Pica Run Challenge - Huttsvicta Streams Repentance

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hello everybody welcome to another thus miss here on the channel we are ready to go for a co-op run with butts how you doing nuts do it i'm feeling pumped for this i love this challenge a lot i have absolutely no idea what this challenge is this is pika run or pica run i don't know i don't know we've got mom's box we've got a whole bunch of that yo that's super cool okay so here's the deal we each start with marbles and uh mom's purse so we can have a room for two trinkets i don't know what cursed penny is isn't that like a bad one uh probably while held you will be teleported to a random room every time you pick up a coin yeah i don't think we want that right sounds fun i do like this guy though modeling play per room he will take the form of a random passive so we have um ability to make more right is it left trigger yes that's the box so we have double trinket effects as well and every single time we take damage we gulp so it's like a 100 chance marbles so if i do this yep but i didn't want to take that black cart and then i'll use my red heart to leave and gulp yep boom is that perma a fame then or wait wait wait uh modeling clay just took the effect of balatar volatar yeah i wonder if that's gonna be permanent now that i gulped it or if it could still change behind the scenes i like samson's lock here round robin style i pick one you pick one i pick when you pick one maybe or yeah yeah that's fine yeah okay um i'm gonna go with the larvae so i shoot poops i get flies i'll go with jesus dog we can just like walk in and out of the curse room and yeah that's i mean that's what i'm thinking oh god you've got the rotten tomato yeah okay so it is gonna change i'm fine with that as well it's exciting yeah so nothing but trinkets so there's no items whatsoever nope all trinkets not even not even double deals um i'm not sure about the devil in angel rooms i don't remember this would be interesting thank you radzik for the six month resub so we are uh i should have probably mentioned this before we are playing on my save file to start with and uh for those of you who have not seen one of our co-op runs here on duskbus basically what we do is we just switch save files back and forth because it uh it helps kill two birds with one stone we can actually get two unlocks at once unless of course we're doing challenge runs and it's only just one right but it does seem like challenges or some challenges at least could be a lot easier to go up yeah his challenges are so tough like hot potato is a nightmare what is hot potato you'll have to find out okay i don't want to spoil it okay it's one of those unique ones that it's pretty obvious but when you do it let's say you've got binky in this room my oscillations it's it's not the best it's not the worst though anything that we leave behind on the floor will be taken with us so if we leave trinkets behind could potentially yeah be nice um maybe i want to hurt myself before i pick up this half soul heart so i don't know that's what i was thinking uh we didn't go into the store oh yeah leo let's see if we get some money i've never seen modeling clay before in uh in isaac's i've only seen it in the four souls hey look at that that's not bad i already have samson's lock isn't that uh damage on taking damage yeah i can stack the damage damage you might as well yeah i mean because every time i get number one uh every time you get uh you damage at least you get something luck penny i i picked up your luck penny i think it was yeah maybe it was you yeah all right if you do more rooms too we don't have to like pick up the trinkets now we're gonna backtrack anyways do you want to keep full clearing for maximum trinkets or what do you think oh you know what we're thinking of uh we're thinking of red patch is that red patch that's on the damage okay samson's lock might be upon hurting people killing enemies yeah samson's lock is bloody lust oh yo filigree feather and uh dead tooth oh we can't take both of them oh maybe we could have well i don't know they're not pedestals i bet you that it wouldn't let us double down oh he'll agree though it's only one person needs it so i heavily suggest well angel rooms are probably not gonna have items i don't know but we can make one if we find a pedestal right we worm wiggles the tears up dude yo the lens oh yeah yeah i would go lens i wonder if we can still get planetariums probably would still just have a trinket though honestly but that's it in judas's tongue since we're going angel yes right yeah okay i say yes so we skipped the first deal with the devil right and oh didn't i say i wanted to get my osciotis yeah it could pull with us i mean i don't really care too much about monkey ball oh you know that's fine a little larva's not not horrible but it's also not great well it should be coming yeah should become with us so that's true that's true yeah send it full send why planetariums lol well i haven't gotten a planetarium on this challenge it probably just gives us another trinket yeah it probably doesn't give you anything but like library interesting do you really do you really know chat for sure sometimes sometimes you find those weird interactions and that's when the game gets real funky everyone likes that okay um baby spoonbender is like a carry item if you get the right item with it jawbreaker's not bad uh i mean we we both have keys or do we share keys i forget the share keys i think that we should come back yeah after we get our deal devil and then we'll do the whole damage ourself and yeah i agree with that one spoonbender with the blood clots yeah that could be a good combo oh