Tafsir of Surah at Takathur - Yasir Qadhi

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you I would be lying in a shape on your team bismillah my mana Wahine and how come what tech hat does also one of all B's can I sell fat I love or not so Mike and I sell more fat I'm down can I love China more nine money I mean let out on no Jahi so Luna hi Nadine so melatonin I am bathing 99 smellorama rohini in alhamdulillah in Ahmed Abu Anas tan woman s tell Pharaoh but I live in LA I'm insured or en for Cena women say Yadier Molina Maya de la bufa Donovan dela wanna identify da da da da why shadow a la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah why shadow and Muhammad Ali - whoo water Sulu I have just recited to you a surah which I believe that all of you know and memorize and recite regularly in your prayers and this is surah take a photo and sunnah today cathode is a very early Mac concealer which means it was revealed early on in the message or the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them now these early revelations they are characterized by different characteristics than the later revelations this is because the Muslims in matka were very different their situation from Muslims in Medina the Muslims in Mecca were being persecuted they did not have an Islamic state they did not have the protection of the government likewise none of the laws had been revealed all of the laws or most of the laws had been revealed in Medina so mud concerns especially these early mud concerns they are characterized by a discussion of the fundamentals of faith the fundamentals of al-qaeda the basis of more establishing the taqwa of allah azza wa jal reminding the people of the hereafter also mad considers in general are very short in their verses powerful language is being used far more powerful and the rhetoric and the eloquence it is much higher than that of the many revelations the Medina revelations are usually longer and they deal with the laws more than they deal with after them so spirited to cover always as we said is an early muttaqun surah according to the stronger of the two opinions Allah Azza WA JAL says and how come what TECA for okay now this lecture will be at FC love the surah which means that we have to go into the Arabic language which means that you must pay attention because we're going to talk about factor or linguistic details which will not be apparent unless you pay attention very deeply and how come attack after there are two words here and how come and attack alpha the easier of the two to do with the staccato from Catherine everyone knows what cathedra is Cara means a lot okay taka Thor means competing with one another to see who has more from kaffarah meaning a lot SOTA katha means you are competing with each other to see who has more than the other person so Eliza what you're saying and how come this concept of competing with one another what is it mean I'll happen and how come comes from the root 11 which means leva means that which keeps you busy from something which is more important and useful this is the meaning of life now Allah says in many verses in the Quran that this world is loved one one ayah it is a level and a diet many verses at least five six verses Allah says know that this world is only level and life what is the difference between level and iron level means you are doing something which might be useful but at the expense of something which is more useful than this very precise word here this is in contrast to lie which means to play to be married you're wasting your time you're not doing anything useful at all so notice now to translate this verse allah azza wajal is saying that competing with one another to see who has more than the other this has caused you to fall into wasting your time at the expense of something more important in it this is the translation about how kimitaka so that in competing with one another to see who has more money the bigger house the better car the more beautiful spouse who has the more prestige this is what most of mankind is doing trying to climb up the social ladder through various ways Allah Azza WA JAL is reminding us that this concept has caused you to neglect a greater concept this is the meaning of level remember Al how come it has caused you to forget about something more important than what you are doing notice Allah uses the word level and not like what you are doing might be useful in fact it might be necessary in terms of getting your job getting some money feeding your family allah didn't say like use the word level remember what was the difference between live and level the ideas you're wasting your time no benefit playing level means you're doing something it might be important but you're neglecting something more important than that than what you are doing so a lot of what that is saying that by competing with one another in this take a thought we have forgotten something more important than that this competing with one another has prevented us from realizing a greater goal from achieving something which is more important than what we are doing what is this important goal obviously it is the worship of Allah it is the two describing to arrive at the ultimate destination which is gender so Allah Azza WA JAL is reminding us that all of us or the majority of us are so engrossed in this world we have forgotten the real world of the hereafter we are so busy trying to live and enjoy our life that we forget that this life is really nothing compared to life living here after these 60 70 80 90 years that allow my blesses with and we don't even care we can't even guarantee this number it is nothing in comparison to the infinity of the hereafter and yet despite this fact we have our priorities wrong Allah is saying you are engrossed in these 60 years to make the best of your life and in the process you have forgotten the eternal life of the hereafter and how come work takasu but how long will this last when will we realize as they say wake up and smell the coffee when will this happen Hector - Allah Muhammad you will continue to be engrossed in this world or the most of human the majority of you you will continue to compete with one another be so busy in your life in your job in your degrees in your family everything until you visit the graves until you visit in the graves what is the meaning of visiting the graves here it means many people assume this means you go visit the grave and you come back right because this is what the verbal translation is you go visit the grave all of us whenever some of us whenever one of our relatives we visited the grave and we come back and this is something as we know it is encouraged the prophets of Allah do you send them said I used to forbid you from visiting the graves now I encourage you to do so because it reminds you of the hereafter but this is not the meaning of this verse if you go back to the scholars of tafseer and their explanation of this verse you find that the meaning of this verse is you will continually be engrossed in competing with one another and seeing who has the more than the other until you die and Allah calls dead visiting the graves notice the beauty here