and more i jump back on my faith and you know so perceived and oftentimes it is by that perceived danger that we develop this fear and then we walk in that fear and the one person asks if you were you know if do you think that negative things that were spoken over someone's life as a child could cause insecurity and fear that also have to do with it example appearance saying something negative something bad you're not able you're incapable and so on and so forth negative words when you grow up you grow up with that that that fear and so for you don't anybody be to to continue to condemn you for an act let me answer deacon tibor's question in terms of criticism by people now i look for the definition of three worlds that's very important towards this criticism and that revolutionized my mind and my life um you know many years ago sometimes when people say something critical about you it is not something that you should create defense before you actually look at what is being said so the the definition for criticism is the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes so if somebody see you make a mistake and they say something about it that's not necessarily being putting you down but it is really giving you a reality check number two being critical being critical is expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgment i disapprove of your action i disapprove of the way how you did what you did that's still all right that so that shouldn't really put it into a defensive manner more than looking at what is being said and assessing yourself also if in fact something of that of of a truth is in that statement and then being being and critiquing someone no it means to review a review of something or someone's and so or someone that is someone's personal opinion all right now when we look into the church as deacon thibault mentioned persons sometimes they are quick to say something negative about a believer quick to say something negative quick to say something about a man quick to say something about a woman that's not that's negative but we then as believers have to balance the things that we say there has to be something good about somebody and so your first goal to someone is not to say something negative but you could start looking at the positive aspects first and then you make mention of the things that somebody can look at in order to improve that's that's number two number three the person who is receiving the criticism should be able to look at the individual who's passing that criticism with with with with um with a with a pure thought that that person has my best interest at heart oftentimes when we rise up is because we we look at the person in a negative way themselves but if we can look at the person and say that that person has my best interest at heart and that person is saying something to me to help me along then i will take it in a good vein then i will assess what is being said and if it is not warranted then or if it is not something that's true then we will investigate but let's take this approach before and if we're going to critique someone or criticize someone or express something critical about someone one of the the best way to do it is to acknowledge something good that the person did and and make mention of it and then look at the areas that the person can improve in i do hope that that answers some aspect of your question deacon tebow yes you have a question stand up with even my church brother and sister and good evening to the pile and good evening mr bishop now i found out that living here in america i see your ass most churches you visit are you older you find 100 women is there and no men i always wonder why why it is so the woman's already there in great numbers and there is no man one and two this is straight for you is there is there's a difference from a man being a christian and a woman being a christian is it that uh that's the reason why some church would not allow a woman to preach in the church or what is it that costs some churches don't want a woman to preach or say anything in the church and the last part of this is that we all work and get paid but the women that do the same job like us men get smaller pay i i'll see if you can give me an answer the last one is we all work and get paid but the woman that does the same job like horsemen are paid less so he's there because of the sex why the women are different from men and so you have three deer sir okay let me try and see if i can answer it quickly are for the church where the women are concerned there has been i read an article sometimes ago and i had to do uh i think that's the one i had to do a paper on with regarding with regarding the women and the men in church now the argument is that some of the messages that are preached are more emotional meaning it appeals to the women it is more soft it is more delicate the the tone of the message draws the attention and the attraction of the females and they're and while they're there is a is a part of man that is kind of what you call rough like like songs like um onward christian soldiers marching on to war that appeals to man but but softly and tenderly jesus is calling that you you'll find the women would rush to the altar because it's a peace to the emotional side and that's the reality but the men know and that's why you find some of those churches that that caters for the men like like i won't name those but you see draws them in because it it it speaks about manpower and man's strength and man you know and so forth so so it appeals in that way now for the pentecostal movement will after then be a little bit more balanced in the way or we present the gospel knowing that we are appealing not just to men and women but we're also appealing to children and so on and so forth so one suggestion is the the the the way all the messages are presented it's more attracting to females than to meals all right that's one number two no the difference between a man and a woman in the church no there's no difference where salvation is i'm concerned christ died for both the male and the females from all the cultures all the creeds and so on christ died for everybody now there are some churches that use particular text of scripture and they use it to to govern the structure of their church the structure now there are some churches that would not permit a woman to do certain things like preach or be a pastor or so on and they take it from some of them take it from a new testament text that says let a woman be silent in the church and so they pull that and it becomes doctrinal for their church but then if we want to be true to scripture and that's why we as leaders as pastors and in general the congregation must become students of the world that mean we won't study the word ourselves now the book of joel joel chapter 2 tells us that in the last days anybody remember what will happen in the last days i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh then it says your sons and your daughters shall prophesy now that gives way of an utterance from both the males and the females no we may say that's an old testament text of scripture bishop don't use that that's an old testament okay let's transition over to the new in acts chapter 2 when the day of pentecost was come and peter now being anointed with the holy spirit as brother douglas mentioned the power of the holy spirit that enables us to be bold and brave peter who as you know before he denied jesus and he ran from him but with the holy spirit within him he became bold and fearless now peter says this is what was spoken of um in in the old testament according to joel that i will put off my spirit upon all flesh we are seeing the manifestation now now in the upper room it was not only men women were there also so we see the the impartation of the holy spirit on both male and female so if men can preach women then can preach if men can prophesy women can prophesy and we see in the scriptures where women are mightily used of god and so some churches denomination i'm not going to knock their denomination on why they use that as a solid base for their church to prevent women but i'm telling this and i'm telling the world that women have of value to offer the world women have a word also from god just as with the men amen and so that's why we find in this church and in many pentecostal church men preach women preach men pray women pray men do bible studies women do bible studies because as long as you are an available vessel whether you're a male or a female and as long as you're equipped and prepared god can use you and so we don't restrict you from being used by god knowing that you are prepared to minister accordingly so i can't speak where the other churches are concerned but noah come over to us and then no the last one is the work that men does as against women now the structure is set like that that women is seen as a weaker vessel than men all right and so they they put in place in the whole work system that there are some jobs that if the both male and females may have done the same work but men get a higher wage than the woman now that's something that we can't change but it has been a loving cry of women over the many many years and that's why i believe that the this new administration tried to put a rounded like a balance of both females and males in certain position so that we have at least some outlook of being balanced in one area or another all right hopefully that answers some aspect of your question is there any other member of the panel would like to address that question please go ahead okay um it's it's really wide and deep you know when it comes to men and the church come and know the satan really fight men you know and he tried to use any platform or any form to make men feel um you know that they're not useful and i thank god for bishop when they put up that um i was about 21. 