yeah i didn't think about that yeah yeah yeah cut the chain yep yep bashing into it all right you see the top side first yes safe play you get down here that's true perfect don't lose your quality so that there's a free gulp there but i don't really want to do it now more red health could be okay you you know we had to do that you should take that to the german half yeah [Music] i mean does the does the double do or angel deal with the pen like does it really matter with the unleash or tick wouldn't be bad it's not bad here does it really matter like does it give you angel specific trinkets if you i don't know i don't remember it's been a while since i've done this i i i would imagine it just gives you a random trinket and that's it but shielded tears nobody can't take advantage of that you wanna sure look at me remembering my buttons you're already like 10 years ahead of me orders i always forget which ones you what i'm blurring i got a little demon beggar here oh i didn't mean to put those down powers and grizzly goodnights thanks to the sub and get sub in the grizzly goodnight sub wonderful a lot of new people patents is doing wonders seems like for the most part everybody is uh loving it oh good shot that me again um that is so your expansion pack every time you use your active item you have a chance to activate another random active item since i just gulped i guess that we could go back and grab something that could potentially help us get the steel to devil i'm freaking blowing it right now thank you solidfly for giving him over eight months i'm thinking tick oh jacob's ladder that would've been nice hopefully you can't get plan c right um i think it's passives only oh okay plan c maybe on the expansion pack that's that's what i'm saying cat's saying d100 could blow this challenge i don't know i think sin can still carry it i don't care let's go full chaos mode screw it it wouldn't be thus without chaos yeah what did i get here i think you got eye droppers oh yeah yeah the one that gives me my tier size up super lame this is a very good version of uh stupid face though oh my god what is that i don't know it's good there's gonna be item rooms on the shops could appear in the cathedral okay item rooms and shops both of them appear on the cathedral we're not we are going cathedral whoa yeah we're going to cathedral whoa great uh i can i can drop the lens if you want me to well we're going to actually skip this devil room so we can just start hurting ourselves and whoever it doesn't matter but yeah you want to go for it well we have the myocytosis anyway so doesn't it pull it pull everything with us i think that there's a limit to myocytosis yeah so you you're uh box ready by the way i think we should do our thing oh that's a good one all right uh you should get that because you've got a small penny true that so let's hurt ourselves let's find some lots of fires or something well we have that we have that mimic chest too don't leave those for the uh yep i think there is yeah there's one above the item room okay pick those up after we yep gulp here's some fires no hut point that one just picked that one up yeah that one came right at me yep dude what to do right on your face oh there we go we got some red poops in there too we could just go ham on the red health okay uh let's see let's go get let's load up on trinkets and then yeah so you should get that one and then i'll take the holy crown here or whatever this is that's holy crap i like that who has that is that me or you who unlock that uh i don't have any of my unlocks on steam roleplay right oh yeah i'm stupid that's that's moronic yeah i do have the penny now so right i can yeah uh lock it since i'm gonna hurt myself impurity right now bozo that's weird so it shows you with the with the damage aura still on from purity oh do i still have it uh no there's no damage yet yeah no three five so i was looking at the fire rate there we go all right i'm good um what are the trinkets do we leave behind uh yeah i mean mysterious paper oh shop refresh yeah we got restocked i don't want that right that could re-roll your stats and stuff can it but it could be pretty hilarious the d-20 could re-roll your trinkets into non-trinkets and your d6 there's no items baby spoon bender in the library that's what i'm forgetting let's get yeah did we have shop refresh is that just normal on this you think that you would see it no no no you proc that while we were in there dang it oh did i oh man what are the odds i was like confused was like i don't even think about it dang it you should've just kept lying there yeah modeling play proctor restock that's crazy no libraries over thank here bacon beats for the five on three sub and again everyone we have a squash stream link right now one of the mods wants to post it you can watch hutz's point of view along with mine oh shoot i didn't know we had only two keys yeah i was just like oh let's just get them all is there a key for sale there's another sack for sale here i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna hit the sacrifice room look at my stupid face yeah tomato again i think oh i'm just worried about getting impact one of these times and not realizing it this aura is perfect it's not going away but now i can tell which one's me yep phantom sneezes thanks for the gifted sub yeah you go ahead and get the charge ski no it's decent with homing but are we going to get homing i mean whoa well no no i mean i'm pretty sure the quad knees will get it but like it doesn't lower your um range anymore right uh that i don't know a shot speed does not affect your range and your range is calculated by tiles traveled so it's unless it's also a range down it's already way