even death is a visitation it is not permanent in other words Allah is reminding you of a stage beyond death by saying when you visit the graves alas remind you you will die all of us will die Allah says in the Quran after emit definite Allah don't he is addressing the prophets Allah if you are going to die do they think they will live forever if the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu aleyhi we sellem is and has died as allah says in the quran if I admit that you are going to die a famine will fall down will they live forever then of course not all of us are going to die but Allah is saying by visiting the graves he is reminding us that even this death is not a permanent state don't think that when you die you have arrived at your destination on the contrary the prophets of Allah while you send them said that debt is the first stage of the Hereafter the first stage so even death is not a destination and that is why death has been called visiting the graves just like we as we are alive enter a graveyard we bury our relatives and friend and we walk out again so - when we are carried on other people's shoulders and dirt is turned onto our faces and bodies by our own family friends this too is a visitation this too is a temporary abode a temporary place of residence such that eventually we are going to leave this grave as well so a larger than this beautiful verse he says he reminds us not only are you going to die but this death is not going to be permanent this death will be a temporary position until the hereafter comes remoted NAB that as he is one of the famous students of the companions in the great-great-grandson of America thought he said the graves are only a place of visiting eventually a person must return to his permanent house meaning in Jannah or in not even the graves are a temporary stop eventually a person must be reunited with his permanent house the house that Allah has created for him either in Jenna and Chava or the place of punishment of Allah we seek Allah's refuge from that also in this verse there is a reference to the punishment of the grave because even the grave will either be a reward or a punishment even the grave will either be a reward or a punishment the Prophet so listen I'm said that when the person is put in the grave that if he be from the from the people of Jannah Allah will open up a window to Jenna and he will see what is awaiting him he will see his palace he will see what Allah has created for him and he will be able to smell Jenna at the same time he will be able to see the fire of hell and then a lot has saved him from his death so he will see oh Allah hurry up the day of judgement I want to take him quickly as for the cafe or the disbeliever or the evil person then he will the doors of hell will be opened up and you will be able to taste and smell the punishment and he will see the punishment awaiting and he will also be see the place he would have occupied in gender had even a good person so he will say oh Allah never establish today our judgment o Allah postpone it to infinity so even in the grave there will be a punishment or a reward which will be a taste a reflection of what is to come in the Hereafter so Allah so Allah is telling us in the surah you are going to compete with one another throughout your lives trying to see who has the more and this will go on until you die Hector suitable Muhammad cuddler No nay this is a word that is used to negate what has preceded to negate what has come before it and to draw attention so allah azzawajal is saying that basically Calla all of your to cathode all of your competing with one another will be of no use to you all of the money and all of the wealth and status and fame and privilege and all that you had cut them what's the point it's not going to benefit you in the great like the prophecies and I'm said that when a person goes to the grave three things come with him to cook come back and only one remain when he goes into the grave he has his wealth and children and good deeds and when he leaves then his wealth and children go back and his only his good and bad deeds were made with him so all of this ganda what is the point why do you engross yourself in that which will not be permanent self attack the moon you are going to know what are you going to know the result of this takasu the result of spending your lives wasting it in leveling and something which are not much use at the expense of the real life of the hereafter of a surety you are going to know the foolishness of your actions every single one of us without exception will regret on the date of judgment why he didn't do more even if we are going to gender ensure that we pray that Allah make us amongst them even then we will regret why didn't I do more I could have done better I could got a higher place and of course those who are going to be destined to the fire of help they will cry out oh allah give me one more chance wait send me back to this earth allow me one opportunity and you will see what i will do for you allah says even if i were to give you this as in the quran even though he will not Allah says even if I were to give you you would still return to your ways you would still be what you have done the points being that Allah promises that you are going to know God Allah so fatahna moon summa kalla once again repetition there's a repetition here some McCullough's over Tyler moon and this repetition it signifies a number of things firstly an extreme warning like the parent says to this child I have told you once and I'm telling you again it's an extreme warning think ponder another connotation you will know in this world the foolishness of these actions and you will also know in the Hereafter in this world you will know after you have gained all that you have gained and you realize that you still have not found the happiness of the heart all of your riches cannot bring you the contentment of worshipping Allah resolution so you will know in this world the foolishness of this Takako and you will also know in the hereafter that's one meaning of repetition another meaning of this repetition is that the kuffar will know the foolishness of their actions and so will the muslims and they will be overjoyed at the fact that they took advantage of this life so you the kuffar will know calles over that i the moon so matenda you the muslims you will also know you will know the evil that you have done and you will know the good that you will be rewarded for yet another connotation of the dual or the other the two times that Allah mentions some mechanism for the moon is that you will know the time of your death because when death will come to you right then and there you will know your your place in gender or not the prophets Allah said them said that when the evil person went that when they were not go for the copy but the facet archer the word is use the evil person which is broader than a calf field a Muslim can be a fasiq but a Muslim cannot be a kafir so Allah says the facet of the evil person who might be a Muslim when death comes to him he will see the angel of punishment come down who is a horrendous angel an angel that when you see it you