Tackle Tip Tuesday - Slip Bobber Fishing (How to catch more fish!)

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welcome back everybody and any of you guys new here they clicked on that link thanks for stopping by and we're gonna keep it simple today today's tackle tip Tuesday is all about slip fibers okay so like I said today's tip tackle tip Tuesday is all about slip bombers now I know a lot of people are gonna be like it's just a bobber you're just Barbour fishing it's only a bobber yeah there's a million different only it's a bower for instance we're just gonna go right off the bat and go alright so this bobber is used for one thing what's this one used for if you don't know right off the top of your head that's fine making this video ah the biggest thing here I want to get people to understand is the value of slip hours will go into the regular barbers too but there's a very very big value of powers like our slip offers it's not just the fact that it's a regular barber it's the fact that it's got such versatility that you can catch everything from like big blue gills like this one that's a big kill to believe that your Tim oh my yeah that's probably a PB right there or trophy wall I like this one might have actually yep I get it wrong this thing's pretty big came off on the net 18 inches or three pound bass like this one there's a first pig in the day didn't hit top water button had to go to the live bait bite and away this girl and put her back see what she weighs so the big thing here that I'm trying to get everybody to understand is always have a bobber rod set off now remind you you guys have probably seen me grab it a million different times and it is the will go into the breakdown of everything but it is the most simple valuable little tool that you can put together this one has got my jig on it from the last video you guys didn't see that after this video go check it out it'll be in the latest videos but this one this setup I mean I figured well rod this is this is my I think it's a seven now the six six medium is my like go-to rod I have everything listed in my description basically everything I use but when I say go to rod I have like I said I have more expensive video or more expensive more expensive rods than just that ugly steak six six but it is literally one of those rods where like one I don't care if I step on it and break it because I think I forgot how much they cost but they're dirt cheap for me most people can afford them if it's an expensive rod for you you get goals to set to get bigger ones better ones but you don't necessarily need the really expensive rods but they do come in handy everything has a purpose and that's why I do these tackle tip Tuesday's so everything that we use in fishing has a purpose to it like for instance so I have this reel sitting up on my shelf right now because this reel is a Avenger series Okuma ABF 40 B it's a pretty big reel but this is a bait feeder this has got a purpose I I don't use this all the time one of the things I use is when I'm ice fishing I put it on my fish Pro rods when I'm northern pike fishing it's got 12 pound test on it I believe or 10 pound um it's a bait feeder so they can run with it yeah perfect for an I fish Pro setup it's got a purpose but back to the bobbers oh yeah so for instance here let's let's break this down a little bit I want it so you guys can understand that this this fish on the wall here it's uh 20 88 pound wall it's my PB right now still trying to break it that's gonna drive me nuts until I hit a 30 but I mean that's usually everybody's problem as they get a get one close and then they don't get a 30 forever or you know you break 230 off the bat and now you're stuck in limbo because it's hard to get another 30 anyways I digress that fish right there this so I showed you those two at the beginning of the video here this one is a bluegill bobber or a pan fish bobber for the very very beginning of the season when they spook very easy in the shallows it is a slip bobber so it slides on your line so it's technically the same thing as this but this is meant to hold up I don't even know if I'll hold this in front of it it looks pretty big there but I put it in front of my thumbnail so I was right there touching this is like a 1/64 or 180 something jig this is my sickle hook jig that I go I swear by it all spring long because the way this hook is designed is very special in the sense that you don't have to let fish swallow the hook and you can preserve those giant blue gills when you get into them there's a whole different story but now this bobber right here let me see if I got one laying in here okay so this barber right here is the biggest out of the slip barbers that I have so we have I have these three let me see four where's the other one there's one so these five sizes right here so these are all destined and used for something very specific and a lot of people like I said do this thing where they say it's just a bobber I'm gonna throw it on the line and put whatever on it um but we'll get get this to the point here this little thing was for that little jig for that little guy right there so weightless I don't use any split shots or nothing extra just this and just this that's that's a pan fish setup it works every time this guy right here goes really good with these and I mean you can go all the way up to like I think is 1/8 you can go way up and jig size and then the thing with these is you can run big baits um big baits like well this I mean this they make bigger ones so I don't want to say this is like the biggest you can get I