Tainted Maggie! - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up people on youtube we are live i just started and i want to do a tainted maggie run we just unlocked this last night and i'm going to do the tainted maggie run now i'm feeling it hype dash sam thank you for the bits is this like what are you writing you said ignore them am i supposed to ignore them there's a lot of stuff to read on that can i read that later or is that a copy pasta insane wiener 200 bits also go i get the hype train get to home early for from work to a reaction from the vaccine ish best of luck with that [Music] 6.9 channel points says needling i need to do more channel points stuff maggie what do we got we got the yum heart it's on my cue now i just used it and i my hearts are glowing honey you're glowing what does that mean like temporary health is it not really health our stats are like really trashed yeah they're they're fading away oh all hearts fade away okay i just picked up a heart there and that's also glowing enemies drop health and health goes away maybe possibly good starting item i like that tears up plus the spread range down though now the health like blinks and then disappears almost instantly your health drains um can we get soul hearts is that a thing that i can do god that is quick that is real quick okay we gotta be we gotta be quick that'll be quicker than that thank you sam thank you sam thank you sam thank you sam toxic taco with the tier one sub i appreciate you insane wiener with 200 bits so i read that one ready read at your own expense whenever you would like to it's original we'll be on discord anyway have you noticed that you now have splash damage when shooting poops like one can now shoot two poops at once if they're next to each other um i i mean i think that there was something similar to that before wasn't there aimed poop shooting is it actually splash i mean now i've definitely got splash damage [Music] so what happens if i go for deals with the devil it seems like angel would be the only play here considering if i get rid of my health right then like how do i how do i lip ouch i'm done i'm i'm out i'm out i'm out i can't hold r though i have a chronic uh product condition that's uh it's an anti-are holding condition even black cards fade away oh i hate that i hate it i hate it i hate it it's too bad that like you can't use the yum heart enough to like maybe lock in temporary hearts that haven't gone away yet or something angle is the only way angle emo when angle is my favorite that's what's your angle fading fast we want to go alt floor hell send it where are we going with this i don't know yet health up but up up up that was a joke but we got it hug them a power of hug hp from yum heart isaac's fork etcetera give double healing i lonely well thank you for the two months welcome back loving a freak for 38 close to two years two years but huh somewhat maybe three or over three purple eyes six months pog was about to watch your huts on cuts when you started streaming can't wait to see you play tank keeper he's one of my favorites also would you consider doing a can tripped challenge next time you have time a good stream saving the the challenges for youtube content okay so all my temp health just goes away i don't think we're gonna get angel rooms you guys i don't think we're gonna get any rims at all because we're gonna have no protection ever [Music] but ah so you can still get blockers they just fade away really quickly um i'm a chalky fan i'm a shock fan i mean chalk is cool but like chocolate milk [Music] we get the rest of them this is kind of you know one small little slip up and you look like a really big jackass [Music] like nah come over here i got time for you i got time for you hey i can hold my mouth like that too we're like brothers only closer name it who's going to name it [Music] but i want to take the first deal the devil just because it's like the only thing we might ever get that seems like trash this seems yeah this is difficult a lot of stuff that we just got there but you know still how we play blood donation machines spongebob yep ah this is tough this is tough it's decide i think we need to we got to spam it in order to keep him in the corner so much for keeping him in the corner stop doing that i got it's so hard to dodge a stupid little like thing that he does i ended up doing it is it permanent it's not permanent um okay well we're gonna not do that i'm gonna go into the curse room it's gotta be angel you guys it's gotta be me vinci ola three months keep doing what you do i don't plan on stopping anytime soon galvanize hundred bits i've arrived hi dad hello you guys live sub count it changed didn't it five thousand subs when let's do it let's send it got the fact that soul hearts are temporary is just the biggest kick to my dick [Music] touch the dudes touch the dudes maggie does massive contact damage so you're saying walk into him because i'll do massive damage to him i'll lose my deal with the angel then you have lethal hugs well i don't get the angel rub then what are you nuts what are you crazy you will not you don't lose the chance help up more health up super health up health down we could have gone angel room knowing we have a health down pill and we could have turned health down pills into health uphills and we coulda went round