too confusing for me any more trinkets that we have to get insane wiener you're insane get the 20 subs yeah nut thank you for that yeah i mean i guess i could go take lazy worm uh well no i don't i really don't want to i don't like the slow the slow shot oh me neither um all right are we forgetting anything besides all this the soul hearts probably but let's go uh 101 yeah and then you've got another one there yes go heavy on it yep there's one more in the curse room or the sacrifice room oh yeah yeah yeah you can take that one this is awesome dude blessed penny is just so good top tier combine that with the fact that you have a swallow penny already shoot right the nation machine yeah as well i guess you know might as well might as well might as well might as well on everything thank you very much sd black desert for the prime gaming sub and again everyone tuned in to thus was here live on the twitch channel make sure you go watch hudson's point of view as well as i checked out the vods on both my channel and hutz's channel that's two for sure and it's invicta on youtube and twitch very easy easy like a sunday morning easy like a sunday morning hey that's not bad you know what screw it you mad man no thank you you can have all that that's that's all you i'll definitely know which one's me i'm shooting super slow bright red but that is a new one that i just unlocked and you must have had it too he's of her love um do you have vladimir got up mom's lock is chance to give you the effect of a random mom item every room okay and then the other one it's broken pockets but i can't find it there it is torn pocket every time you take damage you drop up to two different types of consumables so i'm on the damn why am i holding a uh is this a razor did i just get her can we keep it between rooms no no there's no way that's that'd be from expansion pack yeah dang it i'll take the damage one obviously yep we got curse the xl by the way that was all you all right sorry um yeah all the trinkets are unlocked for the challenge that okay that makes more sense oh okay that's a nice touch too yeah i appreciate it okay your cloudies are getting homing that's really really good [Music] it's just a show that like you know you can make an entire run out of just the trinkets yep that's uh it does increase the odds now of getting penny drops from poops it's written in the wiki that's okay i don't want to believe it either i okay i made a tweet it was like a year and a half ago and i picked up that trinket and i literally got it was like 19 poops out of 20 poops paid out with a penny and i was like this has to be a thing but it didn't say anywhere in the in the uh wiki everyone called me crazy y'all said i wasn't like the other girls yeah you're you're one of them nice bag um gives you like a dice every room that one is orbit did your bodies orbit what is this your familiars will orbit around you well they don't rip dice bag i forgot what dice pack does increases the chances of dice every time you enter a brand new room you have a chance to get a random one-time use dice i mean that's pretty good too yeah could be very good yeah please kind of oh no no [Laughter] we just got to figure out what like when we want to take damage i mean i i just took damage so yeah oh i should let you have that sorry wishbone how do we only have a 30 36.3 chance on cursing xl we didn't we didn't even go in the double deal no but when when you enter an excel floor is not when you get the extra chance i don't think no it's supposed to count as a we're supposed to be on on caves too right now so it should be a 72 percent chance i don't think i've ever seen it update like that for an excel floor i think an xl4 is literally just a middle finger up huge can we uh can we talk about that last line middle finger up the cooch yeah it's not it already is but that's the point you you know i guess someone might want that [Music] second place to uh hutsgaming gmail.com i'm sorry i meant to say couch oh that's right we have a saint jude stream going on i said couch so again send complaints to uh gaming gmail.com the man who says the heck with charity streams and just puts the finger right up the couch let you put a finger in my couch oh i have a space for some stuff hey that's pretty good too i guess it's not really good for taking damage yeah would probably be wasted but i mean i have a spot sure wait we said it i i saw a d8 pop up i follow your dice bag yeah it popped up and then went away so it's only good for the room and my consumable slot capacitor so we don't charge normally but we have a higher chance of getting battery drops do you think that would be worth it yeah i would say but here's the thing though that we have to split batteries we don't have to split room charges yeah that's true with dim bulb yeah but uh what about me though but wait i don't know maybe it would just deactivate you and not deactivate both of us it might not be a global thing yeah why would it be global if you want to go for it then you can take all the batteries god dang sense god damn it bobby the locust isn't even bad focus locus is great lucas is famine yeah yeah okay let's go let's fight the bosses first and then we can worry about taking damage and stuff yeah phantom sneeze is 20 bucks to st jude i hope this helps yeah i probably won't but thanks no it definitely will so i got it i got to do activates the d6 and d20 rerolling all items that pickups in the room unlike regular d6 rerolled items can pick up from any pool hand pick from any pool so it's only a d6020 i got it i got it oh they meant the soul of eden was the one android you have a d100 yeah but i don't know does it re-roll the trinkets into other trinkets or does it give