20 points for the men you see men have to be active you know when god called men he gave them work to do men like to work they like you see that's why um god make you know the upper man strong the harms and so forth is the work you understand and if you have men in the church not doing nothing and you have the ladies you know those everything is the ladies the man not giving challenges and so forth they're going to feel they're going to go back and that is from the devil so you find that that um men generally get fight because of that because god satan know that if a man is empowered oh he has something hasn't got it empowered want where is that 120 men but some women were there and they turned the world upside down and satan is trying to prevent in that so men will always get fight when it comes to that to keep them back from moving forward but as has passed as bishop um uh talk about joel 2 there's another level of anointing coming the first anointing were um the anointing was upon 70 um elders that in vaccinating his numbers and the second anointing is acts chapter two the third anointing is coming that's all you're talking what joe will talk about in the last days so all what satan tried to do to keep men from coming forward it's going to be destroyed men going to go forward men going to take their position men going to move forward with the things of god it's coming all we have to do be in place that's all we have to do and each and god shall fulfill his purpose that's what i'm saying about that okay we never seem to look at the the point that um we have found ourselves i can speak for myself when i got saved certain things i thought i couldn't do and if you wish to talk the truth you know service begins at 7 00 7 30. you know that if you go on time i go early you might be called to pray taught the truth and you might be called to do something so you're delay going so your calm when the service already in session taught the truth yeah i've been there i've been here for a minute there for a minute and there for a while it's a fact of life it's called the fear of the unknown a man that is unsafe for years is used to the ways of the world when he's get drawn by the power of god he does come but when he gets there that's another thing to get him out of the comfort zone the unknown what if and it goes back to what deacon people talk about what if when i go there go and laugh what if they start to criticize the spirit of fear so it is what it is when god called moses that's when i mentioned inadequacy the first thing moses started to give god excuses so that's another thing fear does bring about excuses not only moses jeremiah the same thing jeremiah said i'm but a youth i can't talk huh gideon the spirit of inadequacy the same thing when the angel appeared to gideon gideon's when he said the mighty man of allah as we call ourselves gideon started to look behind him above him below him and he was only the only person there he said i am not the one adequate enough to go get my people out because the millionaires have been overrunning us for seven years when it comes to that point gideon need proof a lot of us need proof so the angels said you want proof and what is it you want you talk about the fleece when you skip the the sheep the whole thing with the wool on it put the fleece out and if around the fleece get wet and the fleas remain dry i would believe you think that was satisfying enough no the next day said i still need some more proof i need this time the opposite of what happened before but when god called you can refuse and i s it led me to jonah so you say we are not this is not new to men christian men jonah out of fear from god and as a reprisal against the people then invite iran try to run away from god but whether shall i flee from his presence if i take the wings of the morning and fly to the utmost part of the earth behold he's there i tell you this evening whatever god has called you to do men you're going to do it if it's by free will or by force jonah is a perfect example you may not be able to be get swallowed by a will you just don't know what's going to happen but god is going to get you to do what he requires of you in micah chapter 6 and verse 8 somewhere around there what dot the lord require of you god requires something from each and every one of us for we have said it before yes that gives us a spirit of fear but love power and of a sound mind and i go back to what i said before he encouraged joshua when he called him be courageous and he keep saying that again be those strong and courageous very courageous for i will be with the fear not things will come up against us and we are going to have fear it's a natural emotion brethren so we need to understand that but whatever it is we just take it to the lord in prayer thank you um so it is in a spiritual so it is an unnatural um i will use an instance um i use the lion which we we are men we are normally um analyzed to say okay in comparison with the the the authority or the power that is invested in us we are like lying like the pastor was saying this morning roar but when we look at the lion in his natural habitat who goes to hunting will defend the pride the woman and what the the lion will do pretty much all day is sleep so we are now men that are sleeping men right what the taliban will call them the sleeper cells we are dear but we are asleep so the question is what we are doing what are we are doing what is it causing us now to be in that place of sleep because when we take a look at the the story in genesis 3 9 genesis 3 and when you when you look at the the story talking about eve being beguiled by the serpent persons will believe that maybe um adam was somewhere else farming tilling or doing something else maybe asleep but adam was right there in the instant that she picked that fruit but like pastor all um said god has not given us a spirit of fear but power love and a sound mind now when i look at the definition because i like to compare words and kind of see exactly um the very definition of power and the dictionary implies that the ability to do something act in a particular way especially as a faculty or quality now when i look at the definition i said let me visit the the definition of courage because when others will think about um the the the power they're thinking that maybe they have something going on there and something going something pulling from the supernatural but the power that the scripture speaks of is courage and courage is defined the ability to do something that frightens one so courage is is that power that is required from men to physically motivated to to to to get up to act and we ask the question why is that courage lacking in in our life today and we have to really think and and is comes back to the fear of criticism fear of unknown fear i'm contented with where i'm at so if i should only step outside of being contented and act upon my surrounding rather than being asleep okay can you just hold a moment in the sense of time please i'm asking that we make our answers as short and precise 30 points as possible because i want to get as much answers to the many questions that we are going to need thank you very much if you have a question i have a question before that's why i'm holding the mic hi good evening everyone okay um let me make sure that i have the right topic because i did not hear clearly is the topic exploring the various type of fair christian man [Music] encounter okay good so i have several questions but first of all i'm going to direct this one to bishop as a christian as a bishop what is your biggest fear in your christian walk with god and why as a bishop the i i wouldn't thanks for that i i wouldn't necessarily say a fear but concern for me it's it's concern because um as a young believer i went through the stages of um of fear and so on and so forth and there was one point in time that i felt i i was um fear i fear failing i feared failing and so that would drive me beyond the normal so when someone finish work at five i will go on until eight or ten yeah because i'm motivated to succeed and so that was the fear of somebody saying it didn't work i was not successful but then after a while i i learned as a believer that that i was doing it in my own strength and that's where i had to let it go and let god but that was one of the fear then my concern now is that as a bishop and leading and serving a congregation that that at the end of the day you hear the words depart from me not just not from me per se but for the people that i'm serving and i think i take this home with me so so much and and that's why i think i really intercede a lot for this congregation and i say it oftentimes that any good pastor any good pastor would want to hear on that day or see on that day when those persons who leads would stand before the lord and you will hear the words well done well done and i'll be there saying yeah they made it they made it they made it you know but the greatest concern is after preaching after praying after encouraging after all this stuff that persons don't make it in and and that's my greatest you know yeah okay i know people have questions but before you take any more questions i'll say this we are here talking about the various types of fears so listen some persons have fear of sharing their faith yes fear of sharing your feet or even fear of sharing your your faith with your families fear of sharing a testimony often times we go to our service and say testimony and we sing choruses and we sing choruses one person get up and the church full of sins tell the truth we fear to get up once your testimony and i when it comes to testimony people only want to testify i've been praying and god delivered me and i get the house and the land was paid for and i'll testify brethren i'm going through a storm and i need some people to help me pray through this that's a testimony not only when the breakthrough and the deliverance oh you got over you're telling me you get to the end what happened what led you to the get over it's been six years virgin and i'm still praying over the situation but i believe god that if you help me pray me through i can make it to the other side don't you believe that so there are several things and fear of going into active ministry i just want to be a church man but i'm safe satisfied holy ghost feel on my way to damn good yes work in the vineyard truly the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few so send it here for labor all of us here are laborers what is it god has laid on your heart to do but you get fearful we need some more ex in the church and more wise no someone i think they can't manage that if we take it up then i would say men are good enough it's not about what people think it's about him who called you amen i'll just say this the moderator sent me to be sure but i just say this to some of what i just said the various stuff there's a lot of things but i just say this we know we have the fear to answer god call yes but i'll just share this with you right quick it's available it's a technology but believe us we are called for a purpose and we are here to do what we are called to do so i'll get back to it momentarily but it's telling us about when we are fearful keep your eyes we talk about the fear we need to tell each other oh we can get over the fear how we get over the fear case in point peter was bit by jesus to walk on the water as long as he kept his focus on jesus all was well he started to worry about those in the boat the storm itself so he lost concentration so don't worry about what is happening around you concentrate on what god is doing with you in you and through you so these are the things we need to think about how can we get over these things keep our eyes on jesus god bless you yes you know one okay i just want to ask good evening everyone question does pride brings fear and the reason i'm asking that is i remember when i was in jamaica as a youth there was a sister in the church do you remember those coaster bosses that people used to run her family business was she have coaster buses running and it happened that one time one of the coaster bus stopped running and she came to the church to ask a prayer because she's been working on the bus and she don't know what's going on and um our pastor said on a sunday evening he's gonna go up there i've never heard at that time i've never heard about that they're gonna pray for the boss and the pastor announced our pastor announced the day that he wants a set of young people to go with him not the seniors not the elders young people and i was there today i was so afraid i said oh god please don't let them call my name and because up where that lady lives i have a lot of family members live up there and i said i don't want them to see me pray inferno i don't understand are we going to pray for the boss and he instructed how he was going to do it he said just like the walls of jericho they march around the wall seven times we're going up there and we're gonna march around the bus seven