and round and round oh well that parts act like soul hearts gotcha let's wait for my solars to go away though first cuz i can't fill those with these heart drops i mean oh goodness gracious that's right the the leech [Music] it really gets ya that sounds decent if i'm gonna walk in enemies right say yes two parts could be good better than health down probably hug them guys commentate i said i subbed hutz not you him how are you doing with your relationships i didn't know we started therapy session don't warn me [Music] uh dating is absolute [ __ ] when you're 30. don't do it don't recommend that's that's what i'll put it at that uh-huh oh willow hello i didn't even see that guy almost like there was a lot going on screen charge tinted rock you guys want a charged key emote how about a shut up chat emote that could be a good one too how about you're not funny emote how about oh my god please stop emote hug super hug okay that's not that good you guys that's actually [ __ ] that was not worth the touching that was not worth the temp health that we just lost and now i'm more closer to dying you guys you screwed me why did you do this to me angel broom oh boy health oh yeah honestly yeah i mean that's not the worst it's all temp but uh yeah see dude the hog damage is just garbage why oh you have good hugs that's literally the worst damage i think i've ever seen we do far more damage just shooting once [Music] one shot you guys is like triple that are you okay chad why do you lie so much also [Music] putting me in therapy i think i think you guys need a little little work little touch up there i don't know what's happening and this is the chronic lying i don't know what you're trying to make up for chat i don't know who you're wrong besides me i can't even walk to the hearts fast enough to get it it's only for normal enemies my god that's this is really good on a tuesday when you're tired on that specific enemy only well then it's not that good news flash partner oh you guys are drunk you're all drunk [Music] whether you drink or not you're drunk there attracts 100 bits thank you for that 100 insane wiener i suck at the shut up chad emote downhill zeus 15 months any ideas for new emote slots uh yeah we're talking about a few of them definitely a hotstash [Music] i am a little tipsy [Music] proof i don't know what that was all about that smells like secret to me kettle or butter pepper chips butter chips maybe tier one sub thank you for that and then gxb7 two months let's go two months welcome back thank you for choosing me again [Music] do we want the knife piece i'm yeah i mean we should get it just in case charged key emote is pog it it's pogging why did i bomb for those things when i could have just walked over the thing and then gotten the things with the stuff don't talk to me leave me alone let me die in peace tinted mirror small rod tinted tim tempted how about a tempted emote the mix of all your favorite [ __ ] and everything that drives me nuts [Music] charged him rip your soul hearts [Music] not the mp five gifted subs thank you so much for that appreciate you okay the sub counter is changing right it's not exactly accurate but it's the best we got fight me shits looks like the soul hearts last a lot longer oh god i forgot i forgot already yeah i can dodge all that at once it's not a thing it's not a big deal you guys so something a big deal out of it okay just a normal day for me finding of tim for temptance death guard those flies off me it's not worth dealing with them i got a whole boss to take care of but i'm definitely not going to hug lethal hugs is that what our like little underneath thing says hey regen how is that gonna work how are they gonna fight [Music] that just that just make me normal maggie am i back to normal now use the yum heart man why i'm full health sucker [Music] jf the killer 100 bits heyo just got done watching hudson cuts house tainted maggie oh you know she is therefore i am is that guaranteed to be the same payout i don't know more curse rooms or more options why not both but wait there's more i would have never guessed that the secret room was there and now i feel like an idiot for bombing my machine i'm sorry machine here you get those so for those of you who are just joining me um i am playing tainted maggie tainted maggie's thing is that she has really high damage hugs if i walk into enemies that does a lot of contact damage um any health past two red hearts is temporary health including black hearts and soul hearts and they just constantly fade away and um i all enemies drop red health very frequently i still play in loop hero i i will finish it i think but the binding of isa repentance is just like his top priority it's just got to be done i'm not even like a huge hater of marx anymore but i gotta go random here that does not block that does not drop black cards anymore my knowledge hug seems like most enemies drop stuff oh is this gonna work get rid of it before you can and there we go good jobs uh i i don't know i i don't know i just i don't i don't know he's probably not going to be able to get to them but if i'm full up run killer no not worth i don't i don't know i don't know what happens that just takes my [ __ ] okay let's just not do that anymore then run killer was me giving up all of my health surprise [ __ ] that's everybody reach out