will be struck with fear and whatever he sees he will see it all around him the angels of punishment while he is alive you will see this the final seconds of his life and they will start punishing him at the time of taking his soul and the processer have described his soul coming out of his body and noticed this this powerful imagery he said as wet wool is pulled through a comb wet will pull through a comb can you imagine how it will tear break nothing will be left of the wool you have to pull the comb out of it so - of his soul be taken out of his body why because he loved the dunya so much that when his soul is about to leave it it will destroy it completely his soul was attached to the dunya so when he leaves it he will not leave it easily as for the movement the Prophet SAW said him described that he will come out like this like water being poured from a cups like this smoothly because his heart was attached to what it was not attached to the dunya it was attached to the after so because of this his solo flow out of his body and he will see the angels of mercy all around him bright shining radiant so right then and there he will know the reality of his life if he had done good he will see the good and here he had done bad he will see the bad yet another connotation the final one if the scholar skill is that you will know meaning in the grave and then you will know again in the hereafter and we have already explained this that in the grave in the grave a person gets a taste of what is to follow if he was a pious person having performed what Allah wanted him to do as a Muslim then he will taste the rewards of that in the grave and the converse is also true and it is possible that two people are buried next to each other literally one feet or 2 feet away from each other and one of them is in the heights of genda enjoying the heights of gender and the one right next to him is being punished in the depths of hell and this is of the miraculous nature of the bars off or that internal stage between death and the day of judgment that less of a demoon film akela so vitally moon I have explained five or six reasons why there is repetition candala for the third time Allah says in this verse once again repeated for the third time each time there is a different closet warning load on emunah in Malaya theme if you knew with certain knowledge enmity meaning certain knowledge if you knew what it is not mentioned what would you do silence the the verse doesn't tell you so the verse when you read it for the first time it seems incomplete but we understand by context if you knew meaning the reality of life the purpose of creation if you knew the futility of takasi of competing with one another but what type of knowledge all of us know this even the cafe even the disbeliever he can deny Allah with his tongue he can deny the day of judgment he can deny the prophet sallallaahu either you send them he can deny the validity on the Quran but even he cannot deny death no one can deny death nobody so even the kafir realizes that all of this that he has to leave that he has will leave him will go into the hands of other people so Allah doesn't just say if you knew he characterizes this knowledge if you knew with the search knowledge in many Athena not any knowledge everyone knows we're going to die nobody claims we're going to live forever but there are those who believe it and don't act upon it and there are those who believe it and then act upon it so if you knew with a certain knowledge and knowledge that will bring about action will bring about Iman what would you do it is not mentioned the first does not tell you so the first translates as verily if you knew with a certain knowledge and then it doesn't tell you what you would do meaning that if you really and truly knew what the certain knowledge you would do many okay so Allah does not mention the result of this clause in order for our imagination to go the furthest let me give an example a father punishes his child and he says next time you do this I'm going to do something to you and he remains silent he doesn't say what this will terrify the child more than if the father says next time you know I'm going to hit you because the imagination jumps at everything what's he going to do same thing Allah saying if you only knew with the search and knowledge and then he doesn't say what you would do in order that our imagination goes to the extreme you would do everything possible to enter gender and save yourselves in the fire of hell you would bend over backwards literally if you had to in order to save yourselves from that punishment and earn the rewards of allah subhana wa tada so allah doesn't give us the condition - this clause in order that our imagination go everywhere go to the extremes that you would do everything that you have to in order to save yourselves from the punishment of the hereafter the punishment of the fire of el cuñado telamonian money 18 then allah starts a new sentence let's have a 1l Jaheim now here basically is very advanced sorry but basically there's a hidden oath wallahi i swear by allah luck of a certainty Tara the newer there is again emphasis point beginning in English we cannot translate this but there are three ways of emphasizing the fact that you are going to see the fire of Hell now if we're transit linguistically would say I swear by Allah indeed surely verily three times three emphasis the Arabic one which allows this beauty the English is very dry compared to Arabic to be honest obviously Arabic is the most eloquent language and that is why the Quran was revealed in it so there are three emphases and there's a hidden oath as well that you will of a certainty surely verily all of you are going to see the fire of Hell litera wouldn't injure the lamb and the noon at the beginning and the end and the hidden both these are three emphases that are in this person that each and every single person will see the fire of health and we all know that the fire of Hell will be shown to all of mankind the Prophet said I said I'm said that the fire of hell as Allah says Oracle I'll fetch it Waja Arabic automatic assault on Safa where G a young maiden be Jahannam your Lord and the angels will come in ranks and rose and hell will be brought forth on that day the Prophet SAW said I'm said there will be seventy thousand chains that hell will be dragged upon seventy thousand chains will be used and on each of these one change will be seventy thousand angels dragging out so all of us are going to see the fire of hell we seek Allah's refuge from entering it so let our wounded join then allah azzawajal says so my litera winda - then you are going to see it with the eye of certainty now once again there is a duality there's twice you are going to see the fire of hell then see it with the eye of reality what is the meaning of this of this double image or a double message once again there's a number of opinions firstly you will see it from far away and then you will see it up close secondly you will see it the profile will see it from outside and then they will be see it from inside thirdly that you will see it and then you will see it again and again again continuously