times and on the seventh time we're gonna make a shout now it was a sunday evening everybody's at home on sundays another time in jamaica we didn't have like tvs a lot of tv so children play in the yard and you know and when i went to church this sunday he called out he was gonna call the name of those and i was sitting down there i said oh god don't call my name and um he eventually called me he chose seven young people to go with him and for me that is where marx in this way does pride brings fear because for me i think it was pride not wanting my family or my friends up there to see me marching around the bus and because of that no i became very very fearful actually when i went home from church this is the first i went to when i could even eat because all that was in my mind when i go to school tomorrow what are they going to say and and however i went to home and we got dressed and then we have to meet at the church gate to go up to where the lady name was sister ruby and we have to walk apart i'm sorry i don't want to take up too much time so over we went up there i went up there our pastor was there the young people were there and i was take time coming up the road and looking but i'm not looking at what is going on i'm looking to see who is yard i always over there however i went up and my heart was just beating beating beating beating meeting and then he said okay we're gonna line up i'm gonna go in front and we're gonna go around the bus seven times and the last time we're gonna shout hallelujah i'm virgin my heart was just racing it was over we went around one time two times three times and when i went about the third time i started feeling better and um eventually the seventh hour got there on it i i felt much better and then we just always say hallelujah in the name of jesus and he said and we went inside the boss and we prayed but my question is do you think pride brings fear can i answer that um in genesis um we're gonna show um reading from genesis um three genesis 3 and we're reading from the the first all the way down to the fifth i know the serpent was more subtle than any beast in the field which the lord had made and he said unto the woman yea god said the first thing the serpent did he created dope in in the woman's in the woman's heart yay shall um he not eat of every tree of the garden question and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god had said ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it lest ye die no and the serpent said unto the woman yea shall not surely die for the god don't know that in the day he eat thereof then your eyes shall be open and ye shall be as gods no um the thing about um the information is now given and when the information is given um doubt creates an awareness awareness of a a situation now in in this in this um scripture pride is seen as esteemed even realized that okay there is information that i can now be like god is this thing can let me be seen so now she has an information no that will put her in a place of esteem she can be like god she can she can know the things of god so pride is that when pride the entrance of pride it comes to focus you start focusing on yourself and what self need and and whether it's going to be an upliftment or it's going to be a place where you might don't want to be exalted or to be seen so pride can also um bring about fear all right um in addition um just to speak right after our brother mcdowell that um i may need to explore a little bit more but when we look at the definition of pride you have two types you have the good pride and you have the negative one now the good one is um somebody take interest great interest in the things that they do so they do their work with such excellence so you have that's a good side of pride and the negative side of pride now is when someone boasts of self congratulations i mean you know it's all about me and so on so in those two definitions fear wouldn't come in if i'm just looking at it on the on the face guard so maybe something else is probably happening outside of pride that is causing this fear factor you know and not been drawn into because even the the expression that um brother mentioned though the fear itself didn't mention into that it is a case where you know know that eve had the information as to what will happen there was no fear in any of that in fact when when god met with them about that her quick response was that her husband or her husband said her and then she's at the serpent so there's nothing in there that even caused fear to come forth but just to just to define for you what the two prides are and and fear doesn't fall into any of the two so maybe something else is brewing there all right other than that just just for face value i'll have to do a little bit more research for you on that may i say something i don't believe a christian should not pray a christian i should not have prayed remember you have two types the the positive side is that you take great interest like i'm going to i'm going to spread this the the tablecloth over this and i don't just just throw it on it you know i take my time i ensure that it is ironed properly and and some people have a problem with that when you want to put yourself together you want to ensure that you know you take pride in yourself you take pride in your work you take pride in in how you relate you see so you're talking about the negative side also i agree that that christian shouldn't carry this negative pride which is boost and it's all about me and if it if i'm not in the midst of it if i'm not leading then it won't work and so on i agree on that but remember it's two type of pride you have to explain which one you're talking about see me so so maybe it wasn't even pride you're so right about that so you say i can't make anybody see me knowing me knowing the type of person that i am and to see me go walk around chur um boss to to point an boss so so you're too proud for that no no no no you're speaking so so fear as i said before looking at the face value fear wouldn't find its way into into pride or being proud but but as you mentioned it based on what you just mentioned no it's really proud for true to say i can't see myself down to doing that i can't people not supposed to see my and dirty are so on and so because they're used to me being this person and so forth correct very good all right um ella there's brother dylan had the brother dylan had the mic he was to speak yes good evening good evening everyone um on the topic of fear um growing up reading the bible um a lot of we're dealing with an awesome god with supernatural power he's the creator of everything and growing up seeing seeing him work through people endowing people with power casting out demons um even pastors being able to know what members in this congregation are doing at uh at different times just seeing things that god has showed show showed people um how do you deal with the fact that a closer walk with god he can he can empower you with these gifts with certain supernatural gifts how do you deal with that that's a powerful one very powerful and um if my if my wife was here physically i'll probably later answer the question especially for myself personally because um sometimes sometimes i get things like in dreams and sometimes the lord just show me things and when i mention things and it come through i i said to my wife oftentimes i'm scared of myself i'm scared of myself for the things that he shows me and and some stuff one would say blows your mind you know and um like example i somebody came to my mind and i say i feel i'm going to call that person the next couple of minutes and by the next couple of minutes that person called something like that you know just a simple expression i get a dream about someone and that you know like in the dream the person who was experiencing something and then in the reality the person said yes i'm experiencing that and so you you take a back seat and what i learned how to cope with it i i normally say to my family that i'm a superhero and whatever it is to kind of balance the things and the gifts that god has given to me as a person balance it in that way but but initially it was never it was not something that was so easy to accept and to flow in it it caused us to cause me to to actually you know question you know certain things and so on but um over time by prior by the word by keeping ourselves you know before the lord then he will give us the enablement how to manage the gifts um and the talents that he has blessed us with you know over time it will it will begin to to fall in line all right hope that answers my brothers and sisters my question is what assurance that christian men will be in heaven after he died a quick one easy easy easy the word of god said that bible says that when we repent um talk to us about repentance and so on and right in the land of the living the christ says to us that we are saved no we're not saved by our feelings no our emotion we are saved by what the word says and that's why some persons sometimes you don't feel like you're saved and i don't know if it happened to any of you but it happened to me sometimes i feel like i'm not safe because the kind of bubbly feeling that you expect sometimes i don't feel it and that's why you have to run back to the world and the word says my confession my accepting crisis my personal savior lord that is what the requirement for salvation has been met and so i'm saved and i'm also justified and the bible also said my name is written in the book of life so according to what the word says then i accept it as the reality for my life that i'm saved and if christ should return no i'm going to be with him in heaven the word of god thanks i don't want to say not any anything else i cannot send it to stop now okay so we talk about the various type of fears yes let us look for a minute at carnal fear and i take you to numbers when moses the leader was instructed to send the 12 men the 12 spies that's carnal fear they feel to believe that god promised and he said in his word the land is theirs remember but yet when they went to the land 10 of the 12 brought a negative report their fear they said the people are greater than us they are like giants and we are like grass upper so they brought fear on the whole nation and would you know that as a result of that these people never make it into the promised land discouragement so alter their fear they bring discouragement to the congregation but they were two were still able to believe god and take him at his word and said we are well able so we need us in here to believe tonight men that we are well able to possess the land god has given us the land and i said earlier about peter stop worrying about what is happening around you god did not tell you about the storm and all that stuff he said lo i am with you always even unto the end of the world what is it's a natural thing but then you have to get back to the place and said satan you're a liar don't allow him to miss that's the battleground try to mess with your mind so we got to get our mind right get our mind straight and say lord you promised me you told me and i believe your word if you say it you will bring it to pass say to ourselves get it in our spirit then we can move forward because god is faithful that promises so don't be like the negative with a negative report be like the two because you take the word of god at face value whatever said god said that's just what