oh wait wait black card it does spawn black cards if i touch them potentially still maybe i don't know what are we talking about okay could you give me a couple more [ __ ] seconds to grab [ __ ] my god lots of swearing again it's scaring me i don't like naughty words jar of hearts i don't know uh you know a lot of [ __ ] let's do it [Music] am i ever gonna fill it up i don't know would it be useful if i did of course look on angel right i get away with walking into every enemy now because of the black hearts as well and the gimpy drops i mean we're dropping health left and right this seems pretty ideal what's the ideal for maggie here happy friday you guys hope your day is awesome and i hope it gets even awesomer we're almost to 4 600 subs but bae i'm excited full health are we just just one good thing after another today i don't know what's going on here find out any soul stones spoiler alert no i do know how to get them because it's been spoiled for me already touch patch when we start taking double damage that's when we're in trouble you imagine getting virgo right now come to me dude what didn't you it's like it reaches out and smacks him a little bit you see that trying to touch him uh increased i-frames would probably be one of the coolest things i could possibly imagine come to me increased i-frames would be just hot naughty real nasty dirty i want it the blindfold what's it called and we're we are getting the the regen which is an absolute joke i this is just tailored it's tailored for a maggie it's the tainted maggie it's so tailored what what is going on blind rage fair that one what they said [Music] probably [Music] gotta love getting a golden key on the last round hey lord taylord english know this that's a good shot that's a good one three dudes [Music] no angel rum but we tried the game we saw we failed murder the child i'll do my best seven subs away from 460 guys exciting times exciting times 4 8 would be our record or eight would be the record important questions is joe caleb okay that hurt me [Music] what is this place this is ash pit this is the ass pit [Music] and the hugs are pretty good a baby spoon bender maybe what character am i playing tainted maggie reese's cups are york peppermint patties um i think i was a peppermint patty fan for a long time i might have to go racist now i was never a fan of peanut butter until recently double drops that could i don't know if that could necessarily double a half red heart but in case it does it's more tailored binary bob hope gifting 20 subs thank you for that binary bob hope [Music] goodness gracious here we go everybody throw your hands up get ready for the drop such a freaking tailored run [Music] sometimes big things like that can hide other stuff ability to drop butt bombs could be cool we have a charge so we probably would drop them most of the time we're charging up our chalky milk uh there's razor blade or not razor sorry uh it's tomato which causes enemies to attack other enemies could be good does rod and tomato work with contact damage your hog scales do damage none of those are damaged decent with high fire rate yes [Music] what's special about tainted maggie my health fades away except for two red hearts so it's all temporary um and i can run into enemies and give them a hug which does massive contact damage and most enemies drop half red hearts uh don't they drop more half red hearts because i have game p2 so i'm just i'm dropping health on health on health on health on health on health on health on health on health and now black hearts and now soul hearts so random i might go random on this one i think it makes more sense halo flies i could block some shots coming in while i'm sprinting towards them to give them i guess we could even do this i mean that's like totally an option gum heart meltdown is not what i need full health there we are oh yeah yeah yeah yeah isn't there right after this there's an angel fight let's get it baby look at my health it's not even suffering at all this is a joke this is a joke i have a chocolate shield chocolate milk shield this is the dumbest thing i've ever seen look at this look at this chocolate shield once again thank you so much binary bob hope i appreciate you a lot oh i think we get to go all the way to the right maybe have we gone all the way to the why is it choco i don't know why it's tinted chocolate like if there's some special thing that happens with this i don't think so hug [Music] double heart drop are you even trying anymore game handing it to me wear beard [Music] let me shave beard more mustache mustache better i don't know if that's necessarily going to be exactly you know okay it's pretty good not necessary pretty good though that's 4609 by the way so that this counter hasn't updated completely just absolutely crushing it you guys crushing the twitch game let's do this thank you guys for tuning in i appreciate all of you hope you're having an awesome friday spank em maggie what's up cobalt this is my first little uh trip as tainted maggie and i gotta say wow are we just the luckiest people alive right now sitting on serpents kids so they drop black hearts gimpy so they dropped soul hearts and then uh we got regen what else is there i guess uh the only thing that we're missing that would really pump this up is the old bandage if we could get a l bandage we