as we said in the in the grave both the movement and the fagio they will see the fire of health but the moment will be protected from it he will not taste it or feel it or smell it and he will know that Allah has saved him from it and the kafir or the fast every evil person he will feel the heat of the fire of hell even while he is in the grave so Allah says that you are going to see the fire of Hell someone am i saying that the reference of the first one is that you will see it meaning an image of it as Allah has described it in the Quran we all know some of the punishments in the fire of hell and then you will see it with the real eye on the day of judgment so the first the first one that I would enjoy you will see it in knowledge basically so what I thought I wonder how I need your pain you will see it with your own eyes so ma'am let us alone enough Yama even I didn't know him then on that day on that day meaning the day of judgment when Hellfire will be brought forth so that all of you can see it on that day let us alone once again there's an emphasis here this of the beauty of the Arabic language you can emphasize in many different ways of a certainty you will be asked about what about nyemiah meaning the plural of nirmaan Maremma meaning blessing so you will be asked about each and every blessing that Allah Azza WA JAL has given on that day Allah will ask you did I give you a life did I bless you with health do not give you an intellect did not cause you to become what you became your money your status your wives and children your property your health your mental capabilities and faculties who gave it to you all what did you do with it what did you do with what I gave you you will be asked about each and every single blessing that allah azza wajal blessed you with lettuce aluminum yahwah eaten an inner him a poor person came to one of the scholars of the past and he was very portal and he said what name do we have what blessings do we have when were eating the two black things what are the two black things dates and muddy water they didn't even have clean water like this I doubt that many of us are haven't even saw water like this because their watcher was drawn from a well muddy water and the other black thing is dates they would live just on dates and water as for us after fasting we start our meal this is our appetizers data and water for them this was their food dates and water so he asked this caller what name do we have when all we eat and drink are the two black things the the dates and water the scholar said do you not drink cold water on a hot day do you not have a blanket to cover yourself with do not go to sleep and wake up refreshed in other words even the worst beggar the most poorest person has been blessed with so many blessings he cannot count them as Allah says in the Quran while in Telugu near metella the same word NEMA from 91 in Tarot do near mythology de ursua if you were to try to count only count not even fact just count the blessings of Allah you would not be able finish this list just count them Allah has given me this and this and this and this and if you were to spend a lifetime just counting the blessings you would not be able to merely count them how do you expect to thank allah azzawajal the way he deserves to be thanked yet another person came to Al Hasan al Basri famous scholar of the past and he said o has an adversity are very poor I don't have anything make dua for me help me out give me something it has an adversity you said to him ok I'll give you a million pounds a million gold coins but in return you give me your eyesight give me your eyes in return he said I'm not going to do that he said Oh give me your hands I'm not going to do that your feet your body and he can give it to me I'm not going to do that so it has an adversity said I see that you're a millionaire and you come and you complain that you have no money you're a multimillionaire you have everything you're not willing to give me one eye for a million pounds a million dollars a million gold coins and you come and you complain that you don't have one or two silver coins for food and bread you are a walking sign of a lost blessings upon you the very fact that you are alive you are breathing air you are a believer can anything of money buy this nothing of this whole world can buy this from you the fact that you believe in Allah and you worship Him in sha allah and you are blessed with life and health and wealth and everything so never trivialize the blessings of allah upon you well lucky it is a sign of a man to think that you every one of you is the most blessed human being on the face of this earth and it is also a sign of a man to think that you are the worst human being in terms of repaying the Loess debt upon you you are the best in what allah has given you ponder over it the blessings allah has given you of your family background and your life and your status and your and your parents and your wife and your children and your job and your intellect and all that you have done every one of us should feel it is a sign of Iman no one is as blessed as I am sitting here today every one of us should feel that at the same time we should feel no one is worse than I in terms of repaying that debt to Allah when these two emotions are combined insha Allah we are upon some good when these two emotions are combined really and truly combined we really and truly feel guilty we feel what have I done how have you repaid a Las debt what will I say to Allah on the day of judgment that he has given me so many things when we feel this guilt along with gratitude and what Allah has given us this is a stepping stone this is not the destination it can't be the destination it has followed up an action this is the stepping stone the foundation upon which we build our relationship with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala my dear brothers and sisters can you imagine you enter into college or university and the first day of class the professor tells you ok instead of teaching you I will tell you right now what questions I will ask you at the end of the exam when the exam time comes I'll tell you from now I'll tell you question number one he writes it on the board to question three question for question five these are your exam questions now is it possible really that any student will fail this exam first day of class teacher comes and doesn't even start the topic and he says these are your questions if you pass them you get an A or a B or C whatever depending on your example your responses yet how few of us realize that this is exactly what Allah has done exactly he has told us the questions that will be asked to us on the day of judgment verbatim literally he has told us the questions that the Angels will ask us much Kenickie in the grave we have the cheat sheet with us Allah has given it to us what more can we possibly ask for my dear brothers history allah azza wajal says in the quran that the feet of the son of adam will not move excuse very the Quran is a hadith the feet of the son of Adam will not move on the day of judgment until he is asked five questions here are the questions know them memorize