it is so carnal fear is also one of those things so we got to be mindful of that yes i want to say that um there's a rough level five fear um that christian men that um are fake christian men the fear of man the fear of self the fear of danger [Music] the fear of god and the spirit of fear and we are on the topic of christian men and this is a spirit that always general different from your general fear but um the spirit of fear always come up against every believer not only men because that day we want to defeat us and the only way you can conquer that fear it is always there i don't think no one um my bishop probably can't tell his season in preaching but every time he probably supposed to take the mic there was something right bishop he done us boldly he always have that in his heart but the holy spirit will always encourage him and straighten him to go every one of us and so that's why god straightened joshua that's the holy spirit be strong and so in order for us to conquer any type of fear we have to listen to that small voice god always encourage us to do the right thing and the word again be witnesses us god not give you the spirit of fear fear not quitting like men fight stand every time it comes to do any spiritual task even natural because the devil don't want it to be successful in nothing if you're going to have god um inspired to do a business the spirit of fear will come and say not going to work and show you all kinds of things right not going to work but the holy spirit always tailors it you know because he give it inspiration it's going to work so as christian men we have to depend upon god every time to conquer fear every level of fear fear of man fear of fear well the fear of god is is natural but the fear of yourself gideon as minister said he does believe he could not do it i am the least of my um family but the holy spirit can't tell him that you're a manavala you're a great man of father yes and so we have to always every time every one of us we have to always have the word and the holy spirit that speak in our heart to conquer the spirit of fear that affect all christians and especially men because as i said before that satan know what god do with men and i sometimes ever wonder why god called 12 men and 12 women but you know men are leaders and so forth adam is the one that hide all right he was the one that gave the commandment and he hid himself when when uh when the resurrection and jesus christ was a sin and so forth they did their pastors were hidden a house jesus would come in and say fear not they were hiding from men from the jews in those time so jesus often entered the house and said fear not so we have to know as christian men this fear will always come at us any tasks that we're going to do especially if we're going to um glorify god and it's going to make us put us in a better position the devil will attack it how do you tell he said it cannot work you cannot do it you can't talk so we must always remember that amen bless the lord our farm evangelist rule has a question or a comment or something and then i'm going to go to the youtube and just answer some of the comments that they have good evening everyone is fear a sin the scripture says god has not given you fear if it doesn't come from him he gives you three spirit just to combat one spirit power love a sound mind so if you are fearful just know that the love of god is not perfected in you um there's a scripture that implies implies um in first john 4 18 there is no fear in love but perfect love caused without fear for fear has to do with punishment and whosoever fear has not been perfected in love i yes just a little bit i like i was teaching the men the other day in my opinion evangelist my answer to you would be no you know when it becomes a sin if they fear a lawyer to disobey what god commands you to do then that's when you the sin occurs because like i said at the beginning fear is a natural emotion so when you because of your fear you disobey god then that's my answer for you yeah i was i was traveling in the same vein of it that's why first of all i begin to think and look on us as believers that sometimes as we engage ourselves in the things of the lord and this fear factor will try to come up on us and um is that really a sin and but the reality is if it if it drives you away from the lord because fear can take you to god so so um oftentimes people who express fear in accomplishing and doing things you will cause it you will see them either praying more seeking god more seeking his word so it really draws them closer to the lord with their relationship so some faith drives us to the lord and some fear drive persons away from the lord and so not um and so allowing fear to not let you do what god have you to do then that go into sin because you're coming to know sin of disobedience which is as a result of fear so it really depends very good very good may i say something yes you can i think sometimes when we have fear it's because we are guilty i said because we are guilty i remember i rode a bike from climbing down to san catherine i didn't have no insurance and no legs on the bike and uh rain was pouring pouring down and i pulled underneath a shop what you call a sharp pacer shaking shaking shaking shaking shaking and i was nervous yeah the policeman did not do he didn't build him with me he was about his business but i know i was guilty i couldn't crank up that bike i wouldn't even finish fall i was dear fear because i knew i was guilty so sometimes when we when we are afraid when we have fear we do something because haram was hiding why why had anyone was hiding he did something that he should not do sometime when we will impact something we do we must be honest i agree with you 100 in terms of that let me answer a few of these um the comments here so you're so correct sometimes fear is as a result of of the guilt all right and um so we have um finding purpose finding purpose good evening to you and we will certainly pray for your salvation and the healing of your mind and body now sister um edwards barbara edwards she mentioned that the negative things that were spoken over someone as a child can cause insecurity and fear and the answer is yes so what so we have to be very careful what we speak over our children because they will grow up with insecurity and also fear to do certain things all right another one is men need to know that still um sister it was men need to know they are important in the home by their wives and in the ministry they tend to want to stay in the back and not go forward correct but also remember that in some homes you have you have assertive women and so men also have to have that assertive responsibility that as the women encourage them and motivate them to play their part and to stand in their rightful position there are some women if they don't see that in the main they just run ahead and so women know has to really play a greater role in bringing the men to the place where the men supposed to be because that role is not for the women the women sometimes play because the men are not there but that role is designed for the men and a spiritual godly woman will try her very best to create to help to create the atmosphere so that the man can step into the position of leader in the home not boss no are not someone to push around the women but when a man is in his rightful place his right domain as as who as king then king man in the womb then the the whom will be conducive to peace and joy and so on because of a certain the man will bring that and the expectation is that he will bring that in the home all right and no another one is charming v says also it is not what was done how it is done it was presented that makes a difference um constructive criticism oh she was talking about constructive criticism which one of them i mentioned but it is constructive as meaning you will say to someone something that was done in an incorrect way but it is for them to look at it and adjust themselves so she mentioned that it is oh it was done or what is said so if we don't say things in a proper manner it drives someone away instead of letting them look at what is done and correct themselves all right now sister edward says fear and insecurity destroys family a person it will let you lie on someone fear cripples you and you're so correct for that fears cripples you and when we find ourselves weak in some area of our lives the best thing to do is go into the word of god and that's where the fear can be removed and little by little as you as you engage yourself into the word of god and in prior then you will find that fear factor getting less and less and less now and the reality is i was not this maybe not this so outspoken um as a child a younger person you know but grow into it and um learning that you see a problem you just talk about it or you see something you just talk about it and get it over and then over time i develop this you just it's something you have to do you just do it you know and then fear no by the time when you begin to do what god would have you to do fear finds no place in you so it has to leave now another one the devil knows that when the men and women pray together in the home in the in their marriage they will be a force to be reckoned with and that is so true so in terms of fear no if one person is identified with fear the family or the the wife or the husband should really engage the other person and pray through that work through this together so that the fear will dry up you know so when the the twin comes together we will make a greater impact another one says um that's uh minister autism pride is the initial sin and thus is a door opener hence it can bring fear so as she mentioned uh pride is the initial sin and as you know the bible say pride goeth before a fall and certainly she's talking about the negative aspect of pride the boastfulness and so on and um that's the door opener for everything else to come in that is of the devil and remember fear is not of god so so the devil will put in other things when that door is open he's not gonna only come in with one thing he's gonna flood you with various things when the door of either pride or the door of fear or whatever is open and um oftentimes we view pride as boasting and thinking more highly of ourselves however thinking less of ourselves is also a level of pride especially when the thought runs contrary to god's word and um she's alright example sometimes ago i heard someone was mentioning to another person and the the the person was saying to that person that um what about your ministry all right i i you know you can preach or you should preach or whatever and the person was saying no poor me i don't reach that place to preach you know i'm not in that place i'm just a little lowly person you see so so so you have that pride on the dawn side but it is still pride because you act as if you're not able to do it which also results in lying and so that is also an open door for um satan to get access to your life and so so true all right um another one from minister orchestra and i often say it is not about us we are vessels and so true um as we understand that we are verses of the lord and not of our own we will remember to rely on the lord continuously as ministers can you recognize fear in believers if so how can you help them to overcome the fear yes in some instance i can as as ministers as pastors as bishops we can identify fear in persons in some instance