would just be flying high i got the jar of hearts so i got some uh spare parts did we get the item in this floor we did that was the randall flies i think if i'm not mistaken hog oh my god this is this is crazy i actually maybe hug them more of course than the first guy a hug just like doesn't pay out okay okay okay let's see how it is t tilton thank you so much the tier one sub 65 percent chance failed low yeah oh well what do we really want though out of the angel room is angel really the play i guess i should get knife i wouldn't i wouldn't mind going mom fight i guess i don't know we don't really have like a strong single target build though like our damage isn't impressive our room clearing is impressive rip my health too while i waste my time in here is my health still going to fade away you have to it is come on i got polly ippeck tainted forgotten yesterday i've never seen a boner that big poly tainted forgotten damn super mega did have sacred heart as well actually the fact that you'd like you're like oh yeah sacred heart i think maybe oh it's not even worth shooting fires i was like we get some red health back oh i gotta go i'm fading away come on mom could you just be could we pick this up a bit here do you not get so close to me six feet please i highly doubt she's vaccinated you please not do it do a double from here yeah i'm gonna waste my time got time to waste i'm actually down to my my just two hearts here rip run you know if i'm not doing mother's it really probably wasn't good to do this but we do have two full health pills [Music] [Applause] and we're stable here so there's no rush to keep going was that just a double double regen right there where's that pill [Music] i thought there was another pill was that wrong isn't that a full card spot in that spot is there is that like an easy way out i don't know that's not something i'm aware of whoa where's that pill i thought it was maybe his last floor okay prime sub thank you for that you used the pill did i [Music] well we'll keep moving then if i'm gonna go i'm i'm kind of feeling like chess is the answer here can we handle mazo with this build we can handle moz though just fine and i'll benefit from the double pedestals probably going to go chest because like i said we do actually need a little bit of health when it comes down to a single enemy and more floors this is gonna be the answer there i think go mother i think that we would struggle very much so on the mother fight oh yup killing him for me [Music] little gimpy soul heart action all the stupid rooms that like you have to like work for weight on not about that life [Music] bombs are key did that help me out at all not really no [Music] that's definitely a huggable guy right there i'm still miss most of the hearts are you kidding me how did i miss the hearts there were so many you know what don't hug that guy no he's not very huggable got those go so quick serpents kiss have my kids i i've seen it before i don't know if i've ever taken it tony platinum god's working right now tentacle boy worm friend you get a familiar that lives under the floor ever so often will come up and attempt to grab down to an enemy in the room holding them in place and dealing damage um ah are we speed tentacles sounds really what do you guys think you're gonna you're gonna want tentacles gino thank you so much 59 total welcome back warm friend is best dude worm worm worm yeah yeah [Music] you do i feel like chat would riot i was like oh we try to go speed i was like that's gonna like really not be okay if i don't go worm friend here the fact that we can store extra health in our jar i love that are we generating flies and spiders no am i gonna buy it anyways probably wait you can touch portals [Music] awesome now that's just fun i'm probably gonna lose that grab that before we leave i wonder if that fades away as well oh good thanks for letting me push that now horny boys horny boys want a hug brothers don't shake hands brother's got a hug hey this goes full circle to the spongebob reference like brothers only closer hey uh that sounds like it's just a free touch it doesn't sound like it's a free touch it is a free touch just touch them did i why did i fight that when i had full key i mean i ended up actually with more health i think than we had before oddly enough i still don't have enough money to buy that uh we don't we don't need it free coin [Music] what does b maggie do tainted maggie high contact damage when i touch enemies all enemies drop red health and everything but two red hearts fade away very quickly get back here you'll touch that guy you never know right like what if you could touch turrets baggy pog oh my gosh active item that store souls and i could shoot as a flamethrower which could be our answer against bosses or the holy shield the double tap holy shield that deflects brimstone lasers field shield shield shield shield shield i see more shield flank thor is really good i hesitant i'm hesitant to give away my jar pretty good play right now shield is i yeah i don't think it's like the best thing in the entire world when it comes down to it but it you know it's cool [Music] i can't admit that it's cool let's hope that we don't earn that deal with the devil now atlas thanks for giving a sub i appreciate that billabong what a pain thank you tentacle buddy for holding him