them but the issue is my dear brothers and sisters the response and this is the key will not be verbal the response will be indeed in actions the response it will not be sufficient merely to say it must be shown it must be proven what are these five questions the Prophet seller said have said that the first one is that he will be asked about his life and how he spent it what did you do with the life that I gave you all of these years that you had on this earth what have you accomplished in it that is worthy to be shown to me today and don't tell me you became an engineer or this or that even the kuffar did that what have you done to thank me for this life that I gave you the second question regarding his youth and what he spent it in youth so he's asked about his entire life and then a special segment of his life will be called firs closer closer scrutiny because this is the segment of your life where you are the most responsible and sadly frankly the most irresponsible as well the reality is that you should be the most responsible but when you look around you you find that generally at this age youth are the most irresponsible why should you be the most responsible because you are at the prime of your energy Your Enthusiasm your zeal no one can be true by the way what is the definition of a youth don't think of only a teenager yes of course your youth starts here but the term Shabab or shout in Arabic scholars differ does it finish at 30 or 35 but it's not the teenagers only from let's say 1415 until 30 to 35 these 20 years they are the Foundation's upon which a person plans his life out okay I'm going to become a doctor an engineer a scientist a technician a teacher I'm going to get married at this age I want to do this this is my aims and goals his enthusiasm the seal his zealousness reaches an all-time high if he has to change feels he'll change feels a person who's 50 is not going to change his field if he's a doctor he's not going to become an engineer if his interior I can become a scientist it's too late but a person is 2025 he loses his job you have to change degrees no problem we'll go back to school again he has that determination that dedication to do what it takes likewise physically physically his strength the power that a person has is Espie he gets stronger and stronger in his 20s until around 30 33 this is when the decline starts the physical decline also his beauty or her beauty a person is most handsome and a woman is most beautiful during these ages and that is why all of us and shout a lot will enter Jena Allah the process Adam said they will enter and their age will be how old 33 33 all of the people enter Jannah they will be 33 years old that will be their their their the looks or the age will be around 33 because this is the prime so even physically emotionally psychologically mentally we are at are trying in this age so Allah Azza WA JAL will ask us specifically about this age what have you done it is very easy to be a practicing Muslim when you're 80 70 years old you have nothing else to do very easy but were you a practicing Muslim in your youth when you act your prime you could do so many things the fit and the Shahada of this world were calling you the women the wine the drugs the alcohol the money this is when you want to spend it when you're around 5060 many people don't even have these desires anymore they passed it so Allah will specialize this particular life or this particular period were you able to control your passions did you live a pious life when you were a Shabab or a shop a young or a male a man or woman were you able to control yourself did you have Islamic ideals in one direction is reported that the prophecies that I've said that Allah Azza WA JAL is amazed is pleased with a sham with a young man who does not deviate it to sins Allah loves it Allah loves it because this is one really deviation primarily occurs as all of us who are parents very well known when does the problems really start with your children when they hit the teenagers when the hormones start kicking in when they start becoming adults this is when the real problem starts and if you give your children a property to be on a proper education from day one then it shall expect the best but if you haven't then don't come running and crying when they turn 17 18 and they'll run away with the girlfriends with their boyfriends and they become non-muslims are given up how many are the parents that have come to me personally well lollie with tears running down their faces my son has become a coffin my girl has run away with a non-muslim boy even a Muslim boy if to run away I was a build up but even it hurts even more she's run away the non-muslim boy do something what are you doing coming to me after having spent twenty thirty years doing nothing for your own child what can I possibly do for you what can any a mom on what we do for you what have you done to raise your kids you didn't care about their Salah you didn't care about their Islam you didn't care at all about their do their deal as for their dunya you have plotted it from day one my son will go to Oxford Cambridge Harvard Princeton year whatever the universities might be here you will become an engineer doctor from day one you will go to the best of all schools that's all fine and dandy no one's saying don't do that but where is Islam where is Allah Azza WA JAL where is the son of the prophets of Allah party who send them as you reap social you soul what you plant that is what is going to come out so Allah Azza WA JAL will specify this age out of the five questions that has returned to the Eddy the first question was he will ask you about your life and how you spent it the second he will ask you specifically out of your life of your Shabab of your youthfulness and what you you in the third you will ask you about your money how did you earn it how did you earn your money was it Helen or was it Haram what did you become would you do for a living and while you were working did you lie and cheat and steal and embezzle or were you honest upright and realize that her on earnings only bring about pain and discomfort and grief even if a person has millions and millions of pounds if he has earned it through her arm while lucky his heart his heart will be on fire he will be living in hell as they say he will not be able to enjoy these blessings and the morgue menu even if he only has a few hundred pounds he's getting a week or a month living a modest life his heart will be at peace at comfort he will feel the tranquility he will enjoy this life because it has had money so allah azza will ask us where did you get this money from this is the third of the five questions the fourth what did you spend it on so notice two questions regarding time one of them your entire life the second one you ship out your youth to questions regarding money how did you earn money and then what did you spend your money on did you spend it on how long did you enjoy the world the life of this world and forget your obligation for the Hereafter or did you spend it on mattress that would be you closer to allah azza wajal did you give your second the Prophet SAW I said I've said that he