in another in others persons can cover their fear very well mark you if you ask somebody to do something they may give you a lot of excuse oh i got to work last that i'm tired today or i'm not able to because of certain things and so on and so forth so you can pick up from that that somebody don't want to do it because of fear and oh do we do it we try number one we keep prayerful for individuals and we also try to engage persons into the word of god because of a truth there's nothing that a pastor can really do other than really bring forth the word of life so that person can engage themselves in the world in order to overcome those fears now how is it overcome the world prayer fasting seeking the things of god in those areas and in finding persons to pray for you that will help you to overcome uh fear so we would have to as leaders guide persons back to the word of god so that the fear can go another quick one and then then i open the floor again um that's brother right you know as brother um exotic player ask about fear and pride proverbs 8 13 and proverbs proverbs 16 8 and proverbs 11 12 12 mentioned i will certainly read those before we go through to get the um the essence of those particular texts of scripture with regarding fear and pride all right another one sometimes fear is as a result of past negative experiences and that's correct and that's why we have to be very careful like um example um and i appreciate and i sometime i throw out in persons when minister all will call upon a young person to moderate and sometimes the young person will be moderating and when you look into the congregation and the people looking at the moderator and i see the expressions on their faces and so sometimes you would you would say brethren they're young and they're coming up acknowledge them or whatever it is something like that so if if persons look at the faces of others in terms of their ministry they're gonna say i'm not gonna do it again because i don't want the same response that i got before you know so we have to be encouraging to those who are ministering and oftentimes and my thing is sometimes as a pastor or as a bishop i don't hold up on people meaning if you don't if you do something and you don't do it so the best at one time and you don't get the one who said the rave reviews one time you don't mean i'm gonna throw you through the window because whatever i'm gonna try with you again and try with you again and try with you until you get over that fear factor and so um i can use missionary minds as one example that there was a time when you would ask her to do moderating or something and then i should come up she should just develop this car for our throat just get tightened and she'll say i can't do it i you know it would just try to her but then the next time i would ask her again can you moderate and she said yes and but the thing about her is she would say yes though she have the experience and then after one of the time she did it and i said there you go missionary not one issue with you you know so we as leaders have to give people opportunity in order for them to grow if not and they make a blunder or you know or something happen and we write them off they won't have the opportunity to learn and to grow you know so i say this though and i throw back over to everybody go ahead now please just say something about the fear um evangelists yes fear can be seen because revelation 21 tell us that the fearful the fearful and unbelieving and some more will find their part in the lake of fire so if i believe i become fearful and develop that fearful yes it's sin good evening everyone yes excuse me this is one of the reasons why i said before if you're about to ask a question please stand so that i can identify you in that way i don't have two people with two microphones at the same time doing the same thing decon walker go ahead please thank you sir fear is not of god and fear is still but the prophet elijah after he did such a wonderful job among carmel and destroy the prophet um 400 false prophets he was treated by jezebel and he went into ideas because of fear the word of god says fear is not of god but about sound mind and of love but as a man of god elijah that do so many wonderful great things through god and then he becomes fearful fear is something that evidence amongst men sometimes i believe that um men becomes fearful you know their whole body becomes like even though you sit down in the church sometimes they don't want to get up because of fear so would you explain or you think elijah would read that fearful other man who spoke with god talk with god do so much great miracles for god and become because of one woman jezebel make it run become so fearful i would like to tell you i know bishop gone say something but i want to leave this tonight with all of us as a disclaimer fear is a natural emotion fear is not sin your reaction to fear in a negative way which leads to disobeying the will of god that is a sin all right and i just want to qualify it um in the sense where it it there are aspects of fear that is sinful because scripture says fear is not of god and if it is not of god it is of the devil and so if you have a fear which is not of god in a general sense then you are harboring something that is not of god within you so that will make it sinful but but quite qualifying that's what i'm saying qualifying it will bring you into the area where it is not and the area where it is and i think that what it did in terms of qualifying it but the fear factor would be in the person that's why they are injured from doing what god would have so it also it ended up leading to sin but but fear i'm entered into someone all right so quali um qualifying the statement will determine what is of god from um if it is a sin or it is not all right um another question came up in terms of the the question as to well let me ask a few more questions first um ella still what i think you rolls up and what and then i can throw the panel out and then um they convert my question is that his fear is christian men feel um fear of being feel a feeler are being incompetent incompetent come into the same group in terms of incompetence and failure in one sense you know so so and and both are [Music] um proper in terms of christian men you know some people don't want person to see their failures and so and so the fear to try because of the response and then and then the incompetence aspect of it is it come right back to it to say if you're incompetent in the area you're going to fail in the area so you rather not go there at all you know and and and so you you you distance yourself so that's some of the reason why i believe that men don't really go forth the difference though is with the women because the women may have the same fear fact about the the with the women sometimes they are willing to try that's the difference i'm willing to try i'm not gonna tell you i'm gonna be perfect but i'm willing to try and i think the men the man would this much short part of us the ego the ego part of us sometimes um causes us not to want to make a blunder in that in that sense so you're so correct in those yeah and i think that sums it up to say um what i said before pride because your ego leads back to pride and at the entrance of pride fears enter and i think um pastor i think uh minister hutchinson um made a comment in respect to the fear um comes from the first sin uh it opens the door to other sins meaning that we go back to the garden of eden because of the information that i was given i know they are fearful um of the information no they no receive that brought forth that kind of understanding that brought about that fear and send them into hiding so it um pretty much sums it up to say that um what the uh mr uh evangelist um i think what evangelist is this miles no no um the brother said earlier he was asking about um being proud being proud is actually been seen as somebody um being prideful and i was looking at proverbs i think i had a scripture in proverbs that i was looking at um and i think the brother on the call also make reference to proverbs and i think i went ahead and i and i i got a scripture it said the fear of the lord um hatred of evil pride and arrogance and the way of evil pervert its speech i hate um in james it says but he gives more grace therefore it says god oppose the proud but give grace to the humble one of the important thing um here is that you need to understand is that when you do something to a man or a man does something to you can go to god but when god um when you when when when the devil do something to you you can go to god but when god resists man who can you go to so that's when fear comes in when we realize that we are the ultimate source the creator of everything um is in resisting us we we we get fearful we get we can get fearful um um in that in that respect but he gives grace to the humble so he tells it that if a person humble himself under humility and for example the brother was in a situation where he could have um do um um a mighty work being a courageous individual or be a a man of valor which we talk about being a man of valor we must stop that that power to to do what is courageous then um we will not um be fearful all right there's a question and in terms of the suggestion the person mentioned i think pride can make you fearful and that's very very um we we spoke a little bit about it but then i just went on to those two a little bit of looking at it and stuff example severance and someone is prideful in a negative sense in the sense where your boss about your this and that and so forth you're able to do whatever and then the fear can comes in if you're put on the spot so you put on the spot to do what you say you hype yourself up to do i say okay since they can turn on the computer turn it on so so so the fear of persons seeing you for who you really are um that can come in as one factor where um the the open door to being fearful fearful of person finding out that you are not what you say because as you know i would spoke about the part of pride all right um hello i'm deacon ball had a comment good evening ladies and gentlemen um my question is like an axe in your opinion um what is man greatest fear and be can a man fearless no fear it based on what we commemorate yesterday you know what was that 20 years ago in my opinion i think debt is my greatest fear what is your opinion meaning when somebody died that's you talking that that one what is man generally speaking people fear death but if you look at some cultures example the muslims the muslims because of how they were cultured and they were raised that if you give your life for the cause then the benefit in the afterlife so so a man will walk in a building with a bomb and blow themselves up so death is not a factor for that for that religion or that religious group but as i said before generally speaking the fear of death yes but qualifying it now there are people are countries thousands millions of people who have the concept that if they die for a cause then the benefit is there so they are willing to die go ahead let me see if we can a christian believe no okay based on christian belief yes um go ahead when up when a man or a woman become a christian yes it's like you take on death you know because remember christ go to death so you're following the concept of christ so a christian brother a christian sister i mean shouldn't fear death correct and we find christian brothers