me items i i doubt it would give you a trinket to trinket i bet it would just do consumable to random consumable isn't this top secret uh no very curious thank you so much the prime it just kind of maybe looked like it but you know i asked you and i made you do it so i mean do we want to do we want to see if it if oh well it's gone now so never mind d100 yeah oh my god again if anything we would use our soul of eden to test the theory there's your stupid battery yeah good job wait why do i keep getting the freaking thing eraser erase you oh thanks hey appreciate it cool what happened that was a great uh great job way to go butts i didn't i did not drive a bomb i was holding an eraser great that's great real good i think i'm i'm erasing and uh doing mr boom effect after every time i take a card up or something what's happening you need to stay far back let me i want to like test this thing sir this is actually that wooden cross is good that's great there's another one that i wanted down here hey holy mantle hey is this sticking with me yo yeah it's because you got wooden cross oh i didn't know wooden cross had a visual effect i thought it was uh modeling clay at it again i got the d okay where are you gonna use it i may have no you weren't don't lie to me i don't like it when you lie to me let's get that freaking bomb no reason to not get that bomb because there's a toenail in front of it mom's foot immediately just stomps us [Music] all right well we can't leave we got to stay yeah thanks for watching everybody nice to meet you if you enjoyed the video click the like button if you didn't click the dislike button go follow us this is better to win yeah this is like this is way better it's like a double win after you use your active item you have a random chance of procking another active item yeah but two active items the same two [Music] after my active item though it's expansion pack for sure i'm wondering if expansion pack is kind of like glitching out hey we'll get [ __ ] back don't worry you need to stay far away i don't know when you can explode next time when i use my active item it's my expansion pack turn on d6 use it nice dope d20 you could yeah i mean i can get rid of well we need the key kinda we can't get the key you need that that's you [Music] that's a new one right hey porn card torn card every 15 shots you will shoot nip a cat plus my reflection shot [Music] sounds great it says specifically ed made this because he hates invicta oh okay make sense now i got the d6 oh you got knives a random bomb item yeah this is from a mom's lock nope you get little uh tiny blob homing knives we should fight the room then yep someone donated money to saint jude's distracting me five bucks imp thank you for that look at that split oh i almost got him that was awesome all right get back nothing happened okay so it's not the same one every time you want that uh sure and then i'll take the uh i'll take pinkie eye too um how do i use this button well we have seven keys now dude we needed them and that switched my golden bomb to a golden key so that's something oh interesting i didn't know i did that um let's get this anger on before you below it uh that's uh that's what i'm saying but i need to get i need to get if we can get one like one so hard that'd be great in case you decide to bomb me again i'm thinking about it uh have you been to the shop yet yes there was anything but i don't remember did you see how fast i'm going what the heck you get random mom items you could buy a sack and try to get some money i've got deeper pockets yep go for it we could use that golden bob um go for it yeah the golden bomb that i had more secret rooms um is that what it is yep you get two secret rooms instead of one and yeah well i mean i'm i'm full right now i gotta wait until i take damage we'll come back for it we got a spike room at the bottom yeah d6 uh you want to take it you go for all the batteries it's fine oh it's charged penny wealth of power probably get more charges charges every it has a chance to give you a mini charge every time you pick or no it has a chance to give you one charge every time you pick a penny probably better for me since i'm the one getting the money yeah you want this then so that you can protect yourself yep ready yep let's close your eyes no oh i'm using lost more damage minus point seven tears i say that was a a good one yeah that's one heck of a trade your range took a huge hit but your speed's now maxed oh god yeah firemind you this is all you firemind is good okay didn't you know it was updated yeah oh that's fine does mars and crack this guy i think that was white pony oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right that makes sense i was overthinking the same effect do you hear hoof prince think horse is not zebra's sin first i i actually like cursed eye you are you're on something today what is that thing right there is that gold yeah it's a golden rock oh i don't have that unlocked noob i have no idea i don't know what golden rocks are wow great uh great half soul hearts nice holy mantle yeah d12 yeah wait we both got d12s i guess i don't know yeah i used mine and at d12 because of my um expansion pack okay you got just a d12 d12 from the dice bag i guess what a coincidence yeah all right well let's not take damage easy i mean it's we have a 36 percent chance to pass it's not like we're going to going to pass get the man i got to do six nothing that matters yeah by pass i mean the angel deal chance have you seen this trigger before every time you kill an enemy invincibility shield for two seconds it is yeah have you actually like got it before no it is incredible on top of on top of me like it it sounds like kind of