who does not give his account that on the day of judgment that very money will be used to punish him that very money will be used and a punishment for him and it will last the entire length of the fifty thousand years so if he had camels for example and he did not give us a cap then the camels will be used to trample over him his entire flock of camels will be taken over him over and over and over again until the day of judgment likewise Allah describes in the Quran that those who did not give zakah theirs their gold and silver we transformed into snakes and will be used to burn them in the fire of hell what did you spend your money on now the bare minimum is zakah but there is no limit the more we give it is better for us there are so many other projects that we can do of feeding the poor of helping our orphans of building messages spreading Islam for the sake of that one many many projects that we can do and there is no limit to this the minimum is as we set zakat and there's a cat is armed it's the filthy topic is on four items and how to give zakat which other the plenty of books out there this is the bare minimum but the more we do it is better for us as Allah says in the Quran well model tractor Mahina for whatever good that you spend it is for your own self Allah does not benefit from it and one of the best things to spend our money on is sadaqa jariya is a continual charity in other words if you give a poor person 5 pounds to eat he'll eat it and he'll finish but if you spend this money in building a Masjid or in you know giving out for ants for free for Muslims to read or in giving out literature and one of the people is guided to Islam then your money has been put to good use and investment it's an investment with allah azza wajal so it's a continual charity recurring charity this is of the best ways to spend your money and that you do something which is a permanent value now all this is this doesn't mean that you neglect the other things you have to do things which are short-term this is a part of our our our belief as well but this is the best way to spend your money is to spend it on Siddhartha Johnny and the fifth of the five questions is how much did you act upon what you knew all of us have some knowledge of Islam we all know we have to pray we have to fast we have to give zakah we all know that it is haram to fornicate to take drugs and alcohol to to leave the prayers to lie to cheat how much did you act upon this knowledge did you just learn and then forget about it or did you learn and then act upon it and notice the question is how much did you act upon what you know because obviously if we don't know something that Allah Azza WA JAL will not call us to account for it however many people misunderstand this Eddy and they say this is a discouragement to learn Islam this is not true the encouragement of learning is found in many many a hadith and many many ayats of the Quran the point being though that when you don't know something and you did not have the opportunity to learn it then and only then will it be forgiven appointment if you didn't know something but you had tunity to learn or to ask then you will not be held or you will be held accountable for that it is obligatory on every single Muslim to ask the people of knowledge when he does not know so the doctor must ask the atom about his profession am I allowed to do this am I not allowed to do that is this how that is is Haram the technician the economist the teacher every single person when he is faced with the scenario and he's not sure he must go to the item and ask him am I allowed to do this or not if he doesn't he cannot come on the day of judgment saying oh I didn't know y'all love this was come on why didn't you know what prevented you from knowing how much do we study for our degrees how how much do we read these text books you know I'm not myself have a degree as you know sometimes I look at these textbooks of engineering and chemistry or whatnot and I want you to actually read this cover to cover I memorize this it's scary how much you have spent using your brain cells your time to go over so many books and yet when it comes to Islam you say oh I didn't have the time task I didn't know so far not like your brothers or sisters look at what you did for the dunya and look at what you have done for Islam look at how much you have memorized whether it be in chemistry physics biology mathematics engineering medicine the mind you share you go into it is amazing it is a miracle really it is a sign of Allah's creation that we can actually do this and yet when it comes to Islam oh I didn't bother to ask mrs. Halima Hannah never occurred to me why not for your dunya for your salary for your job for your degree we have all seen how much we study we have all seen how many years we spend and yet for the sake of Islam you can't even go to the message it and ask an ad you can't even pick up the phone and call you can't even read and research yourself don't give excuses in front of Allah Allah knows us Allah knows my back but Allah knows our capabilities so don't use this as an excuse not to learn oh because realize as we said obviously knowledge and of itself is blessed and holy and the more you learn the higher you will be in Allah sight but even the one who did not know this is not an excuse for him to say oh I didn't know so therefore I went to the Haram he must ask Allah says in the Quran first Allah that victory in contemplate on the moon the people of knowledge if you don't know if you don't know ask don't just assume don't just go on with your life so these are the five questions that the progress of Siddim has told us will be asked on the day of judgment we know the questions we know the exam how much have we prepared for it my dear brothers and sisters let me conclude this talk by quoting you a very beautiful hadith of the Prophet SAW the log are they will send them where the profits are the love re you will send them did not have food to eat in the daytime and so he was so hungry he did not want to sit in his house because it would just make you think more so he just exit his his house went outside and in those days this is something that we won't even know what I've heard of when you did not have any food you would tie a stone to your belly because psychologically you would think that you had some food it would make the pangs of hunger go down you would tie a stone to your belly he went outside and he saw one of those above sitting there so he said what are you doing outside woman I'm going to lifted his shirt and there was a stone there which meant that he didn't have any food so the Prophet says are lifted his shirt and there were two stones there okay so one of the companions happened to be there and he said he went home to his wife running and he said I cannot bear what I have just seen do we have anything in the house anything she said all we have is that old goat or sheep that's all we have we have nothing else he said sacrifice it kill it to cook the meat and I'm going to call the prophet saw Sarah to partake of it I cannot bear to see him in this state so he went to the prophet saw Sarah the power system called al-bakr