in place fire is pretty good but i mean that is our answer against bosses let's just do it here i am complaining about my one weaknesses boxes and the candle is the answer [Music] first time i've ever done that room successfully he just took the bomb with him all right you can have it look at that item room huh neo catalyst skipping a sub to reaper hound thank you for that shield deflects brimstone doesn't use it hey you know what chat shut up you're right though yeah great glad i could push the button now happy for it if i get what eight skulls in one that sounds pretty worth it oh yeah really worth it glad we did it mardo prime sub welcome my friends appreciate you you have any other tainted characters to unlock anymore a bunch of a bunch and we're going to be doing that atlas with a thousand bits love you but dad haven't been able to come in and show my love hope you're doing well and love the mustache ride easy now you gotta ask to get on this ride hey planetarium that's the first one luna [Music] cool what happened uh adds one extra secret room and one extra super secret room to each floor each secret room contains a beam of light that gives a tears up and a soul heart for the rest of the floor these stack with multiple secret rooms the first one gives plus one tears up and a full soul heart then the next all future ones give point five and a half of soul heart reveals all locations of once of one secret realm on the mini map okay weird that's just a that's a lot going on that's a lot of decompress right there it's a little late for that i'd say and chalky quad is fine with me i'm in i mean fire rate rip but it's it's chocolate milk so it's is that the light beam i got the tears up it's gonna be worth it i'm just telling myself a bit of a damage up my hog scales off my damage i think is what you guys were saying so sounds like a victory to me and you know what i'm actually fine with just leaving actually maybe the top secret what was that it says each secret room contains a beam of light each one oh well then we should find all of them i think there's probably not going to have been like a you know retroactive spawned second secret must probably future floor but uh this one should have a that'll do that's the beam of light kind of funny how they put it like on top of stuff [Music] did i say a transformation too what was that noise that just happened what was that the beam makes that noise deflects the brim laser back at mom and destroys her damn damn damn um i'm still feeling chest to be honest i think chess would just be a lot of fun we got to do everything so let's do that i don't feel like this is necessarily like a super strong run it's okay it could be better i'm gonna i'm gonna spam my chalky milk so that we're generating shields automatically oh you dog you can't play with your iframes anymore right it's too risky this is risky don't be me okay don't do as i do it's not a strong run gives up all health i just pushed the bomb back like into him that was that was awesome look at that he's like stockies oh my god the tentacle grabbed them and the shield was just like hitting them in the face they didn't even know what to do shield is going to be so good in mom's heart and lock on streams what's tinted maggie's gimmick uh she does massive contact damage all red health but two fades away quickly and red heart drops fade away you'll get there whoo thank you for that contact damage is i think just the way to go here don't be me don't do as i do the chariot probably just use this the hell out of there oh yeah touch touch touch [Applause] we need more enemies in the rooms here um multiple secrets remember full mapping would be super good with this so point five tears up could be point four two okay uh we know there's a full health pill so i'm just gonna go ahead and try to find it we have regen as well which is super dope retro liberty cap i guess better than baby spoon bender watch out to do uni work i choose both that is the way traits come first though for sure the virus doesn't drop black cards anymore though right does it increase my contact damage i think it does oh come on don't take two two hits of damage on that sucker damn we maybe should start shooting people shot speed up shot speed it's like got some more oomph on the new the new pill sayings reminds me of the uh the halo guy my favorite game to play was a swot where like headshot damage was pretty much the only thing that counted every game i swat know what that guy took before he did it i'm trying to use the shield but i just crushed her too fast duty get uh 42 months pog also swat best game mode that was my top swat i like i don't know if he was like in the middle of a stroke and diarrhea at the same time that's what it made me think of who's this duty person this person there's also judy mega stand this run we'll see how powerful we get it's possible very possible about time for this i don't want to better trinket dog is not here anymore dog went home [Music] infected in griff ball or my jam sun card is just top notch so top notch that here's what i'm going to do reminder don't don't be me there's more secret rooms you just try to find them multiple secrets pinnacle you know i think i uh i poo pooed it a little too early it's good [Music] i really wish i could play all three beggars at once [Music] just one yeah i