meh but the invincibility shield you get will stack on itself so keep going it can extend its own its own timer if you're killing fast enough okay so it's not capped at two seconds it's capped at however however many mobs you're killing cool so that little guy that spits out like the 30 spiders yeah yeah you're invincible for a long time cool even between rooms yep it's incredible let's do it send it yeah oh oh oh what's going on ace look at that damage i got a d1 i got a d1 oh careful yeah i got it mom well we did get that angel room you could d1 that soul heart wouldn't be a bad play flatworm isn't like the worst thing ever let's take all the worm effects there should be some sort of like special worm thing if you get three or more worm trinkets that's kind of rare you turn the pin that would be cool okay it is a trinket it's not a special trinket every time you die an enemy dies you have a chance to gain a random locust that's not horrible i got a d4 [Music] i wouldn't recommend it since your entire build depends on your swallowing trinkets but we don't know if it doesn't re-roll your trinkets or does it do anything or what we don't know it probably wouldn't re-roll your trinkets but it would re-roll your ability to hold two trinkets and it would re-roll your marbles i'll re-roll your marbles uh you want to bomb the uh the angel so we can test the uh filigree feather how do i do that um [Music] challenge items don't reroll do they they might not they might not i don't know i don't have a bomb one of these into a bomb i i guess am i doing that soul of eden whoo wait you could d4 and get some bumps marbles are still there okay okay and it seems like actually nothing changed but you have one less item i lost shot speed did you have an item i don't know no because i just gulped a singular trigger in here so that's where the offset is oh okay that didn't do what a god dang thing why are these here now i'm gonna pick them up right why are these here now though ah shoot all right we have lots of trinkets to get molding clay no that's that's also a trinket and i have that not since how's that speed how is that speed we go to the curse room or the sacrifice room yeah or spikes spikes will actually do less damage i think yeah it could be cheaper i don't suppose so my god you gave us a soul heart miracle excited my body is oh that's this isn't like the worst thing i grabbed that i'd say yes how about the battery though if i take it i can get a charge yeah yeah you take it um that is also if i'm gonna go familiar wait no familiar's orbiting me it doesn't make sense to also take the child leash i don't know if you care about any of these i do not [ __ ] it yolo did you stop farting everything away jeez all right all right that was good that was good i might as well i might as well hit myself first so just to brief the inventory okay grab a heart yep have sinned take the leash and isaac's head it's too late here we [Music] he go know yeah wasn't there something in the challenge room though uh yeah well now i'll take this i mean i should have it technically i should have it because i've got baby bender even look at how tightly he okay so it does actually seem like child leash and orbiting you should have taken both of those man well chad didn't tell me in time i think it's right trigger for me to drop this yep because that's really good so they actually do work well together and it orbits and it orbits even closer to me that's amazing um wait there's another option yeah this movement speed is nutty actually going too fast oh yeah there's your friend lazy worm why can't we be friends why can't we be friends i could probably just wait till the next floor and not hurt myself and lose this have soul heart i'm thinking yep and then i'll grab the other or do you want to grab the other soul heart that's over there well we're trying to keep it even then i guess i'll take it i mean technically it wouldn't be even technically you'd have to have red heart would more even than what you're thinking wait oh too late you have a bomb bro [Music] there you go there was potential there but yes that is true you forgot pinkie i uh quit this restart the whole thing i don't think we can be friends anymore actually i think it's over i think that's just ended yup last thus was ever wish moment he didn't even grab it and bring it to the next floor either yeah wasn't that your trinket's responsibility hey hello intangible i'm moving way too fast i've got wooden cross controller though yeah you can walk oh god that was tough [Music] that's not what all metal music sounds like sin oh we had a bomb yeah now i have a sword did i literally take well lazy worm with whip worm yes i did why because your shield and it's so good it's almost drinking so good and i got you yo [Music] see range is the same it makes sense just saying [Music] um that is little turd buddy that does things dingleberry responds to you dips upon clearing a room i like that yo i'm gonna buy a bomb you want to use a bomb in that guy or no uh save it yeah we i mean we don't really need money right now speaking of money speaking of the rock at the east is there yeah probably a way to get both of these things i guess the tower card could do it you ready nope so yes i asked if you're ready we got every single rock except for the tinted rock oh you don't want to vomit fine every single rock you know what why don't you just d4 slow not too bad that is but that's just whatever not not a good idea for either one of us no i do like duct tape a lot though yeah oh you actually have to jump over the spikes i forgot about that no trinket can you bomb your way out of it do we ever get items there's no items though right so that's true watch