Allah were in the same situation as him you know and subhanAllah my dear brothers and sisters well lollie the majority of us have never experienced hunger not even one meal accepted for fasting and we know there's food in the fridge we have never experienced what it appeals to be hungry and there is nothing to eat and here is a prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa simia and his best companions Arabic aroma and they are walking around with stones tied to their stomachs they walking on the canted they don't have anything at all to eat and as you know the proper system was the leader of Arabia at that time if he wanted to could live in the palaces of the kings and eat like like the kings and princes do so he came to the house of his companion and he sat down to eat now can you imagine my dear brothers and sisters can you imagine here is the prophet sallallaahu Ali he will send them coming to the house of this companion after having nothing to eat Allah knows for how long because remember hunger of this nature will take maybe 12 to 20 hours or more maybe even to three days without real food heavy food what do you think well Allah end of any of us in this situation you would think okay come did Allah in all I gave you something the last thing on his mind will be what the prophets of Allah are the incentives when he finished on his meal he told Ibaka and Roman I swear by Allah on the day of judgment you are going to be asked about these blessings you left your house is hungry and you came back with your stomachs Allah will ask you about it look at how the Prophet SAW son is thinking look at what he is conscious of as far as we would rush to this food eat until our stomachs are about to burst and then just sit back and relax that hamdulillah we have our food now as we do in our Milan my dear brothers let us be frank as we do I'm the guy faster today ok now it's time to party stuff food Allah here is the prophet of allah salallahu alaihe and some food comes to him not even the jury is food an old sheep or goat along with maybe some dry crusty bread even if that was there and he is conscious of Allah and he reminds his companions well lie I swear by Allah you will be asked on the day of judgment and in name regarding these blessings of jerketeering my dear brothers and sisters if wish to follow in the footsteps of the Companions let us not forget that it is not just their art either it is not just their fifth we have to follow it is also their character their spirit their theirs or their asceticism their closeness to Allah so again it is very easy to put a label on yourself that you are this and you are that and you boast and you look down at everyone else but to Allah a film of Allah the majority of those people who have this boast they are the furthest from the setup they are the furthest from the companions in terms of their robada in terms of their a flop in terms of their zone and asceticism of this world where is this it is easy to follow this companions in our tea that it is important no doubt it is easily follow them and filth and it is no doubt but let us not forget that if you wish to ascribe yourself to the early generations there is more to Islam than just this try to live a humble and modest life no one is named to be like this we can't be like this we can't give up the blessings that Allah has given us it is difficult to but let us not forget that there is another dimension of Islam that frankly is being very much neglected the spiritual dimension of Islam the asceticism the piety the closeness to Allah the worship of Allah resolution if we really and truly wish to follow the footsteps of the Companions let us take them as an entire picture and let us not pick and choose what is convenient for us to follow with this I conclude my job for today and I pray that allah azza wajal grants us the class in sincerity and he grants the stuff while for sure and he makes us amongst those who are listening to it to the typical how effective is the neuronal qualitative an accent they listen to the remembrance and they follow it in the best of all ways while afterward I won and ahem the delight of the guard Amin was all the law was that robotic NRT works with water values okay the question is basically about living in the West our lifestyles are very different and that we have other you know firstly we live a very luxurious lifestyle this is the fact all of us - are they compared to the East I mean as you all know we're very painfully aware that you know American England basically are the two major consumers of everything of energy and food and everything and I think it's one American family confused like the cone of 50 or 100 African from something this nature one family and we're amongst them as well so we are guilty in this regard that we eat and consume and live far more lavishly than others so I want you want to be the commenter that secondly about savings and what is Islam a concept of saving some money for a rainy day okay well firstly my dear brothers and sisters eliza we just says la yukallifu long enough scintilla without allah azza wajal will not call you to account for more than which are capable of okay and Allah religion also said regarding the story of Elune now who was born who was Pauline Colin was the richest man of his time in the time the time of the children of Israel and Allah says in the Quran that the keys to his treasure chests right what does it say would be difficult for a group of strong men to carry just the keys not to treasure chests themselves you can imagine and would have had you know thousands thousands of keys to large boxes of gold and silver he would probably be richer than Bill Gates of our times if you converted it that okay so Allah so video tells him in the Quran that will be tell a female attack Allah who a down Arata what a ten inside not even committed to near beautiful verse use what we have given you to reach the hereafter to reach Jenna and don't forget your portion of this world okay your portion of this world notice how Eliza what your phrase is it use this money to gain the Hereafter but don't forget that have this world to live in as well but it's a portion it's a piece of the pipe and not the entire pipe it's a portion and obviously people will live according to how much Allah has given them in fact the Prophet SAW said and said Allah loves to see the effects of his blessings when he has blessed someone if Allah has given you money he doesn't like to see you dressed shabbily you should be dressed the way that your money allows it and if this money is had on you're allowed to live according to the level of your of your money so if you are multi-millionaire it is not required of you to live like the one who is lower than you you can drive the cars of that a multi-million would usually drive and it is not showing off because showing off means to pretend to be above what you are okay so if you are rich with halal money and you spend it on hell up you are not sinful but you have gone a degree down you have not reached the ideal okay many of the Companions were rich but they didn't let their money spoil them none of the Companions earth madam and I