don't want him i don't want him running around or even shooting for that matter one's good though i'm in get down with that here comes the sun here comes the sun acid we can use polaroid oh this is gonna be damage ups or the more health we're missing the more damage we get are you kidding me health upgrade health we got it right back i'm not gonna use that twice i wish you could like tell it do you want a level two or do you want two uh cubes so i could do two cubes i'd be all up in that adrenaline godly yeah no this this we've yeah well yup i think baby two cubes would be overpowered yeah well that's why i would want it of course one more top secret room and we're locked in we're stable on health [Music] more to gain from this but monica's power it'd be different tread trip you think you can hurt me you can't hurt me more than i can hurt me [Music] what's your very tainted character so far um not kane i think keynes is kind of a chore to be honest really cool idea but man in theory great practice you're like oh god make it stop sit there for hours on end so many ways to bust it up amazing best pill [Music] are we retaining these tears upgrades this here tears up in a soul heart for the rest of the floor okay it's only the rest of the floor i'm like i thought i swear we were up past like two fire rate it's only for the floor so it's good but it's not that good it's definitely good for like we're gonna go fight mega satan if i can get all those tears upgrades of course that's gonna help out massively it's a 0.5 tears up but it's still giving me 0.4 even though i've got the massive tears down with the quad shot it's still almost giving me the full thing back which that's ginormous ladies it's big it's a big deal a lot of tears to get for quad shots but um i don't need to find them before we go to the next floor it's kind of the main takeaway there i guess oh double bad trip did you know the bad trip turns into a full health pill when you're alone that shield like all up in there oh yeah all that stuff and then i can block the rest of it with my fire wow wow what a strong run against isaac at least let's rip it everyone asks what does tainted maggie do but nobody asks how how does the tainted maggie feel um my whatever these are fine i guess seraphim we gained flight so yes happy to have that oh come on shield my knockback is too strong should have gone dogma we would have gotten most of the stuff i'd be gone dogma right we're powerful because we got more because we went further which was the point of going further watch the lusts i'm the captain now help on health on health has luna broken your cap i'm not sure what the new cap is i think those bad triples i don't know i can't i can't say legally an nda [Music] it forced me to sign it but keep all the isaac secrets secret [Music] cap is normally five yeah but probably changes it used to change with quad shot i think but i think chocolate milk might help you break your cap too though um we also have pisces which breaks your cap it's interior delay even though it's not really a thing but i still think it helps create the cap or whatever that means now nice fire good placement hug hug three hugs botanicals like i got him hit him i like i said i poo poo the tentacle but man this had actually been pretty nice [Music] yeah get toot on them not really using the candle candle will be nice though on like mega satan blue baby just for the fact that it blocks stuff hillsman seven months what's up hillsman thank you for breaking the silence the moon which moon the new moon yeah buddy here's up and oh my god we got splits on splits on splits on splits baby that is every split item right that's compound fracture that's split shot and we already have uh cricket's body yo look at that oh my god it's lagging um imagine if that measurements uh shielded here's what i'm trying to say oh this has been a fun run i'm really happy we went to chest oh this is so dumb this is just stupid silly at this point in time delirium please let's don't crash the game i mean if i crash the game i crash the game whatever happens happens how's the how's the compression chat how does that feel just nuts wowzers go to my bones don't forget your full health pill thanks mom pack me a lunch told you i don't want my snickers to touch my crackers mom [Music] see what they don't like something like dunce cap right now what did i miss just got here well mom packed my lunch and my snickers is touching my crackers so basically just gonna throw that away still have two super secret rooms this is true probably worth finding for santa what the hell is even going on this is tainted maggie high contact damage but health but two fade away very quickly swimming in all these very generous top secret rooms after we found them hot's live on friday it's friday friday gonna get down on friday everybody looking forward to the weekend dmca guardian partying yeah fun fun fun the best best line i don't care what music you're into what you like double dot there we go oh mama give it to me baby fun fun fun fun looking forward to the i suppose if we would have gotten wafer that could have been another epic gamer moment we could have gotten waifu [Music] is that song old enough that there's a lot of people here that don't even know what that is six rotten hearts yeah wait what happened oh you guys i want to