this that was so much fun see look you got your stupid tinted rock now you happy no hey we could do some naughty things with that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah here comes the sun what was this other card i had a priestess you should take one of these i'll just hide priestess the next boss oh this could be some pretty big pog it's not guaranteed every rock anymore but yeah better than nothing maybe not all right we can we kind of need bombs to be honest yeah [Music] why didn't one of us not take maggie's faith i thought one of us sculpted it no oh you did did i yes like i'm looking at it right now i'm like taking rain worm but i don't what do i give up no that would go against your slowing the heck is that that is a lucky sack it's like a sack but luckier um spawns a sack at the start of every new floor look at my stupid face i hate that hey what this is you should take this you have better stats yeah we can leave them yeah plus two damage oh what a d7 uh we really tore up those hands oh she should have spoken up sooner don't you remember he's super tired [Music] you're the one who dropped the ball the d1 hizzle why is my tears right all of a sudden huge huge like good huge i don't know do my damage got shot straight to hell but my tears rate is insane now you d 100 i did d100 has d8 in it does it did dangleberry well i'm a big fan of the uh of my tears right now i did lose all of my damage though you troubled me for a warm glass to shut the hell up uh-uh don't want look look at the rainbow poop oh look at him am i taking lucky rock now what's up with this i don't know what don't want is beyond the bloom floor all pickups are replaced to the random pickup as followed bomb 26 chance heart 26 percent chance pill 16 cards 16 trinket 6.6 percent chance battery 6.6 chance it essentially removes keys from the drop table nice well we have 11 keys yeah sure do you think it's time that we uh start hurting and soul hearting start hurting and soul hearting i think so oh yeah it's in uses d100 why did my stats change so when since when did the d100 give you the d8 what this right what will that change in repentance no question mark are you sure murals keys and coins bomb heart pill card trinket battery uh yeah that does seem to be the case that removes coins from the pool as well but not nice is it is that new chat d100 having a d8 effect hey look a key look cuts we got a key boom it says it says woman beyond one floor oh d100 used to only be d4 and d6 now it's most dice oh maybe this is yeah see see ooh hey you want to get uh item rooms and shops on the show wicked ground uh sure it's a joke really but i got ludo oddly easier with the current card grab a bomb i got snipes stars card tempers machine difference machine might be pretty good oh yeah definitely for gulping it'd be easy easy gulp route yep um what else we got hermit okay teleport out stars out especially now rip high priestess but whatever um hurt and soul harden yep anything on the ground that we need to pick up i don't remember there being anything good it stayed for the next floor that we were hurting so hard yeah and then i just said there's nothing good here well then why are we hurting so hard that's why i said save for next floor well we can get money let's get a bunch of cash maybe and try to get some soul hearts out of it yeah cause all the red hearts nice very cool thanks game yoink do you want it since i've already got iframes sure remember when you do 100. i didn't know that it gave the d8 now huts i thought we already established that don't be so vindictive indicta pinky i would have been good yeah the whole run took a deep dive after we left that behind you know when you guys had ping eye oh stuff that we got yeah it got re-rolled thanks to uh whatever i picked up after we pick everything up dope very cool thanks game that judas's tongue will not leave us alone ring cap drops two bombs at once only one is removed from your total two diamonds okay like two of dope mints that's faith oh sampson oh the sammy boy i'm probably gonna be whatever i'll just take it anyways yep are you ready kids got the d1 it seems like i'm still getting shields when you kill things which is a pretty favorable outcome that's actually broken wait wait oh super laser double super laser do a little dance make a little love my am i your height man right now i'm not hearing we're gonna forget those later yeah we are just use them now yeah look at the golden boop is that got the golden tickets let me uh sure to make money and then grab money yep you should really not be running around in opposite directions they call him cash money at the cash months hon i'm not really getting the whole double bomb drop thing unless we had brim bombs or something that would be pretty dope but okay lasting caps they no blasting cap all right it's the shorter fuse they yeah bombs explode almost immediately i don't know anyone in this world that would want that right i guess if you're really trying to be accurate like i said about brim bombs you could drop them and blow them and you wouldn't have to worry about them walking away from the bombs if you were immune to bombs and you had fast bombs think of that you just like really tear it up you have homing d1 hizzle yeah oh bombskin coming in wait did you just re-roll the thing that you could have gotten with easy homing we're talking about blue baby blue baby blue baby's only soul or friend whatever thing you could have easily taken it in uh take that add the homing with it well i maintained a whole lot of movement speed and lost uh my tears rate but i gained a lot of damage i have an eraser yep how do i take damage you uh used iv bag nice blessed penny yep feeling blessed