and sisters fearless correct i agree with that so i agree with that that in the church community that the biggest one of the one of the area for us is to be fearless of death because of what it leads to because death in this life is an open door to eternity with christ so it means that the believers should have that saying if i die if i live or if i die that's okay because my life is already secure but yet still persons are fearful that i i don't i don't want to go that route so we there's something that caused us to be rethinking about wanting to live in this life and not saying listen whether i live or die even though we read from paul and we talk about paul as an expositor of the word of god and paul says for me to leave his christ for me today is gain and paul says i'm ready to die i'm ready to give up myself as a drink offering and so on and we see the disciples and they're willing to offer themselves to death and the martyrs and so on and so forth in this 21st century or a few years now we find that people drive away from this old aspect of listen if you live or if you die the gain is there because of your salvation through christ and we have to do a little bit more on re-engaging the people of god in that area of their lives you're so correct but with but the general idea is that the christians fear death even more than even the worldians we fear death more yes um yes that fearing that those muslims are not they are being brainwashed they are being drained from certain things that they're being set up to do all kind of things but generally the fear of death is all because you know god is life and so forth if we fear death then we have life but the fear must not lead us as christian men it must not lead us to sin right because um you know god conquered it for us so as christian men we don't fear that anymore god take away the sting out of debt but generally overall yes yes and death um death is the thing that fear that all affair all men those muslims have been being brainwashed yes and satan behind that to lead them to do all kind of crazy things so yes i would say um the fear of death is a general thing for all right i just want to add to what uh minister hall had mentioned in terms of the fear itself and so on and let's look at elijah now as an example remember is that elijah just just just a few chapters before or chapter before elijah took on 450 prophets of baal and destroy them and then no one word one sentence came from jezebel to him and the statement is that you're gonna die just like all the prophets die one day after and the same elijah who did such a great work he ran for his life no no one wouldn't ask is in that situation um elijah sinned against god no no but but fear at times come up on the believers and that was one that came and it came as a result of a word remember no jezebel did not have the power to kill elijah but the word death is so striking that it affected him to the point where he ran away you know so that's one number two let's quickly look at now in terms of what god said about us being fearful isaiah 41 verse 10 fear not minister always giving us a few things about fear fear not um isaiah 41 verse 10. ii timothy 1 verse 7 for god has not given us a spirit of fear right now look look let's look at abraham now switch back to abraham abraham god spoke to the man god god god manifest presence was upon abraham and in genesis chapter 20 when when abram said his wife was his sister for fear of his life see we come back again fear for your life you won't preserve your life abraham did it unless you know on isaac isaac his son his own son come back and do the very same thing so his son isaac said to to um abimelech that rebecca is my sister so guess what he followed the same trend of his father because of fear for his life you know let's look at barack barack oh god told that god god spoke to um the the word that is you know from the judge and guess what barack because of his lack of faith in god hesitated and so he he mentioned in georges chapter four verse eight if deborah don't go with him won't go so deborah no was accounted as a judge of israel because she was willing to go and he was called as the man dressed back and let she take the the um that that um position of being a judge you know let's look at sharma's story now sharma in second samuel chapter 23 verse 8 8-12 it come right back to the point of brother douglas when we talk about having god with you and the spirit of god with you shaman's story is that when they feel it when the israelites run from the philistines the bible says in the land in the in the field of lentils shaman stood in there and defended it because the spirit of god was upon him and he he destroyed the philistines all right now a few fears in addition to minister miles fear of spiritual ambitions in the church that's for the man fear of spiritual ambitions fear of being criticized and fear of failure a couple of things to add to whatever is mentioned there all right and so we know as leaders and the truth is this we have to do a little bit more myself too and publicly i'm mentioning it we have to i have to do a little bit more as leader to kind of help the men to overcome those areas of fear so that men will be more active to do the work of the lord and so it means then that i have to go back on the drawing board to pray some more to engage the men some more to get more of the main suggestions as to how we can work to help them overcome those fears and they know open the opportunities for men to be able to take part in those spiritual areas so that their lives the so the more and more they do the spiritual work is the more and more they will come out of that zone of fear so we have to do a little bit more amen my question is can fear stop a believer from fulfilling their purpose in christ to say fear no can cause you against god you know fear of fear cause you not to be obedient to what god say and you fall into sin because of fear yes and god knew this and that's why he said to timothy paul god has not given us the spirit of fear whatever power i can do all things through christ who strengthened me so yes um it can hinder and god know that because because of sin fear comes in and so god by the holy spirit give us that power to do his will all right with our mission of eyes another one hello it's not really um a question right i just want to say that um i think my minister miles mentioned that the muslims were brainwashed you have two type of fear you have innate fear and you have learned fear for the muslim innate fear is something you you are afraid of something because you were like born to be afraid of something like maybe snakes or something like that right lizards a big one most of us from jamaica is ladies we're afraid of lizard that's innate fear learn fair is something like what um elijah elijah learned that time elizabeth um not elizabeth but jezebel were gonna kill him right so that's to learn fear so he was afraid also abraham and his son whatev abraham lied that his wife was a sister and the son came back and did the same thing right so that's learned fear so you have two type of fear you have the innate fear you were born to be fearful of this thing and along the way somewhere along the line you you learned how you developed this fear of something in life all right um true i agree but in term for most part a lot of things that we say we were born with in terms of fear we really learn it still but we learn it not by schooling or education example somebody's afraid of spiders no that's that was not real it's like maybe you say the spider is too ugly or the spider legs and and you start to qualify what you eat with the spider you may say i'm afraid of snakes but if you go to some countries snake is a delicacy so people eat the steak so and that's okay people eat lizard people eat snake people eat crocodile but we are afraid of it based on where we were born or raised so such culture so cultural fear can cause us to to um to to to shy away from from certain things when i was back in jamaica person said don't go to florida because peer um a lot of lizard and stuff is in florida and frogs and all of those things and and crocodile or whatever so don't go to florida you see so right away the mindset no start to stir when you don't even travel yet you know you never travel to florida yet but the people put it in your mind so you say if you're going to migrate you want a new yorker you won't go wherever because that already school your mind without you know your subconscious mind or whatever is is at work you know but oftentimes the things that we fear is really somewhere uh either we justify the fear or we were taught to fear it yeah and then again as i said you probably grew up seeing your parents being afraid of something and you come and the same thing yes and also if you if you know that thing is danger because you know we grow up and in school and this snake will kill you and that snake will kill you and so forth so you know you develop self snake is dangerous and so when you see a snake you're going to back up because you know you have been learned that this thing is dangerous so you know um it also come that way because what you have learned the danger of certain things you don't want to get involved because you don't want to touch it they won't go near it because you have learned that these things can kill you or it can you know do your harm a question here that says um um but pastor every everyone fears death especially when they know they they they are going in in um in one sense persons fear that because death is like you're you're transitioning into an unknown territory you just don't know what when what is beyond that and so i would agree sometimes persons who work in the hospital system and they will see someone is about to die and they will try their very best to get the breath and take the breath in but i've also learned persons like um like you know a person who are going to die and they their life is so wrapped up in god and they're saying be encouraged just know that you know take care of the sister the brother and make sure the family okay because i'm gonna make my transition to the lord it's like there is an expectation of that person that i'm ready to go now and sometimes person even in their death they will say they see a light oh the beautiful light i see something and he is like it's like something it's just revealed to them before they give their last breath so so not in in in all cases where where everyone fears it but but some fears it because of the unknown and we really fear the unknown because we don't really know what tomorrow will bring and so fear comes as a result of the unknown but you're so right in a general sense all right go ahead please okay i'll just say this as we get down to the wire fear is one of the greatest teachers in the world fear of sickness often causes people to practice good eating habits fear sometimes cause students to prepare well for final exams because they fear to fail fair costs drive us to drive cautiously on a snow-covered highway they know the danger of that occurrence we teach children to fear some things bishop mentioned that you're teaching even back to what you said about the spider people won't tell you oh the spider won't bite you and all that stuff so anywhere chelsea spider they'll learn that type of fear so we warn them about hazardous traffic hot stoves like i said here in sunny school one morning you teach the