think I have these linked in the description as my favorite bobber or something like that if I don't I'll link them below but uh this one will actually hold up I want to say I've used all the way up to a three or four inch chub or like Sacramento um for catching those guys right there so this with a split shot below it with this below that so it's neutrally buoyant so you're getting it to float right here I'll go into detail on that that's something you guys really need to know more about um set properly with that sucker when that guy swims by and he takes that sucker this has it's because it's neutrally buoyant it has no problem going under and because it's a slip bobber so with slip arbors you put them on the line so let's imagine this line here it slides all the way down to your split shot so this is a split shot right here um now imagine this beat it'll slide down to here and you have two two more feet of line and there's Jake so that's only two feet from there there it allows you to cast real far but like I said because it's a slip bobber you have the ability to fish 10 20 30 feet of water and have a bobber indicator and the thing with having a bobber indicator is it it's not always just about the like the sight picture like a lot of people think that because you're using a bobber you would like inferior or you're not you're not capable of feeling the bite well this bobber sits there and the waves bouncing up and down jigging it for you here's the key in place it keeps it in the strike zone so on I'm gonna pull I think I still have a map laying around here I'll have to get into that in a little bit better detail in a video when I'm doing it but what I'm gonna say is it'll hold your bait in place so say you have a brake line with a mudflat next to it and then on top of that brake line there's another flat up here and there's weeds here so my hands the weeds this is a flat brake line edge of the weed line so say the fish in the morning are on top of this weed line it's 10 15 feet deep right here you just slip the stop 15 feet and you fish that we line right there now as the day goes on and the fish move down to the flat down here you just slide your slip bobber stop up and up 25 feet that's where they're at same thing just cast out to that spot now like I said that barber will stay here and Bob in the weeds on the edge of the weeds and stay here and Bob on the edge of the bottom of the flat that is pretty much how simple it can be fishing with a slip bobber and if you haven't I mean you just have to have a basic understanding what fish do throughout the day and all fish have patterns that's it that's the truck here once you get decent at fishing even at the beginning the very beginning this is something I advocate everyone tries slip bobber fishing is literally one of the best go tubes if you're looking for fish on a new body of water because you can literally basically like when you cast the bobber out what I like to do a lot of times is I'll set it like if I think it's 10 feet deep where I'm casting so like it's like that edge of the weed line like I was saying if I think it's 10 feet deep I'll set it for like 11 or 12 so you can use the rod to measure your thing so like that's a six six and a half foot rod so what I'll do is I'll stretch this top out to that two times so that's what you do you stretch it out to it twice that's 12 feet well actually that's 13 feet cuz 6 & 6 but uh the half a foot so 13 feet you cast out and if the bobber is laying flat on its side when it's doing that that means that the baits sitting on the bottom now all you got to do is reel it in and move the slips top down and you know you can do sex foot or six inch to one foot increments until the bobber just stands up and then you know that you are now fishing near the bottom in 12 feet of water now you might say well how do you fish like suspended fish like crappie with it because a lot of people use slip bobber for crappie fishing and stuff like that if they're suspended twelve feet down so say you have a boat the thing is is this works really good for Shore fishermen because it allows you to gauge stuff without ever actually getting over the water but if you have a boat and you you're marking fish at 12 feet down and you do what I just said you're fishing a 10 foot flat you do your rod and you know you measure it to that point the easiest way to do it is making sure that you're over 10 feet of water pulled the extra 2 feet out that you need for 12 feet go back over that school of fish cast over them there you go it's that simple it really really is that simple so if you have a boat that's how you do that ok one other thing that I want to make sure everyone understands here this is for you sure guys this is how I got good at fishing Shores well from shore basically the one thing everybody has a hard time with is this you could be fishing a really steep Bank and the water could be 2 feet deep next to it you could be fishing a really steep bank and that bank could go like say this is the water line that Bank could just keep going down for 30 feet if the waters not clear you will never know unless you're really proficient at like gauging your jig drop and all that other stuff with a slip bobber it takes all of the guesswork out of it you do exactly like I said before take you take you jig you take a split shot and what I like to do if I'm fishing from shore is I'll put my split shot right up next to the jig until I'm like actually fishing then I move it away depending on what I want for action so like that but that's a whole different ballgame so you put it close