hashtag left hand anyone care never mind it's not left hand there you go not the worst we could probably go faster at this point yep i think we should go faster just go back between rooms doorstop it could be fun but you know feeling me on that one yep all are at me i got epic there and no one died rocks that came out of nowhere let's go actually you should take that for uh blessed benny not that it's going to matter but we've been going the wrong way this entire time yeah i mean i haven't really been like you know aware of the direction i'm just going that's why i'm like we could probably go faster if i just was like oops well done yeah whatever we have somebody sold out to the ground we're not going to get through them all with all the trinkets there's not really even any good trinkets left oh oh oh you got dr fetus yeah i do yes i do hey you guys are using like a boss this guy yeah totally planned oh two maybe i don't have the fuse cutter cut that cut you yeah well let's i mean we might as well go pick up all the soul hearts now then if we're not going to come back yeah did you get anti-crab what is that yeah definitely anti-grav you've never taken any grab before i have but not not usually what for are we on right now steps too do i want the demon laser or samson oh a demon laser yeah although although because you have uh the sigil it might be better for you with samson that would make you unstoppable yeah but i don't see us fast enough to we're not going to lose this run so it doesn't really matter you just wait what the heck red poop oh look at that luck though yo don't you just take there no i'll take this one where are we going i can't really look at the map because it uh messes with the uh you want to try the curse room sure we're not going to lose right quick literally i gotta go do we want that bombs our key no it's not for 28 keys hell no well i mean i had the d20 i was gonna i got i got a what the heck just hit me what what just hit you my active item i used it again oh okay that word you think saul samson it's up to you i'll give it a go it'd be it would honestly help us out a lot against isaac you because you'd be able to effectively cancel out all of his all of his um projectiles uh i need help well that was a lot of fun yep sure was you take that since your main player whoa i just dropped three bombs [Music] uh that's a range upgrade uh here will you please stop martin everywhere make me uh you with the range i'd say my range is what the heck where did that come from i doubled the half the half star with a d1 [Music] you dog all right i'm ready okay let's go that's what it feels like to 2-5 gum yeah i got the mom transformation on this challenge [Music] hey that's pretty good uh extra chance for bone heart drops right or is it ponting and damage i've never seen that it's the plus one boneheart every time you enter a new floor not too fast uh this way is not the right way to go i think i got my eye frames i'm just sitting there getting rocked yeah oh i hate the nose bros you know what i forgot that we have uh or i have uh we god yeah doorstop pokeball go what's going on in here i don't know let's just leave i'm scared hello what are you doing what the heck is it push the button bro you see a button i didn't see a button there there's a soul heart in that room that we left if we want to go back and get it yeah go get it your soul your soul give it to me where is the soul art oh that's kind of a bad spot that's uh totally worth it well if it didn't take damage then why not right store credit i have no idea what you're selling you can take that your soul let me look it up your soul allows you to pay for a devil deal with this trinket very interesting probably wouldn't work into the spikes around the oh my god we're in devil room stuff but a lot of nice health there oh super range upgrade i'm moving way too fast so i got 15.25 range and now you have 0.65 speed great you should hit the double range and get 40 range yeah i'm not gonna be able to hit anything now look at the tear height yeah let me drop this because i literally will not be able to hit anything well we're not going to lose yeah you're at 0.65 now yikes um i have the hoof so good luck holy turd a hole your turd well guess who gets to show for us around now you've been doing it this entire time so it's up to you now i have a petrified poop don't i uh probably i don't know why i wouldn't have grabbed petrified poop unless you grabbed it oh you got it i can see it in your inventory did i get a pill from that you did that's from uh lucky sack okay that's not even that good at this point in time but he ate we're like d yeah it it dropped my damage even more but my tears raid i was like look at this what are you even doing right now 11 fire right you're drunk it's because of consecrated ground from the holy poops oh oh this is great look at that this is the winning combo right here final thanks for the 33 months yo no you thought he stopped [Laughter] you were too slow man when taking damage you have a chance to explode and deal 185 damage to all enemies around you that's probably gonna hurt me or you depending on who takes it so you should probably take it just to spite me look at my uh my flies and my bethany wisps yeah just gonna slowly walk out of the room you dick oh god i have it bobby what is this anus item room i'm down just kidding it's over here i'm down way to hit that that was good oh the pill was from uh down hey chester's slowing [Music] very cool are you dropping three it's because of the the bomb ring or whatever that could yeah but i thought it was just drop two not drop three but i have mom's box i'm saying victor and i like to make sense sometimes oh you got rocks