child not to touch the lamp but not just to say don't touch it you need to explain why we feel like that a lot you're not telling the why but you just say don't do god if you follow what god said and we take it back to genesis he clearly explained to them of the three enemies of the garden you shall not eat for the day you do you shall show this this is not what the scripture said so we need to give explanation especially to children i love children why the mind they ask the provoking questions at all sometimes we don't want to answer the questions but if you don't answer they're going to ask somebody else i trust you on that and you may not like the outcome so your best you are the parents sit i bring this to you from the school's perspective every year at the beginning of school the package goes out and there are things and documents that must be signed and returned it goes on to the part of sexual sex education the parents check no they don't want the child to learn anything about sex well anything in school yet still they will not sit the child down and teach them that where does the child stand they're gonna ask their friends do you understand me what is it they're fearful of they are growing up the internet is at their fingertips every child have a phone a year ago before i get my 12 i used to have a android the children used to come in my office and laugh and say i'll still have old phone and they don't work anywhere in a bishop i never have six seven or eight and i'm a working person you understand but i'm very thrifty because i work hard for my money and everyone's just give it to to apple just like that when you call me earlier you'll get an answer don't it so the things that we need to clear clarify with the children about what is it they need to be fearful of curiosity of the mind will allow people to get into trouble so you fearful to explain the right and the wrong gonna cost you in the long run so teach them up front so fear is one of the greatest teachers these are proper kind of fear teach it tell it all of us going to be fearful of something but it's how we handle the fear bishop alluded to that the word of god get back to the word get into prayer if it's that serious you're fast about it god will show you a way that's just the god we serve and back to missionary milestone you when you mention and pass already spoke about it i bring it under this um protective fear when abraham had was to lie he was fearful of the outcome because he said the man would kill me you understand so circumstances dictate the situation okay but i'm saying in his situation was being protected so brethren we are going to be fearful of something yes brother tibu they continue i know pastor just mentioned uh about a spider he said you teach a children and his father gonna bite you so when they see a spider they run but did somebody tell the other jamaican people who scared the lizard and that what it's going to do to them did somebody tell them that that is gonna bite them no no no but i i've not heard of that in terms of the explanation as to what will happen but i think one other thing is that the fear factor was developed like through like you look at the looks of the thing you the despite that the the um the laser just don't look so good they just look you know something like that and then the frog just looks so ugly with the back just like that yeah yeah you know so something like that so so it's like your own mindset like somebody's afraid of the dark and you don't know what is in the dark so so it's like you just develop these looks but you're fine to see somebody take up take up a frog because when we were going to camp in jamaica they would they would let us put if we were afraid of frogs they would let us put the frogs in our pockets so we'd have to go with the and to get the fear out that's what like us like you in the army so my scout in scouting they would let you do that right all day long i had to have frogs in my pocket to to get over that fear you know so it's so and those are no one taught you it but your own mindset said get away from frogs or whatever it is there are weapons and those raptors run away from you correct so they running from you and you want it from them don't make no sense can i say something they are running away all right it all boils down to intimidation you know you can you look at a basketball match or um one of the football matches and you see they put their war paint on their face and they do all kind of mischief to say well okay i'm my presence is here and this is how i look no a lizard in in in this in this case is a reptile that is unknown and when it's unknown it creates that fear factor and that intimidation will drop that intimidation just the very fact the way it looks and you started to scrutinize it carefully and you see things that you don't even possess on your own self that caused that intimidation that war paint that is not on you are those things that is written on you you say to yourself so well if that is not on me something is wrong with me so this might not be a place i need to be at okay next question image image you are the devil afraid of god any yes no what qualify what you what you what you mean what what is what is that you're saying yes okay in other words as i'm saying that in genesis chapter 2 [Music] god said he created man in the image of him right okay so i'm trying to ask that in the uh in a in the garden where adam was when he created adam in the garden satan didn't come in contact with adam until when the female comes in is that because he was afraid of men because man was created in the image of god the reality is um the scripture the scripture didn't mention we can probably infuse from it or pull from the text what may be the issue um what may be but oftentimes the enemy looks at the weaker vessel and try to get to the weaker person so in a home our family if the husband is weak or the wife is the weaker he tried to get at that person so i think maybe he looked at probably the weaker person and maybe maybe eve well eve wasn't there when god told adam about about the with the command as to what it is what is in the garden what is to do from what is not to do so maybe eve got it as a second on like like adam said it to her and so the the devil used that as an opportunity to say to her did god really said that but she never hear probably never heard it from god directly but she heard it from her husband so that can bring a little dote in our mind as to what god really say and as a as a result of what you know her husband actually mentioned so those are areas that you can look at as a reason why the enemy goes to her but all through the years you'll see the enemy go to the mail and sometime you go to the female but he goes to the weaker vessel at all times and try to use that person to get into to mess up the home but his intention is to destroy and whomsoever he will choose to use just like we have to be praying for our children because as leaders and stuff the enemy try to come after our children to get at us so we have to be fasting i'm praying for them that god just keep them and sustain them so as i said before the weaker vessel you will find whomsoever that person is whether male or female and we have to know pause because the time is against us now and um we have to do the wrapping up um so um hello smith just give us a couple of minutes so wrap up i see one last point there can we just say that because she's never said anything before can i get a mic to her please just the last person so i'm so sorry we'll take the last person again she's giving her my sister rozier she's giving her mic no it's not capturing on the youtube it's just like when we are loose christian did the devil get into the loose christian then how he will go into the powerful christian maybe i say that in that manner and that is why when we are weak when we are we satan go into the weaker remember we are online we are streaming online please please so let's not disrespect each other thanks much yes satan go into the weaker christian right but when we are living for god we have to live for god in fasting and prayer and read the word of god daily you have to daily if you can and you will have the access to flee from the devil and the devil will not try to intervene in your life you got to leave for god more and christian we need to fast and pray more and ask god to be in our life daily daily prayer and fasting have us to live for god more and that's what i'm saying amen amen amen for that there's nothing i want to add to it it's so correct and what i think would just get the yes it's time to wrap up before we do before i hatch the panel for their final comments i just love to make a statement just one simple statement where fear and work is concerned this is a personal experience i was working on a truck for somebody some time ago and that truck was supposed to be on the road the next day however it so happened that when i removed apart from the truck one knot fell from me and i could not find that knot i tried i searched i searched my vehicle i search around and i could not find a replacement all the stores were closed at that time now remember what i said the truck had to go out the very next day i said see you then you're not going to get me today are you not going to get me to curse and would you believe me brethren by the time i look around and turn and my hand touch something it was the knot right there just right that my finger step it was right there so what i'm trying to say to my fellow brethren and everybody in this room and under the hearing of my voice don't be quick to criticize don't be quick to condemn but please have a little bit of patience and god will see us through final comments from my panel and then elder stewart will be giving the vote of thanks after which or bishop will do the final wrap-up thank you very much it was a pleasure being here tonight and i hope and i pray that this topic that we are on tonight it is a very vast subject and it needs more exploring and i hope and pray that we'll have the opportunity to go back into it again thank you very much god bless you bishop and i look forward to your cooperation for further plans bless the lord all right i'll do the wrap up although my my the last person to comment so i'll give the opportunity to everybody else to just comment so we can start with brother douglas and then brother and then we'll switch over my conclusion is fear not the admonition fear not is often repeated in the book of isaiah back up by various reason why god's people needs not to be afraid god is with us no matter what the circumstances are and he straighten us and help us no matter what the task may be he owes us as he helped us he has a purpose for us to fulfill in this world today how can we fear when god's words are sure um one of the fear that we didn't cover is um anxiety but um apart from that we're gonna kind of what we actually on the context of what we understand from this forum is that um the information that is given to us on a daily basis we have to be mindful of that information that we received we god has given us five senses and every sense is by never means has a receptor spirits are given spirits are always received so if any time that we have given any kind of information we have to vet that information prepare ourselves because even the strongest of the strongest um is is subjected to that um fear that's the reason why in scripture as we talk about the