to it you put a decent-sized slip bobber on this is like the middle grown one one that's not gonna sink because you know you have all this weight on there properly weighted whatever and what you do is you just cast out just far enough to where you would think the fish could be running along the shore so like in a river situation it could be right next to shore in a lake situation it could be way away from shore and like I said before because of the compact nature of it when it's all put together and set because your depth is on top of it um the ability to cast really far is the biggest benefit of fishing with a slip bobber that's why I always argue with people when they're trying to tell me that it's not like this miracle thing because slip bobber fishing was like one of the best discoveries of my fishing life because when I fish from sure all the time it allowed me to do this one thing you set the bobber so like say you cast out ten feet from shore you can just yes you're gonna go okay well it might be three feet deep so you set the bobber three feet you know you set that stop on the bobber which I should've showed you guys if you didn't know what it looks like it's gonna be a little hard to show you but can you see it on there that little knot right here is on my line so that's a slip stop and then you have I'll just grab them from my box here then you have a bead that goes in between that and the bobber and then it's then its bobber and then sinker and then hook or jig doesn't matter depends on how you want to fish it what you want for a presentation everything like that but so you set the depth with that slip stop the knot and say like I said it's three feet deep you set it to that three foot mark cast out if your bobber lays flat you're on the bottom now you just bring it down you bring us that slip stop down to lower the depth yeah you could put it at two feet right away or you could put it at two and a half feet whatever you want to do just to see how deep it is you cast out and if the bobber stands up there now you you're off the bottom and then you can you can make miniscule movements to fine-tune how deep it actually is you could get it down to the inch like you can literally make it so that your bobber is like half standing because the jig is just touching the bottom and then you move it up one more inch and now the bobber perfectly stands up because the jig is literally just off the bottom like you can move it an inch at a time you can use it millimeters at a time whatever point I'm trying to make here is so you can do that with three feet go out further and keep keep resetting and keep you're setting it and you can map out an entire shoreline so you know now it's it's a little bit do you you have to have a little bit ability to have a visualization of like what you're picturing underwater if you can do that it's game over like the fish can't height down and that is the beauty of slip bobber okay so that's pretty much the jist of using a slip over to your benefit whether you're in a boat or on shore and I want you sure guys to really take this and do this go by one or two slip divers depending on if you're fishing in a river or not you might want a couple slip Hummers because if you're slipping a river what happens is as it bounces downstream you'll learn to read the rocks and stuff like that but sometimes you learned read the Roxette that snags into them you can't get it out you break the line you lose the barber it happens it's fishing so sometimes I'd like to just invest like I said before in many other videos I have everything listed below this is all an investment I buy everything and I make sure that I take care of everything and try to make it last as long as possible but as I said sometimes you just get a snag and you break off I'm not immune from that I have so I hope today's video really helped you guys out I hope you guys take it out and use it and I mean when I say to use this I want you to use it often just dedicate like a month or two to it and see what you can really come up with it and if you made it this far I want you guys to comment down below and let me know if you've tried this in this video kind of helps break it down or if you have any other questions that I might not have covered go ahead and leave those in the comments below because I'm gonna try and help you guys get this down because once you get this down like I said it's a simple thing you can go to a bait shop anywhere you go fishing and you can usually find a slip bobber a hook and a sinker that's all you need we're gonna get into some more complicated ones later on stay tuned for the next step of tackle tip Tuesday's if you're not subscribed here you gotta stick around that's about all I can say is I do these I try to do tackle tip Tuesday's every Tuesday so but if you aren't new here you know what's up but if you are new here please just remember to [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: DWS Outdoors
Views: 32,791
Rating: 4.6765165 out of 5
Keywords: Slip Bobber, Slip Float, Slip Float Fishing, Slip Bobber Fishing, Fishing Tips, How to catch more fish, Walleye Fishing With a Slip Bobber, Walleye Fishing With a Slip Float, Slip Float Walleye Fishing, Slip Bobber Walleye Fishing, Slip Bobber Crappie, Crappie Fishing with a Slip Bobber, How to tie a Slip Bobber, How to use a Slip Bobber Rig, How to use a Slip Float, How to use a Slip Bobber For Walleye, Tackle Tips, Fishing with a bobber, fishing with a float
Id: yUzN0Ms9wt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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