found was one of the richest companions of the ramen mouth as well but they did not let their money spoil them they would spend on themselves and their family and they would also spend for the sake of allah azza wajal so let us realize that islam is the Deen of moderation is the religion of moderation we are not required to all become you know like these companions it's not possible and in fact none of us have and none of us could we don't have that iman so we live according to the need if we earn X amount we should live according to what that to bring about but the minimum as we said is that your earnings are had and you spend it on second you give you a second this is the minimum if you don't fall beneath this you are not sinful but you have given up a lot of good that you could have possibly gain okay so there excellence or the ideal there is no limit you can go on and on and obviously the height is reach when I walk out of the line he gives his entire money for the sake of the profit system when the processing have asked said what have you left for your family he says I have left him alone this message I have not a single penny left now this is the height of the hood and this is a separate it's also in a radius raises some issues that we want to get into now but obviously no one is saying did you know give all of your money inside but this is not even asked of us in fact the profitsystem one side of it at what cost was about to die the side middle-class said I'm about to die and I have a large fortune I want to give you know two thirds of it Rossum said no said half of it he said no then then he said one third for Sabitha then the processes have said one third and even a third is a lot even a third is a lot and then you said if you were to leave your dependents your children rich and self-sufficient they not to beg it is better that you leave then you're leaving them poppers and they have to beg people for money so Eliza whadja does not require us to leave please I realize I've come to dinner but there is a minimum there is a minimum but that is a zakah and anything more than this is recommended also with regards to savings once again allah azza wajal does not require us to spend everything we have on that day the Prophet SAW son himself would save up to one year's amount of grain in his house wheat barley you know dried dates up to one year this is the process of himself so and we're living in a time that it is only common sense that we take a portion of our salary and we put it in had an investment make sure it's not hot we don't get interest on it or something along in a Highland investment this is a part of our Iman but let us not forget about the real investment of the year after let us also take a portion out of our savings and incomes and also use it for the sake of Allah Zildjian above and beyond what is required of us so avoid the two exchange and live the type of life that Allah Azza WA JAL has has asked you to do which is a moderate life you should live according to your means to go beyond this is to be showing off in the profit system has kurdish people and allies which it does not like them to go beneath this it is not required of you and if you do so for the sake of a lot it is rewarding but it is not required of you and you will not be held sinful for living according to the level that I'm not as much to show there is a growing trend amongst practicing Muslims to compete against each other especially in terms of extremely expensive cars outside the message it is one example with the number plate so-and-so I don't want to mention the number of late okay is this modesty obviously I a lot why the manly firstly driving expensive cars as I said if it is of your means and it is something that your money gives you the right to do if you like then this is completely permissible and there is no set question of showing off it is not expected for the multi-millionaire to drive a 1984 Honda Civic for example okay it's just not expected he is going to have a brand new Mercedes or Lexus or Jeep or whatever he does and this is completely hard for him however the problem comes when you try to give the impression that you are richer than you are and this is what is showing off showing off varies from person to person it's not the same for one person to drive a Lexus is not showing off and for the another person drive the very same Lexus would be showing off it all depends on your social status and your monetary incomes and savings so with regards to the question if the person is going beyond his means and trying to show off and boast then this comes under showing off and that you know the promises and said whoever tries to boast with his clothes or anything of this nature allah azza wajal will give him two garments of fire on the day of judgment okay this is something that Allah does not like you try to show off for you to show off but if you wear the clothes that you're expected to wear obviously the rich person will dress the way he is he is expected to dress and not showing off so it varies from person to person and culture to culture even at time to time if you look at the general acceptance amongst the people as long as it is within the conditions of the Shetty app for example I think Haram is being done then it is halal for the person to drive the best cars as long as it is of his means with regard to the license plates Allah who are demanding is this showing offer not any to have these these cool license plates again it goes back to the person and then who he is analyzer which it knows best there is a hadith with regards to eating our food and how much we should eat would you please explain it the hadith is that the Prophet SAW said I'm said there's a number of a hadith I don't know which one the sister is referring to there's one hadith that says that the believer eats in one stomach and the hypocrite eats in seven stomachs meaning that you know it is the hypocrite who stuffs himself every single time you know the believer he eats modestly another had these states at the proper time said that it is sufficient for a Moute min to eat a few morsels of food in order to keep his back straight it is sufficient for a movement to eat a few morsels of food and that would keep his back straight but if he must go beyond then let him eat one-third of his stomach space for food and one-third for the watch okay and one-third for the air that you breathe because they as you know even when you when you fill yourself up it becomes difficult to breathe even because that is a part of the that in the air in the the breathing process as well need some of that space okay so the process is that if you are going to fill yourself then one-third for his food one-third for his and one-third for his bread so we should not stuff ourselves right to the limit to do so goes against any the height of piety and Iman
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 98,144
Rating: 4.7982831 out of 5
Keywords: Tafsir, of, Surah, at, Takathur
Id: 4pgWhqp9rFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 0sec (3720 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2011
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