refiners fire because sometimes we we we're going to go through some situations we're going to go through some falls evidence appearing real but what do we do with that information that we we as that know come against or come up against us like one prophet says my greatest fear has come to pass what do we do in an instance like that my recommendation for that would be um we look to courage the the power factor that is in um in in the scriptures that god has not given us a spirit of fear but power love and a sound mind so if we have um vet ourselves to be courageous or to be deering that by itself will be um one of the tools that our instrument we could use to combat fear also if we spend time in the world because once again we are getting false information false evidence appearing real so if we get the the true information that the word gives the doctrine gives and we subscribe to those words so when you come against um situations in your life you can use those texts or those words to remind the devil or to remind the the person giving you are implying that information we can turn it around and say um repeat the word to um to that person that's why it's very important that we we study deep in the word i we have so many different texts so many scriptures that implies um the love of god for man and and and we can reference in many scriptures his intention his mode of operation um his desire for us and i will say the most in take away from this um forum is that we need to muster up the as men we need to muster up the the the the courage to deal with these daily situations in our life okay great yeah my final word is that um fear is unnatural and a common emotion for man so whether it's fear of man spirit of fear fear of self whatever it is we want to go away with this let your faith be greater than your fear you know in um i was looking at it 365 times fear is in the bible and some bible might have it more you know kings james version three six or five and 336 times faith is in the kings james bible now 365 times fear in the kings james version and 3 36 times the word fate is in the king's name as i said before some version may have it more than some but whatever it is we know that fear and faith is in the battle and as christian men we after whatever fear your arm is going to come upon us anytime after in our life let our fate be bigger than our fear that's what i have to say [Applause] psalm 34 verse 4 i saw the lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears we have learned tonight even though we didn't mention it in depth reverential fear that's the fear of god holiness yes and we have the natural occurrence of everyday fear we understand that and also bring out tonight to the men fear of answering god call that's one of big things about among christian men fear of criticism when you answer the call of god that's fine whatever you do as long as you please god so mean it's knowledge of what a wonderful and loving god we serve embolden us to leave the safety of our comfort zones and dive into whatever water of service that god might be calling us to swim within for it is only as we dare to swim out into the unknown with god can we experience his amazing peace and overflowing joy that passed at all understanding thank you great i just a few comments from the online minister orchestra mentioned christians who truly were truly sold out to christ do not fear death may holy spirit help us to live fearlessly in the face of death because of the resurrection power in us help us lord all right um she also mentioned um jim elliott who was spared to death by those who went who they went to minister to and um jim elliott's wife went back into the same community also to minister and she got the those many persons were converted to christ because of her continuing the process that her husband started sister ray mentioned yes fear will stop us from walking in our purpose worrying about being like someone else missionary mentioned fear is a spirit there is a fear that comes with with respect if you can miss that part you shouldn't go too deep in the water if you learn to respect the water all right yes sister ray says us as believers can help one another to conquer fear caesarea also mentioned come alongside sister or brother and encourage them in their call to meet to our ministry area great and these comments we just i'm just reading them because they are so valuable and i respect them putting there so i mentioned them all right we have um one person say that's meant montag that's good all right another one says um if there's anyone who can help me grow more faith more in faith by knowing the bible and retain them in my brain yes and now my answer came in that arm she mentioned that she's really interested minister orchestra mentioned that um the holy spirit can help to retain the word that you can use to grow spiritually in the lord and it comes with prayer and seeking for a relationship with the lord cece mentioned amen all right and she also mentioned encouraging so caesarea and my final point you are correct once we are wrapped up in god the anointing and the word of god will drive out fear true world my sister beautiful so with this being said i just want to say this quick one solutions to the fear factor read trust apply the word of god to our lives be clear what god's word said says about us live powerful do what god wants you to do knowing that he will help you and with those being said i want to just invite i want to thank all of you again for being here and i want to invite ella stewart elira stewart to come and he will do the vote of thanks and then we'll do the final prior and i will just say just ask you to take these envelopes from me they will close off bless the lord my brothers and sister in christ okay i'm here to do the vote of thanks tonight tonight we give all the credit to the king of kings for allowing us the privilege of coming together for our men of valor conference 2021 and fire is divine harder in truth we are indeed grateful to god for our beloved committed bishop and leaders who continue to impact us for the glory of god on behalf of our president elder charles simmet all the officers and members of the men of valor department i stand to express gratitude to each and every one that has taken the time to give your support so that this our special event could be a success we are truly grateful for the way in which the lord has used his servant to challenge our hearts on moving forward the mighty men of valor are resolute as we commit to rally and recover that which the enemy has robbed from us once again we are grateful for your contribution and if the lord carries we hope to meet again for men of valor conference 2022 god bless you thanks let me ask everybody to stand please i too want to lend my voice to acknowledge with thanks all those who participated the panelists the moderator panel moderator thank you very much for all those who make your comments both on youtube and also in the sanctuary i want to thank the lord for the av team and um certainly the sacrifice that they have made the evangelist williams brother henderson brother bennett sister henderson i just want to thank you all for your support for the ministry and your investment in the ministry you have made it possible for the things that we do here and we don't take you for granted we are so um delighted that you are part of this church as we work together for kingdom building so thank you all i have a few persons that i just want to mention their names and we'll just pray together and we just pray for them and for those those of you who didn't get your convention envelopes this morning now your um work for the church for your church envelopes please collect them immediately all right mavis johnson she is asking for prior for for herself um sister elaine stewart she's asking for prior for herself and her husband who got into a bad accident and um orlando richards this person asked for prayer for her grandson orlando richards was wrongly as arrested and in the black river jail she's asking for prior for his release and also brother byron follow is asking for prior for the issue with his foot all right so with that being said brothers and sisters let's just bar heads please in our hearts and let's just express prayer unto the lord as we close this segment of the men's panel discussion in a sense men's convention we pray right now everybody please father we look to you tonight god we thank you for what you have done we thank you for being with us from this morning until now lord i thank you for the the service this morning the word that resonated with us as men and god tonight lord god as we sat on the panel lord god and answer the questions lord lord i thank you lord for the questions and i thank you for the answers lord i thank you lord god for providing the opportunity for up other times god we will be having panel discussions like these to address various issues certainly we know lord god that the aspect of fear is and a topic lord god that cannot be exhausted in one sitting and so god i pray that god will give the wisdom to to implement others other programs lord for us to discuss and to address thank you for this church thank you for the people thank you for the participants thank you for those on youtube thank you for the names and names that we have mentioned a while ago lord god i ask for your healing touch i have to god for your delivering hand lord god lord i pray that your presence will do great things lord father that i pray lord that you will empower these men the men here in this church god you have not called me to be a weak pastor a weak leader or a weak bishop you call me lord god and you place your anointing in me lord god to be someone strong and and assertive and and determine god i say lord god i just pour out some of my spirit right now lord god and the men in this this church that god the men will be assertive alert god and the main lord god will press forward in the name of jesus god i pray lord god that men will arise lord god and stand in their rightful place spiritually emotionally physically and mentally father god even right now god i pray that as we prepare ourselves to leave from here to there i pray god that you cover us under your blood i pray that you let your peace overshadow us lord god i pray lord god that you will encourage us tonight god for i tell you thanks even our lord god stir us up god let our name lord god almighty arise let your name be glorified in us in the name of jesus god i thank you for healing thank you for deliverance thank you lord god you're moving by your spirit and you're causing changes to occur lord i tell you thanks tonight in the mighty name of jesus christ amen and amen praise the lord so once again let me thank all of you for being here thank you for your contributions and for those watching my way of youtube just lift those hands with me while i just say the benediction and then send you home rejoicing praise the lord may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in jesus name from my home to yours from my family to yours from this church here in miramar bishop michael urgency to you peace be unto you appreciate you bye bye now
Channel: PFM Family Miramar
Views: 786
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pLIB0OjTg3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 41sec (10481 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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