deflect this super laser back at him can we do that hit me up no not that one try me oh you son of a [ __ ] like i'm gonna wait to die until right now please give me delirium fight the lyrium fight will be pretty difficult actually because there won't be extra red health floating around no that's not the laser i'll wait i got time no no no no no come on tentacles just doing the lord's work yo barely anything before that and he got absolutely [ __ ] rocked oh that was awesome somebody highlight that wow that was sick hey that's pretty good that was pretty good i had fun delirium please dude shielded tears if only i didn't have it charged up you guys that's my bad i dropped the ball can you reflect holy brim i think he can reflect any brim any laser i fire with fire look at that i'm shield and then i'm i'm using my fire and i'm just like making little pockets in between the waves of tears you actually have nothing though you have so little it's basically nothing bro delirium please queen of hearts has appeared in the basement [Music] it's a new card there's new cards you guys new cards i hate everyone everyone can just go burn in hell game crashed i think it'll it'll reload on the delirium fight i don't think i have to fight mega satan again i just i can't help i can't help myself you guys from breaking the game i wasn't even trying to it's the game's fault good time for a protein bar and his mother lived alone in a small thanks to his chest [Music] [Music] why damn it edmond go directly to topsy gram do not pass go do not collect 200 [Music] i like how we we lost more subs we're back under four six you guys are right i don't sub two don't grab the zombie hearts do you think it was zombie hearts that did it [Music] shot speed up you find a diagram nope that's the zombie hearts so if i don't want to cut the zombie hearts i gotta bomb that out of there [Music] give it to me hello this on take the rosary it does nothing for me currently i can wait till i need help man i think you're bleeding i thought my nose is bleeding but it's not huh missed that one last time [Music] rosary gave you flight right i'm sad i'm so smart i know everything there's no that's listen to me because you're dumb and i'm a genius oh yeah [Music] there's a secret here oh is it here not there there it is one that gives me all the split shots i still want to go this plus shot route at the risk of uh breaking the game once again i mean how do we not do that that's that this is what makes the fun and made it easy i don't think i mean it was after the fight was over i don't think that that's what caused the break excuse me oh did we miss any other thing that was important i can't remember getting anything else that i needed i want to crash the game again in quotes i said that did i say that look at how [ __ ] money the game first so it saved your progress you know most of the time that i was going to fight the game anyways and i exit to try to save the progress it crashed then secret room generator can't generate extras extra rooms oh you think the secret room generator is crashing because it cannot handle putting extra secret rooms on the delirium floor this is possible this is possible i'm gonna whole mouth the rest of this protein bar don't mind me um my let's get it i have a feeling that it was something to do with the generation of the extra floor like you said it might crash again but that's the case we'll just have to accept defeat i think when i send out a fire my fire instantly melts because i shoot it no no i can't shoot my fire well then why does it disappear so quickly like right there it doesn't even show up yeah it just doesn't show up it's non-existent imagine rainbow cookie uh for sure we passed up three dollar bill there we go there's a fire was the cool sunglasses a part of a mod that we were playing or was that red or uh repentance the one that damages everyone in the room for picking up pennies i think that might have been a mod [Music] i was mod yeah imagine that right now and any moment now in the moment now look at the freaking pennies uh-huh uh-huh it's just another day in a paradise doodle lady lady [Music] eyes can go to college now okay if i save it now will it reload me into this room i feel like that might crash it or i might jump me out of the room or something i don't know [Music] save i don't know i say go yes save now reload save [Music] fingers crossed i think it's broken i think it's broken we're in the forefront of discoverability it's a new frontier you guys no one's been here before so no one knew how it would be [Music] consoled to get rid of the item nah you have to have uh mods active i think for that and then or you have to like do you even have the console i don't know i feel like using the console would negate the ability to get the achievement so maybe they turn that off i don't know right man now that blows oh well god i was excited too oh i didn't mean to click continue i mean we'll just end it let's do this it's what it is oh well thanks for watching on youtube seeing the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 64,576
Rating: 4.9566116 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: v2fyGFihvgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 10sec (4390 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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