at golden poop [Music] please we have a show to do wait okay did you take the thing that rerolls all coins yes no whatever it's called yeah that was dumb because now we're not gonna get coins for me to get soul hearts from oh no because we need so many right now yeah pretty dumb yeah i've got a lot of coin uh synergies oh well why am i so fast all of a sudden no one cares oh it's because of the broken syringe look at this dumb dog [Laughter] they asked him to read for the 100 sparkles what the heck is that adoption papers did you know isaac was adopted i'll shop uh only sell familiars while holding this trinket once you enter a shop while holding this trinket the effect won't undo by dropping it until you move to a new floor nice more black hearts that's what we need it's me first dollar uh yeah thank you jason 301 for the tier two recent seven months matt damon's tale so who knew that you get a fun run with just trinkets what the i mean i've done it before so i've done it before i'm not huge growth i like huge growth dude i got i got two bonehearts from the uh oh yeah hollow heart plus uh mom's uh box do you want to go to the cursed room buy my way out i don't really care to be honest i mean not like none of this is needed at this point i should definitely have that because of your fire rate i'm more special than you yep one of my favorite trinkets right there nose goblin this is my show not yours huts all right this is my save file so until you until we're on your save file i call the shots you want to take shots yep got shots shots shot shot shots i need dark spartan for the two month reset as well ah wow well i got way more back than i put in [Music] some promise probably wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait white speckle for speed if you ever need it after d100 let's get a free item i'd like this boom baby black cart nice it's uh it's gonna help us out with all of our lack of hp might as well take the black cards now you know yep challenge up might as well i mean bring it right probably yep we want that though no no this is it's 302. we should we might as well go check the uh shop though yep over here yep all right well i can't all right good good yep i was gonna hey look at that yep look at that beautiful all right no challenge up nah what's i mean what's the point of that yep quality commentary from this episode of thesmus everyone yep yep you've done that like three times before i didn't want to hear it what that exact bit what yep hey yeah great job yeah i dropped like 700 black cards every time i take damage i don't want to hear it what's exploding look at great do you have someone's got bomb uh a bomb cap or whatever brown cap who's got the brown cap you do where how did i get a brown cap i could see it in your inventory the spider-man meme or the spongebob warmer is like looking for the bad guy and he's on the poster behind him familiars follow isaac's exact movement similar to how jacob and esau work instead of falling loosely like they usually do hold the control drop button no that's very interesting rc remote i don't think i have anything that's affected by that but cool i'll take the bird with it i probably do stop look at the black cards though the black cards are everywhere i'm just gonna walk over the spikes it's great uh thank you uh redheaded pixie 47 for the three month three sub yup oh i'm dropping black cards every time i take damage it's not a big deal why am i dropping black cards every time i take damage i don't know let's just get this challenge over with let's redo it that was too bored [Laughter] thank you robin sparkles for the 12 months i was reading chat yep top this is pique does he doesn't get better than this guys i don't know what to do mr angel deal yeah why am i moving so slow right now it's just a freaking algae that's just like sitting there laughs why am i moving so slow now did you take the dice shard the cracked whatever dice no yep ready you still have your syllabus by the way yep yeah i'm gonna take us there oh yeah dim bulb's not activated that's right elf up nope all right here we go you ready get your get your soul samson ready here we go no you're not supposed to use that oh my god you're supposed to wait you're supposed to use that against isaac we're going to make it to isaac we're not well he's not bad at it [Laughter] and i was going to keep it alive i was going to take us that was going to take us isaac and you were going to go with the samson the soul sampson this is going well okay chat you can try to bring us down right now but we're crushing this if you haven't noticed sid victor tried to d100 everything away in like the middle of the game i'm pretty sure we can handle this yep no one's actually taking this seriously temperance yep yep you're just not understanding you're just not going to use your uh okay what never mind what i'm talking about mom's box justice i'm just getting black swords now um what's that one that i just picked up the twins upon entering a new room this trinket has a chance to copy one of your current familiars hey look i got double sister maggie great remember all those stats that i used to have it's just a shame that i didn't have the soul samson we would have won otherwise and you earned it d7 lamau i got it ice cube ice cube chance to freeze enemies when you walk into the room easy easy yeah yeah thanks for watching people on youtube see the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 50,589
Rating: 4.9399085 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 9q7P3duIM_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 22sec (4402 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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